Book of Revelation Explained (Part 1)


Join us for the new episode of Apologia Radio in which we talk about the end times and the meaning of the Book of Revelation.


Exciting: Book of Revelation Explained (Part 2)

Exciting: Book of Revelation Explained (Part 2)

Non -rockabodas must stop. I don't want to rock the boat. I want to sink it!
Are you going to bark all day, little doggie? Or are you going to bite? We're being delusional. Delusional?
Delusional is okay in your worldview. I'm an animal. You don't chastise chickens for being delusional. You don't chastise pigs for being delusional.
So you calling me delusional using your worldview is perfectly okay. It doesn't really hurt. She hung up on me!
Yes! What? Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men.
The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.
Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives.
Don't go into the world and make homies. Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle neck.
That's a joke, pastor. When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
All right, guys. Welcome to Apologia Radio. Psalm 22, y 'all.
22 -27. All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the
Lord. And all the families of the nations shall worship before you. For kingship belongs to the
Lord, and he rules over the nations. What's up, guys? ApologiaStudios .com.
That's where you guys go to get more. A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A -Studios .com. Go to that website, guys.
Tons of content there for you. Hundreds of podcasts and radio episodes. Actually, when we're on Terrestrial Radio, you've got lots and lots of great help from theologians, scholars, scientists.
It's a whole treasury of amazing, insightful episodes with some great, great people.
Lots of cultural engagement. So if you guys have time to kill, you want to have some edifying content, go to ApologiaStudios .com.
Also, if you go to ApologiaStudios .com, what are you showing? Are you showing baseball?
All I saw was a puppy and some baseball. What is going on over here? Also, he's got
Pastor Luke's favorite team represented right here. Before we get started, I need to have a conversation.
Well, we're going to jump right into that, yes. So ApologiaStudios .com, guys. Go there. When you go there, sign up for all access.
When you sign up for all access, everybody, you make everything we do possible. So if you've been on this channel, and whatever you see,
I mean, I'm telling you, whatever you see. If you see on the street evangelism, work at the abortion mills, if you see public debates, if you see teaching, if you see any evangelism, whatever you're seeing, you're seeing as a result of people just like you who partner with us in ministry.
You put your hand in our hand, and you're doing this with us. And so all access helps us as a ministry to do all of this content.
I just saw, it was amazing. Just the other day, I was looking for a video to send. I think James was asking me for a video.
And a video came up, and I saw a comment. It was a recent comment within the last day.
It was just a random video out of 1 ,400 videos. It was a person that said, I just watched this, and I just came to Christ watching it.
And I was thinking to myself, there's so many videos I don't even know. Because we don't really look at the comments.
You would kill yourself if you did. Yeah, it's bad. But praise God. I want to thank you. Just saying that,
I want to hopefully encourage everybody who is partnering with us in ministry, you did that with us.
So thank you so much for being the means that God used to bring that person to Christ and to give them the gospel.
So when you sign up for All Access, don't forget, you also get all the TV shows, the after shows, Apology Academy, which is constantly being updated.
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You've got Apologia Radio. So great stuff, and all of it's happening because of you partnering with us. So thank you so much for all that you guys are doing.
And I'll say one final word here as we jump into the episode. Endabortionnow .com Go to endabortionnow .com,
get your church signed up to go out to preach the gospel, to offer help and love to mothers and fathers who are thinking of killing their children.
Thousands of children are alive today. Hard to wrap your mind around that. It's hard for me to wrap my mind around that.
I can only look at one face at a time. Thousands and thousands of children are alive today because Christians just like you heard this, said,
I'm going to try. Went to endabortionnow .com, your church got signed up. You got all the free training, all the free resources, by the way, provided by other
Christians who love you and gave to this ministry. And they're out saving lives. It's happening on a regular basis.
We can't even keep up with it all. And all that's happening because of what's happening at endabortionnow .com.
So go there, get signed up. All of it's free. We don't want anything from you. We just want to give everything away to you.
We want to see you saving children from death. We want to work for the criminalization of abortion. And let's go.
I also wanted to say, of course, thank you to that person who did that super chat. A couple of people. Yes, thank you guys for giving, even for the super chat.
It's a big blessing to us. Thank you guys so, so much. Thank you. So, I think, I was on my sabbatical,
I just got back. How was it? It was very good, thank you. Show more
Shabbos. You know I don't roll on Shabbos. I don't roll on Shabbos. And so I missed the last show.
And I was watching it and noticed that Isaac publicly bore false witness against me.
Did he? False witness? Actual false witness? Yes. This is serious.
It's an actual charge happening right here live. And there's two witnesses because I was here for it. At least there's thousands of witnesses.
So I wanted to make sure before we got started that Isaac and I were properly reconciled before the show started because I was hoping for repentance from Isaac for the lies he said about me.
And the lies were concerning He told everyone that I'm a
Dallas Cowboys fan. This is the best team in the world that hasn't won for like 30 years. I will say this,
Jeff did also. He doesn't know what he's talking about. I don't know what I'm talking about. I'm in the dark.
But then, I just saw for all of our litnessers Isaac said,
Luke, you know, Cowboys stuff to the P .O. Box I think you did that selfishly.
He still loves Cowboys stuff. If you send it to me, I'm burning it. P .O.
Box 1545 Chandler, AZ 85244 is where you can go to send all of the Cowboys memorabilia to Pastor Luke.
So we sit down to record today and then he put the camera that's usually on me it's on himself now.
So I was like, what is happening? I missed one show and he's just trying to push me out. He's swooping in.
Okay, one. The Dallas Cowboy thing, yes. I thought it was funny. I figured people would be willing to send you the memorabilia more than me.
I was hoping that maybe It's like a shirt or something. It's pajamas. If he didn't see the episode and I go pick up the mail
You would just get the stuff. And then that would be theft. It's all a joke, folks.
All a joke. Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen anything irrespective of its value?
Even Dallas memorabilia? Possibly. So you're a lying, thieving The camera, though.
I don't care about the camera. No one wanted to see my blue face. I didn't know if Luke was going to be here on time.
We did throw this together as quickly as possible because we have a tight schedule today We're doing a lot, actually.
Lots happening next week. I will save all of that for you guys for later. Also ask that you continue your prayers for Apologia All Access and the things we're trying to add to that.
Please join us in praying for it because some big things could happen with All Access that would change everything.
