Wokism: Jemar Tisby's Fundamental Change


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Hi there folks, we're doing another on the road dividing line short, whatever you want to call it.
I don't know I'm heading home. I'm literally oh I don't know
Two hours 15 minutes two hours now two and a half hours from home But I thought
I'd throw one in here because I just finished listening to an episode of those meddling kids Never heard it before but Jamar Tisby Is The host and he had on I don't know if it's it's it's
Reverend. Dr. Lewis Jackie Lewis, I believe is the name and It was it was
Against people who are against CRT. So it was a defense of CRT Obviously a redefinition spin of CRT, but you know still way to the left
For those that are not Familiar Jamar Tisby was a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary and We first Started crossing swords a
Number of years ago in 2010. I think it was when I had Vodie Bauchman to talk about ethnic
Gnosticism and that probably started stuff but There is a dust -up about a young black boy that walked in front of my vehicle
His pants half around his ankles Flipping off a cop as he went by and I I dared mention the unmentionable and that is the utter breakdown of the family in the black community and the results of that which we now see every single day in black black on black violence black and white violence, especially black on Asian violence now just Demonic levels of violence coming from young black men
All of this being the generational breakdown of of the family and They went after me and this was back when
Ron still exists We formed African American Network before that that became something else. The names keep changing over time.
Anyway at the time as they were leveling their criticisms of whiteness and all the rest of stuff which again
I was just listening to the the the level of black supremacy racism is astonishing the accusation of you know
Innocent little fragile white kids and the only reason you stand against CRT is you you don't want them to know
You know the poison of white supremacy as if they're all white supremacists and all the rest this kind of absolute insanity but it's
It's what this stuff is made of and you just repeat it it just becomes this it's an echo chamber
It's as louder and louder and louder and louder until I can understand by someone that that's all they ever hear They just can't ever believe that anyone could not
Hear the same echoes that they're hearing. Anyway, my at the time my thought as I was listening just now was
I Said I remember very clearly saying That I could not conceive of how
Jamar Tisby Was going to continue in any way shape or form of holding to any kind of Reformed Orthodoxy whatsoever
That the the term was going to be abandoned. The theology would be abandoned in the service of this
Extra biblical non -biblical stuff and That of course has been happening
I mean you see that the Trajectory Working for Ibram Kendi who is clearly a black supremacist a racist of astonishing level just openly and blatantly
Racist in in the biblical sense of racism that is having enmity against a particular race
Without without basis for for doing so False judgment the the insistence that everyone has to be put in their own little categories and and That's exactly what's done with whiteness and all the rest is kind of silliness and don't sit there and say well
You just talked about the black community. Yeah, the black community in the West Has serious problems.
There are great great great Black churches and and black people and black families and all the rest that kind of stuff
But they're the very ones that get called all the bad names because they won't submit themselves
To these racist categories that are demanded of us by the people left and Jamar Tisby is definitely a person of the left now
Anyways, I said that he would Have to fundamentally change his perspectives.
I was just listening. I don't know a lot about this woman But you could tell
Very quickly by the way, she spoke that She didn't bring up abortion, but I'm pretty certain.
I know exactly where she is on that But she herself repeatedly brought up homosexuality
Gay queer I would assume she probably includes under queer transgender issues and All the other alphabet soup of sexual depravity
That flies under that particular banner She claims to be the the minister of a church.
That is the she is the straight female minister of the queerest
Church in America, whatever that's supposed to be and She multiple times connected
Queerness homosexuality with race Minority status and everything else as if it's a it's a genetic thing.
It's just the way people are now I Know that tomorrow wasn't taught that at RTFs He knows what?
historic reformed and biblical Ethical and moral teaching is on that subject
But he did not even for a second and She did it multiple times and he had multiple opportunities to do this
Not only did he never challenge her but every time she went off in this
Promotion of homosexuality and queerness and gayness and all the rest of stuff
He referred to what she had just said as spiritual wisdom the Lord was giving us a gift he in every way
Supported what she was saying he never challenged her and So my question to Jamar Tisby now is so where are you?
You know, maybe I've missed I don't follow him I'm not I'm not interested to be honest with you
I Think I saw this. Yeah, I saw it on Twitter this morning and Downloaded it to listen to on my drive
It was woke preacher clips I think in any case I think
Maybe he has come straight out and said look. I just don't believe any of that stuff anymore I am now a progressive
Christian or I don't know what terminology he would use But but has he come out and said that if he hasn't he needs to be open about it
I Think that people need to be able to see because I don't remember exactly.
I think it was 2015 2016 Is that when it was with a that initial controversy we had, you know a short little couple paragraphs
I post on Facebook and it all exploded. I Think that was 2015 2016 somewhere in that time period.
It's been six seven years and And I said this is his trajectory
So I think we have the right to know is that the trajectory is that where he is now? Is is that?
You know because in some ways For some people he's still in in essence playing on his bona fides from having once been in the evangelical
Church But if you are pro -homosexual pro -gay marriage pro -transgender ism
And again, my understanding is I just saw someone else say I haven't been able to look this up So, I don't know I can't confirm this but that she is most definitely pro abortion which
There's a ninety nine point nine percent chance. That's case given what else she said You you can't you can't be there and continue to say yeah
I still believe the things I once believed And so I think it's a it's a fair question to ask of these folks
When when did you you know, at what point did you make the transition and Are you you know, very straight very straight beats very straightforward with us
Are you saying that the Reformed heritage that was yours? Is that racist?
Is that? sexist is what And then if you've really got any integrity at all then you need to explain
Why the fact is that the Bible condemns homosexual
Orientation behavior you gotta explain arson a coyotes. You need to You need to and do something better than what's out there because what's out there is far too easily refuted
Don't don't pull up some 1946 movie silliness You know
Do something serious do something that a graduate of RTS should be able to do hopefully
I haven't forgotten everything and Defend where you are. That's that's what
I think would be the appropriate thing to do So I'm calling on martiz be dr.
Jamar tisby Tell us Where are you these days? What were you coming from?
You're saying these things. You just had a woman on and you let her Promote these things and you called the spiritual wisdom.
You said it's a gift from God You sent people to her website You you said that people need to want need to tune in to where she's coming from not
Well, here's another perspective and no you didn't get no one who listened to what
I just listened to would have got Any idea whatsoever that you actually hold to a reformed and biblical sexual ethic on anything at all?
so Where do you stand? I think I think it's appropriate to to find out
So there you go. Some thoughts having just listened to Jamar tisby softball a quote -unquote woman preacher who obviously is really
Preaching and teaching something far far far removed from anything found in Scripture. So thoughts from the road
Next trips coming up in December probably do some more of that then. Thanks for listening.