Alistair Begg steps down from ministry


Link to full article & video: Other videos on Pastor Begg - Tags gay wedding trans wedding gift LGBT American Family Radio Parkside Church Truth for Life Stepping down Senior pastor TGC John MacArthur


Hello, in this video, I just want to cover an article I saw this morning on Protestia. It talks about Alistair Begg, how he is stepping down from ministry.
So the article says on September 9th at the evening service at Parkside Church, Alistair Begg announced to the congregation that he would be stepping down.
But this transition apparently is going to happen over the next year. So it's not going to happen tomorrow, but Alistair Begg is stepping down from his role as senior pastor of Parkside Church.
Begg says here in the article, again on Protestia .com, he says that the decision is not driven by anything that he is personally aware of.
So you can watch the clip online. I don't think it's on YouTube yet, but you know, depending when you watch this video, but I did see it on Twitter, so you can check that out if you want.
There are some people speculating that, you know, about the timing of this. Does it have anything to do with him and the scandal earlier this year, where he encouraged the
Christian grandmother to attend the so -called gay wedding or trans wedding, where Alistair Begg told the grandmother that she should go and she should buy the couple a gift.
Many people were upset and many thought that that was disqualifying.
And Alistair Begg was kicked off many Christian radio stations. I don't think that was disqualifying, but I think the response was probably disqualifying.
Alistair Begg was admonished and instead of admitting, hey,
I made a mistake or I was wrong, please forgive me, he doubled down, gave the same advice,
I'd do it again. And then he attacked his critics as basically, you're just a bunch of Pharisees.
So I do think that was disqualifying, but he did not step down. Probably the many decades of service at that church, he had built up so much goodwill, he was able to weather the storm.
But then again, who knows what's going on behind the scenes that he chose to step down months after that controversy.
Did it have anything to do with it? It doesn't sound like it, but it's possible. Now, the bigger point that I want to make, this is
Christian news and I try to cover big stories and Christian news. But the bigger point is that one mistake can define a person and we all make mistakes.
And maybe it's not fair that when people mention Alistair Begg, immediately most people, they're going to think, oh yeah, that's the gay wedding thing, right?
Is that fair? Maybe it's fair, maybe it's not. King David, he was a man after God's own heart.
He's remembered for killing Goliath and David's remembered for many things. But one of the things he's remembered for is the incident with Bathsheba.
I guess the big difference is that David repented of that. Alistair Begg has never repented of the advice that he gave that this
Christian or Christians in general, but at least this one Christian should attend a transgender wedding.
And here's the problem by going, by being there, you say, well, she's not affirming it.
Yeah, but your presence is the affirmation, right? So unfortunately, and I just want to say this, pray that Alistair Begg would repent and that he wouldn't be forever remembered for this advice.
But again, the bigger point of why I wanted to make this video is that it's important for Christians and especially for pastors, but for everybody, it's important that we finish and we finish well.
The apostle Paul said this in 2 Timothy 4, verse 7.
He says, I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith.
So we want to make sure that the advice that we give is biblical advice. We want to make sure what we do, how we live is in line with God's word.
And we're all going to fall short of that. That's true. But when we fall short, here's the lesson to learn.
When David fell short, when he fell into sin, he acknowledged it. He repented of it.
It was forgiven. Alistair Begg has never acknowledged the wrongdoing.
So I would say pray for him. And if you ever find yourself, you know, you stumble and you fall, acknowledge it.
God will forgive you. So just some things to consider, but thanks for watching. And until next time, may the