The Shawn McCraney Collapse & C.U.L.T
Join us for the newest episode of Apologia Radio in which we engage with some recent footage of the once popular ex-Mormon now turned universalist, anti-Trinitarian, Full-Preterist, named Shawn McCraney. We have warned for some time about the spiritual danger associated with this man and the clear theological degredation occuring in him. You'll be shocked to hear some of what he says here.
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- 01:23
- In Matthew 16, Jesus chastised the Pharisees who could interpret the appearance of the sky but failed to interpret the signs of the time in which they lived.
- 01:34
- Who are the Pharisees of our day? This strong hold of sort of whiteness and white identity and pristineness is really part of what keeps us from making progress.
- 01:50
- We need to do better. The Church, rich in theological scholarship, has lingered in academic sanctuaries and ivory towers, failing to translate its lofty doctrines into a tangible and practical cultural apologetic.
- 02:06
- At the Worldview Youth Academy, we bridge this critical gap. Here, theological depth is not an end in itself but a means to engage with contemporary cultural issues for the glory of God and the expansion of his kingdom.
- 02:23
- Our mission is to cultivate thinkers who can articulate and apply Christian truths within contemporary societal challenges.
- 02:32
- So embrace this call to worship God with all your heart, all your soul, and with all your mind.
- 02:38
- We will do better as this next generation tears down the idols of our modern culture and works to build a brighter future toward Christendom 2 .0.
- 03:28
- Is he hung up on me? YES! What? What?
- 03:35
- Desperate times call for faithful men and not for careful men. The careful men come later and write the biographies of the faithful men, lauding them for their courage.
- 03:48
- Go into all the world and make disciples. Not go into the world and make buddies. Not to make brosives. Don't go into the world and make homies.
- 03:56
- Disciples. I got a bit of a jiggle, Nick. That's a joke,
- 04:02
- Pastor. When we have the real message of truth, we cannot let somebody say they're speaking truth when they're not.
- 04:28
- For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh.
- 04:40
- Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist. Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for, but may win a full reward.
- 04:52
- This one is a powerful point here. Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have
- 05:01
- God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house or give him any greeting, for whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.
- 05:16
- That's 2 John, everybody. What's up, everybody? Welcome back to another episode of Apologia Radio. This is the gospel heard around the world, everybody.
- 05:24
- You guys can get more at ApologiaStudios .com. That's A -P -O -L -O -G -I -A,
- 05:29
- ApologiaStudios .com. You get all the past episodes of Apologia Studios Productions.
- 05:35
- You get Provoked. You get Sheologians, Cultish, and all the episodes of Apologia Radio all the way back from when we were on terrestrial radio all across them airwaves in Arizona.
- 05:49
- It's all there. If you guys go to ApologiaStudios .com, don't forget, please, please, please don't miss out on this.
- 05:56
- Please set up a free account for Bonson U. Dr. Greg Bonson, to my mind, one of the greatest
- 06:03
- Christian philosophers, apologists in the history of the Christian church. And we have as a gift to you through Apologia, from the
- 06:12
- Bonson family, we have Dr. Greg Bonson's life, work, they're the whole treasury of all of his teachings from his seminary courses, church, he was a pastor as well, so you have church history, books of the
- 06:27
- Bible, you have philosophy, Christian apologetics, all of that is there for you, and it's free. Top tier seminary level education from Dr.
- 06:35
- Greg Bonson, all a gift to you from the Bonson family. Just set up your account at Bonson, sorry,
- 06:41
- ApologiaStudios .com for Bonson U. It is completely for free, and you can get started right away. It'll bless your life.
- 06:48
- And if you would also, please sign up for all access. When you sign up for all access, you make everything that we do possible.
- 06:54
- If you've seen it, it's happened because someone just like you has partnered with us in this ministry, and if you guys are all access, partnering with us in this ministry, you also get all kinds of nifty -gifties, extra stuff we want to give to you to bless you, so you get the full episodes of Collision, Ask Me Anything, the
- 07:10
- Apologia Radio After Show, you get Apologia Academy, and I have, it's beautiful by the way,
- 07:16
- Carmen, let me get a little sample yesterday on Dr. Kenneth Gentry's course.
- 07:22
- He came out and did a course on the Book of Revelation for us that will coincide, that's coincided with the final release of his commentary, 1 ,800 pages, on the
- 07:33
- Book of Revelation. It's his commentary that's been in the work for decades, and it's out now, two volumes, 1 ,800 pages, and so now we have his first video course that he's done since the release of the commentary.
- 07:46
- It looks beautiful, it sounds beautiful, it's just awesome. It is almost finished in production right now, and so you guys, when you go to Apologia Academy, you get the apologetics courses, the theological courses, the education courses, the prayer courses, you also get now
- 08:01
- Dr. Kenneth Gentry on the Book of Revelation. So, very excited for that, and we are back again.
- 08:07
- I'm Jeff, the Calm of the Ninja, that's Luke, the Bear. What up? And what's up, dude, how you doing? All right. Ready to go?
- 08:13
- Yeah, it's been a fun couple of weeks. It has been. Interesting couple of weeks. We were in California sitting with the commander, the active commander of Butts.
- 08:22
- He was. Oh, is he not now? No, he didn't. I learned about this because I asked him, but he was, there's like a two -year stint or something like that he does.
- 08:29
- So, summer of 22, he handed it off to someone else. Oh, I see, okay, okay. Yeah, he was. Was the commander of Butts.
- 08:34
- One step from Admiral. SEAL training, wow. Wow. So, if you haven't seen that yet, go take a look, in the last two weeks or so, we did, or three weeks, we did an episode with the
- 08:47
- Navy SEAL that was all over the news as a result of the death in training during Butts.
- 08:53
- Very, very, it was awesome that they chose us to do releases first coming out publicly as a active duty
- 09:02
- Navy SEAL. Anyway, go take a look at that. So, it's been an interesting couple of weeks for us. We got to have lunch with him in California.
- 09:09
- He is going to be on an important show coming up soon. So, anyway, it's been interesting.
- 09:16
- So, here's the thing. The last couple of months, we've done our best to keep everyone updated with End Abortion Now stuff, but we don't also, at the same time, want to overload everybody with the abortion discussion because that's not all there is.
- 09:33
- It is a vitally important thing to be involved with as Christians and to speak the truth of God's gospel in and his word in and his law in and want to just let everyone know that we have more states now online for bills, potential bills of equal protection.
- 09:48
- Stuff is happening across the country right now. I just want to give you one word on this because we're not going to spend the whole episode on this, but I do want to update everybody.
- 09:54
- Right now, what you could be praying for is be in prayer against the ballot measures that are happening across the nation right now, the same kind of thing that happened in Ohio.
- 10:03
- What that is right now, the strategy of the pro -aborts is to actually change the state's constitution, putting abortion rights into the state's constitution, allowing for the slaughter of pre -born children from conception all the way up, essentially, through nine months.
- 10:21
- As you read the language in these things, it's essentially, it's freedom to kill all the way through.
- 10:26
- And so, it's happening across the country right now. It's happening in the state of Arizona right now. We are working very aggressively against it.
- 10:34
- Can't mention publicly how and what's going on with that, but please be in prayer for us because we are working very hard.
- 10:40
- The reason I'm asking you to pray about it is because end abortion now is very, very busy with a lot of things. We need your prayers.
