Hebrews 2:1-4 (Lest We Drift- Jeff Kliewer)

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Lest We Drift Hebrews 2:1-4 Jeff Kliewer


me, in case you didn't know what they were expecting. So, good news from the
Menirees. So, let's go and join together in praise to our great
God and Savior, Jesus Christ. Let's stand in worship. Fears are still when strivings cease
My comforter, my hope in all
Here in the love of Christ, I'll stand Jesus commands my destiny
O team of men, let me turn
Your call be home, I'll stand
Oh, I'm in Christ alone
When fears are still, I give my life
I give my all, a king of kings
The Lord I do cry,
I'm in Christ alone
Lord Jesus, we come before you this morning We worship
Christ alone Our hope is found
We truly put our trust in you When we are weak, you make us stronger
It's by your blood that we are redeemed We worship and sing praises to your name because of that We declare
Hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness Let not trust the sweetest frame
But wholly trust in Jesus' name Christ alone, cornerstone
Weak but strong In the Savior's love
Through the storm He is
Lord, Lord of all
When darkness hides When darkness seems to hide
His face I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and stormy gale
My anchor holds within the veil
My anchor holds within the veil
Christ alone, cornerstone
Weak but strong In the Savior's love
Through the storm He is
Lord, Lord of all
When He shall come with trumpet sound
When He shall come with trumpet sound
Oh, may I then in Him be found
Dressed in His righteousness alone Fall as we stand before the throne
Fall as we stand before the throne
Christ alone, cornerstone
Weak but strong In the Savior's love
Through the storm He is
Lord, Lord of all
He is Lord, Lord of all
We want to follow you anywhere, Lord Jesus You make it easy to love
You You are good and You are kind You bring joy into my life
You make it easy to trust You You have never left my side
You are faithful every time All I want is
You, Jesus All I want is
You You are the refuge
I run to You are the fire that leads me through the night
I'll follow You anywhere There's a million reasons to trust
You Nothing to fear for You are by my side
I'll follow You anywhere Oh, Jesus, You came to my rescue
You took my place upon that cross
You redeemed what I had lost Now my whole world's revolving around You're the center of my life
You're the treasure, You're the prize All I want is
You, Jesus All I want is
You You are the refuge
I run to You are the fire that leads me through the night
I'll follow You anywhere There's a million reasons to trust
You Nothing to fear for You are by my side
I'll follow You anywhere I'll follow
You anywhere Wherever You lead me
Whatever it costs me All I want is
You, Jesus, all I want is You Wherever You lead me, whatever it costs me
All I want is You, Jesus, all
I want is You All I want is
You, Jesus, all I want is
You You are the refuge
I run to You are the fire that leads me through the night
I'll follow You anywhere There's a million reasons to trust
You Nothing to fear for, You are by my side
I'll follow You anywhere Follow You anywhere
Oh, I'll follow
You anywhere Oh, I'll follow
You anywhere There's times we will wander away from You We thank
You that You welcome us back You draw us back You are the good shepherd that goes after the sheep
But Lord, this morning we pray that we would be kept on the straight and narrow We pray that we would be kept close by Your side
Not wandering, not drifting Lord, we pray that You would help us to pay more careful attention
As we ought, in Jesus' name, amen The explorer Edward Perry, a long time ago, sought out for the
North Pole He had a group, his band of brothers, that sought to go as far north as they could
And so, at the start of the day, they took their coordinates And at that time, they would use the stars to figure out exactly at what point they were beginning
And they were able to look into the distance and mark the direction north and begin their day's trek
So, going through the frozen tundra, crossing over hills, and all kinds of just painful trudging for the course of an entire day, they were exhausted
Can you imagine just hour after hour after hour in the snow, just painfully moving forward
So, finally, the day was over All the guys are slapping five Good job, guys, good work, come on Way to go, we're going to make it
They took their soundings They looked at the stars And the guy who tracked gave them some bad news
He said, We're farther south than when we first began And yet, they had been heading north
They were sure, and they had been heading north How could this be? Well, it turns out, the explorer
Edward Perry recounts what had happened They were on an ice drift And little did they know that though they did travel north for the course of a day, the ice drift had been moving south
And they lost more ground than they covered This is the nature of the
Christian life at times Even when we're moving forward Even when we're here Every Sunday morning we still are prone to drift
Especially when we live in a culture where the entire culture is drifting so drastically it almost is just the water we swim in How many of you have ever been to Long Beach Island?
