A Reign Of Peace In The Turmoil


Scripture Reading and Sermon For 12-05-2021 Scripture Readings: Ezekiel 37.24-28; Luke 2.8-10 Sermon Title: A Reign Of Peace In The Turmoil Sermon Scripture: Psalm 2.6-9 Pastor Andrew Beebe


Please stand for the reading of God's Word Today's Old Testament reading will be in Ezekiel 37 verses 24 through 28 on page 725 in your pew
Bibles My servant
David shall be king over them and they shall have One shepherd they shall walk in my rules and be careful to obey my statutes
They shall dwell in the land that I gave to my second servant Jacob where your fathers lived they and their children and their children's children shall dwell there forever and David my servant shall be their prince forever.
I Will make a covenant of peace with them It shall be an everlasting covenant with them and I will set them in their land and multiply them.
I In their midst forevermore my dwelling place shall be with them and I will be their
God and They shall be my people Then the nations will know that I am the
Lord who sanctifies Israel When my sanctuary is in their midst forevermore
New Testament reading today is in Luke 2 8 through 20 and Some fell into good soil and grew and yielded a hundredfold as he said these things
He called out he who has ears to hear let him hear and when his disciples asked him what this pairs what this parable meant
He said to you has been given to known the secret to know the secrets of the kingdom of God But for others they are in parables so that seeing they may not see and hearing they may not understand
Now the parable is this the seed is the Word of God The ones along the path are those who have heard then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts
So that they may not believe and be saved and the ones on the rock are those who when they hear the word
Receive it with joy, but these are not but these have no root They believe for a while and in time of testing fall away and as for what fell among the thorns are those
Who hear but as they go on their way? They are choked by by the cares and riches and pleasures of life and their fruit does not mature as For that in the good soil
There are those who hearing the word hold it fast and in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with con with patience
No one after lighting a camp lamp covers it with the jar or puts it under a bed But puts it on a stand so that those who enter may see the light for nothing is hidden That will not be made manifest nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light
Take care then now then how you hear for to the one who has more will be given and from the one who is not
Even what he thinks that he has will be taken away Then his mother and his brother came to him
But they could not reach him because they because of the crowd and he was told your mother and your brother are standing outside desiring to see you
Thank you for your scene if you'd open up your
Bible so Psalm chapter 2, please Psalm chapter 2 will also be in Luke chapter 1 and 2
Psalm chapter 2 why do the nation's rage and the people's plot in vain the kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take
Counsel together against the Lord and against his anointed saying let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us
But he who sits in the heavens laughs the Lord holds them in derision Then he will speak to them in his wrath and terrify them in his fury saying as for me
I have set my king on Zion my holy hill I Will tell the decree the
Lord said to me you are my son today I have begotten you ask of me and I'll make the nation's your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession
You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel
So now therefore Oh Kings be wise Be warned Oh rulers of the earth Serve the
Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling kiss the Sun Lest he be angry and you perish in the way for his wrath is quickly kindled But blessed are all those who take refuge in him
God in heaven. Thank you for this time. Thank you for this Advent season Thank you for your grace that's found in Jesus Christ.
We know Lord He is multifaceted in many ways Lord. His ministry comes down to us
He is a merciful God who shepherds us his His rod or his his staff gives us comfort as we the sheep of his pasture
We look to him to guide us and defeat us and we know Lord that he vanquishes our sin within us and his kindness
We're also thankful Lord that he will defeat all of our enemies both his and ours That one day righteousness will dwell completely and all sin will be dealt with Not only in his church, but also in the world
And so we're thankful to celebrate those things this Advent season as we look upon him entering this earth
That he came to be a king and he is a king. He came to rule and he does rule
So I pray God that we would hear the words of our King this morning And that it would have its way in our hearts so that we'd be the people that kiss the
Sun and We'd be the people to be the people that find refuge in the Sun so that we do not perish in the way
Thank you for being so faithful and kind and gracious to us Undeserving people we praise you this morning in Jesus name.
Amen Following after World War two there was a great
Tumultuous event called the Cold War in which there was the East and the West were at conflict with one another
And at beginning of it in the 1950s There's the start of what was called the the space race or space to get out race to get out into space in which the
Russians had the upper hand at the beginning in which they Sent out Sputnik and that was a satellite the first satellite ever to orbit to go into orbit around Earth And Sputnik was able to deliver a message from space, but it was sent
Transmitted by radio beeps. It was Conveyed and radio beeps now America wanted to get into the race themselves
And they wanted to one -up the Russians for being a little late out into space And so they quickly got together a craft that could be sent out into space in orbit space as well
And they wanted to to deliver a message as well But they didn't want to do it in radio beeps because that's lame, right?