- 10:45
- We need your financial support. But also, please be in prayer about what's going on right now because you may have heard me say that we are about to enter into the most brutal and bloody time that we've ever seen in this
- 10:57
- Holocaust in America. And that surprises many Christians because we think that with the overturning of Roe v.
- 11:02
- Wade that we're in a better place now. Actually, because of inconsistencies in the pro -life industry and anti -Christian doctrinal positions on this issue, we are actually very, very far from justice in terms of not getting it that way and with their methodology.
- 11:21
- We are, I believe, at the beginning of faithfulness. And so many Christians and pastors and just faithful Christian organizations across the country are fighting very hard and working together, many of us, to do this.
- 11:32
- And so there's good news there. But the bad news is actually with the overturning of Roe v.
- 11:38
- Wade and the Supreme Court saying you decide to kill the children to the states, now the left is working more aggressively than they ever had before in terms of enshrining the right to murder children in the womb.
- 11:49
- But we need your help. And so please, if you would, pray and give and sign your church up to start going out to the mills at EndAbortionNow .com.
- 11:59
- Free training, free resources. We don't want anything from you, nothing from your church. Just, we want to give everything to you so you can go out there and start saving lives.
- 12:07
- So with that, we did want to do a show today talking about the popular ex -Mormon, now -turned apostate,
- 12:18
- Sean McCraney. So we've been watching his devolving theological position for years now.
- 12:29
- And we've been updating you from time to time about Sean McCraney and the things that he's saying.
- 12:35
- And you saw him fall into full preterism headfirst, and that full preterism always leads to spiritual destruction.
- 12:43
- I gotta tell you, I've seen many, many, many times, more than I can count at this point, when zealous young men especially adopt the damnable heresy of full preterism, they just go into complete spiritual collapse.
- 13:01
- And I anticipated it when I saw years ago that Sean McCraney had adopted that position, that it wouldn't be very long until he adopted things like universalism and all kinds of things that kind of seem to coincide with full preterism.
- 13:15
- And so we sort of started at the beginning there and started to update people, let people know, hey, this is becoming very concerning.
- 13:23
- McCraney's a spiritually dangerous man. He's not to be trusted theologically. And you started to see him not only swing in terms of his theological heresies, moving towards the heretical things and the unbiblical things, but you also started to see somewhat of his character devolving and his behavior.
- 13:44
- And so today we just want to spend time updating you. And we have some interesting things to play for you all. I do want to just quickly say that we're going to play a clip here in just a moment.
- 13:55
- And if you have any children present, you're going to want to turn this down a little bit.
- 14:01
- And so just forewarning, Gabe in the back, when he heard what we're going to play today, he was like, do you want me to censor that?
- 14:10
- And I said, actually, no, I don't. And the reason why I don't want to censor McCraney here is because I want you guys to feel the full force and weight of it.
- 14:20
- And I don't want to help this dangerous man out in any way. So I'm going to play for you a fairly recent clip from McCraney.
- 14:30
- And I'm just giving you the forewarning that there's some foul language here. And I just need you to make sure you're mindful of that.
- 14:42
- Like I said, if you're driving in a car right now and you've got kids, you are not going to want this to blast through your speakers for the hearing of your children.
- 14:49
- And so I've done enough now to let you know. Take me seriously on this. And please make sure that you protect little ears.
- 14:56
- And if you're at work right now playing this, you're going to want to turn this down. So this is, again,
- 15:02
- Sean McCraney, fairly recently. I'm on the line with a collar on a heart of the matter.
- 15:08
- Full circle. And here we go. Listen, we have several people who are involved in the
- 15:15
- Great News Network. More and more are joining and bringing things. Oh, wrong clip.
- 15:20
- Sorry. That's the next clip I'm going to play for everybody. Here we go. Right here. This is the one.
- 15:25
- Sorry. Just the same show or different show? I think different show.
- 15:32
- It looks the same. The title of this episode, for everyone who wants to go just maybe watch more if you wanted to.
- 15:38
- It's about an hour and 39 minutes long. The title of the video is Why Believers in Christ Should Defend Mormons.
- 15:46
- And this is the actual clip. Opened up when we started showing scriptures. I would show you how you're so far afield in embracing a false notion of eschatology that it doesn't hold water.
- 15:57
- But I don't care. Go as you want, brother. Walk in your faith.
- 16:03
- Let's love each other. I do love you. You still sound to me like you're stuck on yourself as being the most righteous one that has all the answers.
- 16:14
- I'm sorry, Sean. I don't think you listen to me, brother. See, right now. I'm listening ever so carefully.
- 16:20
- But wait. Let me point out to you and prove to the audience how wrong you are. Fuck you. Okay? Is that someone who's stuck on themselves and trying to bring in people to follow me?
- 16:31
- You idiot. I am a passionate, virile, carnal man. I am not a religious leader.
- 16:38
- But I know scriptural truth, Yeshua. And you are just here to present Mormonism as the great way.
- 16:45
- I am trying to tell you. You're calling me an idiot. I'm trying to tell you you can do it. How Christian is that?
- 16:50
- It's not going to work on me. I don't care about Christian. I care about being authentic before my
- 16:57
- God. I'm not trying to work on you. Yeah, you are. I'm trying to let the spirit work on you. I'm trying to let you listen to other people and just not listen to yourself.
- 17:08
- It appears to me that your primary person you listen to is yourself. It is my self listening to God.
- 17:19
- Spoken like every false prophet in history. Yeah, I think the
- 17:25
- Bible has something to say about those false prophets. I'm sorry to have to assault everybody.
- 17:34
- But, you know, it's a sad story. It truly is a sad story.
- 17:40
- Sean McCraney's story is a sad story. And, you know, you've heard us probably, if you've been listening and you've seen any of the shows we've done on McCraney, you've probably heard us announce that early on in the history of Apology of Church, there was a time where McCraney was well known as somebody who came to Christ out of Mormonism.
- 17:59
- He had the Heart of the Matter show and he was critiquing and explaining
- 18:06
- Mormonism and the Christian worldview in comparison to Mormonism.
- 18:11
- And so he was in town one time. I don't even remember how it actually came together. But he was in town one time. We had a Thursday night
- 18:17
- Bible study going on. And somehow McCraney came. I think maybe you invited him or I invited him.
- 18:23
- I can't remember how it happened. But we found out he was in town. And, you know, he's a professing believer. And, you know, ex -Mormon.
- 18:30
- And so we had him come and he taught at Apology of Church one Thursday evening, I believe it was.
- 18:35
- And so that's our own history. And so, you know, our interest is like, you know, we knew who he was. And he came to our church once when he was in town and gave a
- 18:43
- Bible study. And we started to watch him fall off theologically.
- 18:49
- And we've been updating you from time to time about where he's at. You guys might remember, I don't even know how many years ago it was at this point.
- 18:57
- Dr. White, our fellow elder, James White, went out to Salt Lake and sat with McCraney for a pretty long episode.
- 19:07
- I believe the thrust of that episode, if I'm remembering correctly, was on the doctrine of the
- 19:12
- Trinity. Some other issues, you know, came up as well. But you guys can check that out. Dr.
- 19:17
- White, pastor of Apology of Church, did engage with McCraney. I would just type in those two words in the search bar on YouTube.
- 19:24
- And that should come up for you so you can listen to that. I think it'll be a benefit to all of you guys. But again, we've been updating you from time to time theologically on McCraney and some of the things he said.
- 19:33
- And in this case, you know, someone sent this to me and I thought, wow. You know, you go off the rails theologically, and of course, it can't help but affect your praxis.
