AD Interviews "Dear Woke Christian"

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All right, all right. Well, joining me today is Jason. And Jason, there's
Jason right there. And Jason, he's commented on my YouTube channel for quite some time.
And I think Jason, correct me if I'm wrong, but a little while ago, you told me you were gonna start a YouTube channel.
You did, right. And then I found it just organically.
Like I saw a video posting, I was like, oh, this looks interesting. And I didn't know it was your channel. And then
I saw it, I was like, this is awesome. And then it kind of clicked in my mind. Oh, that's Jason. Well, that's excellent, that's excellent.
So I was already like, man, this is really good. I gotta reach out to this guy. And then I realized who it was.
And so just kudos to you because it was good stuff. Thank you, thank you. But I wanted to give you an opportunity to introduce yourself, tell the audience who you are.
And we'll start there, I guess. Okay, well, as you mentioned, my name is
Jason Whitaker. I am the host, if you will, the content creator for DearWokeChristian .com.
It's a open letter format YouTube channel, as well as a blog, and as well as a podcast.
This is meant to provoke and to challenge people who profess to be woke to consider like, hey,
I'm hearing this, but God's word is saying this, and just compare it. And then realize like, man, what
I've been hearing from my prognosticators is not God honoring. And throw that stuff away and stick with God's word.
So that's what I'm hoping that it will do. So I do video kind of commentary, if you will.
I do blogs, as well as a podcast, just talking about these topics of critical race theory,
Black Lives Matter, social justice, and its comparison, or rather how it falls short of the gospel.
Yeah, definitely. And in case you missed it, it's called, I'll put it in the description of this video. Although, you know,
Jason knows like everybody that I often say I'll do that, and then I never put anything in the description. But for this one,
I will. It's called Dear Woke Christian is the name of the channel. And the video that I saw that was really good,
Jason, was the one called Dear Scott Sauls. And Scott - Man, I love it.
Yeah, and I think that might be your most popular video. And -
It is. For good reason. I mean, if you don't know, Scott Sauls is a minister, and he's definitely really woke.
And so what Jason does is he kind of just responds to a video that he's seen and kind of walks it through.
And I really like your style, Jason. It's just very calm in your demeanor and your delivery.
I think that that's so effective for certain people, which some people might find ironic because I'm not that way.
But - And trust me, I got a lot of friends who will probably say the same thing like,
Jason, what are you on when you're doing these videos? Because that's not you. So yeah, but it's
God's glory and His grace. Trust me. Yeah, and I think - I'm a rather energetic fellow. Well, anyway, so why did you feel like to make it a
YouTube channel? Like, why is this issue so important to you? I mean, take me through that. No problem.
So this might come as a surprise to most of you, but I'm a black man.
Okay. What? I got a lot. The Lord has blessed me with a lot of melanin.
He's just, he was rich in his abundance and giving me melanin. I also live in the
South. I also went to a historically black college and university. Oh yeah, and by the way,
I'm married to a woman who has high melanin and I have two beautiful daughters who have high melanin as well.
So needless to say, those are my bona fides. I'm black, y 'all, for real.
I mean, that's all you need, right? I mean, you're black, that's it. I just want people to know, like, I got the card.
Trust me, I still got my card. But last year, man, last year when the whole thing popped off with George Floyd, I got suckered in and I immediately jumped to exactly what you saw on that 10 plus minute video.
And I just knew, oh man, oh, it's just terrible, terrible, terrible. And for some reason or another, even though I was saying it, inside my heart,
I just didn't feel like my response was the right response. And the response that we saw in the world was not the right response.
And then, and since I live here in Georgia, the Ahmaud Arbery situation popped off.
And for some reason or another, something just told me, stop, just research, just read, look at the situation.
And once I did that, I realized, hey, what I saw on this newscast, what I'm seeing in the newspaper, isn't lining up with facts.
Like, wait, this is, you know what? Maybe I don't need to, yeah, maybe I don't need to get all up in a tizzy about this.
And sadly, the Breonna Taylor situation popped off. And then I was like, by that point,
I was like, hey, hold on, let's look at all the details. If there's writing to be done, you can still throw
Molotovs after we've read all the facts. Right, right. And then I realized it wasn't.
So where I'm going with that is it kind of got me to start thinking, hey, maybe our response to these situations is not the right response.
