Job 2:11-3:26



Begin to get us set in our minds aware where things are going So Job chapter 2 verse 11 Excuse me through the third chapter now when Job's three friends Hall heard of all this adversity that had come upon him each one came from his own place Eliphaz the Temanite, Bilad the Shuite and Zophar the Napathite and They had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him and to comfort him And when they raised their eyes from afar and did not recognize them they lifted their voices and wept and each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head towards heaven and They sat down with him on the ground seven days and seven nights and no one spoke a word to him But they saw that his grief was very great And after this Job opened his mouth and he cursed the day of his birth and Job spoke and said may the day Perish on which I was born in the night in which it was said a male child is conceived May that day be darkness may God above not seek it Nor the light shine upon it may darkness and the shadow of death claim it May a cloud settle on it.
May the blackness of the day terrify it as for that night.
May darkness seize it May it not be included among the days of the year.
May it not come into the number of the months Oh may that night be barren made no joyful shout come into it May those May those curse it who cursed the day those who are ready to arouse Leviathan may the stars of the morning be dark May it look for light but have none And not see the dawning of the day because it did not shut up the doors of my mother's womb nor hide sorrow from my eyes Why did I not die at birth? Why did I not perish when I came from the womb? Why did the knees receive me? Why did the breasts? That I should nurse for now.
I would have lain still and been quiet I would have been asleep Then I would have been at rest with kings and councils of the earth who built ruins for themselves Oh, it princes who had gold who filled their houses with silver Well, why was I not hidden like a stillborn child? Like infants who never saw light They are the wicked cease from trouble.
They are the weary are at rest.
They are the prisoners rest together They do not hear the voice of the oppressor the small and the greater there the servant is free from his master Why is light given to him who is in misery and life to the bitter end of soul who long for death But it does not come and search for it more than hidden treasures Who rejoice exceedingly and are glad when they could find the grave? Why is light given to a man whose way is hidden into and whom God has hedged in? my sign comes before I eat my groaning poured out like water and the thing for the thing that I Greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me.
I am not at ease Nor am I quiet.
I have no rest for trouble comes So as we begin to consider this and as I said, I want to first a couple of remarks about his friends and As I thought about his three friends that come Ella faz Bill dad and so fast I thought we could we could if we wanted to we could trace that their background and I think it would that would be a That would be a little hard to do because it's not as clear of information of where his friends come from from But but let me just say this concerning them that these three friends that come to As They say they came to mourn with Job and comfort him that they are I believe that they are also like Job in that as Job was a a Very well-known man a very rich man a very a man who was considered with high esteem I believe that his free three friends are also of that kind that they are Royals of some kind some have even said that they might have been kings and That I again we could trace that but I'm not so sure that it would be that profitable for us But as we open it up and it's they had heard in verse 11 of all his adversity They had come upon him in each one came from his own place Now we got to remember there's got to be a certain amount of time in between What has taken place in chapter 2 remember what happened in chapter 2 when when Satan was summons before God again to Give an account because of that which he had Stipulated that if God would just touch his skin Having not been successful with his first attempt to remember his first attempt was to take everything that he had But then he comes and he says well Skin for skin and if you take his you touch his life, he'll curse you to your face and God summons him in chapter 2 to come before him and and it's I believe he was summons and we had spent time and I Don't want to go backwards about the angels appearing before God And I suggest to you that that is actually something to consider on a regular basis that God is the ultimate King and Majesty summons all to him and everyone answers to him and certainly Satan being nothing more than a Creature fallen creature.
He also is subject to God He's not in any way an equal or a rival, but he is rather the enemy.
So I Think that we have to consider there's been some some time between What took place with job where he was he lost everything that he had and then that second assault comes and I thought of they don't have five.
They didn't have 5g in those days So I don't think it was as easy as you know, hey, did you hear what happened to Joe? But there was no Facebook Probably better off but but that's just my own thought right, but nevertheless so said it has to be a certain amount of time In-between and and if you begin to think about that even between Satan's second assault and His first assault there had have been some time.
