Citizens Of Heaven - [Philippians 3:18-21]

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If I were to ask you this question, who are you? Who are you and you were to answer the question with I am fill in the blank
You could answer it based upon your nationality. You could say I am Greek Or you can answer it based upon your passions or interests.
I am a Celtic fan. I Am a where's Pastor Steve and Pastor Mike. I'm a
Laker hater. I am a musician. I am a runner
Or you could even answer it based upon your citizenship recently in March 2nd The Steinman's became citizens of the
United States. You could say I'm a United States citizen but if somebody were to ask you that question in a different light in light of your faith and They asked you well, who are you?
You say that you are a Christian, but what does that mean? Who are you and you were to answer them? I am fill in the blank.
What would you say? You could say I am a child of God. I Am a child of God because that is precious.
Is it not? The Apostle John wrote in his epistle Behold what manner of love the
Father has given unto us that we should be called the children of God Or you could answer
I am a follower of Jesus Did not Christ himself his call invitation if anyone wishes to come after me.
He must deny himself take up his cross daily and Follow me or you could answer.
I am a sinner saved by grace That's Ephesians chapter 1 and 2 a sinner who deserves to be condemned who is dead and trespasses and sins
But God because of his grace But would you answer that question?
like this I am a citizen of Heaven turn with me if you will
To the book of Philippians chapter 3 as we look at this text briefly this morning
Philippians chapter 3 Beginning in verse 18 through the end of the chapter Philippians chapter 3 verse 18
The Apostle Paul writes for many of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears
Walk as enemies of the cross of Christ Their end is destruction
Their God is their belly and they glory in their shame
With minds set on earthly things but our citizenship is in heaven and from it
We await a Savior the Lord Jesus Christ Who will transform our lowly body to be like his glorious body?
by the power that enables him even to subject all things to himself
The Apostle Paul's main point and main thrust in this text this morning that we are looking at is this
He is showing the stark contrast between those who are enemies of the cross of Christ and Those who are citizens of heaven
He wants to show the stark contrast between the enemies of the cross and citizens of heaven
He's actually been doing that throughout the whole chapter of chapter 3 notice earlier in the chapter
He paints this picture of the stark contrast Earlier in chapter 3 the contrast is between those who are of the false circumcision circumcision of the flesh
Versus those who are the true circumcision circumcision of the heart notice what he says in the beginning of chapter 3 verse 1
Finally my brothers rejoicing the Lord to write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you
Look out for the dogs Look out for the evildoers look out for those who mutilate the flesh
He's talking about circumcision Verse 3 for we are the circumcision
We are the true circumcision as some texts say some translations who worship by the
Spirit of God in glory in Christ Jesus so from the outset of chapter 3.
He's showing the contrast between those who hold on to their circumcision of the flesh
Versus those who are the true circumcision who worship by the Spirit of God in glory in Christ Later on as he continues in talking about his own testimony
The contrast is again this time between having confidence in the flesh Versus having confidence in Christ notice how he puts it
Who glory in Christ Jesus continuing the end of verse 3 and put no confidence in the flesh
Though he says I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh Also, if anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh
I have more notice. He mentions confidence in the flesh three times and he grows through his list of religious heritage for why he needs to have confidence in the flesh or that he could verse 5 circumcised on the eighth day of the people of Israel of the tribe of Benjamin a
Hebrew of Hebrews as to the law of Pharisee as to zeal a persecutor of the church as to righteousness under the law blameless
He had every reason to have confidence in the flesh verse 7, but Here's the contrast
Whatever gain I had I counted as lost for the sake of whom? Christ Indeed, I count everything as lost because of the surpassing worth of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish in order that I may gain
Christ and be found in him not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law
But that's which comes through faith in Christ contrast confidence in the flesh versus confidence in Christ alone circumcision of the flesh
Versus circumcision of the heart and in our text the contrast is this enemies of the cross citizens of heaven
Outline is very simple as I walk you through this text first We will describe who are the enemies of the cross and then the citizens of heaven and then list three characteristics
Of each group that Paul highlights in our text this morning enemies of the cross of Christ very interesting phraseology that Paul chooses here
If the friends of the cross of Christ are characterized by self -denial Then obviously enemies of the cross will be characterized by self -indulgence
If the friends of the cross of Christ don't love the world but boast and glory in the cross
Enemies of the cross love the world and don't boast in the cross They can't say as a nature beautifully thing saying for us this morning the power of the cross
They can't do that But what group is Paul referring to based upon the background here.