Where they mark off in the water a post, or just on the shore a post to say where you can swim and where you can't
There's just a certain, you know, 100 yards or something where you're allowed to swim I guess because in the other parts it's more dangerous or there's no lifeguard
Well, what you'll find if you're ever swimming at LBI is that the current moves you more quickly than you imagine
You swim and you ride the waves a couple times and before you know it you're pushed outside of the marker
Has that ever happened to you? You don't even realize that you're drifting until just a few minutes later you're outside of the boundaries
This is a danger within the Christian life How many of you have ever woken up in the morning and said, hey,
I think today's the last day that I'll be a Christian Maybe I'll be a
Buddhist, or a Hare Krishna or go follow Mohammed Pretty much nobody ever thinks like that But the real danger is to drift by not paying careful attention
I know when I was a teenager they used to have those little pew envelopes Remember those?
Where it said offering on it and there was a little pencil in the back of the seat Well, that was a perfect opportunity
As a teenager, I could just doodle So I'd grab the pew envelope and the pencil and I'd be drawing basketballs and basketball hoops
And before long, I'm just lost in the world of my own thought And I have no idea what that preacher is saying up there
And I don't want to hear an amen This is where you all can be quiet But we all can relate to that experience
So come with me now to Hebrews chapter 2 We're just doing verses 1 to 4 today
The main idea is, well, this is the first of five warnings in the book of Hebrews There are five solemn, serious warnings given to Christians or people who are identifying as Christians and gathering in the church
And the warnings are to not drift away or fall away or to apostatize
Because at this time, there were many Jewish background Christians Jewish background believers who were being tempted to leave
Christianity Persecution was beginning in the Roman Empire It's probably shortly after when
Paul was beheaded in Rome and then Peter was crucified upside down So you can imagine why there's a reason to turn away from Christianity Judaism was recognized by the
Roman Empire as a legitimate religion But Christianity was not
And so Christians were blamed for things They were accused of being cannibals because they would eat the body and blood of Jesus They were accused of orgies and things like that because of the love feast
So this was the reputation of the Christians It was complete slander And so the
Christians were very much persecuted at this time in the city of Rome So many of them are drifting
Some of them are turning away from Christ altogether Let's read it first and we'll just look at these four verses
Therefore, we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard lest we drift away from it
For since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?
It was declared at first by the Lord and it was attested to us by those who heard while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the
Holy Spirit distributed according to His will Very interesting verses there
Let's look at them word by word here The first word is therefore What is that therefore?
It's to draw our attention to what's already been said and make an application of that So the writer here is not just an academic
And the point of scripture is just not academics My job as a preacher is not just to give you just unload as much information as I can to study all week and just just burst out information and you take notes
That's not my job My job is to try to impress upon you the gravity of God's word to communicate the truth and urge you to live by it to apply it
So this is what the author is doing here He spent the whole first chapter saying how great Jesus is
Who is this Jesus? He's the radiance of God's glory Everything was made through Him It's going to Him He is the glorious one
And then the comparison to angels And all those seven passages from the
Old Testament are quoted to compare Jesus to angels in order to say
Listen, the Jews esteemed angels very highly and they looked to angels and they thought about angels
So use that as a reference point to say that Jesus is so much greater than them Now, apply that to your life
How does it apply? Well, you must pay much closer attention to what we have heard lest we drift away from it
There is a danger of drifting away Can a
Christian lose salvation? The ones who are truly born again who have the
Holy Spirit and are marked by the seal are kept But very often people identify as Christians without having the new birth
This is a somber warning not given to them Understand, this is not the preacher saying
Hey, you pagan out there in Rome you worshiper of an idol that's not going to save you
There's other places where the Bible does that Notice the word we, look in the text Who must pay careful attention here?
