Trinity Lesson 1, Matt Slick



Trinity Lesson 1, Uniqueness of God, Matt Slick


fix will work fine we're gonna find out okay come on let's see and hopefully yeah hopefully it works fine let me go for that one it's looking looking good okay you ready all right a second
I gotta put the microphone on getting a wife ready all right gotta get my microphone on all right we have people here and we're gonna jump into a probably a five -point mate five parts series on the doctrine of the
Trinity and we're gonna pray and then we just introduced this and then we're gonna jump into it okay hopefully the graphics on on a string yard it better you can let me know how it looks it looks good yeah
I changed I went and did some stuff and change some settings anyway let's pray
I'm gonna jump in Lord Jesus thank you for tonight
I thank you for those who want to hear your word and we'll put up with me being able to teach them master of your mercy on the teaching of your word and the truth of who you are as we study as we begin
I asked Lord for your mercy and your grace and for your anointing on the words of truth that would sink into our hearts please bring people to listen and me may you be glorified in it we ask this
Jesus your precious name all right now I did not release this this is the paragraph we're teach
I'm teaching ever and I will probably release it on calm in the next day or two or three and turn it tight into the
Bible study stuff with notes this is just the first segment we're gonna be getting into and what we're gonna do here
I'm just gonna introduce the concept of the Christian God defined the reason I did this was because I don't know it was within a year or so I was talking to an atheist and we were having a discussion about the nature of God and a lot of times what atheists will do is simply negate
God and I said well which God are you talking about they go whatever God you want I said that doesn't make any sense because there are different theological perspectives that are contradictory you can't have that Mormonism as a man who became a
God Christianity that never was not a God in Islam God's not a Trinity but in Christianity it is which one is what you want to go with he said well you define
God for me and that's what started the conversation and so I started working on I did
I you know the Trinitarian aspect and I thought yeah I'm gonna work on this some more and so I have a file
I've been working on for years called outlines an apologetics and I don't know how many pages it is but it's lots so I went in there and I created a section on just God God defined and I started this when
I first wrote it it was like 30 40 50 page of words coincidentally this is exactly 500 and but that's got the the titles and your uniqueness of God COT etc it's got the titles so minus those there you go but I think it works nevertheless it was kind of a nice coincidence and I'll continue to modify this as a matter of fact
I should have a pen there's a pen right there's your pen and I can use a pen to write notes in here as I explain things thank you very much and I want to be able to get people to understand more and more the doctrine of the
Trinity the thing about this is it continues to grow as I examine as I think as I relate if I discuss debate defend it comes up more and more last week a week ago tonight you know tonight two weeks ago sorry
I was having a debate on oneness or unit yet oneness versus Trinity now
I've done Unitarianism versus a Trinity and there's some stuff I haven't even put in here yet in my outline which is 17 pages just on this lesson the 17 pages is including scripture references there's a lot there but I'll probably like I said
I'll probably end up doing is just putting the whole thing up as one big article up on calm and so that people can just look at it they could select the whole thing they could put it up and I could modify it and just say there's updates to it so I'm gonna do instead of reading 500 words
I'm going to just read the subheadings and then I'll read the first heading the whole bit and then what we're gonna do is go through the scriptures
I want you to see from the Word of God I want you to see from the Word of God there are ramifications to this the doctrine of the
Trinity and the more I look at the doctrine of the Trinity more I see how necessary it is and how pervasive it is in our lives
Christian lives and such and I and now that I'm thinking about it that much I realized that in preaching
I haven't preached a sermon in a long time I wish I could preach some more I could see how the doctrine of the
Trinity would be needed a little every now and then to be woven in to what it is you'll see as we go over this in the next few weeks okay so the headings
I did this morning I got up and got had five hours sleep so I'm a little bit slow today so please bear with me and I I started
I started to do something and I started doing categories in order to help me categorize and rearrange stuff and then
I realized or five basic categories I said hey this is working so the first category deals with the uniqueness of God and then the next category is the acuity of God his independence then we get into the nature of God and then into unity and diversity of God and that's going to be an interesting topic and then the creation of God and that gets in the created order as it relates to God so those all of those are 500 words and let's just read through the first paragraph probably 30 40 words and then we'll continue all right okay so the
Christian God is the one and only divine being he is the I am he has nothing against which he can be compared and defined therefore truth wisdom goodness justice love holiness mercy etc are all self -revealed as an expression of his holy nature
God expresses himself through creation scripture and Jesus his self -revealed character is the ultimate standard with which we measure all things
God is the ultimate source of all truths all actualities and all potentialities all right so that's what we're gonna study tonight now
I can I can double this paragraph and get particulars and some more minutiae and some details but I think it's all that necessary if I were to expand this into a book then you know we go into it even more and stuff but you know we don't need to do that we're not here for scholarly stuff on PhD level what's that welcome so the uniqueness of God all right so if you turn you go to the next page that I gave you you'll see that there are scripture references with the same paragraph so the
Christian God is the one and only divine being he is the I am that's Isaiah 44 6 Exodus 3 14 now actually
I see right away that I forgot to put some scripture references in there because I wanted to put in the one and only and I go to Isaiah 43 10 44 6 44 8 and so what
I'll do is just make a little note in there and I'll add some of those and just into my paragraph this is what always happens
I've I've written it it's perfect and within a little bit I'm correcting it already nevertheless so let's just go through some of the scriptures here now it does say
God the Christian God is the one and only divine being he's the I am all right so that's Isaiah 44 6 if you go down to the paragraph there and to the outlines what we have people looking at this is the outline notes of scripture references it says in Isaiah 44 6 thus says the
Lord that's Yahweh capital L or D was all caps like that is Yahweh the tetragrammaton you'll take body thus says the
Lord the King of Israel and his Redeemer the Lord of hosts I am the first and I'm the last and there is no
God besides me now what God is saying is there is no other
God now there are other verses I'll put them in later where it says he doesn't even know of any other gods now when
I talk to Mormons for example I'll quote this verse and other verses and they'll say well that just means of this world now here's something you gotta understand what false religious systems do and people do is get the text to say the opposite of what it says a real basic principle they'll get could you turn that overhead light out right there switches right there right there yeah thanks and so they get the text thank you they get the text to say the opposite of what it actually is saying so when we go to Isaiah 44 6 thus says the
Lord the King of Israel and the Redeemer the Lord of hosts I'm the first unless there's no God besides me so the
Mormons for example will say well actually it's not true there are other gods besides him he just is referencing himself in this world but then in Mormonism for example
Jesus is a God the Holy Ghost is a God and there's the Goddess wife then there's the
God who exalted him so people have ways of rationalizing and ignoring what the text says when
I go to flip into 129 for example it's a verse I use frequently when I'm dealing with the issue of free will as people say that faith is simply something generated by the individual in Philippians 129 says that God grants that we believe and I have quoted that so many times of people and they'll say well it means the opportunity to believe the situation that allows you to believe they never just go with what it says because they want to submit the scriptures to them their feelings or preconditions or ideas often what
I will do in a conversation with someone like that online generally in a debate
I wouldn't do this but online you know in a casual conversation where we're having a nice discussion for one or two hours
I'll say can you do me a favor can you just you know you got shoes on right yeah is there anything underneath your shoes well the floor oh the
Bible's not under your feet I was wondering because you know what you're doing is you're putting it under your feet and you're the one who's telling us what it has to mean not believing what it says and so this is an important thing and notice what
God says when Moses says in Exodus 3 14 you understand the context Moses spent 40 years learning he was somebody in the house of Pharaoh 40 years learning he was nobody out in the desert and then 40 years being used as a nobody by God and in the pantheon of Egyptian gods it was the
God of locusts the God of the Nile the God of the firstborn etc the
God of frogs and so when Moses as well what's your name it's interesting he just simply says
I am Wow and that reminds me because I've debated
Muslims and they'll say that the Bible is corrupted and that the Quran is true and so I've asked them
I said is every word in the Bible corrupted they can't say yes okay and I can go to different service and talk about the
Bible not being corrupted but it's another topic and I'll say so you're you are telling us then that the same
God of the Old Testament is in the Quran right yeah that's right the God of Abraham he's a true
God I said okay then how come the Quran never gives us his name why is it he never gives us his name that's a good point and it is a good point but the name of God is simply
I am now you know how you have names for Indians right American Indians where's running bear he's down over there with flying eagle right and so Methuselah means when he dies it will come
Matthew sorry I remember this gift of God Nathan or Nathan it's a gift to give so there are different names and so in my novel the the influence
I actually took Greek words like propped on you know which is a transgression
I believe or to see or something I forgot and I use it as a name for demonic force you know things like that because they have meanings of the names so what does
God say he says I am now that's an interesting declaration God isn't saying his name
Bob or what's a hoo -ha it's simply
I am it's a continuous continuous presence tense here that is translated into the
English he is the I am now God's God has revealed himself this is something we have to realize that there is a self -revelation of God now
I've been studying a great deal on the NAR New Apostolic Reformation and I got so many tangents
I got a research got articles and sub articles related articles I got a right and these gentlemen and ladies will say that God gives them visions and God gives them words of knowledge and prophecies and yet these same men and women will support someone like William Branham who's a heretic flat -out heretic denies a
Trinity baptismal it seems to be baptismal regeneration we don't know it's kind of iffy but denies a
Trinity and Jesus only stuff claims to be the voice of God he does and he's a heretic and yet they call him a great prophet now they're saying there's gonna speak for God here's the thing if the
I am is speaking through you will he contradict anything of his self -revelation no an answer is no he will not contradict his self -revelation this is a concept we got to understand he created the universe and then what
God did was he walked in the garden with Adam and Eve he was revealing himself to them now what if he had not water there what if God had just you know