- 19:45
- And there you go. And how do you defend something like that? How do you defend something like that?
- 19:53
- I'm shocked to think that he has people around him that would defend that sort of a thing. You would think that people around him that claim to love the
- 20:01
- Lord and love biblical truth, and it's all about love, would say, this is not consistent.
- 20:08
- The way that you're behaving here, the way that you're treating this man is not consistent. Yeah, and I think we'll probably get into this a little bit more in the next clip you want to play.
- 20:16
- But he has a history of kind of rebranding himself. You know, there's no accountability, really.
- 20:21
- That's what we're going to get into. But he's rebranding himself now as the
- 20:26
- Good News Network. It was before that, literally, his thing was called Colt. Literally.
- 20:32
- Forgive me, I don't remember. It was like Campus something or other, what the C was, but in Colt. But it was literally what he was calling it.
- 20:40
- And, you know, he says he's not a religious leader. And, you know, he doesn't like the term Christian. And yet he had some form of church where they're meeting on Sundays.
- 20:50
- And he's preaching. So he wants to reject all these kind of like terms and stigmas.
- 20:57
- But he's doing the things he's saying he hates. Yeah, and, you know, he says it was titling his group or naming his group
- 21:09
- Colt. Christian ultra -libertarians for truth. He says that it was tongue in cheek.
- 21:16
- But I just find it so fascinating and providential. That he names his group that's, you know, not a brick and mortar church.
- 21:24
- But they're, you know, teaching through the Bible and those sorts of things. He's named it Colt. And I think it's providentially highly appropriate.
- 21:31
- He may see it as tongue in cheek. I don't think God does. Nope. And anyways, so one of the interesting things.
- 21:38
- We're going to review some of his recent conversation he had. We're going to probably do two clips.
- 21:46
- Recent conversation he had with some students. And we'll get to those.
- 21:52
- I wanted to play this one because it's interesting. He has a couple different organizations. I think he would call it different organizations.
- 21:58
- He would say like he has Heart of the Matter. That's his show. Yeah, he has Colt. And that's his organization that trains people in scripture and those sorts of things.
- 22:07
- You can get into different tiers, you know, with that thing. And, you know, you can go look that up yourselves, guys.
- 22:16
- So he also had Heart of the Matter. He has Colt. And now he has the Great News Network. And this particular video here is titled,
- 22:26
- Repentance Problems with Playing Church Today, Episode 5. Heart of the Matter full circle.
- 22:31
- So it's on Heart of the Matter with Sean McCraney. That's where you guys can find this. And this point is about eight minutes in.
- 22:37
- And so let me go ahead and play this. To the table slowly. One of them is a woman
- 22:43
- I've known for several years, maybe even ten years at this point. And I can't remember. Unlike most, she has really personally tested our stuff.
- 22:53
- She listens. She critiques. She wonders. She's observant. And she hasn't been repulsed yet.
- 23:01
- She still hangs with us. Although she lives in Montana now with her husband, Joe. Her name is Sarah Young.
- 23:06
- And she created this online service for people of faith that I think is just invaluable.
- 23:15
- And it's part of the Great News Network. And I'm going to let her tell us all about it after she tells us about herself.
- 23:22
- Ladies and gentlemen, Sarah Young. Talk about applause for men.
- 23:29
- Sarah, what's up blue eyes? I don't have blue eyes. But hi.
- 23:36
- She's incognito. Anyway, Sarah, tell us about your religious upbringing. Give us a couple paragraphs on that.
- 23:44
- And then tell us about what you're doing now. Yeah, so I feel like I've actually been a
- 23:50
- Yeshuan for most of my life. I've never really fit into the institution of the
- 23:56
- Christian church or what you might consider traditional Christianity. After my parents got divorced when
- 24:03
- I was about four years old, for the rest of my childhood, I had one foot inside the brick and mortar church and one foot outside of it with my dad.
- 24:12
- Because he was shunned from his church after the divorce, but he didn't lose his faith.
- 24:18
- And he spent a lot of time, like Yeshuan just talked about, studying the Bible and having a direct relationship with God without the brick and mortar church.
- 24:29
- And he showed me what it's like to have a direct relationship with Christ. And I learned a lot more from my time and my conversations with him than I ever did going to a church.
- 24:40
- But whenever he thought he found a good church, he wanted to take us, I guess, just to be a good father and to help us find other friends with similar beliefs.
- 24:52
- And he didn't see the pastor as someone with spiritual authority over him or someone who had a closer relationship with God than him.
- 25:01
- But as soon as he sensed that the church was just trying to exploit and control people, he was out.
- 25:07
- And he spent probably 25 to 30 years with me and my stepmom and my sisters trying to find a good church, and he never found one.
- 25:16
- And I've always felt the same way. So, we're going to work through some more of this, but we've made note of this before.
- 25:28
- This Sarah Young with CheckMyChurch .org is closely associated with this cult leader,
- 25:35
- Sean McCraney. A man who denies virtually every step of historic and biblical
- 25:42
- Christian orthodoxy. She's closely connected with him. And you note that he says that the
- 25:49
- Check My Church is a part of the Great News Network. So, these two organizations work closely together.
- 25:55
- And it is interesting that McCraney not only denies, again, virtually every essential of historic
- 26:01
- Christian orthodoxy and biblical orthodoxy, but he is so violently opposed to the
- 26:10
- Christian church, local Christian churches. So, you use terminology like brick -and -mortar church, and it's like, what does that even mean, brick -and -mortar church?
- 26:17
- That you're in a building or that you have a building? I mean, I don't see Sean meeting outside. And so,
- 26:23
- I always find that very interesting when people attack the church and local churches, and they call it brick -and -mortar church.
- 26:29
- As if anybody in these church buildings believes that the building is the church.
- 26:35
- You know, we believe that it's the gathering of God's people, the ecclesia, the assembly of the called -out ones.
- 26:41
- But, you know, you use terminology like brick -and -mortar church. McCraney is attacking the Christian church. McCraney is opposed to the
- 26:48
- Christian church. And he has this woman, Sarah Young, with this organization called
- 26:53
- Check My Church. Now, it's interesting, because if you were to just do a Google search and somehow Check My Church came up, the unsuspecting
- 27:00
- Christian who thinks that they're legitimately checking out like an unbiased, equal weights and measures, no -favoritism organization's look at a local
- 27:10
- Christian church, they might go to the site and say, oh, let me look at a local church and see what Check My Church has to say about it.
- 27:16
- And what you don't know is that Check My Church is associated with an actual cult, and a cult leader who denies all of Christian orthodoxy.
- 27:25
- And what you don't know when you go to the site is that Sarah Young gives her testimony here of being raised and never feeling part of the institutional church, and saying that she and her father were never able to find a good
- 27:37
- Christian church. So, you can see the person who's the head of CheckMyChurch .org
- 27:45
- is telling you that she has always felt that way as well, that she couldn't find a good
- 27:50
- Christian church. And yet, she started an organization, Check My Church. Check it out. See if it's a good one.
- 27:56
- She says she hasn't been able to find one. So, I find that just fascinating.
- 28:01
- But not even cult. Cult's apparently not a good church either. Yeah, I mean, I don't know. Check My Church. Does Check My Church look at the life of the person who's leading the organization?
- 28:12
- Like, I'm wondering if Check My Church has a write -up on Sean McCraney and his abusive behavior to outsiders.