We All of us who gather There have been times in my life growing up where I began to drift
I came to saving faith when I was young But there were times as a college guy
I always kept going to church but there were times where I was hanging on by a thread Basketball had become so important to me and other things in my life that Christ was sort of put on the back burner
I'll tell you this If instead of coming back full swing to Christ in college
If I had turned my back and followed what my professors were saying and almost all the other students on campus
If I had rejected Christ and chosen this different world view even though I was raised in a
Christian home I would be lost Now it would show
I went out from us because I was never of us 1 John But the point is, from my perspective growing up in a
Christian home drifting There was the real potential
I need to press this hard because I've seen it too many times There is the real potential that I would have just been with the church but not truly of it
This is a warning here, do you see it? We must pay more careful attention closer attention lest we drift away from it and the dire warning comes next
How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? The word for pay closer attention prosokyne and the word for drift away periomen
I can't even pronounce that one These are Greek words that have like a maritime usage for ships at sea traveling by boat
To pay close attention relates to putting down an anchor in the harbor and being steadfast there
To drift by, you picture a boat that just, you know, the guy behind the wheel he gets distracted he's talking to the other sailors before long he just sailed right by the harbor he was supposed to go into He just drifted by Not intentionally, just drifting by The word actually means flow by in Greek I know this has never happened to you but listen,
I was in the pew for 38 years and I've only been in a pulpit for 4 years
So it hasn't been very long since I was in the pew So I remember how this goes
You are genuinely listening to me right now Especially because you're thinking about how you're listening to me
But here's what happens Some thought comes into your mind and you check out
You don't have to admit it because I know, I used to do the same thing You start to think about the meeting after church or the football game after the meeting after church or what you plan to do this week or how hard a certain situation is and before long your mind drifts away
Do you see what the text is telling you? And then eventually you come back in and you go back out Isn't that how you listen to sermons?
You don't have to admit it Maybe it was just me This is just a confession But see, we're told here
Pay much closer attention That word prosekyne means to fasten your mind around Like a boat intentionally going into the harbor and putting the anchor down You have to not let the ideas just flow by through your head
You have to actively listen You have to put your mind around it That's the concept here
Pay more close attention Animals operate by instinct, right?
They just do whatever they feel But humans have the capacity to discipline our minds to hear and to understand
We must force ourselves to do that because this is God's word It's life and death matter here
We could turn to Proverbs 4 .20 where it says My son, be attentive to my words
Incline your ear to my sayings We need to be told Pay attention
Did your teachers ever say that when you were in class? Some of you probably heard that a lot
Pay attention Well, we need to be told that And Proverbs 4 .20 says that And it goes on to say in Proverbs 4
Because these words are life to you This is life or death You need to hear lest you wander from it
Now, nobody ever intended to drift We never set our mind to do that It's just the natural course
It's the water in which we swim But when persecution comes it's very important that you put down anchor that your anchor is strong behind the veil that you have anchored your ship and you're rooted so that when the waves start kicking and the hurricane comes you're not lost at sea
Will that come to America? I don't know It seems like it will in a matter of time
Maybe 4 years or 8 years or 20 years from now or maybe the
Lord comes back and raptures us out before persecution hits But we don't know that Persecution could come this week
It came to Romania I tell you what The reason that nobody thought that Hitler could be up to what he was is because Germans all assumed we are just far too civilized for this
It can't be Now, there's a concentration camp and there's rumors of what's happening in there
But the average German citizen says No, that can't be
That can't be coming But it was They thought that they were too civilized for that Now, I pray it doesn't come to America But in Romania, in the
Eastern Bloc as communism took over Russia and then moved all through Eastern Europe Romania became a communist country
So what came of the church? It was a refining time Those who had been paying careful attention held on to the word and they began to meet underground even though the government wanted them gone
Others who had been gathering with the church capitulated to culture
They became communists too They began to inform the government
They sold out Some remained pure in persecution
Others drifted Which one would you be? It depends on how you pay attention to His word
Which one would you be? Well, Richard Wurmbrand was a pastor and he preached
Christ and he went to jail And then there was a woman who the communist government had heard about her faith and they were about to close in on her until they learned that she was about to get married
So they waited for her wedding day And as she dressed as a bride to go marry at the altar the groom was waiting for her the communist authorities rushed into the building and they slapped chains on her in her wedding dress
Women, can you imagine? You want to know what she did?
