Open Air Theology -bible chat



And I understand that you know that we are in a spiritual battle Constantly right and I would say especially for pastors
I just want to encourage people out there to be praying for your pastors Listen, it's specially while they're in the pulpit
Yeah, so Yeah, so my Lord's Day was good, you know, we got to worship with with the fellow
Saints But I just felt like I was off today I hadn't went back and listened to my message yet I'll do that tomorrow, but I kind of feel like I dropped the ball to be honest with you.
I Am I am I breaking up still is my internet acting up a little
No, you sound good. You're loud. I mean, but that's normal Let me turn down my thing here.
Hold on. You're running hot son. Put some water in that thing Hold on here.
Here we go Here I just won't I won't be there we go. So my wife just said that I Have a typo.
I said head wife instead of hey wife Okay, so she usually has to Edit everything for me.
Otherwise, it's it's boring I got one of those today Yeah, that's good.
It's good to have those there. There are helper for our spelling issues. Yeah Yeah, for sure for sure.
So how was your Lord's Day? Man, it was really good. So Michael Beck was preaching today in Romans 13.
He's been in in Romans forever and We started off, you know talking about Romans 13 and how
Paul was giving us Orders or a command to obey area or obey every ordinance of man, you know that God has fears of Authority that he's commanded and one of them is, you know, civil authority government authority somewhere in the church
Somewhere in the family and then there's also You know conscious issues conscience issues
So today was the exceptions of when not to obey The government when they step outside their line, so it was really good everything everybody was waiting on that but even better was our evangelism ministry that that we've been heading up lately and we have we recently had a sign up and over 20 people have signed up to be a part of the street evangelism ministry
Yeah, we went out to San Antonio yesterday at the pearl we had eight guys come out
Had some opposition one guy was screaming in my face and it was it was fantastic it was a
You know, God is faithful and and and and just growing the ministry being consistent
So I'm really happy. Yeah excited, you know when you finish evangelizing you go out you just come back
You can't even sleep because you're on cloud nine, you know God blesses the ministry of proclaiming the gospel.
So it was great great Lord's Day today. How's your Mine was was a blessing
I just got a preach on Galatians chapter 2 verse 17 and 19 just a really really great text
Galatians is super theologically Deep and rich and it's a well that I don't think anyone can find the bottom of and so it's a real blessing just to Be in there and then later just just got home like 15 minutes ago
From being able to go to Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls Listen to Mark Chansky preach
And him talk about the Reformed Baptist Network and just got a fellowship with him He's such a kind guy.
And so it was a real blessing if Mark Chansky does see this So thank you again for being able to come out. It was a real blessing to the fellowship and worship
God with you So he came out like in the spur of the moment, didn't he? Yeah Crazy so he was going to Nampa which is about two hours from where I live about two hours and 30 minutes away from the
Church that he was at And he was going there because there's a church in Nampa Sovereign Grace Fellowship in Nampa that is joining our
B net and so he was going out there to preach and introduce them to stuff and whatnot And so I guess while he's flying out here
He's praying that that he he is only got so much time in Idaho And he really is praying to find pastors that want to hear it
Just to hear from him and hear about the network and so he's praying about this and then
I message So it's just the way that it happened. It was pretty cool. And so I messaged him.
He called me I was able to call five other pastors that are also 1689 in this area
Reformed Baptist This and we all met together at Eastside Baptist Church were just helping coordinate that it was it was a blessing
And so I walked away encouraged and he gave a fantastic message That's awesome.
I don't know if y 'all heard but a Christianity has lost its teeth. I Heard Elon Musk said that actually wouldn't it?
Yeah. Yeah, Elon Yeah and I you know like a part of me wants to agree with them because I believe that the teeth is the gospel of Jesus Christ and some of these
Pastors and pulpits are so limp wrist dick. They wouldn't know the gospel if they read it from the scriptures
Yeah, they're tripping over their skirts to get into pulpit. I think a lot of them Yeah, yeah, absolutely, you know like, you know, it's kind of You know, you know,
I'm kind of reminded of that song, you know, it's some shady song with a real slim shady Please stand up. It's like with the real
Christians, please stand up Right. Well, would you use the weapon of warfare that God has given to us?
Right the gospel of Jesus Christ to go out and evangelize the world Right, yeah, man, you know,
I See five Christians man. I just cannot stand it. You show me a church that doesn't have strong men and I'll show you a dying church
That's right, man. I mean, you know, I posted it today, you know, I just got through bragging I can't help it because I'm just so happy that we had 20 people but hey, it's not enough
We need more people we can't let up we need to go out get out of the pews and go share the gospel in our neighborhoods and Stand up against this wickedness that's coming against us
Constantly over and over and over. So yeah, I hear people talking about we have to do something
I was like, well, we've been given our marching orders To go out and to make disciples.
Are you going out making disciples and then they say no I'm like, but I really don't what do you got to say to me?
Yeah Yeah Yeah, everybody's happy about you know when we in in service and I'm not talking about my church because thankfully
We're getting out there and going it but a lot of these people say well, you know We got to be a gospel oriented church. We need to go out there and share the gospel and everybody's in hearty agreement
Yes, amen, and then you're quiet, you know So yeah, we need to we need to get out there guys and it's such a blessing, isn't it?
Every time I go out it's a blessing to go out there and share the gospel people. Yeah. Yeah It's hard to find a close second.
Yeah, it really is Right. I mean it is a chore right you're nervous before you go like listen
I've been doing street preaching since let's see. I Started doing a van, you know evangelism regularly around 2011
Hmm Street preaching Specifically around 2012 2013 But just going out regularly sharing my faith with people since 2011 and I still
I still get nervous Yeah, well one word You know
So we need to be fearful of that to make sure that we're presenting gospel and also in communicating in gospel in a way that You know the same way we would evangelize our unbelieving family or unbelieving friend
You know pleading with the come lovingly but bold enough and and loving enough to be able to tell them
Listen, if God doesn't intervene in your life unless you realize your your spiritual condition is dead
And your sins if you don't come to Christ and you die in your sins Eternity is a long time.
It's it's forever Never ending never ending Yeah Good good plug
Braden you great ready for us. I'm gonna be loud. Amen Yeah, well, you know all that just to close by saying yeah,
I mean listen heathens are gonna heath yeah Right. I don't expect non -christians to act like Christians All right, just like I don't expect
Christians to act like heathens I expect what we're seeing to take place because they're worldly and the gospel is foolishness to those who are perishing
So all this stuff that we see going off you may I mean going on in our world today
Well, it's because the gospel was foolishness. God said it is he he ordered it in such a way that it would be
Right. Mm -hmm. I mean it just is what it is What we have to do is be faithful and go out and preach that What they call foolishness because not only is it foolishness it's also the power of God to salvation.
Yeah You want to see the teeth of the gospel Christianity it's the gospel.
We got to go out there and preach. I Will I will say this flow on it is that I've been seeing a lot of a lot of Christians almost
They almost say well the world's gonna be the world so and that's almost like a cop -out about not doing anything
Right not saying anything. Yeah, the world's gonna be the world. No Absolutely.
Yeah. No, they will but you're not being the church either right now by just blowing it off. That's right
Like I don't know. I I shared a picture of it where it's of course the Last Supper and then there's people Well, the
Last Supper painting is is blasphemous. Anyway, okay Regardless the point of it is is that they're trying to blaspheme the
Last Supper of Jesus Christ God in flesh by putting an act on Regardless of the painting or not.
It was a terrible Sinful wicked thing that was being said It needs to be called out people need to be told to repent and believe and and you know what?