Alright, so we're going to get right into it. You guys see the title of the show today. Book of Revelation Explains Singular.
Not Revelations. People say it in Revelations 1. No, it's Revelation. It's the revelation of Jesus Christ.
Book of Revelation Explains. We wanted to do this. I'll tell you why. A couple things added to wanting this to take place.
Number one. Did a recent podcast, an episode with Allie Stuckey.
If you don't know her, get to know her. Allie Beth Stuckey. She has a great channel, great content. Solid believer who just puts out some great cultural engagement.
She's had some of the best on. Just really appreciate her. Love everything she's doing.
A lot. So that show, we talked about Are We Living in the End Times? It was a two -part episode.
I thought it was sort of a crash course answering some important questions. Allie's asking a lot of questions right now about End Times stuff.
So she had me on. We talked about End Times stuff and post -millennialism, the victory of the Kingdom of the Messiah within history.
I've been having a lot of conversations lately with Isaac. If you don't know, we've known
Isaac since 2008, I think, 2009. 2009.
Isaac has been one of our best friends. We love him. He's also a phenomenal teacher.
And he leads Icon Student Ministries at Apologia Church and does a lot of the stuff in the background.
Isaac's a big part of everything that happens here. But if you haven't had the benefit yet of hearing Isaac teach, then you are today.
Isaac's been talking to me a lot lately about overarching themes. So what we're going to do today is this.
If you're into the End Times discussion, we want to do two episodes. We're going to do one today right now you're watching.
We're going to do one next week on Thursday. We'll drop it then. We're going to talk about, I guess, two different aspects of eschatology and really sort of explaining what the
Scriptures teach about the Messiah's Kingdom. This is what I wanted Isaac to be on. Overarching themes that run throughout the
Bible. It's like what the story is about. It's not just pot shot verses of this is...
Someone has a thing they believe and they say, well, here's a proof text. You always have to give a proof text to prove what you're saying.
But proof texting can be very, very dangerous. It can be. No cherry picking. Cherry picking is a good word for that.
Cherry picking is dangerous because you don't have context. What's the author's intention? Who's the audience?
What's the context? What's before? What's below? What's the meaning of the word? That kind of stuff. How is it coinciding with other parts of God's revelation?
So, of course you've got to give the verse dump. Here's the verses. Examine those.
But there's something else and I told Isaac this. I said, I am convinced of post -millennialism read the victory of the
Messiah's kingdom within history before the resurrection. I'm convinced of it because of the mass of the texts from the
Old and New Testament that I believe are unavoidable, irrefutable in terms of this is what the kingdom is supposed to do in the world within history.
But I'll tell you what you're going to hear today from Isaac, truly from the bottom of my heart, is
I think the more convincing biblical argumentation. But I like to start with the text dump.
Here's the text. Examine those. You've got nature. You've got timing. You've got purpose and scope and goal.
It's all there in the text. But what Isaac's going to talk about are more thematic issues that I think are beautiful.
They tell a beautiful story about eschatology. And if you're watching this right now and you're thinking what's eschatology? It just has to do with the view of the end.
All Christians have a view of history that is going somewhere. It's linear. So even when we have disagreements with each other over nature of the kingdom, timing of the kingdom, what's going to happen, we're all in agreement with this here, this final point.
There's a goal that God is getting history to where there's going to be ultimate victory.
Now we would argue that victory takes place within the scope of Earth's history and then Jesus comes and defeats death.
But we're all in agreement. Jesus is returning and there's going to be a physical resurrection.
All of that. We're in agreement. But history is going somewhere. It's not like the pagan view of history, pagan views of history that are cyclical.
It's a cyclical view of history. Pagan religions are all consistent with that essentially.
There's a cyclical view of history. Just running in cycles. And then you've got the materialist perspective of history and that would be sort of the atheistic perspective of history.
All of us come from ultimately bacteria, from nothing, something came and then you've got sort of this unguided chaos that's just moving.
I mean literally it's just moving through space. Human beings are just one other aspect of evolutionary processes that didn't have them in mind.
And so the materialist perspective doesn't have a line of history. There's no meaning. There's no telos.
There's no goal. All it is is literally chaos. It's just chaos with no meaning.
All Christian eschatology is linear. It's a line with a telos, with a goal.
Right? You were going to say something? Yeah. I find this helpful. I heard it some time ago because when we think about eschatology a lot of times we do narrow it down just to the end times, which eschatology does speak of end times.
That's what it means. The word itself. The study of end things. Think of those end things as ultimate things.
So I think when you think of eschatology it's the study of ultimate things.
And yes, the end is heavily involved in that as far as where things are headed. But even Christ in his first Advent and that work was eschatological because he's bringing in in essence the last days.
He's bringing in a new age but even that is eschatological even though Christ's first Advent isn't his second
Advent. It's still eschatological because it's bringing about ultimate things.
Right. And just one thing I want to address something and just sort of challenge our friends and brothers and sisters and viewers and listeners right now.
There's a man in the comments Jason H. in the comments and it just goes to show that the problem of proper
Christian interaction and also false witness. So I'll give you an example of being ignorant about a perspective and then bearing false witness about that perspective.
So Jason H. says about MacArthur's perspective, which we love MacArthur MacArthur's perspective someone says
MacArthur's eschatology is the worst. Jason says MacArthur's is the Bible. That's dangerous.
So it says, Jason says this is pretty much dominionism might as well go and someone says
LOL And so Jason says might as well go to Bethel. That's false witness.
So I just want to say in terms of I'll grant that this is probably just pure ignorance on your part and I mean that as respectfully as possible, but I can't say it in another way that's meaningful.
Pure ignorance on your part or it's one of two things pure ignorance or you know and you're being deceptive to sort of firm up your commitment.
So which one are you? Ignorant or deceptive? I'm not sure. I don't know you, but I'll address the ignorance aspect.
It's dominionism. Well, if you're referring to what scripture says about Jesus in Psalm 72 that he shall have dominion from sea to sea from the river to the ends of the earth then okay that kind of dominion, the dominion of the
Messiah himself who brings his salvation to the ends of the earth the dominion of the second Adam the perfect Adam who when
God was God called Adam to take dominion over the earth and he sins and the curse comes and he fails and then
Jesus comes as the perfect Adam to spread his dominion and rule over the entire earth. Sure, I'll take that dominionism but when you compare it to Bethel and things like the
NAR it shows, again, ignorance or deception? Which are you? Because historic post -millennialism
I mean was Athanasius Contramundum? Athanasius the patron saint of post -millennialism, the one who protected the church from Arianism and Trinitarianism was preserved and heralded because of Athanasius.