Right in their faces she kissed the chains and she thanked
God that she was counted worthy to suffer for her savior and the communist jaws dropped
They couldn't believe that she wasn't freaking out as they intended to humiliate her She went to jail
She was in jail for five years for her faith But when she got out that groom was waiting for her and they were married and they persevered in the faith
Richard Wurmbrand was in that prison and before long one of the men from that church was thrown in jail and when he got there he was in the cell with nothing, barely scraps to eat but what bothered him the most is he had six children without a provider without a protector vulnerable a wife left behind and Wurmbrand saw it and he realized man, you're here with me because I preached the gospel to you and he said brother, do you regret it?
here's the words of this prisoner back to his pastor together in jail he said
I have no words to express my thankfulness that you have brought me to the wonderful savior
I would not have it any other way you see, these were brothers and sisters in Christ who had been paying close attention they saw the savior, they saw that Jesus is worth more than anything in this world that Jesus who protects them in the prison will protect those six children at home that a wedding can wait because you're looking to the wedding supper of the lamb the great day, the coming of the
Lord these are people whose eyes are fixed not on the things of this earth but on the kingdom come pay that kind of attention because you never know when persecution hits you never know when you get that diagnosis and everything changes many people crumble under the weight of persecution and suffering but those who have had their mind set on Christ had been training their mind to love him through the word they were building up a fortitude that couldn't be broken, see these moments matter these moments in church, these ordinary
Sundays these are the moments that matter and it says pay much closer attention you gotta know yourself
I know myself, I am prone to wander pastors are prone to wander all of us are prone to fall you have to know yourself if you think you're standing strong be careful lest you fall verse 2 for since the message declared by angels proved to be reliable and every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution retribution, how shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation the comparison here is the
Old Testament and then us look at the history of Israel they wandered and they wandered for 40 years in the wilderness and every person died in the wilderness, except for Joshua and Caleb, they entered the promised land and again and again the remnant held on but by and large the people wandered and God judged them, now an interesting question here it says every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution then why is it that Habakkuk was complaining that the unrighteous never seemed to be judged why is it that the wicked prosper all the time, it doesn't seem like God was punishing the wicked, the just retribution spoken of here it's a hard word to say, just retribution speaks not just to the earthly consequences of sin although everybody dies, so we can notice that it speaks to final judgment and Habakkuk learned this lesson that God in time, although he withholds judgment for a time, in time he will judge every wicked act the
Christian worldview understands this about God here's how we see the world, there's a God who made everything and there's coming a day when he will judge the world by a man,
Jesus Christ and so we can rest in that, focus on Christ, his final judgment and trust him with things of this earth now this actually is a little bit of an aside but I think it's important because of the cultural moment in which we live a worldview that doesn't believe in God and final judgment is fixated on the things of this earth and demands a kind of justice that can never happen in this world, it may look to the sins of other people and seek to judge every motive of an individual's heart witness the whole concept of white fragility and systemic racism and implicit bias and all of the sins of the heart that people seek to judge now
I'm not going to go long down this rabbit trail, I just want to make this point, people do not have access to the sins of another person's heart to try to look into somebody's heart and ascribe racism or sexism or some phobia or some other ism or whatever it is that venture is a failed concept, many of the things that we see as unjust in this world unless an outward offense can be proven by biblical due process, those things need to be left for final judgment this is very important as Christians we can live within the outward expression of people's lives we cannot see the sins of another person's heart and so we trust