And lastly, I'm originally from Illinois, outside of Chicago. So in the back of my mind,
I'm always thinking about Chicago crime. And I'm like, wow, these people are going insane about George Floyd.
They're losing their minds about Breonna Taylor and nothing about Chicago. And on any given weekend,
Chicago kills more people than any police brutality that happened last year. So all of that caused me to say, hey, maybe we should think a little bit more deeply and especially people who profess to be
Christian. So you had churches shut down, but you can go protest at Black Lives Matter rallies or churches are dealing with COVID and we're preaching about critical race theory and white fragility from the pulpit.
And all of that just caused me to say, maybe somebody should say something and maybe
Adam can't say it, but guess what? I got my card and I'm fully melanated and I'm just gonna say it.
Like this is not appropriate. So that's what got me started on this journey of speaking about wokeness and how it doesn't line up with the gospel.
Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah. The whole situations with those shootings last year, it was, there was definitely sort of,
I don't know if it's a turning point, but it was almost like a light switch for a lot of people where people that hadn't really said anything about any of this kind of stuff were all of a sudden going in.
You know what I mean? And so it was an opportunity. And I think at the time my comment on, if I'm not mistaken, my comment on both of those things where it's like, yeah, maybe it is as bad as they're saying, but let's just take a deep breath.
And we also have to think about our response as well, because if this man, if one of them was a racist and decided to just kill these guys because he didn't like black people, okay, so we need to deal with that.
But we also can't, you know, overreact. And now all of a sudden it's cool to, from the pulpit, say, you know,
I'm scared of all white people and use racial slurs against whites. Like it's, it's not, that's not right for a
Christian to do, right? So oftentimes it's just like, when you see something in the news, no matter what it is, it doesn't even have to be race related.
Like take a deep breath before you go in. Maybe two. Maybe two.
Anyway, that's cool. Okay, cool. No, that's good. That's good. So, all right. And so you mentioned that this stuff, it's not, it doesn't hold a candle to what the
Bible offers. You mentioned critical race theory, which, you know, I talk about these issues all the time. I usually don't talk about critical race theory like proper because I think it's, you know, a lot of times it's, people can weasel out.
Well, I'm not a critical race theorist because, you know, I disagree with X, Y, Z. It's like, so I just try to sidestep that whole thing.
But everything I'm talking about is related. But anyway, what do you mean by this? So, what do you see are the key differences between what critical race theory offers and what biblical, you know, law or reckoning, whatever you want to call it, offers for this issue?
And I have to say, I believe I might've even gotten this from you. So, I don't want to ad -litten you at all.
I want to give you credit right now, but just in case you say, hey, that sounds familiar. It's a new law.
Like, I need people to fully understand this. Again, racism is not in the scriptures.
Now, we can definitely dig in that partiality is. And I keep, I bring this up to people. Partiality is a sin according to the
Bible. And because it's a sin in the scriptures, we have a sin solution in Christ.
However, if I come up with a made up word, there's not, I don't have a solution for it.
So, the black cup sin, what the heck are you talking about?
The Bible doesn't know what you're talking about, but the Bible does know about partiality. So, one, critical race theory already comes up with a bad law.
It also makes people guilty outside of what scripture says.
So, because somebody has less melanin, they're guilty by default. They're guilty of whiteness and white supremacy and being racist just because they have less melanin.
That is so unbiblical, it makes no sense. So, to start off with,
I would say it has new law and it also just adds to people sins that they may or may not have committed.
So, I don't know that Johnny down the street or Sally next door has any animus toward me at all.
All I know is that they have less melanin. And according to critical race theory, they're guilty just because they have less melanin.
How is that biblical? And Sally is a pastor's wife and Johnny is an elder, but now, and they are supposed to be in the body of Christ.
So, according to the gospel, we're supposed to be unified. But according to critical race theory, we've now come apart because of that.
So, those are just, I guess my start. Yeah, no, that's a great place to start. You know, it's the whole thing, the whole system, when people talk about these things, things like white privilege and white supremacy, and they don't mean what, you know, what we all kind of grew up remembering that white supremacy meant.
You know, that meant that you didn't like black people. You didn't like, probably didn't like Jews either. You probably didn't like, you know,
Native Americans either. Hispanics, yeah. Right, so that's what I remember. And that makes sense, that definition makes sense.
So, the trick though is that they've kept the words, like racism, white supremacist, but they've completely twisted the meanings.
