Thank You!

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


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I just want to say thank you. Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today. I want to thank you so much for joining me.
And I do want to give a special thank you to Bradley Rapa. I'm not sure, but he might have noticed there was some music, a little music background to my intro graphic here.
And he sent me that this morning, so I thought I would put it to good use. I really do like it. Kind of adds a little something special there.
So, thank you, Bradley. I appreciate that. How very thoughtful. But, yeah, Happy New Years to you and your family.
I'm recording this on January 1st, 2025. And I really just want to say thank you to all of you who watch my
YouTube channel. I think my YouTube channel was activated maybe about 2010, but I never did anything with it.
Well, almost a decade. I think I put up a couple of short little videos in 2019, but then 2020 hit and COVID hit and we all had some time cooling our heels at home.
And so I began to be a little bit more earnest about it. And my YouTube channel just took off.
Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined that it would turn into what it has turned into today.
We are now at, I think, right at 314 ,000 subscribers.
And I'm so very grateful. Just a year ago, we were at 230 ,000 subscribers.
So it's, what's the math on that? About 84 ,000 subscribers, I guess, just in the last calendar year.
And thank you for watching. I barely know what I'm doing on YouTube.
My channel does not have any of the special effects that some larger channels do.
And even some channels that are smaller than mine do, because I just don't really know how to do that stuff. Nothing wrong with it, of course, but my channel is pretty bare bones.
I'll drop in a short little clip here and there for some comic relief. I figured out how to do that, but it's pretty bare bones.
But nonetheless, you come, you watch. I appreciate it very, very much.
Some of you don't like me. That's okay. I fully expect that, and I'm okay with that.
But most of you do, and I thank you so very much. I hope that the channel is edifying for you.
I hope that it will help you to do what Paul says in Titus 1, verse 9, to both teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict.
And that is kind of what I want to do on this channel. I do point out error, of course, but with that error,
I also give you the corresponding biblical truths. So teach sound doctrine and refute those who contradict.
And yeah, I've just been amazed at what the Lord has done through this channel. I think now there's like right at maybe a hair over 40 million views on this channel.
When I'm out and about, people stop me pretty frequently now.
In fact, I'm hardly ever in an airport where at least one person doesn't come up and recognize me, thank me for the channel.
I'm very grateful for that. That's very encouraging. It is very humbling as well.
And, of course, I know a lot of people don't like me. So for every one person that comes up to me and thanks me,
I'm kind of wondering how many other people recognize me that really hate my guts or don't care for me anyway.
But at any rate, thank you so much for watching. I was talking to some friends of mine the other day.
Actually, we had a board meeting for the ministry. And I told the guys, I was giving them a little report on the
YouTube channel and its growth and that kind of thing. And I said, it occurred to me the other day that I have never one time on this channel ever asked people to subscribe to my channel or to like any of the videos.
You know, give the little thumbs up and say, please subscribe. I've never done that.
Not done it once. But you do subscribe and you do watch and many of you like it.
So praise the Lord. Thank you very much. Just kind of as we close, if you're not familiar with my channel,
I do want to remind you, I do have different playlists on the channel. You can look those up.
I've got the playlist, Why Are Charismatics So Weird? Some of the just more outlandish stuff from the charismatic movement.
I've got a Siri playlist on false teachers. One of them is entitled
Inigo Montoya. That's one of my favorite playlists. And I take Bible verses that are commonly misinterpreted, misused, and of course based off of the character from The Princess Bride.
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. Once you keep using that verse, I do not think it means what you think it means.
So there's different playlists there. And one of the more important playlists that I have there is my daily
Bible reading. I've gotten a couple of emails just in the last day or two, people telling me that they are going through it for the second time.
So they've been following the daily Bible readings that I have posted from the readings from the
Legacy Standard Bible. And it started two years ago, and so it's been up now for a full two years.
And a lot of people are going through it for the second time. So thank you for that.
I hope that's an encouragement to you. So I'm not going to ask you to like or subscribe. You can do that on your own if you want.
But thank you nonetheless, dear ones. It's a joy. This is not the only thing I do.
A lot of people think all I do is YouTube. It's not. It's kind of a side hobby here, for lack of a better word.
My primary job is an evangelist. I'm an evangelist.
I travel and preach and teach, preach the gospel, do my seminar,
Clouds Without Water, teach on other subjects as well. So YouTube is just kind of something I do on the side.
It's why my videos aren't regular. I may go a couple of weeks without a video.
It's just because I'm busy doing other things. This is just kind of something I do on the side. But I enjoy it and appreciate you watching.
I pray that the Lord will continue to use it. All right, dear ones. Short video today. Thank you so much.
God bless you and yours. Until our next time together, may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of His Holy Spirit be with you all.
Oh, and by the way, I only have one YouTube channel. There's another channel out there called
Justin Peters Biblical Clarity. I think is the name of it. That's not me. I don't know who that is.
I've reported the channel. I don't know. But I only have one channel, so that's not me.