Yes, we should pray for their souls But also One of the signs of the times right is that we we know that there there's going to be in the last days
Which I think we've been in the last days for the last 2 ,000 years, right? Yeah in the last days, there's gonna be wicked evil things going on like what we're seeing right now
And so yeah part of the cry to say Lord Jesus come that is an imprecatory
Prayer that you are wanting the Lord Jesus to come and pour out wrath on these people
The most the worst purgatory prayers for for the nation When he comes that's it
Yep, those that didn't bend in me Are gonna be tossed both body and soul into hell
Yep. So yes pray for him yes, tell them to repent and believe but don't use it as a cop -out to just hide and not say anything and It's I don't know it was kind of a little bit shameful some of the things
I was seeing on my Facebook post with it Well, so for the most part people think that you know, as long as I say something on Facebook, I'm doing something.
No As long as you're doing something in your echo chamber brother. You ain't doing nothing
Take it to the public square Preach the gospel. That's right.
Anyways, what are we talking about? Light and there's Kinda we glimpsed into it.
We did just I would say we destroyed it is but I We put the people's elbow the macho man
Randy Savage elbow, right Okay You should throw this up on the screen
I got a one minute need for us Hot spot your phone.
Oh, yeah, he's frozen Yeah, let it go brother The waters deep over here
The Water is deep Children are allowed
We love you brother, thanks for stopping by This is a good chance, this is a good second.
Yeah, that needs to be up there for a while This is a good second to throw in if you haven't already, please share this around on your different social media platforms.
We definitely Would love it for you to subscribe and just follow along with what we're trying to do We're really just trying to glorify
God through the fellowship that we have Advancing his kingdom through edifying those that are watching and and we just have a good time here
So, please please share subscribe check things out We got my bakes come yeah, you're better, huh, you're better.
Okay. I just hop spotted the phone Yeah He's talking bad about you
I tell you I have experienced this Oh, I'm just saying I know I gotta put it on hot spot quick when that happens
All right, so my phone this up Yes, throw it up, all right, so we gave y 'all a sneak peek of it last week we're gonna go through it today
That's right. Yeah, so right here what you are looking at on your screen is what's off of latent flowers
Soteriology one -on -one's website on here. He wrongly calls it provisionism because everybody knows it's really late in ISM and So last week we went through these single point by single point and I I think it just showed that they were butchering the context of each one of these verses and taking them out of context to fix fit into a presupposition and Elevating their free will to a place.
They did This layout that you see right here and the content and the and the proof text that they give they're doing the very thing
That they accuse us of doing of taking things out of context, that's right all right, they accuse us of taking things out of context and they develop something that takes everything out of context and just like I told the other guy and and for the right because I Challenged to debate latent flowers one time.
He would not debate me and then I debated Jason Brita which
I I won't break the news, but but I've been talking back and forth with him
Anyways, I debated Jason Brita and that was one of the things that he says that you know Calvinists take things out of context and here they are taking everything out of context and I told him that I can write
Oh, it's like I can give you the context biblical context and historical context of every quote or Every verse that I mentioned he could not yeah
And he couldn't answer the questions that you answered every question that that he had offered and he couldn't answer any of the questions
That you you answered back to him and then he just he chalked it up on not being a good debater
But you know every one of the verses I think we went over it last week Well, didn't we go through well, yeah, but we went through several in every section
We read and we would agree with them in their context like you had said But they take it out of context
Yeah So what we're doing today, so you obviously we we fix the title from provisionism to latinism
But what we after last week have done is we are going to fix latinism
God's love and provision according to Scripture, of course, because we don't like to insert our presuppositions into the text
And this is what we have come up with is Oh, what am
I doing? BAM there it is. Oh, yeah Look at how beautiful this is.
I can say I'm a provisionist right here. If this is what it means. That's good That's it. The Lord has provided right look at this
Not that not that one Sir up there.
Oh beautiful Everybody you need a you need to take a screenshot of this and And read through it later and share it around on social medias
I'll try to post it up on the book face later today, but you can do it yourself as well Yeah, so we're gonna go through this one point by one point.
We might get through them all day We may not who knows but as you can tell latinism fix we have our logo up there
I know my name on there God's love and provision according to Scripture that's what we want to define all these things based off of And I will be going back and forth between this just to show the difference between each one of the points
All right, let's do it. Okay, let's do it guys. I'll start with number one. Yep. First one.
You got to pull it up I can't say okay. Yeah. Oh, that's good
Go ahead read it. I can't see it that that great to read I'm Working I'm working on my iPad because mine something happened to my laptop
Okay, so I got it God the only sovereign and first uncreated cause has predestined all things according to his holy wise will and Therefore nothing is meaningless or without providence
That's a pain I can get behind so let's just look at this the comparison people sin which last week
We talked about how it's trying to remove What we have died and Adam with that I have that there's almost what what's been put out here by latinism in general is
Is trying to remove? That fallen nature that death nature that child of wrath that we see in Ephesians 2 and Romans 5
From the fall and so I fixed it now with starting off. We're talking about God's sovereignty
Right, that's why it should be God first God first God first and and what was wrong with the people send the way they put it said that Let's go back to the other one real quick.
Yeah people sin which separates all from fellowship with God therefore Because man sinned they're saying therefore a divine provision
Became necessary now. What was our argument against that the way? Well, so if you look at what he's trying to get at if you look at what he's trying to get at is that we're separated
Because we sin so personal sin So, you know So a child isn't separated isn't born separated from God because it hasn't sinned but once it sins it's separated from God This is you see what
I'm saying? And so he's not looking at the fact that that we are born in Adam Unable to please
God we are born with a sin nature. So we're not saying that a child is born
You know right out the womb sinning like that's not what we're we're trying to say But they are separated in the sense that they are born with a sin nature
They inherit it the sin nature of Adam as goes the King so goes the kingdom Adams and Adams fall all men fell in Adam Say that yeah federal headship, right?
And so he's trying to say that we're separated because of our own personal sin and we're saying no
We're separated because of Adam's sin. He brought sin and death into the world, right?
so anybody born of natural so anybody born of natural generation from the time of Adam to this point even now today has inherited
Adam's sin guilt Just at the moment of conception positionally
Positionally, we are separated from God. Would you agree with that Braden? Yep, that's absolutely right and we did talk about last week one thing that you did say
Tom That I appreciate is that the the fall happened because of the cross not the other way around It's not like yeah
Ross happened because of the fall the the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ was not plan
B It's always been plan a and so in this original point right here.
What's there's people sin It's almost making it seem that well Jesus was the second plan, which is not the case
He did look at Romans 512. We looked at Romans 623. I believe we even went into Hebrews 922 if I can recall from last week
Isaiah 59 to it was that the one that was just why is that in there? There's just a complete I think what they were trying to insert in that text was not according to the context of Isaiah They read it real quick.
No, no, it was yeah Go ahead It was according to Israel like it has nothing You know because you have to you have to think about it
God has a kind of covenant Relations. Excuse me a relationship. What was it 59?
59 to yep, 59 to Isaiah 59 to yeah, so God has a is in covenant with Israel He's not in covenant with the
Palestine's is not in covenant with all the Jebusites and all the other eyes Okay, 59 to you.
Yes, but your iniquities have made a separation between you and I I Mean between you and you and your
God and your sins have hidden Excuse me, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear
Again, this is directly speaking to Israel. That's the historical context as Well as the biblical context, right?
Isaiah is writing this calling the Israelites to repentance. That's right
Because they turned they did what was right in their own eyes according to judges, right? They had they were supposed to live a certain way.
They turned their back on God They went after idols and what happened they fell into sin.