They wanted to do it with an actual audio message. And so president Eisenhower recorded an audio message
They strapped it on to this thing that could go out into space a very early satellite. And this is the message that he gave to everyone in December during the
Christmas season of 1958 he said through the marvels of scientific advance.
My voice is coming to you from a satellite Circling in outer space. My message is a simple one through this unique means
I convey to you in all mankind America's wish for peace on earth and goodwill to men everywhere now this is when the
Cold War was really heating up so the idea of peace on earth was quite a a Far -fetched idea, but nevertheless
America president Eisenhower Recorded this this desire and they sent it off in this satellite
Orbiting earth for the whole world to hear now this message of peace. I find to be kind of ironic
Because in their haste America didn't want to wait to make an actual satellite to get out there They did the quickest thing they could do they used to the thing that they could use quickest to get out there
So they could hurry up and get the satellite out into space So it's not too long after Sputnik and what they used was a rocket that was meant to hold a nuclear bomb
And so I I find that to be ironic isn't it? It's a message of peace and it's being carried by a rocket meant for nuclear warfare
I think it's it's an ironic display of how everyone wants peace Russia and America wants peace
Everyone wants peace, but we want it on our own terms That's the way peace operates that's the kind of peace that we want and even on an individual level we operate the same way
Don't we? You know we we say I remember in high school here and all the time and celebrities
They act like they're high school there. So you hear them all the time say no drama. I don't want drama, right? We don't like drama we like peace, but we want peace on our own terms if we're in an argument or or There's contention with another brother and sister in Christ or a spouse
We want peace, but we want it on our terms. We want it on our terms and the question I want to ask does
God work this way? Does God want peace and does he want it on his own terms and the answer is a resounding yes
Exactly what he wants God wants peace and he wants it on his own terms
God works this way surely His will is to bring peace to a situation that is engulfed in turmoil due to our rebellion
But his peace most specifically means destroying our self -rebellion. So God operates on the same way, too
He wants peace just as we want peace, but he wants it on his terms just like in our rebellion.
We want it on our terms I'd say emphatically I could say absolutely emphatically
If you want peace right now in your homes and your marriage and your friendships The answer is always not to get your own way as we most naturally want to but it's to get
God's way Right, and that's that's a nice bumper sticker Christian statement, right? But it has to be true if we truly want peace
It has to be God's way and it should be our delight to apply God's peace or God's way to every area of our life
But nevertheless God certainly works this way God wants peace and he wants it on his own terms
Last week we spoke on turmoil And we broke it down into if you remember three layers
Remember and the first layer of turmoil is in Psalm 2 is humans You remember they're raging they're plotting in Psalm 2
They're raging they're plotting against God and his anointed if you remember remember we talked about the second layer though Who's behind that and we talked about Satan Satan is behind the turmoil of humans that they do
Even when they don't even quite know that and then the third layer is God is over it all for the sake of his son
And his kingdom we saw how God is sovereign and using the turmoil brought by the first two layers to bring about The kingdom of his son
Now today we're gonna see how Jesus's kingdom is a piece. It truly is It is so it is one a piece
We'll see that in Luke 1 and 2 but also how this piece is brought on his terms Not our on our own terms and we'll see that in Psalm 2 and this is really needed to know
Because if you do any kind of evangelism if you do any kind of trying to tell someone about who got it
And God is and what he's doing again They'll want that piece that you offer in the gospel, but they'll say they want it on their own terms
They don't recognize that there is a need for Repentance and a turn it away and a turn away from the sin so that it's on God's terms
So it's very important for us to solidify. What is God looking for in the kingdom with the son?
What is he doing and that is to promote peace for the son to have peace? But of course it needs to be on his terms and not on our own terms
You understand that if God were a lot were to allow a kingdom for his son on the terms of the rebel to where the rebels would get their
It would be on their terms God would be a very most Injust God He'd be a
God who is very unjust. He would be a God who If you would allow such a thing
He'd be the most unloving and be a very unjust kingdom No for it to be a just kingdom for it to be a righteous kingdom.
It must be peace on the terms that God has ordained This is needed to be understood in our own selves like Charlie Brown.
