Incredible: Look What God Did! Join us!


Celebrate with us! Through your prayers and partnership with us in this ministry, thousands have been saved and we are on our way to 13 States next year with bills of a b 0 l 1 t 1 O n. Watch. Celebrate. Give! Let's end this, together! Go to the website in the video to give now and help us to match a 250k dollar gift to get to our full goal for 2022! Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: Instagram:


My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin, I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C. in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection, that is bills of abolition, not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with inabortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states. They are on the way as we speak.
We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world, literally globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in.
And I'm asking you to partner with us once again. You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not as a church focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are. Through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia, we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day, 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion. I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all, and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people.
This isn't a novel issue. We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to EndAbortionNow .com forward slash donate. The states can defy the federal government over marijuana.
We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore. Ignore, rule, and defy it!
Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March. And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these.
The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger. The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
They have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand. There is only one abolition bill in the state of Texas, and that is
HB3326 by State Representative Brian Slate. We filed the bill and the head of the church of Satan is against me, so I guess that's how you know we're on the right side of this one, huh?
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
Praise God. Thank you, everybody. I'll try to go as fast as I can because we all know that's impossible. Proverbs 17, 15.
He who justifies the wicked acquits the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I'm going to say it again. You've read it before, you've heard it before, but really take a moment to consider what's being said here.
He who justifies the wicked acquits the wicked, and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. I believe that this is the fatal flaw. This is the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry.
This is why it must be the church of Jesus Christ that actually ends or abolishes abortion, not a neutral, non -Christian organization or industry that refuses to stand on the word of God, refuses to be self -consciously
Christian, refuses to be consistent. The pro -life industry boasts in the fact that it is not fundamentally
Christian. Jesus said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit. And he says, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. Make no mistake about it, coming to Christ is coming to Christ as Lord and King.
Jesus is not merely a savior from sin. He's the King of kings and Lord of lords. This is not a pithy
Christian slogan merely for t -shirts and signs and coffee cups. He's the
King of kings and Lord of lords, which means that Jesus is the King over this state capital, or this city capital, right?
Yeah. Jesus is the King over the state of Arizona. He's the King over New Mexico, California, these
United States. Jesus is King of the world. That is the fundamental proclamation of the Christian church.
You know this. When we say Jesus is Lord, we're proclaiming his authority.
We're proclaiming his lordship. And evangelical Christians in the West have been duped to believe that Jesus is concerned with the higher spiritual story, those spiritual things, but he's not concerned with the things here.
Tell that to the Father in Psalm chapter 2 when he speaks to the Son. He says to the Son, ask of me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, the very ends of the earth for your possession.
Jesus did not forget to ask because before he ascended and was seated, he said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been, past tense, given to me.
Go, therefore, because it's all mine, go get the nations. And he says, baptize them and teach them to obey.
What we're talking about here is a fundamental aspect of what it means to be consistent and what it means to be
Christian. Jesus says, if you're not with me, you're against me. And so when we take on any issue of justice or sin in society around us, we need to answer that question.
Are we with Christ on this or are we against Christ? Now, we know that there are faithful Christians serving in this legislature and in legislatures across the country.
Brothers and sisters who love Jesus, who love these children, we need to call them to be consistent with their profession and their allegiance.
You say that you're a follower of Christ. You say that you've died and risen again. You say that he's
Lord of lords and king of kings. Act like it. Be Christian in your profession and your practice.
Be consistent. The law of the Lord is the answer here, the law of God.
You've heard it come from here already. Abortion is murder. We need to be honest about that.
And interestingly, this shows how we can be so indoctrinated by our culture that within the space of about 50 years with Roe v.
Wade, we have believers who love Jesus who are afraid to say that because the pro -life industry has taught them not to.
We'll never end abortion if we're not honest about abortion. We would have never ended slavery had it not been for the
Christian church that called slavery the evil that it was. It was the
Christians who were abolitionists that were saying God's law says man -stealing and enslaving is worthy of the death penalty.
You're in sin. I don't care about your profession of faith. This is a sin and a violation of God's law.
You need to repent. We end an evil by telling the truth and saying what
God says about it. Abortion is murder. And the fatal flaw, here it is, the fatal flaw of the pro -life industry beyond refusing to stand on God's revelation and submit to the lordship of Jesus Christ, the fatal flaw of the abortion industry is saying that mothers and fathers who lead their children to death, mothers who bring their child, their little boy and little girl, into an assassin and pay that assassin to tear the arms and the legs off their little boy, to disembowel their little girl, to crush the skull of their little boy, to burn them chemically, to suffocate them, those mothers and fathers are victims also.
There's the fatal flaw. There is the fatal flaw. And God says regarding that kind of mindset, when you justify the wicked, it is an abomination.
When you acquit the guilty, when you acquit the wicked, what's this look like in terms of our mission as a church?
If we buy the pro -life industry's lie that mothers and fathers who kill their children are also victims, then that means that number one, we're never ending abortion, ever.
And number two, there is no gospel now for those mothers and fathers. And here's why.
If we adopt the false gospel of the pro -life industry that the mothers and fathers who kill their children are themselves victims, there is no message of grace and hope for those mothers.
Because if they're victims, there's nothing to flee to Christ for. If they're victims, they're not guilty.
They don't need the cross. But every Christian in the pro -life industry knows that is inconsistent with the
Christian message. Because I know women and men who are in the pro -life industry that will tell mothers who are post -abortive that have killed their children, you can come to Christ for that guilt and shame.
You can come to Christ for forgiveness. Denying how they fight against abortion daily.
They say, you're victims in the legislature, and you need Jesus and the gospel. There is the fatal flaw.
I want to announce this to you because I think it is vitally important. We need to raise up together as the church of the living
God and preach the gospel to our culture across all these different categories, but especially in this issue of abortion.
Christ is the only answer for hope in abortion, and he's the only answer for ending abortion. But you need to understand this.
This is very important for us as the Christian church who believes this book, who believes this message. The pro -life industry has unfortunately become one of the greatest enemies to ending abortion.
I want to announce to you this. It is now March. I've been now involved in four different bills for abolition in March of 2021.
So first of all, praise God, yes? That's a big praise to God. Victory, that's amazing. Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March.
And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these. The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger.
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
It is the pro -life industry that says, No, we can't work for bills for equal protection because it would mean that mothers and fathers who murder their children should be penalized.
The pro -life industry has been the industry that has killed every bill of equal protection.
And watch this. The pro -life industry says, they say, that they believe that from conception it is human.
But they will not fight for equal protection for all humans. Why? Why? If it's fully human from conception, then does it deserve equal protection?
Isn't it interesting that in our context, think about this guys, in our context, we are the group that is saying, all humans, all humans deserve equal protection.
So where's Black Lives Matter? They should be with us. Because we're saying, all humans are equal.
Red and yellow, black and white, we're all what? Precious in his sight.
We're the ones with the message that is consistent, saying, human, equal. Doesn't matter where you're from.
Doesn't matter your size, your level of development, your environment, or degree of dependence. If you're human, you deserve equal protection.
The pro -life industry says, they believe you are human from conception, which means this should be the no -brainer bill.
That should be the new title of the bill, by the way. The no -brainer bill. Is it sophisticated or are you done enough to say, um, duh?
This should be something that everyone in this legislature and legislatures across the land, they say, obviously.
If you're human, you deserve equal protection. Doesn't matter social, doesn't matter color, doesn't matter size, all humans deserve equal protection.
That's all this bill says. Equal protection. So we have the consistent position.
We need to be willing to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to come into this fight with us for the glory of Christ and for the sake of the gospel.
And we need to encourage our legislators with humble boldness, be consistent.
You said that you were pro -life and that you believed it was human from conception. Be consistent. Protect these children.
Equal protection. That's all this is saying. And so I'm going to give you one word of encouragement. I think that's about three minutes.
Here's the word for the people of God. This is a promise from God. This will end one day. Please hear me on this.
It's going to end, not because I say so or because I'm the optimist, because the word of God says in Isaiah 42 about Jesus, Behold my servant whom
I uphold, my chosen in whom my soul delights. I put my spirit upon him. He will bring forth justice to the nations.
He will not cry aloud or lift up his voice or make it heard in the street. A bruised reed he will not break and a faintly burning wick he will not quench.
He will faithfully bring forth justice. He will not grow faint or be discouraged till he has established justice in the earth and the coastlands wait for his law.
There's the promise. It is a process and it's a process that we, the bride of Christ, participate in with the
Lord Jesus as he's bringing forth his good news and his kingdom and his dominion around the world. It is his bride that is his helpmeet in that mission.
But the word has to come from the mouth of his bride. Will you preach it? Will you preach it?
Will you lay your lives down for the lost? Greater love has no man than this than a man lay down his life for his friends.
Lay your lives down. It's worth the sacrifice. Thousands and thousands of thousands of children have been saved through the work of local churches and end abortion now at those abortion mills.
We need to stop where it's being fed. So be courageous enough to speak the truth in the gospel here and pray for your legislators that they would be consistent.
Amen. Don't run from the word.
This is the door of death, ma 'am. This is the door of death. Come to life.
We can take you to a place that'll show life in your life. Not death. This will show death in your life, ma 'am.
The Bible says that we sow what we reap. Have mercy on this baby. Have mercy on your soul.
Hey, ma 'am. You want a water? Can we talk? Can we talk? Yeah? We can talk?
All right. I appreciate that. This is my wife. So you have an option.
You can talk to a male or a female or both. Both? What would bring you to this place, ma 'am?
I got a four -month -old baby, and right now I just can't deal with another one. So it's based on your circumstance, right?
