F4F | September Prophecy Bingo Livestream!


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Roseborough. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Yes, we're doing another live stream.
Live streams are now going to be part of the normal thing here at Fighting for the Faith. So we'll note that from time to time we let our hair down, we invite some friends over, and we like to have a little bit of fun playing a little bit of a game that we've invented here at Fighting for the
Faith, which can mean only one thing. It's time for Prophecy Bingo!
And this month we've invited Don Hill to come and join us.
And Don Hill, you have a little one with you. So introduce yourself, Don, and your little one.
And since Prophecy Bingo! is a family game, I absolutely think this is fantastic. So tell us a little bit about yourself and your daughter.
Well, hey everyone, I'm Don Hill, and this is my daughter Annabelle. She is eight. She's going to be nine next weekend.
And for those that may or may not be familiar, I have a YouTube channel under my name, Don Hill, and I go by the
Lovesick Scribe. And I was a former false prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation.
And so I have repented of that and turned from my ways and am bearing fruit in keeping with repentance.
And so what I do now is I use my experiences in this and my knowledge in this movement and to help others to understand the mindset of it and to go back to Scripture and by God's grace and His will that I've been able to help others, specifically women that are coming out of this, to try to help them to make sense of this and to go back to God's word.
So all the glory to God. Amen. Amen. And your daughter?
Yes. So she is being trained as well. You're training her in the ways of a
Lovesick Scribe, and she's engaging in some Christian piracy tonight. Yes.
Yes. She's very excited. Very good. Glad to have you both on the program. And I don't know if we already have it or not, but if not, we'll put a link down below to Don Hill's YouTube channel so that you guys can subscribe and get to know
Don Hill a little bit better. All right. So a little bit of a note here. If you haven't already, you need to go down into the description and you need to click on the link and grab yourself a
Prophecy Bingo card. And I would note since the last installment of Prophecy Bingo, we have added three new prophetic buzz phrases topics, if you would.
And let me explain the new ones that have shown up on the card now. One of them says prophetic naggery.
Okay. So when somebody is prophetically nagging you, you can go ahead and click that one off.
The other thing that we've added is vehicular prophecy. So if somebody is giving a prophecy from inside of their vehicle or on a vehicle, you can type, you can put in, if that's on your card, you can check that off.
And then the other one is called money scammery. So when somebody is overtly prophesying for the purpose of financial gain and they're using
God's name, blaspheming God's name for the purpose of getting money, you are able to then add that.
Yeah, that'll be on you. That's one of the options that shows up on the card. So I have my card ready to roll.
I don't have a lot of confidence in this, but I need to warn you all that I cheat at Prophecy Bingo.
I try to work things into my favor and I will not repent of this.
Those of you playing along, please feel free to benefit from my cheating.
So some of you are saying, I saw in the comments, I've never got a Prophecy Bingo. Cheat along with me.
If Roseboro is cheating and I grabbed a word that's on your card, take it for yourself.
My cheating is for the community good, is the best way I can put it. It's a selfless act. I'm learning to sing along.
This is a cheat along. That's right. We have a cheat along. So all that being said, real quick,
Stephanie Collins, thank you for the super chat. I truly appreciate that you are supporting us in this way and we hope that we live up to all of your expectations in this episode of Fighting for the
Faith and Prophecy Bingo. All that being said, I told Josh while we were waiting to get started today that I had a surprise for him.
Okay. I have a surprise for you, Josh. And it's not her.
It's her. Oh. Is this the daughter of Queen Ebola?
What is this? No, that's Queen Ebola. She's back. She's back.
Okay. No. Yes. No. So Queen Ebola Adelani is back.
But here's the thing. So she started her own new channel because her previous channel was taken down by YouTube for scammery.
And so she started a new channel and she no longer goes by Queen Ebola or Apostle or anything.
She just wants to go by Ebola. So she's now the false prophet is formally known as Queen Ebola.
She's now just Ebola. So did she make a special symbol for this?
I don't know. I don't know. So it's Ebola virus. She's back.
The Ebola virus is back, but without the Queen bits. But she's still promoting her kingdom proclamations and all this kind of nonsense.
I'm feeling some money scammery right around the corner. There's a potential for some money scammery here. Are you guys ready?
Do you have your bingo cards ready? I'm not ready. Okay. So here we go.
Here we go. We're now getting into it. Here we go. While I was going, the spirit of God, that noise, that word, that word, not noise, that word, it's time for an oil change.
It's time for an oil change. Ebola, you need... I had no idea.
I forgot to give my standard spiel. I need to let everybody know that no true prophecies were despised in this episode of Prophecy Bingo.
That's true. Apparently, God is letting us know that it's time for an oil change.
Those of you, your car hasn't let you know, Queen Ebola, I mean, formerly Queen Ebola, now
Ebola, has let you know that it's time for an oil change. Thus saith the
Lord. You got a battlefield demotion. Right. By the way, the word spirit is a
Prophecy Bingo word. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. All right. Let's keep going here. It's an oil change.
It became so loud in my spirit, and I heard it with my spiritual ears.
That's yelling. That's what? That's yelling. Yeah, that's going to count as yelling.
So if you have yelling on your... Okay. Hang on a second here.
Let's see if I can add this. Are you guys able to see that at all? Let's see.
Okay. It's kind of in a weird spot. It's over Josh's head. Okay, let me put it here.
TJ asked the question. You're being anointed, Josh. Five weight or 20 weight spiritual oil?
You know, that is a legitimate question. No, this is peanut oil.
It's peanut oil. Yeah. All right. So there we go. All right. Continuing on here.
Okay. All right. Here we go. It came upon me, and it became a prophetic word.
I got a revelation from it. Anointing is a prophecy bingo word. Hang on a second here.
I think I might even have that one. Hold on a second. Yes. I've got anointing on my card.
There you go. All right. I've got one on the board. Olive oil is too good for her,
Ronna Treadwell. Angela asked the question, why an oil change?
Good question. Dawn, do you have any explanation as to why
God would tell us it's time for an oil change? I don't, but I can tell you as a former false prophet that I actually had.
This makes me reminisce that I had a prophetic word that Charisma shared.
It was called that a transformational oil spill is coming. Yeah. Maybe that has to do with it.
An oil for a new life. An oil for a new life. Someone's saying snake oil. I think that might be the right one.
Yeah. I think that. Yeah. In fact, let's make sure this one's. Yes. Snake oil may be the correct way to look at this.
I like the fact that we can grab comments and then throw them up. That's so great. All right. Let's continue on.
Here we go. Here we go. That I now know, realize that now is a time for this word.
And so hear me people of God with your spiritual ears. It is time for an oil change.
My God, my God, my God. Hey, Macarena. We haven't been able to do that for months.
It's such a throwback. We had it in memoriam and everything. She's back, man.
Oh, that's hilarious. Hang on a second here. They're calling her oil bola.
So, you know. Oh, man.
We continue. Okay. This is a throwback. This is a good word.
Holy spirit. Hear me with your spiritual ears. I don't know whether you heard that spiritually.
Right. It is time for an oil change. And as I continued to muse, as I was going for my car oil change, the physical oil change for my car, for my vehicle, and I continued to muse and listen to what the spirit was really now saying to me,
I realized that the word, it's time for an oil change, was both a personal word for individuals in the body of Christ, especially
God's true remnants, as well as a corporate word. My God, my God, do you hear me with your...
Hey, Macarena. Is this message specifically going out to Terminators?
Is that what this is? I don't know. I don't know. I would note that Tina asked, are we a car now?
Yes. Sure. In the land of make -believe, anything is possible,
Tina. Anything is possible. This kind of anointing is from the
Laird. From the Laird. Don't get ahead of yourself. Inez might show up.
All right, let's keep going here. Can somebody hashtag, it is time for an oil change.
It is time for me to get, let me rephrase that, personalize it. I want you to say it's time for me to get an oil change.
Okay, so I'm going to break it down. Longest hashtag. She always has the most ridiculously chained together things.
Hashtag fabwari. Fabwari is time of healing. Healing is time of season.
I miss that. I miss this. She's back. She's back.
We may come back to her. Now, let's do this. Katie Sousa. She is the
Walter White of prophecy is the best way I can describe her. She spent time in prison for being a meth cook.
Now she's out cooking up false prophecies is the best way I can put it. Let's listen to her prophetic word for September 2024.
This will be the intro. I'll have to fast forward just a little bit past where she's talking about all the people joining her from different places around the world.
