

Pastor David Mitchell



A thing about this, if you have discouragement where, you know, the fiery darts of the devil hit you right about when, when you're about to do something great or good things have happened and then the enemy knows how to come, we know we're not ignorant of his devices, but think about this story that Otis told me once, and some of you are familiar with it.
Some of you need to rehear it probably, but he, he, I don't know if you know, but in Mahea where we live, it's kind of famous for its peaches, amazing peaches come right there.
Probably some of the best in the whole world, literally. And, um, so Otis knew about that, but he told me a story.
I had friends growing up, you know, that worked in the peach orchards as, as kids to make money, you know, and they'd go out there and work and they'd tell me how they'd get itchy all over and all this stuff.
But, uh, so I'm a little familiar with how that works, but you know how they go out and they prune the trees where it almost looks like they kill them.
They cut them back so far and then they come back better and have even more fruit, that's kind of biblical, a good picture of what
Jesus says he does with us, isn't it? But Otis told this story one time. And for you guys out there, if you, most of, you know, guys know
Otis too, but, um, he was an older gentleman who joined our church when
I was, uh, quite a bit younger pastor and sat right over there where brother Bill is. Uh, had been teaching the
Bible 50 years when he came. So I took him to coffee two or three times a week for 13 years until he went to heaven to study with him and learn everything
I could from this gentleman. But one of the stories he told me, he was great at asking questions and he was great at telling stories, but he said, brother
David, it's like a peach farmer, he goes out, you know, in the, in the middle of winter and he prunes those trees.
And then before long, before he knows it, some buds appear on those trees and he goes out and he'll look and he'll say, well, summer is nigh.
And then just in a matter of weeks, there are these little tiny round things, smaller than your little fingernail.
And it's a little bitty peach and that farmer will look at that little peach and maybe touch one or two of them and say, that's a perfect peach.
Then weeks would go by and the peach would be about this size. It'd be rock hard.
It's not ready to harvest yet. And he'd go out and feel of it and say, that's a perfect peach. And then when summer would arrive and the peach is just soft to the touch and they're ready to pick and to sell, he'll feel that peach and say, that's a perfect peach.
And his point behind the story was that wherever we are in our life, no matter what the world says about us, what the enemy says about us, when the
Lord sees us today, we're right where we're supposed to be because we're in his will. We're right where we're supposed to be on that day with the equipment he gave us, the gifts he gave us and, and where we are is correct for that time in our lives.
And in God, the father's viewpoint, we're perfect. Now, when the enemy attacks you, it's good to remember that.
Because no matter what all is going on in this world, God is sovereign over all of it. And he has you going through what you're supposed to go through to be the perfect peach.
And in his eyes, you're right where you're supposed to be today. And I know how we think we think, well, I've made so many mistakes and I could be so much farther along in my spiritual walk.
And, you know, I could have accomplished such big things by now, but you couldn't have, because there's only one plan and you're in it and it's perfect.
So you're right where you're supposed to be. You're the perfect peach, ladies and gentlemen. I love that story.
And I think I needed that story this week too, but, uh, let me see if I can get the technology to work now and we'll get started here.
There we go. Okay. I think I have a quick review for you today. These are some of the things we've discussed in Romans chapter 10 in the earlier verses, all the way up to where we are right now is number one.
We discussed Charles Spurgeon. If you remember the little snippet of surgeon, a surgeon, a sermon
I put up there by him, uh, where he talked about, if you had, if you didn't know Charles Spurgeon, you would think he's an
Armenian because he's talking about whosoever will may come to the Lord. And that's not what Calvinists talk about very much.
Right. But he's a strong Calvinist, but the thing about, uh, Charles Spurgeon was he just preached everything the
Bible said he believed all of it, not just part of it. And we showed a lot of scriptures, uh, that deal, you know, with the aspect of the
Bible truth that he was dealing with, such as revelation 22, 17, let the spirit and the bride say come.
And then it goes on to say, whosoever will may drink the water of life. That verse is as true as any verse.
Right. And that's really what he was talking about. And then Jesus said in John four 14 and in John six 32 different allegories, one place, he called himself the water of life and he said, whosoever will may drink of it, didn't he?
And then he called himself the bread of life. And he said, whosoever would take partake of me can do so.
So Spurgeon was absolutely correct in preaching what he preached. So then we talked about how do we fit that in with scripture that says there's none, that's good, not one.
And there's none that seeks God. And yet those seem to be giving a universal invitation to every human on the planet of every age that, you know, if you want to, you can have me, isn't that what it seems to be doing?
And yet this scripture says, no one does that. How do you reconcile these scriptures? And like Spurgeon said, you don't have to reconcile friends.
In other words, he says, there's no contradiction here. If you study hard enough, you can see how they fit together.
And that's sort of what we've done in the last few Sundays is begin to see how they fit together. So in Romans 10, six through eight sort of mirrors an old
Testament passage in Deuteronomy chapter 30. And it's this unusual passage in Romans 10, six through eight.
When we got to that little part of what we're studying in chapter 10, it's a difficult passage because on the first reading of it doesn't make a lot of sense, but if you go out to Deuteronomy 30, where it's actually what's being quoted by Paul, it makes a, it will teach you what it means.
So the Bible will teach you the Bible. And that's one of the principles of Bible interpretation. Let the scripture interpret the scripture.
And we kind of showed how that worked a few weeks back, but it says the word is nigh unto thee is what the point was.
You don't need to try to get someone to come down from heaven and witness to you and say, all this stuff's true. You don't need someone to come up from hell or from the depth of the sea, whichever you want to interpret that passage and say, oh, this is how it works.
You need to believe in this because the Lord says that won't work anyway, because if a person won't take this book that I've given you the water of the word, and they won't believe this, neither will they believe someone risen from the dead that testifies to them.
That's what that both of those passages teach. So we sort of figured out Romans 10, six through eight in Deuteronomy 30 passage.
They say the same thing. And that's what they say. They say the same thing. Jesus said, and I sure meant to pop this up, this verse up, and I forgot to put it in there this week.
But it's where Jesus says you need two things to be saved. You need the water, which is the word of God, and you need the spirit.