And so there was oppression there was sin There was guilt because they sinned but that's not that's not the reason why we stand separated from God The reason is because we are by nature dead in our trespasses and sins now
Now let's look at it this way, so let's say Let's say I fell into sin.
I don't want to put that on anybody else Let's say I fell into sin. This word can be for me, right?
So if I fell in a sin, I can read here and say behold The Lord's hand is not short that he cannot save or his ear dull that he cannot hear like all
I have to do right here as a Saved person who is swimming in my sin.
It's the call look at my thumbs It's the call out to God and and ask for forgiveness right first john chapter one.
I think it's first eight, right? talks about Verse nine, excuse me It talks about confessing our sins and he will forgive us right and so and and then right here
Because of my iniquities and i'm living in sin it says but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your god
All right, and so this is a You know for a believer we can say yes and amen
This is you know, we can we can take a clear application from that and apply it to our lives But we cannot apply this to the jebusites
That's right back then nor. Can we apply it to the heathen of today? hallelujah
Good stuff. So what we're looking at right now is six bible verses that fit into What the definition of p in is in our in our points here we're taking back the word provide
We're taking back the word provide what you gonna do latin. What you gonna do, bro? We're taking it back.
How do you like me now? I don't know if we want to I don't know if we want to read each one of these these bible verses that we got up here or well
Let's just you know access the audience. Do y 'all want us to go through all the bible verses? I mean, there's a lot of them.
I think we do need to go through one somebody somebody holler But I do want to go through ephesians and this is talking about this is talking about the planets the ephesians.
Uh, one four Do it right? All right, it says just as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world
That we would be holy and blameless before him in love Hmm He chose us in other words
Like you had said brayden like we had said last week that the plan of redemption Was a covenant in the godhead that he planned before the foundations of the world
He has names that are written in the lamb's book of life before the foundation of the world And if your name is written in that lamb's book of life, which he chose us in him before the foundation of the world
That's when the plan started. It was an eternal plan That's right.
Yeah, amen. Sure. Love that sweet covenant theology. Isaiah 46 9 through 10 Can I get some pushback on what they would say?
Oh, yeah, go ahead This is speaking to the apostles only This is something that i've heard them say
So he's saying the same way that I can take application from that isaiah passage if I was you know, if I had fallen into sin as a christian and i'm and i'm
And there's a separation with my relationship with god so it's not that i'm not a christian, but I because of my sin
I have My sins have hidden his face from me, right? Yeah So can
I push back on that? Hold on, but that's how you can apply this because he's speaking.
Yes. He's speaking to his apostles who is writing this to Believers, right?
So let's just say he's just speaking to his apostles, which I don't think that's the case All right.
He's not. Yeah. Yeah, he's not but but i'm just saying let's Let's just give them that bone for a second in the same way that I can apply isaiah 59 1 and 2 to my life as a believer
I can also apply What this is saying as a believer if that was the case
I can make direct application to us. However That is not the case
Paul is writing a letter to the ephesians church and they're taking direct application that it's speaking to them
Verse one it says to the saints who are ephesus. Yes faithful in christ like And this not only that but guess what the great unity is across all 66 books of the bible
It always describes the same means of salvation and that is in jesus christ. We have been predestined and conformed to him justified
Sanctified and eventually glorified that's exactly what the next scriptural rehearsal here is romans 8 29 30, which is the golden chain of redemption
Here in ephesians, you see the god father god our father Choosing us predestinating us
According to his goodness. Yeah in christ jesus adoption Adoption right there faith in christ, right?
We're we're we're made a part of the family of god To the point we don't adopt ourselves
That's right In him we have redemption through the blood the forgiveness of transgressions according to the riches of his grace verse 7
Which he caused to abound to us Who caused brady? I'm, pretty sure that one's talking about god right there.
Oh, okay. It wasn't on me No, it wasn't it was all soledile.
Gloria, right? um this You have to butcher this text beyond recognition to be able to come away with provisionism
Or latinism, excuse me. Yeah, don't you ever misname it? Okay, my fault Well, I do
I must say I there is a chicken all right, okay, it's the latent I thought it might have been latent alan in the background
So I isaiah isaiah Okay, let me also just be clear in saying this
I Love our brothers and sisters in christ that are provisionists. Y 'all y 'all are wrong on your soteriology
I love you. Yeah, but you're wrong on it. I mean when layton came to the conference we had good fellowship
And layton knows Listen, I guarantee you layton can watch this and laugh
Good right because layton hung out with us and he saw us making fun of each other
All right That's just how them guys are And and that is like if you want to be our friend, you better be tough
Okay, because they're I grew up in the trailer park and like my song says there's no safe places in a place when your place
Is on a hitch, okay We don't play like that, you know, even layton
He kind of made he kind of had a big dig on on kevin hay in the conference because he told him
That I look like his dad Oh That's right and greg moore was going man don't tell don't tell your wife kevin hay that that's what you're gonna look like when you get older So so gloves off layton, here we go,
I love it so isaiah 46 9 through 10 is that uh, it's god speaking to israel that that I have
I have predestined these things to occur so that you may know that I am the one and only god There's none before nor after so god sovereignty is a thing that separates him from other from all the false gods of course the golden chain of redemption here in romans 8 acts 4 is peter giving a sermon and he's saying the the
The the people the Pontius Pilate the people of israel the gentiles all those that were against christ jesus
It was according to god's Predetermined plan to crucify jesus christ
Yeah, uh genesis 50 20, uh the incident with joseph, uh being sold into slavery
In there it says that you meant it to evil against me But god meant it for good not that god used it for good
But god meant it for good the same exact connection being sold into slavery meant Rc spro
Has a teaching on that and so does dr. White, but I don't think they go back far enough far enough barn.
How you say it? Fair enough Far far away Yeah, so so they'll take it and they'll put it like they'll begin the story like they'll start it there
But they'll take it to where joseph was actually sewed into slavery I think we do better If we take it to where it's actually first mentioned and that is genesis chapter 15
So in genesis chapter 15 In verse 13 it says this
So so this is when god had put abraham asleep after he
Split open the the animals and he goes to walk through them verse 13 it says
Then the lord said to abram Know for certain that your offsprings will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs
And will be servants there and they will be afflicted for 400 years
But I will bring judgment on the nation that they serve and afterwards they shall come out with great possessions right
All right So how did all that? How did god? and his sovereignty
Caused that to happen Well, joseph was sewed and yeah hardens.
Well, first of all joseph had to be sewed into slavery By his brothers and then his brother famine has to come which causes his brothers to go to egypt seeking grain
That's right. Joseph has to forgive to give his brothers and then the israelite people are welcomed in in egypt in the land of gosheh
Right, and then joseph dies and there comes a pharaoh who knows not joseph so on and so forth all right, so It's all about preserving the seed
Yeah, yeah that whole incident Is a prophecy given to abraham a prophecy given to abraham
And so what what and so when he says god meant for good That's pointing us back to genesis chapter 15 beginning in verse 13
And it tells you how he means it for good. It's a part of that covenant promise. They will come out with great possessions
That's right Job joe 42 to uh, no purpose of yours can be thwarted the purpose that job is speaking about in there is
The situation that he's in and it's dire seven kids seven sons three daughters boils from head to toe
He's saying that that's the purpose of god and it cannot be thwarted A remarkable faith from job in there
So that's the context quick words from each one of them without opening up each one
Good stuff regeneration Should we see what they said? Do you know this one?