Adam and Eve you're asleep and then he just kind of gonna timer on you okay like 30 seconds 30 seconds you're gonna wake up and God takes off and they wake up in a garden
God never shows up doesn't reveal himself what are they gonna conclude about God God's there most probably they wouldn't know things but God has to reveal himself and this is the beginning he says
I I am he is the being one and in the Septuagint that's what it says and the
Septuagint is the Greek translation of the Old Testament and how they the Jews translated this in Greek is a way me home
I am the being what it's this is who he is so because of this he is the being one and other stuff we know in Scripture God has nothing against which he could be compared and defined now because he says
Isaiah 44 6 and other verses it says there's no one created none by him he has no many others etc if that's the case there's logical conclusions we can draw from this if we know that God is the only being and he's the beginner and we'll know this from later on remember we're gonna be going over stuff we're gonna be overlapping and reviewing things periodically is for some verses are used multiple times for different reasons but if he is the one who exists and has always existed and is the creator then he has to reveal himself to us if that's the case and he has existed before anything existed he existed before anything existed well that would mean that in order for us to know him we've got to exist which means he has to create us which means he's separate from creation we'll get into that another time later what also means that there's nothing to compare him to can't compare the universe to him he created it we can't compare time to him if we say that it's created we're hoping we're gonna use to compare it now this is important because this this and this is gonna come up later and I'm gonna be reviewing things and repeating things so while you understand some stuff so I talked to atheists as an example and they'll say how do you know
God is good wrong question I'll tell him it's a wrong question that's no it's not the wrong question your
God in your Bible he does this and he has people killed and allows babies to die and all this stuff and floods it up so what makes you think he's good
I say wrong question they go no man it's not a wrong question yes it is you need a standard of goodness by which you can say
God is good how do you know what a universal standard of goodness is if he is unique and he's the only and he created everything you are part of the creation you can't reach up to God and say
I know what you are and I'll judge if you're good or not this is the arrogance of the atheists this perspective we cannot then develop a series of logical syllogistic points say you know what this is how we know
God is good atheists will tell me well God good I was like well what's good well good is what brings about the betterment of people how do you measure betterment and why is that the right standard and so we go through this this bit where they will offer something and I asked them to justify it and they'll say when you justify your
God say I don't justify my God you're asking the wrong question make the wrong request for me to justify
God is to submit him to my reasoning and my logic that's all the Christian perspective the
Christian perspective is that he simply is the I am who reveals himself and we know this in creation and Jesus scripture we'll get into that in a bit so I said this is what it is and because of who he is then truth wisdom goodness justice love mercy holiness mercy or else self revealed as an expression of his holy nature
Matthew 1234 so oh I skipped some stuff he has nothing against which he can you're gonna back up both the verses
God has nothing against which he can be compared and defined so we go to Isaiah 40 18 and 44 7 and 46 9 so for Isaiah 40 18 to whom then what you like in God or what likeness will you compare with him
Isaiah 44 7 who is like me let him proclaim and declare it yes let him recount it to me in order for the time that I establish the ancient nation and let them declare to to them the things that are coming and the events are going to take place and Isaiah 46 9 remember the former things long past rhyme
God and there is no other I am God and there is no one like me so if there's no one like him and he is the
I am and we know the universe then we have can only know him by his self -expression that's it and this is an important important point as far as apologetics goes in defense of the faith we're all called to give an answer one way or another but you got to learn this is
I'll say this over and over and over he has nothing against which he can be compared and therefore you can't compare him to your logical machinations and reasoning that's not to say that we can't reason about God because God does say in in Isaiah 118 come let us reason together and then in Acts 17
Paul dialogues Acts 17 17 he reasons with them he dialogues with them with the
Athenians and he does this because he you know we're to hold captive every thought captive I think it's
Hebrews 10 5 I guess what the verse says no say Corinthians 10 5 and so what we can do is we can realize that if anybody wants to say well what is truth truth is what corresponds to the mind of God what is wisdom wisdom is that which corresponds to the mind of God what is goodness goodness is that which corresponds to the character of God what is justice justice is with that which corresponds to the character of God what is holiness what is love what is mercy these are the aspects these are the properties of God's greatness they were are revealed out of his character and then the actuality of their existence becomes known to us and we can know them because we're made in his image remain the image of God Genesis 1 26 to 28 what's called the communicable and communicable attributes of God and we'll get into that later on so the only way to know these things is to know him so remember if someone says how you know
God is good then the response is because it's another response
I'll say because he tells me he is oh people don't like that answer yes
I say well you know because he told me what would he tell you come to any vision no in the
Bible you know and mark mark 10 18 Jesus says what God is good God only you know
I call me good only God is good so he's good well how you know what good is by looking at him
I recently had a conversation where this act of conversation actually went like this well how do you how do you know he's good he said he's good because he says he's good
I don't say anything else right oh you just believe whatever the scriptures tell you yes okay well he's just saying is good that does there's no no way to know if he's how you know he's not a deceiver but he was a deceiver he wouldn't be good would he right there's a principle we'll get to it later if he possesses one characteristic he cannot also possess its opposite characterism if he's good it cannot also be the case that he's not good makes no sense we haven't even got into the why he's a necessary precondition for all intelligibility and the necessity of the one in the many transcendentals and universals oh it's gonna be fun that's gonna be fun to get into that later so he is self -revealed because he's self -revealed that his revelation is a standard of righteousness and goodness not us humanism on the other hand says man is a standard of righteousness but one of the tricks
I will do with Christians is they're debating reform theology debating total depravity free will libertarian free will compatibilist free will and I'll say
I said can I ask you a question I said yeah so I'm gonna see if I can set you up for a fall all right
I'm just telling you being honest I want to see if I can set you up so you're you have humanistic philosophies but I've been realizing it sure go ahead and try it and you've heard me say this before okay so I'm gonna talk about free will free will is the ability to choose between good and bad you can do either good choice you can do a bad choice no enforces you make a free will choice and that's what free will is right there's this usually a pause because they know
I'm setting them up but they can't see well let me try to get if you have someone who could do good and bad each you can freely choose to do good and bad no one's enforcing him or to do good or bad he can do either one and he just really chooses to do whatever he wants right because it's moral choice right yeah you guys agree with that yeah oh good you're all humanists well how are you humanists
I said because God doesn't fit that definition what you did without realizing it is just assume man as the measure
God cannot have options of good and bad and be able to choose good or bad you can only choose that which is consistent with his holiness we have the tendency to be humanistic in all of our ways you know
I'll do my best God will take care of the rest God knows my heart my heart is sincere and this is a problem because we want to look and judge we will look at God and judge
God and his mercy and his kindness based on what we think what we feel back in seminary the fifth most difficult graduate school in the country at the time ain't a lot of money a lot of work and I get to the class and I still remember where I was sitting and the professor gets up to the board he says off gentlemen
I'm gonna teach you one of the most important things you're ever gonna learn in seminary I'm ready and he wrote two sentences there is a
God you are not him I've told you guys about this before but it was true and I went everybody now come on I know that already and over the years
I've reflected on that and how important it is there is a God you are not him in about every single way you know sometimes
I'll pray and I'll say Lord I didn't want to pray because I don't know what to say I don't know what to ask I don't even know enough
I don't have enough wisdom to know what to ask for I just ask this one thing do with me whatever you want basically
I'm done praying now I can intercede and there are times when I do you know pray for my wife pray for the children pray for others people who really need help
I can pray for all kinds of people and intercede but there's times when
I just say Lord I just I don't want to ask I'm afraid I'll mess it up because you're
God and I'm not you have all knowledge and I don't you have all wisdom I don't just what do you want and you see when you understand that God is the unique one the only one the complete one the all -knowing perfect then he is the standard of all righteousness all truth mercy grace and love he's a standard and Jesus of course is expressed image the representation of God Hebrews 1 3 and so we see in Jesus the reflection of who
God is I'd be a good stuff just study how
Jesus was with people that'd be interesting stuff now nevertheless we're gonna continue so expression of his holy nature let's see yes therefore truth wisdom goodness justice love
Mary holiness mercy etc are revealed as an expression of his holy nature Matthew 1234
Jesus says you brutal vipers how can you being evil speak of what is good well that's a good that's good he says how do you speak of what is good for them out of the mouth or this mouth speaks of that which fills the heart now he's making a statement a true statement what's in your heart is what comes out what's in your heart comes out it's true
Genesis 1 3 God spoke and he said let there be light and it was light now he dwells on an approachable light who no man has seen or can see first Timothy 6 16 but light is also used in contrast to darkness darkness being spiritual blindness sin and so he chooses light and for us to build and creates us to see it but also to experience it not just with our eyes but also with our hearts and the person of Jesus Christ the nature of truth let there be light
God speaks the light is not just simply the manifestation of that wavelength but it is more than that it's the truth that which exposes that which he is in his nature in his essence and his speech is actually a reflection of his character let there be light now
God dwells an unapproachable light so most probably God is dwelling in an unapproachable light light that is glorious that's magnificent I thought about this when
I was writing my novel on the influence and I needed to describe the fall and not the fall of Adam and Eve but the fall of the demonic realm
I forgot what reason it was I needed to but I did in the plot wrote a book years ago and so what
I visualized was a light way out there this vision that the more the characters have light and smaller lights that reflect that light are approaching and moving around this great light and then a third of them become dark and they move away from the light and that's how
I described the fall of the angelic realm it's based on this I'm not saying it's perfect don't say it's great but it is an illustration because that they became dark and they moved away from that light they were cast out of heaven and that brightness in the presence of God this we could only know by his self revelation it's cool now so what number four here