God to be the final judge but those who seek to establish justice by correcting things that they see in other people's hearts, not just their outward actions are seeking something that the
Bible does not ascribe what it says here in verse 2, do you see this? Every transgression or disobedience received a just retribution
God is the judge so much of the things of this earth that the world is concerned about needs to be left to God He alone will judge the hearts of men but this is a two edged sword because whereas we are to leave things to God and not impute guilt impute racism or sexism or homophobia or whatever it is to other people whereas we can't do that God does judge the heart
Hebrews 4 12 says that His word is a sharp two edged sword, it pierces even to dividing bone and marrow and the thoughts and intentions of the heart this is so important because you and I must live our lives before God as men and women who will give account we will give account for every careless word we ever speak we will also give account for every careless thought that runs through our undisciplined minds did you know that?
when Jesus said to not commit adultery, He took it a step farther in the
Sermon on the Mount and said if you even look at a woman with lust in your heart you violated the deeper meaning of thou shalt not commit adultery and He said it's not just about not murdering if you even have hatred in your heart you violated the deeper meaning of thou shalt not commit murder you see how
He pushes it to the heart? there's a day of reckoning for every person but the good news is and we need some good news the just retribution for our wickedness our sinful hearts and our outward behaviors all of that has been laid on our substitute
Christ Jesus He has taken that punishment for us and that's the good news that is what is seen here in the verse verse 3, a great salvation if the
Israelites kept wandering because it just didn't hold their attention we have no such excuse because we have not only a great
God but a great Savior a great salvation the New Testament revelation pictures
Him as greater than angels, greater than any created thing, it pictures Him as the one who purified us from our sins a great salvation that Christ came and He died and He rose and He lives and He reigns
He is the Christ we have Him He should capture our attention every day and there's no excuse for leaving
Him behind and none of us here would ever intend to do that, nobody listening on YouTube right now would ever intend to do that but some will when life doesn't work out when it's harder than you expected some depart and this is why this warning is given so halfway through verse 3 it says now we get to the message itself, it was grounded at first, it was declared at first by the
Lord, okay so the gospel came when Christ Himself arrived on this earth
He is the gospel, Jesus in flesh and He spoke the truth, nothing but truth,
He gave us the word now how did the believers in Rome get that word did
Jesus go to Rome did Jesus visit your house to tell you the good news well, read on and it was attested to us by those who heard so the apostles
Peter who was crucified upside down in Rome and Paul who was beheaded in Rome these heard directly from Christ and were chosen by Christ to bring the gospel to the world, first of all through their preaching and then by overseeing the writing of the
New Testament and so it comes to us, the apostles deliver it to us now interesting verse 4 and we'll be done couple of big points here we're going to talk about miracles signs, wonders and the purpose noted in this verse regarding apostles look
God sent the gospel through the apostles but He confirmed what they were saying by miracles, look at verse 4, while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the
Holy Spirit distributed according to His will you need to pay close attention now because this is going to get a little bit complicated not too bad there are two camps in evangelicalism regarding verses like this, one is called cessationism the other is continuationism cessationism says that all of the gifts of God the miracles, the signs and wonders stopped they ceased, that's why it's called cessation, continuationists say wait a minute no, these things still happen today,
God is still doing the signs and wonders I want to show you a more nuanced position than that ok, notice in verse 4 while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles signs, simeons what is the sign?
we've driving down the street and you saw a street sign is that sign the street?