Basically. So you have one baby? Yeah. Well, I understand that.
We're not saying that raising kids is puppies and pancakes. It's definitely a responsibility. But the child is here and presented as a gift to you.
I just don't think you have the eyes to see it that way. You see your other child as a gift, right? What's that child's name?
Liam. I know it's hard, ma 'am. But you know what? We love you, and we care about you, and we want to walk through this with you.
The baby's here, and doing this is like, it's unnatural.
In this world, it says, go ahead and do it. But you know it's wrong. So we want to scoop you up and point you to right, because think about this.
We live in God's world, right? We live in God's world. So He makes the rules. And He says that all children are a gift.
And He gives them, and some of these gifts test our hearts. He's showing you what's inside you right now, what you're capable of.
Now His answer is to trust Him, to repent, turn away. Repentance is a Christianese word, right?
But what it means is it's going to have a result of you turning away from doing darkness and turning to God who is light.
So we want to swoop you up and point you and care for you. I'm speaking about your family today.
The one that's outside of the womb. You say you have needs? We all have needs, and I'm not to make anything light of that.
Today is a, usually there's only a few ministers out here, me and my brother. Right now, we have a national organization here that's fully funded by churches, man.
And we want to save your child. We want you to unwrap that gift that God has given you, right?
And I guarantee you, I've never spoken to a woman who's changed her mind, and many have, who have regretted changing their mind.
In fact, one of them comes out Saturdays, and she serves with her baby in her hand. And she made three attempts here on that child's life.
But God, each time, arrested her. Arrested her desire to murder her baby.
That's what it is. Right? You know what it is. And we're not going to play games with you. We want to help you to see that and trust in Him.
You have a soft heart right now, but I want you to have a soft heart for God. God is a rich provider.
He provides through His people. He provides through strangers. He'll move people's hearts to come alongside you. What seems impossible,
God will make a way, and He'll make it so that you know that it's from Him. So your heart and mine are being tested, and I know that this is hard, because you're being tempted by the world.
See, the issue here, what's your name? Shaniqua. Shaniqua? That's pretty. The issue here is not what's in your wallet, or how many apartment rooms you have, it's what's in your heart.
And God's got to deal with you first, the center, the main issue is your heart.
Heal that heart, make you be born again, and then you'll have affections to do what is right. And when you're in that circle of obedience, you'll see
God, He'll open your eyes. Oh, God provided for me. God provided me. It doesn't come all at once, but when
I came to Christ, it came pretty frequently, you know. Being obedient to God is an outward expression of what you believe.
I believe God can save you. I believe that God can make things right. I believe that God is a faithful God, who's faithful in His promises.
And I'm here just to bear light to that. And to swoop Shaniqua off and say, come away from the devil's house, because he comes to steal, kill and destroy.
Lock you into guilt and shame. Leave you there. He's not for you, he's against you. But God, He can be,
He's the one who provides for us, ultimately. Trust in Him. Turn away today. My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin, I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C., in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now, the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities, to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally, and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also this year alone been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with unabortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so, again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states. They are on the way as we speak.
We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world literally globally. We're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are. Through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation?
Help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland, and in the
Republic of Ireland, and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the director of communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's 8 babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. States can defy the federal government over marijuana.
We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore. Ignore war and defy it!
Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March and it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these.
The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger. The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
They have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand. There is only one abolition bill in the state of Texas and that is
HB 3326 by state representative Brian Slate. We filed the bill and the head of the church of Satan is against me so I guess that's how you know we're on the right side of this one, huh?
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
Good afternoon. I'm humbled to be here that God would use a sinner like me so thank you for coming and thank you for all of you that are here to fight for the pre -born.
This is a fight that we must have because God commands it. We have to protect the children being taken away to the slaughter.
It's in his word. We can't deny it. We can't ignore it. This is an issue the church must engage in first and foremost.
This is also an issue that each state must start to fight one state at a time. This is not a federal issue.
Roe v. Wade is not law and we have to recognize that. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently said a year ago the
Constitution does not constrain the state's ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion.
They do not have the right to tell each state what to do. We do not need the federal government's permission and if you don't believe me ask
California, Colorado, Arizona and the other 30 states that smoke pot. I'm not saying that that's necessarily a good idea but I am saying this, that states can defy the federal government over marijuana we can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore.
Now as Christians, as believers we can give the government, the federal government a chance to right their wrongs and I believe that we need to but that doesn't mean we stop fighting it.
The fight starts right now. We are here to support Representative Slayton's bill HB3326.
We have a similar bill in Arizona and we just introduced one in South Carolina. Besides Texas, Arizona and South Carolina Action for Life who our main goal is to end abortion, to abolish it not incrementalize it, not give them what they want but to end it.
Hit delete, close up shop, go home. We are in other states including and here's a list so I gotta read it off the cue card
Alaska, Idaho, Colorado, South Dakota, Kansas, Missouri, Indiana, Oklahoma, 26 other states that we're fighting in to do the same exact thing that you're doing here.
Rallying the church and speaking truth into the culture. We have to hold our elected officials accountable.
If we don't hold them accountable, no one will. They work for us, they're auditioning for us and they have to understand that.
This abomination must end. Go out, talk to your state reps, go in there today to this beautiful building and tell them to do what is right.
To uphold the laws. To uphold and say that Roe v. Wade is unconstitutional and that we need to protect these babies.
So go out, support HB3326. Thank you for your time. God bless you all and let's save these babies.
Most modern Christians think that the abortion industry and the abortion problem in America started with Roe v.
Wade. The truth is that it is woven into the fabric of the sin nature to be selfish, to be greedy and to be cruel.
It's called original sin. It's called concupiscence. And as a result, ancient societies universally practiced child killing.
So it shouldn't surprise us that in early America there were entrepreneurs who were brazen in their sin that found a way to exploit sexual promiscuity and the desire to rid ourselves of our progeny.
So in the 1860s and 70s in the midst of the chaos of the war between the states there was an abortifacient industry that was birthed.
There was one particular entrepreneur who went by the name of Madam Rostell in New York City. She had five abortion clinics in New York City and she began an abortifacient pills scheme with salesmen that traveled the entire nation.
She was a multi, multi millionaire. She was able to fund a tremendous amount of political shielding for the abortion industry.
But interestingly there were a handful of Christians that became aware of this grisly illicit trade and they began to mobilize themselves.
And out of their mobilization a number of remarkable things occurred. For instance doctors began to associate themselves together first in local associations and then later nationally.
And that was the birth of the American Medical Society. The American Medical Association which we have today was birthed as a part of the pro -life movement.
In addition to that there was one particular small New York City newspaper that made its reputation by zeroing in on this grisly trade and became an ardent advocate for life.
It's a little newspaper that eventually came to dominate the city's newsrooms.
A newspaper called the New York Times. Exposing this grisly trade became their stock and trade.
So what happened was that in the 1870s we had the beginnings of a pro -life movement that was so successful that they changed the laws in every single state in the
Union. They made the murder of unborn children a felonious offense.
And as a result all of the laws that we inherited into the 20th century were birthed out of that early pro -life movement.
One of the things that I have said to pro -lifers for years is why don't we go back and study what our forefathers said and did.
How they mobilized. How they organized. So that we're not having to reinvent the wheel in our day.
This is nothing new. We can go back to early American history. We can go all the way back to early church history.
We can go to the mission field as missionaries went across the globe.
And we can follow the pathway of the Amy Carmichael's in the elimination of Sartae and child destruction and learn from them and see how the
West was won. One of the things that happens when jurisdictions are violated.
When one jurisdiction that God has established oversteps bounds and supersedes another jurisdiction is that tyranny results.
Largely in America today there are lots and lots of people who recognize that we're in a dangerous situation with massive federal overreach.
But a lot of people don't realize that there are legal constitutional mechanisms that our founding fathers put into place in cases just like this.
We have lots of lower magistrates who are wondering how can we resist the rising tide of madness in our land.
And there are complications because the federal government controls the flow of money back to localities.
So one of the huge problems that we face is the flow of money. But another thing is simply utilizing the legal mechanisms that we have in the 9th and the 10th amendments.
The 9th amendment tells us that there are rights that are not enumerated in the constitution that nevertheless reside with the people and cannot be violated by the federal government.
And then the 10th amendment says that the state governments and the localities along with the people are the mechanisms by which those 9th amendment rights are protected.
So in other words we have a way for lower magistrates to constitutionally interpose themselves against the presidency, the legislature, and the
Supreme Court. There has always been a mechanism for us to say no to the
Supreme Court. The Supreme Court doesn't make laws. The Supreme Court doesn't even change laws.
So when Roe v. Wade was handed down, when Obergefell was handed down, that changed no state constitution.
It changed no laws in the states. We acted like all of a sudden everything changed.
It didn't. Only one case with one standing changed. So what we've got to do is have the backbone to say, you know what?
We have these rights and therefore we're going to exercise these rights. It's constitutional.
It's structural. A fine lawyer from Tennessee, here in Tennessee, has written a wonderful book on the 9th amendment.
His name is David Fowler. He's the executive director of the
Tennessee Family Association, which is a focus on the family organization.
It's really incredibly helpful. It sets the precedent and it shows us that there is a way for lower magistrates to step in and stop the madness.
My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C. in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free.
We've asked nothing from these churches. We've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them. All the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis. 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working within AbortionNow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all.
And we're doing it as Christians, as the church. And so, again, thank you for partnering with us.
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022. We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states.
They are on the way as we speak. We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world, literally, globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia, we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at EndAbortionNow .com You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion. I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear.
But this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me.
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week. And if we want to break it down further than that, that's 8 babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past, and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. States can defy the federal government over marijuana.