Let's see what we've got here. We didn't have a countdown so we're waiting for the chat to load up. I came to bring the
September prophetic word. And I'm bringing it today at 1 -11 because I believe that this word today.
This is like numerology, man. At 1 -11. Is the fulfillment, the beginning of a succession, massive line of fulfillment of the
July prophetic word. The July prophetic word. You're the one in charge of when the live stream starts.
Oh, I'm going to go live now. Oh, look at that. Look at the time. Oh, my goodness. 1 -11. Oh, okay.
If you didn't, it's up on YouTube. You'll need to watch it afterwards so you can fully understand. I will review it for you now. But I believe that it is the fulfillment time for the word of God to be made manifest inside of your life right now.
I think manifest is a prophecy bingo word. Life. She said life. I have life. What was that?
Life. Life. Okay. And I don't see it there. I see it right now. Okay. I just want to give some shout outs.
Okay. She's going to give some shout outs, so I'm going to fast forward past the shout outs. Hang on a second here. Let's see here.
Lynchfield. Okay. Here we go. This is so bizarre, but we'll listen to the last bit of the shout outs.
Look, I am bringing this word because I had an encounter. I had an encounter yesterday where in a dream state,
I was chanting the words. What? Dawn, she had an encounter.
But was it with the third kind? Yeah. Oh, what on earth? Necessary. Necessary.
Necessary. Necessary. And when I came out of it, I was chanting that for like 15 minutes in this dream state.
I came out of it, and I looked up the word necessary in the Bible, and it was from the chapter Ezra six that I prophesied about in July.
That chapter. I think the emphasis should be on July. Lie. Lie. Okay. What on earth?
July. July. Yeah. July, lady. July a lot. And she was chanting.
She was chanting. Okay. In a dream state. Okay. It's about how the enemies of Israel were trying to stop
God's people from rebuilding the temple. Enemies. Yeah. Enemy is a prophecy bingo word. City of Jerusalem.
They were even trying to get a legal decree from a king named. Decree is a prophecy bingo word, and I have that.
I got that one on my card. Got it. Oh, Annabelle has that one too.
Okay. Good for you, Annabelle. Nice. Good job. All right. Who was in power at that time to force them by legal.
Hang on a second here. We need an official ruling on something here.
White Crayon Composer says, if we need an oil change, does this count as a vehicular prophecy?
No. That's a good question, though. But no. No. So I got to admit, though,
White Crayon Composer. I really appreciate the stretch and logic there because.
Yeah. I mean, that was. Yeah. So I just make sure
I didn't lose the opportunity to give a ruling on that one. So let's keep going here. Decree to stop the building process.
And in that time, the Israelites came and they addressed a letter to the king,
King Darius of Persia, asking him to search the legal archives to find a scroll that had been written, a legal decree by the king prior to him,
King Cyrus, that allowed the Israelites to not only be released from captivity to go home, but to also build and to be given money to.
OK. What was that, Annabelle? You have release. You have release. That works.
Boy, she's she's on top of this. I missed that one. Wow. All right.
We continue to build and to be able to take the silver and gold vessels that were stolen from the temple back to Jerusalem to reinstall them in their place of service in the temple.
And they asked for the archives to be searched. And they were. And the decree was found that Cyrus wrote that gave the people permission to build.
And not only that, but it also commanded the enemies who had tried to stop Israel from building to leave them alone and to get away from there.
We're going to look at those scriptures right now because the word necessary was in that chapter of Ezra six, which
I was chanting for like 15 minutes in a dream. You were chanting the word necessary for 15 minutes in a dream state.
Yesterday morning. And I'm going to read you the scriptures now. Seek professional help. Yeah. Now, I would note then that this whole thing goes on and there's a particular way in which this prophetic word terminates is the best way
I can put it. And let's see if I can get this. Let's see here. I just kind of fast forward a little bit and see what you guys think.
The root of that storm is while you stay asleep in the boat, like Jesus said, I'm going to show you how ascension leads to the paths of life and rejuvenation and immortality.
I'm going to show you about how Jesus defeated and stripped death and how you should be walking in total health, total healing.
Uh -huh. Health. I have health. Health. I have health too. Good for you, Annabelle.
Now, I'm going to turn off the closed caption here. I have healing. Yeah, if you have healing, you should take that.
Yeah, absolutely. Now, Dawn, what do you think here?
She's got this QR code, Victory Unveiled Mentorship. Do you think that's free?
No, I don't. Chris, I don't at all. Is that money scammery? That would be money scammery.
Ooh, I have money scammery. Hang on a second.
Spazofrenic says something very interesting. It's scary how many people follow these quacks. Yes. I agree.
It is absolutely terrifying. I would note it's a form of God's judgment because right before it says in 2
Thessalonians, before the return of Christ, that God would send a strong delusion on people so that they would believe a lie.
So, you'll note if you tell the truth nowadays, people go, who wants to believe that?
You tell them this kind of nonsense, they go, ooh, this is the best thing ever. So, I would note that's a true thing here.
Let's keep going here. Hang on a second. There we go. Not have any of the effects of death on your bodily organs.
That's what Romans says, that death puts death, the fruit of death on your bodily organs. I'm going to show you how to break that.
I'm going to teach you all these things. We're going to deep dive. I have no idea what text she's talking about. The mysteries of communion and how communion can actually make you into a superhuman person.
Do you want to be a superhuman person? Do you? Wait a minute.
Okay. So, she was a drug dealer. Is she lacing communion with steroids? I'm just wondering.
I have no idea. Maybe if you take communion, you become part of the
Wonder Twins. Wonder Twins power, activate. Form of a buzzard.
Form of blasphemy. Oh, wow. Okay. Let's keep going. Human being.
That's in scripture. No one's talking about it. It's not in scripture, lady. That's why nobody talks about it because you don't know what you're talking about.
She's not even talking about scripture. What was that? She's not even talking about scripture. No. We're going to talk about giants.
We're going to talk about aliens. You know, a lot of people. I was right.
She had close encounters with the third kind. I called it. Oh, my goodness. That is just horrifying.
Okay. Isaac, he puts in the super chat, for the sake of your voice, repent, lady.
I think that's appropriate. But what on earth? Aliens and giants.
Is this the History Channel 2 now? What's going on here? Ancient aliens, now brought to you by Katie Souza.
Oh, man. Hang on a second. Sorry. They've never lived it.
They don't have the doctrine about it like we do. I've got very much solid doctrine on all these issues.
No. Nothing you teach, lady, is solid doctrine. Okay. Not a thing.
Dog poop is more solid than this. Right. Giant Nephilim aliens.
Yep. That's pretty much what it's boiled down to now. In the name of Jesus. Whatever. Okay. Tina asks, can they beam her up,
Scotty? No. No. It would absolutely fry the transporter.
So, too much leftover meth in this lady's system. Okay, we continue here.
Oh, my gosh. Aliens. People are calling them things that they really aren't. They've never encountered or engaged with them.
I've done fisticuffs. First thing, mano y mano, throw down with all of these spirits. You've done mano y mano?
What? Welcome to the spiritual octagon. Rexquanto.
Have you gone mano y mano with the spirit of aliens? No, no, he's got a mispronunciation.
Have you gone mano y mano? I have gone to Mars in the memory of personality.
Oh, wow. I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Nightmares in rain.
She's combated a werewolf, you know. Well, that's actually Patricia King. No, she has too.
She recently said that she's also. Oh, really? You know, I think it's like one of the rites of passage within the
NAR. Like, if you really want to be an apostle, you have to have battled a werewolf.
You know, cause the enemy to surrender to you without firing a shot.
You know, weird things like that. No, it's. Where now you combat aliens. So now we're on a whole new level.
We're on level 65 of like Super Mario Odyssey. Yeah. It's literally the
Boy Scouts, but for prophetic people. It's like, have you gotten your werewolf badge yet?
Yeah, uh -huh. You're going to go out into the wilderness to survive for three days. You're going to fight a
Nickelodeon. You're going to fight an alien. You're going to do all of these things.
And if you come back, you've made it in. And what's crazy is people listen to this.
I mean. Oh, I know. They're going to pay her money to be part of this mentorship. All right,
Josh, are you sitting down? Oh, all right.
What is your camera angle? What is this? It's the Josh. It's a hero shot.
Come on. No, no, this is this is the shot of the villain going. She thinks it's a hero shot.
Come on. All right, let's keep going here. Hi, everybody. Come on in. Come on in. Welcome to our
September prophetic word for 2024. Can you guys believe that it is
September? I cannot believe it is September already. This year has gone so quick. I can't believe that 7000 people have watched this video and think that you're a prophetess.
