Jordan Peterson CORRECTS Bill Maher On The Bible!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and this is a video of psychologist Jordan Peterson telling atheist comedian
Bill Maher about his new series on the biblical book of Exodus. I released a series on, started to release it yesterday on YouTube, on the story of Exodus.
And it's a 16 -part series, 32 hours on the book of Exodus. Yeah, I had nine people come down, and I've been walking through the biblical corpus.
That was actually something I wanted to talk to you today about. I love it that you're a real professor. We released this series on the
Daily Wire first, and it was the most popular thing they ever made, apart from Matt Walsh's documentary on what is a woman.
Is that right? Yeah, it's very strange. It's very strange, because it's very academic. It's a very academic seminar series.
Now, just to be clear, Jordan Peterson is not exactly what I would call a doctrinally sound Christian. However, this does show us a few tremendously important things.
First, it tells us that Jordan Peterson takes the Bible more seriously than the grand majority of influencers today.
And that's a great thing. I mean, why else would he spend 32 hours giving a series on the book of Exodus, a book that frankly most modern pastors don't even preach about?
And two, this shows us that Peterson thinks the Bible has a lot of significance, and that it's relevant to our modern -day lives.
This is a point that most people in our day and age, unfortunately, miss. So all in all, this is a very positive thing.
And the fact that this lecture series is the second most popular production that the Daily Wire has ever released, that tells us something, too.
It tells us that many people are starving for Biblical truth. They need the Word of God desperately, and it's our job as Christians to meet that need.
But of course, not everyone agrees on the value of the Bible. Some people think very differently. And atheist late -night host
Bill Maher, well, he had a very different perspective. Well, I mean, the Bible is so well -known, even by people who haven't read it.
And by the way, a lot of the people who put their hand on it and love it so much have never read it. It's certainly not all the way through. It's a big, long book.
Yes, it is. And it's, you know, full of mostly nonsense. Once in a while, it stumbles upon wisdom.
To be fair, one thing that Bill Maher is right about is that many people who claim to absolutely love the
Bible don't actually read it. And that should be a wake -up call for us as Christians. But then he actually says that most of what is in the
Bible is complete nonsense. It's been written by Bronze Age peasants who didn't know anything about what they were talking about.
And more than this, the Bible is not actually true. Rather, it just stumbles upon truth, accidentally, every once in a while.
Like a broken clock, the Bible can be right twice a day, by accident, says atheist Bill Maher. And as a
Christian, you may think that this sounds pretty negative, pretty insulting, maybe. But believe it or not, he's not actually done yet.
You were talking about Sodom and Gomorrah earlier. That was you, right? It was. It was me. It was
Merriam -Williamson. So, I was there when we were making Religiolus, that was like one of the places. And this is the one with Lot's wife.
So, I feel like I studied this, and I didn't remember these intricate permutations.
God was bargained down to 10 people. That's actually why they go to Sodom, is to look for the 10 people.
But it started at 40? Started at 40. I just love the way they love the Bible, and it's the greatest book, and they swear on it.
But it has these things that are comically stupid and corrupt. I mean,
God is so corrupt in the Bible. I mean, you can bargain with humans.
He does things that are so capricious and cruel and petty. I mean, he's very
Trumpian. So according to Bill Maher, the Bible is comically stupid, and the God of the
Bible is clearly corrupt and petty to the core. In fact, Bill refers to the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and he laughs at the stupid idea that God would, quote, bargain with the lives of people.
But the fact that Bill says this clearly shows that he has no idea what that story is actually about.
God was not flippantly bargaining with the lives of people because he found it funny and amusing. That's just the false caricature being set up here.
But in reality, in the actual Biblical story located in Genesis 18 -19, that's not what happened at all.
The truth is that Abraham spoke to the Lord, and Abraham humbly appeals to the loving and just nature of God by asking him to spare the city of Sodom and Gomorrah if there can be found fifty, or forty -five, or eventually ten, righteous people living in it.
And although God does compassionately agree to this, he ultimately knows that the cities are so corrupt that there are not even ten good people to be found there.
Just to give you an idea of who these people were, all the men in this city band together to grape the guests who stayed in the house of Lot, Abraham's nephew.
And of course, the city is utterly destroyed by God. So the fact is, this story is not about God bargaining with people's lives like some sort of sociopath who takes pleasure in chaos.
No, it's a story about both the justice and patience of God. In other words, Bill Maher has no idea what he's talking about.
Not to mention, who is he to call out the God of the Bible for being so -called corrupt? By what moral standard has he decided this?
I mean, really, if there is no God, no ultimate morality above us, then why does Bill find it so problematic that this
God would bargain with people's lives? And then Bill calls the Bible, quote, comically stupid.
Really? And without God, without an objective standard of truth, how is Bill the atheist supposed to determine what is and is not stupid?
Again, it seems to me that the only inconsistent absurdity here is Maher's own worldview.
But what Jordan Peterson has to say about his understanding of the Bible quickly changes Bill's tune.
There's a very interesting idea that lurks behind the notion that you can establish a covenant with God.
And you can tell me what you make of this. It's like, it's a reflection of the fact that human beings bargain with fate all the time.
We bargain with the future all the time. So and here's how we do it. So, and this is what you teach your kids. You teach your kids that if you forego immediate gratification, so you give it up, sacrifice it because that's a sacrifice, that the future will be better as a consequence.
Well, that's okay. It's a contractual relationship. Well, that's what's trying, that's right. That's the thing that's so interesting is that it actually will.
So Jordan essentially says that among other things, the Bible shows us that sacrificing for the sake of ultimate spiritual truth is a beneficial thing.
Specifically, he notes that sacrificing for a better future is a concept presented in the pages of scripture.
And while that is very true, I just want to make it clear, the Israelites did not just metaphorically sacrifice for their future.
That's not even the half of it. They sacrificed real animals to a real God. And this sacrifice was meant to demonstrate the severity of their sin and our sin.
And that's why Christ had to be the ultimate sacrifice in our place. So while I do appreciate Jordan's willingness to correct
Bill's disrespect, it's important that we recognize the Bible, it's not just a metaphor for truth, it is truth itself.
But what Bill says next is seriously shocking. I love all that. I went to Cornell.
I took a Bible course. But all the stuff I took, I knew I was going to be a comedian, so I didn't like take any courses for any other reason why than, oh, this looks interesting, and I'm a liberal arts major.
And so like all those courses where they go into such detail and they really delve into going over the text in a way that they try to understand how those people were thinking.
And that to me is just delicious academia. I remember, I did not have any sort of social life at Cornell, but I did have all these intellectual epiphanies from all these professors who you remind me of, who like to introduce these ideas.
And these, oh, okay, so I knew that story all these years, and now I'm really understanding it.
It's, I kind of miss that. So now Bill says that he took classes about the Bible at Cornell, and he really enjoyed learning more about the depth of Scripture.
But here's a question. If the Bible is full of nothing but nonsense and stupidity, as Bill said, why would the
Bible be so interesting and deep to him at the same time? Why did he care about learning the deeper meaning of something that boils down to being quote, comically stupid?
Once again, this is the inconsistency of the atheist worldview. And I think it's fair to say that Jordan Peterson's views were far more compelling, far more rational than Bill's.
And the fact that a popular atheist was corrected about Scripture in front of the over three million people who watch this video?
Well, that's something that we can rejoice in as Christians. And let's be encouraged that Christian values are being sought out by many people.
And of course, let's do everything we can to bring truth to the conversation. And that is the truth about Jordan Peterson and Bill Maher.
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