Let's see what they first They first put responsible that is everyone is able to respond
I just want to throw up everyone is able to respond to god's appeal for reconciliation
Because a divine provision will be heard and understood And never mind that you're dead in your trespasses and sins slaves of the devil and it's also the message is foolishness
You can respond. Oh, yeah, you can Just not positive It's going to be that which is consistent with your nature
And not only that it kills ephesians chapter 1 4 that we just read that he chose particular people
You know, he's making salvation possible to everyone here that the father chose someone but now he's going to send his son to make salvation possible for Entirely different group other than oh, you didn't know that the father chose a people but the son died for a different people
And the holy spirit just doesn't know who to apply the purpose to You didn't read that. That's right. Yeah, it's all for you jeff.
It's up to you It's in it's in 1 3 Yeah, i'm standing on a stump so obviously
We said this last week If it if responsible means that we are responsible for our sin
I would say amen to that but that is not the way that they take this responsible to this is that that we everyone
Has the ability to respond positively to the gospel call in their nature outside of the god of outside of god regenerating them uh, which
Yeah, like I said want to throw up what we put is regeneration
Um, that's every responsible we put regeneration Uh, it says in here regeneration is the new birth.
Can you get it closer? Yep. Yeah All right. Nope. Oh, oh, oh
I see granite All right, let's go back just a little bit is that close enough
That'll work. Okay Regeneration is the new birth by the holy spirit where grace faith and the indwelling
Of the holy spirit is granted to the elect of god Outside of this new birth.
We remain dead in our sins and enemies to god therefore regeneration precedes faith, that's right, you know, you know
That's just what the bible does concerning salvation It gives us a word picture like that's the analogy of scripture concerning salvation is the new birth
And this was the uh diverse So in in in in colossians chapter 3 verse 4 and 5
This is the one that I was pointing at in that in that debate that I had. Hold on Colossians, excuse me to 13
No 14 i'm sorry, not colossians. Forgive me timid. I mean, uh titus.
I can't even remember my son's name Colossians You know, yeah Colossians is great too.
That's not what I was talking about. So I was talking about the word regeneration is found, you know, we'll get there the word regeneration is found and Titus chapter 3
And beginning in verse 4 and we'll go to verse 5. It says but when the kindness Now when the goodness and kindness of our god and savior appeared and we would all have to agree.
This is first century This is his first coming He saved us not because of works done by us in righteousness but according to his own mercy and here's how he does it by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the holy spirit
And my argument here had to do with that word regeneration, which is the greek word pauline genesea pauline means uh
Again and genesea means birth. So if you just read it how it is, it's again birth, but it's translated born again or birth
Again, and so he saves us through a new birth and and jesus
Speaks about this like this is when it comes to salvation how a person is saved It's it that's the analogy.
It's a new birth and ladies and gentlemen None of us had anything to do with our first birth
Therefore we have nothing to do with our second birth amen
That's right. That's the analogy that he the picture that that's the analogy of scripture, right? It's it's right.
That's just how it's laid out And and to tie that in I think you also have uh, first peter one three
And it says this blessed be the god and father of our lord jesus christ who according to his great mercy
Has caused us to be born again To a living hope through the resurrection of jesus christ from the dead
Wait, you said caused. Yeah Who caused wait? I chose him.
Yeah. Yeah, it almost sounds like there's continuity And it says his great mercy according to his great mercy has caused us to be born again
Time out. You didn't do it braeden. You didn't do it time out. You cannot according to my faith Not according to my endurance not according to what
I willed Yeah, no, this was this didn't have anything to do with you. Yeah, it sounds like this god you're talking about is sovereign
Well, he's more sovereign than that, okay Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's again, ladies and gentlemen, like if you
They talk about That they're holding to scripture right and again, listen, we we
We really do care about layton. Like I think he's a good guy. I enjoyed hanging out with him Hope I get to hang out with him again
Yeah, but this is nonsense when it comes to that verse. What does he do with that verse that he?
Has caused us to be born again I don't I don't understand. What's his argument there?
Well, i'm hoping that they'll watch some of the stuff that we're doing and we're really like putting the the foot on the pedal when
It comes to pauline ganassia that greek word read for regeneration And I hope they make a response because i'm like listen i've been wanting to go to watch a comedy for a while like please make a response because You have to butcher you have to literally remove it from the text.
It cannot mean anything else Right or or just like you said or they have to make this mean something other than it says
Way far off basis the butchering the text. Yeah well
I mean you guys already hit on the major ones on there Yeah, I mean We want provision we want lateness to see this we want
Christianity and whole to see this so please be sharing this kind of videos because that's how they end up seeing these things Yeah, so am
I debate? I don't go back over to the verses. Yeah So am I debate? If you haven't watched it, please go watch it.
It's on the gospel truth network I hit john 3 which also john 5 titus 3 5, but I use 4 and 5 and ezekiel 36 26 and 27
Now I would have loved to use more. I had to pick and choose right now. We only had a Short time to get everything out
However However Yeah, so if you go you'll listen to me explain ezekiel 36 26 through 27
And so, uh, what's his name? Um, um someone Yeah, jason.
So when it comes to that titus 3 5 he made a video and he was wanting And he asked in there.
He was wanting to know if I would be willing to debate Titus 3 5 using all of titus at In the context and if you go to his facebook page living christian, you'll see
I put in there Uh, yes, like I wanted to give a a quote from a tombstone
You know like i'm your huckleberry That's just my my kind of Whatever, you know like but but I did accept it and he hasn't responded back to it
So I think he was saying that thinking I wouldn't watch the video, but I mean listen
Yeah, like I I know the book of titus like i'm not trying to You know do wrong.
So so somebody just asked where can they find this url? I'm gonna post it on my facebook. Uh, you can find it there.
I'm sure these guys will share it jeffrey jeffrey rice and tom shepherd Um, please share it get it out there.
Let's let's let's light the the the fire underneath the lateness, but hopefully hopefully they reformed to biblical doctrine
All right, you guys want to read the next one Okay, what do we got? We got original sin. Yeah.
Do you guys want to see what the one was before? Yeah Yeah, yeah, let's try to hit that one Oh That sounds like a country song
I forgot that jesus said that wide is the way and open is the door that leads into salvation.
I forgot that verse It's wide open. All you gotta do is jump in the water's fine.
It's like a hug from above. I'm pretty sure From above That's right, i'm pretty sure that jesus said narrow is the way yeah
He calls himself the door and then he says only to me that the door the gatekeeper opens and I call my sheep out and that excludes
Those that try to climb up another way the dogs The false shepherds those the robbers is what it says in john or the other sheep that are also in the sheep pen who are not
His that's right. Guess guess what? Jesus does he says I call them out No Salvation is not an open door
Jesus is the door and he died for the elect. It's not an open door Yeah, well, but but wait a minute brayden.
It says right here for anyone to enter through faith Just muster up enough pull yourself up by your booty straps
And muster up some faith over here and and you could go right into his open arms.
He's just hoping that you will come doesn't that just fly in the face of what the verse that you read before tom like He caused us according to His mercy.
It's not It's not that we caused god to show favor to us according to our faith.
We placed in him That's not how this works as a matter of fact, and let me go there real quick acts 1348
And we got to read this because I this is just this is a killer for them right here, which one?
and it acts 1348 And it says and when the gentiles heard this they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the lord
And as many as had been appointed to eternal life Believed In other words, if god doesn't appoint a person to eternal life
How can you come if he has not chosen that person? How can that person possibly come another way?
The door is not wide open just like you said So one of the arguments that he makes and I might be saying it wrong
But he's saying are you saying that god unilaterally chooses those who are going to be saved and and those who are not
What is it As if As if randomly just willy -nilly going grabbing a few
Is that what he means by that? Well, I think I really don't know exactly what he
Is articulating But that's what I get from it so so the fact that The fact that he we're dead in our sins
We our condition is dead in our sins and the fact that he Decides to show mercy on any is is
Is all grace, you know and so if god chooses god chooses to Choose a people group for his own possession.
