Progressive Christian BLASTS Allie Stuckey?!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about a progressive Christian on TikTok who, for whatever reason, decided to refute
Allie Stuckey. Now, for those of you who don't know, Allie Stuckey is a Reformed conservative
Christian commentator and the host of the Relatable podcast. Her opponent here is a progressive so -called
Christian gentleman on TikTok who calls his account the New Evangelicals. And our goal in this video is simple, to watch the progressive
Christian's refutation of Allie and offer a Biblical analysis. So without any further ado, let's first see what
Allie had to say. Watch this. And he alone says what is and what isn't, what's right and what's wrong, when life begins, what's justice, what's not, what's male, what's female, what a marriage is and what isn't.
What the world calls a political battle or a culture war, we simply call being a Christian. So as you can probably tell, on this channel, we would agree with her wholeheartedly on this.
The Bible is undoubtedly our source of truth, and it is at the center of our worldview. Psalm 119, verse 105, says, quote,
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And in John 17, 17,
Jesus himself says, quote, Sanctify them in the truth. Your word is truth.
So yes, in order to hold a solid Christian worldview, you must believe that the Word of God is 100 % true.
And if that is the case, it will have implications for your family, career, church, and yes, even the political positions you happen to take.
You see, following Jesus necessitates that we oppose what is evil and do what is good according to His Word.
This will undoubtedly have implications for the way that you vote. As Isaiah 520 puts it, quote,
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil. So Allie is absolutely correct.
The culture war, as we might call it, is not merely a bunch of irrelevant arguments. And participating in it is not synonymous with causing unnecessary division in the world.
Rather, being consistent Christians means that we must participate in the culture war in every
Biblical way we can find. So bravo to Allie Beth Stuckey. She's absolutely right. But of course, the progressive
Christian TikToker here is about to respond in an attempt to refute her position. Watch this.
I'm going to say something controversial. Fundamentalists are not great fundamentalists. I know,
I know. They like to brag about how clear the Bible is about marriage and abortion. They claim it's not their moral law.
It's God's law. So therefore all of society must abide by it. But from my vantage point, I don't really buy it.
Because if you open the Bible up and start reading it like they tell you to, it won't be long before you see some discrepancies.
So here's what we have so far. According to him, the conservative so -called fundamentalist Christians like to brag about how clear the
Bible is on marriage and the life of a baby in the womb, for example. But this progressive
Christian says that he doesn't buy it. Why? Well, because apparently when you actually read the
Bible for yourself, there are contradictions that call these things into question. And I'm sure we'd all like to find out what these so -called contradictions are.
Watch this. For example, Genesis 2 says that breath is where life begins. Marriage being between one man and one woman for life is blown out of the water four chapters into the first book of the
Bible. So remember, according to this progressive Christian, the fundamentalist conservative Christians make a really big deal out of traditional marriage and being pro -life.
But shockingly, the book of Genesis completely contradicts their conservative Christian beliefs. And to prove this, he offers two examples.
Pro -life Christians believe that life begins at conception. They've been saying it for years. That is, when the sperm fertilizes the egg and there is a new genetic code which comes into being, that person in the womb is actually a fully fledged human being.
This means that you do not have the right to kill it. That's the pro -life position. But according to this progressive
Christian TikToker, Genesis 2 7 refutes that claim. The passage says this,
Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
And the man became a living creature. See, you're not a living person until you take your first breath, they say.
The Bible clearly says that Adam was not a living being until God breathed into him the breath of life.
So is this true? Are conservative Christians completely wrong on where life begins? Not so fast.
First of all, if we actually continue the analogy in its complete form, we must compare it to what we're actually talking about.
Abortion. So let's keep thinking along those lines. Here's a question. Would it be perfectly biblical if God created
Adam from the dust of the ground, and then before God breathed the breath of life into him, one of His angels decided to violently destroy
Adam's body? Would God have been perfectly fine with that? Would He have praised this angel for exercising their right to choose?
I find that very hard to believe. So already, if you're trying to compare this to the issue of abortion, it simply falls apart.
In the passage, God actively wants Adam to take his first breath, that's why He breathes into him.
And by the same token, wouldn't we want unborn babies to be born healthy and take their first breath?
Again, comparing this passage to the pro -choice position simply makes no sense at all.
And secondly, this argument from progressive Christians ignores the uniqueness of Adam's creation story.
You see, God only breathed life into Adam once, and every person who has ever been born alive after Adam has been able to breathe too.
In other words, we should be very careful not to take something that was clearly a unique one -time event in creational history and extrapolate it out as an excuse to affirm the pro -choice position.
