The Definition of a False Prophet (Deuteronomy 18)


Discernment Series - Lesson # 4 -The difference between false teachers & false prophets.


Let's open to Deuteronomy chapter 18 and this is going to be the fourth lesson in our discernment series
So we're going to continue on the subject talking about the difference remember last week the difference between False teachers and false prophets.
So the definition I gave last week was this a false teacher deceives by distorting or misapplying the revealed
Word of God, so they're twisting the scripture but a false prophet they'll do that too, but false prophets claim to receive new revelations from God So they deceive by claiming that God gave them a vision a prophecy some revelation
So they're doing both they're twisting the Bible and saying new things Teaching new things that God never you know words that God never said
So the most obvious example is I always try to give examples what what good is it if you teach in the hypothetical without actually
Pointing to real -life examples. So the most obvious example of a false prophet in our day and age would be this guy right here
Sorry, you have to look at him the whole time This of course is Benny Hinn verified false prophet made
Continues to make countless false prophecies and Maybe we'll talk a little bit about him.
But before we read Deuteronomy 18 I just want to read what Jesus said about false prophets in the
Sermon on the Mount You just make a note of this Matthew 7 13 through 16
Jesus said enter by the narrow gate For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who go in by it
So a lot of people maybe even the majority of people do end up buying into the false prophets message because they're
They're preaching positivity and nothing but good things Jesus says because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it
He says beware of false prophets who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves
And you will know them by their Fruits, so there's always going to be almost always there's some personal scandal sexual scandal embezzlement
Conning the sick and the elderly. I mean False prophets usually you yeah, you mark them by their false prophecy, which we'll talk about But there's usually the personal scandals that go along with it as well so it should be easy if you have the gift of discernment or even have just a
Small level of discernment to be able to spot false false prophets
So look at what God told Moses and Deuteronomy here. We're going to get a definition because the first question is
What is the definition of a false prophet? You could probably guess Right mark.
What do you think the definition is? Well, I think if you prophesize it doesn't come true
Okay Right. So a false prophet would be someone who prophesies falsely, how's that for I Mean, it seems pretty obvious to me and we see that backed up here in Deuteronomy 18
So the Lord is speaking to Moses. This is what he says Deuteronomy 18 20 through 22
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, which
I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of Another God that prophet shall die
And if you say in your heart, how shall we know the word which the
Lord has not spoken? I mean, how do we know if he's a false prophet? Well when a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord if that thing does not happen or come to pass That is the thing which the
Lord has not spoken The prophet has spoken it presumptuously and you shall not be
Afraid of him. So that's yeah, that is the definition of a false prophet
Someone who makes prophecies that do not come to pass It's a false prophecy.
That's what a false prophet. So it's so basic. All right, it's self -explanatory But I'd like to play a video now, so I want you to hear a
Modern -day. Well, a lot of people are calling this a true prophecy But this is getting a lot of attention right now.
This man his name is Brandon Biggs He claims to have prophesied the
Trump Assassination plot so because something he said seems pretty close
I'll let you listen to it and you can tell me if it if you think this is true or not But it seems like he may have said something close to that profit.
This is his claim. He's prophesying the Trump assassination Attempt four months ahead of time, but he also makes a lot of other
Prophecies, so let's just listen to this and I'll get your reaction Afterward, he said there's going to be a new wave of patriotism coming out and that's whenever I saw
Trump and I saw that I saw a red wave coming out of Michigan and then
I saw Oklahoma and there was embers of people and they were all on These these they had torches all throughout,
Oklahoma And they were raising up these torches that looked like fire and they were bringing forth a new
Patriotism upon the nation and it was coming It was being birthed and it just kept spreading
Like fire all throughout America all throughout and I saw Trump rising up and then I saw an attempt on his life
That this bullet flew by his ear and it came so close to his head that it busted his drum eardrum and I saw
He was he fell to his knees during this time frame and he started worshiping the
Lord He got radically born again during this time frame. I'm talking people say he's saved now, but he becomes really on fire for Jesus for what
I saw coming and Then I saw people Interceding when he and I see him.