We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore. Ignore war and defy it!
Arizona, Oklahoma, Texas, South Carolina are all happening by March. And it's the pro -life industry that has fought against all of these.
The pro -choice movement had barely needed to lift a finger. The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
They have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand. There is only one abolition bill in the state of Texas, and that is
HB 83326 by State Representative Brian Slayton. We filed the bill, and the head of the
Church of Satan is against me, so I guess that's how you know we're on the right side of this one, huh?
Where's the pro -choice and the pro -aborts here today? Where are they? Nowhere to be found because they cannot sustain an argument against us.
Good afternoon, saints. It's a blessing to be here with you today for this great gathering and this great and just cause.
The Apostle Paul declared that Jesus Christ is the sure foundation that we are to build all things that pertain to life, faith, and godly practice.
Furthermore, Paul declared that Jesus Christ is to have preeminence in all things.
Preeminence in all things, which include government, law, and politics.
As Pastor Jeff has declared, he is the King of kings and the Lord of lords.
Notice John didn't say he's the king of pastors and the Lord of bishops.
No, he is the prince of the ruler of all the earth.
Amen? And so this warning goes out to the state capital.
Hear the word of the Lord. Now therefore be wise
O kings. Be instructed you judges of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the sun Texas. Kiss the sun lest he be angry and you perish in the way when his wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in him. How many besides me?
You put your trust in the Lord our God. Amen? Though Jesus is the sure foundation
Paul warned, we have to be careful how we build upon that foundation.
Especially as it relates to the abolition of abortion. The pro -life movement has failed to build upon the solid rock.
As a result they have built their objections to abortion on sinking sand that has confined us to a pro -life hamster wheel that has been bottlenecked by the
Supreme Court of the United States for 48 years and counting.
Proverbs 14 12 states this. There is a way that seems right to a man but the end thereof is death.
Now brothers and sisters that's not only true for those who advocate and participate in the
American Holocaust. It is also true for much of those involved in the pro -life lobby groups.
Both groups have adopted the same language and tactics just the varying degrees.
Both the pro -life groups and the pro -abortion groups appeal to the woman and each present abortion as a health care issue.
For the pro -aborts abortion is good for the health care of women.
For the pro -life groups abortion is bad for the women. The church led by these pro -life groups have mistaken belief that we can enter this battle on Satan's turf, use his tactics and beat him at his own game.
How many know that's a losing proposition and it's been a disaster for 48 years.
Today however is a new day in this battle for the souls of men, the lives of children and the future of our beleaguered nation.
Through much trial and error, blood, sweat and tears Christians have finally arrived at a solid foundation.
But we must be careful how we build this movement that no longer regulates baby murder but ends it once and for all in Jesus name.
Brothers and sisters the toothpaste is out of the tube. Amen. And it ain't going back in.
The train is leaving the station and we are here to encourage both the church and the state to get on board with the gospel of the kingdom which leads to the abolition of abortion.
A couple years ago Governor Abbott made a precious promise to my dying son
Jeremiah Thomas. It went viral throughout the whole world.
My son's dying wish would be that Texas would abolish abortion.
To his credit at the time Governor Abbott said your wish has been granted.
My family still waits for that promise to be fulfilled. We are here to serve notice to the state government of Texas.
You now have an opportunity with HB3326 to make my son's dying wish come true.
Keep your integrity Texas! Do what is right and just and good in the sight of God before whom we will all stand to give an account on that great day.
No longer dance around this issue. No longer kick this wicked can down the road.
No longer just treat symptoms. We need you to heal the disease.
No longer ignore the ramifications of child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood.
Ignore all and defy it. No longer just prune branches which make the tree stronger.
Take the acts of God's truth and his demand for justice to the very root of this bloody idolatrous tree that is savaging our state and our nation.
In conclusion, Texas, we can lead the way to make redemptive history or we can continue to play the religious and political games at the expense of these children's lives.
I pray you will do the former. Our state and nation can no longer afford the latter.
God bless you saints and keep pressing on to the high calling prize. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas recently said a year ago, the
Constitution does not constrain the state's ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion.
They do not have the right to tell each state what to do. We do not need the federal government's permission.
And if you don't believe me, ask California, Colorado, Arizona and the other 30 states that smoke pot.
I'm not saying that that's necessarily a good idea. But I am saying this, that states can defy the federal government over marijuana.
We can defy the federal government saving babies and not killing them anymore. My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington D .C. in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from inconception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with EndAbortionNow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so, again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states.
They are on the way as we speak. We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world literally globally. We're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about EndAbortionNow, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are. Through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that has taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at EndAbortionNow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day. 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly 4 babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people.
This isn't a novel issue. We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. You're saying that if it's difficult to provide for a child, you should just be able to kill them.
How about when they're 6? How about if you hit tough times, should you be able to kill your 8 -year -old child? You're so full of s**t.
It's a false equivalency. A cluster of cells is not a born person.
You don't know what you're talking about. At the moment of conception, the potential of life is not a person.
F**k you. F**k you is my answer. Because you do not
You three men are going to decide on the fate of a woman's life.
You're deciding on the fate of a woman's life by saying they should be killed in the womb. I'm not saying anyone should be killed in the womb.
I'm saying if I'm a woman I have supported Planned Parenthood since I was a teenager.
It helped me with STDs. Part of the book,
Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion, one of the chapters is the Order of God.
I wrote it for a three -fold purpose, at least that chapter, to show in what ways the church is out of order, in what ways the pro -life movement is out of order, and even in some ways where the abolitionist movement that we're a part of, sometimes we can get out of order.
I wanted to present a true Biblical order.
It really comes down to three things. First is we're Christians. That is our identity.
That is our value system. That's what gives us meaning in life. We are
Christians first. That's so critically important.
The Bible tells us in this battle we overcome Him, speaking of the evil one who has come to kill, steal, and destroy, we overcome
Him by the blood of the Lamb. We've got to be saved, brother.
We've got to be redeemed. You can't even enter this battlefield without the salvation of Christ.
You're already a walking casualty if you know not the Lord, nor obey
His gospel. We are Christians first. Secondarily, we are churchmen.
This is problematic with some of the brothers who are doing the heavy lifting in this battle to abolish abortion because what happens, brothers and Joy, is that when you're doing the heavy lifting and you know the church should be there with you, you know that the church is
AWOL, missing in action. You're bearing the brunt of this battle.
What can happen is you can swallow the scandal on. You can develop an offense against the church of Jesus Christ.
The Bible warns if that happens, you can develop a root of bitterness that will end up defiling you and defiling others.
That's where a lot of our brethren tend to isolate themselves and only become critics of the church of Jesus Christ for failing in their duty to protect the unborn.
I understand that struggle. I understand that dilemma. It's very, very real.
I come down on the side that says, why call me Lord, Lord, and don't do the things
I tell you? In other words, just like the church can be out of order and the pro -life movement can be out of order, we can also be out of order because we've separated ourselves from the church of Jesus Christ, and we become lone rangers in this cause, and quite frankly those who go down that road, they end up doing a lot more harm than good for the movement.
And so I was really encouraging those who are offended at the church for their failures and their disobedience, hey, you know, we need each other in this battle.
You know, I've been covered in this battle, and I have been uncovered in this battle. Covered is better.
You have a great quote on that in the book too, brother, if I could, but it says if we as Christian abolitionists withdraw from the church because she is disobedient to the
Lord when it comes to the abolition of abortion, how does our disobedience of disconnecting our joint that supplies help the church become obedient?
As the old saying goes, two wrongs never make a right. So I just thought that was a really helpful statement that, you know, in Ephesians 4,
Paul says that this is how the kingdom of God advances. There's offices within the church that God has ordained in His godly order that serve to train and equip the saints for the work of the ministry.
And that is to the end that we all grow up into our head. And so we can't be disconnected from the body if the goal is to grow up into maturity into our head.
And I just thought it was a very apt way to put that into words because it just reflects the
Biblical reality that if we're disconnected from the body of Christ, we're going to atrophy. And we're going to go off and we're going to hurt ourselves, and we're going to hurt others.
Because we're not connected to the body, that organic body that gives vitality and life and roots our mission to fight abortion.
Well, and one of the things that, too, that, you know, I try to bring out is it may come to a shock to us as Christian abolitionists, but there may be truths in the
Bible that other Christians are way more obedient than we are as Christian abolitionists.
In other words, just because we're may have some expertise in some areas, theologically, doctrinally, and even when it comes to historical lessons, it doesn't mean we're experts in everything.
You know what I mean? And so there is a little humility that is required. Like, I go to a church,
I'll be honest, I don't agree with them on everything, theologically or doctrinally.
You know, well then why do I go? Because Jesus told me to not forsake the assembling of yourselves together.
And honestly, guys, I could be the poster child for church hurt. You know what
I mean? I've had the church not just abandon me and shun me, and I've lost pulpits in this battle,
I mean, I've had the church literally turn me over to the feds. Take him, leave us alone.
And the thing is, we have to not only hate what
God hates, God hates the hands that shed innocent blood, but we have to love what
God loves, and regardless if the church is weak or pathetic or pitiful, you know,
God still loves his church. And we need to love her. And he hasn't abandoned that as his vehicle to bring the transformation.
This is how he does things. If you haven't walked away from the bite of Christ after being turned over, you know,
I really don't think there's an excuse left for anyone else. And, Russ, you know,
I don't know how many hours we've spent on the phone or with people trying to bring peace and unity within the body on this fight, and this is something
I just say a lot and have been saying for a while, and it's we become what we worship, right? And so, you know, the communists, they're communists.