And so, it's okay to have a word that's not in the Bible. Like, it's okay that racism, the word is not in the
Bible, but what's not okay is to pretend like there's a thing called racism that's separate from partiality, right?
It's not the same thing. Correct. And, but still apply the title of sin to it so that you can kind of twist people's arm to do whatever it is you want them to do, you know, put you in leadership or whatever it is.
That's where the problem is, because you're a hundred percent right. Like, we're at the point where we really can't use the word racist anymore because they've just gutted it of all of its meaning.
And the fact that, and if I read what Josh McDowell said, nobody would have had a problem with it.
Right, right. That shows you just how insane we are. What Josh McDowell said, whether you liked it or not, whether you agree with him or not, if I read it, there wouldn't be a problem.
Right, absolutely. If AD reads it, there's pitchforks and bonfires.
Like, how does that even work? I don't understand the rules to this game anymore. What's ironic about this,
Jason, and I think this is kind of what you're putting your finger on, like the way, like racism itself is showing partiality the way they use it.
Yes. So the actual sin is being committed in the new way that they're describing racism, which is really weird when you think about like, we're laughing because it's so dumb, right?
No, no, you know why we're laughing? Because God's word was still so much better. We didn't need a sequel.
It's kind of like a movie that was so good, nobody asked for a sequel or prequel. Like God's word is mega years outside of this.
We don't even need to try. And when we try, we get craziness. So I'm sorry.
But this is what I'm thinking. And tell me what you think about this, because it's so dumb, right?
And God's word is so clear, right? So they're committing the very sin that they're claiming to be against in the way that they're using this word, right?
So it's so obvious to me and it's obvious to you, it's obvious to a lot of people, but it makes you think that this has to be some kind of a spiritual blindness.
Like it's so easy, it's right there. And you're committing the very sin that you're claiming to be so up in arms about.
It's like, it has to be like a blindness. You know what I mean? Like, what do you think about that?
No, I think you're 100 % correct. And I think about the Sadducees and the Pharisees.
Like they put themselves in Moses' seat, as Jesus said. And they heap great burdens on people, laying them on their shoulders, but they themselves will not lift a finger to remove them.
And if you read through the gospels, you have to scratch your head and say, wait, these people came to Jesus and said, show us a sign.
Wait, just two sentences ago, my man just did. What are you talking about? But they still wanted a sign.
Like he just healed a blind man. And you went through all these shenanigans. And then the next chapter, you're like, show us a sign.
What did you, what more did you need to see? But less they were, less they were blinded.
Like, less they were blind. So yeah, I agree with you 100%. It's very similar.
Because it's so dumb what they're asking for. It's the dumbest. He just healed a blind man. He just, you know, the loaves and the fishes.
He did all this stuff. And it's like, give us a sign. It's like, but like, you saw that sign though.
So, and it's like, they don't get it. Like, it's a blindness. Let me ask you this. This is a hard question.
So if you're, maybe you're not gonna waffle. Sometimes I waffle with this question, but I mean, the people that are promoting this, are they
Christians? Like, what is your take on that? Here we go. And I would love for people to tell me if I waffle, because I tried my best to be succinct.
I do believe some of these people are deceived. I do believe that. You and me might disagree if I even mentioned some people that I think, you know what?
I like that guy. I really wanna like that one. However, there are people, and I have no problem saying,
Ibram X. Kendi is not a Christian. Robin DiAngelo is not a Christian. Like by any means, even by the most liberal progressive definition.
So I do believe that a lot of people, especially of the lesser melanin content, they don't want to be seen as a bad person.
I really believe they're just minding their business. They're loving their wives and kids. They're trying to do their job.
And all of a sudden they're being forced into this, you're a racist. So then the first thing they do is say, I'm not a racist.
I got black friends. I'm not a racist. I don't see color or whatever. And I hate when they do that.
But truly they're just like, cause you can't really prove a negative. So I can't prove that I don't do something.
So rather than push back, they say, hey, okay, all right. What do I need to do to prove that I'm not racist?
Oh, I need to put a BLM flag in my yard. I need to put a black square on my social media.
When's the protest? I'll be there. So I can prove to you that I'm not racist, but there isn't a ceiling on this.
So now they're out here genuflecting. They're out here calling me a white supremacist and all that kind of craziness because they've got to prove that they themselves are not.
When all they gotta do, and I've said it before, is just stop. You don't have to.
In Christ, if you are a Christian, you are free. So I believe that there are unbelievers.