I don't know why he would choose me. There's no reason why he would choose me I know you guys there's no reason why he would choose you guys.
All right, watch your mouth. Yeah, I mean, you know, hey we make fun of And but the thing is is that It's all grace.
I have no clue. There's no reason why that I could even fathom why he would want to choose A a person a person who has been rebelled, you know shaking my fists against him and living the life in my past life that I lived
You know, but my condition was dead So whatever his purpose is praise god i'm not going to ask i'm not going to pretend to know the mind of god
To to ask him why he chose me he did it To show his glory
That's that's all I can think of And so we should just praise him and thank him for that I have no idea why he chose me.
Yep Amen, if if god just if god just saved one person let alone the thousands upon thousands upon thousands that he has saved
God would still be worthy of eternal praise for his mercy Just one just and and being the creator
Having absolute power does he not get to set the terms does he want to get to choose who he decides to choose?
Absolutely. Yeah, absolutely I I my my co -elder and this and he even says that the the analogy
Is so much far limited to the extent of the distance between god and man. It would be like Us playing with legos and having a lego set
And the legos are upset that we're playing with one more than another or that One was the main character in our little lego game that we're having right that that's
Legos don't get to do that to those that are playing with them or those that are creating them, right?
like god And I I use the lego term because this co -elder he helps with the youth ministry and so it connects with the kids
And so my my little boy inside right now is playing with legos and God is so much infinitely greater than my son is to those legos
Right and the fact that he saves any of us and it's all part of his plan Praise praise be to god
And let me read this verse that michelle just put up. Yeah, so, uh, luke 13
Verse 23. Yeah start at 23 and some and someone said to him lord
Will those who are saved be few And he said to them verse 24 jesus speaking
Strive to enter through the narrow door For many
I tell you will seek to enter And will not be able
What do you think they're thinking So i'm thinking here that they will seek to enter they will seek to be
Right with god, but they're not going to go through The method, you know the means which god has determined to save them.
In other words, they're going to be seeking wrongly They're going to be trusting and not in the person work of christ alone for eternal life to him
For him to wash you of your sins and to have his imputed his righteousness put on our account
But they're probably depending and seeking to be right with god another way what could that be
Example lds is a perfect example of that think about all the earnest lds people out there Yes, you think that they are doing their absolute best to obey and follow god yet They think that they will be rewarded based off their own efforts of what they are doing
So they're trusting in their own righteousness trusting in their own works their own righteousness. Yep Now if you don't mind me pissing some people off that's fine with you.
Oh gosh, I gotta go Here we go. Here we go Right like like noah is told to build an ark for him and seven other people including animals
That's right. He is he's told that it's going to be him his wife his three sons
And their wives Yeah, right All right And believe me when
I tell you that as you know, probably as the the water Starts to come and the boat starts rocking you hear the knocking let us in right
And guess what? They strive to enter and we're not able
God closed the door that that ark was only meant for eight people and a lot of people will say well
Well, well noah was a preacher of righteousness You better believe it every swing of that hammer
Is preaching christ every slab of that That that tar getting onto that that that that boat is preaching christ never
Once well, you may convince me that manoa walked around Preaching that a flood was coming.
He said well jeff. How do you say that matthew chapter 24 verse 36, but concerning That day and hour no one knows not even the angels of heaven nor the sun
But the father only for as it was in the days of noah So will it be in the coming of the son of man for as in the days of noah
As in those days before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage
Until the day when noah entered the ark and they were unaware
Until the flood came and swept them all away So will it be the coming of the son of man?
Yeah They were unaware but best believe with every swing of that hammer
Noah with his actions is preaching christ Yeah I mentioned that in my sermon that I gave at the y calvinism conference, right?
It was designed purposely God gate Noah, didn't just build an ark.
He built it according to god's design That he built an ark and it was only built for the eight that got to pass safely through the waters, which is totally typological
Yeah, why wouldn't he have? Well, why would he build it for for eight? And god tells them who's going to enter in go back to genesis
It tells them who it is. It's going to enter in And then go out and invite people to come in Guess guess guess why they were invited in too because Noah as the federal head of these eight or seven people
It says that that they were included in this covenant because of the faith the righteousness that noah had found in the eyes of the lord so again
Perfect typology to what we have in christ we
Are sinful and fallen but through our mediator of the new covenant our federal head jesus christ
We are reckoned with righteousness because of what he has fulfilled And he is the ark of our salvation and we are able to safely pass through the wrath of god because he took it for us
Yeah Yeah, i'm, sorry the door is shut It's not open.
It opens for the the shepherd Yeah. Well, let's see what we put we put oh for original sin because According to latinism, they just say people sin.
We felt like it needed to be fine -tuned a little bit more Yeah, somebody want to read that? Sure says adam as our federal head sinned against god by breaking his covenant
Which incurred which incurred death for all those he represented All are born dead in sin and wholly defiled in all the faculties and parts of the soul and body
Hmm So adam as our federal head sinned against god
So goes the kingdom or what? As goes the king so goes the kingdom right as goes the federal head.
So go the people I bet my bet my congregation hears that in their sleep Yes So you want to you want to define federal head again how what what does it mean to be a federal head so Everyone understands a federal head our representative
Yeah, so it's that uh, one person represents the whole uh, so uh
That's that's the the quick just Just footnote version of it and a lot of people are opposed to it because they're like well,
I don't I want I don't want to be held responsible for adam's sins, right? But first of all, the bible says that that Death death came in through adam.
So death affects everybody and that's through adam So regardless if you like it or not, that's the case and second of all,
I love federal headship because If it wasn't for it Christ jesus
Is my new federal head? There is the one that I am undeserving of he represented me upon the cross and took my wrath
To deny the headship of adam is to deny the headship of christ, that's right.
Absolutely. That is beautiful Is that not I mean, that's the beautiful part of the new covenant that we have
Twitter where they are there absolutely It really is Everybody ought to be posting that that's right.
Amen the second part of this So so as adam because he represents all mankind so the all that he represents is is
Everybody. Yeah, without without exception Everybody without exception good good point there
Not without distinction without exception He incurs death, uh for all those that he represented
And because of that all are born dead in sin and holy defiled defiled in all the faculties and parts
And parts of soul and body that comes verbatim from the 1689 I'm sure it said it exactly the same way in the west minister in the savoy, but that's where that last sentence comes from right so Romans 3 10.
No one is righteous No, not one Then tells us of all the ways that we sin against god and that we fall short of the glory of god
That the law was given to hold everybody accountable before god Ephesians 2 3 That's a that's a text that I think we should all know off the top of our head.
Yeah Uh, genesis 33 set genesis 3 17, obviously that's speaking of the fall itself
Um, that's the the part where uh, god is giving a curse unto man Um, so again, uh, we suffer those curses that adam received
Ephesians 2 again as we're dead in our sins and trespasses Romans 5 we're born children
That's the biggest one right there. I mean that's it's clear as day therefore just through one man
Sin entered into the world and death through sin and so death spread to all men because all sin
That's right. Hey, don't don't don't judge me, bro Yeah Am I being mean being mean again
You're being mean you up in here theology guys are judgmental. We're meanies. Yeah, so 15 22 says yeah, first corinthians 15 22 says for as an adam all die.
So also in christ shall all be made alive Yeah So again federal headship I don't know man.