That's the thing I can't believe. I can't believe it's not blasphemy. Right. Right. Wow.
I can't believe this isn't blasphemy. It is. I know I normally release the
September word like August 31st or September 1st early in the morning, but I felt the
Lord kind of hold me back. All right. I felt I feel like is on the prophecy bingo card.
So if you have I feel like that will count. No, no, I'm going to call it right now. It's not because she felt like anything.
It was due to unforeseen circumstances. Well, watch who she blames this on.
She's literally blaming this on God. Watch this. August 31st or September 1st early in the morning, but I felt the
Lord kind of hold me back with this word. And so this is his delay. This is his timing.
She just threw God under the bus there. I have sayeth the Lord. That kind of felt like it was really close.
Yeah, that'll count. If you have thus sayeth the Lord, that will absolutely count here. Okay, here we go.
Oh, it looks like somebody got bingo already. What? Tamara Abbas got bingo already.
Boo. Boo. Tamara. Boo. Too soon.
Too soon. I didn't even get to cheat yet. Oh, my goodness.
Ariel. This is hilarious. Ariel says, the Lord probably was holding her back, but lady just won't repent.
God goes, wait, no. No. I mean, that's like biblical in the book of Revelation, that Jezebel.
I gave her time to repent, but she, you know. I'm just saying, that's in the Bible. That's not a bad way of looking at it.
Let's keep going here. And so we're just going to flow with him as he would say. Flow is a prophecy bingo word.
Yeah. I am one away. I am one away. I'm two away at the moment, too.
Okay, you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to turn. I have Jezebel on my card, and I'm going to turn it into Jesus.
That's what I'm going to do. It's a Jezebel? Jezebel. Oh, wow.
Two more. Annabelle just needs two more. All right.
Let's see here. Jennifer Waddington just gave us $10 in Super Chat with Jesus.
I will note that Cram says, You can't cheat now, Chris. Bad example for the little one.
No, it's time for the little ones to understand that life isn't fair. And a thank you to Jennifer for the
Super Chat. Jesus. That's hilarious. All right. Let's continue on here.
Continuing on here. So we're going to do that. I'm going to do some hellos and where you guys are coming.
All right. So she's going to do some hellos here, and then we'll get into the prophetic word here. Let's see here.
Here we go. The Lord was saying is we have to get ahead of the wave. Jesus. There it is.
Jesus. There it is. Instead of letting the waves overtake us, we have to get ahead of them.
Jesus. We don't want to sink from the waves. Jesus. But we want to ride on top of the waves.
Jesus. Hallelujah. Right after I get my oil change, I'll ride on top of the waves, lady. But how do we get ahead of the waves?
And the Lord put this on my heart. In order to get ahead of the wave, Jesus, we have to assess the wave.
Jesus. You can't get ahead of what you don't assess. Instead of being like, oh man, this wave came.
It's like she's using his name to put a punctuation at the end of a sentence. Right.
It's like a comma. Prophetic Tourette's. So wait a minute.
I'm sorry. Where can I hire a wave adjudicator? Jeez Louise.
Wave assessor. You have to assess. Right. Right. It sounds like it's very full of paperwork and I think
I'd hate that. Yeah. The legitimate question here, is she describing surfing?
No, I think she's twisting the account of Peter walking on the water with Jesus. I think that's what's going on here.
So we continue. Hang on. Here we go. It knocked me out again. Jesus. God wants you to get ahead of the wave.
Jesus. Because before God does anything, he tells his servants, the prophets,
Jesus, we should be ahead. We shouldn't be reactive. We should be proactive. This is prophetic naggery. That's absolutely prophetic naggery.
I have that on my card too. I wish I had that one on my card. Dawn, would you agree that that crosses the line into prophetic naggery?
Oh yes. Okay. All right. Period. This is what happens in our audience.
I want you to see this. Astral Kingdoms has now taken two false prophecies and merged them together into one.
We now have waves of oil bowl up. That's catchy right there. Yeah, that is actually pretty good.
Continuing on here with the prophetic naggery. Here we go. We don't want to just see the wave.
We want to be ahead of the wave. Jesus. Jesus. Something I want you to assess in this season is what is the wave in your life that keeps making you sink?
Jesus. What? This is a legit question.
What if you can't swim? Live in a landlocked state. They get the smell in.
Don't go near the water if you can't swim is the best way I could put it. By the way,
I'm taking it retroactively, but I did have I feel like on my card. I'm just putting it out there. I got that. Okay.
Now, a little bit of a note here. We have a super sticker from Kathy Amonte.
Kathy, ship a dog riding with a brush riding number one on a piece of paper.
Yeah. Okay. That's prophetic. That is prophetic. I see it. Okay.
So we got a super sticker from Clarence Wagner. And this one says character holding their head in their hand saying incredible.
Okay. And then we have another sticker from Amanda Stevens. Thank you all for all three for your wonderful and biblical channels.
Also laughing is so much tonight. That is very good. That's what Prophecy Bingo is about. And then and then and then
Amethyst music writes. I think you need to find some tongues talkers to boost your cheater.
I mean, winning, you know, you're not wrong. You're just not wrong.
And so let's see what we can do here. Okay. Glory of Ziohazard. Glory of Ziohazard here.
This one's called decree redemption over your prophetic words. I have no idea what's going on here, but let's take a look.
Let me show you this assignment the Lord's given us for this week. It is so key that we get that this week, this month is about Alpha and Omega.
Penny Jackson sent me this. Man, I have misappropriated Hebrew, but I don't have misappropriated
Greek. Good grief. How did I overlook that? We need to have a combined.
We need to have a combined category for that called tongues twister. Or misappropriated biblical languages.
Maybe something a little. Yeah. Okay. Something like that. Verse this morning. Let me read it to you.
Again, a message came to me from the Lord. Son of man, you've heard that proverb they quote in Israel.
Time passes and prophecies come to nothing. Tell my people this is what the sovereign
Lord says. I will put an end to this proverb. I got to admit, this is the first time
I've ever heard scripture really used at all in any context at Glory of Zion. Wow.
Okay. This is different. And you will soon stop quoting it.
God is saying this. Here it comes. Now give them this new proverb to replace the old one.
The time has come for every prophecy to be fulfilled.
Out of context. Not the false ones. Say that out loud.
The time has come for my prophecies to be fulfilled.
You need to make a list. You know, Robert has a pretty good point.
It proves he has a Bible at least. That means there's no excuses. Ooh. Ooh. Yeah, that's a truth bomb right there.
Okay, let's keep going here. All week of everything you have heard the
Lord say to you and decree redemption over it, you need to speak it again.
If you have speak into, that will count. That's absolutely what's being described here.
You need to decree it and then you need to watch how God is going to do it.
Don't hold him captive to last season's thought process.
Say, Lord, I don't know how you're gonna do this this time, but I know you're gonna do it.
Now let me show you the... But what's he gonna do? Have you ever noticed that these people always talk negatively about the previous season or the last season?
Like, ah, it's old hat. It's garbage. We got a whole new season coming up. It's gonna be great.
And then a couple months later, that last season was terrible. That was awful, terrible. Let's have a brand new one. Right.
Donna, I have a question for you. Sure. I mean, you were a repentant false prophet.
What on earth was he prophesying God would even do there? Because I'm confused.
Yeah, it's amazing because when you're in this, you hear people like him talk, and it sounds profound, but nobody questions it.
I mean, nobody questions it. They're just like, oh, yeah, whatever it is, whatever
I have in my mind, that's what he's talking about. So I think that's what it is.
I think a lot of times they personalize it to where they're thinking, oh, well, God's speaking directly to me, and so whatever he's talking about applies to me, and then that makes it true.
But he's saying nothing. Right. Absolutely nothing. Which means that there's nothing in my mind that he can hook into that makes me think, oh, wow, this is really profound.
So he's giving these vague prophecies that people are like saying, oh, that's for me, and whatever it is they're wanting, they're attaching it to these words.
Yep. Okay. That makes sense, but it's terrible.
But okay. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Let's see here.
Let's see here. Bev Borgode, Super Chat from her says,
I'm having the best time. I still can't believe Ebola is back. I know. And I'm here for it.
Yeah, that's right. Ebola's back, man. Dawn, we should have just had you on earlier.
She would have come back a little faster. Yeah. Yeah. That's what it was. Yeah. All right.
Now let's see here. I'm going to open up this one and see what we got. This morning I got up and I was worshiping.
Flag waving. Flag waving. That is absolutely flag waving. Yeah. And I think there's happy music playing in the background, but let's hear it out.