He's one of the giants of the Christian faith. Was he like Bethel? Because our perspective is consistent with his perspective.
Or how about the Puritans? Were the Puritans like Bethel church or the NAR? Do you really think that'll work historically?
That what we're saying with historic post -millennialism and the victorious view of the Messiah's kingdom in history, you really think it's like the
NAR? You really think it's like the dominionism of like Bethel and other shady churches or straight out heretic and false churches?
Is it really the same or are you ignorant or deceptive? I'm wondering and I would encourage you to firm up your commitments to more accuracy in your dealing with brothers and sisters in Christ because you know,
I don't think Jonathan Edwards was like Bethel church and Jonathan Edwards was post -millennial so what do you think?
Are you ignorant or deceptive? I'll leave it to you to figure it out. I think this would be a good, before we get into Revelation, it's a good point to just kind of maybe clarify the two perspectives because there is a lot of confusion.
We do get accused a lot of holding to the NAR which is the apostolic reformation or the seven mountain mandate so essentially what they would say is that there's seven mountains like politics like Hollywood like stuff like that.
There's seven mountains that they have to essentially take dominion over and then that will usher in Christ's kingdom and so that's absolutely not what we believe we would say obviously we're already in Christ's kingdom which we're going to get into and that we take dominion over those things from the bottom up through the proclamation of the gospel not top down.
And I would point out and this is a loving very humble, gracious nudge to brother
Jason and anyone who might share his perspective it might surprise you to know that post -millennialism was the dominant eschatology of early
America and so you can thank the post -millennial world view for much of the benefit and blessing you see around you today that of course
I agree are hanging on by a little thread at the moment but post -millennialism was the popular eschatology the
Puritans were post -millennial and so I don't think we can compare the Puritan church to Bethel I think those are very, very far apart
They did not think the Holy Spirit was a blue genie, I can tell you that much. Personally, I wouldn't really put the Puritans in line with Bethel myself, but that was their perspective on history.
Let's get into more and let's just jump right into the discussion so I mentioned at the beginning that there's two ways to look at this one is the text dump the information dump from scripture, like where do you go what's it say, what were they anticipating what did
Jesus teach and then I think the thematic stuff is just glorious, it really, really is beautiful so let's just start so you start in the very beginning of the
Bible and I'll at least touch on this for a second in Genesis chapters 1 -3 you have the creation of the world, literal creation of the world, literal creation of our first parents,
Adam and Eve, in the image of God he created them, right, and then Adam and Eve, they essentially sin against God, God says do this, don't do this, the day you do you'll die, and they sin, what happens then is the curse enters the fall enters into the human race, but the glorious thing is that the first thing that God tells them is that he is going to do something, he's going to have the seed of the woman, which is very, very unique, the seed of the woman crush the head of the serpent right, so there's a death blow that's going to be delivered to the one who assisted in bringing death into this world and yet this death blow is going to be wounding the seed of the woman, so there'll be a wound but a heel wound is a temporary wound you'll recover from, a mortal blow is a blow to the head, which is what the serpent's going to get then
God covers Adam and Eve in the skins of the animal, obviously there's a sacrifice that happens, it's pointing towards Jesus, they have no concept of what all this is really going to mean, but what do you know from there, you know
Adam is supposed to be the image of God the light of God into the world and he's told to be fruitful multiply, to subdue the earth to take dominion over the earth
Adam fails and he sins against God now that's very important because when
Jesus comes and is described as the second Adam, he's described as what Adam was supposed to be, you've got to think about those themes, we're going to get to that a little bit later but as you move forward through the text what do we have we all agree on you've got a covenant made with Abraham and what is
Abraham told this is key, it's very very important it's something we need to keep in mind in this whole discussion about eschatology and the kingdom of the
Messiah Abraham is told, you're going to have descendants as numerous as the stars, now brothers and sisters that's a lot of stars your descendants are going to be like the sand on the seashore, brothers and sisters, that's a lot that's a lot, and we've got to consider that in terms of how we view history in terms of like many
Christians feel like the Christian church and Christians are going to be the great minority in Earth's history
I would say God describing the descendants through Messiah as as numerous as the stars that's a heck of a lot of stars that's a heck of a lot of sand but then okay, so that's the first book
Genesis then goes to Genesis 49 10 it's a famous one and I always illustrate this one guys,
I know I maybe I get heavy on this one and I think I'm right for doing it because I'm heavy on it because Paul was
Genesis 49 10 it talks about Shiloh who's coming and it says to him, this one who's coming and we're all in agreement, that's
Messiah when Messiah comes it says to him shall be the obedience of the nations to him shall be the obedience of the nations, that's
Genesis what's interesting about that, and go check this later, in Romans 1 and Romans 16
Paul bookends it's like his first thoughts and his departing thoughts of his systematic explanation of the gospel,
I mean where would we be without Romans, right, I mean it's just so glorious, and Romans 1 and 16 opening thoughts, departing thoughts he says that the purpose is to bring about the obedience of faith or the obedience that comes from faith among all the nations for his namesake, so think about that Paul, the expert evangelist, the one who tells us in 1
Corinthians 15, the timeline of history, he bookends to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations that's
Genesis 49 10 Shiloh's coming and to him shall be, what, the obedience of the nations, now as you move, of course we can't depart this conversation, you guys jump in at any time can't depart that conversation without pointing out that in Matthew 28, 18 -20
Jesus' departing words are, all authority in heaven and on earth has been, past tense has been, past tense, given to me, we're not waiting for it we're not, it's already been given to him, where, heaven and here and here, even though it doesn't appear so those are the words of the
Lord of glory, that's what he said, it's all mine now and he says go and make disciples of all the nations, and he says baptizing them, teaching them to what, obey, so wait, hold on, wait wait, wait, wait,
Shiloh was coming and to him shall be the obedience of the nations so then when Jesus comes, as he's departing, he says go get the nations and teach them to obey observe all that I can't manage you, isn't that amazing it's just that consistent theme that's where we're going, but of course you continue on I started the episode reading a popular verse that maybe you didn't notice because when
I, when it was first pointed out to me I was like, no way, I've literally taught on that passage
I don't know how many times and I never even paid attention to that, in Psalm 22, that's the
Passion Psalm, it's the one where it says my God my God, why have you forsaken me which
I think is glorious by the way because when Jesus said that on the cross these are Jewish people, remember in front of the cross even the ones who were antagonizing him and who were betraying him and these are people who were singing the
Psalms in church, this is their song book, so they had had these songs on their lips, in synagogue their whole lives and here you have the
Messiah on the cross saying my God, my God, why have you forsaken me, they should have started singing the rest of the song with him, because that's how
Psalm 22 starts, and in Psalm 22 it's the description of what was happening on the cross, they pierced his hands and his feet, his heart was like wax, melted within him, he was pierced through it says that he was surrounded by dogs, and it says they cast lots for his clothing and then in the same
Psalm, when the death of the Messiah, the passion of the Messiah is there it ends with a promise of the resurrection, because it says,
I'll read it here 22 of the same thing I will tell of your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation, we'll praise you so we've got, he dies and then he tells your name to my brothers in the midst of the congregation
I thought he was dead, because it says you lay me in the dust of death, and then he tells them the name of God to his brothers, and then it says all the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the
Lord, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you, well what's the theme? The obedience of the nations,
Jesus says go get the nations disciple them, Psalm 22 says all the families will return to worship the Lord descendants as numerous as the stars, like the sand on the seashore, but you also have
Psalm 2 ask of me, I'll give you the nations for your inheritance the very ends of the earth for your possession, do you think
Jesus forgot to ask? Because the Father says to Jesus, ask me, I'll give the nations to you for your inheritance, the ends of the earth right?