God expresses himself in creation Romans 120 scripture actually 21 to 5
John 5 39 and in the person of Jesus John 1 1 14 Hebrews 1 3 let's go through these verses
Romans 124 since the creation of the world his invisible attributes his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen being understood through what has been made so they are without excuse now the
Bible tells us right here if the unbelievers are without excuse well I'll talk to atheists just so you know the reason
I bring up atheists a lot is because I'm on different chat systems on the internet and I'm known in the atheist circles like debate atheists and so I have a reputation and so atheists frequently will find me and want to have discussion but I have
I can't say this to the glory of God that many of the atheists say
I'm very gentle with them polite with them and just have nice discussions and they respect me where others will get on them and insult them and I don't agree with that but neither here nor there
I talked to a lot of atheists and I say to them I say look this will come up and I'll say you you just Bible says that you know that God exists but what you're doing verse 18 is you're suppressing the truth of God in your unrighteousness
I said when I say this I say I'm not trying to insult you I'm just telling you this is what the Bible says
I'm informing you by the revelation of God through the Apostle Paul that you in your sinfulness have rejected him and are continuing to do that in your rebellion against this is what the
Scripture says well how to believe in the Scriptures now Isaiah 55 11 said
God's Word will not come back empty without accomplishing what he desires so it doesn't matter if they believe the word or not
I will quote the word return this light on I forgot to and so I quote the
Scriptures because it's the Word of God is powerful let's see there we go a little bit more like hey look at me like being understood through what has been made so they're without excuse so everybody knows that God exists
Christian to now here's a question if you go to Romans 118 it says the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all and godliness might that somehow maybe apply to any of us all of godliness can we there's just questions can we suppress the truth of God in our unrighteousness even as we believe in him yeah
I don't know about you but I think I can I can say well I don't want to do that or I wanted this and not that or I don't feel like praying right now or we have different issues different ways of looking but nevertheless so I try to remember that you know you've been talking with with unbelievers who suppress that the nature of the true
God the understanding of the true God Mormons Roman Catholics Joe's witnesses Muslims I don't want to condemn them
I mean I condemn them in the sense that theologically you deny the true Christ I'll pronounce upon you what
God has already said you know unless you believe that I am you'll die in your sins on 824 etc you know various things but I mean
I'm not there to say hey I'm not doing that because I'm saved by God's grace and only by God's grace remember
I used to be involved in the occult bad stuff there's no reason for God to save me other than what's in him nevertheless so let's continue with it so anyway in creation so oh
I could get into the issue of let me do that a little bit since the creation of the world Romans 120 is it visible attributes of the eternal power divine nature have been clearly seen so that they're without excuse so I could get into the bit of the issue of the nature of creation we live in a trinity of trinities so time is past present future space is height width depth matter is solid liquid gas now there's actually slight variations of that like plasma the fourth state of matter some talk about a fifth state what we're talking about here is normatively speaking what the what we see what we understand what we experience as people we live in a trinity of trinities three sets of three the fingerprints of God are all around us and not only in the physical realm but also in the transcendental realm
I need to write an article I keep talking about it I gotta write an article called bumping into transcendence
I'm gonna start working on it sometime so we have time space and matter and it and says for the creation since the creation of the world is invisible attributes and we can look at creation we can see the attributes of God greatness wisdom intelligence power that's it there's a watch on these videos and there's
I get a kick out of some villagers in India and I don't even know if they have running water in their village or if they have electricity that kind of a thing and what they'll do is
I'll bring them into a place put a camera on them and then they have an interpreter and then they'll have me pizza and then they get the reactions
I'll have them listen to they listen to Metallica once and and I think and then one of them was interesting the reaction was interesting because they're
Muslims they had a they asked them how big is the earth how far away is the moon and their conception of this was pretty by our standards and understanding was pretty basic didn't understand much so they had a video they were showing we could see and you can see their reactions
I was going back and forth between these individuals and they would show the size of the earth is how far away the moon was
Wow and then how far away the Sun is and then how far away Mars is wow that's incredible and then the solar system how big it is and then how big the
Sun is okay and then they started showing other Suns and our Sun is like a dot and there's this big thing like and it goes on and on and on and on and as they saw creation they said
God is great they have more confidence in him it's unfortunate they've been deceived and believe in a false
God but you understand even they get it by looking at creation Wow even they understand he's great and he is but general that's called general revelation creations called general revelation is not sufficient for us normally speaking
I'm not saying someone can't become a true believer be redeemed by looking at creation someone maybe they could say
Lord you're just great I all I know is you're great need you who knows but anyway so he also reveals himself in Scripture and there's a lot we could say a lot of verses we could talk about but I went to Exodus 21 through 5 the 10
Commandments then God spoke all these words saying I am the Lord your God it's like saying
I am I am but anyway I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt out of the house of slavery you shall have no other gods before me you shall not make for yourself an idol or the
Lord of or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on earth beneath or in the water under the earth you shall not worship them or serve them for I the
Lord your God of a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children on the third and fourth generations of those who hate me so he revealing himself now notice what
I'm saying here reveals himself he says I am the one who did this don't have any other gods before me and if you do you mess up there's punishment coming why because there's righteousness because God is a universal standard of righteousness we'll get into this a lot more later
John 539 Jesus says you search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life but it is these that testify of me so the
Scriptures reveal God and they reveal Jesus they reveal what I don't like so reveal me when
I go to Colossians 3 and read Colossians 3 and I find out how I don't stand up to Colossians 3 or basically
John 3 or Romans 3 or anything they show me what I am the power of the word of God because it's his word he is great and of course he reveals himself in the person of Jesus John 1 1 in the beginning was the word the word was with God and the word was
God verse 14 and the word became flesh and dwelt among us and we saw his glory glory is of the only begotten from the
Father full of grace and truth and Hebrews 1 9 again 1 3 again excuse me and he is the radiance of his glory and the exact representation of his nature and upholds all things by the word of his power wow that's quite a statement when he made purifications of sins he sat down at the right hand of majesty on high all right a lot of theology there but we're not talking about that stuff now let's go to point five his self -revealed character is the ultimate standard with which we measure all things now you'll notice as we go through this that there's gonna be repetition of some concepts slightly worded
I do this often on purpose but also because the slight variations have slightly different meanings and what
I want here is this is self -revealed character is the ultimate standard what does it mean to have an ultimate standard an ultimate standard means there's no standard greater nothing greater by which you can measure it that's there's nothing greater with which we may measure all things why because first Peter 116
God says because it is written you shall be holy prime holy so this is important his self -revealed character is holiness we wouldn't even know what that was there wasn't for him revealing himself to us we wouldn't know what love is if it hadn't been for him revealing himself to or justice or mercy so when people say how do you know
God is good or kind or whatever by looking at him it's a submission to him and his character in his essence as a standard of all righteousness and truth
I don't reach up and say oh I know you're good because I can tell you know you do these things that are right he just is and he reveals he is the
I am who created heavens and earth gave us the word and is in Christ and he's holy and notice what he says you shall be holy prime holy
God himself is set in the standard of his character of righteousness his character is the standard his character not us his heart not ours his mind not out people say well
I'm sincere so therefore God will do ABC for me really how do you know that because God is good so that's the standard of goodness that you come up with so you're saying you know what
God is good and you're saying it's based on him doing something because of how your heart is but he says be holy because I'm holy but you're saying
I'm gonna look at my own hearts a standard to combine it with the goodness of God because it makes sense the arrogance is there and don't think we're not guilty of it too many ways but it happens but he is the standard of holiness people will ask me will
God ever ask you to do something you can't do yes commit you know excerpt 1730 that command everyone everyone to repent be holy prime holy can you be holy no but we have everything we need in Jesus now people will say to me sometimes yes you can in Jesus yes
I get that but it's in Jesus because you can't do it that's why it's in someone else not you because there's no way you can do it but they'll say
God would never ask you to do anything you can't do be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect Matthew 548
Jesus says can you do that no so God does not lower his standard for us and not even in the slightest his word is perfect his creation is perfect sinners entered it corrupted it but his creation is perfect his word is perfect and Jesus is perfect Jesus is that representation of the character and it's
I think the Greek word is pronounced character he's a representation of the very nature of God Jesus is if you think about this more than what we think because we kind of see him as the guy no disrespect meant to my incredible Lord the
Savior died the cross rose not dead but we sometimes think of him as our equal but he's got special abilities he's
God yeah we get it but no he is the one who spoke the universe into existence he's the one who is the perfect representation of God and in that representation in his character perfection he overturned table temples and yet he also sat with the ladies he sat with the children and he taught and he healed and he loved and he died suffered he is the standard of righteousness and one of the little project
I do want to do sometime is a study just Jesus how he was just learn from how he was just read through stuff how did you react to that person
I want to look at his character he was loving his patron he's kind and I'm trying this more and more wait my wife to go but Colossians 4 5 & 6 conduct yourself with wisdom toward outsiders making the most of the opportunity let your speech be with such seasoned with salt always be seasoned with salt so you may know how to respond to everyone second
Timothy 224 25 the Lord's bond servant must not be quarrelsome but be patient a kind to all with patience correcting those who are in opposition if for chance
God may grant them repentantly that the knowledge of the truth I have been working on this for years and it's the reason is because that's the character of God because those things say be patient be kind was