It could be one of two groups It could be the Judaizers, which I briefly highlighted at the beginning of the chapter chapter 3 the
Judaizers were first introduced in the early church in Acts 15 and They said the following in Acts 15 verse 1.
They said unless you are circumcised according to the custom of Moses You cannot be saved
To them it wasn't Jesus plus nothing. Yeah, it was Jesus plus circumcision in order to be saved they said a
Very significant error in the early church the Jerusalem Council meant to confront meant to confront that in Acts 15
And it was so serious Paul doesn't hold back. Look what he calls him in verse 2 of our chapter
Our missionary Tomek preached from this text Look out for the dogs
Look out for the evildoers Look out for those who mutilate the flesh
No less than three times Paul warns him to look out for these Judaizers Because they add to the cross of Christ Circumcision he warns him three times
Now because they add to the cross of Christ the Judaizers saying that it's not enough you need circumcision
Would they be characterized as Paul says in our text as enemies of the cross of Christ. Sure. They're enemies of the cross of Christ But in our text, this is not who
Paul is necessarily referring to Another possibility which I believe in as I will show you
Who is he referring to specifically as the enemies of the cross of Christ are the Gentiles who live the licentious life of God?
Gentiles who live the licentious lifestyle. What do we mean by licentiousness? Paul describes it well in in the book of Romans Paul says in Romans 5 sin increased where sin increased what abounded or increased all the more grace
So these licentious Gentiles would say as Paul would say the opposite of Romans 6. What shall we save in?
Are we to continue in sin a grace might increase These licentious Gentiles are like for sure.
We should Paul says may it never be God forbid it their thinking is in their lifestyle is well
If more sin abounds and more of the grace of God Let's continue But why is it why is he referring to these?
Licentious Gentiles here as the enemies of the cross of Christ two things that highlighted for us notice how he describes them
The description that he uses first of all of them in our text verse 19
Their God is their belly. They glory in their shame. Their mind just said unearthly things
Because of the description we know that he's referring to these licentious Gentiles But secondly also this was a normal pattern for the
Apostle Paul if you study any of his other epistles He would do this normally he would highlight as bookends he would transition from talking against those who were legalists
Like the Judaizers to those who live the licentious lifestyle, and that's what he does here in the beginning of the chapter
He's warning them about the error of the Judaizers this legalistic mindset that you need to add circumcision
And now he talks about the other end of the spectrum those who live a licentious lifestyle He did this again in the book of Galatians don't turn there, but in the book of Galatians chapter 5
He again does the same thing first he warns them against the error of Legalism and he says at the beginning of Galatians 5 for freedom
Christ has set us free Stand firm therefore and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery legalism
Then later on in chapter 5 of Galatians like he does here in Philippians He says in verse 13 of Galatians 5 for you will call to freedom brothers listen here only
Do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh so because of the descriptive
Phraseology that Paul uses and because this was his pattern in a lot of his epistles highlighting the two extremes legalism and licentiousness
But I want you to notice also before we looked at the three characteristics of these enemies of the cross of Christ Notice Paul's heart for the
Philippian Church in verse 18 For many of whom I have often told you and I'll tell you how even with tears
At the beginning of this epistle Paul said in chapter 1 verse 8 I long for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus What a pastoral heart he was weeping over them
Because of these that they would not follow in the footsteps of these licentious Gentiles and notice what he says in verse 18
It wasn't just a few who did this. He says many And obviously it's something that he's not addressing with him for the first time because he says right in our text of whom
I have Often told you he says in verse 18 It's not the first time he's addressed this issue with him
So what are the three characteristics of the enemies of the cross of Christ as It's found in our text number one.
The first thing Paul says about them is verse 19 their end is what?
destruction Their end is destruction. Paul is not talking about annihilation here
He's not saying that once we die, we're annihilated were destroyed. That's not the biblical term for destruction
The rest of Scripture bear witness to this the words of Jesus in particular Sermon on the
Mount Matthew 7 Jesus said enter by the narrow gate for the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction and Those who enter it by it are
Many I saw a tattoo this week Somebody with a nice weather was wearing
Nice tank top and they were tattooed some lettering on the back on their back and it said this.