That's what God promised Jesus the Father promised Jesus, and then God warns the kings of the earth to obey
Jesus or they'll perish, now question do you believe that passage that Psalm? Of course you do, you're a believer that's the word of God, so it says the kings of the earth are told to obey
Jesus or they'll die, if do you think that's future? Like in like the eternal state?
Who's dying in the eternal state for not obeying Jesus? Do you get it? This is within earth's history, the nations are yours
I give them to you and now kings of the earth obey my son or you'll perish, by the way
I'd say that has a lot to do with what's happening in America today, a perishing nation is a nation that doesn't obey the king
Jesus, okay so I'll go a little faster here, I know I'm giving the blitz, go ahead Real quick, if this is the first time you're hearing this, just understand that this isn't anything new you mentioned the
Psalms, I have a quote here from Spurgeon and as you were saying that, have you heard of him?
Spurgeon? Spurgeon, good man Have you heard of that guy? What? Is he currently alive today?
No that's Todd White Have you heard of Spurgeon? Every reformed guy was like huh?
Well I'd imagine that the guy who gave the comment earlier probably knows about Spurgeon, but this is what
Spurgeon said concerning the Psalms, he said David was not a believer in the theory that the world would grow worse and worse, and that the dispensations will wind up with general darkness and idolatry
He says earth's sun is to go down tenfold night if some of our prophetic brethren are to be believed
He said, not so do we expect we look for a day when the dwellers in all the lands shall learn righteousness, shall trust in the
Savior, shall worship the alone O God, and shall glorify thy name. The modern notion has greatly damped the zeal of the church for missions, and the sooner it is shown to be unscriptural the better for the cause of God It neither consorts with prophecy honors
God, nor inspires the church to adore Beautiful Beautifully done
I mean, it's littered throughout all the Psalms Yeah, absolutely. You can't read the Psalms The Psalms are the church's war songs
Right? It's our victory Psalms in many, many ways. There's obviously sadness and there's also depression and loneliness and despair but it's always, but God, you
Like, even if I'm abandoned by my mother and father God, you won't leave me. So there's a lot of hurt there, a lot of pain
It's for us to heal, to grow, to know God, to glorify God, but you can't read the Psalms without the victory of the
Messiah You just can't. You cannot. I'll give you an example Another one, I already said it to you, but I'll just give it to you
For your reference, Psalm 72 Verse 8, it says May he have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth
May desert tribes bow down before him and his enemies lick the dust. May all kings fall down before him, all nations serve him.
Why were the Jews expecting a Messiah who would win the entire world and rule the world?
Because they were singing about it all the time! Psalm 110 .1, it's the most popular verse in the
New Testament from the Old Testament. So in other words God's favorite Bible verse, apparently pulled over from the
Old Testament into the New. You know it, Psalm 110 .1 because you see it all the time in the New Testament It says that the
Lord said unto my Lord Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet Now Paul, the inspired apostle, when he explains the timeline of Earth's history, he gives the
Gospel, 1 Corinthians 15 and then he says about Jesus he's reigning now. By the way if he's seated, please hear me on this.
Because this was one of the things that really jolted me out of my dispensational pre -millennialism. No offense to my brothers and sisters here who are listening who are dispensational pre -millennial
I'm just giving you my truth I'm just giving you my story That was one of the things if we think we're waiting for Jesus to take the
Davidic throne, the Messianic throne, Paul didn't hold that perspective. He said that he's seated now at the right hand of the
Father He's on David's throne and it says that he must reign Jesus is reigning now according to Paul, first century, until and then he quotes
Psalm 110 .1. All of his enemies are made a footstool for his feet. And then Paul says as a timeline, he's reigning now all enemies have to be made a footstool for his feet.
And then it says and then the last enemy is death So we've got every enemy defeated and then death is defeated the resurrection of the just and the unjust
What's interesting there is it doesn't say in 1 Corinthians 15 that then Jesus brings the kingdom. It says that he delivers the kingdom over to the
Father like, look what I did. It's done Okay, so some more. Just to give you guys the verse I want to get right to Isaac because I think it's so beautiful, but I want you to have these as a reference
Isaiah, you could do so much Isaiah 2 Go look at it. It's very, very important Isaiah 2 says that the mountain of the house of the
Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains. Very, very beautiful, symbolic language.
You've got to read the Old Testament to learn about the mountain of the Lord and what that means. But it says the mountain of the
Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains and it says that all the nations shall stream up to God's mountains.
So they're being drawn by God apparently in Isaiah 2 all the nations. There it is again all the nations obeying
Jesus all the kings of the earth coming to Jesus. Everyone obey Jesus. All the nations. Then it says all the nations in the kingdom of the
Messiah are going to stream up to God's mountain and it says that the law is going to go forth from Zion. The people of God is going to go forth out into the world
Isaiah chapter 9 famous Christmas Christmas verse Merry Christmas!