Let's hear it though. Hang on. The power of God hit me so heavily, and I said,
Lord, what is this? I got in the shower. My knees buckled. I could not get up.
The Lord said, the power of... Yeah. That's indicative of maybe a stroke.
Seek medical... Call 911. Okay. God will buckle any enemy.
I got up from that. My right side started shaking, and he said,
I will sing. Shaking is a word. Yeah. Shaking is a prophecy bingo word. The mentality of the right.
It hit the left side. He said, help. Shift is a prophecy bingo word.
I have bingo. I have bingo with shift. No. No, you won't. Yeah. Here I am at Gloria Zion trying to cheat, and you end up just...
Way to go, Annabelle. Way to go. Nicely done. Let's keep going. Mentality of the left.
Help, I've fallen, and I can't get up. Call... Get life alert for that lady.
Somebody, please. I think this classifies as visitation. I have visitation.
She's describing something akin to that, but I don't know. She did say the word shaking, though, which is...
Yeah, she did say shaking, because she was shaking on her right, and then she started shaking on her left, and then you do the hokey pokey, and you turn yourself around, and that's what it's all about.
Okay. I think I've done as much as I can there for the moment. Somebody wanted to see
Queen Ebola again, so let's... Break it down. You know I always break it down, because we dig deep here, right?
Wait a minute. Hold on. I want to break it down first. Wait, wait, wait. She's talking about an oil change, but also breaking down.
I mean, these car jokes write themselves. Yeah. How much do you want to bet her car broke down, and she had to go and get an oil change, because she forgot to do it, and she just turned it into a prophetic word?
You know? This is kind of stream of consciousness. So, Dawn, back in the day when you were publishing regular false prophecies,
I mean, where would you go for material? Oh, Starbucks was one of them. I remember distinctly standing in line with someone and seeing a sign that said something bold is brewing, and I thought that was prophetic.
I mean, different things. I mean, I actually had dreams and visions that I legitimately had.
Yeah. Different things that happened, but yeah, usually it's this day -to -day stuff, so I'm wondering if she saw that her oil change was needed, like the date was running out on her car, and she probably thought, oh, the
Lord is speaking to me about we need to change our oil. You know? Right.
Honestly, I think that's some of the stuff that happens, because people are taking these daily things, and they think
God is constantly speaking to me through this stuff, and it's delusion.
Yeah, it's like reading omens, but in a weird way, too. I remember seeing dragonflies,
Chris. I saw dragonflies, because I remember Jennifer Ives taught that if you saw dragonflies, that that was marking that there was a transition coming into your life, because she said a dragonfly was on her front porch.
Wait, does it count that you said transition? No, because I'm not on time. Look at Annabelle.
See, I've set a good example. Annabelle's cheating already. Way to go. Good girl. You're trying to work the system, girl.
I was just asking. Work in the system. I was just asking. That's all right. Yeah, so, but yeah,
I mean, they would teach stuff like that, and the number thing, ones, the ones and the number, 11 -11,
I mean, if you saw that, that was God was getting ready to transition you in your next step. This is just...
Yeah. It's sinful. I mean, it's sinful, and it's unbiblical, and I engaged in this, but this is not biblical practices, as you know.
Right. No, this is utter blasphemy. This is blasphemy on parade. What cracks me up is that I know a lot of these false prophets know of prophecy bingo, and some of them have even mentioned it, and that they're aware of it, but man, they dare not point too many people to it.
Let's see here. A super chat from Astral Kingdoms. Oil Bola being back should not make me this excited, yet here
I am grinning like a fool. Prophetic Macarena returns. The glory days of prophecy bingo are back upon us again.
So... Okay. Hang on a second here. We got to keep moving forward here.
Oh, man, do I hate doing this one? Hang on. All right. So this is like watching prophetic paint dry.
Let's listen to the prophetic word for September. Kevin Bridges.
Kevin Bridges, man. Here we go. As I'm looking to September, the Lord is showing me waves of water and waves of fire.
And the Lord says, I'm bringing to you... Look, he had AI create waves of water and waves of fire.
Way to go. Clearly, he's not keeping ahead of them like Kay Nash has told them to do.
Thank you, Stable Diffusion, for this visual. Okay, we continue. The empowerment of my
Holy Spirit. I'm empowering you with my Holy Spirit to go above and beyond to do more than you could have imagined.
I'm empowering you also with the water of... That's a misappropriation of Ephesians 3.
I wish I had... I got to put that in. Misappropriation of scripture here. My word. For my word is spirit, and my word is life.
In this season, it will be a season. Season is a Prophecy Bingo word, and if you have Kairos, that counts, because that's the
Greek word. Nice, nice. Oh, man, am I helping? I'm helping
Dawn now? I have to help myself here. Thank you. Be sure to secure your own oxygen mask before helping others.
Right, I do have Kairos, but okay. Of taking hold of my word, of speaking it forth, and of seeing my
Holy Spirit at work, of seeing the impossible made possible. For I am the
Lord who is empowering you in this time. There are great storms which will come, great storms which will seem to provoke fear that will cause people to be afraid.
But as you stand upon my words of life and truth, you will see the impossible made possible. For I am the
Lord and I am at work. Remember, recall to mind, the story of my people, how
I led them out of Egypt, how I brought them to a place of impossibility, how I made a way to the wilderness.
A place of impossibility. He brought them to the wilderness. What on earth?
Are we going to the wilderness? No, it's impossible today, so we can't go there. ...through, across the water.
Trust in me that I am bringing to you an awareness of my presence like never before. For I am the one who will guide you, the one who will lead you.
I will make a way where it has seemed all but impossible. I will empower you by my Spirit. I will fill you with my words of life.
I will fill you with my words of love. For the water of my word is flowing upon you to cleanse, to heal, and to restore.
My Spirit is at work to open doors, to make a way where it has not been possible before. Expect my goodness.
Expect the blessings of heaven. For I am bringing... Blessing is a Prophecy Bingo word. ...for surprises in this season, surprises of my hand.
Do not look at the darkness. Do not look at the things which are going wrong, but put your eyes upon me, knowing that I am the
Lord who is with you. I am the Lord who is making a way. Put your hope in me. Put your trust in me in you, for I am the rock on which you stand.
I am the Lord who strengthens you, the Lord who fills you anew with my love, who fills you anew with my Holy Spirit.
Well, that was a whole lot of nothing. I don't want to do that. No, I don't want to do it.
I ended up deleting him, and the reason why is because... He steers into the political, and I just don't want to go there.
Oh, that's boring. Here we go. Oh, no. Here we go. This is a legit question.
Is Kevin a robot? I've heard AI that's more engaging, emotionally engaging than Kevin Bridges, so I think that robots are offended by this question,
Aubrey. I would note that. When ones and zeros can out charisma you.
That's right. That's horrifying, and then we got a super sticker from Amber.
Let's see here. A lemon character moving his head from left to right with his mouth wide open and red hearts in his eyes.
Okay, got it. That's the sticker. It's a description of the sticker, yeah. Got it. It's describing the sticker.
Got it. Okay. All right, here we go. It's Anaise. Here we go. Hello, everyone.
My name is Anaise. You're very welcome here to listen to this word. This word is about September, and that's coming very fast, very quick, so God has given me an amazing word, something
I was praying about, but then he put something in me, and it was absolutely amazing. I think it's a wonderful message for what's happening, actually, this year, what's happening in the lives of God's people, and we know that God has been doing a shaking.
God has been doing a shaking. It's to get stuff out. So he shakes you to get stuff out.
Internal organs, pocket change. That sounds just awkward.
Okay. God grabs you by the scruff of your neck. Let me get that stuff out.
What was that? What was that, Annabelle? He's taking stuff out of my pocket. There you go.
He's shaking all the money out of your pockets. There you go. Okay. Is the God of these prophets nothing more than a shakedown artist?
You know, I think so. I think so. Okay, here we go. New wine can come.
The fresh fire. Fire is a
Prophecy Bingo word. Fire, fresh, new wine. And so is fresh. Yeah. Did she say new wine?
She said new wine. She said new wine. That's right. That falls under new wineskins. Okay, yeah, that'll fall under new wineskins.
That's correct. He wants you to be ready. He wants you to be clean on the inside. So whatever's defiling, us comes out of the mouth.
So God wants that out. And he wants the fresh. He wants the new. He wants the love. He wants the fruit.
So all this other stuff has to go. So if you've been noticing stuff in your life, most times...
Noticing stuff. Okay. It's not the devil. It is God shaking things. And God storing things up.