You have to have both. You have to have to hold the spirit and the word of God, or there is no salvation. That's just God. Listen, God, not only predetermined who'd be saved, he predetermined how they would be saved the method.
And the method is the water and the spirit, the water and the spirit. Same way after you're saved to grow. It's the same thing, the water and the spirit and never changes.
That's always the way it is. And people in this generation and churches all around that I, as I listened to preachers preach from time to time, never for long, usually because they minimize the importance of God's written word.
They minimize that today to the utmost. And they want to talk about experience. They want to talk about this and that and the other that happens.
And with stuff that I've visions I've seen and all this stuff, and they minimize the importance of the written word.
And yet that very passage is speaking specifically of the written word. And people always come back and say, well, it doesn't always mean the written word when it says the word of God, well, they're right.
It doesn't. Sometimes, I mean, for, for eons of time, it was transported by word of mouth from father to son down through the families until Moses, right.
Pretty much. And I know Joe was way back there too, when Joe wrote, but up until then it was transmitted that way.
And they'll say, well, sometimes it's just like, sometimes the word means Jesus, you know? Well, yeah, but there are times where the context is specifically talking about the written word.
There's two places right there. No way around it. It's talking about the written word of God. And it's talking about the
Holy spirit working together to save people's souls and nothing else will work. Only those two things.
And you can try everything in the world, church programs being great. You know, be loving, just talk about the love of God's all you need to do.
Have great music, you know, have all these programs, bring the kids in on buses, teach them the gospel.
Everybody will get saved. Doesn't work that way. I mean, it's good to do things like that. You can, we used to have a bus ministry for years, nothing wrong with those things, but we need to understand those things aren't how people get saved.
They're they're tools that can be used in God's hand and us working with him to let people hear one part of the two things, which part would that be?
What's the job of the church, the water part of the spirit part, the water part.
We can't be the Holy spirit. We try sometimes and that's inappropriate. That's where legalism comes in.
But we can share the water of the word. We can share the gospel every time the Holy spirit leads us to.
And the more of it, we know the better we can work with God to do that. And that's our job. That is our job.
And then the Holy spirit has to come in and awaken people. That's the calling. That's the effectual calling.
The general calling is us giving people the word. And we're going to see more and more of that, even from the old
Testament, as we move on into the newer material today, then the fourth thing was Deuteronomy 30, 16.
We started noticing that even in the old Testament, if you read it correctly, right in the midst of the law, Moses law right here, talking about keeping the law and I'll bless you and you break it,
I'll curse you. You'll be taken captive by all these nations. And then when you pray, I'll hear you and I'll bring you back.
You remember all that again and again, cycles throughout the old Testament. And we focus so much on the works of the law.
And then I'll bless you that we get a little bit like the Jew who focused on the law rather than the law giver.
And rather than focusing on loving God with all their heart, they focused on trying to be better than the next guy and do better works and more, even be more righteous.
And Paul says right here in chapter 10 of Romans, he said, they went about to seek their own righteousness, not the righteousness of God.
And that's deadly. That is deadly. And churches do that today too. And it's deadly.
So even in these passages, if you read them carefully, the grammar says, love the
Lord, your God, that you may obey him. It always starts in the heart with faith and love.
And the effect of that is the works. The works are never the cause of the salvation, not even in the days of Moses.
And most people don't know that frankly, so many people try to mimic it in the church and add more law in with everything.
And it's just tragic. Deuteronomy 10, 14 talks about the circumcised heart.
Now I want to show you that one. Well, 30, 20 said love is so that you may dot, dot, dot serve me.
Obey me. If you go back and review the one we covered last week, Deuteronomy 30, 20, you love me so that you may do these things.
So the things are the effect of the love that God puts in your heart, which is what the Holy spirit has to do, even in the old
Testament, even though there was not the indwelling, the best we can understand that happened at Pentecost when the church age started, even though they didn't have the indwelling, they had the presence of the
Holy spirit because he's omnipresent and without his presence, they wouldn't have seen this either. So they had to have the water, which at that time was the law of Moses.
Deuteronomy is part of the law of Moses. And it says, love me with all your heart so that you may serve me.
Only the Holy spirit could teach them to get that in the right order. And the flesh would always put it in the wrong order.
So it was no different than today, but look, I want you to see that Deuteronomy passages review this one.
Behold, the heaven and the heaven of heavens is the Lord's thy God. The earth also with all that therein is right in the middle of the law of Moses.
Look what it says. Only the Lord had a delight in your fathers to love them. So who loved who first in under the law, who loved who first God loved us so that we might love him back.
So the calling has to happen. You have to have a changed mind and heart, a repentance, a changing of the mind that only the
Holy spirit can bring to a natural man, woman, boy, or girl. You had to have that even in the old Testament and that stony heart had to be turned into a heart of flesh or a softer heart that's malleable in God's hands.
That is the work of the spirit. It is the work of the word of God to present you with these truths.
And it's the work of the Holy spirit to open your eyes where you can understand them, you can hear without hearing Jesus. How many times did he say he has ears to hear, let him hear.
He didn't mean I couldn't hear the words. They just, to them, it's just a noise. It doesn't make sense, but to the called it's words that make sense with understanding, and that's the difference between the general call and the effectual call, the general call goes out to everybody.
Everybody hears it with their ears, but not everybody understands it. Only the ones that the Holy spirit enlightens can understand it.
That's why you have to have more than just the word, these churches. And then when we used to be one, this church started out as a independent fundamental
Baptist church, and the whole thing was about soul winning Charlotte. I literally knocked on every door in my head four times. I won't say every, but pretty much every door in my head four times, we knocked on every door here once pretty much every door, not every single door.
Some neighborhoods are frankly, they're too dangerous to go into, but, uh, like a little Vietnam, you know, here in town.
Uh, if you didn't know about that, you probably need to know where it is, but anyway, don't go there. Not even the ambulances like to go there, but my point is almost every door we knocked on once and we're
Calvinists, so how do you figure that? Right. Calvinists don't witness. Yeah, they do.
If they know the Lord and they know the scripture. So the point, the point is we were taking the word, but did everyone we talked to get saved?