We should be on the search for the meaning of Christmas And we'll see how it's it's peace from the king on his own terms
So if you look in Luke 1 we start in verse 26 if you want to flip over there
We'll see the nature of what Jesus is doing is it's one of peace the first before we get to Luke 2
I want to take a quick second in Luke 1 26 through 33 to see how When Gabriel goes to Mary and Tells her she's going to have a son we can hear
Really we can it drips some of the words drip off of what we already heard from Psalm 2 about this kingdom
That is coming that God is establishing And we see in verse 26 in the sixth month of Luke 1
The angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was
Joseph Of the house of David and the Virgin's name was Mary and he came to her and said greetings
Oh favored one the Lord is with you But she was greatly troubled at the saying and tried to discern what sort of greeting this might be and the angel said to her
Do not be afraid Mary for you have found favor with God and behold you will conceive in your womb and bear a son and you
Shall call his name Jesus He will be great and will be called the Son of the
Most High and the Lord God will give to him the throne of His father David and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever and of his kingdom
There will be no end you see those last few verses those words are dripping with where we left off last week in Psalm 2
Remember the nations are raging. They're plotted against God and God laughs because he
Will accomplish his desire which is what in Psalm 2 6 if you remember as for me I have set my king on Zion my holy hill and so we see here a burst of of action divine action after Thousands of years or hundreds of years of silence and now we can see that this is coming into full view this great
Prophecy or this great promise that as for me. I have set my king on Zion my holy hill and here we see
Jesus is the great Fulfillment of this promise that's coming about this is
David's kingdom This is the throne of his father David and he'll reign over the house of Jacob forever on that.
Holy Hill now If we look at Luke 1 46 We can see now that part of this rule of Jesus is
God's ability to handle his enemies on his own terms God can handle his enemies on his own terms
God wants is a God of peace But it's peace on his own terms and part of that means that you need to destroy your enemies
And so we see that in Luke 1 46 And Mary said you remember this this this great song of Mary And she says and Mary says my soul magnifies the
Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior For he has looked on the humble estate of his servant for behold from now on all generations
Will call me blessed for he who is mighty has done great things for me and holy is his name in verse 50
And his mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation He has shown strength with his arm.
He has scattered the proud and the thoughts of their hearts He has brought down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate
He has filled the hungry with good things and the rich he has sent away empty He has helped his servant
Israel in remembrance of his mercy as he spoke to our fathers to Abraham and to his offspring
Forever and so we can see we can see here Mary talking about how this God is a
God who remembers his covenant remembers His people but in so doing he brings down people who are mighty right?
This is God who has peace on his own terms We can see Zechariah if we had time to go there
We can see he talks about the peace of this kingdom too in light of the fact that God brings down his enemies as well
But I'll focus the last few minutes as we're in Luke I want to go to Luke 2 with the story of the angels going to the shepherds
So we can see in Luke 2 verse 8 in the same region There were shepherds out in the field Keep and watch over their flock by night and an angel the
Lord appeared to them and the glory of the Lord shone around them And they were filled with great fear and the angel said to them fear not for behold
I bring you good news a great joy that will be for all the people for unto you is born this day in the city of David a
Savior who is Christ the Lord and This will be a sign for you you will find a baby wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger and Suddenly there's the angel of a multitude of the heavenly post praising
God and saying glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among those whom he is pleased
So when the angels went away from the from them into heaven the shepherds said to one another Let us go over to Bethlehem and see the thing that has happened which the
Lord has made known to us And they went with haste and found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in a manger and when they saw it
They made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child and all who heard it Wondered at what had the shepherds told them now
It's really interesting and this kind of goes to what we're saying last week that that God, you know
You have the raging of the enemy. You have the raging of the world You have the rage you have their plotting and God laughs at them and you can see that if you know
Typically when a king has arrived and they are declared to be king you want the you want it to be fantastic You want it to be wonderful.
You want the visuals to be awesome so that it further solidifies So this guy is really king, you know when when a king is court
What's the word court coronated? I think it's proper word. You want it to be a dazzling display, right?
You want there to be gold over here? You want there to be riches you want it to be dazzling you want all the great people all the greatest states to be there
Right princes and everything to be there to display this King becoming king in his own right to have that authority
Well, I think find amazing is that when Jesus has announced to be king He's announced to be king by shepherds lowly shepherds
These are people that are poor that don't have much money It wouldn't be people that if you really wanted to defend that this is the king of Israel You wouldn't want to use shepherds
Well, there's a certain sense where God laughs at his enemies that he's not worried about their raging not worried about their plotting but rather he is very calm and collected as he has shepherds go and Declare what they heard from the angels that this is the king that there is peace going to be offered to the world
And then we know this baby was born in a cave not in a palace, right?
We know that this is God that simply is laughing at the enemies Advances by showing this king of the universe displayed in such a lowly way
And the question that I have though moving forward especially as we look at Psalm 2 It's been 2 ,000 years since that great
This is that great declaration from the angels, right? You know Peace on earth goodwill for those who he's well pleased with And you can imagine in your mind you would imagine that that this
Messiah would bring all sorts of peace Overarching right? It's been 2 ,000 years and yet we still live in a world that's full of turmoil
So what do we do with that? Right? What do we do that? The fact that Jesus has been raining now so to speak for 2 ,000 years yet.
We still are full of turmoil this week alone, right? We hear the shooting in Oxford high school.