They worship communism. Feminists, they worship feminism. Go down the list. There's a lot of people in this abolition movement that strictly find their identity in abolitionism.
I love how you're saying that we're Christian abolitionists because we're Christians first, like you said. We worship
Christ. That's who our identity is in. Our identity is not in abolitionism because then it becomes false worship and becomes an idol, becomes idolatry.
And so, that's been so important to me. It's just like we have to be Christians first, and we have to have unity and then we can secondarily be abolitionists in trying to end abortion.
If you're listening to this and you call yourself an abolitionist, I'm not. That's my position.
I don't go around calling myself an abolitionist. I like what Rusty said, a Christian abolitionist. I'm a
Christian that's trying to end abortion. But it's so important that we find our identity in Christ, in Christ alone.
And that has to be our foundation. That's where we have to place our objective standards and our principles in there.
And I've seen Rusty, oh gosh, Rusty, I don't know how you still love people.
To be honest. You're far better than me. Isn't that a function? Well let's just say my wife and the
Lord knows many nights. Well I was just going to say isn't that a function of the church is that you are grown in your love for people and your ability to forbear and your ability to be patient with one another.
And if you judge the church to the extent that you build bitterness against it and then you excuse yourself from the body, you're excusing yourself from the sanctification that lies in a bunch of different believers who may believe different things than you or may have different personalities than you or may have different needs than you and it's well, it's not wise and I would venture to say it's not, it's also not super mature and if anything it indicates a need for discipleship and leadership.
Yeah because the problem is when if you make your identity in anything other than Christ then what ends up happening when it boils onto it, if there's a conflict what happens is that Christ ends up bowing to that idol.
Right? And so I've seen that within this movement, within brothers and sisters that are Christians if they find their identity in abolitionism then when it comes down to it they will allow
Christ to bow before abolitionism and so it becomes very pragmatic at that point because principles found in scripture from God himself then are ultimately secondary to making sure that we end abortion.
And that's what we want to avoid completely. Well and that means that you're it kind of indicates you're going to be pretty unaware of your sin because if you've created a doctrine where as long as you're standing outside of an abortion mill you're good, you may be neglecting a few important things that can go on because there's plenty of things there's plenty of there's plenty of stuff in this
Christian walk other than the very important goal of ending abortion it's obviously high, high on the list of priority just because of the heinous sin that it involves but you definitely you won't be able to stand before God with just abolishing abortion that won't that won't cut it.
Yeah and it starts everything starts with the spheres of government right so we have you know the self government has to start with good self government and then family government and then church government but what happens is if you have good self government but then you have a conflict with your church government then you abandon that sphere of government and then all of a sudden there's no longer any sort of moral government to keep you in check right and that's what you're talking about lone wolfing stuff you know and so again going back to order we have to do things in proper order those are spheres of government are
God given spheres of government they're the order he's created so we can't we can't even pretend that we can affect the outer sphere the civil government we can't even pretend that we can have any effect on that if we don't have proper order through those other spheres of government and so there's a reason
God ordained that Go ahead Rusty. Yeah one of the things that I kind of try to bring all that together in the chapter of the book is like first Christians then churchmen then abolitionists that's the proper order but when
I come to abolition that doesn't describe who we are that's not the source of who we are that's something we do that is something we do in response to this holocaust and why abolition well because it's the most biblically consistent response to the scourge of child sacrifice and the shedding of innocent blood and you know we say it over and over again
God doesn't want the church you know to regulate baby murder he wants us to end it he wants us to abolish it and so that's why this order is so important so as Christians and churchmen that's where we get our identity but abolition is what we do and there's a huge distinction between those three
My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin I'm the head of End Abortion Now we are here today in Washington DC in front of the
Supreme Court we were able through your support through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case the
Mississippi case that's going on right now the Supreme Court so much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now when we first started we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives we wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion that's how we started since that time and with all of you with us
God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined we have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now because of your help they have all received free training free resources free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives and because of that because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor as a minister of the gospel
I want to say thank you thank you so much for being a part of this with us not only have we raised up churches completely for free we've asked nothing from these churches we've helped them blessed them given everything away to them all the training all the resources not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people we are impacting people on a daily basis 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion millions of views we've also this year alone been able to get into Texas Arizona, South Carolina Pennsylvania we helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection that is bills of abolition not the regulation of abortion but bills of equal protection protecting all humans from conception we've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation we are working right now on five new states for 2022
God has blessed us so tremendously we have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion we are not working with an abortion now .com
to regulate abortion we are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians as the church and so again thank you for partnering with us
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022 we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states they are on the way as we speak we are working with these legislators now we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills we are impacting the world literally globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion and so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more save more lives get more states to get bills of abolition in and I'm asking you to partner with us once again you know if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now we are not as a church focused upon building an industry we are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion we are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel we are going to end abortion we are through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God with God's word we are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer again not towards regulation but the end the abolition of abortion will you join us again in 2022 we have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022 to add more churches to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion we've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world we have churches really globally that we are supporting and helping because of your work we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue we have Christians in Australia we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion all of that has taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry will you join us again in 2022 will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ you can give at endabortionnow .com
you can give through this platform you can give and you can partner with us help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000 help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now thank you so much this is
Zachary Conover the director of communications for endabortionnow Christian did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered that comes out to over 2300 a day 98 an hour and by the time you finish watching this video roughly 4 babies lives will have been taken how could this possibly be you might ask and the answer is abortion
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day and so as Christians we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it with that said there is good news we are looking to end this once and for all and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people this isn't a novel issue we who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion you might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before so what's different the church stay with me
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death with the help of our monthly ministry partners we've been able to accomplish so much since we began we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world and I want to help us understand what this means it means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month that translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it and the best part over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020 think about that that's 58 babies per week and if we want to break it down further than that that's 8 babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies and we mean it we want to see abortion ended which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely this year alone we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states
Texas, Arizona Texas, Oklahoma South Carolina and Pennsylvania in total we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition if you've been involved in this fight for any length of time then you understand how significant this is so this is where you come in we equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them removing every excuse for them to get involved this mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes our donors our donors save lives would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel together our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it to give go to endabortionnow .com
forward slash donate my name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin I'm the head of End Abortion Now at endabortionnow .com I want to talk to you today about the dirty little secret of the pro -life industry
I want to be very careful about how I say this and how I do this because I'm not talking about Christians who are pro -life
I'm talking about the pro -life industry a global industry receiving millions upon millions upon millions of donations from Christians this pro -life industry boasts many times about the fact that they are not explicitly
Christian organizations now we know that it's an indisputable fact of biological science that what's in the womb is human, fully human from conception and deserves our protection our love and justice now it's 2021 and by May of 2021 through the work of End Abortion Now and other
Christian churches we've been able to get four different states with four bills of equal protection for all human beings in all the states that Christians and Christian churches have worked to actually provide bills of equal protection bills to abolish and criminalize abortion it has been the pro -life industry that has actually worked to kill all of those bills
I want to give you an example of what this looks like in Arizona in January we put in a bill
HB 2650, it was the Equal Protection Act it was just a bill that should actually fit with the world view of the pro -life industry that what's in the womb is human from conception all humans deserve equal protection and it makes the killing of a human being in the womb a crime the major opposition towards this bill didn't come from the pro -choice industry or the pro -choice movement it came from the pro -life industry and pro -life industry leaders in Arizona one specifically is
Kathy Harrod Kathy Harrod is the president of the Center for Arizona Policy after we had our rally for this bill of equal protection this bill of abolition in Arizona she tweeted
I oppose any move to put the woman who seeks or has an abortion in prison in the pro -life community we love both the woman and her unborn child both are victims now this of course demonstrates that Kathy Harrod is woefully inconsistent that Kathy Harrod is contradicting her own stipulated beliefs about abortion she says that she believes that it's human from conception but Kathy Harrod the pro -life industry leader in Arizona doesn't believe that human beings in the womb deserve equal protection proof of that is that Kathy Harrod believes that when a woman kills a child in the womb the woman is also herself a victim
Kathy Harrod will never actually end abortion in Arizona she's not interested in it because she doesn't want to work towards the criminalization of abortion and so what did
Kathy Harrod do? Kathy Harrod a pro -life industry leader in Arizona opposed the bill to provide equal protection to all humans in the womb and she put forth a bill called
Senate Bill 1457 Senate Bill 1457 does this it's a common sense bill that prohibits abortion based on the diagnosis of a genetic abnormality except for those incompatible with life it also protects women from the dangers of chemical abortions by ensuring the pills are not delivered through the male leaving women to fend for themselves during the risky ordeal and here it is it also repeals a pre -row law that punishes women who have abortions and it establishes that Arizona laws will be interpreted in the context of valuing all human life there is the dirty little secret of the pro -life industry the pro -life industry isn't working to ultimately provide equal protection for all human beings they give this kind of legislation they oppose a bill of equal protection that actually squares with their stipulated worldview that what's in the womb is human from conception they put forth bills like this that are ultimately moot points scripture says in Proverbs 17 15 he who acquits the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord when you think about legislation like this it's legislation that works towards that theme we acquit the wicked, we acquit the guilty
Kathy Herod is saying to mothers who kill their children you're not guilty, you yourself are a victim and so Kathy Herod demonstrates that she ultimately is not operating from a
Christian perspective and this isn't about the gospel for Kathy Herod and Kathy Herod has no intention of ever criminalizing the issue of abortion in the state of Arizona because she believes if you kill your child as a mother or a father, you're also a victim so no gospel so I want to speak to the pastors over churches in the state of Arizona as a fellow pastor
I want to speak to the Christians in the state of Arizona and say this what we need here is to work as Christians with the gospel on our lips and with consistency we need to work with courage to abolish the issue of abortion in the state of Arizona and we need to make sure that we tell leaders like Kathy Herod that you do not represent the
Christian cause you do not represent the consistent cause of abolishing abortion in this state and we will no longer send you money for this kind of inconsistency for more information go to endabortionnow .com
back in May of 2021 this year, the Supreme Court granted what's called
CERT or writ of certiorari on the case of Dobbs v. Jackson in women's health in Mississippi there is a bill passed in Mississippi making it a crime to perform an abortion for a baby who is 15 weeks gestation or older and so that bill like many pro -life bills got challenged by the pro -abortion attorneys, pro -abortion organizations and it got appealed all the way through the 5th circuit all the way up to the
Supreme Court of the United States and a lot of times the Supreme Court denies CERT that is they deny hearing the case so whatever the circuit level appellate court decided that's kind of the standing law so to speak but in this case the
Supreme Court said no we want to hear that and that requires four justices to say that they want to hear the case to vote to grant
CERT so in this case four justices said we want to hear that case and we specifically want to hear that case to decide basically the constitutionality of Roe vs.