No. In fact, it was quite frustrating when I was a young Christian, because I thought if I got my presentation down,
I could anybody get saved because it just makes sense. Doesn't it? Don't you think that? No, it's logical. It's very illogical to stay lost and go to hell.
So I thought I got this made. I'll just work on my presentation. And it was a really good sales presentation. And I would be so frustrated because they would pray that here,
Jesus come a heart, save me. Amen. Okay. I'll pick you up Sunday to get baptized. I'd come knock on the door and I'd hear feet running away and they wouldn't answer the door and they turned the
TV off real quick. Wouldn't answer the door for years. That bothered me till I figured out my job.
Like, all I can do is take the word. The spirit's got to show up. And if the father didn't ordain them to be saved, he won't show up.
Not in that way. He he's there. He's on my president. He's in their house. They have no excuse. He's all around them.
They have a conscience too. And they have the word of God on their coffee table. No excuse, but unless the
Holy spirit opens those ears, they won't hear it. Now that's left out of the modern gospel pretty much everywhere today.
And that's sad because that's the true gospel. Now you find it right here in the law.
Look at it. God had the light in the fathers to love them. That's the only reason the
Jews came to the Lord at all is because God loved them first and call them out of darkness. Abraham was a
Gentile lost in the darkness of the worst idolatry, maybe in world history and God called him.
Here he comes. Noah was probably even worse than in the days of Abraham.
God called him and here he comes. The Holy spirit had to do his work along with the word of God.
So he chose their seed after them. Some of their children were chosen, elected to be saved.
Not all, but some were even you above all the people of the earth. That's predestination.
Why did he choose Israel? And, and, and, you know, not Saudi Arabia because what to call that back then for one reason.
But anyway, why, why? Because it's what he wanted to do. It's God's will. It's what he wanted to do.
It's the desire of God's heart to do it this way. Not because they were the most powerful nation. In fact, he said, you're the weakest.
I just love you because I love you. If you can't grab hold of that, you'll never understand. God says,
I just love you because I always have before I made anything. I loved you. That's why it has nothing to do with you other than the fact that it's from my heart, the object of the love can be treating me totally wrong.
And I still love him because that's a God pay love. And that's what God had. And he wanted to show that off to the entire universe.
And Ephesians one says, that's why he made humans in the first place to show that one attribute of grace that he can love something that's totally unlovable.
When he chooses to, that's what it's all about. And look at this, look at verse 16, middle of the law circumcision, therefore, uh, circumcised, therefore the foreskin of your heart and be no more stiff neck.
But what did they focus on? They focused on the physical picture of that, which was the circumcision that all the little boys had to go through.
And they focused that that's what made them righteous. The work that was supposed to be an effect of the changed heart, not the other way around, and they missed it.
And that's why they missed for the most part, their Messiah when he came, because they were focused on the keeping of the law and being righteous by their own manner of righteousness.
That's what all right there in the middle. It's the same as in the new Testament with regard to how salvation works.
And we saw all that. So we sometimes believe the law is all about circumcision.
In other words, keeping the letter of the law. But for the true Jew, even back then, from the earliest days of the law until now, it is all about the heart and only the
Holy spirit can change that heart. He uses the word of God to melt the heart, but he has to change the heart.
It's spiritual, not carnal. It is faith, not the keeping of the law. The keeping of the law was always in effect.
And that's some of the stuff we talked about now in Deuteronomy 30, 19. Let's move on a little bit. I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing.
Therefore choose life, Charles Spurgeon in his little snippet of the message that we brought out a couple of weeks ago was talking about this aspect of biblical truth is that you have to make a choice.
Your choice is important and without it, you won't be in heaven, but that doesn't mean that's the cause of it.
Doesn't mean it's the cause of your salvation. It's an effect, but everyone who is in heaven will have experienced the effect.
In fact, I would ask this logically, if it's true, that an effect can never be the cause of the cause. Isn't it also true?
Correct me if I'm wrong, that if there is a cause, there will always be an effect. Is that true in physics?
It's true in physics. It's true in the universe. If the effect's not there, what's wrong?
Something these easy believe ism, like dear Jesus, come hard and say, amen, and just go, go out on Saturday night.
Do the same stuff you've always done as a lost person. Is that real salvation? No. Well, they said, well, see, you're saved by works.
They didn't change. No, you're not. No, it's not that they didn't change as the holy spirit didn't change them yet.
They relied on some churches, little prayer formula thinking that would save them and it didn't. Now I have to always say this.
It's funny because always, always say this. If you did come down and pray the prayer formula, don't think that that makes you not saved because if you even desired to, you're saved before you left the pew and the preacher didn't mess you up.
So understand that, understand that. When fact, we'll see that in scripture in a minute, we'll have enough time.
The Thou mayest love the Lord by God and the Thou mayest obey his voice. And if you read that in order, the love comes first.
The obedience is an effect of it. That's the order it's found in, in the old Testament law. And the
Thou mayest cleave unto him. Now look what it says. He is your life. Does it say the law is your life?
Does it say the keeping of the law gives you life or to say your relationship with God is your life. You see, even in the, in the middle of the law, it's the same as in the new
Testament in that sense, and the length of days, which comes as a blessing of walking now, see, that's part of the obedience part is you do have promises that if you do this, this, and this, and the law is full of those kinds of things like, like a conditional promises is even promises, he'll make you wealthy.
If you do this, any names of things you have to do, and then you have to do them. And he's not obligated.
If you don't do, he's not obligated. If you do do them really, but he will keep his word, but most people won't look those up and do them.
They're they're short somewhere in there. And, or they don't see that at an early enough time in life.
And that's kind of key too. And it even helps if someone in your family, two generations ago, saw it already, because it is true that it takes money to make money.
I don't know where that verse is, but it's gotta be in the Bible somewhere because that's a truth. And, uh, there's an answer for that too.
God calls it debt. And a lot of people bad mouth debt out on the radio and say, never get in debt.
Well, never get in debt for toys or anything that depreciates, but it's appropriate to get in debt to start a business that's a good business plan that will bring income to your family.