It says that a son is coming, a child is given so it's clearly a human but it's weird though because this is like monotheistic
Jews 600 years before Jesus saying this he says a son is coming, a child, so we go okay a human but he's
El Gabor he's the mighty God which was probably people were like hmm that's weird a child, a son but Yahweh I don't get it it says that the government will be upon his shoulders so he's the one that's in control of this and it says of the increase of his government, of his rule and of peace, there will be no end.
So according to Isaiah there is, watch, progression with the rule of Christ and the peace that it brings of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end it says upon the throne of David to establish what justice and righteousness forevermore and it says, if you want to know boy
Jeff it doesn't look like it right now we've got the Rona we've got, what's her name now
Joe Biden and Tommy Harris hottest summer in Phoenix on record it doesn't feel like it how is this going to take place?
well my answer is it started with 11 very confused disciples following a recently murdered man in Palestine 2 ,000 years ago and we've got believers all over the world today worshiping
Jesus, you're listening to this globally right now, the gospel on the, we say the airwaves, not even the airwaves it's like going through, it's like world wide web, it's going through the ocean, across the cable it's 5G baby, it's going through your brain satellites, space, it's everywhere
I don't know, things are getting hard it says the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this, so how is
God going to have victory over the world with the Messiah's kingdom the zeal of the Lord of hosts will accomplish this, you've got of course
Isaiah 11 you've got Isaiah 42, big one very important, I've got to say my favorite, you do it
I'm doing all the talking I've been thinking a lot about Isaiah 42 recently because I'm helping
Zach Conover, which we're going to have another podcast very soon from Kauai so I've been trying to help him get that going we've been talking a lot about Isaiah 42 but I'm not going to go through the whole thing but just starting verse 4 it says he will not grow faint or be discouraged until he has established justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law so this is all about Christ and his kingdom and he's bringing forth justice again to all the nations, to all the earth and I love the idea of the coastlands waiting for his law, the idea is the furthest point you can think of, they're waiting for his law it's so anti -dispensationalism because in that view it's like, well we need everything to suck really bad and Christ is going to grow faint, he's going to grow so faint that no one's going to like him and then later, after a bunch of stuff, then maybe then justice will come but I love that idea of the coastlands they're waiting and who's going to bring that?
it needs to be us well this will, yeah, through the gospel I will just say this because this is again everything you're saying,
I'm going to drop some things that sort of anchor what you're going to be saying here I think it's important, what is the distinction here, say between post -millennialism and amillennialism now there used to be such a stark contrast between the two, but I would say pessimism is a big difference between post -millennialism and amillennialism but another aspect that is a difference, and it's becoming more of a stark difference because the people who hold to two kingdom theology and that combined with amillennialism or within the framework of amillennialism
I think there's a lot of Gnostic tendencies I'm not calling them Gnostics I'm saying Gnostic tendencies in terms of the physical is cursed and bad,
God's not concerned with this and the physical kingdoms, he's concerned with the spiritual, the higher realities I know
I'm giving deep stuff, people are like what are you even talking about right now but stuff like that is key
Isaiah 42, it says that the servant of the Lord it says that he's going to establish justice where?
The nation here, that's like within the world see what we're saying is this, post -millennialism gives you a biblical perspective of the spiritual and the natural it doesn't divide them apart it doesn't tend towards Gnosticism by saying that sin corrupted physical creation to the degree that it's a throwaway, and that the spiritual is where you want to escape to, no,
God's redeeming all of it and in the beginning, the spiritual and the physical were united and organically linked together, sin breaks that relationship but that's the glory of the
Messiah and his kingdom, is that he comes in to bring the new creation and to make all things new not all new things, to make all things new, to bring this redemptive kingdom, this salvific kingdom, this kingdom that comes with justice and righteousness in Earth's history like Jesus is concerned, not just with taking your soul to heaven one day so you leave behind your humanity he's concerned with the whole package all of the
Earth, I mean even creation itself is groaning right? There's so much biblical theology attached to this but Isaiah 42 is a big one for me because it promises that Jesus is concerned with justice, he will establish justice in the
Earth, he's going to do it, he will not grow faint or weary till he's done it, that's
Earth, that's here, that's now concept, so some more just for quick stuff,
Daniel 2 a picture of like these four kingdoms, and then the stone right, just, and it breaks and then it says that that stone, that little rock, becomes a mountain, and it fills the
Earth, so this little stone comes in during the time of the fourth kingdom, which is I believe
Rome and of course that's when Jesus and Paul and everybody and John the Baptist are saying the kingdom of God is at hand during the time of Rome, comes in during that time, destroys, it's a kingdom that lasts forever, but it starts like a stone, like a little rock, and then it becomes a mountain that fills the entire
Earth that concept of progressive growth is there, you also have Daniel 7, night visions, son of man coming on the clouds he comes up, direction is up he comes up to the
Ancient of Days and it says was presented before him and to him was given kingdom, dominion, and glory and it says that his kingdom it was going to encompass all tribes, peoples, nations and it says that his kingdom is one which would be everlasting, it would never be destroyed, well that's
Daniel 7 well Jesus went up, and Jesus as he went up, he told us go get those nations right, and his kingdom is one which will never be destroyed, so again you've got so many texts,
I'm only just barely scratching the surface here, trust me I really really am the Earth will be full of the knowledge of the
Lord as the waters cover the sea then you get into the New Testament I'll just give you some verse here
John the Baptist, kingdom of heaven at hand Jesus, kingdom of heaven at hand it says in Matthew 4 that Jesus was going about preaching the gospel of the kingdom
I've always said, many evangelicals today wouldn't even know how to articulate that like we know what it means to be saved, repent of your sins trust in Jesus, be saved, that's good we need to know that, we need to preach that but can we say that many evangelicals today would be able to articulate what's good news about the kingdom of Jesus, like do you have do you have a comprehensive perspective of like what is actually good about that because they thought it was a big deal and it's the first thing
Jesus is preaching when he comes out of the wilderness by the way the last temptation before he's saying it was
Satan bringing him up to a high place and saying look at all the kingdoms of the world, I'll give them to you all now why would he tempt
Jesus with that because that's what Jesus came for the world, all the kingdoms of the world and Jesus has victory over Satan, he says you should worship the
Lord your God and him only shall you serve, and then he comes out of the wilderness victorious over Satan, over this trial and it says that he was preaching the gospel of the kingdom do you see it?