This is a high school. That was not far north from me at all In fact, our schools were somewhat rivals Well, we'd be more rivals if our school would ever win a football game, but we played each other all the time
I know people went there and everything it can be hard for us to understand that if this is a
Jesus who is supposed to have peace on earth Goodwill to men and everything and yet we have so much turmoil 2 ,000 years later
In fact, we can even argue that perhaps it hasn't even gotten better It was that just wishful thinking by God With what was going on with Jesus as a babe
When we think about turmoil in our own home Some of you guys are coming into church this morning and there was turmoil in your home when you left
And you guys got to put on a nice face as you come here. That's that's that's awful That doesn't feel good for ourselves that to come in and put on a face and and fake and act like there's not turmoil within My own homes.
Yeah, I'm supposed to read that Jesus has brought peace 2 ,000 years ago Where's that peace at? And so it can be something that we really got to solidify in our hearts each
Christmas time as we talk about peace The kingdom that that a peace that Christ is supposedly have brought but yet we see so much turmoil
Where does that come from? Right? Especially when we're struggling with peace within our own homes, what peace are we even talking about here?
It reminds me of that great hymn that I love listening to each year. I heard the bells on Christmas Day You remember the words and in despair
I bowed my head There is no peace on earth I said for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth goodwill to men, right?
It's the middle of the Civil War And there wasn't much peace going on then but yet this baby
Jesus was supposed to bring so much peace It mocks the song because there's so much turmoil is peace really something that Jesus has brought
I think Psalm 2 can really help us with that answer I think it can really help us make sense of this the angelic declaration was not just God's best intentions but these 2 ,000 years ago it shows that He didn't just fall short of the mark
Christ will defeat his enemies and bring total peace in the end But first he uses the raging and the plotting to bring peace within his people first And that's kind of where we're going
I want to say that again Christ will ultimately bring an end to all the turmoil to all the sin
You know that sin is what causes a turmoil But first he's using the turmoil to bring peace within his elect within his church first You see what
I'm saying there that he wants to use the turmoil to bring peace to his church first and after that is complete
After his church has been sanctified then he will bring peace across the whole world with his judgment
But one must come before the other and so in a way your sanctification is a guarantee of the enemy's imminent downfall
You want to know how we can know that Jesus truly will bring peace is because he's starting with this church
He's starting with this church He's bringing sin to an end within his church first and we know that that is a down payment that one day he'll make an
End of all sin across all the world once he is finished with his church Indeed he uses the turmoil of the world to further sanctify his church in his own time
And once he's done doing that then he will put an end to his enemies because he's done using them
And that's kind of the direction. I want to head to and I want to label it before we get there and so Going back to Psalm 2 then we'll spend the next several minutes there
And I remember we ended in verse 6 Psalm 2 verse 6 as for me,
I have set my king on Zion my holy hill This is in direct response to the plotting the raging of the world.
Remember and it was in vain Remember they're doing their plotting and they're raging in vain And we talked about the layers, right?
And we already we already referred to that and after God gets done laughing at their plotting at the raging in vain after he gets done
Mocking them. He then says now let me tell you what's actually going to happen. Not your rebellion Not what you're trying to do, but this is what's actually happening whether or not you like it and you're actually contributing to it
He says as for me, this is what I'm doing and it's not in vain. I am establishing my
King on Zion. I have set my king on Zion my holy hill You see that's what
God is doing in history what he's doing now Despite the fact that people are raging and plotting against him
He laughs at their trial He laughs at what they're trying to do and he says I'm going to use you in order to actually further my purpose and so in verse 7
We can get this King that he says I've set up all of a sudden he starts speaking And he says in verse 7 of Psalm 2.
I will tell the decree the Lord said to me You are my son today.
I have begotten you So again, this is the King God says I am establishing my king on my holy hill and all of a sudden we hear the words of this
King this anointed one and he says I will tell the decree the Lord or Yahweh the father said to me you are my son to get today.
I begotten you now again the immediate context of This right. So this always it was we said last week you we see these
Old Testament verses They always have an immediate context the people who initially heard that would always always had something to bear on their life at that moment
But then there's always a far -reaching Context of the great Messiah of the great Jesus Christ to come and the great immediate
Immediate context is God has produced a king for Israel. And so when Israel had a king
Whether King David Solomon or anyone that came after them It was God who established that King not that King has established itself
And that's really important because the idea is that the King is not the law God is the law
God is one who established the King and that's a very important advancement in culture, by the way
We don't have time to get into it But the idea that the King is not the law but God is King over or God is
King over The King he is the law and the point being is that anytime there is a king of Israel It's because that he was begotten by God God had created that King, right?
And so it's very important. It had very important immediate context there And these
Kings gained their power by God not by man But the ultimate fulfillment here and one that will focus most of our time on is the father establishing the throne of Messiah And we talked about how this is not just a little nuance of the
Bible But the whole scriptures is about God the father establishing the throne of the
Son That's what all scripture is about Old Testament New Testament It's all about the Messiah and his throne being established.