Jesus patient and kind absolutely but the ones he was upset with with a false religious leaders who would lead people into damnation and so I'm allowing myself at certain times to let my spiritual
Tourette's surface when talking about people like Joyce Meyer and Copeland etc were false teachers so nevertheless the standard of holiness is
Christ himself or as God himself same thing and so he is at ultimate standard by which and with which and against which we measure all things so remember this when someone says to you how do you know he's good
I know what it's always because he said so because just we look at him to find out because to even ask the question implies a standard of comparison to have a standard of comparison you have to have a standard of something you can compare to that's a simple logic very very very critical point when it comes to defending the
Christian faith and also in preaching and teaching the truth because we need to know
God's holy we're not God's perfect that's not to say we're gonna go out eat some worms now because we're no good no it but we are redeemed we're loved we're valued by God his thoughts of us from eternity are infinite he has chosen us in the
Sun Ephesians 1 4 he has loved us the foundation of the world so our worth is found in Christ and who he is what he has done and again that's where value comes in we gotta be careful not to exalt ourselves and it's easy to do all right now let's get to the sixth and final point of this section he is the ultimate source of all truths all actualities and all potentialities now
I gotta confess I enjoy talking like this I enjoy having words like this so you can might see me just enjoy a little bit too much but I like this kind of stuff the ultimate source of all truths an ultimate means nothing beyond it think of it this way a terminus what is the the end of the line you can't go any further the terminus what is the terminus what is the ultimate source what is it and it says
Romans 417 that the ultimate source as it is written a father of many nations I have made you in the presence of him who he believed even
God who gives life to the dead and calls him to being that which does not exist so he's the ultimate source he calls it to being the things that don't of all truths now we can't say that God calls into existence truths from his eternal mind and eternal perspective because he has always known all things go to first John 1 3 we'll get to that later on he knows all things first John 320 if he knows all things that he knows all things actual as well as potential all things actual when
God existed and he was the only one who was existing means that all things actual were just was just him in the intertwinitarian communion all things potential was everything else and the everything else existed in the mind of God let's get to a number 6 .2
all truths he's the source of all truths Psalm 31 5 into your hand
I commit my spirit you have ransomed me O Lord God of truth Ephesians 1 11 also we have obtained an inheritance having been predestined according to his purpose who works all things after the counsel of his will all things truths as well all actualities in the beginning
God created the heaven and the earth Genesis 1 1 Isaiah 44 24 thus says the
Lord your Redeemer and the one who formed you from the womb I the Lord and the maker of all things stretching out the heavens by myself and spreading out the earth alone maker of all things
I was hinting more at the issue of the physical realm but we can't just say it only means the physical realm we can't say however logically speaking that he creates truths because you can have what's called the actualities of the knowledge of truth so counterfactuals it would be true under this condition that this would happen that's all in the mind of God and they're all true
God knows all things actual as well as potential and I can get into that and an hour lesson just in these
I've written a whole thing on that just on that the nature of God's omniscience omnipotence on the presence on the
Sapiens and what they logically require won't do that right now now so at least all things actual everything that exists exists all things potential who are called counterfactuals things that don't exist but might have existed or could have existed
Luke 10 13 would you Corazon will to you beside us for if the miracles have been performed entire inside and which occurred in you they would have repented long ago sitting in sackcloth and ashes it's called a counterfactual
I didn't repent it did not happen but God knew what the condition at different conditions they know what happened now we get into the logic of why that's the case ultimately it's because of God's decrees okay now
John 15 22 if I had not come and spoken to them they would not have sinned but now they have no excuse for their sin counterfactuals now what
I'm gonna do here's look at this piece of paper here this I've done this before but do it again this is the universe right here okay it's white there's nothing there that little dot right there you guys can see it is
God and there's nothing else just God now God knows all things potential all the universe that can happen a certain way and he could do this anyway he wants all things and it's not working and so he has different thanks he has different these are potentialities in a realm of non -existence except for God so that whatever
God would create or whatever God knows is because there's these are our mind thoughts or knowledge potentialities counterfactuals of things that could exist in the universe the universe he creates he'd create me sitting over there or sitting here there's an infinite number of these that exist theoretically an infinite number
I don't know if there actually is not gonna get into that but theoretically there's an infinite number of potentialities now this is important let's just say that God chooses this one right there he chooses that one to come into existence the potentiality still remain in the mind of God the actuality is what
God has brought into existence that means that all things within this realm and this world exists because God has ordained that it will exist our free will occurs in here
I use this argument in a different form a week a couple weeks ago when I was debating a guy who's against this issue and I got him to see the point and I actually said good now you believe in in the compatibles free will view
I mean because does this not have all your free will choices in here as well yes well then didn't
God bring it into existence yes done so your free will choices are compatible with God's sovereignty and predestined right kick so when we start looking at the nature of God is omniscience omnipotence on the presence and you start understanding that out of an infinite number potential infinite number of potentialities he's actualized one he still knows all the potentialities that could exist he's done screen potentialities in that realm he knows all the potentialities as well and he can sit there and say what do you if this had happened then this would have happened because that's this one right there how do we know all this because God reveals himself to us in the scriptures he reveals that he is perfect he's holy he's loved he's merciful he's just he's the beginner of all things the ultimate cause of everything we'll get into that causation issue later he is the one who is a standard of righteousness and truth and that we need to submit to whatever he has revealed because whatever he reveals they consistent with this character and it's always true he always reveals truth you're asking to reveal yourself to you or reveal me show me my sin
I want to say show me the good stuff I've done because it's to be flatline but if I say show me the mistakes
I've made show me these areas I got it corrected you know it's gonna be a bulldozer avalanche you know here it comes okay volcanic explosion and it's a periclastic periclastic flow you get inundated because we just don't compare to God pyroclastic sorry and yet you know he just gave us himself in that reality and this reality that he created there was this interesting thing that happened at crucifixion and he chose whatever forever reasons the world to be the way it is sovereignty of our choices and yet the same time that cross the place of redemptive work of the self -revealed one was perfect in all ways who entered into a realm that he created of an infinite number of possibilities and actualized one where he died for us the expression of his love and his character so ultimately that event is the greatest expression of his character because Jesus says in John 13 15 that the greatest act of love was a 1513 the greatest act of love is to lay your life down for your friend you just can't tell me say anything that's not true he's a representation of the character of God he was one three because he is
God John 1 when it went 14 classes tonight he is God therefore what he said is an ultimate truth there's no greater love could it be it's a thought that this is created this is created so that's right here it's great so that the greatest act of love and the character of God can be manifested and that's why he created for one of the reasons
I like to think that's the case now here's a question that if you are the only one made will you've done this yeah because the greatest act of love is self -sacrifice
John 1st on 4th 8th God is love well therefore
I think you would have done it even for one that's his nature and that's how we learn what love is and I'll tell you
I have a lot to learn when it comes to the issue of love because love is other -centered and sacrificial and kind and I'm not and I know you know you are reflecting on your own character and issues the thing is though that the unique one has revealed himself in the unique son incidentally only begotten in Greek model canace or model only canal my no get now when you have an heiress to in Greek you put an epsilon and E on the front so my no egg on that the
O and the E come together they form a diphthong a different vowel and a combination of only begotten combines as also the world the word unique in Greek so this is who
Jesus is the only begotten unique one is the representation of unique one of God you know it just occurred to me this occurred to me the uniqueness of God is reflected in the uniqueness of Christ and we cannot be like him not in the sense of his unique quality and character we can be like him in the communicable attributes he's loving we can be loving he's merciful we can be merciful we can emulate him but he is so unique we will not have the ability to rise to that level uniqueness of the incarnation
I was having you get I'm actually thinking about developing a paragraph just on Jesus like this in the
Trinity you do that as well start that soon like we're thinking about but nevertheless you could see how much there is here now we haven't even gotten into the personhood the
Trinitarian essence and economic and ontological Trinity but we will be getting into that stuff later but next week for dwelling what we're going to talk about is the aseity of God I'm going to talk about interesting fun things like non -contingency immutability which is a redundant thing here
I'll fix that unchanging and immutable means the same thing and transcendent and sovereign we're going to get into transcendence organism concepts and just remember
I will be going over similar concepts at different times you know to say but you covered this last week or two weeks ago yes because they are interrelated
I'll just tell you there's a bit of a confession I struggled on how to arrange this how do
I arrange this because I don't want to be redundant but I want to be complete and sufficient while I describe
God himself so I have a bit to chew up to on air figure out so this won't be perfect but I think it'll be sufficient as we continue to study all right
I'm in all right guys got any questions or comments or anything you want to add people who say
I am referring to themselves yeah the only me that God's statements about himself as I am me yeah that's blasphemy
I just say I just say you're committing blasphemy what depends to say you're committing blasphemy you need to repent of the great sin against your holy
God or is here a holy God because you think that the I am as part of you and that's just blasphemy that's arrogance it's sinning and you are risking the hellfire of eternal damnation there are times when it says you just you tell them the truth and I've told people in fact a couple of weeks ago
I was discussing with some atheists and I do like to have very polite conversations otherwise I won't continue
I said we're not gonna be polite I'm leaving oh you're just look at oh well you chicken you leave and all this stuff no it's not gonna do that so I was talking to some atheists and I said look guys this is after an hour of conversation polite conversation of me answering them and saying this is why this is why that I said