I saw him winning the the presidency through great the Lord show me it would go clear into the the summer great persecution would come on him through the judges and through the
Through the law and all these people trying to sue him and all this stuff But there would be a stop to it and their things would start to break free come toward the fall
And then I saw him winning the election Through the Patriots coming out and voting and then and then and then there will be a great economy crash
I saw they had a great economy plan a crash Worse than the
Great Depression and the Lord warned me about this It would be a great dark time but I saw paddles coming upon America's soil like a shocking of the soil and I saw
Donald Trump praying in the office of the of the Oval Office and he was Weeping before the
Lord with his hands on his head like this, but he was weeping and there was ministers and people
I don't know if they're senators or Congress people or whatever there I just saw them pacing and back and forth inside of the the
The White House and sorry the the what is the White House? But it's the Oval Office and they were
Interceding all inside there and I could feel the presence of Lord so strong on this and then I could see that darkness that was the heaviness upon America with the with the the the financial crisis of what
I saw coming it started to lift above the trees and I saw the blue and the and the things
Coming back out in the green times and the good times coming back again but the Lord said it would be forth as a time of a season of a shaking and it would be a shakening to awaken and and in this there this would
Basically that he was not done with America there would be a great revival come and there's it's it's not all doom and gloom
That's what he said. The sky is not falling. It's just a time of It's like people would say this is judgment and the
Lord said do not call this judgment. It's not my judgment. It's a correction There's a correction coming.
So there's no judgment. God is not going to judge America. You heard it It's a correction, but don't call it a judgment
All right, so that was made I think April 8th or whatever. It was four months ahead
He said these words four months before The guy took the shots at Trump so that's why people are thinking maybe this guy is a true prophet because He said, you know, the bullet was gonna go right by his ear and that's that's what happened.
Therefore. It's a true prophecy What do you think? I Think he's an evangelist.
I'm not I'm not so sure that he's a pastor of a church But I mean he does have a ministry so he may be a pastor
People are calling him. He's he's going by the label of prophet as far as I know though I mean it is interesting that he would say that Thing went by his ear and it okay,
Mary Right That's a good thought actually
I hadn't and considered that Probably not that I'm aware of So Why do
I not believe this is a true? prophecy well the part about President Trump's ear.
He clearly said his eardrum it went by so that his eardrum was blown out
That didn't happen. So There's a whole bunch of other things He said that Trump's gonna win reelection and then there's gonna be some economic collapse worse than the depression and this and that You know time will tell with that stuff.
But as far as the thing about Trump It did not actually blow his eardrum out.
So that was false so therefore This is not a true prophecy because that part was wrong.
See God's Prophets always got it, right? 100 % everything has to be right if there's some part of it.
That's false you know has to be a 100 % has to be a Grade a you can't get you know, 70 % is somehow good enough.
So I don't believe this is a true prophecy There's plenty of people who say that you know
Plenty of people who prophesied that someone who's gonna shoot at Donald Trump and quite frankly,
I wasn't hard to predict That would that someone would try to do it So I don't put any stock in this but you understand if somebody wants to believe this
Then yeah, I mean they're they're all in and they'll believe this. Yes Yeah, I doubt
I doubt it'll stop Sure now I get point out the obvious and say that when it comes to prophecy
God did give a lot of prophecies, but prophecy Really surrounds the nation of Israel like biblical prophecy is not in regards to the
United States The Bible never mentions the United States once so Israel is really the nation that you know prophecy surrounds
Israel and the person prophecy Surrounds or the prime object of Bible prophecy is
Christ not Donald Trump So I just feel like this is the big thing that's happening in the culture
So that's what people want to hear and everyone's concerned about the nation So for him to come along and say don't worry
We're gonna go through some hard times But Trump will win and we're gonna come out of this and we're gonna be blessed again
America's not that's what people want to hear a lot of people So I feel like he's taking the focus off of Christ and Israel maybe where it should be and then placing it on You know something else and this is just what false prophets tend to do get the focus off The the right thing and put it on the wrong thing
But back to Deuteronomy 18 any other comments on the video before we move on Linda Right Yeah, I mean,
I hope it's true that he gets saved Tell people stuff.
Yeah, and he is aware of evil stuff that's happening and going to happen You know, so this guy might be spouting some stuff from Satan.