I'm sorry, Robin. I'm sorry, Ibram X. Kendi and a couple other cats. I don't believe you're in Christ. I do believe that there's some who just bona fide deceive, but then there's some who are just trying to go along to not be called bad names.
Newsflash, if you're not in third grade, you don't have to worry about name -calling. If you are a grown man, grown woman, who cares about name -calling?
Let them call you a name. Get over it. So I hope I gave a solid answer.
I do believe that some of those people are not Christians at all. Yeah, no. So it's an impossible question to really answer because like you said, it's different in each case, right?
And we probably, like you said, would disagree on some of them. I think, I tend to think that many of these people are
Christians, but what they're promoting is it gets further and further from Christianity every day that passes,
I think. And I think that, personally, I believe that I'm gonna be wrong about a lot of people that I thought were
Christians. And I think that this, I think there's an apostasy coming for sure in the United States. And this is, the people involved in this are not gonna be immune to that.
So I don't know. I mean, that was a fine answer. And of course it depends on the person that you're talking about,
I think. And I think you're right. I think when I first started commenting on this a few years ago, my theory on why so many people were going woke was that evangelicals are kind of like exhausted from always being like the stick in the mud, right?
So they're like, I gotta be against gay marriage. I gotta be against this. It's like, you kind of have to because it's very clear in the
Bible. But this one, yeah, nobody likes racist. So I can be like on board on this.
Approach it. Right. And I always thought that that was sort of part of it where it's like finally one where I don't have to be the jerk anymore.
You know what I mean? Right, right. And that's true. Like if racism or racists are out there, like, yeah, you don't have to be for racism, obviously, as a
Christian, but you also can't be smuggling in all their ideology at the same time.
And I do wanna mention that because you're kind of alluding to it as well. Like critical race theory, that train has already left the station.
What we're looking at now is all the cars that is dragging along with it. And there's some bona fide shenanigans being pulled in to people's churches with critical race theory.
And I'm like, hey, if you're supporting CRT, you're gonna end up supporting the rest of the alphabet community.
You're gonna be supporting all these other ideas that they're just tagging along to it. Oh yeah. And we've seen a number of woke people that have gone full out for like the queerness of the
Trinity and things like that. Oh my gosh. All kinds of just blasphemous stuff.
And I think some people won't go all the way, but some people will, you know? And that's the danger here.
Cool. Well, okay. Okay. So what do you think, like, if somebody was gonna have a conversation with a friend or a pastor that was going woke, like what do you think, like, from your kind of thoughts about this, are there like key verses or key passages or ideas that you would want to focus on if you were gonna have a conversation with someone you knew that was woke?
Yeah. I would talk about how Christ has broken down the middle wall of partition between the
Jews and the Gentiles. Keep in mind, the Jew -Gentile argument was not just, you know, hey,
I like vanilla ice cream, you like strawberry ice cream. This was a bona fide, almost
God -instituted beef, so to speak. This was not just Hatfields and McCoys.
This was God had separated these people. And now in Christ, we are unified?
And now you're trying to tell me that we're not unified by the same reasons that these people were separated before.
Yeah, miss me with that. So I would talk about that, but I also would talk about the, like, let's look at the fruit of critical race theory.
Like, let's look at the fruit of wokeness. Pick a church, anywhere in your major community, there's several right here in where I live in Marietta, Georgia, that we can go look at and do a true study and see this church is 60%.
50%, 40 % of it is gone. You know why? Not because of COVID. Nope, because the church right across the street, they're bustling.
You know what happened to this church? It went woke. Look at the fruit of it. Now, ask yourself, if God was in this, if Christ was supporting this, why is this church being decimated by critical race theory?
So look at the fruit, as Christ said, you can tell a tree by its fruit. And it's not like it was 60 % of the people were racist and wanted to continue being racist.
Like, that's not what happened. And I've sat down with people who've left churches because the church went woke over the
Ahmaud Arbery situation. And they're like, wait, my church is doing one, two, three statements on racism.
They've done a six -week sermon series. On race from the pulpit, not a
Bible study, not a video blog, but truly from the pulpit. And people of the less melanin content said, you know what?
Yeah, I can't do that. Yeah, I'm not gonna be able to do that. So -
A lot of people are picking up on the fact that critical race theory, it's like, it's actually anti -white, is what it is.
It is. It's anti -white. Well, and anti -white is a by -product.
