Men, This is What YOU Were Made For!

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Jon gives men a pep-talk about how they can be providing for their families during the lock-down. Patreon: Subscribe: Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Youtube: Follow Us on Gab: Follow Jon on Twitter Subscribe on Minds More Ways to Listen:


Men, this is what you were made for. Time to man up. Now I'm not without grace, but it seems like some of us could really use a pep talk right now.
Where's John Wayne when you need him? Have you ever heard of some fellas who first came over to this country? You know what they found?
They found a howling wilderness. Where summer's too hot and winter's freezing. Did they have insurance for their old age, for their crops, for their homes?
They did not. They looked at the land and the forests and the rivers. They looked at their wives, their kids, and their houses.
And then they looked up at the sky and they said, Thanks God, we'll take it from here.
They were rugged fellas. They were men. Now while I can't vouch for every aspect of John Wayne's theology, what
I do know is that many of us have lost both an understanding and a willingness to do what it takes to be a man in hard times.
How many men right now are binge -watching Netflix, waiting for the government to come in and save them? Or perhaps they're so glued to the media hysteria that they've taken to stockpiling things like toilet paper and other non -essentials.
There's another group of men who have what I call the bunker mentality, and they may be rightfully concerned that the government is overstepping its boundaries.
However, it puts them in a state of worry and panic in which they spend most of their time in their basement hanging out with cans of food and loaded firearms.
Now there's nothing wrong with wanting to be well -supplied and protected. In fact, just yesterday I was showing my wife how to use a firearm because I wanted to make sure that she knew how to be safe.
This is something that I would do whether there was a national emergency or not because it's part of our duty as husbands to protect our wives.
However, what is wrong is living in a spirit of constant fear about what might happen, especially things that are outside of our control.
Scripture tells us in 2 Timothy 1, verse 7, that God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline.
Oftentimes, though, we don't read the next verse, which states, Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our
Lord or of me, his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God.
In chapter 2, verse 1, the Apostle Paul instructs Timothy to be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And in carrying out this command, the
Apostle Paul gives three examples for Timothy to follow. A soldier, an athlete, and a farmer in verses 4, 5, and 6 of chapter 2.
And I'll read them. It says, No soldier in active service entangles himself in the affairs of everyday life so that he may please the one who enlisted him as a soldier.
Also, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not win the prize unless he competes according to the rules.
The hardworking farmer ought to be the first to receive his share of the crops. Now, those are some pretty rugged examples.
Perhaps your responsibilities are like Timothy's, preaching the word in an environment in which you could be persecuted. But perhaps they're not.
Perhaps you're just concerned that you take the responsibility seriously God has given you to protect and provide for those closest to you, like your family, your church, and those in your local community.
One thing's for certain, though. You ought not to do that from a spirit of fear. And trusting
God can be hard. It's like Peter, out on the waves, seeing the thunder and lightning, knowing that you could drown, but having to keep your eyes forward on Jesus and putting one step in front of the other.
That's what the three examples Paul gave to Timothy have in common. They're all making progress. And that's what you need to do through this time of COVID -19 lockdown.
Now, for those who aren't working normal jobs or hours right now due to COVID -19, here are a few suggestions that I have for ways you could be providing for your family that are productive.
And it's not an exhaustive list, but perhaps you'll find it helpful. Number one, consider planting a garden.
It's spring. If you have land, why not use it? If you don't, find someone who does have land and then bless them with a percentage of the harvest.
Number two, learn how to use a firearm. If you don't already, know how. This will come in handy not just for self -defense, but also for hunting in case your family could use some food.
I think every man should have a basic understanding of how to use a firearm. Number three, if you live in an area where there's retail stores and they're hiring, which many are right now, go to work.
Number four, start an internet business. Now, it may not take off right away, but at least you can start earning some money and hopefully it'll pick up later on.
But you're doing something productive for your family in the meantime. Number five, work on a future business.
And I know someone right now who's very close to me who's doing just that. They're working on a business that they know will not bring in anything currently, but as soon as the
COVID -19 lockdown is done, it will. So those are just a few things you could consider doing to help provide for your family, your church, and your local community.
1 Timothy 5, verse 8 states, But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his own household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Clearly, the scripture lays at the feet of husbands the responsibility for providing for the family.
It's actually not given to the government. So don't wait for your check in the mail while you're binge -watching
Netflix. Instead, figure out ways that you can help provide for your family in the here and now, knowing that God will bless you in your endeavor.
As 1 Timothy 6, verse 17 states, And just a few verses back in chapter 6, verse 7,
Paul states, For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either.
If we have food and covering, with these we shall be content. I think
I'm safe in saying that for those of us who live in the United States, we probably have food and shelter and not only that, but electricity and warm water and transportation and entertainment.
We have every reason to be content. By global and historical standards, we are filthy rich.