That's kind of okay All right, I mean I agree with you the only prophecies
I'm really concerned about are the ones in the Bible But that's because I'm not
I'm not Pentecostal. I'm not charismatic if I were and I'll talk about that difference, but I agree with you
Yeah Right Right Yeah, if this was a true word from God Then why couldn't you just tack it on to the
Bible? He's not advocating for that as far as I know so he would say oh, I'm not trying to add to Scripture But logically if this is a true prophecy if it's
God's Word, why why wouldn't you add it? Mark did you have something? I don't know.
I don't know about that. I'm sure he's making money off of it somehow, but just to get more listeners and followers
You know because this this does tickle ears it It caught my attention.
I mean, I don't believe it. But you know, this is the type of thing that people find Interesting if you do a
Bible study from 2nd Samuel chapter 1, you know boring, but there's some guy prophesied about Donald Trump Oh, yeah, we all want to hear about that.
That's just kind of the way it goes but back to Deuteronomy 18
Look at what said remember this is God speaking he says but that prophet the
Hebrew word Navi translated prophet just refers to a a Spokesman so this is a prophet is a mouthpiece for God He says but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name
Which I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that prophet shall
Die, so this is under the theocracy of Israel. This was so serious
You can be put to death now how many false prophets were actually put to death is another story
You know, but something being against the law and the people enforcing the law is two different things
So today obviously in the United States, we're not in a theocracy.
So if somebody is prophesying falsely What can you do about it? You really can't do anything legally because we don't have we live in a country where there is religious freedom
There's a lot of good things that come along with that But you've got to take the good with the bad. The bad is anybody can say anything with really no accountability.
However If somebody prophesies falsely, they should be What we'd say marked and avoided so if it's clear they made a prophecy
God spoke to me Said this will happen if it doesn't happen No Christian should listen to that person and if they were involved in a church ministry
They should be removed from ministry. That would be the proper way to handle it But again, do people actually do that?
most people don't mark Yeah, I mean
I think it's that's a whole other topic that we're gonna we're gonna touch on that too so Pretty simple.
How do you know someone is a false prophet? The question gets asked and answered verse 21
And if you say in your heart, how shall we know well verse 22 is the answer when a prophet speaks in the name of the
Lord if the thing does not happen or come to pass then it's the thing which the
Lord has not Spoken it says he's spoken presumptuously, which means you know, the guy is
He's arrogant. He's filled with pride this idea that he's claiming to speak for God Message from God How prideful do you have to be to think you have a message from God where God's not talking to you?
I mean you have a I think some of these people really believe they have a message But you know they cook this stuff up in their own mind or they get a feeling and they really think this is
God the God of the Universe is speaking to me right now And I just think you have to be puffed up to think that your own your own thoughts are
God's voice That's my take on it. But he says The prophet has spoken presumptuously, so these people are are arrogant filled with pride they're overstepping the boundaries to say the least
So this is often the the false prophecy in our time right now
Much of it is like this, you know something about Donald Trump something about the election something about America, so, you know if you talk about biblical issues people aren't all that interested
But if you know God told somebody that Trump's gonna win reelection, then you know, listen,
I sympathize I really there's people who think this is my guy and I can't stand the thought of the other person so I get why people want to hear this but saying that this is a prophecy from God is
Yeah, you might want to believe it, but we need to be very very careful So we all see why false prophecy is this is a big deal
Okay, so again in the Old Testament false prophets were supposed to be
Put to death now if this is the definition False prophet is someone who gives false prophecies if that's the definition.
How come there's all these false prophets out there I mean if they say things that are wrong Why don't people just?
Not listen to these folks anymore. Why is that? Right Right Yeah without question that's that's the allure, you know, that's why people are interested just Telling people what they want to hear, but what's the justification because they have to deal with this, you know, like Benny him he's on Record with so many false prophecies.
They've been proven false. How do these guys justify themselves? How do they justify these ministries?
Well what they have done they're giving a new definition. So we looked at the definition that False prophet makes false prophecies that simple
Well now they have a new definition and we're gonna look at that But I need to sort of explain the terms because we kind of look at a one -way
But there's so many people that look at it a completely Completely different light.
So let me just explain this for a moment Just so we know our terms the before the
Pentecostal movement started in 1901 1905 around there most false prophecies were given by Roman Catholic mystics throughout the centuries or or in the cults there'd be false prophecies, but when the
Pentecostal movement began in the early 20th century They taught their doctrine was that the miraculous gifts of the
Holy Spirit have now been restored And again 1901 is probably the starting point.