So so let's just try to keep that in mind that this is This if you will, this is a rolling event in Job's life And although it came right all of a sudden the four messengers came in chapter 1 all of a sudden while he was while one was still speaking the other one came and we talked about that a little bit, but disaster after disaster was was brought before him so I Will say that these three if they are what appears to be there are some sort of royalty and some sort of Considered as those who were to be looked at and and Admired that they must have been friends with job And the reason why I say that and you can see it as we look a little further down is when they come they had made an appointment together to come and mourn with him and to comfort him and It says in verse 12 when they raised their eyes from afar.
They did not recognize him And I think that is something that we have to talk about too I Thought about this this way Did you ever You ever see somebody you haven't seen in a long time, right and they've gone through Various things if nothing else just age, right But it could be a sickness.
It could be Adversity in life and and sometimes you see someone and don't you find yourself saying man? I don't even look the same They've really changed And I think as we think about this that they must have had I'm going to say I believe that there must have been face-to-face Meetings over a course of time between Job and his three friends and again if they are oil all Of The royal fought then that might make even more sense that they being friends and being pretty much positioned in the same Place that they must have had some sort of interaction with each other Otherwise, I would suggest how did they not recognize him is if they had never seen him What? They would have always been able to recognize him right just like Some people do when they I was thinking of how people sometimes have online friends and And See, I'm just ignorant of this whole online thing.
So forgive me, but people have friends online and then they finally meet him right or So you would you would just whatever you get you got right? Might be happy might be sad, but whatever you get you got so so they must have had some sort of Time spent together and and it's interesting that they made an appointment To do what they made an appointment together to come and to mourn with him and to Comfort them.
So I wanted to just ask us to think about this They they have good intentions But guess what good intentions? Don't always make it because that's we're gonna quickly see That they're good intentions go downhill really fast So You and I need to be careful And just a thought to think about you and I need to be careful and realize we have a privilege we have a responsibility as a Body of believers to do many things for one another right? Weep for one another rejoice for one another care for one another pray for one another memory went through all 36 of those even in our study here but that the aim should be that when people are joyful We rejoice right and then when people are mourning we should mourn and that should be something that we're very conscious of and and and Here's the thing and I think this is part of the reason why they they make this appointment to come They're concerned about job at this point now again once we get to chapter 5 where What chapter 4 with other fires jumps in and he starts his discourse or his speech? You're gonna see that all of a sudden his whole mood changes Because he's actually gonna Accused job, right? But you and I need to be careful that we really think about others in that way before ourselves Thank you and even now as we think of Mike and civil and I'm trying to We'll try to hold it together this morning, so But we ought to be very careful That we are truly seeking to comfort them In that in their pain, right and that it's not about us at this point.
It's about them In any way that we can serve lift them up encourage them Is what we ought to do.
So That's really What his three friends are? Intending to do but as I say It doesn't go well and and the reason is and We'll see it is That they begin to Misunderstand What's taking place? And I think we have to be careful with that and I'm just I'm trying to be very careful about my words this morning But we had to be careful that we don't in our minds and hearts make accusations That have that are not true That that we don't begin to think That we are anything And that other people because that's exactly what happens through the book friends His friends basically say over and over again.
You're getting what you deserve and that is because I believe they are just They can't see the forest for the trees And and as they come again, they come with all these good intentions And they and they raise their eyes from afar and they don't recognize him whether he's in the house or whether he was outside I'm not sure where he is at this point But there must sometime has gone in between right and again his wife has told him what Curse God and die and we talked about that whether she she is really a fool or she's just speaking as a fool But lo and behold, you know, what's gonna happen? Job starts speaking like a fool, too And that's another thought none of us are exempt from foolishness friends Even knows that that and even God said there's no one like Joe, right? He says he's upright and he's he's a man of integrity and yet this man of integrity We're gonna find out very quickly as we even as we've read in chapter 3 And I don't want to excuse job where he shouldn't be excused.
I Don't want to just gloss over it and say well, you know Job really didn't mean what he said and he did he does in whatever we say ultimately is what we are thinking at that time, so It's a real shocker and they're overwhelmed and they begin to mourn and and and Feel the sorrow and it is interesting, right that verse 12 when they raise their eyes from far and they didn't recognize him they lifted up their voices and wept and Each one tore his robe and sprinkled dust on his head towards heaven.