And he's removing people. He is planting people. He is changing hearts.
He is changing attitudes. And yeah, he's bringing change in our life.
So let's get into this brilliant word. Thanks for being here. Really appreciate it. Thank you for subscribing. We do have a question coming in via Super Chat.
And the question is this. Is someone anointed with literal oil in bingo?
We haven't figured out a way to do that yet. So once YouTube has the oil sprayers available, we will consider oil anointings if you get a bingo.
But since YouTube hasn't installed that feature yet, we are not able to access that.
We can just fax it to him. Just give us your fax number. We'll get you some. We'll send you some oil that way.
All right. Okay. Okay. Continuing on here. Hello.
For sharing this with those who need to hear it, I really appreciate it. So let's get into this. So Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we worship you all.
Amen. So coming into September, the days are just going so fast. Years are going so fast.
Because you're getting older, lady. Things are moving fast. But as we move forward, like I just said, change has to come.
Change has to come. God doesn't change. But we can step outside of God's plan for us.
We can act on impulse. We can go the wrong way, the wrong people. Many people try to cover and hide their sins.
You know, but God's grace and mercy is for this season. And God doesn't want anything that defiles us to get in the way.
Okay? So God is teaching us things in this season. And God is bringing us to the... He's teaching us things.
So, in this season. Okay. And remember last season, the
Lord was showing me about how we're growing. And we're going to new heights in the spirit. And the new wine skin.
So that means... Yeah. New wine skin, if you got it. Okay. I got it. I got it. I got it.
There you go. There you go, Annabelle. All right. Good job. The new can't be together. Amen.
So, listen. The Lord brought me two scriptures about being humble. And that can mean taking responsibility for your actions.
So, a lot of times, you know, if someone... You know, Inez, I got to ask a question.
How humble are you if you're prideful enough to think you're hearing from God and delivering words that he hasn't actually given you to give?
You know. Just saying. Just saying. You know. Yeah. Awkward.
Okay. Hang on a second here. All right. Cheryl, Sherry Ann Zephyrin.
Okay. And she's proudly displaying her 100 ,000 subscriber thing.
And boy, she got this a lot faster than we did, Josh. Well, we're playing on hard mode.
Yeah. We're playing on hard mode because we're not telling anybody what they want to hear. So, tell them what they need to hear, which people don't want to hear.
So, all right. Let's... Okay. So, your angels fixed it. Tomorrow, by this time, congratulations is the name of the prophecy.
And here's Sherry Ann Zephyrin. Here we go. Welcome you to the channel. And I also want to welcome you to be a part of this family.
Guys, I have a quick word. I have a beautiful quick word. I'm not going to be long. I promise.
I don't know who this one is for. But the Lord has sent me to bring you good... You don't know who this is for?
I was going to say, wouldn't the Lord know that? I mean, wouldn't... I mean, in the
Old Testament, I recall like, you know, God saying, I want you to go and anoint Jehu and make him king over Israel.
And I have a word specifically for him. So, you're delivering a word, but it's not addressed to anyone in particular.
Okay. I don't know. This sounds like a return to center situation. I don't know. Yeah. All right.
And that Jeff Delaney actually had a good point. He said, no prophet ever.
That's a good point. I'm going to 100 % agree with that. We continue.
Here we go. Good news, child of God. Only yesterday morning, I was woken up by these words. I heard the voice of the
Lord said, I am finished. I am finished. Glory be to God. I don't know. God's going to die?
He's done? Oh, no. No, he's just done with her. I don't know.
I'm sorry. No. Done. I'm done. I can't handle this anymore. I'm done with you, lady. I'm finished.
Oh, my goodness. We continue. This one is for, but you've been fighting. You've been fighting and fighting a spiritual warfare.
You've been attacked spiritually. Yeah. Warfare is a word. It is over child of God.
I've come to tell someone this, that you have won the battle. You have won the victory. You have fought the good fight.
And God says, it is done. It is over. You have won the victory. Glory be to God. Didn't Jesus win the victory?
I have victory. Yeah, you have victory. Very nice. You have victory. I have victory, too.
Thanks for pointing that out, Annabelle. That's really good. I probably would have missed that if it weren't for you.
Yeah, Walter has a great point. The angel Gabriel.
God has this word for somebody, but dang, I forgot who it was. Let me put it out there.
Somebody is a virgin that is going to give birth to the Messiah. One of you is out there somewhere. We need a recreation of what exactly she heard.
Would you like to bust out Vincent for us? Hi, this is the Holy Spirit. I have a word, but I lost my notes and I forgot who it is for.
Could you just release this? I'm sure it will get to the right person.
I'm sorry that I forgot who it was for. Thank you. I'm so happy, Cher Ann, that you have this
YouTube channel because technology is so difficult and challenging for me. There we go.
I need you to send a word to her. Thank you very much. Who the hell?
Who the hell? Rona asked a question. What was the word again?
I think the word is I'm finished. That's what she heard. I'm finished.
God, you have put in the work. God says no work goes undone.
You have won. I've come to tell you this. God says by tomorrow you will see a difference. By tomorrow you will see a shift.
By tomorrow you will see a change in the mighty name of Jesus. Things are about to flow in your favor.
The favor of God is upon you. The blessings of the Lord is after you. Glory be to God. You will see a change.
The angels, God, have set forth within these last weeks to fight your battle, child of God.
And God says you are victorious. Glory be to God. He gave me a Roman. She's blowing sunshine up people's derriere.
What's going on here, man? I don't know if that's sunshine. Wow. It doesn't smell good enough to be sunshine.
What on earth? One more and I get a bingo. One more, huh?
Okay. Let's see here. I will metamorphosize your surroundings.
What on earth? What is going on there?
Oh, my goodness. The Lord was showing me a picture of lightning striking sand and sand turning into glass.
And the Lord is saying that not only am I going to give you my power in this season, but I'm going to change your surroundings.
I'm going to metamorphosize your surroundings. They're not going to look anything like they did. They're going to completely change.
Dawn, would you tell us what your T -shirt says, please? My friend and sister in Christ gave me this shirt.
And it says, thank God told me better be followed by chapter and verse.
Yeah. Okay. Metamorphosis. Okay. I mean, he could literally be saying.
Okay. Imagine he says this. Yeah. And it's like the mid -2000s. And then Hurricane Katrina rolls through.
You know, he wouldn't entirely be wrong. It's just, you know, he's basically prophesying calamity. Like, yes, weather events and systems are going to come and destroy the area around you.
It'll be completely different. Right. Okay. Hang on a second here.
We got to factor in the arrows. Hold on. A few years back, we were walking through all kinds of different crazy
Flag waving. And one day the Lord said to me, I want you to look in the
Psalms at the story of Joseph from my point of view.
And what the scripture said is the archers shot bitterly at Joseph.
But the hand of the Lord made him strong and he prevailed. And you know what the
Lord said to me that day? He said, this is the story of Joseph. Get used to it.
Get used to the making of a Joseph. If that is your call, you got to go ahead and factor in some adversity and some misunderstandings and some pits before you get to your place of elevation.
And I'm telling you, it was. I guess. So I need to let somebody rip a coat off of me and throw me into a pit and sell me to Egyptians.
Yeah. No, you have to, you have to, you have to survive for workplace harassment. Ah, yes. I stay at home.
So do children count in that harassment? It's a different kind, but sure. We can, we can go with that.
Yeah. OSHA doesn't get involved with that kind. So and going to HR won't solve anything there.
So. You are the HR squad. Yeah. You're in charge of your own
HR. Okay. Wow. Okay. Sobering moment, but I could hear the
Lord almost laughing. Like, honey, this is what it takes. Okay. I got,
I got to point this one out. So Donald Jacobson says I'm a retired psychiatrist. This is crazier than my practice was.
Well, almost. Any, any, is anybody else getting really bad
ABBA impersonator vibes from this lady? Then you change your mind.
Sorry. Take a chance on me. Anyway. I believe it's maybe
Psalm 109. I think. Read Psalm. God's talking to you, lady.
How are you? Why are you having to guess? I think it's Psalm 109. Maybe it's Psalm 110.
I don't know. Somewhere in there. Christina pointed this out.
This is like, there's a good question. Jesus said, honey. Yeah. Get used to it, honey.
Okay. Oh, okay. Yeah. Jesus said that. Okay. And you're going to note that when
Jesus does something like that, he's mansplaining. So, you know, this is, that would be prophetic mansplaining.
So. Oh, man.
It's terrible. Okay. Okay. I believe that's it.
And just see what was required for Joseph to walk through and be encouraged that just because you're enduring and coming into difficulty.