it's the theme, but then Jesus of course now timing, this is big this is very very big they accuse
Jesus in Matthew 10 of being in league with the devil, and so they say to Jesus well of course he's casting out demons because he's working with Satan, like that's how he's doing it, and so Jesus says this if I cast out demons by the spirit of God then the kingdom of God has come upon you so if then well question to Christians, did
Jesus cast out demons by the spirit of God? yes, answer, then the kingdom of God, the rule of God had come upon them so we can keep going for days but you know this, you know it all authority in heaven and earth has been given to me and then of course
Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the earth, that's Revelation 1, that's current and then of course this he's the king of kings and lord of lords do you believe that's true today?
because scripture teaches it, his kingdom is here, it's arrived, it's ruling and reigning now on the throne of David, bringing this kingdom of salvation and peace with God throughout the entire world and it's a transformative force in the world through reconciliation and peace with God via the gospel, go ahead well concerning timing,
Zechariah 9, 9 -10 we know what this is referring to so just listen to what
Zechariah says, he says listen to what is said, rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion shout aloud,
O daughter of Jerusalem behold, your king is coming to you, righteous and having salvation as he, humble mounted on a donkey, on a colt the foal of a donkey, and look what he says, he says
I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the war horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and he shall speak peace to the nations, his rule shall be from sea to sea and from river to the ends of the earth when was that fulfilled?
we know when that was fulfilled, when Christ in his triumphal entry on the foal of a donkey on the foal of a donkey
Zechariah is telling us what's going to take place when that is fulfilled he's going to bring peace to the nations and of course his rule shall be from sea to sea, river to the ends of the earth, that's timing yeah exactly, very much so so we wanted to give you the burst,
I know there's more questions, I'll give you some recommendations, two books if you want to study this in depth, two books one, the in depth study
I think would be really helpful, it's a great book it's very enjoyable, He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry, very important book
He Shall Have Dominion by Kenneth Gentry it'll go through all the texts it does a very very good job
Dr. Gentry does a good job of interacting with the best of the opposing arguments so that you can see them and then see the interaction back and forth with the text, so He Shall Have Dominion and then of course as a quick read that is just devastating and just so encouraging,
Postmillennialism and Eschatology of Victory by Greg Bonson that's what it's called right?
I think that's what it's called, or just read Postmillennialism by Greg Bonson ooh, really? That's good that's good, it's
Dr. Bonson so you know how you know how he be so I would start with those two and then of course watch the big question we've got 16 minutes left here in this episode so let's finish it with this one the big question is
Great Tribulation right? All of it discourse, Great Tribulation we cannot begin to do an entire show on the
Great Tribulation today but good news, I spent over one year on Matthew 24 at Apologia Church so it's an ongoing there's hours of content one year on Matthew 24
I hope is enough maybe we'll add some more to it I don't know, Matthew 24 we did one year in at Apologia it's all right here at Apologia Studios YouTube channel, you can go back and you can listen to the detailed verse by verse exegesis and exposition of Matthew 24 the
Great Tribulation passage but I just want to show you this why is this important? well, eschatology has consequences now please forgive me here
I understand that there are respectable, dignified honorable, powerful men of God, better men of God than I will ever be and I mean that sincerely men like John MacArthur who
I love I think he's just such a treasure and a gift to the church but I have very, very violent theological agreements with him in terms of eschatology and I think it's actually destructive in many ways, but I love him he's a brother, he's a better man of God than I'll ever be and I genuinely mean that so I understand that there are perspectives that we don't hold where you have honorable strong, rigorous argumentation but eschatology has consequences,
I think on every side well, here's Pastor Jim Baker helping you stay alive during the apocalypse here we go,
Gabe, get that ready for me, I think I got all this ready to go, here we go wait, actually,
I'm sorry this is me this is me not controlling this properly today,
I apologize is this the cheese sauce one? the queso? I think the queso might be in here
I think it actually is yes Isaac would kill me right now if he was in the back right now seeing what's happening with us he would kill me the time of trouble and it's getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger, be prepared this is it this is it so the
Lord said to me basta I'm telling you, it's enough basta,
Satan basta basta basta basta basta stop it basta
I'm ready for lunch now, some meatballs and basta I purposely pulled the funny little clip there because I want you guys to enjoy yourselves today and not take ourselves too seriously, but I just want to I'm pointing you to Vic Burgers he chops up Jim Baker's end times buckets to some of the most entertaining clips on YouTube but I'm pointing to Jim Baker a person like him is not unlike many in fairly recent history who have profited off of people's end times fears fear about the future and taking passages that we would argue and many of the giants of the faith in history would argue passages that were about the destruction of Jerusalem and the impending judgment upon the covenant breakers in the first century, the promise of judgment upon those covenant breakers, it was for them, they're taking those verses and they're putting them future to us and then they're selling buckets of food and cheese sauce and poop shovels yeah, exactly, they're profiting upon people's end times fears and they're doing it on the basis of bad exegesis they're taking texts that were for the covenant breakers in the first century and God fulfilled those promises it shows that Jesus was the
Messiah and they're saying, no, those are for us, it's our time so buy these buckets, and guess what, they float like that was like, hey, they float too it's like, why do
I care that they float? I'm not going to, like, there's a massive flood oh good, I can at least float on that bucket like, why is that?
I'm sorry, I didn't even mention that, I was thinking to myself earlier, I was like, why is that a selling point? by the way, these float for when there's another flood you have something to hang on to, you make a little raft for your family and you guys can eat queso all day, queso and chips while you're floating away so, anyway eschatology has consequences, end times perspectives have consequences it breeds it's a breeding ground for charlatans like Jim Baker, okay?
