Cultish - Jinger Duggar Vuolo: Disentangling From The Cult-Like Teachings of Bill Gothard


Join us as we chat with Jinger Duggar Vuolo who grew up under the strict fundamentalist teachings of Bill Gothard. We are also joined by Jinger's husband, Jeremy, who began to question Gothard's teachings along side her on modesty, behavior, & rigid patriarchal authority. How exactly did Bill Gothard's movement rise to prominence? Were his teachings biblical or rooted in fear, superstition, & control? Is there a way to disentangle one's own faith vs deconstructing it? Tune in to find out!! Sign up for the Called to Freedom Conference at This episode is brought you by Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free account to receive access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram: Check out our online store here:


Yeah, so one of the things I just want to ask you on I really appreciate you guys I've taken the you know gonna avoid to make the time to talk to us today.
Is that? in this whole world like you Disentangled so many have deconstructed.
I hear the stories of you know Bill Gothard and you know You do talk briefly in this book about you know, some of the accusations that went against him
But there's just a lot of pain a lot of harm and I've seen it I mean, I talk with people from regular basis out of all sorts of different similar movements
You are the hat that I'm wearing right now says bad theology hurts people a lot of people they over correct from these harmful teachings and they deconstruct they totally walk away from the faith and I Really like to think about what
Walter Martin said and he said the existence of a counterfeit predicates the authenticity Of an original
I know that there's a lot of people who know you who are in this I'm in the who grew up in the
Bill Gothard movement and similar movements And if somebody has really if they've been like are jaded Are considering walking away from the faith or have deconstructed like if you're sitting across the table with them
Like how what would you say to them kind of giving your vantage point, which is very unique Hmm I would say
I I would want them to know That Jesus is a kind and loving Savior they can run to him and I think even in that brokenness and pain confusion hurt, even those who have been harmed by like a teacher who has
Said something or done something really hurtful within and in the name of Jesus, right?
they would run to run to the Word of God and run to Jesus because he is there and he is
I Think as as believers for them to see like Jerry said the union with Christ being a beautiful picture that I think so many sadly haven't been able to see because they've been taught that as a believer that that anytime they step outside of the box, they're gonna be they're gonna be
Hit they're gonna be they're gonna you know Jesus is waiting to get them. God's waiting to smack them at any turn.
That's just such a difficult thing to like come out of and to see the union with Christ is a beautiful thing that we can grow in relationship with God and There's no, you know, people will always let us down and hurt us within the church outside the church anywhere but Jesus is the only one that we can run to and find our hope in God because this world is full of pain and hardship and That is the only answer for us is to run to the cross to run to us even in spite of All the difficulties that you've walked through.
Yeah, and as we wrap up here and Andrew I'll let you have any final thoughts as well, too But um, one of my favorite scriptures and actually thought of this as I was listening to the very
I think is the final chapter Of your book and it was first John 418 which says there is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear for fear
Excuse me has to do with punishment and whoever fears has not been perfected in love
Given the given the entire linear timeline of your story from you know From from the very young age being you know looking up to book author like this reverent, you know
Prophet who had special insight from God that no one else had to going through being on 19 kids and counting
And then going through this whole Disentangling process, you know through the help of the
Lord and also through your husband Jeremy who's sitting right next to you Could you sum up that verse?
What does that mean to you right now given everything that you've been through in your entire life? Can you what is that?
How does it resonate with you? It's it's such a beautiful reminder and I have to remind myself of that every day because I think these
This journey of life like it's it's it's difficult It's been difficult the stuff that I've walked through but just realizing like okay the hope that I have in Jesus the the security and There is no one else in on this planet.
No one else ever that could give us Such hope and peace and joy in life in spite of what you've walked through and so that That truth of God's Word is what
I cling to every day And so I would hope that those who are outside of that those who have wrestled and struggled throughout whatever they've walked through if it's worse than I've walked through and Or if they've just had small bits of that that they would come to know that that same truth because Jesus is my only hope and I'm just so grateful for that I'm so grateful to be able to sit here and talk with you and for that to be my story by the grace of God Yeah, so so grateful.
Awesome. And Andrew, do you have any final thoughts as we wrap up here? I just praise God Thank you
Lord Romans 8 28, right? God works all things together for good for those who love God who are called according to his purpose and that's exactly what we're hearing today
He loves you. He has you even in the midst of bad teaching. He will keep you away
Right in there will be pain there will be suffering But again, it'll be for your good for his glory in the long run like Joseph's brothers throwing him in the pit
Well, God used it to bring about his purposes to save The Hebrews and bring about the
Messiah who brings us salvation So praise God for that and also guys before we end
Can you tell everyone the name of your book and where they can get it as well? Yes, my book is becoming free indeed and you can get it
Wherever books are sold or you can go to our website ginger j -i -n -g -e -r and Jeremy calm awesome
Awesome. Well, thank you so much for taking the time today. I know you've been making the media rounds I'm sure that's been incredibly busy for you on top of having two little ones to look after So I appreciate you making the time today
And really really looking forward to seeing not only how this podcast blesses people to really see what the future holds
I think what your message right now given the state of the world Everything else is incredibly is incredibly important I especially kind of given this the nature of religious deconstruction all that So thank you again for making a time and I you know, wish all all the best for you both
Thank you so much Absolutely. All right Well, all right