I said what's going on sorry what was it oh so I conversation with the atheists and I said
I said I always get distracted it's my autism so sorry
I said to them I said look I need to inform you
I'm not judging you but I'm informing you that according to the
Word of God but God has revealed that if you continue in your denial should you die in it you will face eternal condemnation without hope not deliverance this is where you're going it's not me mocking you it's not me hating you it's me just informing you
I've had atheists say what we appreciate that but your concern is there so it is it's there and so I just I tell them that I'm trying to love them so anyway we try this stuff
I'm in the front lines all the time all the time so I listen to stuff and make my mistakes and try and grow but I'm learning a lot because of it as you know iron sharpens iron here's some of the
I guess you could say some of the sharpening as I'm learning anyway it just home like that okay you've got some questions in there heard
Matt say this many times humbled clay James Sanborn were you born on the beach yeah pretty bad all right so let's see you look
I can look here love how Matt brings some depth to his Bible study some okay loving it so far
Laura says Christian family man says excellent so glad I was able to catch the first lesson thank you so much
Matt God bless everyone Randall says hello mark and they are see good to see you here someone says narcissistic which
I don't that's her in reference to thanks Matt and Anik that James spelled her name right
Nick and I heard Matt say many times James okay so anyway if you got any questions or comments on online let me know okay if you want you can gotta give him some time yeah so I heard similar terms when we're doing the part of paper
I think I've heard similar verses with the discussion of all
I think that'll go momentous counterfactuals there is 30 ,000 foot simple yeah that relates or doesn't relate or why why it's not the same well
Mullen ism says but what Mullen's was trying to do is solve a so to speak paradox or problem between God's sovereignty and our freedom they create a problem that isn't there they say that our freedom is not compatible with God's sovereignty
God's absolute knowledge in all things well who says it is it's just their position that they say that they say that's the case that's one problem
I said well your premise to begin with show me that that's the case and they don't they can't they just say it is you show me excuse me
I mean show me anything and I'll say look does Jesus have free will yes Jesus said he could only do what he saw the father do right
John 5 19 John 5 30 yeah that's right what began he had freedom right he said not my will it can only do with the will right yeah okay so that's we call that compatibilism because Jesus had human free will it was compatible with God's eternal decrees about Christ which was decreed from the eternal communion of the
Godhead from eternity ago so now that can be ferreted out because they have comebacks but the comebacks aren't in my opinion certainly aren't very meritorious and the other thing is
Mullin is a presupposes libertarian free will and denies total depravity well total depravity for those who don't know is a teaching that sin has touched all of what we are heart soul mind body emotions everything touched by what we there and the result of it is that we're not gonna be able to come to Christ on our own of our own simply enslave free will so people say well that's not true yes it is true
Jeremiah 17 9 the hardest I fully wicked deceitful no man can trust it first Corinthians 2 14 the natural man cannot receive the things of God for your foolishness to him you are dead your trespasses and sins
Ephesians 2 1 you're quite a nature children of wrath Ephesians 2 3 your slaves of sin
Romans 6 14 to 20 don't seek for God don't do any good can do no good Romans 3 10 11 or 12 so I said these are the conditions of the there so I say if you understand these conditions and then you understand that the necessity of these conditions means that you cannot come to me unless the father draws you
John 6 44 you cannot come to me let's grant it to you John 6 65 that that only makes sense if these are both there they make sense to each other in light of each other in a perfect sense which is why
God has to grant that you believe like there's 129 and our belief is the work of God John 6 29 you're causing born again first Peter 1 3 you see these things work together because those verses like that in John 13 48 as many as had been appointed to eternal life believed it's consistent with the ability the inability of people to see to do to seek to do that sometimes
I get the creepy Nick Grace I'll come to that in a second I'll say because of that I say there are no counterfactuals where they will believe of their own free will and that's where my opinion that's the
Achilles or the Achilles heels of Molinus they say there's counterfactuals in which people will believe but I think that is that they won't if they could under different circumstances and why does
God have to grant that you believe the opportunity to believe we're back where so the solution that they have often offered is the issue of what's called prevenient grace the grace that comes before pre being at grace prevenient grace enables you to be in a neutral kind of a state by which you can then freely choose
God first of all show me that in Scripture and second you have let's just say prevenient grace
Bob and Frank the two these poor guys I use them all the time these twins Bob and Frank you know everything's the same same job same everything same they made identical twins same number of kids you know they go to church
Bob believes Frank does not why that's her free will why does Bob's free will enable them to believe in Frank does not they can't answer the question because they don't have a terminus that rests in God their terminus rests in man
I would say no they believe because God granted they believe but you're saying
God doesn't give it to everybody correct let's not write excuse me who are you say to the molded say to the molder why'd you make me like this
Romans 9 22 and 23 t1000 so I think
Mullen ism severely fails because it teaches counterfactuals that are not counterfactuals and it tries to solve a problem that's not a problem
I just think Mullen ism is extremely weak okay anything what else let's see
I didn't see anybody said anything let's see I'm gonna just tease them let's see if they said anything important they're worthwhile in the chat here um okay
Joanne Hayes you have been rather salty oh let's see maybe she's outside hurricane let's see
Randall Dobbins she is humbled clay don't make me come to Texas so Joanne says oh watch out trans good deal then
I'm gonna go to Florida salty money okay so nobody had any questions okay a question to my mind
I can only see one mind of Christ which started in the word but I see this is considered heresy it's called
I just wrote on it where the mind of Christ replaces the mind of the human mind
I just wrote on it I just it's a word not Mullen ism not you ticking as a monophysitism okay heat element that there's a word for that and but it denies the incarnation because what it's saying it what is that Oh drive me crazy maybe someone in there figured out tell me what the word is it's on my website it's on your heresies of Christology if you go to if you go to CARM and go to the homepage and look on the
CARM home page you'll see I released it a few days ago I did a chart on two varying heresies and you'll see it's in there it's it
Matt we love our fellowship as much as we love you good thanks and so um oh
I wish I could remember to hate not having to be crazy so someone go look at it write it in there you'll see it on the left -hand side of the table so to say that the mind of Christ replaced the human mind is a problem because then it says there is no incarnation there's no incarnation he's not made like his brethren he was 215 so therefore you don't have an atoning sacrifice now how is it that a denial of true incarnation because otherwise it's zombification to zombify and this in the selection area see prevenient grace in my opinion is zombification you know you ever see
Princess Bride mostly dead okay just mostly depraved so that's what
I call that monotheism no that's not it John Charles that's what you're taking is up and historian ism but uh so I gotta know what that word is driving crazy
I could but then I have to stop talk okay then
I have to go like this I gotta look it up okay what's that no
I can't wait it's killing me and then I'll get into the crystal lot it's a Christological error and let's see argument word study in Greek word study table of Christological errors right there and it is it's not docetism ebbing is a mutated kenosis
Martian ism oh no no no it's not Martian ism so Sinian ism no no no
I'll get confused no so Sinian ism says
Jesus was only a man not divine and not Martian ism
Christ never became flesh you tick is I was just going over this you it'd be an ism
Jesus was not divine was only a man docetism Aryan ism Apollinarian ism that's the word all an
Aryan ism yes the divine nature took the place of the human nature okay that's the idea of a pollinarian ism okay thank you
I knew it was there I was thinking M's and C's but it wasn't it was a like wasn't working so if the divine nature took the place of the human nature then there is no hypostatic union and no communication of the properties there would no be no will of the human and therefore it could not say
I am thirsty so I was talking to a guy who was a one this guy debate we had and he said
Jesus was not a man yeah yeah pollinarian ism and so in the debate
I because he's a one this guy which teaches that Jesus is a man so he said that one what he's not a man so what do you do with the verse for Timothy 2 5 there's one that mediator between man and God the man
Christ Jesus he said don't you see it it's Christ who's the man not not
Jesus again yeah yeah so now the
Christ is a principle of God that inhabited a human body so this sense of possession it's kind of an indwelling
I know yeah it's called a pollinarian ism yeah oh he was you know that's what
I want to say to people put your hand in front of your face look to your look I didn't say it that but I wanted to so yeah the radio yeah and it was hilarious another guy goes you're so childish and I'm laughing because you're such an immature man that was funny though so that's a pollinarian ism
Jesus had a human body without a human nature okay so that's the idea someone else asked a question let me get over here how do you answer someone that says if Jesus cannot sin then how is victory won by someone who is
God Almighty in the flesh but cannot sin or tested by something he created ie
Satan don't forget he had two natures and he can be tempted but without sin so actually says
I think it's from 106 or 110 well six they did tempt God in the wilderness so you got to understand what temptation means biblically they did tempt
God and I forgot where it is exactly but I can find the verse but I've also had to talk about this so they said they tempted
God in the wilderness when the Jews left you know the Exodus and stuff like that they tempted him so the biblical form of temptation is that it could be offered the analogy
I give is like me I have no interest in sports just it's just a flat one okay you know someone says hey man you want to go see the the this
B movie science fiction movie in 3d or the Super Bowl like 3d movie yeah so I'm not tempted when
I might be tempted to Super Bowl I guess is it the zero yard line that's a good place is that the middle 50 50
I started zeros not good that's at the end something it tells you how much too much science fiction it tells you how much
I have interest in sports I don't I watch some sports clips with baseball and my wife knows more than I do about it so anyway
I can be tempted but I'm not tempted I could have an external temptation but not an internal one and so they contempt
Christ in that sense now that's one of the ways the answer the other one is the communication of those properties to the one person is a reality so he said
I'm thirsty I'll be with you always so he could be tempted but because of the attribution of holiness the temptation could take no root in him he could say he could do what might be a temptation you know
Nick and I are gonna go out to dinner and someone says there's a new 3d science fiction movie with alias like and I go just for a second that's a temptation
I'm being tempted but I make the right decision and I told to go away and I go to the movie okay so oh sorry sorry it's the other way around so I say no
I'm not gonna do that I entered I entertained it without entertaining it you know these are the possibilities no
