How Do We Know the Bible is God’s Word?


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Hey, welcome back to another episode of Revealed Apologetics Plus, where we answer your big questions in a short, little tiny amount of time, alright?
The question we're going to be tackling here is, how do we know the Bible is God's Word? Now that's a very popular question, a very important question, and so it's going to be my pleasure to kind of dive into this, to kind of give you a starting point as to how we would answer this question.
Now we can be sure that the Bible is the Word of God, because it shows itself to be true in many powerful ways.
So first off, the Bible says it's the Word of God. That's an important thing to get out of the way from the beginning. In 2
Timothy 3 .16, it states that all scripture is given by inspiration of God, meaning that it's directly from God.
In like fashion, 2 Peter 1 .21, important scripture to take a look at, says,
For prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the
Holy Spirit. Now these verses tell us that the Bible isn't just a bunch of random writings, but is actually
God speaking to us through the authors that He chose. Secondly, the Bible is incredibly consistent.
I always thought that this was an amazing evidence that the Bible is of divine origin. Think about it. It was written over hundreds of years by different people, over 40 different authors from various walks of life, yet it all fits together perfectly.
And this unity is something you really wouldn't expect if it were merely a human effort to put the Bible together.
I think that's a strong sign that there's one divine mind behind the Bible. Another powerful proof or evidence is that the
Bible has prophecies in it that actually have come true, especially with respect to the person of Jesus Christ.
Throughout the Bible, there are predictions about the future that come true. This is something to look into. I think I highly recommend folks look into the issue of biblical prophecy.
But with respect to Jesus, for example, the prophecy in Isaiah 53 describes Jesus' suffering and death in amazing detail.
Now, even though that was written hundreds of years before He was born, it characterizes perfectly the suffering that Christ actually went through that we read about in the
New Testament. And so the accuracy of these prophecies shows that the Bible has knowledge that only God could provide.
Additionally, the Bible gives us the foundation for understanding the world. Think about it. Without the Bible, we wouldn't have a good reason to trust our ability to think logically or to believe right and wrong.
The Bible explains why the world is orderly and why our minds can understand it. Because God has made us that way.
God made things that way. Now, from a presuppositional apologetic perspective, we would argue that any attempt to deny the
Bible's truth ends up not making sense. So if you try to argue against the Bible, you're using things like logic and reasoning that only make sense if the
Bible is true in the first place. So denying the Bible actually leads to a worldview that can't account for the basic things we take for granted, like logic and morality.
Now, just to really highlight something here, just to illustrate what I'm thinking about, what I'm talking about is I talk to a lot of atheists.
OK, let's take an example of the atheist who says that all that exists in the world is matter. Only physical things exist.
But of course, when the atheist is arguing with the Christian, he's using logic, right? He's using these these rules of thinking, the rules of reasoning.
Yet logic is not something material or physical. Yet if he asserts on the one hand that all that exists is the material world, but then he also believes that there are these immaterial concepts like logic, that there's a contradiction there.
You see, the unbeliever has to borrow from the Christian worldview even to argue against it. He has to borrow from biblical principles even to argue against it.
And so I think that's another powerful proof that the Bible is the word of God and the biblical worldview is the only rational worldview to hold.
So in short, we know the Bible is God's word because, A, it tells us so. That's an important thing to keep in mind.
It's amazingly consistent given its diversity in terms of how it was developed. You have over 40 different authors written over a period of 14 to 1500 years written on three different continents.
Yet when you look at the Bible in its entirety, there is a beautiful consistency that gives evidence of its divine origin.
We have prophecies in scripture that point to future things that are fulfilled amazingly in great detail in the person and work of Christ.
And the Bible and the biblical worldview provides us a basis for understanding the world in a rational and coherent way.
So the Bible's truth is undeniable because it underpins everything we know.
It is a foundation for knowledge, logic, truth, science, so on and so forth. So how do we know it's true?