That's where they found job They found job sitting with in sackcloth and ashes because remember what it says He shaved his head and he and he was in sackcloth and ashes and to me that's again We need to put ourselves wherever the person is That we are seeking to comfort, right? in other words if someone is sitting and it's interesting to me and this was pretty much a way of showing sorrow at this time where they actually Would throw ashes on themselves and and rip their clothes and just sit there and and Sprinkle dust on their head towards heaven.
And so again just an a lesson for us to consider where people are and To not be too high-minded and to be prepared to go wherever they are, right? again Just like I think of it this way if someone's on the mountain man get on the mountain with him If someone's in the valley get in the valley with him Don't don't try to be on the mountain when someone else is in the valley Or in the valley when someone else is in the mountain because all you do is what you'll pull them down and the idea is to lift them up so they come and And Verse 13 they sat down with him on the ground seven days.
I think about that a minute seven days Well, you you and I can consider a couple things number one is seven days was pretty much The way it was done.
In other words if we went back through the Old Testament and Looked at certain events This idea of mourning for seven days would come up over and over again And I could just give you a couple examples When Joseph mourned for his father Jacob they mourned seven days when Saul's people mourned seven days Ezekiel sat by the River Chiba man, if you remember the opening chapter of Ezekiel Ezekiel because of his sorrow in the captivity of Israel.
He finds himself sitting at the River Chiba seven days and again, one of the ways in which people showed that they Wanted to comfort was not to speak Until someone else spoke until that person who was suffering spoken and again, I Think it's a good object lesson for us that Sometimes to mourn with people doesn't mean you have to say a whole lot It's just got to seek to comfort them And it it it comforting them means absolute quietness That's what it means, right again.
It's meeting people Where they are to comfort them.
It's not about us Right.
It's about them otherwise again, you can You could do harm rather than help Not an easy thing to do right and certainly some of us have experienced this even this week How do you comfort Mike and Sybil? Not an easy thing to do right and so wherever their need is That's where we'll be If you want to just sit there in silence and that's what we'll do if you want to talk And that's what we'll do.
And again, his friends have good intentions and and and to to me many times We all have good intentions But good intentions should be followed by good practice.
Hey, right and it should be followed by biblical practice We ought to think before we talk And certainly that's a situation that we'll see as we get further on in the narrative in these speeches that go back and forth between the three friends and Joe is that sometimes Better not to say anything if you're not gonna say the right thing, right and I know we think that's a worldly saying That's a biblical principle The world just try to copy that one, right? And you know that old saying if you're not gonna say anything good shut your mouth or whatever way you say That comes from the Word of God.
That's man.
Man doesn't invent wisdom.
God gives wisdom, but many times we try to steal the glory from God and My aunt Martha told me You're not gonna say anything good be quiet.
Well Somebody told that Martha that Just I'm trying to pick on Martha.
I did have an aunt Martha, too I guess that's why I said that all right, so any other thoughts about these three friends and and what we've just kind of looked at and again, I Enjoy making it interactive.
I enjoy us talking about things and I don't have a timeline on the book of Job I'd like to try to Keep it moving at the same time.
So I didn't have any thoughts about these these three friends who? Make an appointment to come and mourn with him or comfort him or anything we discussed Yeah, I mean again remember what's happened, right He lost his wealth He lost his children He lost his place in society He ultimately loses his own health.
I mean this this man This man is taking a hit hasn't he and again, I'll remind us again and over and over again You will not find Job in chapter 11 of Hebrews in that great chapter of the heroes of the faith And I'm not saying he shouldn't be there.
I'm just saying if you think about it, he's not in that chapter Where is he? He's in James right in James 5 and it talks about what what's the characteristic of Job that's commended in the book of James His Perseverance his patience his ability to weather the storm And you and I got to think about that We need to have two things in our mind one We are not going to be able to do anything without Christ.