no it's a sign that points to the reality of a street so the sign says
Hainesport Mount Laurel Road it's something that points to a reality beyond itself right, so a sign points to something a wonder, what's a wonder?
same thing as in English, the Greek carries this meaning, it's something that just kind of makes your jaw drop, right? that's a wonder we have a brother here who was healed miraculously a few years ago and I saw the pictures it literally made my jaw drop when
I saw the x -ray of his head pre and post healing and you say wow,
God did that it's a wonder, something that makes your jaw drop, okay? and then the next word is various miracles something supernatural, you have the ordinary course as God created the world to function but sometimes he jumps in and does something miraculous a rare event that just has no explanation but that it's supernatural, okay?
the point of Hebrews 2 .4 is that these signs, these wonders these miracles were authenticating the messengers it says it was declared at first by the
Lord, that's who and it was attested to us by those who heard and God bears witness to this by giving them miracles so when
Paul goes to Cyprus he can blind somebody as he's preaching the gospel or he goes to Malta and a snake is hanging from his hand and he just shakes that thing off into the fire and keeps preaching and everybody says okay, listen to this guy listen to him signs authenticated apostles, if you don't believe me you can look up later 2
Corinthians 12 .12 says the same thing the signs of an apostle were performed among you, they were signs that show you that he's an apostle that's how come he can do these miracles so, when the last apostle died, his name was
John, in the 90's AD there were no more apostles on earth so I will no longer look to a man to be authenticated by a miracle you follow me?
I still believe in miracles I've seen it with my own eyes, but I'm not going to say that because Benny Hinn has done some miracle that I'm going to give more weight to what he says about the bible than what
I'm reading here somebody's going to say I just wish God would speak to me, what's your answer to that?
read your bible well then they say, no no, I just wish that he would speak out loud to which you say read your bible out loud just read out loud you're going to hear
God speaking out loud that's his word, you get the point? God gave us the apostolic word, the new testament and he corroborated it with all these miracles and so we have the authoritative word confirmed by the things that he did
I'm not looking for men to be validated anymore, however notice in verse 4 there is a separation between the first subset and the last it says he bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles that's a group and there's another chi, another and and then that preposition by, sets apart and by gifts of the holy spirit distributed according to his will, you see how gifts of the spirit are separated by the word by, as another subset he didn't just say by signs and wonders and miracles and gifts he says and by gifts, it sets it apart as slightly different than the first three and that is because gifts of the spirit appear again and again in the new testament, not as corroboration or authentication of an apostle but as something to be practiced you following me?
well, here's some more homework you'll need to look up Romans 12 it's in your notes, 1st
Corinthians 12 Ephesians 4 1st Peter 4, in all of these cases, this is the didactic teaching of an apostle to the church that's receiving that teaching with imperatives meaning the apostle, whoever's writing, whether it's
Paul in Ephesians or Peter in 1st Peter 4, whoever's writing is teaching the church how they're to continue practicing and there are imperatives, so you are to eagerly desire spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy in other words these kind of spiritual gifts do exist in the church today it's just they don't corroborate the new testament they don't become new revelation from God they don't compete with sola scriptura but when
I stand in the pulpit I don't just want to bring you head knowledge, I pray before I come up here, according to 1st
Peter 4, that whoever speaks the word of God would speak as one speaking the oracles of God, 1st
Peter 4 passage and when you serve you're to serve as one who serves in the power that God supplies 1st
Peter 4 and the gifts of the spirit are manifold 1st Corinthians 12 to one he gives a gift of faith and man,
I love being with somebody who has a gift of faith, because they pray different I think they're gifts of healings, plural meaning
God still heals today, and here's what the gift does, your boy that you thought was going to die he lives, how's that for a gift praise
God now it doesn't mean that there's new revelation, it means he still heals
I heard of a prophecy that Jan Hus gave a hundred years before Martin Luther as they were taking him to the stake the last name
Hus means goose in the Bohemian language that he spoke, in Czechoslovakian or whatever and so as they took him to the stake, because he's a hundred years before the reformation, yet he's saying sola scriptura he's speaking out against indulgences he's preaching
Christ and him alone faith alone, and against the Roman Catholic Church, because listen the
Roman Catholic Church drifted the Bishop of Rome was a true leader of the church but over hundreds of years even more than a thousand years, it had drifted to something unrecognizable and so Jan Hus came,
Jan Hus preaching and they killed him but when they tied him up to the stake his last name means goose he said today you cook the goose but in a hundred years a swan will rise and almost to the year, a hundred years later
Martin Luther nails the 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg the year before Erasmus translated the
Greek New Testament, so now Luther is reading the New Testament and he says, wait, du penance, metanoia that doesn't mean du penance, that means repent, it means change the way you think, have a change of mind, and so Martin Luther is reading the
Greek New Testament and the reformation is born do you see what happened?