I'm gonna go up my wife and do that no it was I tempted in that sense yes but without sin without failure so there are different levels of the temptation that can occur all right
God was tempted but he was not tempted as any desire to give into the temptation right
Randall oh no Jimmy's got me signing Philadelphia freedom again okay okay let's see lol makes sense but what about the victory over sin by someone who could not sin look because there was some sense in which it was a temptation to him but he also had the quality of holiness and so the combination of that doesn't mean it wasn't a sensation of experience that he had it is okay yeah not the car a prank
Jesus possesses not the car right James is not able to sin that's correct
I'm given in the temptation of watching Stargate SG -1 after the show see this is this is not a temptation this is just how it should be it's just how it is maybe we should have a sci -fi night and we all watch
I watch aliens for the 71st time 71 times yes
I can quit when I want okay and thank you boring and so we have there we go all right so did you guys enjoy the study in the chat room and you guys enjoy this yeah was it interesting yeah there's more yeah they suppress the truth of their own righteousness and they think they're righteous yeah get this okay so I was talking to another guy another heretic guy and today's
Christian man on clubhouse I'm outing him and so he's quite competent in his comeback and I'll show various things to show that the
Trinity is true and that Jesus Christ is God in flesh and his thing is to say no he's just a representation so he can adopt the name of God that's all it means he's not
God by nature okay and so if I were to quote
John 5 18 where God's called Jesus calling God his own father making himself equal to God so that's because he has the name of God in him doesn't mean he is
God so it's always something like this right usually when one heresy exists others exist guess what
I found out in this discussion I started asking questions I said okay so Jesus is not
God okay so that he's not God then that would mean then that you got a problem because I said because can
Jesus hear millions of prayers from people all over the world because we told to pray to Jesus millions of prayers all over the world spoken and thought simultaneously spoken in thoughts in different languages with their intention to hope that can he know that yes he can well does he attributes of God no
God gave him the ability to do this I say but he's human right he wouldn't answer the question because if you're human how can you do that if you're human that gives him the ability okay well that was bad enough until a girl gets in who
I'm listening for an hour while working on a project and if I started talking and she'd already said some stuff and I and she said well of course we're gonna be like Christ I went are we gonna you see you were gonna be able to hear millions of prayers simultaneously blah blah blah and they both said yeah very can yeah so you see when you deny the true living
God you end up denying who Christ is and so you exalt yourself exactly right when you deny him you exalt yourself what
I'm trying to do in this study in part is to educate you to teach I get to be I'm blessed as well but also here's
God here's us and it just keeps going the more we know like okay all right he is great and then when you think of who he is and that's
Jesus and he's forever gonna be a man or are we privileged the privileges beyond our comprehension got our comprehension which is why
I think hell's gonna be that bad for those who reject that greatness from God okay let's see you
Bill's got any comments questions daddy like John Wayne and yeah let's see
I was hoping for some intelligent correspondence in the chat room let's see
I'm saying three spirits are in the beginning a spirit called the word oh boy here we go yeah it's another thing these guys three spirits are in the beginning the spirit called the word indwelling indwelled flesh in the beginning nature of God and mind of Christ and nature of man with the indwelling body that's non sequitur statements they're not coherently put together anyway maybe you noticed that I couldn't draw heretics okay that's right okay the husband of Nephilim in back no
God created everything first promise not true did he create sin yes and God yes that's correct yes you'd make a choice for us he chooses who to redeem and he chooses who to regenerate and he chooses you who to give that faith to that we freely choose and believe in him with it's all ordainable for the foundation of the world what
I just taught you is reformed joy the choice yeah
Jesus when did
Jesus come into existence it's a trick question when
Jesus was born 2 ,000 year or the exception conception is when Jesus the Jesus by definition is you heard us in the radio today
Jesus by definition is the union of the divine and the human that union who we call
Jesus that began 2 ,000 years ago but the divine nature is eternal yeah so the choice
God had chosen from eternity who to redeem and not redeem yep sure right the impassibility of God deals with there's another doctrine the word where he cannot be affected by our sin and but get it says it grieved
God that so there's a doctrine in one sense God can't be injured by anything we do but another sense he could be affected by what we do because it says it grieved him that etc well then we get it was called the a theory and B theory of time a theory is time a sequential
B theory is it's all at once known if he was experiencing it but before he created anything then he was not experienced but he would have known exhaustively the experience of it in his mind and understanding this gets complicated yeah here's a question choice okay ready this
God know everything it's not hard I need a yes or a no
I mean you're suspicious okay
I'm not gonna trick you I'm gonna show you something now do you say yes wrong so God knows all things right right does he know all things eternally yeah yes if he knows all things eternally can he contemplate what he knows consider what he knows and think about what he does but if he already knows all things he'd know what he would contemplate so why contemplate these are just questions right now let's go somewhere with it though by the nature of God I'm not saying these are good questions because we don't know the mind of God could be some quality about God he goes that's so dumb you don't even know but I don't know there's what's called the birds of properties as well
God because does God show mercy from eternity because in the eternal
Trinitarian Godhead there's no need of mercy so mercy isn't he is an emergent property or quality of his nature in light of those who have gone got against his mercy his character sinners so it's it's within him because of his character it just manifests in that condition an emergent characteristic of emergent property all right now if God knows everything eternally in a static state his mind is static does that imply a static state because if he's gonna contemplate that means his mind is not static but that wait a minute that means he knows everything from eternity but you know what he's contemplating and what he was thinking and it couldn't make a decision well
I could make a decision that's eternally known so where did this come from these are kind of paradoxical questions
I'm thinking about this a relationship to the issue of God being Unitarian God's eternally one mind then these questions suggest problems in with that scenario for obvious reasons but what if God was a
Trinity could there be contemplation now there could be reciprocation and fellowship then but if someone's good it would say well you have that but you you teach the perichoresis we'll get into this later divine simplicity and the three persons in the one mind and one substance they have one one really ultimate thought yes that's true but there's also a tri personality or tri personhood
I should say directly in God eternally so there's a hint there of the eternal fellowship and communion that goes on which should happen but then they could say well but then if he has knowledge of all that communion then and stuff that how could he have it knowledge is different than the expression of communion and so then
I think in the Trinitarian essence which I haven't even put this in there to make them work on it and the nature of God while Unitarianism doesn't work in Trinitarianism does for various reasons and the nature of love and the nature of personhood and in this issue
I've raised this issue to a few of my friends there who know this kind of stuff they could talk and they say the same thing as I do they go
I don't know about that they go yeah I know just kind of think about it's like in the back of your head you go there's something there work on it
I think about it and then sometimes I'm doing this I can't quite word it right
I'll have someone just say something and that's the wording they're not even talking about it but they'll use a few phrases well that's what
I'm thinking and that's happened a few times so I go well that's a phraseology makes it makes it sound better but so these are some of the things that I wonder about think about so this is part of the issue of the nature of God's God's qualities uniqueness characteristics and stuff and you can see there's a whole bunch here just on the nature of God there's a whole bunch there's a lot more to come we're gonna get into some pretty eddy stuff which
I'm gonna have to pass out so tough to go the issue of the one in the many and transcendentals and what's the unifying principle behind multiple transcendentals particular manifestations of an essence particular gonna be fun and how does that relate to God well because he's the one in the many one
God three persons what's the ultimate the one or the many in secular theological and secular philosophical philosophical systems or non -christian philosophy theological systems so there is no
Trinity so the one in the many issue becomes a problem few people really know about this problem
I got introduced to it a few years ago like what is this I didn't know about it so I had some guys taught me about it oh and it's become more and more of an issue here's an example of it
I talked about the radio just a little bit so I was talking it to an atheist guy I said look you and I are sitting on a park bench a couple hundred feet away as a woman you see a man come up behind a bench of a bush it's her knocks her down kicks her takes the purse away and runs you and I are already running to go rescue her we're both really good guys or racing as he's gonna get there first to stop this guy and rescue but he gets away is that an injustice yes a year later we're on the other side of the world so South Africa let's say and or Australia wherever it is and we're sitting on a park bench lo and behold a woman some man jumps out of a bush same thing happens he gets away also
I say now is that are both of those different instances those put those both those particular instances are they both wrong but he in justice right
Nikki goes yes but he has a particular things you wanted to say about some stuff I got it back on track he said well the intention this intention that I said well we've got another problem here since you run of intention said you recognize that it's an injustice right yes okay but you recognize a principle of injustice it's not dependent upon when you are or where you are that's a transcendental principle you're saying both of those men are wrong for what they did and they ought to be punished and then that would say the word ought that gets into some sidetrack conversations and some stuff about how you bridge the gap between is or not and then they say we do it's a thing with God in the
Christian worldview anyway so he brought up the issue of intentionality and I said okay I said the intention can make something bad or good let's just say we're walking along and we see a man drop a grenade in a woman's purse and what you and I do is we're brave we run up to her and try and snatch her purse and she won't let go we want to save her life so I kick her knock her down I have to elbow her in the head whatever
I get that purse away and I run and throw it over the cliff kaboom I said did
I do anything wrong no with the exact same action so to speak is okay and not okay depending on intentionality now that you've introduced intention as an issue now we have the transcendental nature of intentionality what makes that intention good and intention bad because now you're saying if this were to happen in multiple places the same thing the grenade the purse multiple men do this then the there's a universal principle that it's okay how do you bridge the gap between the many particular instances of that righteousness versus the many particular instances of the unrighteousness of the intentionality of the same act with a universal principle that unites them all he can't the one of the many problem is a problem unless there's a universal mind the