It's actually anti -gospel. That's true. It stands against the gospel.
Like everything that Christ did for my salvation, critical race theory, no, no, dog.
You gotta do this. You gotta do that. I mean, it's more work. Like literally, I did a video yesterday looking at Robin DiAngelo.
Oh yeah, doing the work and all that. She spouts so much law. And I'm saying law in the figurative sense.
I'm like, this is burdening me. And I'm black. Like this is a burden to me.
I can only imagine what somebody of the less melanin content is feeling. This is just pure law.
Or you just leave her alone. Stop supporting her. Just say no. It's okay.
And if you need proof or whatever like that, I'll be your black friend. You can say, hey, Jason said,
I don't have to do this no more. I'm a black Pope. I can forgive you of your whiteness.
There you go. And just say - It's all nonsense anyway. So there you go. We're just making up stuff. So hey,
I'm a black Pope. I absolve you of all your whiteness. There you go. Keep living your life. Loving Jesus.
Oh man. But yeah, I think pointing to first Corinthians where Paul talks about what the gospel is, looking at Acts, looking at how the church was unified in the beginning of Acts, Acts chapter two.
And just ask yourself, like, is this, I think one of my issues with critical race theory is very rarely is it dealt with critically.
Like, let's sit down and talk about this. I'm gonna do a video series of all the different definitions that you hear from the woke prognosticators.
If you ever want a good laugh, AD, listen to Ibram X. Kendi. That guy will fix your gut in a hot second.
Because he just makes up stuff. And he, I promise you, and spoiler alert, he does this little
Kamala Harris insecure laugh thing. I really believe it's because he's like,
I can't believe these people are buying this. And they're paying him a lot of money to tell him this. They're paying me a lot of money. I really believe,
I watched one yesterday. I'm like, wow. He keeps doing this little insecure laugh thing under his breath because he's like,
I can't believe I just said that. And I can't believe that they're all buying this. For people just to sit, like, just stop and think.
Like, listen to what he's saying. Write it down. And just read it and say, how does that work as a
Christian? And I dig it - Doesn't Jamar work for that guy now? Jamar Tisby works for that guy now, right? Jamar Tisby works for him. Tetzel 2 .0.
I'm sorry. I got, yeah. So this is the first time, you're so right that this, it's anti -gospel.
And so of course, you know, it's going to have problems every step of the way with the law, with everything. But I remember the first time
I realized that it was really just anti -gospel. And it was actually, speaking of Jamar, something that he said, like, there was that whole story a few years ago where the white woman cop had killed a black guy and it was like a mistake.
And you remember the scene in the courtroom, the guy's brother like was saying, hey man, like -
Forgave her. Forgave her. I hope you don't go to jail, you know, whatever. Let me give you a hug. You know, you should give your life to Christ.
Like the whole thing, beautiful, right? Beautiful. Because I think, you know, as I think about myself, if somebody did that to my brother,
I wonder if I would have been like that. I probably wouldn't have been like that. I would have been furious probably. Anyway, bottom line is it was beautiful.
And then Jamar wrote this piece in Washington Post or something like that, where he was like, yeah, it was great, but like, let's not forgive too quickly because, you know, you also got to do the work.
And so he's like thumbing his nose at forgiveness. It's like, there's a danger in forgiving.
It's like, when I read that, I was like, oh, I get it. This is just against Christianity is what it is.
Like, he doesn't get what forgiveness is supposed to be. Like, he doesn't understand when it says forgive us as we forgive, you know, others.
So like, that's not like a nice little thing to write in a coffee mug. That's actually scary when you think about it because you're taught to pray to God.
God, forgive me the way I forgive people. I forgive. And it's like, when I think about the way
I forgive people, it's usually after a bit of groveling and I get mad for a while.
And then eventually if they grovel enough, then I forgive them. Like, that's scary because that's a character flaw in me.
That's a problem. And it's like, it's one thing to end the moment, like not want to forgive someone.
It's another thing to like thoughtfully write out a nice piece about how concerned you are that people are going to forgive, that black people in particular are going to forgive white people for this murder.
I guess the whole groups are involved here, you know, but they're going to forgive them too quickly.
That's the heart of these, like the gospel, like if you don't get that, in fact, the
Bible actually says this, like, if you don't forgive you, my father won't forgive you.
Forgive you, right. It's at the heart. It's like, these are basic things. These are basic documents. It's not like arguing infant baptism where it's like, oh,
I can understand like this argument and this and that. Like, it's not complex. It's simple.