I'm not saying, and do not, please do not misinterpret this, I'm not saying that other men godly men who hold to a different perspective are like Jim Baker I am not saying that I'm saying there's a cliff you fall off of if you take a bad perspective in times, it can become a breeding ground for guys like this to teach these very fallacious things and distort scripture and fleece
God's people and so, it's important also, I wanted to share that because I love watching it but also, one more example of why it matters, this is important one more example of why it matters if you have a faulty perspective of the great tribulation passages
Matthew 24 Mark 13, Luke 21 Synoptic Gospels, that's the Olivet Discourse of the
Lord Jesus if your perspective of that is that it's future to us it's what's going to happen to us in the future well,
I think that you do a lot of damage and disruption to the unity of Jesus' discourse there to the unity of the promise of the
Old Testament with Messiah and what he was going to accomplish salvation and judgment with his coming covenant breakers are going to be judged
I know I'm talking fast here, forgive me guys I just want to get to Isaac and lay down something solid for you guys to be able to think about and reflect on you're going to get the whole next episode but I wanted to give everyone this lead up and give you resources why does it matter?
atheists use the texts get this, that I would use to show that Jesus is in fact the
Messiah and that he fulfilled the promises and prophecies of judgment upon the covenant breakers in Israel here's what
I'm saying I use these texts to say look, it happened, Jesus is the Messiah, but because of I think faulty perspectives of this discourse, the
Great Tribulation the Olivet Discourse, and Christians that put a future to us, atheists go well, what's that?
oh, you're saying that that's to come? well then Jesus is a false prophet what do you mean?
well because that whole discourse, you have numerous examples there where you can pull from all those discourses where Jesus has ahead of it and behind it all these things are going to be upon this generation, the near demonstrative the generation that he's then talking to not that generation, this generation, who?
the ones that are going to see the destruction of the Jewish Temple, because don't forget that's what starts the conversation in Matthew 24 they're pointing out the temples and the buildings he just indicted
Israel, he says your house is left to you desolate, you're going to be judged, God's going to judge you and then they're pointing out the temple and the buildings and Jesus says, you see all these things?
there shall not be left one stone upon another and they're like, well when? and the answer is this generation will not pass away until all these things take place now, why is it important?
check it out, my good friend my good friend I'll say it because I don't care my very good friend,
Doug Wilson a man that I love, I appreciate, I respect I've been to his house more times than I can remember, personally
I have, please cut this up, because I have no problem with it
Doug Wilson, one of my heroes of the faith a friend, a brother I've been to his house to eat he's been, he's we've been out,
I don't know, lunch and dinner more times than I can even personally remember I've taught with this man side by side, we've done so much together he is he's a blessing to the church he's a gift to the church he debated
Christopher Hitchens, one of my very favorite atheists in history I actually downloaded for the plane ride,
I downloaded Christopher Hitchens, like two of his books not related to atheism other stuff, because he's actually a good journalist he's excellent, he's a great writer, he's so fun to read anyway, all that to say
Doug debates Christopher Hitchens Hitchens loses badly throughout this entire film,
Collision and the debates that took place that made it into the film and Hitchens didn't know how to handle
Doug many times, because Doug just so calmly just takes his legs off on all these arguments this is a point in the debate at Westminster where Christopher does what atheists do he goes to the chestnut argument atheists will use to refute your faith and that's that Jesus gave false prophecy where?
The Great Tribulation Matthew 24 how important is this? I was just saying, not just atheists the cults love to use this as well
Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, anyone any cult that's built around bad eschatology that has a ton of false prophecies the moment you bring up the false prophecies of their founders, they're like, what about Jesus in Matthew 24?
He had false prophecy too he said he was going to return before that generation all passed away, and my answer to them is always and he did in judgment, not resurrection, second coming kind of thing, but like Yahweh did throughout the entire
Old Testament came on the clouds against Egypt Isaiah 19 God coming on the clouds to judge
Egypt was that literal? Or was that God coming as the sovereign to judge the nation and destroy them?
God came in judgment many times in the Old Testament, so yeah, did Jesus come in judgment upon the covenant breakers in the first century like he promised before they all died?
Yes he did, and proof of that is the scattering and the destruction of the Jewish temple not one stone left upon another, just like he promised but watch this, here's
Doug taking the legs off of Hitchens in about 60 seconds on this question, you just must see it, make sure it's turned up nice and loud for you guys here and...
Yes, but Jesus was the first person in history to come back from the dead, never to die again
So say he would reappear in the lifetime of his disciples No. Yes. He said he was going to come back and destroy
Jerusalem which he did in 70 AD right on the money It was the
Roman Empire that didn't do this No, he said this generation will not pass away until all these things are fulfilled
The moon, hang on a second this is really important actually
I know it is, yeah When Jesus says in Matthew 24, the sun is going to go out and the stars fall from the heavens
He's quoting from Isaiah 13 and Isaiah 34 There's decreation language throughout the
Old Testament, every time it occurs in the Old Testament, it always refers to a military destruction of a nation or a city state, always
In Isaiah 13, an oracle against the king of Babylon, and then you have the same decreation language, then
Jesus says in Matthew 24, not one stone is going to be left on another, the disciples say, when is it going to happen?
Jesus quotes Isaiah So Jesus is not talking about the end of the space -time universe He simply isn't, has nothing whatever to do with that, it has to do with the destruction of Jerusalem, which happened within one generation, just as Jesus said, authenticating him as a prophet
Don't you have an abnormally unsuspicious mind? Boom, end
How? Exegesis How? Faithfully handling the text
Christopher didn't know what he walked into Didn't know Probably didn't even know
Jesus was quoting from Isaiah 13 The sun, the moon, and the stars, stars falling from the heavens You know, let's be honest, many evangelicals don't know that When Jesus is talking about the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple being destroyed, and then he starts talking about the blood and the moon and the sun and the stars
Most evangelicals start looking up going Oh, the stars are going to hit the earth But Jesus is quoting from Isaiah 13
It's the language that God uses He uses dramatic prophetic hyperbole Listen, throughout the
Old Testament, he does He uses that language to describe the judgment he's going to bring It wasn't literal when it happened to Egypt or Babylon It wasn't
The stars didn't literally hit the earth By the way, our sun is a star If it got a little closer, it'd be even hotter than it is right now in Arizona which is hard to believe
But the stars are not literally going to hit the earth because they didn't in Isaiah 13 when
God destroyed them So when Jesus quotes Isaiah 13 he's talking about God's judgment destroying a nation, a city, or a state
That's what, and look the answer coming back from Hitchens is pitiful
He has no response. Why? Because Doug shows that Jesus actually fulfilled the promise
Christopher uses that argument against unsuspecting Christians with a bad eschatology And he probably has knocked down moments with Christians who can't handle the
Great Tribulation passage in a consistent biblical way And so Hitchens got the chestnut Okay, I'll throw this one out.