I Don't care that the gate is Narrow and straight. I'm the master of my own fate
Jesus said in Matthew 25 verse 46 of this destruction. He referred to it as quote everlasting punishment
Jesus again in Luke 16 when he talks about the rich man and Lazarus it says there the rich man and he called out father
Abraham have mercy on me and Send Lazarus to dip the end of his finger in water and cool my tongue for I am in anguish in this flame
That's not annihilationism that's conscious torment and Luke 16 continues
I beg you father to send him to my father's house for I have five brothers so that he may warn them lest they come into this place of torment
Paul says first and foremost the end result of these enemies of the cross of Christ is destruction is eternal conscious torment number two characteristic of the enemies of the cross of Christ They're characterized by carnal appetites, they're characterized by carnal
Appetites notice the phraseology that he uses it's two things here that he says which highlight their carnal appetite
Their God is their belly and they glory in their shame
Their God is their belly literally, that's their appetite Paul uses the same phraseology in Romans 16 verse 18
For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites Same idea here that Paul uses in Philippians Their glory is in their shame.
He takes this Terminology that's phraseology from the Old Testament in the book of Hosea chapter 4 verse 7
God speaking through the prophet Hosea God says the more they increase the more they sinned against me.
I God will change their glory Into shame this is their appetite
Their glory is in their shame. There is no shame or guilt for their sin
They follow after these things This is almost Romans 1
The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness
Who exchanged the glory of the Creator to worship the creature? So God gave them over and gave them over and gave them over Until the very end of chapter 1 it gets to the point
It just spirals down and down and down in the end of Romans chapter 1 which illustrates what
Paul is saying here That their God is their belly and they glory in their shame He says in Romans 1 verse 32 though They know
God's righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die They not only do them, but they give approval to those who practice them
Why? Because their God is their appetite their carnal appetite and their glory is fond in what not the cross
But it in their shame But if that wasn't enough number three characteristic of the enemies of the cross of Christ Their minds are set on earthly things the end of verse 19 their minds are set on earthly things
What are these earthly things? I'd like to think of them the way Jesus described them in the parable of the sower better known as the parable of the soils
The third soil the seed fell amongst the thorns Jesus said this in Mark 4 and others are the ones sown among thorns they are those who hear the word, but Here are the things of the world the cares of the world the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things
Enter in and choke the word and it proves unfruitful Their mind is set on those things the things of the earth the cares of this world riches desiring for other things earthly things
The enemies of the cross of Christ their end is destruction eternal conscious torment
They are characterized by carnal appetites in Their mind always thinks about earthly things
Verse 20 don't you love that word? But contrast as we highlighted all of chapter 3
Citizens of heaven before we get into the three characteristics that are staying just juxtaposed to the
Characteristics of those who are enemies of the cross of Christ This is a unique word citizenship is only found really here and earlier in the book of Philippians turn with me to Philippians chapter 1 verse 27 and Notice how it is used there.
It's a unique word not used anywhere else in the New Testament Philippians 1 27
Paul uses it again. They're a different form of it. He says notice In our
ESV that we are using only let your manner of life that whole phrase same form of the word citizens
Be worthy of the gospel of Christ the New American Standard puts it this way only
Conduct yourselves Philippians 1 27 in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ The Greek the literal
Greek it mean it say it would say this it says this only behave as citizens behave as citizens
Philippians 3 you're citizens of heaven Philippians 1 27, but behave as citizens. That's who you are the word means literally a colony of foreigners a colony of foreigners
His audience the Philippian Church Understood that when Paul wrote this why did they understand it the
Philippians were a colony of Roman citizens far from Rome They understood what
Paul was talking about Listened to when he first went to Philippi how they understood this in Acts 16 and from there
Paul went to Philippi which is a leading city of the district of Macedonia and a Roman colony as We were going to the place of prayer
We were met by a slave girl who had a spirit of divination and brought her owners much gain by fortune -telling
She followed Paul and us crying out. These men are servants of the Most High God who proclaimed to you the way of salvation
But when her owner saw that their hope of gain was gone They seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace before the rulers and when they had brought them to the magistrates
They said these men are Jews and they are disturbing our city
They advocate customs that are not Lawful for us as Romans to accept or practice.