That's what that's for. God created it for that purpose. Anyway, that's a whole nother lesson. Don't use to talk about that on Sunday morning.
So God is our life and the length of days and the physical things that he promises come with the obedience, which is an effect of the love that he put in your heart.
And it all works together. It all works together. And, um, you know, you can, you, you might ask the question.
You can say, well, I try to walk with the Lord and I love him. And, you know, it's not like I'm Abraham with all the thousands of cattle on the hill and wealthy like Abraham, there's more to it than just loving the
Lord. There's a whole lot of instruction in scripture about business principles and economics and finance that if you don't learn, and what preacher do you ever hear preach on that stuff?
Not, not anybody on TV. They'll say, oh, God wants everyone to be rich. You've heard that, right?
Send me a, you know, buy a prayer cloth for me. All that does is make the preacher rich. So, so the stuff you hear that hits on it a little bit is not really getting into it, but the
Jew understands these things and I've joked about it. It's probably not accurate on the percentage, but I always say it's why 85 % of the banks are owned by Jews is because they understand the scripture as a practical book and it shows you how money works, but if we didn't get that at a young age, it doesn't mean you don't love the
Lord and they don't, and he doesn't love you. If you're not wealthy, it just means in your family, no one saw that at a young age and a preacher didn't tell you about it early.
Even I've been preaching a long time and didn't always talk about these things. Lord has shown me a lot of them in the last 20 years of my life, but being a businessman before I got saved,
I do tend to see him when I'm studying scripture. If I see a business principle, it kind of pops out.
And I do nowadays, I do try to teach it to people. And I think it's very helpful. And you know, think about this.
It's never too late. Do you know how old Moses was before he was successful? Wasn't he 80, 80 years old before he was successful?
Do you know how old, um, the man who created Kentucky fried chicken was when he got wealthy, wasn't he pushing 90, 80, maybe
I think about the same age as Moses. So it's never too late to practice good financial economic principles.
And, and if God says it's true, believe it. Don't, don't worry about the TV preacher that gets it wrong.
It doesn't mean it's not in there. It's just, he's not teaching all of it. There's some conditions you got to find them and you got to start living them.
And you say, Lord, you know, if you want me to be a lay stuff aside for my kids and grandkids, like you said, we're supposed to help me, you know, accelerate the time that I have and help me do what you want me to do.
And you'd be surprised what can happen. And besides that, if you do that, the tithes will go way up. No, I'm kidding.
It is part of the truth, right? We can't get our new gym eventually. If everyone in here became a multimillionaire, so work at it, please.
That's a good work. It doesn't save you, but it's definitely a good work. So the last part of verse 20 is literally talking about the physical thing, talking about getting land.
Right. It's part of it. And you know what modern preachers say? Oh, that's just for the old Testament. You know, today our blessings are in the heavenly.
They're all spiritual, not physical. It's both. It's always been both. God, listen, do you really think God changes?
Isn't the Bible teaches immutable. He has not changed the same God Abraham had. Abraham was filthy rich.
So was Joe. So it was a lot. And he was a carnal Christian, but he knew the Lord. So all of that stuff's in the
Bible and it is part of it's for us today to chapter 31, verse one.
And Moses went and spake these words into all of Israel. And this is why they own 85 % of the banks.
And that's not really the right percentage, but it's, they are very Jewish. People are very, very good at business.
And you know, what's interesting. A lot of Abraham's other children, the Arabs are very good at business.
They own half the oil in the world. Not really, but they, they used to until Texas found that shale oil.
Now we're ahead of them, but think about it. They're smart too at business, but you know, the nobody is quite like the
Jewish people because they have the oracles of God and everything God says about finance and economics, they've had it for years and believed it.
Unlike Christians who've been taught to discount it. It's not for you. You've been told. Isn't that interesting?
You can't do what you don't believe in and preachers have done a huge disservice in the church.
And really, why do you think it is that Christians don't control Hollywood and the music industry and all the colleges on the
East coast? Like we started out, we started them. Preachers started every one of those colleges, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, William and Mary, every one of them were preacher colleges.
We lost them because we taught our people not to learn about finances. So we ended up not having the money.
So the people with the money took control of all of these institutions. And now look where we are. Look at Washington DC right now.
We've lost all that because of no proper preparation and God's principles. Anyway, I could preach on that for a while, but I won't.
So let's look at this. Now, these passages in Deuteronomy that show that the heart is where God saves people and the works should be in effect.
Not the cause of that. They are, they are mirrored in the new Testament many times in many places, especially in Galatians chapter four and all through the book of Galatians.
Verse 30, look what it says. And he, and, and the apostle Paul uses old
Testament examples. Cause he's always speaking to the Jew first, then the Gentile. And he knows the Jews know these stories and he wants them to be saved so badly.
He always preaches to them first, the Gentiles benefit from it. We don't even understand half of what he's talking about.
Like the Jews do they get it. But if the Holy spirit doesn't open their ears, they won't agree with it.
You see, but anyway, look at this. Nevertheless, what sayeth the scripture? He's always talking about the old
Testament because they didn't have the new Testament yet when this was written. What are your Jewish people? What are your books say?
They say, cast out the bond woman and her son. That pictures works salvation for the son of the bond woman shall not be the air with the son of the free woman.
You cannot mix grace and faith with works. God didn't allow them both to continue together.
God had Abraham to cast out the bond woman. It seemed mean when
Sarah said, get rid of her. It seemed mean from a human viewpoint, but to keep her in the child there in the home would have given an incorrect type or example of how salvation works.
So God didn't allow it. So they were literally cast away. Weren't allowed to be part of the family anymore.
And they're not supposed to be mixed together and works in faith are not supposed to be mixed for salvation today either.
And it goes on and says, so then brethren, we are not children of the bond woman, but of the free, and he's talking to Jews who love the law.
Well, that's the bond woman. And he's saying, you're supposed to be free from that. It's supposed to be all about the change of the heart, about a love
God puts in your heart for him and for other people. That's what drives the rest of it. And you don't, you don't have it.