He said he was going to appear before they all died Well, he said he was coming back to judge the covenant breakers, and he was going to destroy
Jerusalem And he did On time. 70 AD It was all over It was anticipated.
John the Baptist who warned you to flee from the wrath to come Mellow is the word there About to come
I was mentioning this to you the other day but it's interesting because in 1
Corinthians 14 where Paul gives us a description of the proper use of tongues ultimately they're significant in that they're a sign
They're a sign gift Right? They're for a specific purpose In 1
Corinthians 14 he actually quotes from Isaiah 28 And he says
In the law it is written By people of strange tongues and by the lips of foreigners will
I speak to this people and even then they will not listen to me says the Lord And then verse 22 of verse 14 of 1
Corinthians He says thus tongues are a sign not for believers but for unbelievers
And what he's quoting there in Isaiah 28 is Isaiah 28 I think is promising either the northern kingdom or Judah that judgment's coming
And one of the signs is that God is not going to speak to you in a language that you don't know because there's other people coming,
Babylonians that are coming that are going to speak a different language The sign of the languages was a sign of judgment is coming
So you see that in Acts chapter 2 when there's languages, differing languages where they're each understanding what they're saying the glory and the works of God Judgment's coming
That's the sign It was testimony and judgment was coming And Paul says that in 1 Corinthians 14 He's saying the reason we have this gift these languages, these tongues it's not for the believer, it's for the unbeliever because it is a sign that judgment is coming
That's right, exactly And don't forget in that famous Pentecost sermon that the apostle
Peter preaches he tells them from Joel 2 in the last days
And don't misunderstand that Last days is just the last days of the Old Covenant That's what they were anticipating
This was going to be summarily finished and then the New Covenant was coming in So we can't think like 21st century
Gentile Christians, last days Oh, of my history? No, they were thinking about Old Covenant, New Covenant Messiah's kingdom,
New Covenant They literally said end of the age, not end of the world End of the age, exactly And so Peter says at Pentecost He says this
What you're seeing These signs, these miracles These tongues He says this
Is that which is spoken by the prophet Joel So what are you reading Joel? In the last days
He says I'll pour out my spirit There'll be signs and wonders He says the old men will have visions and dream dreams
And then it says what This is very important If you were standing there with Peter and he's like Hey guys, what you're seeing right now
Is what Joel said When you go back and you flip to that scroll of Joel You're like alright, so we got visions, dream dreams
And then it says And then blood and fire and Pillars of smoke Until the great and awesome day of the
Lord It's like this now judgment So what was the context of Peter's sermon there?
He was like hey Israel What you're seeing is what Joel said Was going to happen before the
End of the Old Covenant And then the judgment that's going to fall on us And isn't it interesting
We can end on this, 30 seconds, perfect When Stephen who's the first martyr Recorded an axe is brought
Like up and they're going to kill him What was the charge against Stephen? Just go read
Acts Just go read it brothers and sisters What's the charge against the first martyr? What were they saying he was saying?
Now I know they had malicious intent But what were they saying? What was his message? They said about Stephen He's saying that This Jesus is going to Come back and destroy
This place and the customs that Moses Delivered to us Apparently Stephen was telling them
Hey everybody Jesus is going to come back and judge this Generation and destroy this temple and all this stuff
Hey that sounds like Matthew 24 And Mark 13, Luke 21 It sounds like Matthew chapter 3
It sounds like the summary of the entire New Testament Of the constant warnings like He's standing at the door, he's coming quickly
In a little while He's going to shake not only heaven but also earth And he's going to destroy this
It sounds like the consistent message Of the Old and New Testament that the Messiah's kingdom Came with salvation
And with judgment. Judgment upon whom? The covenant breakers Of Israel And it leads us perfectly
Thank you Lord It leads us perfectly into our discussion about the book of Revelation Which you're going to get next
Thursday And you're going to get all of Isaac I'm going to stick a ton of Isaac in this one Because I love to just sit and listen to him talk about this stuff
I know you're probably worried about that But just do your thing And lead us into Revelation What's that book about?
Let me give you a whet your appetite I think a good title over Revelation Is what my friend was going to call
One of his commentaries The Divorce of Israel I think it's a covenantal story
And I think it's about A harlot wife Who's adulterous That God finally gives the death penalty to And it's about a new
Jerusalem The bride of Christ Who brings the offer of salvation And the waters of life
To the world Who has leaves for the healing of the nations It's a story about covenant sanctions
Like Okay, whet your appetite more Four horsemen? Four horsemen
People are like There's all kinds of arts And crazy stuff about the four horsemen of the apocalypse It sounds stinking scary
The four horsemen of the apocalypse And it's like famine War, pestilence
And you go That sounds familiar I've read the Bible before Where did
I hear about four judgements in the Old Testament Four horsemen, four judgements Oh, that's from Ezekiel Is it 1616?
Go look it up God talks about the four judgements That he's going to bring Upon Israel When she turns away from him
And guess what those four judgements are The four judgements of the four horsemen of the apocalypse Revelation is a covenantal book
It's about the sanctions that God promised Upon the covenantally unfaithful It's about a harlot wife
That's finally put away and given the death penalty And it's about an old Jerusalem And a new Jerusalem It's about two cities
One that is destroyed And one that is brought, that brings life to the world So, alright
So we guys are going to We are going to Give you a part two
What we're going to do is actually Next week, Thursday We're going to be at Revelation Themes, overarching themes
You don't want to miss it because I'm excited You're going to hear a ton from Isaac It'll bless you
Any last words? This is good I'm excited to get to the next show Yeah, I know
When we talk about Christ's kingdom It's interchangeable with dominion So next week we're going to talk about God's intentions from the beginning
We know that in the beginning There was a mandate for dominion So us talking about the kingdom
Just kind of fits perfectly into that Very good Alright guys, thank you guys so much for participating
With us in ministry ministryapologiastudios .com Is where you guys go to get more A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A studios .com
Get us there, thank you all so much for your love Thank you so much for your constant encouragement Thanks for blessing us
Just praying for us And by the way I get so many of your messages
I can't get back to all of them, I apologize We're busy being pastors to our church here But I do see them and I do praise
God When I read those stories I can't always get back or I'd be in front of a computer writing all day But thank you, thank you for those