It seems like it seems like you know people sin. I mean Yeah All right doesn't open door
Yeah, I don't I I Do we even need to read the rest of these we probably should we should
We're doing a show. We're doing a show. We're doing a show All right. We're at the hour mark.
Are you able to stay? Let's get through it guys. My computer is Is at 31 right now.
So anyway, um, so we're on uh, dang it. What did I click? Clicked over too many times.
So let's just see what they got for v. We'll be quick. They put vicarious atonement so they're defining this as Is the divine provision given of sufficient value for the sins of the whole world and provides a way for anyone to be saved?
on the basis of christ shed blood so um We did we did hammer in pretty big time on this last week.
Um Is there anybody in hell for whom christ died brayden just let's no
Okay. No, let's just leave it. Otherwise. Otherwise if it if it was right Christ died needlessly for that person.
So the blood of christ is being trampled upon It's not powerful enough to save that person and god is in just because he's giving out double payment for the person on the cross
Jesus and the person that is in hell the individual God would not be in just in those ways, right?
Yeah So let's go back to let's fix this. Let's fix it.
Wait a second We we're going to talk about this down here in d to directly fix it.
But what did we put for v? Jeff you want to read this one? I can't see it good enough man.
I mean I can see it but it's it's it's not get your new eyes It says victory in christ alone.
I'm having to look through this. I'm having to look through my ipad. So it's a lot smaller than normal I got you.
I got it. You got it. Go ahead. Go ahead. You're already on it through jesus's righteous life substitutionary death and triumph over the grave
All those whom he represents are brought into covenant into a covenant of grace
Because regeneration precedes faith We don't boast of ourselves
But in the lord alone amen Look, I know i'm the one that wrote these but it sounds really good
I've done a better job myself. I mean, let's just let's give myself a round of applause right now
Yeah a little pat on the back for sure I like the collages read the collages to 14 and 15 for proof text
You want to read that one I did believe this is something that we looked at last last week Yeah And by the way, we're not cherry picking verses where this is this all fits go go read it in context it all fits
And then for any of my provisionist friends out there that want to debate any one of these verses.
Yeah like Bring it what we right here
Regulators Yeah, which that is the the text that the mauler guy that we talked with just Well, that doesn't mean literally it didn't literally
Yeah, I know right it's awful First 13 and you were dead And then your trespasses and uncircumcision of your flesh.
Yeah, you heard me dead god Made alive together with him.
Here's how he did it Having forgiven us of our trespasses. That's where the grace comes in.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is ephesians chapter I mean, excuse me. This is ezekiel 3625
By counseling the record of death that stood against us with its legal demands
This talking about that that that record of debt he set aside nailing it to the cross
Amen, he disarmed the rulers and authorities by putting them to open shame
How did he put them to open shame by triumphing over them? In him the in him is christ, right?
so as they were He triumphant over them by what they were doing to christ nailing him to the cross amen
Jeff what real quick you said that they were dead? What what's dead mean? um, so I thought
A sickness is what yeah, so according to the text. So like if you look at ephesians chapter two
Two Dead is someone who is who is following after the prince in the power of the air
Doing carrying out the desires of their flesh in their mind And that means that they are by nature children of wrath.
So that would be the definition of dead here slate slaves to sin Slaves to sin and I would say that second timothy tells you why second timothy beginning in verse
Uh 23, I think it is where it talks it tells us that we have been captured by the devil to do his will
Yeah, so you ever seen those so many sam shows, right? He's chasing the bunny and he sticks his gun into a hoe
And all of a sudden the barrel like it's manipulated and it's pointed right back at him. And so he shoots the gun and shoots himself
That's what this verse in colossians. That's what I say, right? That as as they're
Nailing him to the cross. They thinking that big family got rid of this this guy that does good deeds
They're actually shooting themselves They're actually they're they're actually he he's bringing about the best deed
Out of them all in that moment. I like that. Hold on. I'm writing this down. Yosemite sam
You know All right, you guys want to go to the next one
Let's do it. Yeah, sure So illuminating grace illuminating grace.
Yeah, so that's what they got right here illuminating grace Is the divine provision offered sufficiently to all?
And provides clearly revealed truth so that all can know and respond in faith And I think he is a liar right there because if he doesn't mean an all without obsession
All without exception That is a total lie Did you just almost?
Did you just want to say all without obsession? Yeah Listen man, i'm
I'm from the south And and i'm a street kid and it's late. Okay, it's all right
So, yeah, so we touched on this one a lot last week too, right Yeah, there are people right now that are dying that has a knowledge of god because of creation
But they have no knowledge of the trinity. They have no knowledge that jesus died for them I'm, sorry, there is not a divine provision offered to everyone that that clearly provides
Uh, the revealed truth of jesus christ there just isn't how is it revealed brayden?
Tell them It's through the ordinary means of grace. Somebody needs to be able to preach the gospel They hear the gospel and then the holy spirit does the work on them through special revelation through the scriptures
Yeah, yep The the the bad part and we talked about this last week is that that and yes hyper calvinism.
Let's reject it Let's deny it. I agree wrong correct, however This teaches a hyper calvinism view of evangelism
Which is right. Well if everybody can respond equally without exception and Guess what?
Do I need to get out and preach? No, they got it. They know it all Everyone already has it.
There's no need to go out and pray. Why is that falls under the same? Condemnation for a hyper calvinist.
That's right latinism latinism. So latin himself is an evangelist Yeah, I don't understand how he can't how he can't see the error in this
I'm, sorry It it removes all the responsibility of the church being the church and and going about with the great commission and preaching the gospel
I mean really brayden. I mean you just nailed it on the head right there I mean layton, are you aren't I mean if if this is the case
You're a hyper calvinist You're a hyper calvinist. It's the same rule right here There's no reason to go and preach if god is just if he's revealed it to everybody already without scripture
Why why do we do missions? Why are there missions? Yeah Why are we trying to go to why do we call them unreached people?
Yeah, they've been reached They've been done reached forever
Yeah Sorry Also, jill 33 12 through 30. Let me just say this is a quote from eli
He you shouldn't be looking at eli who to get your theology You should look at god's response where he proclaims that he is sovereign
Amen Yeah Yeah, jope 38 to 42 is is where we should be reading, you know, well only if someone could fix this
Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh wait my fault Oh Guys, well,
I gotta read this one because this is something that I think We as believers just need to just be very clear
On infallibility of scripture. So so they said are illuminating grace for their eye. We're saying infallibility of scripture
What does that mean scripture is god -breathed As the only sufficient rule of all saving knowledge faith and obedience
It has sufficiently revealed the character of god who is triune eternal and immutable
Believers need not and i'll say that again believers need not to make excuse for what god has spoken so Do I need to make excuse?
For this right up here Absolutely not. Nope. If god has spoken that which guess what?
He kind of has yeah, plus i'll just say you can read these verses or read all 66 books of the bible
It's it's really good stuff. It all is in there Yeah, we need not feel the need to uh,
To make an excuse for the way that god describes himself. It is sufficiently revealed god and his character and And you need to stop trying to fit your philosophy your vain philosophies and myths into the word of god
Amen That's good stuff, man These are that was the argument that was the argument
I made in my debate, you know concerning these things that we do not Look outside of scripture when it comes to Um Not, you know, like everyone knows there's a god because of creation, right?
general revelation But the only way to know this god Right, you know to know him personally
It's the special revelation and the only way to truly know him is through the revelation given to us by jesus christ
Like this is john john chapter john chapter, uh, one verse 18
All right, let me read that real quick John chapter 1 verse 18
It says no one has ever seen god Speaking of the father here the only god speaking of the son who is at the father's side has made him known and then you go to John chapter 17 verse 3 says and this is eternal life that jesus speaking that they may know you the only true god
In jesus christ whom you have since first john, uh chapter 2 begin
I think it's verse 22 or 23. He talks about if you do not have the son You do not have the father
You cannot separate the two the only way to know who the father is truly Is through the son and I would argue that those in the utmost most for the most part
The old testament doesn't reveal god in his true form until we have the revelation of jesus christ
Right. He truly reveals him in a unique way God as father son and holy spirit
It does progressively reveal, uh him in a promise. However in right in our old covenant in yeah
Yeah, yeah as promised but but yeah But again, when you read those promises about the new covenant, yes, right.