And that's the scary part for me. Like, you know, people that go that far,
I worry about those people. I mean, and I encourage people to go back and look at that.
Like, again, it was hard for me to watch too, because I really think that the Amy Geiger, I think her name was, or?
Yeah, that's right. Yeah. So I really thought she should have, you know, I'm sorry.
I thought they should have thrown her under the bus too. Because I was like, the story didn't line up.
I got you. But to see, so that's one part of it. And that's the justice system.
But the brother providing and demonstrating the gospel, like, because again, my alumni association on Facebook went completely bananas about how, what she got as well as his response.
And I was thinking like, wow, man, he demonstrated the gospel to this woman.
I prayed, man, oh, how great it would be to know that she accepted Christ and her life was changed because of this horrible event that she was a part of.
Can you imagine that? And to know that she will be standing next to us, worshiping the lamb because of this event, not because of Jamar Tisby's insane
Washington Post or my alumni association's Facebook page, but because, and don't forget, I think the judge gave her like a
Bible and she got in a lot of trouble about that, if I'm not mistaken. Oh yeah, that's exactly right. That's what happened.
That was it. So now, again, that didn't change the outcome of the trial.
This was actually, you know, that was a woman to woman and an offended son. I mean, just think about it.
Like this woman deeply offended this man and he provided her like in real time, like in the last year, you offended me by murdering my brother, but I'm forgiving you.
But these people digging up folk from 150, 200 years ago, and they can't forgive somebody that looked like them, maybe, it's insane.
It is insane. And, you know, one of the things, there's a few things that kind of drive me to keep doing the content that I do.
And one of the things is that I have a lot of sympathy for people that are, they're almost encouraged in sins that are like culturally okay.
Like, and I think about, for example, I have a lot of sympathy for gays because gay people are sinning against God.
And they know when their head hits the pillow at night, like they're not feeling good about what they're up to. Like, we know that.
So, but the culture is telling them, oh, this is the greatest thing ever. By the way, Superman's gay. Like, this is awesome.
I have sympathy for that because the sins that I struggle with, they're like, they're not okay by the cultural standard.
So like, I don't have the extra temptation of everyone saying it's the greatest thing, right? I feel bad for homosexuals.
I also feel bad for minorities, Blacks, Browns, even
Asians are getting in on this a little bit lately because they're often encouraged to not forgive, to be angry, to be suspicious, to be fearful.
And as if it's a good thing, as if this is part of the movement. And so when
I see Jamar say that, and I'm in some of these secret Facebook groups in the past,
I've seen some of what woke people talk about. And I see just the rage and just everyone just encouraging it.
I know that there are people there that they don't feel good about it, but they're being swept up in this. And I worry about them because the
Bible is clear. Like, if you can't forgive, like my father in heaven won't forgive you.
So it's like, I worry about, I've got family members that are kind of woke and I worry about them all the time because they're being encouraged in this sin and nobody's really stopping them.
And that's why I get so mad at pastors because like you too, you're also gonna not stop these people. And no, no, you are on the money.
That's a fantastic point. And it ultimately, I just don't think people are stopping to think.
I don't remember who it was. Somebody early on mentioned that if you and your wife are getting into an argument and discussing whatever, it can be true.
She left all the dishes in the sink and they attracted gnats. But once you go to something like you're acting like your mother or you're just yelling like my dad, all bets are off.
Once they get into feelings, you never go back to facts. And that's wrong in my head.
Like I wanna stick with facts. I wanna keep my feelings out of the discussion. And in this situation, it feels like most of the time people, they capitalize on the fact that they can get you to your feelings as quickly as possible.
The sooner I get AD into his feelings, the less I have to worry about facts. The less I have to worry about showing my receipts as people like to say.
I know that he's gonna go and he's gonna be right along with the mob. But if AD says, no, wait, hold on.
Let me, you know what? The Molotov cocktails will still be here. I can still protest. But let me look at the facts first.
Don't let me get out of my feelings. And I think a lot of people do that. And they get caught up in the feelings and in the emotion.
And then it's a wrap. Well, I've seen white pastors in particular talk about how we should actually set aside the facts because you need to be there in the moment with your brothers who are hurting.
It's like, and there's a truth there, right? Like if I had, if my wife came to me and was upset about something and like, okay,
I wanna comfort her first, deal with the, so there's some truth there, right? But let's just say my wife comes every night at seven o 'clock at the same time, every night.