- 28:18
- You know, I'm wondering if there's any personal favoritism going on there, since there's such a close connection between Check My Church and the
- 28:27
- Great News Network and cult with Sean McCraney. I'm wondering, do you do write -ups and reports on McCraney's organization?
- 28:34
- Can we check out his organization? Does the behavior of the man, does the abusive behavior of the man qualify in any way to get a report written if anybody wanted to look?
- 28:48
- I'm wondering. And so, yeah, we wanted to show this because there's an important piece here in terms of the people associated with McCraney.
- 28:58
- You've got Check My Church. Sarah Young is telling you that it's her experience that she couldn't find a good
- 29:03
- Christian church. And so, now she's linked up with McCraney, and she starts an organization,
- 29:09
- Check My Church. Again, I'm going to say it's deceptive. Because if people going to the site knew that Sarah Young is a part of cult, and she's with McCraney, associated with McCraney, if they knew that she actually says in her experience they were never able to find a good
- 29:26
- Christian church, I mean, that's what she's saying, would they trust what she's saying on Check My Church?
- 29:33
- I mean, what's the motivation for Check My Church? If you don't believe that in the brick -and -mortar church in the first place, if you don't believe that you've been able to find a good
- 29:41
- Christian church, then what's Check My Church for? To let everyone know that every church is bad? That you've never been able to find a good
- 29:47
- Christian church? And who's responsible for that critique? Is it Sarah Young? Is it her determination of what a good
- 29:54
- Christian church is? And I mention it, too, because Sarah Young began to also go after Apologia Church when we started to expose
- 30:03
- McCraney. Because we went after her boy, and so she tried to go after us. And so,
- 30:10
- Sarah Young is someone I think that cannot be trusted.
- 30:17
- In our past experience with her, it's clear she has motives to harm, and not in terms of journalistic integrity or being unbiased.
- 30:28
- She shows personal favoritism. And she's tried to harm us and members of our church as well.
- 30:35
- And there was a point where we tried to even warn her against what she's doing, because she's an answer to God for it. And she doesn't seem too concerned.
- 30:44
- So, I wanted to play this and play a little bit more for you guys, so you guys can hear. Go ahead. I'll just say quickly, along with what you were just saying,
- 30:50
- I would say she's a slanderer. She's dishonest. We've confronted her on some things.
- 30:56
- Like you mentioned, she tried to ruin faithful members of our church through just pure hatred for them and just slandered them.
- 31:06
- That did not know the full story. If she knew, she would be in sackcloth and ashes if she knew.
- 31:14
- And I was going to say, one of the first signs of an actual cult is when you create a new name.
- 31:21
- So, apparently they call themselves Yeshuans. Now it's
- 31:26
- Yeshuans. So strange. It sounds like someone interviewing for a job is like,
- 31:32
- Yeah, shoo -in for that job. You're a shoo -in. That's awesome, dude.
- 31:39
- Yeah, it is interesting. Just the opposition to the church and wanting to have really no association with avoiding any
- 31:50
- Catholicity. So, let's play some more of this. My time trying to find a good church too with my husband
- 31:57
- Joe. And we've all had the same experiences. So, we started
- 32:02
- Check My Church to help other church -going Christians try to find a good church based on the facts and the truth about the church.
- 32:12
- Let's rewind that for a second so you guys can hear that in full again. It's really important to listen to those steps.
- 32:19
- To exploit and control people, he was out. And he spent probably 25 to 30 years with me and my stepmom and my sisters trying to find a good church and he never found one.
- 32:31
- And I've always felt the same way. So, 25, 30 years trying to find a good church, never found one.
- 32:38
- And I've always felt the same way. My time trying to find a good church too with my husband
- 32:44
- Joe. And we've... So, never been able to find a good church either with her father or her husband.
- 32:51
- And so... All had the same experiences. So, we started Check My Church to help other church -going
- 32:59
- Christians try to find a good church based on the facts and the truth about the church by writing reports and kind of giving a rundown of everything we know about the church.
- 33:11
- So, being raised with her father, never finding a good church. With her husband, never finding a good church.
- 33:17
- So, she starts an organization to help Christians find good churches which she's never found. Yep. Does that make sense to everybody?
- 33:25
- It's a good summary. This is what Sarah says. And... CheckMyChurch .org,
- 33:33
- associated with McCraney, the Great News Network, associated with McCraney, the leader of cult.
- 33:39
- And starts an organization, CheckMyChurch .org, which I'm just saying is very deceptive because when
- 33:46
- Christians go to that, do they know this? That she doesn't believe she's ever been able to find a good
- 33:52
- Christian church. That she's associated with McCraney, a known cult leader who denies, again, almost every essential point of Christian orthodoxy and biblical orthodoxy.
- 34:01
- Do people know that when they go to Check My Church? I think it'd be important for people to know that. And, you know,
- 34:07
- I think... If people... If Christians did know that this is her position and her background and who she's associated with,
- 34:17
- I think they'd be very, very cautious with the CheckMyChurch .org. And I think people should be.
- 34:23
- Because, you know, Sarah goes after churches that go after McCraney. Yeah, and I think it's important, too, to let people know, especially if you're a pastor watching this and you've been contacted by Sarah.
- 34:34
- This is kind of how we were introduced to her. She kind of...
- 34:39
- This is where it's not very honest. She will approach you and, Oh, I'm, you know, got this website.
- 34:45
- You know, would like to get you on here as a good church or whatever. And she asks a lot of questions.
- 34:51
- A lot of questions that she wants you to answer. Questions that she has no business asking.
- 34:57
- And as if she's some authority of accountability. As an outsider. Yeah. And then when you don't give her the answers you want, this is what happened to us.
- 35:05
- We're like, I don't think we need to answer that for you. I don't know who you are. Then she puts you on blast as a church that will not be held accountable.
- 35:14
- Yeah. And she's actually going to mention some of that here in terms of how she approaches churches. And so let's get to that.
- 35:21
- And that's the wrong one. Okay, here we go. Sorry, guys. I'm a little slow today. No sleep again.
- 35:27
- That pretty quickly transitioned from fishing for churches for other
- 35:33
- Christians to trying to teach them how to fish. Because then I started getting so many requests.
- 35:38
- I couldn't keep up with them anymore. And then we started getting clips and whistleblowers reaching out about church abuse and corruption and fraud and cult -like behaviors in churches that we just, we kind of morphed very quickly into, you know, from writing these rundowns with just some opinions attached to trying to protect
- 36:02
- Christians from churches. So now what we try to do is help people learn how to recognize and spot red flags of abuse and corruption and cult -like control to avoid these churches that claim to just want to spread the gospel.
- 36:19
- But I'd say the majority of them, the vast majority, they end up just wanting to exploit people and take advantage of them for their own selfish reasons.
- 36:30
- Isn't that interesting? The vast majority of these churches, think about what's being said here, never been able to find a good
- 36:37
- Christian church with her dad or her husband. And as she's investigating this, these churches that say they want to preach the gospel, the vast majority, the vast majority of them just want to exploit people.
- 36:50
- Those are some bold, audacious claims. Bold and audacious.
- 36:58
- And I think people need to hear this. And it's not like a lot of people have seen this stuff from Heart of the
- 37:03
- Manor. He's lost a lot of his audience, thank God. But people need to see the association.
- 37:09
- People need to see the kind of work that these people put into attacking the Christian church.
- 37:15
- I mean, that's a pretty broad statement. The vast majority of these churches are just trying to exploit people.