There was the Azusa Street mission in Los Angeles So they taught that Christ was about to return
So because the end was near God was restoring the miraculous gifts of the
Spirit. So prophecy healing and tongues Primarily and then after a while, so they said the gifts have been restored
But after a while when Jesus didn't come he didn't come back They sort of changed the narrative and they said well, they weren't restored the gifts have always
Continued so this is where you get the term Continuationist, so if you take notes write this down a continuationist believes that the miraculous gifts of prophecy
Tongues and healing but we're focusing on prophecy tonight that prophecy has always been in the church
So for the last 2 ,000 years, you know Peter was given prophecies John and it's just continued throughout church history.
So the term is Continuationist are we continuationist here at Morse corner church?
I mean somebody might be here but we we believe I believe that the gifts and I'm not saying it couldn't happen like somebody couldn't
I Because I'm not denying that miracles happen. I want to be clear I'm not saying someone couldn't be healed or that even someone couldn't speak in tongues
I mean those things are possible in this age, but as far as prophecy goes, I believe prophecy has ceased so the other term is cessationism or a
Cessationist I believe that prophecy has ceased. So when the last apostle died
John After he finished revelation after he died there is no more
Prophecy being given because the Bible's done now Revelations the last book if there was still prophecy again, you should be able to add that to the
Bible. So Basically in the middle of the 20th century the majority of Christians Believed that God was no longer speaking.
There were no longer new prophecies being given so middle of the 20th century that was probably the majority but because of the
Pentecostal movement That Doctrine that says it's been ongoing it jumped from the
Pentecostal churches it jumped into the Protestant churches and That's in the 1960s.
That's what we call the charismatic movement. So now in all these different churches people in the 60s 70s
They started to believe that actually prophecy is still happening. The gifts are still Here there's faith healers you know men like Benny Hinn can lay hands on people just like the
Apostles did and heal them and they believe this stuff continues Right right until this very day.
So they believe in modern -day Prophets, so that's why you can have two Christians and they look at this completely different Like when
I started playing Brandon Biggs I mean most of you like you're just not gonna even consider that this guy is an actual prophet, right?
Like that wasn't even a possibility But if you're charismatic You look at it differently say well, he might be so I need to listen just to make sure
Okay, so they're they're open to it when a lot of other Christians are not so we just have to understand that that's the
That's the environment We're living in so all that to say this Charismatics because it's so obvious that the leaders of their movement
Benny Hinn Kenneth Copeland Joyce Meyer all these people It's so obvious that they've made false prophecies because they're on video with the internet like it's just there for everyone to see
They either have to admit that the leaders of their movement are a bunch of false prophets or they have to redefine the term
So they have come up with a new Definition so look at Deuteronomy 20 again and And see what you think about this, but the product they say, okay, let's read it.
What's the definition? Deuteronomy 1820 but the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name
Which I have not commanded him to speak or who speaks in the name of other gods that prophet
Shall die so they say okay. Yes, Benny Hinn Brandon Biggs. Yes They will say they have made prophecies that turned out to be not true
We admit that but they're not speaking in the name of other gods, so they're not a false prophet
See you see what they do. They're not a false prophet unless they're speaking in the name of other gods
Okay, so that changes everything So you can make all the false prophecies you want apparently as long as you're not doing it in the name of law a group or you know that The lady at the
Republican National Convention who prayed to the Sikh deity right anyway, that's another story, but as long as you're not doing it in the name of some foreign deity
You're not a false prophet. So you see how they get that from this verse now. What's the obvious problem with that logic?
Yeah, it says or the word or changes everything so And Well that yeah, they do that too,
I mean there's a lot of problems here, let's turn to Deuteronomy 28 But we're gonna see if you just read through the
Old Testament. You'll see that there were false prophets in Israel Who prophesied falsely in the name of Jehovah?
It didn't come to pass. They were labeled labeled the false prophets so Biblically their new definition does not hold up, but Mary's right it's that it's that word or notice it says if the prophet presumes to speak a word in my name or Speaks in the name of another
God that prophet shall die if it said and yes So if it said and then they would be correct
But it says or and in case you're worried about the heat does it say or in Hebrew in the original language?