The ultimate fulfillment is a father establishing the throne of Messiah And Really so we can see the ultimate role of the monarchy in Israel was to paint the picture of the great
King that would come a Lot of people get that mixed up thinking that there's still some importance to Israel outside of Christ even today
But what do they mean by decree if you see that if we see the ultimate fulfillment of Christ It says, you know this this this one who has been anointed by God the father.
He says I will tell of the decree Decree is an authoritative law or command Okay, you hear a decree for something
It's someone who has authority and he's decreeing something and people must now listen to this decree
And I think this is really important because there's a contrast right the world is raging and plotting in vain They want all these things.
They want all these things They want to rebel and God laughs at them and says, you know and holds them in derision and he says this is the decree
This is what's truly the decree. This is what's actually going to happen. This is truth This is the decree now the question we can ask before we get to it is when was this decree made?
Now we know in Israel with for the actual their actual Kings the decree was made when the king became king, right?
That was the decree. But when was it made for Jesus Christ? When was it made for the eternal
Son of God now, there's all sorts of different understandings of when it could be At the resurrection if you want to listen
Romans 1 1 through 4 at the very beginning of the letter Paul a servant of Christ Jesus called to be an apostle set apart for the gospel of God which he promised beforehand through his
Prophets and the Holy Scriptures concerning his son who is descended from David according to the flesh and was declared to be the
Son of God what in power so there's this idea that there it is There's that decree coming to pass declared to be the
Son of God in power According the Spirit of Holiness by his resurrection from the dead so we can see that perhaps he was the decree was made at his
Resurrection his accomplishment, but also we know in the baptism and the transfiguration of Jesus What does
God say the father say about his son? This is my beloved son whom I'm well pleased with right so the idea is maybe the decree about his son to have a kingdom was there
Personally, I have no problem placing the decree Jesus saying I've heard this decree This is the decree that he has given me this kingdom.
I have no problem placing this decree in eternity past That in eternity past There is this agreement between the son and the father that the father would give the son a people and the son would reign in the
Kingdom and so everything that happens in time and place after that and on earth is all to do with that eternal decree or that Covenant made between the father and the son
Everything that happens now on earth is because of this agreement that the father and son had together in eternity past That's the purpose for everything that's ever happened
It's for the father to give the son a kingdom based off of that decree or that covenant that eternal covenant made
Another verse we could look to is Psalm 110 one The Lord says to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool
It's as if we're peering into a conversation of the Divine Trinity, right? That's going on This is what the
Divine Trinity is doing right and we hear that this is where the decrees coming forth from from eternity past But nevertheless, this is the decree
No matter when it happens This is what God the father is doing and this is what the son has said the father has promised him this kingdom, right?
This is what's going on. So everything that's happened is in light of this great decree He says again in Psalm 2 verse 7
I will tell the decree the Lord said to me you are my son today I have begotten you and what will the father give to the son?
We'll look at verse 8 ask of me and I'll make the nation's your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession
So again, he says ask of me the son is talking. He's saying the father said this to me I will make the nation's your heritage and the ends of the earth your possession
This is what the father has promised to give to the son Heritage is like an inheritance. That's what heritage here.
I'll give you I'll make a nation's your heritage. This will be your inheritance is what the father saying your inheritance as my son will be the nation's and Possession means to take ownership.
The father gives his son something. That is the world now Our mind should go to who created everything the son
Jesus Christ created everything But what happened with sin and the rebellion what happened to that world that the son had created?
Well, it was given so to speak to the devil And we know that the devil is a prince of the power of the air
The one who is over all the actions of the rebellion of the world And so the idea here is that the father creates through the son the father gives the world to Satan as he enticed man to sin so that by the father so that the father can then give the world to the son and How's it?
What does the son do that? The father has given this world back to the son and and how does the son take it?
What does he do with it? Well, he takes it by conquest The father creates the world through the son
The father gives the world to Satan because of sin and and the son it gives it as an inheritance He receives that as inheritance by his conquest over those sins
By the son reversing all that Satan has done and sin Satan brought turmoil so that the son could come and bring peace so When we want to sing and in despair about my head, there's no peace on earth
I said for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth goodwill to men We understand that the turmoil we see there is all a plan of God so that the son could then
Conquest everything by destroying that sin and taking back the world by his conquests
We gotta see it's ultimately all for the glory of the son to receive the kingdom from the father only as a conquering hero
And so we can see if we want to call it in a couple layers here to keep on going with layers
How does the son accomplish this? Reconquest so to speak of the world the first layer is how of how he does it is destroying the rebellion from without Okay, this is all the purpose of what's going on.
Is that the son creates Satan take so to speak by Sending everyone in the rebellion with sin and then the son then takes again by conquest of sin.