- 37:22
- And I can say that's what she's done. Part of me is like, I don't want you to go to her website and just don't even go to it.
- 37:29
- But then I'm like, if you want to see what we're saying, there's plenty of evidence on her site. She's out of her way to exploit people that are good, faithful Christians.
- 37:37
- And people like in the family, at our church, for example, a family that went through a really difficult time and was hurting and she exploited them for no good reason.
- 37:45
- Because we went after McCraney. Yeah, she used them to get to us. She thought it'd be a good opportunity to try to harm
- 37:52
- Apology of Church. You didn't, by the way, Sarah. And God knows the truth and we know the truth. And though you tried your darndest to try to slander and to harm and to put
- 38:03
- Apology of Church and our leadership and even members of our church in a bad light, you failed. And you're an answer to God for what you did.
- 38:10
- And on that day of judgment, which is coming for you, Sarah, on that day of judgment, God's truth will prevail and you will be shocked.
- 38:19
- You are going to be shocked and embarrassed by what you did. Shocked and embarrassed and ashamed by what you did.
- 38:26
- And again, it's just one of those things in terms of the book of Proverbs. One person's case sounds true. So another one comes to examine them.
- 38:33
- And if you only knew, and we're pastors, we're pastors. We're not going to play into your game and yield to you as some sort of authority when you don't believe you've been able to find a good church in the first place and the vast majority of these churches are exploiting people.
- 38:46
- We're not going to play into your hands, yield to your authority as if you had any over us. And as pastors begin to explain intimate details of a person's and a family's situation publicly, for your own pleasure.
- 39:02
- And so what we will do is entrust ourselves to the one who judges righteously and we long for the day of judgment.
- 39:09
- That day of judgment when you will be answered for what you've done to us and not only to us, to other
- 39:14
- Christian churches. And yeah, so this is again more from Sarah Young of Check My Church with her leader, cult leader,
- 39:23
- Sean McCraney. So that's what we've been doing and we've always really loved everything that the
- 39:30
- McCraneys have been doing because we don't feel exploited or controlled and there's no ulterior motives.
- 39:37
- It's just people who love God and love people and want to study the Bible together. Thanks, Sarah.
- 39:43
- And we love you. Listen, I think it's one of the most important websites on the entire internet.
- 39:50
- Really. Because you can just get there and find out automatically and I hope more people will report to you what they're seeing.
- 39:59
- What are like, if you can give us the top three or four or five signals that are super big red flags to look for right off the bat when you step into a new church?
- 40:12
- Well, I'd say the biggest one as far as financial exploitation is pretty easy. All you gotta do is look at the building.
- 40:20
- I mean, how frivolous have they been with the church's money for that building?
- 40:25
- If they have some big fancy facilities. The vast majority of church money goes into the facility and salaries.
- 40:34
- So if they're not financially transparent, which most of them aren't, but if they're not and they kind of treat you like you've asked a ridiculous question.
- 40:42
- So, a couple things here. I would say that I would agree. I want to be fair and just to Sarah. I would agree that when you're looking for a good church, you should pay attention to those sort of signals in terms of like, is there really a need for a kid's building with dragon slides and ball pits and an indoor swimming pool and those sorts of things?
- 41:07
- Is there really a need for that? Your own Starbucks. Yeah, no. So Sarah's got a point there.
- 41:12
- And when someone's right, you say they're right. Be just, be fair. And I think she's right. That would be a good thing to examine as you walk into a church.
- 41:19
- Is money being wasted here where it could be spent better elsewhere in terms of spreading the gospel locally into the community and those sorts of things?
- 41:30
- So I think she has a good point to an extent because there's another aspect of this conversation where you would say, however, that's not always the case.
- 41:42
- Like, for example, have you ever seen St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin? Yes, I have.
- 41:48
- Wow, what a monument. What a purposeful monument to the glory of God and to his creativity, to beauty, to truth, to goodness, all of that.
- 41:59
- You know, in historic Christianity, when we got to places where we're outside of persecution and can actually build and build a civilization, those sorts of things, people wanted to invest over actual generations into building with their own hands where they worship.
- 42:15
- And they wanted that building to be a testament to the glory of the Christian God, to beauty, to truth, to goodness.
- 42:22
- And so, yeah, like all around the world where the Christian church has spread the gospel in a place and transformation has occurred, we see beautiful, ornate
- 42:36
- Christian buildings. Is that wrong to do? No, that's not always wrong to do.
- 42:42
- That's actually, you know, for some of these things, you know, Christians, we talk about this often, Christians would start to build a place of worship knowing that they would never worship in it, right?
- 42:53
- They would just, you know, do their work. At the end of the day, the community, the Christian community comes together to literally build this thing by hand knowing that I'm not going to worship in this building but my grandkids are.
- 43:03
- My great, great grandkids are going to worship in this building. Is it wrong to have this massive, quote, facility that's beautiful and ornate and testifying to the artistry of God and the glory of God?
- 43:16
- Is that always wrong? No, no, it's not wrong at all. A point to be made on that.
- 43:22
- If you go to St. Andrews in, what is it, Sanford? Sanford, yeah. In Sanford, Florida, that's
- 43:29
- Dr. R .C. Sproul's church he was a pastor at. You know, you walk into a church like that and it's not obscene, right?
- 43:37
- Like the church is not obscene in terms of like massive campus for the church.
- 43:43
- There's the Bible College and Institute and all those things and there's Ligonier stuff all in this, you know, beautiful landscape but St.
- 43:49
- Andrews itself is not like, it's not a massive mega church kind of looking thing but when you walk into the building there's a story being told as you walk in and it is really, really cool.
- 44:00
- You walk into the building and it's built in a certain way when you come to these big doors the first place you walk into is this high vaulted ceilings and it's dark.
- 44:09
- It's very dark and when you walk in the first thing you're confronted with is in this case this beautiful scroll is unrolled and it's the law of God.