I like miss Timmons prophesied a couple of weeks ago, just because you're enduring and coming into difficulty, Don't deviate from the plan.
Don't deviate from the plan. You're still on the path to exactly where God has appointed you to be.
This lady couldn't even write a meal plan. Wow. Factor in the arrows.
Factor in the arrows. Okay. All right. Factor in the arrows. Factor in the arrows.
And what will quench every fiery arrow scent is the shield of faith.
Put your hand on somebody. Suddenly, yes.
Suddenly shouting. And say the Lord is strengthening you. The Lord is strengthening my.
Okay. Shield. He's polishing it right now. He's getting you ready.
So that the next arrow that comes towards you will be quiet. And it's.
He's slushing again. That's the term. I didn't. I couldn't remember last time. It's a slush. When you saw your words together like this.
That's just a mess. All right. Now this, this is the guy who invented the
Holy ghost. Hokey pokey. If you've ever listened to the podcast of fighting for the faith back in the, in the day, we, we, we featured regularly as part, you know, kind of like in our, in our, you know, in our intermissions.
This guy is that you're talking about the Holy ghost. Hokey pokey. Okay. Is that what it is?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So hang on a second.
This is Jason Hooper. Okay. He used to be at morning star and, and he he's the inventor of the
Holy ghost Hokey pokey. So he's, he's now doing prophetic words for different months now. So he's, he has been drinking or Sylvester, the cat, one of the others.
Yes. Suffering suck attach. Okay. It's going to be a September to remember the
Lord spoke to us several weeks ago in our perfect preview for this fall about the month of September, October, and November prophetic.
I gave you a prophetic preview for the fall. This is actually our, our, our calendar spread for the prophetic months of September, October, November.
Please notice that we have really good artistry. Yeah, no. So, so, so Don, I got,
I got to say this. Okay. So, you know, I I'm a pastor and God never talks to me and give me any kind of prophetic previews for anything.
I, you know, I, the only prophecies I'm able to get access to are the ones in scripture.
So let me ask you this as somebody who used to be a part of all of this stuff, did you guys think that you were super special and better?
You know, I had better churches because you guys had these direct words or other places like the congregation that I serve.
Yeah. We're just kind of kicked to the curb by God. And, and, you know, we're, we're left as orphan children without any special special words from God.
Oh yeah. I mean in these, these types of environments it's, it's explicitly stated, you know, the people that don't have the power of the
Holy spirit and do what, what we do in there, they're dead. Those are dead churches.
They have quenched the Holy spirit. They don't believe in the move of God and the power of God. And so it does create this this class of Christian, essentially that, you know, we have the
Holy spirit cause we do all this stuff, but you don't. So. Yeah. Yeah. I remember that when
I was in the, when I was in the latter reign. So, okay. Let's see here. Let's keep going. September will be a month to remember.
October will be a month of outpouring. As I saw God blow into October 2nd, blowing away.
Outpouring. I have outpouring. Outpouring is a prophecy bingo word. So God's going to clear his nose in October.
Got it. Disappointment, discouragement, despair, and disillusionment. As the Holy spirit prepared new place settings at his table prepared in the presence of your enemies.
And that November would be a time of no return that we would cross a threshold. That would bring it.
Yeah. See you. Once you get to November, you can't return any of these prophetic items. There are already damaged goods.
Yeah. He didn't use alliteration for September. He used over November, but he didn't for September.
That's right. Yeah. Yeah. That's, that's a good point. That's not prophetic.
That's pathetic. I'm not doing that. I can boil this prophecy down to two words.
I already know it. No refunds. Right on.
Okay. Let's continue on. A new beginning to our nation and to the world.
And so this morning I want to speak to you primarily about the month of September and to encourage you in the revelation that comes through righteous remembrance as we don't come to remember our past, but we remember
God's past faithfulness to us because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
I also want to encourage you to join us this coming Sunday for, do you remember we're going to be having an entire supernatural strength that is found in that place of in times past and have hope for the future.
Also want to remind you that this stands now. I know that many of you may have other churches that you're a part of, but you have Wednesday night available to come to be.
What was that? Go back up at what? Oh, I've honestly never seen a false prophets using the stone table from, uh, you know,
Chronicles of Narnia for, and I know, I know it's just a table, right? Right. You know, this kind of has a crazy vibe to it.
And I, and I hate to reference this, but have you guys seen the tick tock account for nutter butter, peanut butter cookies?
I mean, it looks like somebody dropped acid and decided to make videos. It's the weirdest thing
I've ever seen in my life. This kind of has that kind of vibe to it. It's the, this is like the nutter butter.
Yeah. Okay. Continuing on here. You want to make plans now? I know that many of you may have other churches that you're a part of, but you have
Wednesday night available to come and to be equipped and to go back into serve your body as well. And, and it's just such a powerful time of not only being equipped and empowered, but also having hands on opportunity to do what we have been taught.
And so again, this is going to be a September to remember as God pours out significant signs and wonders, turning over tables and turning the hearts of many back to him.
The Holy spirit told me that this is going to be a month, September of Holy spirit surprises. It's also.
What? Surprise. Oh, Holy spirit.
You're so fun. Yeah. Say hello to pinata. God. Yeah. Okay.
Okay. Of course the ninth month. And we know that there are nine gifts of the Holy spirit.
So nine is a number that speaks to the gifting of the Holy spirit and the fruit of the Holy spirit. And what has been given by grace and has been received in seed form in times past is about to flourish this
September. As we remember God again, redemptive, righteous remembrance causes you to live planted in a place of God's divine protection and provision and position.
Provision is a prophecy being a word. Yeah, that's right.
There we go. Did she get a bingo? Two. All right.
That, that you will have you prophesy at the end here. Let's, let's see here for all that he has promised to come to pass in your life.
And Isaiah 43, he says, put me in remembrance and let us contend together. And that's one of the things that we do when we come to prayer.
We, when we begin to pray the word, we're not just reminding ourselves of what God has done, but we are also employing the angelic.
It says in Psalm one of three 20, that angels bless the Lord, you, his angels who excel in strength heating. It means that they hear and take action when they hear the voice of his word, but it also invites us into a divine partnership with the whole.
So, so we employ, are they, are they unemployed? Yeah. They're laid off.
The angelic realm right now. They're, they're having a high unemployment rate. Can you please employ some angels for me, please?
It's like, what on earth? Heavenly inflation is, has been terrible.
Yeah. Hang on a second here. Um, no, I, um, all right, here we go.
Vehicular prophecy. That, that is absolutely a vehicular prophecy right there. Now I am one away from a single prophecy and I've got,
I'm like two away from prophecy from getting a bingo on like several different rows, but I, I'm, I'm like all over the map right now here.
Okay. Okay. All right. Here we go. Oh, the
Lord is saying, is that a poop emoji on her head? Nevermind.
Sorry. Sorry. I shouldn't have said that out loud. Oh brother. Okay. I can't unsee that.
I just, okay. Okay. Okay. I, I, I know that was very,
Naughty of me very naughty of me to say that so You will see the hand of the
Lord move in your life, thank you Lord, you will see the hand of the Lord move in your life
Many of you have gotten discouraged You've gotten just in this place of despair because you feel like you haven't seen
God do the things that you've prayed about That you've been believing for all of this year and now leaving for is a prophecy bingo phrase
We are in the month of September and this is the ninth month. Thank you. Lord. This is the birthing month.
Thank you Birthing is a practical word.
Oh my goodness What was that was that Annabelle Believing for that is absolutely prophecy bingo word here
Through the labor and you go through the labor pains before the birthing happens before that blessing arrives
And the Lord is saying that many of you are in this season of change right now You have been through the difficult moments.
You have to bail through it. You have even had more My apologies to those of you in the audience who are saying this can't unsee it.
Now. I'm having I'm struggling myself I Feel I feel like what's happened is that she's had a birthing and And that's what she's birthed.
It's right there on her forehead and I can't unsee it Think I think it's from Bugs Life.
It's like you are poopoo heads. Yeah Yeah, that's right That is from Bugs Life Oh But now see this is kind of personal questions that get
I get fired at me Chris Have you birthed anything lately? Not that I'm aware of. Okay, so, you know at least not intentionally or even accidentally
Okay, we continue here Persistent patience Persistent patience you have been walking through you have been enduring you have been consistent in seeking the
Lord you have been diligent and what it is that he has told you to be diligent over and in and you are birthing and You will see the hand of the
Lord move in your life before Christmas today is September 2nd 2024 So I pray that as you receive this word that you keep it before you that you would allow it to fuel your faith
That you would allow your emotions even that you would place your emotions under the authority of Christ So when the opposite comes when your emotions try to tell you not to believe when your emotions try to tell you to doubt
When your emotions try to pull you to the left or to the right keep your feet planted on this word with the
Lord Just worthless utterly worthless. Oh my goodness.