So how does he conquests? How does he take this sin? How does he destroy the rebellion? Well, we see in verse 9 of Psalm 2
You shall break them You shall break them. He's told with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel
So again, he says you shall break them With a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel
It's very interesting because a rod that's like a shepherd's rod, right and we can see our Jesus is a shepherd
He has a shepherd. He's a shepherd. He has a rod and that rod is for comfort for his sheep But that rod is also for judgment.
It's also to hit away the wolves It's very amazing how that shepherd can be used in two very different ways
And I think what's going on here is it's talking about this the way he destroys sin the way he ends the rebellion
It's talking about first talking about the world here And he's saying this rod and many other verses we see that it's actually a comforting thing for his sheep
It's actually used as a rod to dash his enemy to pieces to end the rebellion that Satan has brought to dash it to pieces
With the rod of iron and he dashes it so completely It's like a potter's vessel that gets smashed and destroyed in all tiny bits of pieces
You see this is what is going on in the world Is that although sin has brought everything into rebellion
The whole purpose of what the father is doing with that it's not like he's like oops I wish that wouldn't have happened He allows it so that he could then give it back to his son, but his son receives it by vanquishing sin
By vanquishing his enemies by getting the glory of being a conquering hero It's all for the glory of his son and this pact or this agreement before time began that I will give you a kingdom and you
Will be the hero of that kingdom. You'll be the king of that kingdom and we can see here in verse 9 It's one of being a complete
War hero And that can kind of hurt our Christian ears because as we see it as being the sheep of his pasture
We see Jesus is very much kind and gentle and full of mercy and grace, but he is not like that for his enemies
There's gonna be a day that's coming in which he's going to shatter them And that's a very real thing that we must hold on to all of what
Jesus is And our culture likes to tell us hold on to one part of Jesus that gentle Jesus the hippie
Jesus is always smiling only hold on to that one But you know forget about the other fact that he has a rod of iron and he's going to use it to smash his enemies
Especially in this this Christmas season we can see baby Jesus And we can see he's a merciful
Jesus to come the Son of God taking on flesh and being a babe is should amaze us
But we got to hold on we got to make sure that we have everything balanced this baby's one day He's gonna grow up.
He's going to die for his sheep and one day. He's going to return He's going to destroy his enemies with a rod of iron right this is a well -balanced
Understanding of who Jesus is and what he's doing and coming as a babe, and that is to destroy sin
And we see here We can and we'll get to how he destroys sin from within but from without the world without the non -elect
He's going to destroy them with a rod of iron And we can see this this terminology used you shall break them with a rod of iron
Dash the pieces like a potter's vessel and Revelation we see this used three times
The Apostle John likes to use this I just want to look at a couple places to see how this is used as judgment
If you look at Revelation 2 25 You remember he's writing the letters to all the churches
Thyatira is one of them And He says in Revelation 2 25 only hold fast what you have until I come
Jesus says the one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end to him
I'll give authority over the nations And he will rule them with a rod of iron as when earth and pots are broken in pieces
Even as I myself have received authority from my father, and I'll give him the morning star He who has an ear let him hear what the
Spirit says the church is You can see he says if you just wait on if you hold on Longer you will then get to reap the rewards of being able to dash your enemies to pieces because we'll be doing it with Jesus If you look there, he says
I know you're going through turmoil I know you're going through hard times, but he who works who keeps my works into the end to him
I'll give authority over the nations I think he's talking about the judgment to come now does that mean that we'll be the one judging people no
But we'll be with Jesus as he exhibit as he does that judgment to the nations And there's another part of Revelation 12 where he mentions that we're gonna skip that but we're gonna go to Revelation 19
Where we see John use that same terminology and we see the judgment and we see how we are there with him behind him
Revelation 19 11 through 16 John says
Then I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse The one that's
Jesus sitting on it is called faithful and true and in righteousness He judges and makes war
His eyes are like a flame of fire and on his head are many diadems and he has a name written that no one knows by himself
He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood and the name by which he is called is the Word of God and the armies
Of heaven arrayed in fine linen white and pure were following him on the white horses. I believe that's the church right there
And from his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations and he will rule them with a rod of iron
He will tread the winepress of his fury of the wrath of God the Almighty on his robe and on his thigh he has a name written
King of Kings and Lord of Lords you imagine these people this church at this time that was in it was suffering the persecutions of Rome of the
Jews and we can see that they found peace in the fact that one day we will take part with Jesus as he judges our
Enemies as he gets rid of sin Unrighteousness with a rod of iron as he judges it we will take witness of that and it will be glorious to us
The only way that's true is if we hate sin as much as Jesus does That we cannot wait for Jesus to get rid of it
Externally I also think that this This judgment a rod of iron
Jesus being a being a judge we see that currently as well It's not just something for the end, but if you want to listen to me or flip there
Matthew 21 42 through 44 Jesus said to them he's talking to the religious leaders here.