And she's crying about the same thing that I know is fake. Like she got abducted by aliens or something.
And so she's got a problem in her head. Like eventually I'm gonna have to bring some facts.
You know what I mean? Like, nope, just like yesterday you didn't get abducted by aliens. By the way, this is all fictional. My wife is great.
But you see what I'm saying? So yes, you don't, if somebody, like if an old black lady came to me after the next shooting and was upset about it,
I'm gonna probably try to comfort her, obviously. But the thing is though, that there's a vested interest in a lot of these guys to never get to the facts.
Like there's no, there's never a time. It's like, let's stay in the emotions, right? And whenever any person brings up facts, it's like, well, you're just not loving me.
It's you're not caring well. You're not, you know, whatever. You see, like, that's the thing.
Like there is some truth there. It's okay to be emotional, but you can't let your emotions drive the bus.
And eventually you have to recognize that the media is trying to stoke a race war.
I don't know why, but they are. You know what I mean? They are, it's everywhere. I tell people like, let's go back to Robin.
Robin has a vested interest in white guilt. She has a cottage industry.
I think she has a corner market on white guilt. So she's going to keep saying ridiculousness because she knows this is her bread and butter.
It's like, I don't think she's useful for anything else except spouting insanity.
Yeah, this is her moneymaker. This is her moneymaker. So she's going to keep shaking it. So that being the case,
I think it is beneficial for us to keep encouraging people to not primarily get lost in their emotions.
And just to point out the example that you gave with your wife, if that's something like, that's her problem, her situation.
I do think you should. There's a level of emotion that you give before you start getting the facts.
If some random person is lamenting somebody else dying somewhere else in the world,
I think we should give a little bit of shoulder, but we're going to get a little bit like, okay, how did that hurt you?
Right, that's a very good point. But then with CRT, most of this is just completely made up.
I'm sorry, most of this is mostly made up or you're taking on, for example,
AD is up North and he's got some problem with his neighbor. I got a problem with my neighbor too.
Yeah, I've always thought that Tom be cutting that grass too close to my hedges. And oh man,
Sally looked at me strange. Oh my gosh. Oh man. So yeah, I'm just like AD. So yeah, man, they're against.
Yeah, because only thing is common is AD's neighbors got less melanin. My neighbors got less melanin.
That's right. AD and I, we got a lot of melanin together. So yeah, unify.
Man, what are you talking about, man? Nonsense. My neighbors, man, my neighbors as kind as they can be. But that's the craziness.
You're so right, because there is a key difference. I remember when all this went down last year,
I read a bunch of articles that were saying to the non -woke, the anti -critical race theory people, when was the last time you wept over the state of race in America and trying to manipulate you into?
And I remember doing a video. I haven't wept over it. You know what I mean? Like I cried when my grandmother died at her funeral.
You know what I mean? But I didn't cry. Actually, I didn't cry at my grandmother's funeral. But you see, I'm just trying to make a point.
I cried when something happened to me personally. I didn't cry over the state of race relations in America.
And what is that supposed to prove? You know what? I'm sad.
I remember saying this. Have you ever watched the show First 48? But I think
I remember you mentioning this. But no, I've never watched it. It's a show. It's about murderers.
And the first 48 hours of the investigation are critical. Oftentimes, they're gang murderers. So I have a lot of sympathy.
And I feel I've never cried. But I felt emotional about the gang member's family. Because they weren't in the gang.
Their son just died. It's just their son, as far as they know. And it's like, but I didn't weep. Because I don't know them.
And I can't conjure up. What is that supposed to prove, though? I can't talk about this unless I weep all the time?
I don't understand. And to me, when people go in about that, you've got to weep about racism in America.
OK? I think that, you know what? How about the fact that about two miles from my house is a
Planned Parenthood abortion baby murder mill? Every day, they do their wicked, evil deed.
Do you weep over that? Because now, whether or not Tom and Sally next door don't like Jason, I don't know.
I don't know those people's hearts. I don't. And there's no reason for me to suspect that they don't. But we can go see what those wicked barbarians do about two and a half miles from my house.
So can we weep over that? Are you weeping over that? I just want to know. Because otherwise, miss me with this foolishness about weeping over race in America.
Because we're all one race. That's what the book of Acts says. And I do stir the pot when
I say, hey, there isn't such a thing as racism. Because there's no such thing as racist.