Yeah to read the old covenant outside of the new covenant, I would still say that That it's not it's not crystal clear
Right because like like as you get further into the covenants, it becomes more clear
That's right. And by the time you get to the new covenant, it's crystal clear. That's right
Beautiful, I just I just Yep, I i'm just really happy you guys are talking about the old testament new testament just the continuity there
I just now i'm seeing on on facebook. Jason bretta just posted something regarding Um his view of the book of romans that he's coming out with this video
He's saying that that That he misunderstood These three chapters in the book of romans.
He doesn't say in the video For for several years, so he's alluding to back when he was calvinist, right?
Or that he was claiming to be a calvinist and he's saying that in these three chapters of romans Guess what? There's a distinction of jew and gentile
Where's he going? Is he going to 9 10 and 11? I don't know what chapters but i'm sure it's the ones that you debated that james white with well
If you don't understand what he's doing, so he he he says he's came across an ambiguous
Antecedent and that's why I said in that debate you like antecedents So romans chapter 1 verse 13 and what he's trying to lay out here.
Is that from romans chapter? 1 I think he's going to through 11 is solely speaking about the jews
So this is information given to the jews about the jews and nothing, but the jews so help me god And that's just bad.
It's just wrong. Yeah bad theology. It's it's bad exegesis Well, i'd love to debate
It's new theology. It was developed Yeah, yeah, yeah along with all those other cults.
Oh my bad. I'm, sorry Forgive me i'm, sorry, you know
I did my my uh co -pastor told me I I do not have a filter
That's it You're right. I don't Sometimes wish you did I sometimes wish
I did So, okay, so just going through this continually, right, uh, they put destroyed again
This was something this is a building up argument that they're trying to make in their uh, latinism chart here Because again, we talked about this last week destroyed for unbelief and resisting the holy spirit's drawing to god's mercy
Uh mercy will be the divine provision of justice. So several things going on there
First of all, it's saying that we're not being destroyed for our sin, but unbelief Right, so that's wrong right there.
I don't because you get it closer again, so I can see it. Yep. It's a little closer and then and Then not only that but it's saying that we can stay in the hand of god that we can triumph over god's
Uh choice over god's call over god's moving for us to come to him.
We can be more powerful than that, right? Also, hold on it goes to what you were talking about earlier with them being hyper calvinist
Yes Because because look at it Um, your arrow is in my way. I can't read it So These words are a little bigger than the other one.
Could you move your arrow? For unbelief. Yeah. Yeah for unbelief And resisting the holy spirit's draw to god's mercy
Will be divine provision of justice Okay So he's actually so i'm sure he believes that those who are unreached if they die, they're going to go to hell
So is this saying that they deny? The holy spirit. Yes, they resist the holy spirit and they're going to die not for they're going to be punished not for their sins, but for Rejecting jesus whom they have not heard.
How can they hear if no one is sent? right
Listen your your theology has to reach more than it has to be a more than america
If your theology doesn't work in china and africa and all these other Continents my my dear brother your theology is false
Yeah That's right That's a mormon theology right there for the americans
That's right So and then also so for the unbelief in resisting the holy spirit's drawing
But yet john 644 says no one Now words here the lsb says can come that word can in the greek is to be able has the power to personal ability they cannot come
Without the father draws him. So unless unless the father who sent me draws him.
He cannot come he's not able He cannot there's no opportunity to come. There's no power to come.
There's no personal ability to come We cannot support god's will in any way
That's right Well, so that's a bunch of crap, right Let's go
I need to see what we got here. Give me some truth I got you some good stuff. Let's just see it definite atonement jesus is christ
Sorry, jesus Sorry that came out wrong. Jesus christ's atoning sacrifice
Was intentional effectual And specifically designed to redeem those who the father predestined to be in the covenant of grace
God does not give double payment wrath for sin Hey, I just found a problem with your your your um
That's messed up. There's no problem No, there's not from a reformed baptist perspective nor from my presbyterian brothers
But if you're a calvinistic baptist, you just mentioned the words covenant of grace. Oh, yeah.
Yeah I'm not here to make the the non Reformed calvinist.
Listen if both of us are trying to be i'm trying to piss people off. This ain't gonna be good This is gonna be good
It's gonna be real good Here we go If we're
Yeah, no, I think it's great. So you don't have a problem with the document. I got you. I got you No, I I don't have a problem
I think I think it's beautiful I was a little worried there when you said that I was like uh -oh No, so of course
Good. So, of course we have hebrews 8. That's the the covenant of grace that we're referring to um
Colossians 2 14 that the sin was nailed there with jesus christ John 10 is speaking about the sheep of god that he lays down his life for the sheep
Isaiah 53 11, uh that suffering servant, uh text Again the golden chain of redemption and then john 6 39 which is a text that all the father
Gives me I will lose none. Um All all that the father draws I will raise up on the last day
So so yes, the the drawing work of god will be completed in regeneration And not only that but it will also be secured in the in the death of christ as well
There there will be a raising up on the last day of it. Yeah And here's where they blow the whole thing.
Here's where they blow it all The final point. Yep Their one -point calvinist
Their inconsistent calvinist that's what i'm going to start calling provisionist or lateness is you're just being an inconsistent calvinist
Because you like one point but you can't be a one -pointer But even in this this is not, you know, eternal security and perseverance of the saints are not the same thing like I mean, i'm glad that he believes this but again, jason bretta doesn't right?
he He is a uh an anabaptist and let me tell you i've been studying anabaptist for two weeks.
Don't do it. Okay Oh my lord I'm not getting smarter.
Let me tell you So eternal security is the divine provision that is everlasting for all true believers
So once you believe you cannot lose your salvation is what this is teaching Which I think is just fascinating if belief faith is mustered for myself
Why can't I stop mustering it and then be then therefore destroyed for my unbelief this is where well, that's the argument that brought me to Understand that we couldn't lose our salvation because my argument was if if I can get myself saved
Yeah, I can get myself unsaved At the moment. I but the moment
I understood uh That that god is the one who does the saving
I mean hence the word saving Salvation means to be rescued
From what right and this being enslaved to the satan you know If he can if he's the one who saves me
Then I understand better that that uh, I cannot lose it or if you come to that first point first right,
I mean that uh The eternal security, you know, um, I cannot lose this.
How can I not lose something i've earned? That's right so Like I cannot lose who
I am as as a rice, you know As someone who's the rice I did not earn that Yeah Yeah, I just I just I just noticed this
I think this is kind of funny Out of all the points this one eternal security is the most late calvinism, right?
However, it's the one that has the least set on it All right, yeah
That's the one truth they have and they don't have much to say about we better not touch on that one Let's see how we worded it because I like the way we worded it.