Have you never read in the scriptures? In Matthew 21 42
The stone that the builders that's Israel the Jewish leaders rejected has become the cornerstone that's
Jesus This was the Lord's doing and is marvelous in our eyes therefore I tell you the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people producing its fruits and the one who
Falls on this stone will be broken to pieces and when it falls on anyone it will crush him so when they fall on it
They'll be broken if it falls on anyone. They'll be broken It'll be judgment for those who reject this stone so that again
There's this idea that Jesus is coming as King. He has came as King to get rid of sin externally
Those who do not obey him those who do not bow down to him he comes to get rid of that But there's a second layer in which he's getting rid of sin within his church the rebellion within his church
He's he'll one day get rid of the rebellion outside He'll one day get rid of or he does get rid of the rebellion inside his church
And I and we'll see that more in detail next week But just as a precursor because I don't want to end on just simply
God judging the world Without then talking about how God also judges our sin We don't want to be like those those churches where we love talking about the wickedness of the world
And we say how bad they are and everything But we never talk about the wickedness that's found within and so I want to finish just by Looking to something we'll focus more next week, but it's psalm 212 kiss the son psalm 212
Kiss the son Lest he be angry and you perish in the way for his wrath is quickly kindled Blessed are all who take refuge in him you see what psalm 2 is doing is that Jesus is coming to end the rebellion on The exterior those who do not bow down to him
He's going to one day in the future even now in a certain sense judge them and end them with a rod of iron
But you see psalm 2 is also saying that there's another way. Thank God there is and that's one in which instead of being judged by this
Jesus we can actually find refuge in this Jesus by kissing him by bowing down to him by paying homage to him by him being our king even today by Seeing his authority as king even today
So instead of plotting and being angry and working against this king Instead we kiss and we bow down to this king and in so doing we find refuge for him so that when judgment does come
We are not found among those who are shattered like a potter's vessel instead We are those who have taken refuge in this same king and so we are safe from his judgments
You see that God or Jesus Christ came to deal with the rebellion problem
Baby Jesus came to deal with the rebellion problem his kingship has everything to do with dealing with Sin and dealing with it completely
Either through judgment or through grace, but he will deal with it. That's a whole nature of his kingdom
This is a whole nature of his inheritance from the father as his possession that his righteousness would dwell
Completely and he would judge and get rid of unrighteousness And I think this is what
Paul is getting at in 2nd Corinthians 10 3 through 6 Remember Paul says for though we walk in the flesh
We're not waging war according to the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh
But have divine power to destroy Strongholds that means we are a church that is militant
Okay, that doesn't mean we take out swords when we start hacking people People apart right like the the
Muslims and everything the the extremists But we are a people in which we are militant, but we're militant not in a physical way
We're militant in a spiritual way That is we are militant against sin and we do everything we can to work against it to destroy it to eradicate it
He says again verse 4 for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but have divine power to destroy strongholds
We destroy arguments and every lofty opinions raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey
Christ You see how militant we are You know how militant it is to take every thought of yours captive to obey
King Jesus You realize that we sin Often and we need to take every thought captive to obey
Christ every thought you have You take as a prisoner to the Lord to see is this keeping with his kingdom?
If not, may it be dashed to pieces You see how Jesus is dealing with sin even today in his church
And so he uses and I think this is what Paul is saying is that The philosophies and the garbage and the filth of the world when it comes in through the bride of Christ's brains and hearts and desires
What does Jesus do with that? Says that's mine and we're getting rid of that and he destroys it so you see how
Jesus is using the filth of the world to go through the church and Then for you to have the honor and glory to then take that to Jesus Christ and say destroy it
Jesus So for those who do that today who'd find refuge in Jesus today
They will seek and they will have eternal life. But for those who refuse to bow the knee to Jesus And those who refuse to take every thought captive to Christ Jesus will destroy your sin
But it'll be an eternal damnation And the whole point of what Jesus is doing is to destroy sin and he shall do it but it's
How he does it is what matters for us, right? We want him to do it today. We want him to do it right now
We want him to have victory today over us so that we can find refuge in him and kiss him
So that we do not face this terrible judgment in the end So everyone wants peace
But sadly in our sin we want it on our own terms God works this way. He wants peace and he wants it on his term and The kingdom he has given to his son by decree works this way, too
The turmoil that we see in the world system today is found even in you It's there.