Right. Paul said, even your own stories will tell you that here they are staying fast. Therefore in the liberty, the freedom where with Christ has made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage, don't let people bring law into this church ever, if something happens to me and I'm gone and you let them bring it in,
I'm going to roll over in my grave, you can't let legalism come into this church until the rapture.
And then it won't matter after that they can have it or whatever, but it's just not acceptable.
Behold, I, Paul saying to you, listen to this, tell me this doesn't tie in with what we just read in Deuteronomy 30, a second ago, neither circumcision availeth anything nor uncircumcision, but faith, which works by love is one of the things
Paul said doesn't matter. If you get circumcised, you don't that outward stuff doesn't even matter.
It's a matter of what happens in the heart. And here he says, behold, I, Paul saying to you, I being a
Pharisee, I, the Pharisee, Paul saying to you that if you be circumcised,
Christ will avail you. Nothing. If you get circumcised thinking that's going to be part of your salvation or part of the cause of your salvation, then you have no salvation.
You're falling from grace. He says, isn't that something that's very stern.
And our friends all over the place need to know this in different denominations to where they mix law and faith,
Galatians 5, 14, for all the laws fulfilled in one word, even this thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. Isn't that's isn't that quoted from somewhere in the old
Testament, such as Deuteronomy. And Galatians 5, 16 says this.
I say, then walk in the spirit and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh. See, you don't even need a list of rules.
Like the law gives as long as you walk in the spirit, you won't do the wrong things, you won't go to the wrong places for the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh.
And I'll promise you, the law will not help with that issue. It makes it worse. Paul said, I never would have coveted.
If God hadn't said thou shalt not covet, it just makes it worse. It doesn't help. And these are contrary one to the other so that you cannot do the things that you want to do.
So the law will never lead you to be a successful human being in God's eyes. Only if it's an effect of the heart love that's there for the
Lord. But if you be led by the spirit, you are not under the law.
Seems so simple, but natural man hates this stuff. Now look at Deuteronomy chapter four and there you're going to serve other gods.
Now this is interesting and you always need to understand God gave us the old
Testament as in samples or types or examples to teach a spiritual truth. Now the old
Testament brings the new Testament truths into living color where you can understand the nuances and depths of the meanings of the doctrines that are in the new
Testament. You can never understand them fully. If you didn't have the old Testament to go gain light on them from.
And so now look at this from our viewpoint, looking back, understanding what we know about grace and yet this, the
Jews had and have always had to this day, they still have it. But do they have ears that hear it?
And there shall serve God there. You will serve God's and the work of men's hands, wood stone, which neither seeing or hearing or eating or smell.
So what's going to happen is you're going to be like, when you quit serving me, it's because your heart's not right.
But when your actions go bad, that's what I'm going to send you where the enemy is going to take you captive and take you out of the land.
And you're going to go. It said that in some cases, when the Babylonians took the Jews, they put hooks through their chest, tied them to the one in front, put a hook in the back of his chest and one in the front and tied him to the next one and marched them all the way there that way.
And then they had to live there and be hated. And sometimes for 70 years, 60 years, 70 years, sometimes 400 years.
In the case of Egypt, I mean, the Jews, when they go off and they worship other thing, and then when they get there, they learn about even additional gods from the
Babylonians and they're tempted to worship them. And God said, you're going to do this. Now, what kind of picture does this picture for us in this age, the things of the world, right?
The philosophies of the world, the institutions of the world, all the things the world lays out there, we can worship any given thing.
But if, when you get in that place, you find yourself in that place, if you then seek me, you will find me.
Now it's interesting because some of the Jews that went into captivity were not born again.
Jews, they were not true Jews. Like Paul says, you're not a Jew unless the heart's been circumcised.
They were the other kind, but they were lost sheep. And when they got under that hardship, they sought the
Lord and they got saved. And at that point, their heart is changed and they really are now seeking the
Lord. And he says, if you seek me with all the heart, all your heart and all your soul, now I'm going to tell you something, a goat can't do that.
And a lost sheep can't do it. But a lost sheep at the point when the Holy spirit enlightens them, all of a sudden they, that that is turned on.
And all of a sudden there's a love there for God. They never had before. They may not have all the knowledge. They don't need all of it.
They just need the simple gospel, but they have a love in their heart. They never had before for God and for other
Christians and for God's people. And that happened to a lot of people when they were in bondage, because it made them wake up and see, they couldn't hack it by themselves.
They needed God. That's same true in our lives. That's why God lets trouble come. And I shouldn't, Otis would say he lets it happen.
Brother David. No, he's the cause of everything. He doesn't allow things he would re he would rebuke me when
I would say he lets it happen. And I would say brother Otis, I speak as a man, then he would just laugh because even
Paul would say that sometimes he said, I speak as a man. You know, if God did this anyway, so, so hence thou shalt seek the
Lord, thy God with all your heart. Tell me that's not gospel. Now look at this when you are in tribulation, you tell me the old
Testament is not given to us who live in the end of time for us. It's for us too, because look what it says.
When you find yourself in tribulation and all these things come upon you, even in the latter days.
Do you find that interesting that that's in the prophecy says that the prophet said that even if you live in the end times, did you know that was in the old
Testament? Even if you find yourself living in the end times, which is exactly where we are, if you turn to the
Lord. And she'll be obedient to his voice. If you check out the
Hebrew on that, especially when you find it, uh, quoted in the new Testament, you check out the Greek on that.
The word for obedience in the new Testament is often PCO, which is the word for faith. So what it's talking about is you are obedient to it.
In other words, you believe it, but you can't do that till the Holy spirit gives you that gift of belief.
So if you find yourself having it praise the Lord, you've been called even in the latter days, if you find yourself in tribulation, um, and you can hear the
Lord's voice, be obedient to it, right? For the
Lord, thy God is a merciful God. He will not forsake you, neither destroy you, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers, which he swear to you.
Do you know the book of Galatians teaches that that Abrahamic covenant was given for us and that none of us are saved outside of it.
We are saved because of the Abrahamic covenant. And it's an unconditional covenant, nothing in it for us to do.
God does all the work. Abraham was asleep. When God made that covenant,
Abraham didn't do anything. God did it all. Jesus did it. And the Holy spirit, the triune God did the entire covenant.
