Steven Furtick: Abraham Asked God For VIAGRA!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So Stephen Furtick is the pastor of Elevation Church in Charlotte, North Carolina.
In addition to directly affirming heretics like Joel Osteen and T .D. Jakes, Stephen Furtick has accumulated his own arsenal of false teaching over the years.
But the reason Stephen Furtick is more dangerous than any other false teacher out there is that he masquerades as a good, sound teacher of God's Word.
Several people have asked me why I make so many videos about Stephen Furtick. Some have even accused me of trying to use his name to get views.
But the real reason is this. Of all the false teachers out there, Stephen Furtick is by far the one who hides his falsehood the best.
And as a result, innocent bystanders are being put in his crosshairs. Unsuspecting converts are being led into his immature and invalid teaching every single day because they believe that he's a good, sound pastor with good, sound teaching.
He also happens to have a very trendy church with great music and lights and big events that they hold and all the rest of it.
People are drawn to these things like moths to a flame. He is the most effective false teacher in America, and that is why
I am so passionate about refuting him specifically. But in any case, I want you guys to see this clip of Stephen Furtick where he talks about Abraham.
Now keep in mind, he's talking about the first patriarch of the historic Christian and Jewish faiths.
This video will be distorted for copyright reasons, but you'll still be able to see and hear everything that's going on.
Check it out. Abram. This was before he had a consonant in his name. The artist formerly known as Abram.
He went on to be Abraham. He was the father of many nations. But when God called him, his stuff wasn't even working anymore.
Abram did. Abram did. Even though he had a hard time getting with it. Even though he was like, you got any pills for that or anything like that?
Because I'm old now. So first of all, Furtick says that apparently Abraham's stuff wasn't working.
Of course, Stephen is alluding to the idea that Abraham could not inseminate a woman because of his old age.
Now, this is actually not an accurate statement in my estimation biblically. But more than this, there is a very inappropriate motivation behind him saying this, and we're going to talk about that.
So let's deal with these issues one at a time, shall we? Number one, is it true that Abraham's reproductive organs weren't working properly, and that was part of why his wife could not have a baby?
No. Because biblically, we have no evidence to suggest that Abraham was the reason they couldn't conceive.
In fact, we have explicit evidence to the contrary. As the story is written,
Abraham and Sarah are very old, and God promises them a miracle baby. But Sarah gets impatient, and she asks
Abraham to make a baby with her servant Hagar. This is all described in Genesis chapter 16. Now here's where we run into a problem, because if, as Stephen Furtick so aptly put it,
Abraham's stuff wasn't working, how exactly was he going to make a baby with Hagar? If Abraham's stuff was the problem indeed, then why was
Sarah so certain that she could have a baby if only she was removed from the equation, not
Abraham? Clearly, Sarah knew that Abraham's stuff was functioning properly. Otherwise, she would never have suggested that he impregnate
Hagar, especially if he was biologically incapable of doing so. Now why is it relevant that Stephen Furtick gets this one wrong?
Why am I making such a big deal out of such a small comment? Well, I'm making a big deal out of this for one specific reason, and it has to do with point number two.
I believe that the reason Furtick manipulates the Bible here to say that Abraham's stuff wasn't working is because he's crafting a punchline for a joke that he follows this up with.
Just after this comment, Stephen jokingly says that Abraham asked God for some pills to help him with his erectile dysfunction if you catch the drift that he's sending out.
He's basically making a joke about how Abraham asked God for Viagra, or something along those lines.
And of course, Abraham never said anything of the sort, and God never records any such thing happening in His Word, so what exactly is happening here?
Aren't we supposed to be preaching sermons based off of the Word of God? Well, here's what's happening. Stephen Furtick is manipulating
Scripture so that he can be a comedian. He wants to be the funny guy, and he's willing to betray God's Word to do it.
That's what you just saw in that video. It's not a case of just honest joking around between friends.
No, this is him dishonoring the Word of God during a sermon to get a laugh. That's what this is.
And this is the subtle false teaching that he participates in all the time. It's not as obvious as clearly denying the deity of Christ, or His sinless life, or anything like that.
Rather, it's consistently mistreating, mishandling, and misapplying the
Word of God from the pulpit. And worse than this, here he seems to have actually changed and altered the
Word of God, or attempted to do so during a sermon for the express purpose of making his audience laugh at an inappropriate joke about Abraham's genitals.
Take a second look at this. Actually think about what's going on. Consider for a moment how completely and totally backwards and unbiblical this situation is.
Preaching God's Word from the pulpit is a time for proclaiming the clear truth of Scripture, no matter how the audience will react.
It doesn't matter if they're going to laugh or if they're going to cry. The audience, the congregation, that is, they need the truth.
For Matthew 4 -4 says that, quote, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
But instead of giving his people the clear truth of Scripture, Stephen makes up his own truth.
And worse than that, he presents that truth as if it's coming from the Scriptures. And worse still, he does all of these things for the sake of telling an inappropriate joke about the father of our faith needing
Viagra. And might I suggest to you that the joke itself isn't really the most inappropriate one that's ever been told on the face of the planet.
But when you attempt to change the Bible in order to make said joke, that amplifies the crudeness of it.
Because you've tried to change the Word of God so that you can get a topic that you know is taboo enough to get a reaction out of other people.
And that's what actually makes it inappropriate. Being a pastor is not time for being a class clown.
And there's quite a few passages that apply to this, but here are just a few. Ephesians 5 -4 says, quote,
Let there be no filthiness, nor foolish talk, nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving.
We are commanded not to joke in a crude way. But that's exactly what Stephen Furtick is doing in this sermon while he should be edifying his congregation with good, sound
Bible teaching. And Paul tells us in 2 Timothy 2 -15, Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the
Word of Truth. Part of being a man of God, a pastor specifically, is rightly handling the
Word of God. But Stephen Furtick consistently and constantly mishandles the Word of God and uses it to suit his own worldly purposes.
So really, we have two commands in Scripture being broken simultaneously in one 30 -second clip of a
Steve Furtick sermon. We have crude joking, and we have mishandling the Word of God. So what exactly,
I want to know this in the comments, what exactly do you think the rest of Stephen Furtick's teaching looks like if this is a 30 -second sample of it?
Probably not great. There are dozens of examples of this, by the way, in his teaching, probably hundreds.
And when you put them all together, they paint a very grim portrait. And in this portrait is
Stephen Furtick holding God's Word on a stage. Only his Bible has puppet strings attached to it.
And he makes that Bible dance around for the crowd while he tears pages out of it, left and right, and his paid audience members sit there oohing and awing and clapping in the background as if he's being profound.
And that's really what this stuff is. You have to be able to pull back the curtain and see what's going on behind it.
And the reason I'm telling you all of this isn't to hurt Stephen Furtick's feelings. I love the guy, and I pray that he genuinely repents.
Rather, I'm telling you this so that you can stay far away from his false teaching, so that you won't be affected by it as so many people have been over the years.
This crude joke, in conjunction with all his other false teachings and the fact that he directly recommends the
Ministry of Heretics like Joel Osteen and T .D. Jakes, all of this combined is enough to make
Furtick a seriously dangerous false teacher. So please pray for Furtick and pray for the members of Elevation Church that they would repent and turn to the
Word of God. Thank you so much for watching. If you liked that video, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another one.
If you didn't like that video for any reason, then I invite you to watch my Frequently Asked Questions video, link in description, where I deal with some common objections and define the purpose and goal of my channel using
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.