- 44:17
- So there's this darkness when you walk in, this scroll of the law of God is confronting you and then there's all these scenes on the wall around this beautiful art this beautiful paintings are around the walls of the passion of the
- 44:30
- Messiah and so the first thing you experience when you walk into St. Andrews is you experience the darkness that's supposed to testify to the weight of sin the consequences of sin you're confronted with the law and you're confronted with what
- 44:43
- God had to do to bring redemption through the work of Jesus Christ. Then as you walk past that to get into the actual sanctuary you don't realize initially that this is what's happening but when you open those doors and you walk in the sanctuary is built like an ark like Christ is the ark of our salvation you enter into him to be safe from the wrath of God but what's interesting is that you walk into this ark and the sanctuary and it's actually shaped as it goes down like a cross it's shaped like a cross so the facilities themselves are shaped like a cross and so the whole building tells an actual story about Jesus and as a testimony to it's a monument to the glory of God and this whole biblical story is even embedded into the building itself now the question
- 45:31
- I have to ask is is that wrong? Is that wrong? I don't believe that's wrong at all now this is coming from pastors we planted
- 45:43
- Apologia Church we planted Apologia Church out of the family building of of a hospital a rehab we were just using the family building all these drug addicts were coming to Christ we needed a place to care for them pastors laid hands on me sent me and we planted
- 45:58
- Apologia Church out of the family building of a drug rehab that's where we had church so there was our technically brick and mortar church there was a building we were in it was a family building the air conditioning almost never worked it was extremely hot and it was difficult even to worship in there and very small room and very small handful of people and as the church started to grow we needed a place to go so we rented first at Gethsemane at Gethsemane Lutheran Church we just took their facilities in the evening and Apologia has always been in the evening for services because we don't have our own building we don't have a home and so when churches have been able to give us their facilities they're like well you can use it
- 46:35
- Sunday evening because we're not doing that and so we've just been the evening church since then because we're renting facilities so we went from Gethsemane Lutheran Church then we moved from Gethsemane to we did a couple months at Embassy Suites we tried to forget about that we try never to speak about those days those were dark, dark days and it was very hard to do that then we moved from Embassy Suites to you have to remind me here we went to Embassy Suites to Arizona Community Church and then
- 47:03
- Arizona Community Church needed their building back so then we went to Vineyard Church and then from Vineyard we went to Church of the
- 47:11
- Redeemer and so I'm saying all this as a church that is actually said to our body over and over and over again from the beginning we are more concerned with caring for the needs of our body our members pouring money into you then we are about big building projects and so as we're growing the church building the church we didn't even care like just give us a place that's cool in the summer time that can fit us all which isn't even right not even work need those work for us right now
- 47:42
- AC was out this Sunday it was tough for people in the back we got way more people than we have space yeah and so look
- 47:50
- I'm saying all this as somebody who has said for so long for our church body I would rather take all of our church funds and direct them towards the ministry of the gospel and taking care of the needs of our people we've spent a substantial amount of money in benevolence for our own body
- 48:07
- I've told our church body I'm so grateful how our body takes care of our own people putting food on the table paying rents and mortgages getting cars for people paying medical bills paying for adoptions all that stuff helping women who turn away from the abortion mill to get a place to live to put food on their tables all that stuff giving them money to live on paying for their phone bills so they have a phone that works for them and so yeah there's benefits to saying like I'm not going to focus on the building but is it wrong and is it and my point is here is it always wrong when you walk into a place like say
- 48:45
- St. Andrews to say well this is not a good church because look how they spend their money they built this amazing facilities these amazing facilities
- 48:54
- I don't think it's always wrong and that's that's not an accurate gauge of whether a church is to be trusted because I would say
- 49:04
- I would fully trust St. Andrews with my money as a member there because they do well with the gospel and the proclamation of the truth and caring for their members and making sure they're impacting the world with the gospel and I understand what they were doing with the building they want a monument for the gospel to last for generations and that's a worthwhile investment and so you know that's just something to talk about in terms of when she's talking about this is what you should know now listen in terms of financial transparency look here's an important thing that needs to be said to somebody that is so arrogant as Sarah Young that she thinks that she should be able to contact a church and say show me your books the members of a church body have that right not a person who doesn't give there right like what right do
- 49:51
- I have as somebody who doesn't give to Gethsemane Lutheran right
- 49:57
- I don't give there it's not my church they don't know me what right do
- 50:02
- I have to go to them and say open your books for me I want a critique I want to go through with a fine tooth comb and see exactly how you're doing this and how much you're paying your staff and the people who labor and diligently in the word and are on call 24 hours a day to care for the members of this body
- 50:20
- I want to see like what kind of health benefits do you give to them and how are you spending your money nobody outside that church has a right to walk into that now take for example this let's take for example someone walks into knocks on Sarah Young's door and says
- 50:36
- I'd like to see how you spend your family's money I want to see if you're a faithful Christian before God because you claim to be a
- 50:42
- Christian a Yeshua and I want to see how faithful you are in spending that money
- 50:48
- I'd like to see how much you're giving to care for others and glorify God and spread the gospel I'd like to see
- 50:53
- Sarah would say go pound sand I don't know you you're not an authority over me you have no right to come into this sphere of authority and this family and start asking me questions that are really none of your business you've got nothing to do with my family you don't participate financially
- 51:09
- I don't know you from Adam she'd say go pound sand which is what every pastor should say to Sarah Young when she asks for them to open their books go pound sand lady
- 51:19
- I don't know you you're not an authority in this church or in my life you're not a member of this body you don't give financially here and so every local church has the right to say our members have a right to know how we're spending money not some outsider who's a member of a cult named
- 51:37
- Sarah Young and so if a pastor tells you Sarah to go pound sand because of the questions you're asking is because it's right and proper to do so go pound sand who do you think you are you're a member of a non -Christian cult you don't believe you've ever found a good
- 51:54
- Christian church you've said I couldn't find one you believe the vast majority of Christian churches are just trying to exploit people and you want to go to Christian churches that you don't believe are really even good
- 52:05
- Christian churches and say open your books for me that's none of your business and so there's that let's play some more ask for transparency that's a huge red flag and a really big expensive facility that's another red flag as far as finances go and then for I'd say for controlling people and for a cult like control if they have official memberships and it's just this one -sided contract that you have to sign basically submitting your life to the church leaders that's a huge red flag so there's two things there one is if they have official memberships is there a problem with people coming together to say
- 52:54
- I'm going to care for you as a pastor I'm going to lay my life down for you and I know that you're my responsibility is that wrong to have an official membership so for example let's say that Pastor Luke and I are you know caring for the needs of let's say four or five families on a
- 53:10
- Wednesday right maybe going to the hospital one day maybe dealing with a grieving family that just lost a baby you know doing some marriage counseling meeting with a couple who say is in a financial crisis right that day now this will describe a pretty normal day or week or you know in general those sorts of things can happen on a
- 53:31
- Wednesday now the pastors are all invested in caring for the needs of their body many of these people are members of the body and all of a sudden we get a phone call from somebody who attends a cornerstone church down the way and they say hey
- 53:43
- I'm a big fan of your ministry thankful for your teaching it's been a blessing to my family and I I am in a serious crisis right now and here's what's going on in my life and they just start saying
- 53:52
- I need you to show up and be at the hospital here because there's this thing going on in my family's life now as much as we would want to love that person and pray for that person the question we have to ask as responsible shepherds is is this under my jurisdiction is this person my responsibility am
- 54:11
- I this person's pastor whose pastor am I that's the question to ask because listen scripture's clear on this it says that the people who have this role of being a pastor it's just one role in the church it doesn't make you uber spiritual it doesn't make you better than anybody else it's just a role the people who have this role of pastor and teacher they have to give an account for how they have shepherded people these people so the question is is when it says