We can't help it. We're in the world, but it's on that way on purpose He could have just sucked us right up whenever we became saved
He keeps us in the world so that we are of the world We're in the world but not of the world right the seed of rebellion is found in everyone after Adam Jesus receives glory and Ending it in you and after his church has been fully sanctified
He then will end the sin and all the world his enemies and this peace will reign forever
So if you are a Christian, that means you do not seek peace by getting your own way You do not seek peace by getting your own way because that is antithetical to the kingdom that Christ has set up That's peace according to his way
But rather you seek that that Jesus gets his own way in everything and that includes conquering sin wherever it is found and his elect
Now in grace in the world. It's at judgment. And in this way peace does reign from Christ despite the turmoil of the world and so if we go back to the
To I heard the bells on Christmas Day And despair I bowed my head. There is no peace on earth
I said for hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth goodwill to men But then peeled the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead nor does he sleep For Christ is here his spirit near brings peace on earth goodwill to men when men repent and turn from sin
The Prince of Peace then enters in and grace imparts within the hearts his peace on earth goodwill to men all souls amid earth's busy strife
The Word of God is light and life Oh hear his voice make him your choice hail peace on earth goodwill to men then happy singing on your way
Your world will change from night to day. Your heart will feel the message real a peace on earth goodwill to men
So last 2 ,000 years The world has still acted filthy, but the church has acted more sanctified
I believe this is what God is doing in history The world acts filthy and they get worse and they're in the barking gets louder
But the church grows and grows and sanctification grows in holiness and doctrine and understanding
I think is what Jesus is doing that he's ending sin. But first he starts with his own church
And he doesn't in grace and kindness And so I think there has been a kingdom of peace in the midst of this great turmoil
And so it's got to be said as we leave here today as we participate in the table Can it be said that your life is defined by this peace in the midst of great turmoil, right?
Can you say that your life is a life of peace that Christ is brought and this peace is not that you feel good about Your life and everything's going peachy clean.
This peace is that I am working to bring every thought Captive to our sovereign
Lord. Is this your desire? Is this your your strong desire within your heart to bring every thought captive to Christ now so that I don't face judgment later, right?
This is the whole promise of the New Covenant by the way that Jesus would take your heart Transform it make it light and make it full of flesh so that it's feeling
So that you can feel the righteousness of Christ that you know it and that you can work and strive towards his
Perfection not by your own power, but the power that he provides you This is the whole working of the kingdom of Christ that he would end sin in you today through Justification, right when you look upon Jesus and repent of your sins and you place your trust in him
So that he justifies you makes you righteous, but then he doesn't stop there, but he grows you in Righteousness, he grows you more in love with him.
So that sin over and over again finds itself vanquished in your life Is that the kind of peace that defines your life or are you just simply staying in these certain sins that you allow?
The worst thing if you're if there's a sin right now that you're in your head You're thinking of in this moment that you know
Continues to plague you know that this is exactly what Jesus is not doing in the kingdom What Jesus is doing in the kingdom is vanquishing that sin.
And so you don't say well, I just gotta get stronger No, you say King Jesus take over Vanquish this and destroy it for me so I can find refuge in you do not flirt with sin
Do not say it's okay, but rather bring it to the king of peace who will bring peace in your lives
This is the great promise that our Lord has given us. This is our refuge. This is us kissing the
Sun. So I Implore all of you to do it today And so we should be like Charlie Brown We should be looking all around.
What is the meaning of Christmas, right? And what I want to tell Charlie Brown it is good Yeah You read the
Christmas story for sure and know that the meaning of Christmas is for you to repent of your sins and look upon King Jesus who takes your sins forgives them so that you don't face his final judgment in the end instead
We have eternal life today. That is the meaning of Christmas. He came to vanquish sins praise me to God He does it in you today by his grace.
What a good God we have Let us praise him for that today praise him at all that we do in Christmastime and I look forward to talking more about About that kissing the
Sun next week. Let us pray God in heaven. Thank you so much for The Sun and all that he does
Lord, he hates sin just like you hate sin Sin is rebellion and there's great turmoil because of it
Lord We shouldn't separate the turmoil of the world from the sin that is because of that turmoil and so let us know that you hate sin because it is not you and So I pray
God that we'd be the people in which again we kiss the Sun We see that there's a great judgment coming for those who fail to do so And so let us take refuge in the
Sun so that we don't face his judgment rather We only receive his kindness because we know that his whole work in this kingdom this decree
This kingdom given by the by you father is so that he can Give righteousness to his people and then work in those people to vanquish every sin of theirs taking every thought captive to Christ Lord in heaven, how often we know this is reality, but how often we see ourselves failing
Lord in heaven in that it's so great that we still have a God We still have a
Savior who is kind to us That we can go to even in this moment and say Jesus I screwed up again
All that you would come and comfort me in my screw up and you would then empower me in the future to no longer live
In that rebellion, but rather that you would vanquish it even today I pray that as we celebrate the table that that would be in our forethought
That he this is what Jesus has done his death and resurrection Was to end the sin in us and so may we utilize that power?
So that that sin can be completely ended ended in us and through progressive sanctification.