This is in Philippi now They're saying we as Romans. We're a colony of foreigners.
We can accept these customs Paul knew this when he wrote this to the Philippian Church here in chapter 3 of Philippians Later on in the book of Acts Paul highlights this about himself
When they had stretched him out for the whips in Acts 22 Paul said to the centurion who was standing by Is it lawful for you to flog a man who is a
Roman citizen and uncondemned referring to himself? When the centurion heard this he went to the tribune and said to him.
What are you about to do? This man is a Roman citizen So the tribune came and said to him tell me are you a
Roman citizen and he Paul said yes The tribune answered I bought the citizenship for a large sum
Paul said but I'm a citizen by birth
So those who were about to examine him withdrew from him immediately and the tribune also was afraid for he realized that Paul was a
Roman Citizen and that he had bound him So Paul the author the human author of Philippians his audience the
Philippian Church They understood when Paul used this word citizenship a colony of foreigners what he was talking about You see
Roman citizenship carried with it great privileges and honors But it also carried great responsibilities we are a colony of heavenly citizens in Contrast to the cross those who are enemies of the cross of Christ William Barclay writes it very well when he describes what the word citizenship means
He says quote the great characteristic of these colonies was that wherever they were in our case
Philippi They remained fragments of Rome Roman dress was worn Roman magistrates governed the
Latin tongue was spoken Roman justice was administered Roman morals were observed even in the ends of the earth
They remained unshakably Roman Paul says to the Philippians quote Just as the
Roman colonists never forget that they belong to Rome you must never forget that you are citizens of Heaven and your conduct must match
Your citizenship close quote if you're a true
Christian saved by God's grace. Yes, you were a child of God Yes, you were a follower of Jesus. Yes, you're a sinner saved by grace, but Paul is saying you're a citizen of heaven
We are foreigners far from our homeland in Extra biblical usage this term citizenship meant a capital city that kept the names of its citizens on a register
In other words for us who are citizens of heaven. We're registered citizens of another place namely heaven
What are the characteristics of citizens of heaven Three that are juxtaposed in contrast to those who are enemies of the cross of Christ The first one is citizens of heaven set their minds on heavenly things.
That's the immediate contrast. Is it not? citizens of heaven set their minds on heavenly things
Those who are enemies of the cross of Christ Paul finishes in verse 19. Their minds are unearthly things, but our citizenship
We set our minds on heavenly things The mind is very important to the
Apostle Paul in his writings notice early in the book of Philippians chapter 2 verse 2
Complete my joy by being of the same mind Having the same love being in full accord and of one mind
Verse 5 of chapter 2 have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus chapter 3 our chapter verse 15
Notice the word mind again. Let those of us who are mature think this way
Citizens of heaven think set their minds on heavenly things and this is very significant
Paul said in 2nd Corinthians 4 the God of this age has blinded the minds of Unbelievers so that they cannot see the gospel of the glory of Christ Paul again said elsewhere in Romans 8 the importance of the mind
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh
But those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit For to set the mind on the flesh is death
But the set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God for it does not submit to God's law.
Indeed it cannot In Romans it continues on the importance of the mind
Romans 12 to be transformed by what the renewing of your mind Colossians 3 to set your minds on things that are above not are the things that are on the earth citizens of heaven set their minds on heavenly things not unearthly things
Richard Baxter Puritan put it this way Quote a heavenly mind is a joyful mind
This is the nearest and truest way to live a life of comfort and without this you must needs be uncomfortable
Can the man be at a fire and not be warm or in the sunshine and not have light?