- 54:39
- I'm gonna have to give an account for how I've shepherded people who am I accountable to that's the question that's the question the reason for membership for at a a church like Apology Inn there's tons of churches just like this in terms of like why membership is so that we all know who we're responsible for and we know who we have to give an account for and it's so that there's there's a mutual agreement within that membership of these are the roles of the pastor and the duties of the pastor these are the qualifications of a pastor as a member of our body you're saying that this is your church that we are responsible for your souls and you are also by becoming a member saying that I recognize that this church body that I'm a member of and these pastors have a right in my life to even exercise church discipline if say for example you have a guy that's married and he has five kids and he decides you know in his later years after bringing his kids to church for so many years he decides he's gonna go ahead and hook up with his secretary and abandon his wife and five kids
- 55:51
- I'm telling you a real story of something happened of something that happened at a church that I had been at over about 20 years ago that was one of the church discipline issues so this guy abandons his family his five kids to go and be with some other woman does the church have the right to actually exercise discipline in his life and to confront him as a community yes according to scripture they do but what if he were to say
- 56:16
- I was only a visitor I wasn't a member here this wasn't my church you guys aren't in charge of my spiritual life like I who gave you a right to be an authority over me this isn't my church
- 56:26
- I'm not a member here right I just I've just been visiting I've been frequenting like who do you think you are telling me this membership actually allows for the community of faith that Christian church to say this is sin against God we're calling you out as a body to repent of this sin and we're going to excommunicate you as per the scriptures because of your unrepentant sin membership membership does that now when she talks in terms of like a one sided thing contract contract where pastors have authority over you and it's just a one sided thing
- 56:59
- I'll grant that but where's that I mean yeah that would be cult like behavior if the pastors are like you know here's membership is that we have authority over you we can tell you what to do and we have no responsibilities to you except just to tell you what to do
- 57:14
- I'd say yeah I mean everyone should know instinctively run and run fast from that sort of situation but there's just all these generalizations in terms of like what to look for and membership is bad and a one sided contract so onward yeah sorry
- 57:30
- I was just going to say as far as the one sided contract I mean we look at church membership as a covenant that they're making with us together you know so we both have obligations yeah exactly exactly and it's just funny
- 57:45
- I'm just sitting here listening to all this and she vehemently denies the
- 57:51
- I mean God there's the four main spheres of government God's ordained self family church civil and she's saying the church governmental jurisdiction is not legitimate irrelevant irrelevant as she then tries to tell people in the church jurisdiction that they need to be accountable to her yeah
- 58:12
- I don't it just doesn't even well it's interesting the thing and of course you can notice this immediately is people like Sean McCraney cult leaders like Sean McCraney and people who are a member of Sean McCraney's cult like Sarah Young and her husband they have this regular intense opposition to the idea of any authority in the church now is it true that people can be abusive in their authority absolutely get out of those churches as quickly as you can those churches pastors need to be accountable themselves to the word of God all of that everyone has to recognize that but what you see is this opposition to the idea to the concept of authority within the church even though the bible clearly teaches it it tells
- 58:54
- Christians to submit to those who are in authority over you they don't believe that anybody is and in terms of a pastoral authority a shepherding authority a local elders plural authority which is taught throughout the new testament they don't even believe in that conceptually they'll say we're accountable to each other what does that even mean like anybody can say that we're just accountable to each other but when the bible gives you the local church and what that's supposed to look like don't lay hands on people too hastily you should have multiple elders or pastors or shepherds or bishops over a church pastors have a teaching role and a teaching authority within the church they have the ability to actually expel people from the fellowship itself again the new testament is abundantly clear on the offices within the local church in terms of deacons and pastors shepherds elders bishops those roles what the qualifications are and what they are supposed to be doing but it also tells the members of that body who have their own unique giftings they are on equal ground with the pastors and deacons it tells them that these people are given to you to shepherd your soul to care for your soul don't make it hard for them they have to give an account for how they do this a lot of this has to do with full preterism as well full preterism leads to so much destructive theological heresy ecclesiological heresy in terms of the church itself the roles within the church all that stuff and you'll see that constantly with men and women who fall into the damnable heresy of full preterism and there's just a complete denial of really any roles functions in the church that are meaningful so onward those are probably the two biggest ones
- 01:00:34
- I would say do you get kickback when you try to contact the pastors are they open to you and your questions do they start off being open and then shut down how does it go
- 01:00:48
- I've tested several different methods of approaching pastors if I am very up front and straight with them and I say hey this is who
- 01:00:57
- I am this is what I'm doing can I just ask you some questions 99 times out of 100 they'll just completely ignore me and block me on social media block my email address they'll block me in any way they can good good on them and they good on them and they ought to especially especially if they knew
- 01:01:16
- Sarah who you really are and what you really believe and who you're associated with good on those pastors because if they knew your real motives and your worldview your perspective of the church they would probably not even respond at all because the facts would be as obvious as a nose on your face this is what you're up to and I would say that if if if what you should do is clip out the portion like if you wanted to have real integrity here clip out the portion before this where you were talking about how you were raised dad couldn't find a good church you and your husband can't find a good church you believe the majority of churches are exploiting people put that clip as a video into these messages you're sending to local churches and see how that goes because that would be real integrity let me just be let it all lay out on the table this is who
- 01:02:06
- I really am this is what I really believe and here's what I'm up to and so I think that would be that would show a lot of integrity in your part
- 01:02:13
- Sarah I highly recommend it if you want we'll cut it up for you we'll send it to you as a gift nifty gifty but if I if I come to them just like a average person just asking questions they want to answer them because they think
- 01:02:28
- I'm a a prospective church member probably but then once I ask the questions same thing shut down don't talk to me so it's extremely difficult to even find a church leader who's willing to answer my questions and I usually end up having to investigate and find them myself doesn't that say something that's just remarkable that yeah you ask somebody who runs a church and they won't answer the questions that it's just unconscionable to me
- 01:03:02
- I don't get it you know me either wow some of these churches bring in hundreds of millions of dollars a year and they don't have to report it to the
- 01:03:12
- IRS they don't have to be transparent with their church members and I just think that's outrageous well
- 01:03:20
- I thank God these churches don't have to report anything to the IRS yeah it's two different jurisdictions yep here we go with those jurisdictions and uh and there's a lot of a lot of questions in terms of like uh the
- 01:03:34
- IRS itself and a biblical worldview and so invoking the IRS and not having to report to that organization from the churches the fact that that's strange to you means that your worldview is strange uh but not having to be transparent with their members uh yeah
- 01:03:51
- I'll grant that you're right if uh if a person if a church was not willing to be transparent with their body their members about their finances yeah that would be a problem but Sarah you're not a member of any of these churches these churches have no obligation to share any financial anything with you because it's none of your business you are not an authority over them you deny their authority they deny your authority how's that um equal weights and measures right you don't think that they're real authorities and they don't have authority in anybody's lives and you don't have authority in their lives they owe you no answers now mind you churches just like us uh will receive questions regularly from people theological questions that's important that's valid that's very good so we get theological questions all the time unfortunately we can't respond to all of them because we you know apology is a rather large platform and we get a lot of stuff in and so sometimes you know we'll try to get to as many as we can but we can't answer every theological question and uh you know as a church when someone you know is messaging theological questions or whatever or even questions about the church how do you do things we'll answer those questions but if an outsider comes in and is doing what you're really doing uh