Okay, so there's I and I I am gonna bring up So there's been some controversy on this last one the way you worded it and see if you guys can pick it out
Read it But i'm gonna take up for you here So just so you know, but there is a there is a word in there that people don't like Oh Let me sit back and say
I won't say anything. I said All right. Keep on going. Oh good lord. It's hard to say man. You gotta still let me read it
Okay without without and then you guys try and pick it up Because the believer's salvation was earned in christ applied by the spirit and ordained by the father
They therefore can't stay the hand of god nor undo what was done for them
The believer can trust in the sovereign hand of god That holds them secure
Look in the first sentence Was earned in christ earned in christ earned
So some people don't like that word earned that because the believer's salvation was earned now, here's the thing
Here's why i'm going to take up for for brain out people don't like that word earned Here's the reason why
Yeah, so my wife even said the believer earned nothing, but here's the thing We are not saved by works.
Yes, we are. It's just not our work works of christ He lived a life we could not live he took the punishment that we deserve
That's right. So that's braden's point right here Is that he is our righteousness the life that he lived that we are required to live but cannot live
He did it in our place So he earned He earned the righteousness and we are in him.
So we have the righteousness of god in god It's coming passive obedience of christ, yeah, that's a passive obedience, but but Like coming off a definite atonement.
It spoke about the covenant of grace Right the covenant of grace we would say as as as reformed baptists
Who ho to a 1689 federalist list that the covenant of grace is the new covenant?
But also the the new covenant is a covenant of works And it's fulfilled not by our words, but by the works of christ keeping the covenant sitting on the throne of david forever
Never not our work His act of impassive obedience, absolutely.
Yeah, so hopefully that makes sense You had me worried again. You guys had me worried that I messed something up again.
I got yours. It was beautiful Yeah, it was beautifully done Again, ephesians one through uh, four through five attacks that we read earlier golden chain of redemption and of course
Uh second timothy one nine. I cannot recall why I put that in there But what that says if one of you guys want to read it?
Yeah as many were appointed that day believe or wait No, what is x 13? That's right. Yeah.
Is that what it is? We're appointed unto eternal life believed. That's right. And then uh, Romans 9 11 is the the wrath text
I believe and then john 6, uh 44. I will raise you up on the last day That's right.
Well, um Second timothy one nine who saved us and called us to a holy call and not because of all works but because of his own purpose and grace
Which he gave us in christ jesus right here before the ages began
Wait a second. That's a deep Translation. Did you just read from? Uh the elect standard version of course
Good stuff, you know that that that text right there. Well, that is deep theologically.
I mean that will preach for a few weeks maybe What do you care? Yeah, I can do a month series on it.
Yeah, for sure I would say a month and then I just go 30 minutes with it and be done
Well, that's the thing. So my month and your month are different, right? We both have four or five sundays
However, your sermons are 30 minutes and mine are an hour Oh my gosh, they're not 30 minutes.
So i'd preach for one message. That's 30 minutes Message I was like I didn't
And it was a great Listen it was the it was a christmas service and it was god glorifying and it was amazing.
I had listen I just wanted like Let me just talk myself up here for a moment. I had lds in the church that day
Lds people in our church and I preached a hard 20 minute gospel message to them and called them to repent and believe it was good
It was real good. Amen Yeah anyway That's my boasting for this morning or this evening
There it is guys. I mean there's part two of the show Listen layton if you're out there.
Yeah, we'll do a debate with you, you know get your guys Uh, we'll go back on marcus's show
And and we can hash it out. I mean I mean the truth is on our side.
We have the scriptures to prove it everything that we've said here We've gone through in context. There's There is no
There is no doubt that we're right in this and and it's not that we're trying to be right This is what the scripture says.
This is what god has revealed to us in his word That's right well
We'll take this down real quick. I'm gonna stop sharing it too And then what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna post it on to the facebook right now
Post it on my uh comment. I mean Do you want me well, I was just gonna post on my facebook
I can tag you and tom in it right now if you want Yeah, and if you like if you post it in the comments people can find it that way too if they
Oh, yeah If they have of course if they have trouble finding who you are is what i'm saying
Yeah, yeah, let me do that here before we get off because that's a good idea I think I unfriended tom
Yeah, I don't blame you What okay I don't like that guy
But yeah, so so so listen ladies and gentlemen, uh Save this meme or whatever it is graphic and uh, and let's get the word out provisionism,
I mean provide like like that's Provide right god has provided and and so You know now not the latinism one, right?
But uh and share this video Yeah, share this Yeah, and not because we're trying to get big or anything.
We're just trying to make people mad We're lying by god and laugh and make
Listen, I don't get on facebook like and with my phone or on or anything like that and text argument, right?
Like I just I I work with my hands. I don't have time for that if you want to Uh be a tough guy on facebook
Have at it. Yeah, but I can be a tough guy on video. You know what i'm saying? I'll talk some stuff on the video, but i'm not gonna waste my time it is not
It is not allowing me to post a photo in the comments right now on the video Are you trying to post it on youtube or face?
Okay facebook. Yeah. All right. We'll just share it on yours and i'll I'll copy it
And share the video on on my page If you would please I did.
Well, I didn't I didn't do the video yet, but um, okay I tagged you in post
Okay, I got that So hey real quick post the conference for crying out loud we need to get some people coming to the conference and You guys need to come to the conference and listen to these guys preach
And and when i'm on the second day you guys go take a break Yeah, tom don't want to be up here and get nervous
Yeah So yeah, let me do something. I'm trying to pull it up boys. Just you wait.
Just you wait Some little hands you can't get it All right. Those are big buttons.
He's got to go get too crazy. They are big buttons boom Can you imagine his keyboard his hands on that keyboard probably looks huge It's it does is your guys is not oversized
There we go The keyboard I can barely see the keyboard I have to like I do one finger because my fingers don't spread across the whole keyboard well
When he touches the letter When he touches the letter he still sees us the half the letter
He'll touch the v and you can see most of the letter Okay, there it is check it out, okay, what am
I checking out On my page No, I just i'm screen sharing it on this
Screen share. Oh screen. Jeff post it. What? Oh, that's all right. This is your job admin.
Come on Come on There we go. Look at that We got greg more hosting again that guy that guy's a talker man he can talk
He's also good looking He's a very you know now that we don't have kevin hayes probably the best looking guy that But you know, we we're gonna miss you kevin we we we could tell everybody why he's not coming right because he's
He posted it Okay, he posted it. Yeah, so he's he's having a a baby
So they're having a 28th baby Yeah, so it's gonna be right around the same time
A lot of kids Kevin hey, god bless you man having nine kids.
Hey, y 'all look we're getting short. We're getting a uh, uh, look Who's that Wait to the next one wait to the next one.
This is awesome. Oh, who's this guy? He's in no time Look at michelle. What did michelle put?
Calm down wasn't yeah What's this guy even saying
He says i'm a little little book in revelation Chicken hey wesley.
How's it going? Sounds like a blasphemer Yeah All right
We hope you repent and believe in the gospel. Yeah I got some mental health issues.
Oh, he's got some mental health issues. Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah, oh it's kind of stuck on there now you got to put michelle's stuff on there, okay, okay here we go
Michelle coming in for the win. Thank you. Thank you All right guys
I gotta get off here. Yeah. Hey man good show Yeah, fantastic Ladies and gentlemen, uh, let's do some last words
Right in god bless go in peace tell the world of the king Yeah, you guys get out there and go proclaim the gospel everyday lives not only being intentional
But as somebody comes up in front of you I mean tell them about christ tell them about the hope that is in us so that we would be reconciled
We never know when we're going to go. So we need to share the gospel with everybody we meet be faithful Amen.
Amen Hey, thanks for hanging out with us tonight Again, we'll be back next sunday.
We're going to start doing this on sunday nights still trying to work out a a A good time and as always if y 'all have anything that y 'all want us to discuss
Please send us a message and if you're ever in tallahoma, tennessee Come hang out with a brother.