Wade the constitutionality of a right to an abortion the constitutionality of the viability standard of Roe vs.
Wade which says that basically before a child is viable then the state cannot regulate whether a child may be aborted or not because of a woman's right to an abortion according to the court so that's the case that's going up that's the case that the
Supreme Court granted CERT on and they said we want to hear that case so as soon as they did that as soon as they said we want to hear the case that then triggered a deadline for the parties to the case to submit their briefs arguing their positions but then there's also an opportunity for other people to submit briefs to the court arguing their positions and basically they're called amicus curiae which is latin it means friends of the court for people to come along and submit amicus briefs as friends of the court bringing additional arguments additional reasoning for the court to consider in deciding the outcome of the decision so they solicited briefs from anyone who wanted to submit them the parties granted permission to anybody to submit those briefs and so around 81 organizations submitted briefs to the
Supreme Court of the United States and so the Foundation to Abolish Abortion we decided that we wanted to submit a brief and so I'm an attorney with the
Foundation to Abolish Abortion I'm the Executive Director here and so we started the work to submit a brief to the
United States Supreme Court to bring to them the abolitionist position regarding Roe v.
Wade and that is that Roe v. Wade is not the law of the land and that we should be providing equal protection to pre -born children from the moment of fertilization and as we did so we told the court we came as true friends of the court that is the court is a constitutional institution it's created by the
United States Constitution it's a legitimate institution and we do come to it with respect it is an authority ordained by God however it also has limits to its jurisdiction and so we came to the court as true friends calling upon them to restrain their powers within the limits of the
Constitution and within the limits of God's law because that would be what is ultimately in the best interest of the court both to solidify its own legitimacy by solidifying the foundation upon which it's based, the
U .S. Constitution and ultimately to solidify the blessing of God so around 81 organizations submitted amicus briefs to the
United States Supreme Court most of them are agreeing in some way or another for the court to overturn
Roe v. Wade and asking them to do that like the pro -life movement has been doing for the last 48 years our amicus brief was quite a bit different because we came to the court asking them to do the same thing, that is to overturn
Roe v. Wade but making a different argument, that is that they had a duty before God to do so they had a duty under the
Constitution to do so but we even went further than that and we said that if the court does not fulfill its
Constitutional duty and its God -given duty then it is the duty of the lesser magistrates it's the duty of the states it's the duty of governors and legislatures to do their
Constitutional duty, to do their God -given duty and to abolish abortion regardless of whether the
Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade or not, and in addition to that, one argument that we were making that very few people were making is what we call equal protection in the 14th
Amendment of the U .S. Constitution it says that no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws so we were arguing that the court should go even further than just overturning
Roe v. Wade, it should actually enforce the 14th Amendment to hold that states are required to provide the equal protection of the laws to pre -born children from the moment of fertilization, so that the same laws that protect born people protect people before they're born instead of right now where there's discriminatory laws between those born and those who are pre -born so in our amicus brief which this is the actual an actual copy of the amicus brief this is the way that it went to the
Supreme Court of the United States, in our amicus brief we wanted to be sure that the court understood that it owed a duty to the
U .S. Constitution, but it ultimately owed the highest duty to the highest authority, which is
God, and so that's why at the beginning of all amicus briefs there's a table of contents, and then after that there's a table of authorities that is citations for the authorities upon which your argument is based, and in our table of authorities that we submitted to the court we listed them in order, and at the very top of that order is the
Holy Bible because other authorities are important but there is no authority higher than that of God's Word.
We brought the Gospel, that is to teach nations to observe all that Christ has commanded us and Christ commands us to do that, commands us to teach nations to observe all that He's commanded and so we brought
Scripture to bear to the Supreme Court because we believe we're commanded by God to do that and we believe that's what has the power to save, and so that's why our highest authority, as we told the
Supreme Court was God's Word None of us know the future
None of us know exactly what the court's going to do, only God does We pray that they would overturn
Roe v. Wade, we pray that they would go further and establish equal protection for pre -born children but we don't know for sure Based upon the makeup of the court based upon what they've done in the past based upon their focus a lot of times in furthering the power of the court what
I would expect the court to do is to ultimately uphold the 15 -week ban in Mississippi I think that the court if I had to predict the future,
I think that they will uphold the 15 -week ban and give a victory to the pro -life movement However I believe at the same time they will not overturn
Roe v. Wade and that they will double down on Roe v. Wade and they will find a way to ultimately rule in favor of the 15 -week ban but to do so without overturning
Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey So while I believe there will be people who declare it as a victory because hey, now we can protect children for 15 weeks all that requires is for people to get abortions faster.
Those same children can still be aborted if that's what the court does and it ultimately does not establish justice in fact, that would just further legitimize the injustice since Roe v.
Wade So if I had to predict the future, that's what I would expect the court to do So as an attorney
I've had the privilege of being the one that actually wrote the brief however, I was not alone
The brief was through the Foundation to Abolish Abortion that I work with however, it was supported both financially and in other ways through 20 other organizations that are listed on the front of the brief that the
Supreme Court got to see and in addition to those 20 organizations it was also supported by 20 legislators from states across the country who said,
I agree with that I want to sign on to that and so we're so grateful for that and some of those organizations were
Action for Life and End Abortion Now and we're grateful for the support of both of those organizations supporting the brief and for getting the word out there so that way the brief not just has an effect hopefully upon the hearts and minds of the
Supreme Court and the clerks of the Supreme Court, but upon the culture My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin I'm the head of End Abortion Now We are here today in Washington D .C. in front of the
Supreme Court We were able through your support, through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now When we first started we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started Since that time and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now Because of your help they have all received free training free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives and because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us and I just want to say from the bottom of my heart as your brother in Christ and as a pastor as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free we've asked nothing from these churches we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views we've also this year alone been able to get into Texas, Arizona South Carolina, Pennsylvania we helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection, that is bills of abolition.
Not the regulation of abortion but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022 God has blessed us so tremendously we have now been able to accomplish all that we asked
Him for and it is growing and growing and growing and so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with endabortionnow .com to regulate abortion, we are working to end it once and for all and we're doing it as Christians as the church and so again thank you for partnering with us
I want to ask for your help once again in 2022 we have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states, they are on the way as we speak, we are working with these legislators now, we have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills, we are impacting the world, literally globally we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion and so in 2022 we are going to just do more and more, save more lives get more states to get bills of abolition in and I'm asking you to partner with us once again you know, if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about endabortion now, we are not as a church focused upon building an industry we are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion, we are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel we are going to end abortion, we are through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion and we are getting closer and closer and closer again, not towards regulation but the end, the abolition of abortion, will you join us again in 2022?
We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion, we've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world, we have churches really globally that we are supporting and helping, because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue, we have Christians in Australia we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion all of that is taking place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry, will you join us again in 2022 will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this, will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ, under the authority of Jesus Christ, you can give at endabortionnow .com
you can give through this platform you can give and you can partner with us, help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000, help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now thank you so much this is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year 862 ,000 babies have been murdered, that comes out to over 2 ,300 a day 98 an hour and by the time you finish watching this video roughly 4 babies lives will have been taken how could this possibly be you might ask, and the answer is abortion
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear but this abortion is the premier issue of injustice in our day and so as Christians we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it with that said there is good news we are looking to end this once and for all and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of his people this isn't a novel issue we who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion you might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before so what's different the church stay with me
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we with our monthly ministry partners have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death with the help of our monthly ministry partners we've been able to accomplish so much since we began we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world now I want to help us understand what this means it means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month that translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it and the best part over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020 think about that that's 58 babies per week and if we want to break it down further than that, that's 8 babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies and we mean it we want to see abortion ended which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely this year alone we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states
Arizona Texas, Oklahoma South Carolina and Pennsylvania in total we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition if you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is so this is where you come in we equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved this mission to save babies does not work, apart from the help of our unspoken heroes our donors our donors save lives would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel together our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending to give, go to endabortionnow .com
forward slash donate the pro -life industry knowingly decriminalized abortion in the state of Arizona music music music music we are going around nationwide getting legislation to end abortion not end it after 6 weeks or 10 weeks or 12 weeks, end it completely music music music good morning wow, praise
God for this turnout amazing weather, we thank him for this I'm going to make up for the sins of my brothers and I'll be short because if you know my pastor, if you know my pastor
Jeff Durbin you're gonna better bring snacks for those kids because we're gonna be here for a little bit longer. So my name is
Dennis Sarfate, president of Red State Reform Action for Life is our major group right now that we are going around nationwide getting legislation to end abortion.