- 01:05:09
- Sarah the answer really should be obvious to you it's none of your business and uh leave us alone and uh that's the that's the right approach
- 01:05:17
- I believe amen so um you know we're already over well let's let's save the um that's good enough
- 01:05:26
- I think for now yeah let's what we'll do is this in the after show we're gonna go over to the after show right now guys and apology all access go to the after show we'll spend some time with you guys personally over there we'll play through a little bit of the clips of McCraney and some of his conversation with some students to do that over there and then
- 01:05:41
- I'm sure in the next week or two or so we're gonna we'll do some more on McCraney play some more of his comments to show you how his theological trajectory is just going right down into S .H
- 01:05:50
- .I .E .L .E um and so that's what we're gonna do before we go though wanted to point out boy is it hot in here or is it me it's just it's summer bro
- 01:05:58
- I know it's getting warm we can't see the problem is over here in the studio we have to turn the air on this side over there and just hope that some of it makes its way over and turn the air off on this side otherwise you're gonna be hearing the air over here so we're in the summer time in Arizona doing this with no
- 01:06:11
- AC in an hour in I'm starting to sweat you get warm I'm starting to sweat I sweat all the time anyway so yeah so here we go so uh we want to point you guys to people who bless our lives and things that we actually use they're a part of a partnership with Apologia Studios we love their stuff so first thing
- 01:06:28
- I want to point you to is I don't you have your own yeah he I have mine on but I have a long sleeve shirt on IonLayer .com
- 01:06:35
- I encourage you guys just just do some do some poking around on them internets and uh google search
- 01:06:41
- NAD benefits NAD benefits look at all the amazing scientific research on NAD I am a big fan
- 01:06:51
- I I think that uh looking we'll probably be doing a show soon on this actually
- 01:06:57
- I've been trying to develop some stuff extensive stuff on the issue of like health and well being and taking care of your body those sorts of things if you're focused in upon making sure that you care for this this amazing body that God has given to you that you focus on your ability as much as is possible to be healthy and focus on longevity
- 01:07:18
- I think you need to look into NAD NAD is it's something that God has put into your system it's used in so many biological processes in your system it is nicknamed the fountain of youth because you have so much of it when you're young it helps to keep you young and everything working and thriving but as you get older you start to lose
- 01:07:35
- NAD levels and so what people have done for many years is they've actually done NAD through IV treatment and as you've heard me say before as I talk about this
- 01:07:43
- NAD IV treatment is highly beneficial but it is extremely difficult to do it is a painful painful
- 01:07:50
- IV drip for some reason when it starts to drip into your system and gets in there it feels like you have an elephant on your chest it'll hurt your stomach you get a headache it is really hard to push through that drip but once it's done it is amazing what it does for your body and recovery and those sorts of things but there is a way through ionlayer .com
- 01:08:09
- to get NAD into your system over 14 hours in a day through a medical patch and there's no pain you get 500 milligrams per patch that you use and you mix it fresh so there's no degradation of the
- 01:08:23
- NAD over time it is just an amazing amazing tool to take care of your body physically and to focus on longevity and so you do it over 14 hours and there's no pain and you get 500 milligrams
- 01:08:35
- I think I announced last week that my family got a sickness that ran through our family for about 3 weeks and my wife was just not doing well so I called over an
- 01:08:45
- IV medic you know really great services they do like Myers cocktails high vitamin C things and all that stuff pain relief through the
- 01:08:53
- IV drip well the guy was there he was a believer he actually knew who we were and he watches us and which is a real blessing to hear in the middle of the
- 01:09:00
- IV he looks over me he goes I know you I watch you but I asked him if he does NAD he said yeah
- 01:09:05
- I do it all the time and I told him about ionlayer and he was like no way he's like how much do you get in that and I said well there's 6 patches and you mix it fresh and put it on the patch it's a medical patch and I said let me look and so I pull up the vial one of the vials and it said 500 milligrams and he goes whoa he's like that's about $1000 worth of NAD in that single vial you get 6 of these in a kit 6 of those and he was like yeah that's a lot of NAD and so you get a kit it's shipped to you monthly you get 6 treatments and it's just awesome it's just it's really really a blessing
- 01:09:41
- I could sit here all day and talk about all the ways that NAD helps your body and those sorts of things how it's helped me my wife but go to ionlayer .com
- 01:09:50
- ionlayer .com go and punch in APOLOGIA in all caps in the coupon code they'll give you a discount and they will help and participate in the ministry of Apologia Studios ionlayer .com
- 01:10:02
- APOLOGIA in all caps do you think that the NAD gives you fast hands am I doing that no
- 01:10:08
- I'm just wondering because there's a comment here from someone named Tfish he says if Pastor Fishbone and Pastor Neff I think he meant
- 01:10:15
- Pastor Jeff got into he has a hard time spelling a quick hands he has a redneck quick hands competition in that sanctuary who would win at quick hands oh and then he said sorry
- 01:10:25
- Jeff not Neff it was my quick thumbs yeah my quick thumbs I know for sure that I would
- 01:10:31
- I would absolutely annihilate him in quick hands fast hands um I think we should do fast hands to the face next time next time
- 01:10:40
- Pastor Trey that you and I run into each other we should do fast hands to the face we should be seeing him in September so yeah it's on it's on it's on sorry um yep that was my cue um so a couple things here one um
- 01:10:56
- I specifically wore this shirt today because it's the 80th anniversary of D -Day so thankful for those brave men of the greatest generation that fought to give us freedom this is our
- 01:11:07
- Dick Winters Major Dick Winters shirt that's one of my favorites it's got a quote from him I'm gonna pull the quote up here he said the key to being a successful combat leader is to earn respect not because of rank but because you are a man so we want to promote that here at Apology you can go to Apology Studios oh shop that Apology Studios .com
- 01:11:24
- to find that and a bunch of other really cool stuff like this pre -sip coffee for example are these beautiful tracks um but you know who also believes in church membership and elders is uh
- 01:11:34
- Bill Rapier from Amtac Blades he's an elder at his church and we have these beautiful battle axes here uh you can go to um
- 01:11:42
- Amtac Blades .com put Apology in the coupon code and get 5 % off your order and he gives 5 % if you don't know who
- 01:11:49
- Bill Rapier is we've had him on a number of times at Apologia Bill Rapier is one of the most legendary Navy SEALs of the last 20 years he is well well known in the
- 01:11:57
- SEAL community he was part of DevCrew which is known popularly as SEAL Team 6 uh he was both in Red Squadron and uh
- 01:12:06
- Gold Squadron and Silver and yeah he's just he's a beast everybody everybody knows and respects
- 01:12:11
- Bill Rapier one of the best most uh legendary Navy SEALs of the last 20 years um he is a solid solid believer if you need a good self defense knife just a good knife in general
- 01:12:21
- Amtac it is amazing quality you can tell that I've taught knife fighting uh for for many years actually and you can tell that the person who created the knives uh it knows how to fight with knives and knows exactly how you would want your knife to be in a knife fight and so it's just it's excellent so if you need something that's a self defense weapon uh you need an equalizer for your wife you want to send her out making sure she has a tool where she can defend herself other than a gun uh
- 01:12:48
- Amtac has amazing amazing stuff and so go there yeah and if you want to be a good man and protect your family we're talking about protection and spheres of government that'd be the family governmental sphere uh please if you're homeschooling go to HeritageDefense .org
- 01:13:03
- and sign up um you have someone on call at all times 24 -7 in case a three -letter agency comes to your door um it's very very very affordable and you can again put
- 01:13:13
- APOLOGEE in the coupon code get the first month free do it guys do it I'm so I've been so glad to hear the reports uh with Heritage about how many people from APOLOGEE are coming yeah and signing up hopefully all of our people yeah yeah if you guys if you look if you dudes dads if you got a family and you're a
- 01:13:31
- Christian right now I used to say like if you got a family and you're homeschooling you know if you got a family and you're a
- 01:13:37
- Christian Heritage sign up for it it is it is a drop in the bucket in terms of of legal representation and uh in days like today where if you post something on social media that goes against uh the current zeitgeist and uh uh system uh you can we can all be in danger it's happening rapidly and so you need that for your families be sure to get it everybody alright guys we're gonna head over to the after show right now at APOLOGEEASTUDIOS .COM
- 01:14:06
- if you guys are not all access go sign up for all access we're gonna go through some of McCraney's comments briefly at a fairly recent uh uh debate he had with the members of uh
- 01:14:19
- Ratio Christy Ratio Christy however everyone says it so meet us over there guys thank you for being with us today we're thankful for all of you guys please pray for us we'll catch you next week right here on APOLOGEE radio or we'll catch you right after the after show that's