I looked at every major translation. That is the correct rendering or and not and so That new definition is quite frankly just made up and besides if somebody is prophesying in the name of a false
God Allah or some other deity they're not a wolf in sheep's clothing because they're not even
Claiming to be Christian at that point so none of it really makes Any sense so we're gonna look at this prophecy
Given in Jeremiah, but let me give a few more examples Other false prophets
Who knows Pat Robertson? He's really a great example of this and you can check all this out.
This is all online Back in 2012 again. He's prophesying about presidents
Instead of Donald Trump being the object of prophecy Mitt Romney was the object of now
Mitt Romney's a Mormon I don't know why he's the object of Bible prophecy, but Back in 2012
Pat Robertson who's the founder of CBN Christian broadcast? Network he claimed to hear directly from God And here's another point.
I want to make if someone predicts something a prediction is not a prophecy So if I gave you my opinion
And I predicted something as long as I'm not claiming God gave it to me.
That's different Okay, that's not a prophecy But as soon as you say God gave this to me
God told me the Spirit told me now you're dealing with prophecy, okay? but Pat Robertson Said that the
Lord told him that Mitt Romney would win the 2012 election and become president did that happen?
No, therefore according to the biblical definition Pat Robertson is a false
Prophet of course he taught all sorts of crazy stuff, too But when asked about it
Pat Robertson said he admitted he got his signals crossed he admitted that he quote misinterpreted
God's message But it's okay. He claimed because most of the time
I get it right Those are his words
So by modern care and he still continued his ministry people still followed him so by modern charismatic standards
It seems to me as long as you're not speaking in the name of a false God and as long as you have like a passing grade, you know 70 % of the time you're right
That's good enough, but God's standard. We saw it. It's a hundred percent Nothing can be wrong because God can't be wrong because you have two options either
God's wrong, but this guy's lying There's really no other no other option All right, so you're in Jeremiah 28, let's read this this is
I'm sorry, Jeremiah 28 Not Deuteronomy Thank you for catching that This is a story of Jeremiah and the false prophet
Hananiah Okay, so this is a biblical story of of two prophets sort of facing off I think we know who the true prophet was, right?
Jeremiah, right Okay, so the false prophet Hananiah his message. Well, he was telling the people is what they wanted to hear
Jeremiah 28 starting in verse 1 Says and it happened in the same year at the beginning of the reign of Zedekiah king of Judah in the fourth year
And in the fifth month the Hananiah the son of Azur the prophet who is from Gibeon Spoke to me in the house of the
Lord in the presence of the priests and of all the people saying thus speaks the
Lord of hosts the God of Israel saying I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon within two
Full years I will bring back to this place all the vessels of the
Lord's house that Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon took away from this place and carried to Babylon, okay, who's giving this prophecy?
Hananiah verse 4 and I will bring back to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim king of Judah with all the captives of Judah who went to Babylon Says the
Lord for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon. So you see what he's saying
Babylon, this is the major threat King Nebuchadnezzar. It's the king It looked like that they they had already taken captives to Babylon and he says don't worry about it
The Lord told me that in two years Everything's gonna be resolved. We're gonna get our people back.
They're gonna return the items Everything guy everything's gonna be fine. There's no judgment coming upon Judah That's what he's saying and you can see that's a message that the people would like right?
This is what this is what they want to hear So what happened with the thing about the yoke
The Lord had told the Prophet Jeremiah to wear a yoke around his neck
So you have to envision Jeremiah walking around in this this yoke which would have got everyone's attention people would have been asking about it and God told him to do that.
It was a symbolic act by wearing the yoke Jeremiah was demonstrating that Judah and the surrounding nations
Were to submit to Babylon and its king so Jeremiah was telling the people listen, we need to submit to them
Can you imagine that you imagine today if again, there's no prophets we don't believe that but if somebody said hey
We need to submit to the Chinese or something. We just need to do what they say People would want to tar and feather the guy right and that's basically what they did with Jeremiah But God actually did tell him that so if you want your lives to be spared don't resist
Submit to the king of Babylon because the Lord is punishing Judah People you need to repent
God is punishing us. Did they want to hear that message? No Jeremiah's message was true.
It was from God, but it was negative. So the people didn't want it Hananiah was telling them what they wanted to hear.
So all the people were following Hananiah basically he was saying God God just loves you so much that everything's gonna be fine.