And that's how we get saved. So it's not by works. The cause of it is by faith that God gives us.
Now Spurgeon was talking about this stuff. He was talking about if you hear the
Lord's voice and you desire him, you may have him, that's what he said.
Isn't that true? Because those who don't hear it are not going to want it. Right. But those who all of a sudden do hear it when they seek the
Lord, he will be found by them. It is absolutely the truth, but you can't take that only as all the
Bible says, because it also says there's none that seek of God, not one. So what does that tell us?
It tells us that no natural man, woman, boy, or girl ever seeks God only.
You give them the gospel anyway, because we're commanded to. And when the Holy spirit moves in and opens up their mind, they go, well,
I remember hearing that that makes sense. And all of a sudden they get saved because the Holy spirit saves them while we're yet in our sins.
Has he quickened us, brought us to life. He saves us. It has nothing to do with man other than we give the word out.
So it does take the word and the spirit. It's a beautiful plan. I don't know why people don't love it.
I think it's the most beautiful plan there is. It's the only real plan. And that's what Spurgeon was talking about.
Well, let me ask you, was he correct? When he said this quoting
Spurgeon, if your heart pants to read it's title clear, it shall do so before long.
Now that's old English. What he means is if your heart pants to be brought into the family of God, where the
Holy spirit enters your body and becomes your body because the temple of living God, it's the earnest. It is the earnest like earnest money on a real estate deal.
If you long to have that title clear like that, no man ever desired
Christ. He says, you'll have that before long. No man ever desired Christ in his heart with a living longing desire who did not find him sooner or later.
It doesn't contradict because a natural man never has that kind of desire.
He never has a living longing desire. He just has a flippant. Well, I'd like to be religious and maybe
I can get more business in my people to come buy stuff from me or who knows what they're thinking, but when the
Holy spirit moves in and calls them and puts the love of God in their heart and the faith of Jesus in their heart and mind, all of a sudden they begin to have these longings that they never had before.
And at that point, the regeneration has already taken place and, you know, they, they're going to be fine, but any man who has those feelings will be saved.
And it's true. It's just not standalone truth. It has to fit all the other scripture, but they all fit together very clearly.
Hebrews 11, five by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death. I like that word translated.
That's the rapture. He was a picture of the rapture. He never died physically. He was just taken up into heaven. He was not found because God had translated him for before his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased
God, but without faith, it's impossible to please God. So what does, if you use logic, what does that tell us that Enoch had, he had been given faith by God.
He didn't have it. And then all of a sudden he had it because the Holy spirit gave it to him. And at that point, he pleased
God instantly. And for the rest of his life, to the point where God didn't even require him to die, he got raptured.
That's going to happen to a lot of people in our generation. I think certainly our kids, grandkids, probably us old folks too, for he, he that comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Now tell me that doesn't put this whole thing together. Spurgeon said, Paul said,
Jesus said, here's the water of life. Whoever wants it may come. And the scripture here says without faith, it's impossible to do that.
Doesn't it say that for he that comes to God must believe.
So you have to be given faith as a gift or none of it works. But when you are, and you have that desire, there's no one at that point who desires the
Lord that won't find him. No one. Uh, so it all fits together. So beautifully act 1726 says it goes to every people in the whole world, every nation group, every people group.
And he is made of one blood, all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth and has determined the times before appointed that's predestination and the bounds of where they're there, where they would live on the earth, how they would live, who their parents would be.
Everything is determined by God. Why? So that they would seek the Lord. If happily they might feel after him.
So any person anywhere in the world, if they truly are feeling around and surmount like a blind man feeling and trying to find
God, the Bible says they will find him, you know why?
Because only by the Holy spirit's work would they desire to feel for God. But when they do have that desire, it's going to happen or it already has in many cases already happened that they should seek the
Lord. If happily, they may feel after him and find him though. He be not far from every single human being that's ever born.
The Holy spirit is omnipresent. He is around every human, every baby boy and girl all through their adult lives.
He's right there. If anyone feels for God, they will find him.
Unfortunately in the natural state, no one does. But as the Holy spirit begins to enlighten a person, they're drawn to the
Lord and everyone that has that drawing shall be saved for in him, we live and move and have our being as certain.
Also of your own poets did say you speaking to the Greeks when he gave the sermon, Paul was for, we also are his offspring, beautiful message that he gave to those
Gentiles. I, Jesus have sent my angel to testify unto you in revelation 22, 16 of these things to the churches.
I am the root and the offspring of David and the bright morning star, the spirit and the bride say, come and let him that here it's a come and let him, that is a thirst come and whosoever will let him, whoever wants to let him take of the water of life freely.
So the Holy spirit has to change our want to, and that's what he does. And that's how salvation works.
It's the, it's the bride's job to invite people. The Lord, the
Lord is there. You can go to heaven. He died on the cross so that you'd go to heaven and he rose again.
He's alive today. Talk to him, give him your life. However you say it, you're not going to say it the perfect way.
Anyway, just, you know, it's our job just to say, come to him, come to him. And it's the Holy spirit who actually makes them thirsty.
Isn't that something? The water of life freely, whosoever wants it, we'll get it. So how does it fit together?
We're talking about the wrong kind of righteousness versus the right kind, the kind of righteousness that God created second
Corinthians five 21, for he has made him to be sin for us. And you know, sin, this is imputation. God took the sins of all of his people, put them on Jesus.
And you talked about that in Sunday school, brother bill, a little bit about the laying on of hands, which pictured he would raise the hand above the people and take their sins symbolically, but his hands on the head of the goat, the scapegoat and send him out into the wilderness.
He took their sins to hell away from them and took them to hell. And that picture is
Jesus. And, uh, he made him to be sin for us. He knew no sin of his own. Why?
So that we could be made the righteousness of God in him. So God imputes our sins to Jesus imputes his righteousness to us.
And that's how salvation works. And that's God's type of righteousness. Philippians three nine says it this way and be found in Christ, not having my own righteousness, see that's the mistake.
