What Does the Bible Say About Race?
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- 00:02
- In Acts 1726, the Apostle Paul preached that God made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place.
- 00:16
- Every single human being is descended from the same man and woman, Adam and Eve, the father and mother of all mankind.
- 00:22
- Genesis 127 says, Well, in Genesis 11, we read about the
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- Tower of Babel, where God confused the languages of men and spread them over the earth. Those who spoke the same languages settled near each other, and over time, they took on distinct physical characteristics.
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- The nations closer to the equator produced more melanin due to the sun's direct rays, and they became darker in appearance, whereas those who settled further to the north were lighter in complexion.
- 01:05
- But no matter the tone of your skin or the nation you come from, all are descended from Adam and all have sinned against God.
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- So God sent His Son, Jesus, in the likeness of sinful flesh, to die on the cross for our sins.
- 01:18
- All who believe in Him will be saved from the judgment of God. The Bible speaks of two races, the race of the first Adam and the race of the last
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- Adam. All who are in Adam will die, but all who are in Christ will be made alive when we understand the text.