Can your heart be in heaven and not have comfort on the other hand what could make such frozen
Uncomfortable Christians, but living so far as they do from heaven. Oh Christian he says get above believe it that region is warmer than this below secondly second characteristic of a citizen of heaven citizens of heaven number to await the return of their
Savior the Lord Jesus Christ with great eagerness and much anticipation
Citizens of heaven await the return of their Savior the Lord Jesus Christ with great eagerness and much
Anticipation in our text the word you'll see it there
Verse 20 and from it from heaven we await It's a compound word in the
Greek of three words The base word that will may literally means to receive
Kindly to welcome deliberately and readily with much anticipation The prefix that goes before it means to withdraw one's intention from everything else so that your singular focus on the is on that which you're waiting to receive in this case the
Lord Jesus Christ a singular focus a laser like eyesight on the
Lord's return and it has a third word Act which just intensifies the meaning of the word
Paul's point is as a citizen of heaven we eagerly with much Anticipation without being distracted by everything else around us await with singular focus the return of our
Savior Why because that's where we're citizens of we're just aliens and strangers here
And notice what he says in our text from it we await who a Savior Why does he mention the term
Savior because this is the consummation of our salvation the consummation of our salvation?
We are saved in Eternity past if we're chosen of God we're saved in time here as we turn by faith to the
Lord Jesus Christ and ultimately we are saved in In the consummation of our salvation when he returns in glory
Titus 2 13 waiting for our blessed. Hope the appearing of the glory of our great
God and Savior Jesus Christ as Surely as Jesus came the first time at his incarnation
Paul is saying here. It's a guarantee that he will come again Last month with our children we've been going through the
I am statements in the Gospel of John probably because pastor Steve been going through the Gospel of John and one of the questions that I wrote that arose was as pastor
Mike was talking about the distinction between faith and Faithfulness from the book of Hebrews right that Christ is our faithful high priest so the girls were asking
What how do we distinguish that so I said to them well? Faithfulness is exclusively of God and of Jesus Christ we as humans try to be faithful, but we fail
Jesus is always faithful. God is always faithful that's part of the core of his being his nature his attribute and so what we need is faith in Him who is faithful?
So then we happen to be that night in the I am statement in John 14 I'm the way the truth and the life no one comes to the father except through me
But in the context as we were reading the very beginning of John 14 Jesus says to the disciples and if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again and I will take you to myself that where I am you may be also and That is
Paul's emphasis here when he talks about awaiting eagerly a Savior He will come again.
He is coming For sure and The last and third characteristic of a citizen of heaven
Citizens of heaven are guaranteed their future glorious transformation
Citizens of heaven are guaranteed their future glorious Transformation this is a great portion notice.
That's in verse 21 We await our Savior the Lord Jesus Christ who he's the one who's going to transform us
Who will transform our lowly body? To be like his glorious body.
It's interesting that the first Characteristic of the enemies of the cross of Christ that Paul highlights is their end
Which is destruction eternal conscious torment? But for citizens of heaven he waits till the third characteristic to highlight their end that we will be transformed
To be like his glorious body
Paul knew the glory of being with Christ He knew of that glory. He highlighted it at the beginning of this epistle in Philippians chapter 1
He says this beginning in verse 20 he knew the glory of being with Christ as It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not at all be ashamed
But that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body whether by life or by death
For to me to live as Christ and to die as gain if I'm to live in the flesh
That means fruitful labor for me. Yeah, which shall I choose? I cannot tell
I am hard -pressed between the two My desire is to depart and be with Christ for that is far better But to remain on the flesh is more necessary on your account
Paul knew the glory of being with Christ Did he not say in 2nd Corinthians to be away from the body is to be at home?
with the Lord But now in our text in verse in chapter 3 He highlights the glory of not just being with Christ of being like Christ.
We'll be like him like his glorious body 2nd
Corinthians again for in this tent we groan longing to put on our heavenly bodies
Our souls are redeemed those of us who are trusting in Christ alone But what
Paul is talking about here is the redemption of our bodies What will that be like just turn briefly with me to Luke 24?
Paul says here in Philippians 3 that Our bodies our lowly bodies here on earth will be like his glorious body
So the question is what was Christ's glorious body like Luke 24 will give us the answer this is
The two disciples on the road to Emmaus background here. They're talking Jesus appears out of nowhere asking them
What are you talking about? And they looking at him perplexed Are you in my vernacular out of your mind?