Amen right, and anyone who whether remember what Jesus said he that perseveres to the End will be saved So we got to keep two things in mind one is the sovereignty of God That it is God who works in us, right? Well to will and to do of his own good pleasure that he who began a good work in us will what? He will continue it Until the day of Christ, so we got to keep that in mind but we also got to keep in mind our responsibility and the thing that's commendable about Job is I We're gonna see as we go through this book Job just goes like this.
That's And pretty much I would think all of us have Some sort of this in our life, right? Even Paul Right.
What did Paul say? He had learned to be content because what he had everything and he had nothing He was in good shape and he was in bad shape.
He was loved and he was hated So so everything in life goes like this friends and the thing about Job is regardless of his Sins again, I'm gonna say it sins because We all sin, right? We don't make mistakes.
We sin Right, and we'll try to water it down Because by watering that down we can kind of keep ourselves above the Above the water, but the truth is in all of that He will persevere and that's one of the most glorious truths that could be found in all the Word of God, right? That God will give us the grace to continue on and on and on So and we're gonna bring this up later so we want me Keith went to the conference right Mississippi We left before the last session when we got the call.
But anyway There was one guy there.
He was I think he was 75 76 and he was one of the speakers All the speakers were late 60s 70s.
They didn't bring any kids this time And anyway, he was talking about Well, you'll understand it later but everybody in his message he was talking about That very thing that God sustains us and that if we lose sight of it will begin to think that we sustain us So he during kovat got kovat so bad.
He was hospitalized.
This guy's been a Minister, I think they said I think he said 45 years He got kovat so bad he was hospitalized and he was they Just about pronounced him dead, I mean he was in there for an extended period of time He lost all his movement on his one side of his body he got gangrene and his fingertips started to fall off and No matter what happened it just seemed like God was just gonna take him well, God didn't take him and he came out and then he went up back in the hospital and He was relaying a story of how when he was laying in the hospital the second time he went back to the same hospital that he was in the first time and he said slowly people would walk by his room and and they would say Is that you you you you here again? I remember you and he said that one person walked by the room and then they came in I said you must be a strong-willed man And he he said he answered them he said strong-willed man He says I can't even lift a blanket over my shoulder because I have no feeling on one side He says I'm laying here exposed no dignity just laying in the bed.
He says I finally got to go home and My wife who took such good care of me He said as I was laying in the bed at home I actually rolled over on my own and my wife said you're a big boy Everybody just busted out laughter in the car.
It was 200 250 people there But he said he was just trying to show he had no strength.
He wasn't it wasn't his will It was it was all God, right? But what he did do was he persevered and so many ways that's exactly what's gonna take place in Job's life but his friends like I said his friends come and and they're gonna try to They're gonna try to comfort him and give him advice and Again as I say, it'll go downhill.
Okay, we have a couple minutes left.
I'm gonna walk through chapter 3 And just take a couple verses at a time and just see what you and I can and think about it not with it that much detail So in chapter 3 after this job opened his mouth he cursed the day of his birth Then what's interesting about that is You remember in chapter 1 I suggested to you that the days of feasting when the Sun when the kids would get together That it was their birthdays And he had 10 kids So at every birthday all the kids would get together and they would feast and that's where we find them in the house when they Actually got killed there in in the house feasting.
Well, it's the same word Here for the day of his birth as it was When we saw it in chapter 1, so that's how you come up with the idea that this was actually He was actually referencing the fact that the kids would get together each birthday, but he curses the day of his birth and He said may the day perish on which I was born and in the night in which it was said a male child is conceived I mean don't answer out loud unless you really really want to Have any of us ever thought that? Have we ever gotten to that place where we said why? You know the scriptures talk about how the children should never say to the parents why did you have me? Right, that's that's not the way it should be handled.
But this is really what Joe is going to go through as he kind of spirals a Little bit down the staircase of life where he would get to the point where he says that made the day perish I was born and a male child is conceived made it May the day be darkness and God not seek it or light shine upon it made it darkness The shadow of death claim it and may the clouds settle on it made the blackness of the day terrify it Yeah I'll ask you a question just to think about do you think that do you think that? Job has no faith in The reality that he's right with God and God is right with him Like in other words this almost sounds like someone who has what no hope right But I want us to think about as we go through these chapters that job is not saying he doesn't have any hope What he because you're gonna find and one of some of the greatest Statements and all of the Word of God are found in the book of Job right though.
