As More Libertarians Transition, My Heart Warms

AD Robles iconAD Robles




You know your boy old lady is very often is a big softy And I know sometimes people say that I'm just I sound like I'm angry all the time and this and that I I don't
I Really don't but people you know think that's my reputation and all that kind of thing, but I'll just tell you
There's something I've been seeing on the internet lately that has been absolutely warming my heart, and I want to tell you about it today
Yeah, definitely You know I was I was flicking through gab, you know all that kind of thing and I saw a post from a account that I stopped following Probably I would say mid last year or something like that, and it was the the
Liberty hangout account And you know the Liberty hangout thing there were some interesting stuff there, but it was a little too childish for me and They were too
They were too libertarian And I don't want to insult you because I know there's a lot of you out there that are libertarians
And that's fine. I used to be a libertarian as well in fact I got I cut my teeth on some of this stuff from Lou Rockwell calm
It's still a great website anti -state anti -war pro pre mark pro pro free market and all that There's still a lot of really good stuff on this website, but I'm no longer a libertarian.
I gave that up years ago and So I had stopped following the Liberty hangout page plus there's
The woman who ran it I wasn't the biggest fan of but anyway. I just stumbled upon it I think maybe torba had retweeted something.
Sorry regab ah I hate that I Hate how it's in my mind, and I can't stop saying retweet regab reposted whatever it is he had reposted something that that the the woman from Liberty hangout had posted and Basically she was saying that she she was wrong
She's no longer a libertarian and she was acknowledging that any system of government
It has to be based on the law of God. It has to have its foundation on the shoulders of Jesus Christ and Dude that warmed my heart so much
I've seen a lot of people that are making that transition And I love it because it's a transition that my
I myself made a while back, and I think it's necessary you know Often I agree with things that libertarians say
I often agree, but the thing is libertarianism is regularly adopted and and and co -opted
I would say by Pagans and the thing is that like libertarianism Has to still establish justice
According to God's law and that justice to the to the the libertarian mind often seems pretty brutal
You know what I mean like like the reality is that the way the law should work would would not be friendly to pagans doing their transsexual story hour at the library or All that kind of thing like it would not be friendly to that kind of stuff because we do have to live in reality
And we have to have a system of justice That is based in God's reality and God tells us what to do we apply the general equity of God's law
In the scripture and so that means that the principles that we draw out of the law of God that God gave to Israel We are not
Israel, so we don't apply it one -to -one, but the principles that we draw there absolutely apply
And we need to to use the force of the government To establish justice in other words like that is a good and right thing and if you talk to the run -of -the -mill
Libertarian they about that life. You know what I mean. They ain't about that life now There's a lot of Christian libertarians out there
And they try to nuance things a certain way, and I'm not a Christian libertarian either though I often agree with Christian Libertarians that's that's a fine if you consider yourself a libertarian.
I'm not gonna argue with you I'm not gonna spend time on that I Often agree with you. You know
I mean I often agree with you, but the reality is that Government is not Bad in and of itself so I disagree with this
Antistate part of Lou Rockwell comm I'm not anti state I'm anti pagan state, so I think we ought to have a
Christian an overtly Christian government that is applying the general equity of God's law in every way the fact that people are seeing this and it mainstream people
It warms my heart guys. I can't tell you how much it warms my heart theocracy now
That's what I'm talking about But but yeah, I think I think and I'm trying to think why is this happening right now, right?
Cuz you know a few years ago if you would have asked me if I could see this kind of thing happening I would have seen me and God willing, but I don't see it.
I'm wondering why are people waking up to this Why are a lot of people making that transition from being?
Conservative or libertarian to being you know a Christian nationalist. I guess you could say we call us a
Christian nationalist I'm okay with that Why is that and I think there's a couple things going on number one
I I agree with JD Hall's article about how easy it is to be to know what to do as a
Christian these days I think that's part of it because as as the world gets more and more insane and upside down It's not like when you offer the you know
You know the God of Scripture you offer the the the invitation of the gospel and God's law
You know what I mean repent of your sins become a disciple of God's law Like like it's not like you're offering something
That's just slightly more right than what the pagans are offering like this is slightly more correct than what the pagans are
It's not like that like it's patently obvious that your choices are this you can choose the Lord Or you can choose to live in upside -down crazy land and a lot of people are starting to be like well
I don't want to live in upside -down crazy land. Let me hear more about this gospel. You know what I mean? And I think that's a beautiful thing the second thing is
More people than ever are waking up to the scam of our politics
And it is a scam because people are thinking of themselves, and they're thinking Hmm is
I keep hearing that like the political parties are getting more and more radicalized It's created a big divide but like is there really that much of a divide between someone who's for More socialized education
K through 12 and someone who just wants to add a few more years to the end of that so not K through 12 but K through 16 like is it really that much of a divide?
And you think is it really that much of a divide between someone who says yeah? We want to give you three checks.
We'll get you three You know universal basic income checks, but for that's what that's a bridge too far
No way for what are you sweetie a communist like they can see the scam for what it is is really not that much difference
Between three stimulus checks and four stimulus checks like it's either put they pretend.
It's a big difference, but it's not a difference Is there really that much difference between a 20 % tax rate on capital gains or a 25 % or a 30 % tax?
I mean yes, it's more money obviously if you ask me if I want more taxes or less taxes I'm gonna choose less taxes, but is that really a chasm of difference?
No, I don't want any taxes like you see like I think people are waking up to that scam
It's like okay So we either go to war with Iraq or or Iran or Iraq or Pakistan like is that real?