Trinitarian God who is both the one and the many he is the author of the universality of the revealer of the universality of justice and injustice and he is a necessary precondition for all intelligibility and provides a condition for the manifestation of particulars in image bearers this is another thing
I do with that but I'll say is it true that statements are either true or false
I am an elephant talking to you false I'm sitting on Mars right now false
I am a man talking to you true so statements are either true or false that is a round light that is my laptop this is another laptop there's my drink of water these are chairs particular instances of the variables of chairness anyway so there are chairs right these are all true statements
I said I'm going to ask you a question can you please tell me the statement is true or not true it's true or if it's false this atheist guy goes okay
I said remember I told him I'm trying to set you up here for all of you okay no problem set me up okay good it is always morally wrong for everyone to torture babies and death merely for their personal pleasure he said yes it's correct then
I said as an atheist you are asserting a universal moral absolute how do you do that in your atheistic worldview one of the many issue becomes important but how do you have a moral issue merely for the personal pleasure that's the intention issue and so now you're saying there's a universal truth yes you did it's always wrong for everyone morally wrong right that's a universal truth yeah that's true it's true yes then you have a problem with respect
I said I know I said I'm gonna try and trap you here and you know make it look bad but it's not the intention that's it's a show that there's a worldview problem from your perspective that's all
I'm doing so from your perspective you see that how do you justify that that statement has universal applicability said from the
Christian worldview we can answer the question because it violates the character of God he's a universal precondition and all transcendental necessity emanates out of him therefore that's why we know which one he's the terminus where's your terminus you see how this works this is based on Trinitarian theology the solution is a trinitarianism he said
I gotta think about it that's what they'll do they'll generally say we're gonna think about it because I don't consider what you say but you know
I just say okay fair enough I don't get on yeah you say you will but you will so I know some some
Christians you know don't lie to me I just leave alone you know I just say okay that's fair I said but do you see why
I don't hold you one of the reasons I don't hold your position I put your positions incoherent to see why they go dice you know a very polite a guy said
I can see why you'd say that I said so here's a further I said I said look if this is the condition that your worldview is is incoherent in this sense that I said and I could show you the incoherency in other areas well then shouldn't you give up that one and I said that's what we could talk about another time it was okay
I appreciate your conversation and that's how it left very polite I'm really trying to work it absolutely
I'm not out to generally speaking that's correct generally speaking that's correct well
I can't say all people all time otherwise it's a universal now you know
I say things like that this is back behind my head I'll say is it always I can't say all
I don't know all circumstances by what you can but I'll say generally speaking normally speaking yeah that's right that's where I get a little bit with some things so much this is all the back of my head bouncing around that's why when
I'm walking sometimes you hear things rattle that's why that's okay let's see if anybody's then it would not be the maximal efficiency because if there's one person then we have the problem of the static mind issue we also have the problem of the non expression of the very nature of love which is to give that there and we would not have the fullness of the revelation of personhood and if there were two persons in Godhead that solution would part would be solved but the problem with that is that it would mean that the exchange of the knowledge between them ultimately would be impersonal because knowledge itself has an impersonal quality and characteristics so therefore a fundamental characteristic of God's essence would be impersonal with a two of the planetarian view in a
Trinitarian view then each of the member the Godhood could participate and be the means by which the fellowship and exchange of intimacy perichoresis all this is existing therefore there would not be an impersonal fundamental quality to God's nature in a
Trinitarian sense it seems to be the minimal perfect necessity of all of this is one of things we're going to get into later get more detail if it's for then you have redundancy and so redundancy is not maximum efficient and so then we have to say well why not have four or five or six because then if we want to say that redundancy maximum efficient it seems that the maximum efficiency is without any waste without anything more than is necessary is the perfect idea and we we imply from that that's of the nature of God would be so if it was for it would be not be that way then we have multiplicities of these things and then we'd have get to the point of confusion semi -semi you'd have to have a it wouldn't be
Trinitarianism it would be like polythenarianism you know where there's one being with multiple and hundreds of minds and then you have
I think about that polythenarianism hope no one said that just a new heresy let's get to it what is it so you know it's just that there's so many heresies in the earth but now okay so having said all of this stuff you know you guys don't think these kind of things you don't walk in my circles like that okay fine
I do this I like this I enjoy this I get to teach you but having said all of this kind of stuff isn't it kind of cool to see how somebody's come together and real interrelates it's like yeah yeah
I'd like to be in a church where I teach this Wednesday night come on down I'm gonna hurt your head make your brain swell come on down teach you some stuff and then you can imagine if I was teaching this kind of stuff over it's something
I said my wife had it
I guess her back hurts and so could you imagine if I'm teaching this and teaching this let's say
I'm teaching this a lot and going through you're learning these kinds of things I have a static Union we're learning communicate your motto we're learning about diathletism we're learning about incarnation we're learning about a pollinarian isms so cynicism and you're getting all this stuff and then
I'm preaching and I say it's something with the effect of and that's why when Christ at the baptism of why all three were there that's a necessity they're all there because we have the fulfillment of the
Old Testament prophecy in the requirement of priesthood requirements but also more than there's the necessity of God in his inter -trinitarian communions cannot be broken expressed in the work of Christ in the miniature ship of others therefore they're all there make sense because the essence cannot be divided that's divine simplicity not partialism and so we'd expect to have the manifestation of the plurality of God also the singularity of God which we'll get into later he speaks in singularity and plurality so I like talking like this
I enjoy this kind of stuff I'm just exposing certain issues that obviously deficient obviously but you know she keeps quiet that's why he doesn't say anything yeah that's right
I say anything right I don't pick up the ladies unless it's definitely but then you know it's sorry a few years ago but you're teaching and you're going over it and I get this a lot man you just beat me yeah that's right you don't do what they think just tell them save your question write them down for after and then we're gonna have a discussion but yeah so there's a guy here who came to fix or to do something and I called him up for fiber -optic internet which
I'm not gonna get because I've heard nothing like and doing this guy come you know I call him up a fiber -optic goes
I know who you are oh that's gonna be bad he goes yeah I'm a Christian I got a list of your stuff I love you love to come over just meet you anyway so we're talking and great guy and they brought me lunch he goes talk for a bit and so on the way out
I said look if you're interested I said you got any Bible study anything you know
I'd be glad to come over pick any topic that they like to hold on to and I'll mess them up just plenty to do for weeks a cleanup
I said not a problem I could mess them up I said what about this about that what about that he kind of chuckled it was a joke but what you're saying is you start sharing things that people don't like because they identify with a certain perspective there's only a few you should identify with the deity
Christ of Trinity hypocetic union things like that pre -chip rapture yeah well tell her to come on over one night and I'll do a specific teaching on eschatology
I've got it all you know the paper on the line and she just but she's moving like say and she's a wonderful person yeah she really is and her husband he agreed you know pretty much oh that means he's smart he agrees that's good yeah that's a better joke in fact people aren't getting that my wife asked me how it feels to be old
I tell her that I will let her know okay Randall says that so do
I look that old I'm 65 I think I told me I look 51 a couple days ago like yeah okay
I thought of writing the same thing but didn't know if everyone would okay leaving chat finishing on TV all right
I guess that's it and no more comments questions hope you guys enjoyed this when my wife asked me how it feels the old word next week we're gonna go through the acuity of God okay and you're gonna notice
I'm gonna tell you you're gonna notice repetition you're gonna notice repetition yeah everything's connected it's right and so you'll hear some of the same arguments some of the same illustrations and that's okay it's too it's a via inculcation it's to inculcate you know that means to teach by repetition what does that mean again to teach repetition that's when people you see it over and over again that's why
I'm teaching it again over and over again repeating it a lot twinkle cake the selectionary it's on car yeah you haven't heard my selectionary some of the words here's what we do let me yeah it is you go to karma org karma org all you guys can leave it everybody selectionary there it is right there and here's some words here's some words on it oh wait how did it come up I did not spell my own word right the selectionary and I have all kinds of words in there it doesn't doesn't have it very yeah
I have stuff like here it is a selectionary SLIC K T there's a backwards intelligence the phenomena of thinking wrongly about everything while thinking you're intelligent to glorify the use of big words and citations of various philosophical views in rapid succession for a long period in lieu of a direct answer so as to confuse the listener and make things unclear chicken autism the practice of avoiding serious confrontation in order to substantiate an assertion usually done by attacking the person or changing the topic about deniolation the state of willing ignorance in the face of truth and not considering another view and attempt to destroy the other person's view also the constant ignoring of something that doesn't agree with your opinion hoping it will go away deniolation densification the practice of failing to think clearly due to increase cerebral confusion while attempting to put down what you really don't understand diaper in Ian a person who's overly childish childish in behavior and action when confronted with truth and logic and throws crud at the same and you instead of dealing with the issues like an adult dodgification the repeated practice of using useless statements in an attempt to avoid a challenge made against an assertion festiculating festiculate to festi festiculate is to is the involuntary inclination to walk quickly as festiculation yeah fasticulation to speak quickly while explaining a position philology making theology by experience and feeling not scripture not logic flabbergast real is a hard one to pronounce flabbergast reoritate to say something that flabbergast someone while also irritating them flabbergast reor irritate that's a tough one
Google ramus a person who pontificates fails to back up his opinion and instead tells others to look something up on Google so he does not have to prove his point okay to horisofy to distort the truth so much that it becomes a false teaching horisofy make it heresy
OTD acronym for obstreperous twit dude or obstreperous obstreperous twit dudette ramblify the practice of speaking about nothing switching topics and not focusing in order to sound competent without really saying anything or ramblification