Okay. Hang on a second here Okay, let's let's try this one here we go as The month of September unfolds let us take this time to seek
God's peace guidance and strength This is from prophetic word official, okay
It has the word official. So I mean that that means something right, you know, okay
September often marks a shift in the seasons where we begin to transition from the warmth of summer to the cool breezes of autumn
Transition just as the seasons change Now you go good job
Okay, our lives too may be filled with transitions both expected and unforeseen
Let this prayer be a source of comfort and assurance Reminding us that God's hand is always upon us
Leading us through every season of life Heavenly Father We come before you with grateful hearts as we enter this new month of September.
Is this a Roman Catholic channel? What on earth? It's a no. They're just using a bunch of stock footage
Okay, okay, I don't know I could it could be but I mean I doubt it yeah Okay, let's see here let's go back here let's go back here
A day when I am testing my Okay John Pauletto in the super chat says
I that he's glad that Annabelle has learned the art of snarkiness. It's such a young age Very good
Yeah, oh that's that's funny, okay, let's see here So thank you
Sarah for your your super sticker and let's see here Okay This is just this is insanity what we have to endure here and I have to hit the play button again, here we go
I am testing the word that is in the deepest part of your recesses and I I During these tests
I am surrounding you Oh Okay, I'm I'm having a hard time at the moment
This is wrong, okay Do they supply, you know raincoats for the front row there at And they said the
Lord's gonna bring the rain Yeah, they have a splash zone there at glory of Zion.
Oh You bring your rain down in Africa Okay, okay, all right, let's collect myself here collecting myself
Okay, I just noticed this Joey Sato says he got a bingo. I'm jealous.
I'm have not That yet today I'm good and I have to cheat big time here at the end to have a chance.
All right, let's see here Okay Know that you are
Surrounded so do not feel vulnerable in your testing
I say call on me as I surround you and Watch me go under you and around you and pick you up higher
So that the vision that you need to withstand the test will be seen
I say do not resist this time of testing
Because it will make you shine in days ahead. I Would like to hear him say she sells seashells by the seashore.
So, yes You know For one of the tiles
Chris, I think word salad would be good. Yeah, I That might be like every prophecy that might be a free space.
Yeah, that is Because he is like the king of word salad like I don't even know what that was
Yeah, yeah, I Wow. I would I don't know if we had a turn
I had the phrase verbose nothings Yeah okay, you know, so I Mean, let me let me just do this real quick.
Make sure there's no but oh Angela Boutwell said laughing so hard my dr.
Pepper spray through my nose. I am so sorry. No, I'm sorry. Yeah My apologies for you on that Angela I would note that I hope your insurance policy covers any damages caused by No, super super spicy salad sauce
Josh you're gonna have to give your prophecy when you do that in that boy Yes, congratulations.
The ultra nerd is here to tell you what God has spoken and you have to say actually You know
Okay, all right, let's let's check in with Joel and Whittaker and then we're probably gonna wrap things up We're kind of yeah.
Oh my goodness and how Tina and Neil got a bingo. Let's see here. I got a bingo I don't think
I would I I would but I did my chest hurts from laughing so hard. Yeah, I Apologize for that You're having chest pains, please call 9 -1 -1
I Haven't I haven't been able to cheat at all. There's been no like tongue -speaking.
I'm really upset here Yeah, and I'm the one who picked all this this product these prophecies. What was
I thinking? All right, let's let's continue here Well, God bless you.
God bless you. And what what is going on with the exposure on that video? I Can tell you exactly what's happening and it's not very charitable, but I think it's not inaccurate notice
Her face doesn't exactly look her color of her face doesn't match her neck. No and You're right.
The exposure is really high. She's writing to hide wrinkles. That is what's going on so because the thing is
This looks like a high -key, you know type of exposure. So right it's so in when
Major studios changed from standard definition to high definition and you know, the
Kate went from cable to digital and stuff like that People hated the way that newscasters look because you could see like every pore and every wrinkle or whatever
So in order to fight that what they do is they? Overexpose slightly to basically smooth out the skin tones of the skin the skin and stuff like that and she's just caked on so much
So I can make myself look longer younger if I would just overexpose You know, if you start pulling those shenanigans
I will I will bring down the exposure in post just to spite you But if I blow out the highlights that my wrinkles and bags under my eyes will disappear magically
Okay Okay. All right. Sorry. We're talking video shop here, but let's keep going to today's program
It is such a joy such an honor to be coming into your life wherever you are watching from I believe that God has something very powerful very impactful very
Meaningful and highly prophetic for you on today pray not just prophetic highly perfect We're now adding modifiers the
Lord now at the time of this live broadcast Amen, it is the very first day of the month of September in the year 2024 now a lot of times we don't like to actually put a date on a broadcast
We'd like to leave them what is known as evergreen, which means that it can be applicable You know, that's a phrase in there in the prophetic parlance.
They they give prophecies without dates so that they can be evergreen I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, but I I only accept coniferous Wow Okay.
All right. Let's see any time any day any season? Well, you know the Word of the Lord really is that way by nature the
Word of God has absolutely no barriers There are no barriers in time. There are no Boundaries to the
Word of God there are no restrictions to the Word of God the Word of the Lord anchored in Scripture is eternal.
Amen. There are going to be people here that you will listen to this word next month You will listen to this word.
Hey, hang on a second. I have to respond to this Fighting for the faith. We love you wrinkles and all oh good cuz there's more of them coming as I get older I'm saying, you know, it's
It's only going to get worse and you know, so hang on you haven't seen nothing yet You know,
I might my ability to create wrinkles will astound you by before this is all over. So, okay
We can Continue word two months from now. You will listen to this word, you know sometime next year
And it may not be the month of September at all However, there are many who will certainly glean amen and gain insight information confirmation prophetic power prophetic
Impartation. Amen a prophetic word that actually comes to pass there are going to be those Louise Thank you for the super chat
Louise she said well you always said some prophets glow in the dark at least they think they do I think this is absolutely a glow -in -the -dark prophetess at the moment, but it's not supernatural, you know
She's been microwaved for at least three minutes, right? At some point on the road and you will receive your healing you will receive what was that Many prophetic word that actually comes to pass there are going to be those who will listen to this word at some point on the
You will receive your healing you will receive your deliverance. You will receive your victory.
Amen. Praise the Lord that deliverance and victory are Absolutely props to be the nature of the timeless word of God because it is living
Amen, it is active praise the Lord Hebrews 412 and it is always going to do exactly what the
Lord has said It's going to do right? Well, the scripture does that but your word prophetic words don't
So this is going to be on time and applicable for us for you and for I today All right.
Hang on a second here This reminds me of something from fighting for the faith history if you've never listened to the audio podcast we legitimately had somebody sing a version of you're so vain whenever we would do it like a update on like Stephen Furtick and And the
Stephen Furtick update music went like this. You're so vain I bet you think the
Bible's about you. You're so vain I bet you think the
Bible's about you. Don't you? Anyway, it was a great it was glorious Something in our history, so my apologies, let me fast forward
Let me see if this like if she revs up at some point at this point, you know Cuz all she's doing right now is just glowing in the dark here
People are saying that they they want to take the word activation because she said active
Yeah, why not? I will I will be generous and give you activate not that it's on my card or anything
Yeah at this point all of my all of my attempts to Cheat have been stymied.
I have had like no ability whatsoever to cheat so far I mean, I don't know what to do here. God is calling you to a fortified position a fortified
Position here what I'm saying by the Spirit of God the Lord is going to help you to regain and to rebuild and to be restored to a fortified position because in that strong position now you are ready to receive what he has for you in September amen
September is a time of re Constructions if you know there is something in your life that has become why why does
God not synchronize? His words of the Lord for these months with like across the board with all of these different prophets
Why we get different words from from all these different prophets rather than some kind of synchronized thing, you know
Apparently God can't do it to scale Okay, you know, I mean one of the things
I've noticed so a little bit of a you know Let me nerd out here for a second. So I love photography right and and and and as a result of it
Kind of paying attention to like new developments and new releases when it comes to camera gear and there's this thing that happens and that is you always know that a new piece of tech a new piece of gear has dropped in the in the camera industry because like 50 different YouTube channels all on the same day at the same hour have product videos put out reviewing the the latest and greatest piece of gear because these camera companies have learned that That if you if you get a bunch of people releasing videos having seen the thing ahead of time all at the same time
That's like that's like really inexpensive marketing, right? and you know you would think that God the
Holy Spirit would have figured that out if he's gonna release a word like give the same Word to a bunch of different prophets so they can all release it at the same time and and people go
Wow, look at that, you know, but you know, are you are you suggesting that God should have a prophetic embargo?