Not end it after six weeks or ten weeks or twelve weeks, end it completely. As Christians we have to stand up and not applaud ourselves or or celebrate bills that do not bring justice to the pre -born.
I might wear a suit but I'm just like all of you, a believer in Christ and I want to end this atrocity.
I'm asking you to support representative Zimmerman and his courage like he said earlier he is going to need your prayers.
Any representative or senator that comes on to this bill as a co -sponsor is going to need our prayers and support.
So we thank you for today and you showing up just shows that as much. So let's talk about it what recently happened in the house they just passed the bill yesterday that's probably not going to pass in the
Senate but they want to overturn all pro -life bills. They want it to be the most grotesque bill ever that you can murder a baby full term.
That's what we're fighting against. This is not you know Christians fighting amongst whatever. This is Satan and evil fighting against Christians and Christians have to take their sword up and fight this fight.
If we don't do it no one's gonna do it. The church has been silent for far too long.
We've worked in 11 and 26 states this past year we had bills in 11 of them. Pennsylvania will be the first one this next cycle.
This is a movement that's happening. Like Sal said this is the start to the end. We have to end it.
I hope in my lifetime that I get to do it. I tell my girls every day I steal it from Paul Washer but I go out there
I slay dragons for a living. So how can you all of you from Pennsylvania here do your part.
Not only prayers but we need you to reach out to your local magistrate, your local state rep.
Get them in on this bill. Get them to support Representative Zimmerman. Without that this bill ain't gonna be heard.
It's not it's gonna get killed. We need to be bold do what Sal did. I think you went through a whole call list right?
He was just grabbed the yellow pages and went down through it. No there's no yellow pages kids probably don't even know what that is but he went and called the state reps and Mr.
Zimmerman answered that call. Now we must hold all of our local magistrates accountable.
If you don't know your local magistrate email me at and we'll find it for you.
I'll do the hard work. I'll find it for you but thank you so much for coming out. I praise God for this moment for Pennsylvania to stand up for the pre -born and I'm looking forward to doing it more here.
Thank you. So we have a major problem.
There is a major issue in this fight for justice for the pre -born and that is that Christians in the
West have a very truncated view of the gospel. A very truncated view and if we want to understand how to move forward as a church, as pastors, as leaders, brothers and sisters together we have to get rid of this truncated view of the gospel.
It has to die and it has to die fast because this truncated view of the gospel has taken
Christians out of the world and culture from being light and salt to the world.
Now you've heard that I'm sure if you've been a part of this and you've heard these men speak before you know we talk about being salt and light all the time and that's of course what
Jesus commanded us in the most famous sermon in the history of the world, the Sermon on the Mount, salt and light.
But our truncated view of the gospel is killing us. It's killing our light as a church.
It's killing our influence. It's killing our prophetic ministry in terms of forth telling the word of God to the world.
The gospel is the power of God for salvation. But when we have a truncated view of the gospel in terms of where it ought to go, we have no power to save anybody with.
What is that truncated view of the gospel? The truncated view of the gospel is that Jesus came to save me so he can pull me off this earth and bring me to heaven.
That higher spiritual plane one day. It's really about my own personal romantic relationship with Jesus. I'm thankful to God in the history of the
Christian church. Christians didn't think that way about the gospel, that it's merely about my own private individual relationship with God and going to heaven one day, escaping and fleeing my humanity so I can go to this higher spiritual plane.
By the way, welcome to Gnosticism. You see, the gospel is the gospel of the kingdom.
Now, please don't allow that to be a pithy slogan. I say that often because we are good at that.
We often have these pithy slogans and bumper stickers and cute little oil paintings and T shirts that Jesus is the king of kings and lord of lords.
We say it, but we don't. We don't believe it.
King of kings today, the ruler of the kings of the earth, lord of lords today.
That means that Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the one sitting on the throne who has ascended and says he has all authority in heaven and on earth today has something to say to them, yes, and they have to bow and yield and obey.
I want to point you to this one gospel. I'm not going to preach through it now, but read
Matthew chapters one through four. Just that section. And please notice that the theme of the gospel, according to Matthew, it's the first book in our
New Testament. For goodness sakes, we have no excuse for not reading it starts with the genealogy of Jesus, that he has the royal right to the throne, that he's the king.
It starts, of course, with Jesus going into the wilderness, having victory over satan.
And do you know what Jesus was offered by satan? I'll give you all the kingdoms of the world if you'll just bow and worship me.
Why would satan offer Jesus that? Because that's what he came for. And Jesus has victory over satan in the wilderness.
And immediately there's a quotation from Isaiah chapter nine. Most of us never check the reference because it just sounds very poetic and beautiful.
You're like, Oh, that's nice. Matthew says that was to fulfill what was written by Isaiah. That's nice. Did you ever go read what he was quoting from?
As soon as Jesus departs the wilderness, he's quoting from Isaiah nine. Do you know what Isaiah nine says you do?
Because it's the famous Christmas verse. Wonderful counselor, mighty
God, everlasting father. That's the father of eternity of the increase of his government and of peace.
There will be no end on the throne of David to establish it with justice and righteousness forevermore.
And if you feel discouraged, that verse says immediately after this increase of government and peace, it says the zeal of the
Lord of hosts will accomplish this. God is not going to grow faint or weary in this fight for justice because Isaiah chapter 42, one of those promises of the kingdom of the
Messiah, which makes it good news, is that this righteous servant
Jesus will not grow faint or weary until he has established justice on the earth and the coastlands are waiting for his law.
We have a truncated view of the gospel that says what we have to say is to people within the walls of the church, and we hold between our ears.
It's the good news of the kingdom. Evangelical church in the West doesn't have good news of a kingdom.
They don't even know what it means that it's good news that Jesus is ruling and reigning now, bringing his salvation to the nation's, drawing them up to God's mountain and establishing justice in the earth.
This is the premier issue of justice in our nation. We have no right to ask
God to bless our nation while we continue to slaughter Children in our streets.
I'm right now has a bill of abolition and criminalization. And of course, we've been saying this for a long time.
Russell's been saying it much longer than me that the greatest enemy to justice for the pre born, unfortunately, is not the pro choice movement.
It's the pro life industry as we and I'm gonna I'm gonna end with this. You can understand how serious this is.
As we've been putting this in in Arizona, the bill is there. We had supporters and we had people who co sponsored it and the people who immediately came and attacked the bill of abolition and criminalization to establish equal protection for all humans in Arizona.
Who was it? The pro life industry leaders in the state of Arizona immediately can't support this because it calls the woman a victim.
Brothers and sisters, if she's a victim, there's no gospel for her. She's not guilty. Yeah. The pro life leaders that call themselves
Christians have forgotten that they have a gospel less message for women who have had abortions.
If they're victims, they're not guilty. Further, if they're victims will never establish justice justice for the pre born.
Stop pretending. I was sitting in a meeting with some of the leaders of the pro life industry in Arizona.
They said, Jeff, we love you. We listen to you all the time. We're just confused because, you know, can we just do this some other way?
Does it have to be criminal? Does it have to be justice in that way? Can we do something else? So I go to the capital in a private meeting.
This is after we did our rally. Bill is still there. The pro life leaders in the state were like, we want to meet with you because we appreciate what you're saying.
We do agree, but we're confused. So I go to the meeting to win them with the truth, not to create enemies, to win them with the truth.
So I'm sitting at a table with our representative talking about the bill that's on the table. Pro life leaders in industry leaders in Arizona are there, and there's a pro life
Arizona strategist sitting. Now, as the women were asking me questions, answering them with scripture, and I'm trying to have them think consistently about it, and they're they're seeing it.
Now they're coming. He notices, and so he starts to challenge. So I said to him,
Let me ask you a question. We say one more word. That bill you have sitting in front of you right now is what's in that bill.
True life. Is it human life from conception? I said,
Is it human life? Test.
There you go. I said, Is it human life? Yes. Is this the unjustified taking of human life?
He said, Yes. So is the bill true? He said, Yes. I said, Will you support it?
He said, No. He said, Guys, please understand the conversation is happening right now.
It's a great conversation. All this stuff is true, he said. But this isn't the place to be having this conversation.
It should be taking place in a Bible study or small group study outside. Brothers and sisters,
I was 10 ft from the door that opens into the chamber where they vote. He said,
This isn't the place to have this conversation. This is the premier place to have this conversation, because this is where it will end abortion.
This is where the pro life industry, these Republicans and conservatives, all these people, this is what they want to do.
They want to take the Christian church, put you back into your silly Bible studies in your basements so that you have nothing to say.
You speak the truth and you call them to repentance. Call them to repentance.
Point them to Jesus. Tell them they must obey God. Our message is fundamentally
Christian. That's the distinction. We have a gospel in front of us as we approach this issue.
Tell the truth. Tell the truth to the pro life industry. Win them to the truth.
Tell the truth to the unbelievers who need salvation. Preach the gospel. Jesus is the ruler of the kings of the earth today.
All authority now on earth is his. So let's call the world to repent and believe the gospel and never forget it's the gospel of a kingdom.
He reigns. My name is
Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C. in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able through your support, through your prayers and through your partnership with us to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now, the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us and End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally and we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day, through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection. That is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked Him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working within AbortionNow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states.
They are on the way as we speak. We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world. Literally, globally, we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are, through the power of the gospel and the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer. Again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022 so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia. We have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conover, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day, 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all.
And we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people. This isn't a novel issue.
We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me.
I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now, I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now, the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past, and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending.