well, I think that Jan Hus spoke prophetically of Martin Luther, now
I will not build any doctrine on that, and I don't even care if it's not true, because it doesn't make any influential difference on anything that I believe, do you see the point?
I still think God does miraculous things and I still want that fire in me, the gifting of the spirit when
I preach I want to learn to pray and believe that God is going to heal
I want a gift of faith, how about you? In closing, the point is here we all tend to drift but the
Lord is calling us back to our first love, we need the
Holy Spirit to fan into flame the gifts that are in us maybe when you were younger as a
Christian you used to tell everybody you know about Jesus but you haven't spoken of him to a friend or a family member in years now you didn't mean to drift but be honest that you've drifted from your first love
I'm prone to drift from my first love, but I want to love him now more than I ever have before and that's what this text is calling us to be careful that you don't drift pay closer attention fan into flame so worship team will come up I did find the words of a song
I wanted to share this is called
First Love by Jonathan Helzer H -E -L -S -E -R First Love he says if oceans were filled with ink and the sky were a blank page still
I would run out of space to tell of all this love forever will never be long enough to come to the end of an endless love
I pour out my songs like the oil from the widow's jar if every leaf on the trees were the notes of a symphony then every season would bring new songs the wind would sing forever will never be long enough to come to the end of an endless love
I pour out my songs like the oil from the widow's jar it'll never run dry
I love that song because it calls me back to my first love when you see the wind blowing through the trees every rattle is a song of praise the creator made these leaves to rattle for him and he's made us to sing when you come to him in song do you do it from a heart that burns to love him do you make up new songs do you wake up in the morning before the kids just so you have some time with them to sing come back to your first love if you've drifted this is a call to love him like never before let's pray so god we thank you for this warning you warn us because you love us
I pray that you would use this word to keep us from drifting it's so easy to drift pray that you would fan into flame spiritual gifts among us we thank you for this word that you have given us that needs no improvement help us to pay much closer attention to the glorious person and saving work of Jesus our
Christ in his name we pray amen let's stand and sing has the sinner been forgiven how has the rebel been made clean or blinded eyes been made to see how have the orphans been adopted you hated your love and ran from grace despised and rejected all your ways how wonderful the father's love the father's love for us that he would send his only son to come and rescue us he has saved us called us blameless guides us now and will sustain us oh how wonderful the father's love blameless your grace is colored all we see and you have promised not to leave you freely give your spirit to us so we can be sure we're sons of God and rest in the hope of what's to come how wonderful the father's love the father's love for us he would send his only son to come and rescue us he has saved us called us blameless guides us now and will sustain us oh how wonderful the father's father's love through suffering we fill our lives we're confident we're heirs with Christ so we cry
Abba Father through sufferings we fill our lives we're confident we're heirs with Christ so we cry
Abba Father how wonderful the father's love the father's love for us that he would send his only son to come and rescue us he has saved us called us blameless guides us now and will sustain us oh how wonderful the father's love
Amen now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy to the only