That Assumes that God's involved in any of this stuff.
Oh, I know no, I'm playing devil's advocate here. Yeah Okay. All right, not that he needs one.
Okay. No, so there was a question. Hang on a second here so Robert paints
I'm sticking with my Nikon d 3300 I Totally that's a that's a legitimately good camera.
I recently picked up the the Nikon Zed 6 -3 and I'm I'm learning how to deal with only 24 megapixels.
I downgraded from 40 something 46 from the Zed 7 2 to the the z 6 3 and whoa and and that's actually that worked out
Okay for me, so I'm okay. But anyway, alright, let's see here. He made his YouTube this YouTube channel.
So cheap She just had to buy it. Okay, um, there was a question whether or not this misappropriated Hebrew there in no
That's not that's actually not Hebrew. So yeah, no good. Try though. Good try. All right now
We got some more super chats. Hang on a second here Curly fry says
Chris I ran your Spotify podcast while on the job and I love listening to you
I'm glad I found you while I'm still young 19 years. Oh, well curly fry glad that you that you found that my hope is that Through hearing
God's Word rightly taught that they will spend then the rest of your life in a good church and And and the goal then is to die in the faith when once you get older, but you get the idea
What was the last time cheating helped Chris win? Not not recently enough.
Thank you for the Yeah, and thank you for the super chat. I get dr.
Alexis for tongues a special request Dr. Alexis, oh, you know what we could do that.
Hang on a second here. Let's See here prophetic. So I'm gonna let's do this prophetic word
September 24 hang on a second here and dr. Alexis.
Let's see. Let's see what we got here Prophetic word. Dr. Alexis. Here we go
Yep Oh, well, let me tell you about a few things you guys I'll be in if you go
All right, hang on the heart though. And so they told him, you know, basically to prepare to pass away
Point you've been walking with the Lord for so long. You just got to take the risk You got to take the risk and say
I'm gonna do it even if I don't know what's gonna happen. I'm gonna trust him I'm gonna take the leap.
I'm gonna take this moment. I'm gonna take it I'm not gonna limit him
Based upon my fear. So what a lot of people I see that they're stagnant there
They're in a situation where they're literally held up. And what is that stagnancy?
It's their own fear. It's not even it's not It's not God. It's their own fear. It's your own fear
About yesteryear and what happened then and sometimes we move ahead of God's timing, you know
Sometimes we move ahead of God's timing, but I believe The invention is being released right now that the strategy is being released right now
Hallelujah, whoo strategy is a proxy bingo word All right, we're coming to life it's coming come on I feel your help coming right now
Hallelujah, I feel your help coming right now
Yeah, thank you Lord. Yeah No, I'm not saying if you're going to a website to learn tongues just understand what
I was saying There's a lot of teachings on tongues that you can learn I can't do the teaching right now, but it will teach you about Tongues, I'm not telling you to learn tongues.
Come on now. Come on. You must have just found this page Come on, come on now.
Let's be serious earlier Let's be serious
You know, I'm not saying that We just he said we just pray to God like he's a gene she was sitting there with her family
I'm not gonna find it. I'm not gonna fight Alas, oh, well, okay.
Okay. Hang on a second here. Okay So yeah, we've been we've been we've been doing this for like an hour and a half ish
So I think at this point we're gonna have to you know, wrap some things up the only opportunity
I'm gonna have for cheating in my In a way to help me is is with any of the extra words that that we're gonna get here
So so let's do this. Let's do this so Annabelle if If if somebody decides that they're gonna subscribe to the fighting for the faith
YouTube channel if they're already subscribed What word do you think that they should get to be able to click off on their bingo?
card and pick one you don't already have clicked off because you got a cheat you got a you got a Maneuver things in your in your favor.
Maybe you might get a triple bingo if you do it, you know Nations, okay nations that doesn't help me, but I'm glad it helps you.
Okay Were you coaching her dawn
Nation Okay, all right,
I see how this goes Okay, so so Don if if they if they like the video they if they like this particular video
They also get another word. What word would you think that they should get? How about a wealth transfer a wealth transfer it is that's that's a pretty good one.
Very good She's Annabelle's like slaughtering us here.
Okay, and I just that was a double bingo for me with the Okay, and I'm gonna add one into my into the mix as well.
And that is is that if they head over to Don Hill's YouTube channel and you know that the lovesick scribe and they subscribe to Don Hill's channel
Then then they should be able to get a calling. What do you think? All right, yeah, yeah, yeah, this is that work, okay and and Josh You know, do you have any other suggestions for a potential word that somebody should have in a reason for the why they should have it
Did we say if they shared the video? Oh Yeah, no, we haven't said that. Mm -hmm Yeah, and if you share the video you have you have the ability to get an authority
Hey, that gives me a double bingo way to go Josh good pick good pick that gives that gives me a triple bingo
Right on All right, Dan Daniel Chapman's in the in the chat now.
Hey good to see you there, sir. All right Hey, there was a super chat earlier.
Okay, who survived the Bethel School of Super? Okay, so Jordan Williamson writes, hang on a second.
Let me see if I put this up here He says I'm a recovering Bethel School supernatural ministry student for 2017
Your channel has been the best resource for me this summer catching up on sound doctrine. Thank you so much
Chris I'm happily reformed now. Praise God. I I'm Lutheran. I wish you'd joined the
Lutheran Church, but alas, but what reformed is close enough. We'll be okay with that All Right, so it is now time for us to officially prophesy based on our bingos and and Annabelle since you you got it
You did so well, I think you should probably lead us off Now Annabelle, did you wish to have musical accompaniment you want music behind you
Yeah, you have a pretty have a flavor that you want All right, go for it
Keep going keep going I Think it's time for you to prophesy.
Did you bring any musical accompaniment for yourself? Way to go.
All right, let's do this So far
There you go, I hear a sound coming for my people for the nation's it's a
Visitation and if I had a flag to wave I'd do it right now But I had a dream about all of this that it's gonna come to pass as we blow the show far.
Oh Okay Yeah, what you just said
All right, let's see here, all right, I I think I need some musical accompaniment but it needs to be kind of like upbeat kind of a
Latin vibe to it Josh a Latin vibe. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah Oh Let me you know,
I have I have the ability to pull up a flamenco guitar, let's try that There we go, there we go.
All right. All right Hashtag dancing hashtag
Health it is time for an oil change and their calling will bring you a wealth transfer of Authority on the free space of anointing while prophesying inside of my
Subaru during the Kairos season of cursing changes That It was intended to be thank you for the
Musical accompaniment there. Yeah, I have no idea what I was doing. All right Let's see.
We got here Okay Okay, I have I I don't know what we're in for.
I wish I did but I'm not gonna Okay, what
I need is I need a little bit different though, let's see Okay intensity is down We're doing an episode of The Office's what is good
This is your prophet speaking. I'm here to give you a word from the
Lord sayest he I Actually, I have a flag I can win this. All right, so I am here to show you something
You blue pair Hanky's that I'm swinging around If you buy them for $5 .99,
you will be blessed with a wealth transfer and back by what I mean to myself This Hanky will give you life
Somehow I can't say how because I don't want to get sued But I feel like there's some prophetic nagrium amongst us today
And I should be yelling apparently, but there is a shift in the authority of this world, but it's calling me
To have something flowing out of me and I'm not gonna go into detail as to what that is sayeth the
Lord John Hill again.
Tell us about your channel real quick How does one find it if they if they want to go there before we even put the link up or you know?
We'll put a link down below. But again, it's it's the love sips six scribe. Is that the name that it goes under?
Don Hill, okay Okay, Don Hill Don Hill, all right, very good
Okay Thank you guys for coming on Annabelle. You did a great job Congratulations on your on your bingos a good job
Don. Thank you for coming on. It was fun having you on there and And Josh, of course always just hilarious
So there's a reason why I always have you back clean up when it comes to the prophecies. So, okay
Look Let me sign off with everybody and then stay I will chat for just a couple minutes afterwards thank you for tuning in to our prophecy bingo live stream and And and and just this is a fun thing that we love to do with you all so until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his Vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.