He slay me what? Yet I will praise him right and what does he say? I will I will see him again In my flesh, I will see him.
So what I wanted us to think about it is this there's a difference between Remember the proverb that says hope deferred makes the heart sad Right and sorrow comes at night night, but joy in the morning.
The job is not in any way through all his Complaining murmuring he is in that sense challenging God a bit And yet Job has no doubt that God will Lift him up what job is asking for and I think we'll see it and even as he starts to talk now Job just wants to get out of this mess he just wants God to basically shut it down and That you and I are not always You and I should be able to make that difference that You see we have a tendency I think to look at the characters in the Bible Especially the good ones and we look at him as superheroes We look at him as Marvel characters And guess what? None of them are Right.
None of them was superheroes Neither Samson nor Moses nor Jephthah nor any of those even those not even Abraham The only one Who never lost? hope never murmured never complained never challenged never doubted was the Lord Jesus and That's why and I'm off the path here a little bit, but I don't care right now.
That's why he's the Savior That's why he's the Redeemer he thought Like no one else ever thought he depended on the father like no one else Ever would or could depend on the father.
Yeah We could say Joe in his feelings right now, yeah, absolutely Whenever as a human being we allow our feelings to rule we're deep trouble We're we're open season For the enemy to smack us around and get us to do stuff that we wouldn't ordinarily do so what would be them? What's the opposite of this or what's the what's the remedy for this truth truth and And Remember what Tim Paul said that God is not giving us a spirit of fear but what? Power love and a sound mind and you're absolutely right And this is one of the things that happens early in the book, right? until I Keep jumping to the end of the book, and I'm really sorry, but I'm trying to put it all together It's the end of the book where Job says what I've heard of you with the hearing of the ear But now I've seen you and God is gonna take one of the themes of the book is God's gonna take Job from here to here Right, and if you think about it, that's what God is doing with us, isn't he? he's taking us from things that are ultimately so variable and bringing us to a place of Where we are settled and now what it says in Peter that what is God's purpose to ground us? And establish us in the faith and that the the mountain in the valley If you will the mountain in the valleys that we go through I believe one of the things that the Spirit of God seeks to do in us is to do this Right and that's what Paul said I learned To be content and if when you get here, I believe this is the sweet spot One more thing The the key to it is is what is Joe believing right? Yeah, is he believing how he feels is he basing his Actions his thoughts whatever based on how he feels or is he gonna be basing them on truth? Yeah, yeah, he didn't have what we had in that.
We have it written for us.
Sure, and we have the Holy Ghost to Guide us to empowers and all that kind of good stuff.
He didn't have that.
No, he didn't have it But I would suggest what's asked us to think about Even today even with the Word of God Tell me which one of us don't go from here to here Right, and then we go from here back to like I said, there we go, right over the river and through the woods and that Job never doubts and this was the point I wanted to make the job never doubts That he belongs to God But job questions his life Job questions his situation Job questions what has fallen out to him you know Let's spend time with Mike and Mike was kind of one minute Mike was laughing As well as would be expected right and the next minute Mike was Without any understanding if you will at all why why why and that's the that's the that's the way life goes, right? And we look at it in their situation and it's of such a magnitude that we're all overwhelmed by it And all of us have had experiences.
We were overwhelmed with emotions and That as Job complains, I don't want to be I don't want to throw too many rocks at his window But I don't want to excuse it either right because Excusing it would be wrong Because what I believe God wants is this Right, and this has got nothing to do With this because you could be you could be right there steady and still a perfect piece So don't think that the mountain is always perfect is not some sometimes the mountain is deceptive, right But but this is this is the way God wants us because that's where we'll find perfect peace And that's that's what really God is doing in Job's life and his friends Like I said, his friends come and that's their desire, but they mess it up And so as we read this and we just got a few minutes left Let's just read through the rest of it.
And again, I don't want to spend too much time Right now but so Verse 5 made a darkness in the shadow of death claiming in the clouds settle on it It made it the blackness of the day terrify it and as for the night make darkness seize it not to be included in the number among the days of the year may it not come into the number of the months or Or may that night be be barrens.