To give, go to endabortionnow .com forward slash donate. My name is
Scott Hoard, and I am a missionary for the Unborn Babies of Our Nation. Five and a half years ago,
I was asked a question from an African -American friend, what are you going to do about racism as a pastor?
And I thought, I told him myself, to share the gospel. And he said, that's not enough.
And I was kind of perplexed by the question, angered by the question, gave it to God and said,
God, would you take this anger away and give me something in return? And he said, engage abortion. And so that's where it started, but I had no idea about the connection it had to racism.
So the reason I did it is because God brought it to me, set it upon my heart. My heart was pricked by End Abortion Now, even before it was called
End Abortion Now, y 'all were, Apologia Church was rescuing babies and that was a spark.
I think another thing that sparked it was I was at a T4G conference.
Together for the gospel conference, there was about 9 ,000 pastors worshiping together in Louisville at a big arena.
We broke for lunch that day and 9 ,000 pastors were walking through Louisville together.
And I thought, wow, what an impact that this should make upon this city. And as I was in the middle of those 9 ,000 men,
I looked over to the left and there was a woman praying by herself outside of a building. And I was curious.
And so I walked over to her and said, hey, why are you praying? She said, this is an abortion facility and I'm praying to end abortion.
And I watched 9 ,000 men walk by and not notice. And it really hit me that day.
I was like, wow, that's our nation. That's the state of the church today that pastors, the church isn't responding to it.
But that one woman was being faithful. When I first started rescuing babies, I didn't really tell anybody what
I was doing. And I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't even know if I could have an impact. I didn't know that Tina that day would choose life and like, well, this is great, but what do we do now?
She has needs. I realized my wallet wasn't big enough to meet all these ladies needs.
And so I had to present it to my church and the church received it pretty well, you know, a little shocked at first.
But then we realized that the church's budget wasn't big enough to meet all the needs of the rescues that we were getting.
And so it went from one rescue to 10 rescue to a hundred rescues. And so we realized, hey, we need to organize.
This is a big church thing that needs to be addressed. And so we organized
Operation Saving Life. And I got some faithful people together that had been standing with me that had passion for this great injustice.
And we organized and we organized Operation Saving Life. You just have to jump into it. I think
I would advise everybody to come to Planned Parenthood and stand with us. You know, there's a lot of times you think, oh, we have to have a pre -meeting.
We need to meet over here and talk about it. You can do that. But the reality of it is, is you just need to come down here and observe and pray and just immerse yourself into it.
And I would say come down for a month or two and just watch and observe and understand the rhythm of what happens here.
There's a rhythm. There's things that happen here consistently and understand those things, understand how to engage, listen to the conversations, understand what you need to hear, see, and how you need to respond to the various situations.
And, you know, a lot of Christians are fearful to come here. At some point as a Christian, you just have to face the fear.
The fear is not going to go away. You just have to face it. And once you face it, it'll eventually subside.
It might not go all the way away, but it'll subside. And as Christians, we're called to do it.
And so I would just encourage Christians to come down. You're equipped. You often think, I don't have enough.
If you know the gospel, if you have hope in Jesus, you are equipped to be here and your voice matters.
I mean, we can rely on science down here and science shows us that it's a child.
You can talk about the racist aspect, the component of this and how it was founded upon racism. But the gospel is the most powerful thing down here.
And most of the people that are walking in there just don't have hope. They don't have hope.
And we're in the Bible belt where everybody knows something about Jesus, has heard something about the gospel, but nine out of 10 people can't convincingly, compellingly tell you what the gospel is and what it means to them.
They can't tell you anything about what the cross means and the significance of the cross. And when you bring the gospel down here, it's amazing to people that are even in churches.
It's amazing to see the light go off. And so the gospel is the answer to darkness and that light has to penetrate darkness.
It has to. I think three things that every person has to carry down here is humility, love, truth, uncompromised truth.
We try to engage people with love and truth guided by the Holy Spirit, and we're trying to get them to come to us.
And so it's really relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. And you're looking for the Holy Spirit to show you that one little thing that you see that you can speak to.
A lady drove in a couple of weeks ago and as she was driving in, she was in the back of an
Uber. And as she drove by me, the Uber driver drove by me, she lifted her hands up and she was acting like she was reaching for what
I had in my hand, like she wanted it. But the Uber driver didn't drive. I knew that he was going to drive up to that door.
I knew I had five seconds, 10 seconds to speak to her right when she got out. I spoke very just poignant to her.
I said, ma 'am, come get what you want to come get this. Come get. And she came over to me and it led to a rescue.
That was the Holy Spirit showing me just a simple thing in her that I knew that I could command her to come to me and she would come to me.
And so humility is big. You have to look at the plank in your eye before you take the speck out of somebody else's eye.
You have to come down here in love, but also you've got to know that not everybody needs a hug. And so you have to bring with that love truth, uncompromised truth, and you blend all that together and it just seems to work.
I had one where a young man, young lady pulled in front of me and they were sitting in their car and I was talking to them.
They had cracked the window. And I knew if the wind is down, I could present the gospel or hear the gospel.
I began to present the gospel. The guy, the boyfriend was on the passenger side. He got out of the car and he was a pretty intense guy, strong guy, tall, tall guy.
And he just looked at me, no emotion. I was sitting there thinking, man, if he comes after me, I'm done. And so we looked at each other and I told him,
I said, hey, I'm not here to shame. I'm here to love you. And I want you to have truth. And so he just looked at me, went back down into the car, sat back down and the window was still cracked.
And I just began to continue to give them the gospel. And I quoted Psalm 139.
I said, that child is formed in the womb. He's intricately wove together by the
Lord. And there was a commotion in the car and the car began to shake. I didn't know what was going on.
I thought they were in an argument. And all of a sudden, the guy gets back out of the car again and he looks at me. And I thought, oh, this is it.
You know, he's going to come after me or something. And he begins to walk to me with no emotion.
And he walks up and he gets right up to me, opens his arms and he grabs me and he hugs me.
And he begins to cry, began to cry. And he said, hey, when you quoted, whatever it is, quoted that scripture, he said, we had never felt the baby move.
But when you quoted, whatever you quoted, the baby began to leap in her stomach and it drew out so much emotion.
We started crying and we knew we didn't have to kill the baby. At that moment, the mom got out of the car and brought the gospel to us and brought the gospel to us.
It was such a movement of the Holy Spirit. We all started crying. We're in a circle and she proclaimed the gospel back to us.
And that child She's investigating whether or not she should have the abortion.
What would you tell her? of a dead child.
And you don't want to live under the pain and the oppression of abortion. That pain is real.
It is relentless and it doesn't go away. It doesn't go away. God's mercy is there.
His grace is there and it's always there. But the pain of abortion is always there as well.
And you don't want to step into that. God created you. He gave you choice. Choice is awesome. We're for choice.
But that choice either proves a love for God or a love for evil. So choose life.
Let that baby live and the Lord will bless you. I'm Laterica Thomas.
I'm Kristana. I'm Lauren Davis. Keishon Stinson and Kingston Stinson.
My two sons. She's three. Her name is Navy Kyle White. She is sassy, but she loves trucks and dirt and dirt bikes and everything like that.
I am due January 28, 2021. And I'm going to name her
Savaria. Pray that I can be everything that I need to be for her and be a good mom and not have her to struggle or to go without basically.
Me and my little girl, we have like a special kind of bond because I think, you know,
I know that I was going to have an abortion with her. He's a happy baby. Like he's so happy.
Everybody loves him. He like to eat and he's already walking. Like he walks real good.
I thought I didn't, I couldn't afford it. There's something I can't do. I didn't really see myself being a parent to begin with.
So I was like two babies. And then the father was also pushing the issue.
So it kind of helped just for me to go ahead and try it. I had just had
Kingston. I think he was about nine, 10 months when I found out
I was pregnant and I was scared. I didn't have no help. So I was feeling like I was going to be raising two babies by myself with no help.
We were staying in the hotel, didn't have nowhere to go. I was paying the high car note. I just had a lot already on my plate that I was dealing with.
And I feel like I wasn't ready to deal with no second baby. I felt like that I could not have another baby.
And that's just that I feel like I couldn't take care of another baby. I feel like I didn't have time for another baby. That's just it, you know.
When we got here, I heard him and he was telling me that he can help me and there's, you know, don't worry about anything.
I'm helping you. And I just didn't have the heart to. So when I went in there and I seen everybody getting ready for everything and yeah, the place even gave me weird vibes itself.
So I changed my mind. And when I came out, yeah, he got upset, kind of pulled off.
And I left me in the parking lot and he was there saying, hey, I'll give you a lift, whatever you need,
I can help you. And I took his information. The day that I did pull in,
I was, me and my grandma had scraped up on enough money for me to make the first appointment, which was $2 .75.
But once I pulled into the parking lot, I think I was the only one in the parking lot and Pastor Scott and they all was trying to get my attention and pray with me.
I was thinking maybe I should just go listen to what they had to say. I mean, I always believed in God and at that time
I felt like I needed prayer. So I went over and talked to Pastor Scott and Mike and they talked to me about the history of Planned Parenthood.
He prayed with me. He told me how he would be able to help me out the situation that I was in and also helped me raise my child.
And then I ended up talking to Ms. Kathy, which is, she's with Operation Saving Life.
So I talked over the phone with her for a long time about everything that had happened.
And right over the phone, like she made me like fall in love with her just like that. Just seeing her arms and her legs, like I honestly think that that's, that had a lot to do with it.
I was like, I cannot, it just made it more real, you know? Like, cause when you're in a situation like me, you're thinking, oh, at the time it's nothing.