I don't want any war like what just does come home It's not really that big of a difference between if we invade this
Stan or this Stan You know what I mean that I think people are waking up to that scam And I think what woke him up is this whole situation with the cheating in the election
It's like people are wondering like like why aren't the Republicans doing jack about this, and it's like Because they're on the same team
They they do the same stuff. They're for the same stuff. They're for slight Variations in policy slight variations.
It's like yeah, you know maybe we can raise the yeah We can raise the the minimum wage to $13 an hour, but 15, and you're a commie
You know what I mean like that's not actually how it is I want the minimum wage law to be zero zero dollars is the minimum wage.
That's actually reality I want people to acknowledge reality and so people are waking up to the scam
And they're like there's got to be something different, and I think you know libertarianism kind of offered something different But then they're like yeah, but libertarianism is also insane look at this video.
I found this is from free keen a YouTube channel free keen I know nothing about this, but I live in Keene So you know this is a local guy or Person who does this channel, and I saw this thing about there
They had like a little libertarian fest last year And there was I was attracted to this because they're spending gold backs
These are like these it's like paper dollars that actually have real gold in them, so it's kind of cool I it's kind of a cool idea the premiums are through the roof
I don't own any of that, but but I just noticed as I was watching this I was like oh, this is kind of cool that they're accepting goldbacks as chiropractor
You know typical libertarian look to them You know neckbeard all that kind of thing and he's accepting goldbacks for his chiropractic services, and then
I'm watching this I just want you to hear this The Reformed Satanic Church chose to price its wine in Goldbacks what drove that decision
I ended up settling on two dollars So this is aria de mezzo the high priestess of the Reformed Satanic Church This is the guy who pretends to be a girl who ran for sheriff under the
Republican Party nomination in my County This is this is why libertarianism is impotent because this there's no place for this
There's no place for this in a Christian society, and we should we should make no place for this There should be no quarter for aria de mezzo to wear her satanic dress.
I'm sorry. I made a mistake his satanic address and Blaspheme Christ because if you if you watch
I'm not gonna put this on my channel, but if you watch this he's selling Wine a little boxed wine for two goldbacks per cup, and he calls it the blood of Christ, and he thinks that's cute
It's like oh, it's the blood of Christ like there's no place for this There's no place for this whatsoever, and so people are saying okay, so I see the scam
Republicans and Democrats are on the same team But they pretend to be at each other's throats, but meanwhile.
They're you know they're giving themselves the high -fives with each other you remember that scene with with Mike Pence and and What's that woman's name the crazy woman the the the?
What's her name the person who's in charge of the house? Majority speaker or whatever the speaker of the house that lady and they're like high -fiving and stuff because they they understand
They're on the same team. They're all on the same team. Yeah, yeah That person's a communist because he he wants 23 % taxes.
I want 22. That's where do you that's freedom 22 % It's freedom and like they're running this scam
And then people are running to the Libertarians, and they're like yeah But they're impotent because they've got the high priestess of reform
Satanic Church You know running for Congress or whatever she ran for And so they're realizing that there are no real answers when it comes to secular
Libertarianism and the thing is what I agree with when it comes to Libertarians I agree with them because it aligns with the law of God and some of that is
Accidental and some of that is because I feel like the Libertarians live in reality a lot more Than most other people do but because they're not grounded
And they're not the government that they envision in their met in their minds is not on the shoulders
Firmly on the shoulders of Jesus Christ it of course will descend into insanity as well
That's why you get what you get here This is this is liberate.
This is modern libertarianism. It's it's it's it's useless. It's absolutely
Useless and so the reality is that I it warms my heart guys It really does and I love the fact that people are using the term
Christian nationalist as an attempt to insult us But really there's that's a perfect description absolutely
I want this nation to be absolutely dominated and ruled According to the principles that the
Lord of Glory set in his word the general equity of the law of God Nothing would make me happier than that and I recognize my friends
I recognize that I've done things in my past that are worthy of the death penalty
I've talked about this on my channel before I I was engaged in an Affair with a woman who was married.
I was I was committing adultery So I understand like I'm not saying that this is something that's like Because I'm all holy and high and mighty and totally clean that that's why
I want this No, I'm I'm saying I want this because what other choice do I have?
I'm the creature I'm not the Creator the Lord it who is blessed forever. He's the one who tells us
What's what and I'm a creature. So what other choice do I have it warms my heart my friends
It warms my heart to see Torba talk about these things to see Liberty hangout talk about these things and they're not the only ones by far people are rediscovering the necessity of Living in God's reality in every area of life
If you don't then you've got the false political scam choice between the Republicans and the
Democrats which are really on the same team in almost every respect even an abortion Even an abortion like the
Republicans want a little less abortion It's like that's not really that much of a difference between someone who wants a lot of abortion and who's someone who wants a little
Bit less abortion. You're kind of a green on the principles there I even that like you like it, you know, there are some gems in the
Republican Party, of course And so that's why it's nowhere near as bad as saying I want abortion for everybody
That's I mean that kind of thing but on the fundamental principle is like yeah You know you put a heartbeat law in but you know, and that's all well and good
But like what about the babies before the heartbeat, you know what I mean? Like it like that's that's the reality
That's the reality. So yeah, I guess you could say I'm an extremist and I'm okay with that.
I'm absolutely okay with that because if you don't choose Christ Then you ain't got nothing to say to Aria here
Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful Gobble, I know it might not seem like it but my heart really is warm.