The Jews made trying to be righteous. That's the law, not having that kind, but having the kind of righteousness that is through the faith of Christ, not in Christ, he's heard me talk about this many times, the righteousness, which is of God by faith, so the
Holy spirit has to give you Jesus's faith. That's what that means. The word of is different than the word by or in believe in.
Jesus is one thing, but to have the faith of Christ is a completely different thing. And that has to happen.
The Holy spirit has to give you Jesus's faith so that you can truly believe with a faith that can walk on water.
Romans 10, nine and 10. Now let's see, we got a minute. So let me finish this Romans 10, nine and 10.
You've heard me allude to this before, but this was a huge light that came out of my life just a few years ago.
Probably not more than three or four years ago. Probably not that long. I'm not good at remembering time very much for whatever reason, but this is a verse that was used back when
I was young and thought that if I got my presentation, perfect, everyone would be saved. And this was part of my presentation for showing people how to be saved.
Romans 10, nine. First, I would show them one that showed them their center. Probably that was Romans. I used to remember
Romans three 23. Yeah. Show them their center and that they need Christ.
And then I would show them this. If you will confess with your mouth, Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
And that's where you'd say, would you pray this prayer after me? Right. But that's not what the verse is talking about.
If you understand it for, with the heart, man believes under righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Now what's interesting about it with the heart, man believes unto righteousness with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.
Both of the verbs in that the believing part and, and the confessing part, those verbs are present passive indicative indicative just means it flat happens.
It's real. It happens. All right. Passive means someone else has to do this to you.
It's bigger and stronger than you, but people don't know that when they use this as a salvation verse.
And it's a great salvation verse to show people, but they may not know the Greek. They don't know that it's passive.
So therefore they don't realize it's not something the person can do. It has something God has to do. The person, the grammar itself demands it.
It's like math. You can't get around it. Now, if thou shalt confess and shalt believe those are both passive.
This it's, it's interesting that when you look at the phrase where it says, uh, those who believe unto righteousness, that particular word believe that verb is actually heiress active, subjunctive heiress means without regard to time, which is kind of interesting because it's almost like an eternal word.
And Bill, you talked about it at Sunday school, you know, actually you're saved before God created anything.
He knows you by name and you're one of his. And in that sense, it's without regard to time.
Um, active means the subject does the acting, but what's interesting is subjective in the
Greek is an expression of a desire to do something. It's not the act of doing it.
It's the desire that you want to do it. And that's very fascinating. And that's the light that came on in my mind.
And, uh, it's true of Romans 10, 13. Also, I think I have that up here, but you could, if you understand the
Greek, you, you could read this verse this way. If thou shalt desire to confess with your mouth, the
Lord Jesus Christ, if you shall desire to believe in your heart, you shall be saved.
So from the moment the Holy spirit changes, your want to, you have been regenerated.
You haven't even come down the aisle and done what the preacher said. You have to do to get saved yet because he has nothing to do with your salvation.
He did give you the water. Hopefully the word of God, you had the gospel, but he can't save you.
And the gospel won't save you either without the spirit. And the spirit has to open the heart, change the desire and put a desire in your heart for Jesus.
And you have to admit there was a moment you didn't have it. And many days prior to that, you never had it. And also in the moment you had it.
And from that day forward, you called yourself saved. And that's the moment that the Holy spirit caused you to desire to confess with your mouth, that he's your
Lord, that he's your boss, that you don't want to run your life. You want him to, someone had to put that desire there because you didn't have it.
And I didn't have it. The Holy spirit did that when he called us it's in the
Greek for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Same thing. The verb shall call is aorist middle subjunctive middle means it is something that you're doing and, and yet it means subjunctive means it's when the desire to do it happens, not when you actually do it, it's when you first have the desire.
So, um, for whosoever shall desire to call upon the name of the
Lord, he shall be saved is a better translation. So when you understand all of these things, you see how, what
Spurgeon preached is true, whosoever wants to can come to Christ and you understand that no one wants to, there's none that seeketh after God, not one, no one wants to until the
Holy spirit gives them the desire. And it's a gift. We know it's a gift. Look at this talking, talking about the word is near into you.
Look at this part. How then shall they call on him whom they have not believed? So it sounded like it says, if you call on God, you'll be saved.
Right? But he says, no, wait a minute though. How can you even do that? If you hadn't already believed, then look what it says.
How should they believe in him of whom they haven't heard? So that if they don't have ears that can hear yet,
Oh, they may have heard the gospel a million times, but if they don't have the hearing of understanding, which is what that Greek word means, how can they believe?
So if they can't believe, how can they call on his name in reality with true meaning? They can't, how shall they hear without a preacher?
And that doesn't mean the preacher. It means the whole church giving the gospel out to people.
That's your job. My job just to equip you to do it. It's your job to go out, reach the city and the world. And mine too, as a
Christian individual, but not as the preacher of this church. So that word preacher means people that just tell the gospel.
If those aren't sent by the Holy spirit, how can anyone here, they listen, they can't get saved with just the spirit.
And you have lots of stuff being written nowadays in the end times, a lot of books about how people over in Saudi Arabia, a different place over there are getting saved because he's had a vision and they saw
Jesus and he saved them. It's everywhere. Never happens that way. It never happens without the word and the spirit.
It's never just the spirit. Now, if they heard the gospel on the radio, then they may have thought that's what happened and they may be confused.
I understand that. But it doesn't happen like they're writing it in these books. There's so much deception out there.
You have to have a preacher. Someone has to have told them the word of God. That's the water.
And then the spirit has to show up and give them the desire for God. And then salvation takes place.
It's a miracle. It's a birth. It's just as miraculous as physical birth, maybe more. But physical birth is amazing, miraculous thing, isn't it?
And it's a picture of spiritual birth. And that child has nothing to do with his own birth. So how do we get work salvation?
I don't get it. But anyway, how shall they preach unless God sends them? So Jesus said, as the father sent,
I, so send I you. Did he not? We're all part of the same family business. As it is written, how beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things.
God counts your feet as beautiful. When you witness to people, Christ said 14 different times, at least that I could count, he did has ears to hear, let him hear what this scripture teaches.
You have to have the hearing. And this is in the same context. This is Romans 10, 14.