Because we're the same one. And people want to get up in a tizzy. You can quickly just ask them, well, can a
Black man have a baby with a Latino woman? That's how you know we're the same people.
So all it is, is I got more melanin. And that baby's going to have beautiful skin. My favorite way to put this is, oh,
Jason, you froze. Hopefully you're still there. Because I got all this melanin. But guess what? It's the same human.
Let's talk about something that's real. My favorite way to say it is that racism is not a sin.
Because there's no racism anyway. There you go. But peel that apart.
Take that apart and get them to think about that. Going back to what we said before, just think.
Think about it. If racism was, and you hear people talk about Amos and Micah, if that was
God's primary goal for, why is it that none of the apostles preached that?
Not a one. James talks about it in the most succinct manner.
But even in that, it clearly must not have been something that impacted
Augustine or Luther or Calvin or any of these other cats, because none of them wrote about racism.
So why is that? Because it's not. That's why. All right.
Well, this has been fun. Is there anything that you want to say at the end here? Because I want to recommend that people subscribe to your channel.
I think you're doing a really good job with what you've been doing. I've been enjoying it. I haven't seen every video.
How many do you have now? Like 20? I think there's 19, but I got several
I've worked on. Yeah, so 18, 19. It's real good stuff. I haven't seen them all, but the ones
I've seen, I just like how you break things down. And what I appreciate too, is that you bring a lot of scripture into it as well.
And that's really the important thing, because Jason's opinions, who cares? What we're looking for is what
God says, right? And you know what? Then I guess that's what I would want to say. I believe that the strength of CRT is us remaining biblically illiterate.
The strength, the power, all of that, the whole of critical race theory,
Black Lives Matter, social justice, or any of Satan's devices. Because if critical race theory goes away tomorrow, it would be something new.
But the strength of it is the bet, the gamble, is that AD, that Jason, don't know his scriptures.
They don't know the Bible. And therefore, we can basically ask, did God really say that?
So I think in parting, I just want to encourage people, get into your word, read the
Bible. I mean, read it as your year -long reading plan, or read it as definitively trying to learn something about a specific topic.
But get in there, because that's where you're going to be able to ward off the shenanigans and the foolishness.
When somebody says that we should despise these people because they have less melanin or more melanin, and you can scripturally, biblically respond to it and know that you have
God backing you. And it's not just my thoughts and maturation. Yeah, I think you're so right.
Oftentimes, I've gotten comments from people that say something like, I knew that what
I was hearing wasn't quite right, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. And I think that the way to move from not being able to put your finger on it to figuring it out very quickly is to stay in that word.
And I'm not trying to shame anybody who said that. It happens to me. I've been in that situation where it's like, that doesn't quite sound right.
And we're all in different stages of our process of understanding God's word and what
He's like and all that kind of stuff. But that's the antidote, right? Knowing the scriptures. And the only reason that I sound like I know what
I'm talking about is because I've thought about these issues for a very long time. And I've read the scriptures that are relevant. And I'm still finding new things all the time in Bible verses that just are so clear.
It's like, man, God's word is so great. It's so amazing. It's relevant to like,
I was reading something from Deuteronomy today. I'm like, man, this is like reading the newspaper. So this is crazy. Like all this is happening.
You know, like it's just crazy stuff. But God bless you, Jason. And thank you, man. Thank you so much. Seriously, guys, go subscribe to his channel.
And he's, how often do you drop in videos these days? Okay, so I've got a good plan.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday. And I'm trying to get to do something fun on the weekend.
This week in memeology or critical race theory. Bingo. So that's the plan.
But the weekend one, it's been a little bit difficult. But the Monday, Wednesday, Friday, I'm pretty consistent now. Yeah, the weekends are hard, especially when you have kids.
But yeah, he's got some good stuff here. His videos are like the 10 to 30 minute variety.
So it's pretty similar to me. I always say I'm going to do short videos and it ends up being 30 minutes.
So, you know, that's how it goes. And I look up and like, dog, I'm still going, man.
I haven't finished. Yeah, well, I always think to myself, it's like, you know, the reason why I think it's going to be short, but it never ends up being short.
It's because I'm not smart enough to say it succinctly. That's my problem. Well, I mean, I think you say great, my friend.
I think you say great. Well, thank you. I appreciate that. Well, God bless you, Jason. And I'm going to stop recording.