Conglaturation!!! to Jemar Tisby! :)

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You know, I'm the president of my company. I don't know if you knew that, but it's my company, so I'm the president of it.
And I'm also the CEO, and I'm also the lead recruiter for my company as well. So I've given myself all of these titles and many more, like emperor of my company.
I've got it all. I'm everything for my company. My company only has one employee, and that's me.
I'm also the president of AD Robles Media as well. I've got two companies. I'm the president of two separate companies.
And I just, I don't really talk about, I don't want to brag or anything, but like, you know, but the thing about my companies though is that they do actually engage in real commerce.
You know, I do exchange value for money, you know, goods and services. There's actual real things being exchanged, but when you're woke, you actually don't have to do anything.
You can get your titles, you can get your fake titles for doing nothing of any value.
That's something that's not valuable to anybody, except for, I guess, people that want to live in a fantasy world, which
I guess is real value. I mean, people will like to, people pay money to do video games, like virtual, you know, reality and stuff.
And then there's some value there. Okay. So there's some value in storytelling, but Jamar Tisby, Jamar Tisby was apparently hired.
He has another job now. He's the president of the Witness Black Christian Collective, but he actually, he's got enough time on his hands because of all the,
I know it's very stressful to be the president of the Witness Black Christian Collective, but, but yeah, he had enough time.
He took a second job and Ibram Kendi, Ibram X Kendi hired
Jamar Tisby. So now he's working for another man and he actually got a quite an impressive title.
Jamar Tisby, our favorite Jamar Tisby is now the quote, assistant director of narrative and advocacy.
I don't know about you, but I'm impressed. The assistant director, I mean,
I, you know, to be honest, I'm like, he couldn't have given him the full director time. I mean, why couldn't he be the
VP of narrative and advocacy? I mean, like, do you, do you really have that many people in your narrative and advocacy department that you have a director and also an assistant director?
I don't know. That's, you ever talked to one of those companies where like, everybody's a manager, everybody's the director of this or the manager of that.
It's like, do you guys have any regular, is this everyone just manager? I wonder if Ibram Kendi's organization, probably just a bunch of just assistant directors.
And then he's like the president and there's no directors. Everyone's just an assistant director. And so, so Jamar Tisby, he made it though.
This is, this is how, this is where you go. And this is, you go in places at this point, he's the president of a fake company.
And now he's the assistant director of narrative and advocacy for a fake company as well.
That's probably a real company. I'm sure they have receipts and they, they, they, I guess they pretend to, to exchange value for money and stuff like that.
Really they just extort you by saying you're racist if you don't give it, if you don't give it to them. But this is too good, man.
The assistant, he's the assistant to the traveling secretary. Oh man.
You know what? I'm going to make myself the assistant. You know what? From this day forward, AD Robles is now the assistant director of narrative and advocacy for AD Robles Media.
How do you like that Jamar? It didn't even take me that long to get that title. I just, I just thought of it right now and I, now
I have it. I am the assistant director of narrative and advocacy for AD Robles Media.
And I got to say, I'm loving life. It doesn't come with a raise, but you know, Hey, that's okay.
So it's more about the prestige for me, but man, the narrative at narrative, narrative and advocacy, that's basically just like, he's like the assistant director of the ministry of truth.
Like where everything that he says is a lie. Like they probably do. So I was watching, I was listening to Peter Schiff today, the
Peter Schiff podcast. I love that podcast, by the way, Peter Schiff is my kind of guy, but Peter Schiff, I was listening to his podcast and he talked about this story.
I don't know if you've heard it, but about the Georgetown law professors to got two professors got fired from Georgetown law.
And the reason they got fired unreal, man, somehow a zoom call came out between a woman and a man.
They're both professors. Both of them got fired. And the woman was like lamenting the fact that it was time to give out grades.
And she hates giving out grades because like it always works itself out when she reviews like the test results and she reviews the progress that her students have made.
It often works itself out that, you know, the white students do the best and then the black students tend to do the worst.
And so she has to give out grades that match the progress or the abilities of the students. And she hates doing that because she loves black people.
She's not racist, but this is just how it is. And she can't change the grades, right, obviously. Or I guess she probably could, which is what the woke church was.
This is what the assistant director of narrative and advocacy probably advocate for. Just just give black people better grades just because they're black.
But anyway, so she was telling her her coworker about this. And apparently the coworker was on the zoom call and just kind of commiserating with her, just kind of like, yeah, you know, you know, it's too bad, you know, that kind of thing.
And he didn't really agree with her, didn't really say anything, just listening, just listening. And so somehow this zoom call came out.
And so the woke church, people like the assistant director of advocacy and narrative is demanded that she be fired, even though she said nothing wrong.
Like she's just lament. She was actually very sad about this, this reality. And so she got fired for for talking about the reality of the situation and being sad about it.
And then the guy got fired, too, because he did. And the reason the guy got fired is because he didn't turn her in.
Look, he was he didn't even say anything and he didn't turn her in. So because he didn't turn her in now, he's fired, too, because he's a racist.
And the part of the story that that wasn't surprising to me, like that's just the typical insanity, you know what
I mean? Typical insanity for the woke. But the part that that that I noticed was the fact that both of them apologized for this.
And like I'm thinking, apologize for what? Like they didn't do anything wrong. Right. So never, ever apologize to the woke.
The social justice warriors don't apologize to them if you didn't do anything wrong. Like there's only one appropriate response.
If if somebody accuses you of racism, there's only one appropriate response to give.
You you you definitely under no circumstances should you apologize if you've done nothing wrong. What you should say instead is
I'm not sorry. It was great. I told everybody it was great.
I'd do it again. I told everybody about it. Just laugh at this.
Look, if you're going to get fired anyway, don't go. Don't get fired with your hat in your hands like, oh,
I'm so sorry that I'm not perfect. You know, that kind of thing. No, no. Keep your head up high.
Yeah, I'm not sorry. I'd do it again. And I told everybody. Oh, man.
But hey, man, hats off. This is the time for congratulations. Congratulations, Jamar. He has achieved the coveted rank of assistant director of narrative and advocacy.
And Jamar, let me just encourage you with a lot of hard work and dedication, you'll one day achieve that full directorship.