It's right after Romans 10, 9, 10, and 13, which says, whosoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. The very next thing says, but how can they do that if they don't have ears to hear?
But see, we leave that out of the gospel presentation for whatever reason. That's the calling.
And it's always there. And humans love to leave it out. Matthew 13, 9, who that has ears to hear, let him hear.
Jesus said, and the disciples came and said to him, why speakest thou unto them in parables? And Jesus answered and said, because it's given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom, but to them, it's not given.
That's a very strange passage to the Arminian who thinks that Jesus died for everybody and loves everybody and that everybody's going to get saved.
It's a very strange passage because Jesus said, I speak this way because there are some people aren't supposed to hear because they're goats and God didn't know them and Satan put them on the earth.
I didn't put them here because I put the wheat here, not the tares. So I speak this way that so only the wheat will hear it.
Only the ones that the Holy Spirit opens their ears can even understand what I'm saying. That's why
I speak this way. Very clear. Romans 10, 16. But they have not all obeyed the gospel for Isaiah said,
Lord who has believed our report. So then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
There's the water and the hearing is the spirit who opens the ears. So who makes the ear here?
Ephesians 2, 1 and you have, he quickened who were dead in trespasses and sins.
He had deaf dead ears and the Holy spirit quickens us. Wherein in time past, you walked according to the course of this world.
You never had free will. You thought you did, but you were controlled by Satan. Every human is according.
You walked according to the Prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now works in the children of disobedience. And there's no free will.
You can talk about all you want. I will never agree with you. I do understand what you think it means. You think it means that your choices are important.
That I agree with, but I don't agree that your thoughts are free because they're influenced by Satan or as a
Christian by the Holy spirit and the word of God, your mom and dad, all the right things you're influenced by something.
So you don't have sovereign will like God does. That's what free means. So it's different.
I think it's important to be correct with our word uses usages. So it's not correct to say you have free will not according to this among whom also, we all had our lifestyle in time past for, before we got saved, we walked according to the lust of the flesh, fulfilling desire of the flesh and the mind.
And we're by nature, children of wrath. And we listened to the Satan just like the goats did, but we were lost sheep.
And there's a big difference between a lost sheep and a goat. And that difference is that as we hear the universal gospel, eventually the
Holy spirit turns on our ears and we understand it. And we now have a desire placed in our heart to love
God. And we are regenerated, but God who is rich in mercy for his great love where with, he loved us, even when we were dead in our sins, he quickened us.
If you examine who the word us is in the entire book of Ephesians, it was written to the elect. It says that's what
I'm writing to the elect. It's not written to the whole world. And people take stuff out of context all the time, but I understand that, but we were dead just like the goats, but we were never goats.
We were lost sheep. And when the Holy spirit saw that it was our spiritual birthday, according to God's plan, he woke us up and he saved us and he regenerated us and he gave us life.
And that's what quickened means. He brought us from dead death to life and he raised us up together with Christ.
So literally our salvation began the day he rose from the grave. We were in him and we have a new life to even places us in heavenly places with Christ right now.
So that in the ages to come, he might show the exceeding riches of his grace. There's the whole reason the human race was created to show off God's ability to love unlovable beings and save them.
That's what grace means. That's why he did it. So that in the ages to come, God can show the exceeding riches of his grace and kindness toward us, the elect through Jesus Christ for by grace.
Watch this through faith and that not of yourselves.
It is the gift of God. So that's where the faith comes from. And it's a gift and it's
Jesus's faith and the Holy spirit turns on your ears so that you can hear the gospel. He puts the love of God in your heart.
He puts the faith of Jesus in your mind and heart and you are regenerated everything else after that's in effect.
And that's why all this stuff actually works together. And what Spurgeon said was absolutely true, but you got to understand all this stuff too.
But Spurgeon certainly understood these things. This is what he preached about most of the time. This part right here.
But when you come to a passage about whosoever will preach it, because it's true, because whosoever will, will whosoever ever has a desire for God will find him
Romans 10, 18. But I say, have you, have they not heard? Yes, barely. Their sound went out to all the earth, their words into the ends of the world.
That's the universal call. No one has an excuse. The gospel has gone everywhere, but I say, did not
Israel? No. First, Moses says, I will provoke you to jealousy the
Jews by them that are not a people. That's the Gentiles. The Jews didn't think God would save a Gentile, right?
And God says, well, I'm going to use them to provoke you to jealousy because you don't want me. I'm going to save some of them.
And then you're going to wish you had me. And by a foolish nation,
I will anger you. The foolish nation being the Gentiles that God will save some of us and anger the
Jews. Isn't that true today? I don't like Christianity, but Isaiah is very bold.
And he says, I was found by them. That didn't seek me. How many seek
God? None, but it's specifically talking about the Gentiles. We didn't have the oracles of God.
Gentiles weren't seeking him, but we were found. Why? Because the Holy Spirit brought us to understand the word of God that was out there.
And we're saved. And I was manifest unto them that asked not after me.
That's the Gentiles. But to Israel, he said all day long, I've stretched out my hands into a disobedient and game saying people.
And this is where we will take up in chapter 11. We're done with chapter 10. Hallelujah. All right.
The only reason I say that I love chapter 10, but it's always fun to move on to the next one. So let's stand and have prayer together.
Lord, thank you for your word and for how you can give us ears to hear and understanding of things that a lot of people struggle with.
But this is available for every Christian because it's in your word and your spirits are great teacher.
So thank you for giving us the clarity of your word in both the old and the New Testament and for how the old can shed light on the new and the new can shed light on the old and how your spirit has to be our ultimate teacher all along the way.
Lord, thank you for the water of the word and for the spirit, your Holy Spirit, who brings us to you and regenerates us and gives us a new life.
Thank you for how you then give us the ability to want to be baptized in the water, to want to go to church for the first time and hang out with Christians to see that the word of God is not a boring book that's difficult to understand, but a living book that's full of life and all of the things that you do to make us even able to do good works.
Thank you for all those things and the blessings that you bring our families when we're in Christ.
And we ask you to bless our fellowship time together now and we ask that in Jesus name.