Pentecostal someone who rants against something but they don't know why they're against it reform a phobic a person who claims to be a
Christian but is rapidly hateful of reformed theology and the sovereignty of God hey that takes a spelling error script
Gnastics the fervently jumping from scripture to scripture to prove a point out of context it also involves transferring the meanings of different different forms in a different context that's right script
Nazi a person who demands total obedience and submission to a scripture quoting someone made me put this one in here slick a vacation the process by which a person is converted to match licks theology and desires to attack heresy number two to refute someone to the point of not being able to speak heresy anymore as in ooh you just got stickified three to convert someone to the cult of slick getting slicked when you call into the show and talk too much and that puts you on mute hangs up you just got slicked selection arian a person who really likes a slicktionary slicker no it's a
I've only got about six more okay so slick turgy slick turgy the church liturgy style that consists of only announcements then worship preferably no hymns then preaching expositional then dismissal offering box at the back of the church that's my view that's like slick turkey to stubborn eyes or stubborn ization to refuse to learn be corrected or adjust a position due to an idolatrous fixation on an opinion a prideful mental block against truth to stupefy to open your mouth and let people know what you really think about something when such thinking is illogical and over emotional yet as awkward as intellectual truth verbal carpet bombing to say a bunch of words and phrases in a rapid pace for a long period oh okay
I see what you mean an acronym BCB yeah I say verbal carpet bombing could it work a whanny a person who complains for no good reason and continues to do so even when competent responses are given two more wacko genetics the science of finding out how utterly whack a person is on the genetic level and zombify to say that prevenient grace is given to a person who was dead in his sins and that it somehow makes him alive enough spiritually so that he's only mostly dead thus enabling him to make a choice to believe in God take the miraculous max mostly dead a movie blah blah blah so the slictionary those are those are fun you gotta admit those are fun you're stupid and then we have to go into the when you want some time
I'll go into the how to insult match slick page how to write an insult I got a whole bunch of those pick your insult page is another one yeah yeah
Joyce joiner Bill Hammond not yet with him but he
I know he's there maybe it's so far William Branham Bill Johnson he's the main ones
I'm going to what I'm doing is reading like two or three books at a time one of them just gets boring go to the next one read for a while go back to it and I'm taking quotes some of the stuff they're saying
I've talked about stupidification and harrassification but yeah it's it's bad
I can write probably a lot a lot of articles this depends on how much it goes I'll often work until I'm done
I can't do anymore I'm sick of it you know I just quit but it's just it's bad
I haven't done it I haven't done any research on Hillsong but they're part of the
NAR overall and they do some heresy stuff and yeah so also someone gave me a video of the little girl who was it one of you guys yeah
I gotta look at that and what I'm doing what I might do something a project like this
I go to the main sources so I'm reading Bill Johnson Oh see see
Peter Wagner read stuff from him and forget this
I these books are 200 pages each you just read and and I need to read 15 -20 books well that's gonna take me a year you know well you've got to read through and you're saying the context on your line then you're gonna transfer it into a page and then
I have to categorize them plus provide the documentation the page number the whole bit it takes a lot of work hours at a time
I went to Google Scholar and I want to find if I keep buying this way back up I can buy a lot of the books on Kindle but they're basically so I could check and look up one or two words and see how they use them 10 20 bucks
I can get pretty expensive pretty quickly and there's a certain point where yes I do need to have certain books and I have probably 20 books in the
NAR folder on my Kindle there's got to be a cheaper way so what
I I was looking for William Branham Branham he's a heretic and yeah oh yeah and these guys are praising him a lot of appraisal so I go
I wrote an article on William Branham I just stopped I was doing research William Branham but once I got
William Branham basically figured out I wrote an article on release well I wanted to find out which
NAR teachers hold or approve of William Branham well that I could buy 15 20 of their books and just put them on Kindle and then do a search for Branham well then
I waste you know so nothing there nothing there well if someone gave me 500 bucks to go here just buy all the books okay do you take put them there
I could do my searches scholar .google .com I found out you can type in an author's name and then a book title and it'll give you like the first 50 or 100 pages of the book so then
I'd learn just go search for a word and I actually found some quotes about Branham and I put them in an article on on it so it's actually you know worked so let's see yeah
William Branham and yeah I haven't got this I haven't released my research on him yet on what they're doing so I've got oh it was rain so so I've got five or six quotes from different teachers
NAR people who say Branham was a was a real man of God and one of them says well he did teach some false things but here's the thing why would you say man he had a movement of God denying the
Trinity oneness getting baptized in Jesus name claimed to be the one who prophesied God and then there's a whole website that's dedicated to just exposing him it's like a carm just on William Branham so I put a link
I will put a link and I did right here I got on my article William Branham I released and let's have this false prophecies they go through and they analyze everything in super detail so I'm not going to do all that and oh yeah absolutely so Branham met a supernatural being
Branham was visited by an angel Branham is the voice as God's voice faith can create objects the
Trinity is three gods baptism not a trinitarian formula but in Jesus name serpency doctrine
Satan had sex with Eve to make the body of Cain and the
Kenites Cain Kenites are evil bad people women okay
I'm gonna read this you're not well William Branham said about women every sin that was ever on the earth was caused by a woman and a unclear word just from Chicago a woman wrote this article with the police force that they chased down in the
United States metropolis in the United States that 98 % of every crime that was that was ever did in any form in the
United States there was either a woman in it or behind it given birth to people who do their own thing and make their own choices and rebel you can have the baptism of the
Holy Ghost every hour in your life and still be lost and go to hell so this is what he was teaching these are some of the things so I've got this
I'm gonna summarize some of it and then what I'm gonna do is say in my an article why are these people with their
NAR why are they supporting this guy if there's that they're getting his visions of these words from God that's a question and I also have a bunch of questions
I'm just asking developing a list of questions like a lot of work on NAR. What do you know about the
World Transformation Movement? I don't know. World Transformation Movement?
Is that NAR? World Transformation Movement. Is this the
Seven Mountain Prophecy? It's a biologist who is talking about the human condition.
Oh this isn't NAR though okay okay different thing yeah all right yeah
I was just gonna just thinking that I was just so much hours just a little time and then you beat me to it transforming the individual the human race that's our world through biological understanding.
Now I gotta start studying the World Transformation Movement. Thanks a lot. I only have two hands.
Since the 90s but the early forms of it are
Dominion Theology, Manifest Sons of God, name it, claim it, grab it, crapola, and ladder rain movement.
Yep. Stepping stones. Yep. I'm gonna use the restroom.
Oh man. I'm gonna use the restroom. He died in 1965 or 1909 or 1905.
I don't know if there's something that works with that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that.
I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that.
I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that.
I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that.
I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that. I don't know if there's a way that they can create something like that.
Yeah. Yeah. That's fine. And he says, in fact, God wants to hear you first.
He says, in fact, God welcomes the prayers of all faiths.
Oh, he does? You said that? That's a great glory. Yeah. He also, yeah, yeah.
See, they just had a big deal here. You say, right? Yeah. And in fact,
John MacArthur said, which that's good enough for me.
Well, if you did a whole series against him, I got a plan for you.
Yeah, but he's, he's, he's got, he's got people that came here to sing with him. A bit of a screwball.
And, well, there's a few other things I saw, but I wrote, I wrote an email to Richard.
Because there was a card they put out for everybody to get together with great, great glory.
And I said, if he's done these things, it strikes me accurate to not support. So, what is going on?
Why are we supporting? Supposedly, one of the elders got this week. But I just wrote an email down four or five points of what this guy's done.
That was, yeah, several things. Yeah. And then a
Bible study Tuesday night. Okay. Here's what
I got from a couple of the ghetto. And they said that, well, you know, there were, there were, there were 1600 people there or 2000 people or something like that.
And they're hearing the gospel. It's a watered down gospel. It's not, it's really weak.
And I'm trying to, I'm trying to be nice. Can you guys hear us in the room with a mic right here in the chat room?
Which one of everybody can hear? Keep going. Okay. Okay. The mic's right here. No, that's okay. Just anybody that can hear us all over.
Okay. So, a couple of ghettos in the Bible study are really upset because I would even question because he was preaching the gospel.
Well, his gospel is not the gospel that we know. What did he preach? I haven't heard.
I've heard of him. Yeah. Yeah. Was it good?
Was it okay? Yeah. And this time? I mean, it's what kind of church he just preached. The other day he preached the gospel.
So people could say, I can say he preached the gospel. Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
That's a problem. Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah. He's bad. Steve Furtick loves
TD Jakes, who denies a Trinity. He does?
Furtick does? Yeah. He does? When I studied him, he didn't, but I mean, he didn't deny it, but now he does.
I wrote an article on him years ago. So if there's some updated information,
I need to add it and say, you know, he's not a trustworthy individual. I can get out. I can do such a check on it.
He didn't have a private email about heresies.
Just so I'll go to a few people. You find this, you find that. Go ahead and email us your documentation on how to do it.
You need a high rise for all the heresies.
I do need help. No, you missed it.
Look, if you're going to, you have got to learn how to walk through a door and insult someone.
I said, I need help. And then you go, yeah, mental. I think you should have said. When you got to teach a guy how to insult you, that's not a good thing.
What's that? It works. That's right. That's a good thing.
These women are accepting you. Okay. So anyway, sorry.
Yeah, I do need help. Research. I give you guys.
Okay. No. Absolutely.
I'd rather have a be there doing it than not. Yeah. What's it?
One percent. So, out of all the people he.
Yeah. Yeah. He talks to. That's good. Yeah, I mean,
I can see her technology in the next. And he's a great advantage.
But like, I was telling you, people can be safe. That's good.
But he's got people speak in a little bit. And it's up to us to know what's going on around.
I know who he is.
Yeah. Where is that? It's in the
Bible, but I forgot where. Yeah. It's one of those verses that I have trouble memorizing.
Some for some reasons. Right. Yeah.
Want me to close the room? You guys keep listening to us. Can you hear us all? Or let me shut it down.
The stream yard here. You guys can type in what you want. Continue or shut it down.
That's. Do what?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes.
That's a new one. I think of that. I mean, you got to pay attention a little more.
Yeah. And they were working with the