Joel Osteen’s Son Is ALSO A Heretic!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So as it turns out, folks, the heretical apple does not fall far from the heretical tree, so to speak.
Joel Osteen is the pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. He is known for being pretty much the most popular false teacher out there today.
He is the easiest, most obvious example of a heretic that we have in the modern church.
Joel preaches the prosperity gospel, which is the idea that it is God's will always, for all
Christians everywhere, to be wealthy and healthy at all times. Joel is also known for steering clear of biblical topics like sin, hell, and righteousness.
In reality, Joel Osteen is a false teacher and more of a motivational speaker than any kind of biblical pastor.
Unfortunately, his son, Jonathan Osteen, seems to be following in his father's foolish footsteps.
Here is a clip of Jonathan Osteen preaching at Lakewood Church. Check it out. Son of a loving father.
Someone that's proud of us. Someone that cares. Someone that cheers us on and lifts us when we fall.
When we know this, we begin to realize God's not distant. He's not unapproachable.
He's not mad at us. He is madly in love with us. Jesus, the
Son of God. Here's what you just heard. God isn't mad at you. He's madly in love with you.
I don't know what I'm saying, but maybe if I smile enough, the audience won't realize that I'm a false teacher.
I mean seriously, this kid is just like his dad. So let's talk about his unbiblical sermon here using three biblical points, shall we?
Number one, in the clip he says, quote, God is not mad at you. He is madly in love with you.
This statement is absolutely untrue, or at least it's untrue in the way he offers it. This guy is speaking to all people in the crowd, wholesale,
Christians, non -Christians, believers, unbelievers, everybody in there, regardless of what they believe or what their behavior is, they are being told that God is not mad at them.
And that is dangerous and untrue. Romans 1 18 says, quote, for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
I want to specifically draw your attention to the wrath of God in this verse. To tell a massive group of people in a blanket statement covering all of them that God is not mad at them, this is not an accurate representation of the biblical narrative.
The Bible clearly says that disobedience can and often does lead to arousing anger in God.
But of course, according to Joel Osteen and his smiling heretic of a son, God can never be mad at you.
You see, when you preach the word of God accurately instead, when you do say that God is mad, it turns out that's a really hard way to grow your church.
People really want to be told that God approves of everything they do. They don't want to be told to repent and believe.
They don't want to be told that their actions grieve the Lord. And to please these types of people, Joel and Jonathan Osteen are more than willing to lie to them.
These kinds of teachers are honestly terrifying to me, as they should be to you. This creepy kid will smile at you and tell you that everything's fine while you're on your way to hell.
What kind of a psychopath does something like that? What is wrong with people who would preach this unbiblical message to thousands of souls with their eternity at stake?
Oh, that's right. The Osteens don't care about sending these people to hell as long as they see their bank account numbers going up.
Absolutely disgusting. And this brings me to point number two. The ministry of Joel Osteen and Jonathan Osteen does not accurately represent or reflect the ministry of Jesus Christ.
In other words, they are not sent by Christ because they do not preach the message of Christ. The first word in Christ's own ministry was to repent.
In Matthew 3, 2, Jesus says, quote, repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Repentance includes turning away from your sin and becoming a holy and righteous person as God commands by His grace.
But Joel Osteen and Jonathan Osteen don't think that you need to be holy. After all, why repent of your sin if God is never mad at you?
Why turn away from your bad behavior if God approves of everything you do, right? You see, this is the way that people like Jonathan Osteen deceive the hearts of those who are easily manipulated.
The fallen heart of man does not want to hear about his sin. He would rather live in blissful ignorance.
Most people are more than willing to hear about all the reasons God is in love with them. In trying to please these kinds of people,
Jonathan Osteen has diverged from the teaching of Jesus Christ in a massive way. Thus, he is not a teacher of Christ's gospel, but rather a charlatan, a peddler of dangerous misinformation in exchange for money.
2 Corinthians 11, 13 -15 says, quote, for such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.
And no wonder! For even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
Their end will correspond to their deeds. This kind of verse describes the whole Osteen clan perfectly, and I pray that they would turn away from this false teaching before it's too late, or they may soon find out indeed exactly how angry
God can truly be. Number three, there is an important lesson here about the attributes and character of God.
Listen closely to what Jonathan Osteen said, because it's very revealing. He says this, quote, God is not mad at you because he is madly in love with you.
In essence, he's saying that God cannot be mad at you because he is a loving God. Do you not hear the message here, folks?
God cannot be loving and also get angry. And this is the very center of the heresy that people like Jonathan Osteen preach.
They exalt one attribute of God over all the others. To them, God is patient, long -suffering, loving, full of blessings, etc.
And that's all very well true. The problem arises when you use those attributes to suggest that God is not, on the other hand, wrathful, angry, just, holy, or righteous.
That's where we have a problem. And this kind of worldview, guys, is foreign to Scripture. The Bible says that God is both loving and angry.
If Christians are to believe the Bible, they are to believe both of those things. 1 John 4, 16 says, quote,
God is love. Yet Psalm 7, 11 says, quote, God is a righteous judge and a God who feels indignation every day.
Both of these things are true, and they are not mutually exclusive to one another as Jonathan Osteen would have you believe.
We must trust and worship all of God's character, not just the parts we like. When we ignore certain attributes of God, we are dishonoring him.
We are effectively saying, you're not good enough for me, God. I'll take some of you, but certainly not all of you.
And this is a very dangerous way of going about things. Revelation 3, 16 talks about these kinds of people when it says, quote, because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold,
I will spit you out of my mouth. So in conclusion, Jonathan Osteen and his father are both messengers of a false gospel.
They are instruments of Satan himself, according to 2 Corinthians 11. They deny God's true character and have constructed for themselves their own twisted version of a
God who does not truly exist. So pray for both of them, that they would repent of this nonsense and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you and God bless.