That's very sloppy exegesis. Third, the Bible also says in several places that the life of a being is in the blood.
Genesis 9 -4 says, but you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood.
And apologist Matt Slick aptly notes in an article that, just four weeks after conception, our heart is already pumping blood.
So here's a question. Would this progressive Christian be willing to change his position to being pro -choice only up until four weeks after conception?
Or is it much more likely that this gentleman has pro -choice assumptions, and then he comes to the
Bible looking to manipulate it in order to affirm those assumptions? The latter seems much more plausible to me.
But more than all of this, the sanctity of life in the womb is also affirmed in Scripture directly.
Psalm 139 verse 13 says, quote, you knitted me together in my mother's womb. And David says in Psalm 51 -5, quote,
I was sinful when my mother conceived me. And it's hard to imagine how David could say this if he was not even a living person until his first breath.
Either way, the facts are clear. Genesis 2 -7 has absolutely nothing to do with affirming the pro -choice position.
And when you take the rest of Scripture into account, there is a clear pattern established that life begins at conception when a new human being is formed.
But now we need to deal with the second claim, the one about marriage. In case you forgot, I'll play it for you again.
Watch this. Marriage being between one man and one woman for life is blown out of the water four chapters into the first book of the
Bible. So according to this progressive Christian, the conservative Christians like Ali Stuckey, for example, will staunchly defend the idea that marriage is between one man and one woman for life.
And they will often do this using Genesis 2 -24, which says, quote, therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife.
And the reason why this passage is often quoted in the culture war is due to the rise of the LGBT movement, which says that people of the same gender can be married.
But these traditional arguments will not do, says the progressive Christian, because in Genesis 4 -19 it says this, quote, and Lamech took two wives.
So see, obviously marriage can't just be between one man and one woman, right? Aren't conservatives wrong about marriage?
Again, not so fast. First of all, the passage says that Lamech had two wives, that is, women, and he was a man.
So using this passage to open the floodgates for homosexual marriage would be absurd. At the most, this passage opens the door for polygamy.
And in that case, homosexual marriage would still be against the creational order of the one man, one woman statement in Genesis 2 -24.
So let's all recognize that there is no actual contradiction here in the conservative Christian framework as it relates to the
LGBT situation. But with that said, what do we make of polygamy in the
Bible? Even King David had multiple wives. How do we reconcile this with the one man, one woman framework?
Here's how. First, let's recognize that the Bible never speaks directly in favor of polygamy.
And clearly, the ideal for marriage, that is, the pattern directly prescribed by God, is one man and one woman for life.
We've already shown you Genesis 2 -24, but in addition to this, Church elders are required to be the, quote, husband of one wife in 1
Timothy 3 -2. And Jesus Himself only has one wife, that is, the Church, that's 2
Corinthians 11 -2. So clearly, the pattern, the ideal for marriage given over and over by God Himself is one man and one woman.
So when conservative Christians like Ali Stuckey say this, they are not contradicting the Bible. Rather, they're simply paying attention to it in its entirety, which is something that, of course, progressive
Christians rarely do. Moreover, polygamy is frequently associated in Scripture with problems and difficulties rather than marital bliss.
Abraham, for example, had issues with Sarah and Hagar. Jacob, to name another, had problems with Leah and Rachel.
Solomon's many wives actually led him into moral compromise. The list could go on and on. Clearly, polygamy is not painted in the light in Scripture.
But the fact still remains, the existence of polygamy among Biblical patriarchs does not change
God's fundamental definition and desire for marriage. And it most definitely does not create a
Biblical excuse for the LGBT movement. There is absolutely no evidence for that at all.
And this brings us back to the purpose of this video. Did this progressive Christian actually refute anything that Ali Stuckey said?
No. Did he present compelling evidence that the supports the pro -choice position? No. And finally, did he present solid
Biblical evidence against traditional marriage or in favor of LGBT so -called marriage?
No, and no again. You see, on the surface, it can be very hard to respond to claims made by progressive
Christians. But that's only because they're not telling you the whole story. Progressive Christianity is not any form of real
Christianity at all. It is an unbiblical, counterfeit religion that is opposed to the true gospel.
And as long as the Lord allows us on this channel, we will refute the fallacious and unbiblical claims coming from that false worldview.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a
Biblical critique. Please, pray for this channel and for anyone discussed in the video. And if you're looking for teaching resources or trying to find a new church, check out the teaching ministries and church networks linked in the description.
And by God's grace, let's move forward joyfully, holding to the truth of God's Word.
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