You haven't heard what's going on here about? This man who's was crucified and was resurrected supposedly and they they were not
Allowed to see who it was until he broke bread with him and then they realized who it was and they said we're not our hearts burning within us and So they go back to the disciples to the 11 and I'll pick it up in verse 36
Now here we're highlighting to show in Philippians 3 that our bodies will be like his glorious body
Verse 36 so the two go back to talk to the disciples and tell him about them seeing the risen
Lord as They were talking about these things Jesus himself stood among them and said to them peace to you
The doors were closed He just appeared John actually adds the gospel of John on the evening of that day to highlight
John says the first day of the week the doors being locked Jesus just appeared
We believe one of the tenants of our Christian faith is the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ Jump to verse 39 look
Luke 24 He says Christ does see my hands and my feet that it is
I myself touch me and see for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have and When he had said this he showed them his hands and his feet
Did he not say to Thomas and the gospel of John put your finger here see my hands put out your hand and place it
In my side do not disbelieve, but believe continuing in verse 41 of Luke 24 and While they still disbelieve for joy, and we're marveling he said to them
Have you anything here to eat? They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it before them
Verse 51 while he blessed them he parted from them, and we carried up into heaven our
Bodies our lowly bodies are going to be transformed to be like Christ resurrected body
Glorious body and how is he to do that from our text?
How is that even possible people might ask what about those in church history who were martyred who were eaten by lions?
Who are burned at the stake? How is that going to happen the end of verse 21 by the power?
That enables him Jesus our Savior our Lord to subject even all things to himself citizens of heaven have a guarantee of our future
Glorious bodily redemption our transformation to be like his glorious body
This is the consummation as I said earlier of our salvation. This is where Paul was has been going in chapter 3
Earlier where I read in chapter 3 he was talking about his conversion in verse 7 But whatever gain
I had I counted as loss for the sake of Christ We talked about his justification.
He was not trusting in his own self -righteousness But in the righteousness only of Jesus Christ and now we have full glory the redemption of our bodies
This is assurance Whom God saves whom he justifies he sanctifies and he will bring to glory
What is the implication for you and me? this morning some questions to think about Paul's Distinguishing two groups of people
Those who claim circumcision of the flesh versus those who are circumcised by God of the heart Those who put confidence in the flesh for their salvation those who put confidence in Christ alone for their salvation and in our text
Those who are enemies of the cross of Christ Versus those who are citizens of heaven
Question this morning. Are you an enemy of the cross or? You're a citizen of heaven
This past week. Did you think of heaven and the fact that you're one of its citizens?
Did you think of heaven at all this past week I Understand with our lives and the mundane and day -to -day stuff of our lives that were involved
We have to take care of things and we think of those things But how often do we think of our heavenly home?
Did you contemplate the glory of heaven because that's what it's going to be like Not so much because of the streets of gold or the pearly gates
But because of the Sakana glory of the one who will be there set your mind on heavenly things
Are you eagerly? Awaiting and anticipating the return of your Savior It's like when you haven't seen a loved one for a long time and you can't wait
You go to the airport till you see them cross those doors and there they are The one who came the first time at his incarnation
Those of us who are citizens of heaven Are you we eagerly awaiting his return? Do you set your mind on earthly things or in heavenly things?
I? Close with the words of Richard Baxter Quote there is no man so highly on earth
God as he who has his conversation in heaven and Without this we deeply dishonor him
It is not is it not a disgrace to an earthy father when the children do feed on husks in our clothes and rags in a company with none, but beggars
Is it not so to our heavenly father? When we who call ourselves as children shall feed on earth and the garb of our souls be but like that of the naked world
And when our heart shall make this clay and dust they're more familiar and frequent company
Who should always stand in our father's presence and be taken up in his own attendance Sure, it be seems not the spouse of Christ to live among his scullions and slaves when they may have daily
Admittance into his presence chamber. He holds forth the scepter if they will but enter
Let's pray Father we are grateful and thankful For your word and for your
Holy Spirit the divine author of Scripture pray father for Anyone here this morning?
Who might be at odds an enemy of the cross of Christ that by your sovereign grace that your
Holy Spirit would do a marvelous? Work in their lives to open their eyes and to change their hearts and for those who by your grace have
We've already been saved father help us to think of heavenly things Help us to think of the glory of heaven and to eagerly
With much anticipation and much expectation Await the return of our