It's just a little seed, you know, it's nothing. You know, you're going to take the pill and you're just, you know what I'm saying? Whatever, whatever. But then when you actually like see like a whole human and granted,
I do have a little boy and I know what it was all about, but I don't know. I was just thinking, you know, it's just that little seed.
Then I seen like her legs and her arms and stuff. It was a whole fetus. And I was like, no,
I cannot do that. I just didn't have the heart to do it. And I figured if he was offering help and he was going to be there for me mentally, emotionally, and however, you know, just being there for me, then
I was going to take him upon that. I was staying in a hotel, a ran down hotel for about a year.
And Ms. Kathy dropped me out there one day and she saw it and she was like, no, you would not be living here. So they helped me get into, um, based on income apartments in Smyrna.
They paid the first month rent deposit until I was able to pay it myself. Um, they, someone donated a van to them and they gave it to me.
They signed the title right over to my name where I wouldn't have to pay my car note no more. So that was amazing.
And they helped with my boys as much as possible. They buy clothes, diapers, milk, anything that I need, they help.
Gas card, grocery cards, whatever we need, basically they there. Like whenever I feel stressed out,
I call and talk and pray with Ms. Kathy. But eventually like on down the line, they ended up getting me a vehicle and a car seat.
You know what I'm saying? Like all the little things I needed. Absolutely no strings attached. I was like, do you want me to clean the church or something?
Or what do you want me to do? And they was like, oh, nothing. We just want to help you get back on your feet so you can provide for you and your baby.
Scott told me that he would help me with whatever I needed. He'd throw me a baby shower.
He also tried to get me a lift so I can get home safely. And Scott has came through with all of his words.
He helped me with rental assistance. He helped me on my car note and he put food in my house as well.
He's kept his word the whole time. Like I'm still in shock that someone helped that much. Operation Saving Life, they make me feel like I'm their family.
Like it's no like discrimination. You know what I'm saying?
Nobody talks about you. We dress however we want to dress. Nobody looking at you no certain way.
Everybody welcome you in. It's family. Everyone want to help you. I mean, whatever you need,
I feel like there's somebody there that can help. I would tell her to choose life, to understand that God put the baby there for a reason.
And if he didn't want you to have it, he wouldn't have given it to you. He wouldn't have gave you that blessing.
I would tell her to choose life, keep your baby. There's so many support, you know, different support out here.
Like there's so many different things you can do to reach out for help. She could be blessing someone else that can't have kids if she would want to give it up for adoption.
There's so many options instead of, you know, going with abortion. You know, anybody who love you, that you love, if they can help, is there another way for you to go other than the abortion way?
I mean, it's lots of ways. I know God is always with us at all times. And if we talk to somebody and pray,
I believe they'll make the right decision. Even if you feel like you still do not want to keep your baby, give your baby up for adoption.
Don't abort your baby. I mean, you can go with adoption or you can choose, like I did, raise your child with help of others.
I'm glad that I did choose life other than getting an abortion.
I love everything about my son. I love the people that he brought into our life. Like he made me be a better woman and they also helped me become a better woman.
My name is Pastor Jeff Durbin. I'm the head of End Abortion Now. We are here today in Washington, D .C., in front of the
Supreme Court. We were able, through your support, through your prayers, and through your partnership with us, to file an amicus brief in this case, the
Mississippi case that's going on right now in the Supreme Court. So much has happened in the last couple of years through your participation with us in End Abortion Now.
When we first started, we wanted to train and equip churches to go out to the abortion facilities to preach the gospel, to offer help and hope and love to the mothers and fathers going in there, and to save lives.
We wanted to build a media platform that would be able to get the message of the gospel into this area of abortion globally.
And we also wanted to start the process of going to legislators and actually working for bills of equal protection for the abolition and the criminalization of abortion.
That's how we started. Since that time, and with all of you with us, God has blessed us beyond what we could have even imagined.
We have now close to 800 local churches that have signed up with End Abortion Now. Because of your help, they have all received free training, free resources, free help from us to go out to the mills and to save lives.
And because of that, because of you working together with us in partnership as ministry partners, we've been able to save thousands upon thousands upon thousands of lives.
Babies are being saved on a daily basis because of what you've done together with us. And I just want to say from the bottom of my heart, as your brother in Christ and as a pastor, as a minister of the gospel,
I want to say thank you. Thank you so much for being a part of this with us. Not only have we raised up churches completely for free, we've asked nothing from these churches, we've helped them, blessed them, given everything away to them, all the training, all the resources.
Not only have we raised these churches up to save lives across the country on a daily basis, but we've also built a media platform that has been seen by millions upon millions of people.
We are impacting people on a daily basis, 24 hours a day through the platform that you helped us to build in this area of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
Millions of views. We've also, this year alone, been able to get into Texas, Arizona, South Carolina, Pennsylvania.
We helped in Oklahoma bills of equal protection, that is bills of abolition. Not the regulation of abortion, but bills of equal protection, protecting all humans from conception.
We've done that with legislators across the country because you partnered with us in this ministry, in this focus to criminalize and abolish abortion in our nation.
We are working right now on five new states for 2022. God has blessed us so tremendously.
We have now been able to accomplish all that we asked him for, and it is growing and growing and growing.
And so I wanted to first say thank you once again for all of your support over all of these years to make all of this possible, to get all of these churches involved, to work towards the abolition and criminalization of abortion.
We are not working with endabortionnow .com to regulate abortion. We are working to end it once and for all, and we're doing it as Christians, as the church.
And so again, thank you for partnering with us. I want to ask for your help once again in 2022.
We have more states we're working with right now to get bills of abolition into those states.
They are on the way as we speak. We are working with these legislators now. We have more churches being added every single week who are saving lives at their abortion mills.
We are impacting the world, literally globally, we're impacting the world with the message of the gospel in conflict with the issue of abortion.
And so in 2022, we are going to just do more and more, save more lives, get more states to get bills of abolition in, and I'm asking you to partner with us once again.
You know, if you've been watching for any length of time, as I've spoken in the area of abortion with the gospel, and I've talked about end abortion now, we are not, as a church, focused upon building an industry.
We are looking forward to the day where we never raise another penny to end abortion. We are looking forward to the day when we literally close up shop and we focus on the next issue with the gospel.
We are going to end abortion. We are, through the power of the gospel, in the spirit of God, with God's word, we are going to end abortion.
And we are getting closer and closer and closer again, not towards regulation, but the end, the abolition of abortion.
Will you join us again in 2022? We have been given a very gracious gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation to help us to get to our budget for 2022, to add more churches, to save more lives, and to get more bills into states to criminalize and end abortion.
We've been given this generous gift of a $250 ,000 matching donation. Will you give for 2022 and help us to get this matching donation, help us to get to our budget for 2022, so we can work towards ending abortion once and for all in our nation and really in our world.
We have churches really globally that we're supporting and helping. Because of your work, we actually have churches now in Northern Ireland and in the
Republic of Ireland and in Scotland who are working on this issue. We have Christians in Australia, we have Christians in New Zealand and Canada who are now on the same message of the gospel in conflict with abortion.
All of that's taken place because of believers just like you who have participated with us in this ministry.
Will you join us again in 2022? Will you help us to make this the last year where we have to do this?
Will you help us as a church to actually engage this issue with the gospel of Jesus Christ under the authority of Jesus Christ?
You can give at endabortionnow .com. You can give through this platform. You can give and you can partner with us.
Help us to get that matching donation of $250 ,000. Help us to make our budget goal for 2022 so we can once and for all end abortion now.
Thank you so much. This is
Zachary Conver, the Director of Communications for End Abortion Now. Christian, did you know that over the course of the past year, 862 ,000 babies have been murdered?
That comes out to over 2 ,300 a day, 98 an hour.
And by the time you finish watching this video, roughly four babies' lives will have been taken.
How could this possibly be, you might ask? And the answer is abortion.
I know that these statistics are unsettling to hear, but this, abortion, is the premier issue of injustice in our day.
And so as Christians, we must be involved and engaged and ready to do something about it.
With that said, there is good news. We are looking to end this once and for all, and we're looking to do it by the power of God's gospel and through the work of His people.
This isn't a novel issue. We who care about life have been giving generously to outside organizations for decades in order to have them fight against the evil of abortion.
You might think that things are worse now than they ever have been before. So what's different?
The church. Stay with me. I want to talk to you about how we've been able to impact the lives of parents and how we, with our monthly ministry partners, have been able to save thousands of lives from certain death.
With the help of our monthly ministry partners, we've been able to accomplish so much. Since we began, we've added nearly 800 local church partners that span all across the
United States and even outside our borders all over the world. Now I want to help us understand what this means.
It means that 500 abortion clinics are being visited per month. That translates to 4 ,600 hours monthly where the gospel is being proclaimed to people who desperately need it.
And the best part? Over 6 ,000 babies have been saved since 2020.
Think about that. That's 58 babies per week.
And if we want to break it down further than that, that's eight babies a day saved through the work of the
End Abortion Now Coalition. Now the primary goal of End Abortion Now is to save babies, and we mean it.
We want to see abortion ended, which is why we are working at the state level to bring legislation that would end abortion completely.
This year alone, we have worked with and on bills of abolition in five states.
Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.
In total, we are equipping 13 state ambassadors who will work with their local legislators in submitting bills of abolition.
If you've been involved in this fight for any length of time, then you understand how significant this is.
So this is where you come in. We equip our church partners and state ambassadors with everything that they need at no cost to them, removing every excuse for them to get involved.
This mission to save babies does not work apart from the help of our unspoken heroes, our donors.
Our donors save lives. Would you please consider helping us end abortion and save lives with the gospel?
Together, our hope as the church is that abortion would be a thing of the past, and you would have played a pivotal role in saving children by ending it.