May no joyful shout come into it Verse 8 is a little interesting.
I just make mention.
It says may those curse you to curse the day that are ready to arouse Leviathan and and I've kind of looked at that because that's a little bit of a hard verse and Some will say that what he's really saying.
There is that those who? considers magicians or Sorcerers who would get up and cast a curse out that he says may not even mess with it Maybe just leave it alone because again Job really is is just complaining And hurting with this whole idea of the situation.
He's in and by the way, just think about this real quick If Job had not gone through what he gone through do you think he would have said what he said in chapter 3 I Think that that's one of the problems with us Is that when we're here On the mountain, we don't always think right, right and we don't always reflect, right? It's many times The stars Shine brightest when we're down here Right.
They say the best way to look at stars at night is to crawl into a well where there's no light and look up So when you think about that and you think about what he's saying here Why first love why don't I die at birth and why don't I perish when I came from the womb? and on and on and on with what and then as he He understands because look what he says verse 13 for now.
I would have lain still and been quiet I would have been asleep and I would have been at rest.
See he's looking for rest He just wants to get out from under this Just like you and I I don't know about you When you get a toothache, there's only one thing you want is your toothache to go away, right? when you when we have pain the only thing that we want is for that pain to go away and But he's look what he says verse 14 he understands he says with kings and Counselors of the earth who built ruins for themselves or with princes who had gold who filled Their houses with silver and why was I not him? He understands that in the grave if you will And not misunderstand.
He's not talking about annihilation Please don't think that he's saying that once you die That's the end of it and it's because it's not what he's saying.
What he is saying is that there is a great Sorrow In this earth and the sorrow is there because of what? said right and that the grave in that sense becomes a place of quietness now But he's only talking about it from if you will this side of the veil right because No one wants to take their last breath apart from God No one should take their last breath apart from God But he understands that this is something that comes upon all and I say that to all of us friends I was reading a book this week And I just like the way the writer said he said we all breathe by the prerogative of God we all breathe by the prerogative of God and that That we need to to get to the point where we have a settled understanding The life that I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God and by the grace of the Son of God Right, so it is by his prerogative, but he does understand this the wicked cease in verse 17 the week the wicked cease from troubling and They are the wearier at rest and the prisoners rest and they don't hear the voice of the oppressor in the small the greater there And the servant is free from his mess again Once we once we take our last breath friends.
This life is over all the all the anguish all the trials all the Everything is gone and what will be is Yet to be revealed to us, right, but he does understand in verse 20.
Why is like given? To him who is in misery and life to the bitter of soul long for death, but it doesn't come And they search for it more than hidden treasures and again if you and I don't find rest We will search it and search it and search it out.
Right because ultimately that's what we all want.
I Forgot who it was it was Augustine I think He said God has made us for himself and our hearts are restless until we find Right, right So so that's where he's at right me and he says they they in verse 22 They actually rejoice exceedingly and they're glad when they find the grave And why is like given to a man whose way is hidden and to whom God has hedged in? And I'm gonna leave it there because I want to deal with those last couple of verses a little bit more in detail where he says The thing that I greatly feared has come upon me.
So we'll pick that up next week and again Me candy we're talking on our way here and she said to me this is not the best time to go through the book of Job Right at this moment, but it is a good time to go through the book of Job because we all need to understand I mean, yeah As far as that and and and I didn't bring it up But we can and maybe we will a little bit more this whole idea and this is my understanding So you could throw rocks at it this whole idea of mental health That we keep hearing about mental health issues and yet no one truly defines it I've yet to see someone truly define this general Term that's called mental health issues.
I'm gonna tell you what I believe the true myth and I'm not excluding chemicals Chemical reactions in the brain.
I'm not excluding the physical part because there are some physical things that cause depression But what I'm saying is that Mental health issues are really the result of not being right with God right again not excluding other factors and that Job is Job is being treated by God God is Job's therapist.
How's that as we go through? All right, we got to go.
Let's pray Our Father in God again, we we thank you for who you are Lord Bless us now.
We pray may we may we truly worship you in spirit and truth.