And not only that, for those of us who are in Christ, who have repented of our sins, put our trust in Jesus, and are seeking first his kingdom and righteousness, we have a guarantee from our
Lord that he will provide for us our daily needs, and we can thank him for that.
What this does not do, though, is give us a license to be complacent or lazy or passive.
We don't know what's right around the corner, and we're given the responsibility as men to provide for those around us.
We need to be ready for any kind of catastrophe that could happen, economically or otherwise, as we've always needed to be ready.
It's part of our responsibility as men. And I see what you're seeing.
I know some of you are concerned that social media is cracking down, and in fact,
I am the victim of that. The last video I put out about the media narrative against Donald Trump was pretty much banned on Facebook.
I see what's happening at local and state and federal levels in regards to trampling in some places on our civil liberties, it seems.
I'm concerned that the economic cure could be worse than the disease. And yes,
I also see what's happening in globalist circles. There are people salivating right now over the possibility of consolidating power with corporations and countries and global elites to now use what we've learned from coming together during COVID -19 to fight things like climate change and a reform education and everything in between.
I see those kinds of things. But here's what I know. God has not given me the responsibility and the opportunity to be able to fight all of those things.
Some of them, yes, but some of them, no. And I need to be aware of those things that I can change and those things that I can't.
And for those things that I can't change, we need to go to the Lord in prayer because he can change them.
And that's something that I would encourage you to do more of. If you have more time, be in prayer. Be in the Word more because now you have an opportunity given by God to do those things.
In the book of James, it says, Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance and let endurance have its perfect result so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
Trials are an opportunity to be more of the person that you want to be. And oftentimes, they create leaders out of men and responsible role models that we still look to.
One of the most popular memes on the Conversations That Matter Facebook page this week was this one of Stonewall Jackson stating,
My religious beliefs teach me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time of my death.
I do not concern myself with that, but to be always ready whenever it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and all men would be equally brave.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that this is the end of the world. Many people have been in much worse situations than you're going through right now.
Again, if you're watching this right now, you're probably doing it on a smartphone or a computer, so you have internet. There are a lot of things to be learned from men of the past who have gone through much harder times than we're going through right now, and we can follow their example and use the inspiration that comes from their example to get us through times that may even be worse.
I think of what Paul said, Brethren, join in following my example and observe those who walk according to the pattern you have in us.
Philippians 3 .17 So if you don't know how to be a man in challenging circumstances, then
I would encourage you to follow what the Apostle Paul said to Timothy. Look to soldiers and athletes and farmers who follow the
Lord, and I'm going to just give you three of them right now. I already gave you a soldier. Look at Stonewall Jackson. Read biographies of Stonewall Jackson.
If you have the time right now in your quarantine, perhaps watch the movie, Gods and Generals.
It'll show you what it's like to be in a challenging situation where bullets are flying at you and to be resolute and to lead men.
Or perhaps look at an athlete like Eric Little. There's a good movie called Chariots of Fire. If you haven't seen it, go watch it.
Look at some of the biographies of Eric Little. For the Glory is the one that I like. Or maybe a farmer.
Look at George Washington Carver. He's one of my heroes. He basically saved the South after the
Civil War by showing how peanuts could be grown and replenish the soil. Read some books about George Washington Carver, also a
Christian. These are just some examples from my own personal hero list, but maybe you have others that you're thinking of.
But ultimately, the goal is to get to know men who are like Jesus Christ, that resemble him in some way.
Our primary responsibility is to get to know God through his word directly. If you have time because of the quarantine, then praise
God. I hope this was helpful for you as men. It's not a time to be sitting around and waiting for the government to do what
God has called you to do. It isn't going to cost you one cent. All you have to do is sign this little scrap of paper and you get your bottle absolutely free.
I hereby turn over to ISM Incorporated everything I have, including my freedom and the freedom of my children and my children's children, in return for which said
ISM promises to take care of me forever. So fight laziness, fight fear, and provide for your family's future as best as you possibly can during this time.
Now, I've been directing all of what I've said at men, but I want to say something briefly to the women who might be listening to this.
Especially if you're someone who is dating someone or serious about someone, you may want to evaluate them a little bit by what
I'm talking about. Are they lazy right now? Are they fearful right now? Because you know what?
The trial that you're going through currently is nothing compared to some of the trials that personally you're going to go through in life later on, whether they be sicknesses or deaths in the family or whatever.
I mean, there's a lot of horrible things that happen on personal levels that don't get broadcast every five minutes by the mainstream media, but they're very real.
And so you want to be looking at these things, and you want to encourage the man in your life, whether you're married or not.
You want to send him this video, but encourage them not to be lazy, not to be fearful, but to do what men were made to do, to gird their loins, to use
Old Testament imagery, and to take dominion. And now is the time to do it, to be men.
Because if we're men and we take personal responsibility, then we have no need for these overarching government entities to come in and take that responsibility for us.
Let's be people who are self -governing. Well, I hope that was encouraging. And until next time, stay safe and be a man.