Don't worry about it Okay, let's keep reading skip down to verse 9 but as for the prophet who prophesies of peace when the word of the prophet comes to pass the prophet will be known as One whom the
Lord has truly sent then Hananiah the prophet took the yoke off the prophet
Jeremiah's neck and broke it and Hananiah spoke in the presence of all the people saying thus says the
Lord even so I will break the yoke of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon from the neck of all the nations within the space of two full years and the prophet
Jeremiah Went his way Now the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah after Hananiah the prophet had broken
The yoke from the neck of the prophet Jeremiah saying go and tell Hananiah Saying thus says the
Lord you have broken the yokes of wood, but you have made in their place yokes of iron
Verse 14 for thus says the Lord of hosts the God of Israel I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations that they may serve
Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and they shall serve him. I have given him the beasts of the field also
Then the prophet Jeremiah said to Hananiah the prophet here now
Hananiah the Lord has not sent you But you make this people trust in a lie
Therefore thus says the Lord behold, I will cast you from the face of the earth
This year you shall die Because you have taught rebellion against the
Lord So it was verse 17 Hananiah the prophet died in the same year in the seventh month
So you see what happened Hananiah prophesied good things. That's what everyone wanted.
They listened to him, but Those things didn't come to pass Hananiah was a a biblical example of a false prophet and then
Jeremiah Gives us his own prophecy. Oh, by the way, you're gonna die this year.
And did it happen? Yes, it did but it's just like With the prophets of today.
Why did they listen because it's all about the message This is what people want to hear.
They want to hear positivity No Judgment, everything's gonna be great
Jesus said in Luke 6 26 Beware when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophet one thing
I'd say about a verse like that if there's Maybe a Christian but certainly a pastor a preacher if a preacher is just beloved by the world
Like if if the if the unbelievers in society think that this preacher is great and they want him on their
TV program That's a bad sign. Okay, if the world loves you you're doing something wrong
Let me just read that again. This is Jesus Luke 6 26 Beware when all men speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets.
Okay, so what's the conclusion? What's the takeaway? Why should we care about this? Because false prophets just like false teachers they mishandle the scripture
So there's tons of these people on YouTube on the Internet on TV and they're telling people what they want to hear
So naturally the largest most popular ministries not always
But I don't know nine out of ten times eight out of ten times the most popular ministries
Again going back to Luke 6 26, that's a red flag if everyone if everyone loves the message then
You got it. You got a wonder So most of the popular ministries are going to be led by people who mishandled the scriptures so in any society and certainly right now in the
United States the number of Christians being misled it's just astronomical
And one one other thing false prophets Jesus said in the end of days Matthew 24 24 and 25 in the last days there's going to be an increase, you know wars rumors of wars pestilence disease
There's gonna be an increase of all that but there's also going to be an increase of false prophets
Jesus said in Matthew 24 24 and 25 for false Christ and false prophets will rise and Show great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect
Jesus says see I've told you Beforehand. So as we get closer to the end and my friends, this is what
I'm seeing Everyone is seeking after signs and wonders
Increase number of false prophet. I I really believe that we are approaching
Christ whether it's 10 years 20. I don't know. It could be a long ways away. I doubt it because all the signs would point to Exactly what
Jesus is talking about But remember he said I have told you beforehand So in conclusion false prop the biggest problem with false prophets
They always get people's eyes off of the the right thing Jesus the gospel
Salvation and they may mention it in passing once in a while But the focus is on whatever you want to hear
So if Donald Trump is the big thing and the talk of the town then they're gonna prophesy about Trump America or whatever the next big thing is so they mishandle the scriptures
They take the focus off of Jesus and the gospel and put it on You know, they're good at knowing what people want to hear and that's what they do.
So you need to beware. Let's pray Father I just thank you that Your word gives us your word and your spirit gives us the discernment that we need
This message that Jesus gave that if it would be possible Even the very elect would be deceived
Lord based on that word It sure sounds like the elect cannot be deceived and I thank you for that That you through your word and spirit will protect your people but still there's a lot of folks being misled and some people who even think they're true believers, but they're not because they're
Sitting under the ministry of a false prophet preaching a false gospel Lord give us opportunities to speak to these people use a message like this to either convince somebody to wake them up or to Encourage somebody here to maybe talk to someone they know but Lord We do pray for those who are deceived and may your truth may your word the true prophecy
Especially about Jesus and salvation and his return made that take the preeminence and we ask it all in Jesus name