Justification by Faith with John Samson on Today's Dividing Line


John Samson continues teaching on the doctrine of justification by faith alone, the imputation of Christ's righteousness and how Paul and James compliment each other on the matter.

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Welcome to The Dividing Line. My name is John Sampson, in for Dr. James White today.
I believe he's on a plane or is about to be on a plane to Phoenix very soon, and we're looking forward to having him back here in the
Valley of the Sun. And yet it's my joy to come to you and talk about something very close to the heart of God, that is the gospel of Jesus Christ.
I want to talk about justification by faith alone, part two. Yes, just when you thought it might be safe to go back into the water, part two is here for us to talk about.
And I believe that what we're going to talk about today will be a blessing to the people of God.
Let's pray as we get started. Father, thank you for this time. Thank you for James and the amazing ministry out in South Africa.
Just bless him and his travels. Just keep him safe. Thank you for that, Lord, and we thank you for this program today.
I pray you'll open up the scriptures to us as we delve into them. May the same
Holy Spirit who inspired the word now give us insight and access to the truth we ask in Jesus name.
Amen. Last time on the dividing line, we were talking about justification by faith alone and seeing that the imputation of the righteousness of Jesus Christ received by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, is at the heart of the biblical gospel.
Earlier this year, I wrote a tract and I had a dual purpose in mind, something to put into the hands of non -Christians, but also into the hands of Christians.
I believe the church of Jesus Christ needs to be re -evangelized because oftentimes what has been sold in the marketplace of ideas in the church has not been the gospel.
It's been something else. There's been an obscuring of the true God, an eclipse of the true
God, where God is absolutely like the sun, shining in resplendent beauty and majesty, and yet the moon is obscuring the sun, and the moon in this sense are false ideas about God or inadequate ideas about God, character of God, who
He is. Oftentimes the love of God and the mercy of God is stressed to the point where the holiness and justice of God is not even in view, and I believe it's been deliberate in many sections of the church.
Many will say, I don't want to mention the word sin from the pulpit. I don't want to talk about the wrath of God, and yet you cannot read the book of Galatians or Romans or anything of the gospel in the
New Testament and not stumble across those words. These are biblical words, biblical ideas, and I'm saying we need the biblical gospel.
So I wrote with a dual purpose to hand something to the non -Christian and say this is what the gospel is, but also the feedback
I'm getting about this particular tract that I wrote has been really encouraging because Christians have said to me for the first time
I'm getting it. I'm getting the idea of the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. I see it more clearly now than before, and I thought that's great if I've been able to do that in a little tract here.
It's been translated into a number of languages already. It's been translated into Hungarian and on the streets of Budapest.
I believe they're handing out tracts like this with obviously the translation in the vernacular of those in Hungary.
Also, I don't know if you can see this, but I've got this in English or American English, but this one's in Malayalam.
It's a strange -looking language. It looks like someone's joking with us.
Can I put it a little bit closer to the camera perhaps? It's strange, that's all
I can say. There are numbers on here which I recognize which are verses, but other than that I have no idea what any, any of these words are.
And 25 ,000 have been printed and are being distributed in the state of Kerala in the southern part of India.
I've had the joy of going out there four different times and preaching the gospel there, and it's great to know that that particular tract is being used out there.
And we have a missions project at the church here in town, King's Church, to get the gospel out.
We want to be not only reformed in our understanding, getting the gospel right, but getting the gospel out.
And it's our belief in divine election and predestination that tells us that God has sheep everywhere, absolutely everywhere.
And evangelism is basically go out and round up the sheep. God knows who the sheep are, we don't.
We go preach the gospel to everyone, but God has his people, and Revelation tells us they're in every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.
Revelation 5 verse 9. So if you'll allow me, I want to walk us through this little tract I wrote. I might comment on one or two of the statements in here, but I want to go quickly through it, because it really conveys what
I believe is the biblical gospel. It's called the trial. And let me just read it.
The case of God, the Father, against, and there's a blank part of the sentence, and it says fill in your name.
The case of God, the Father, against, John Samson. You insert your name. Prosecuting attorney,
Satan, the accuser of the brethren, Zechariah 3 verse 1. Defense attorney, the
Lord Jesus Christ, 1 John 2 verse 1. Judge presiding, God, the righteous judge,
Psalm 711. In attendance, the vast company of elect angels, 1
Timothy 5 verse 21. It is appointed for man to die once, and after that comes judgment,
Hebrews 9 verse 27. You now stand before God, the righteous judge, faced with the charge of great and terrible acts of high treason in the courtroom of heaven.
Gabriel, the high -ranking angel, addresses the court saying, All rise, the righteous judge is coming into his chamber.
The judge declares his court to now be in session and asks for all to be seated. Without any delay,
Satan stands up and addresses the court. He states that the record will show that you have broken all ten of the
Ten Commandments. On countless occasions you've lied, you've stolen, you've used
God's name in vain, you've hated, which Jesus said was murder of the heart, and you haven't put
God first before anything else in your life, just to name a few. Satan will prove your guilt on all counts.
Also, there is indisputable video evidence, as well as reliable witnesses to attest to the facts in this case.
Even your thought life stands as testimony against you. For the Scripture says, And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Hebrews 4 .13 After the case is made against you, there is a hush in the court.
The prosecuting attorney has shown that you have indeed committed acts of high treason against God. It seems inevitable that you will be found guilty.
Satan then addresses the judge and says, A good God must be a good judge.
The facts are clear. You must find this one guilty. Your own record in Proverbs 17 .15
states, He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the
Lord. For you to acquit this one would mean that you are not righteous yourself.
You must find this one guilty as charged. I rest my case.
The judge then calls upon your defense attorney to address the court. The Lord Jesus Christ.
Righteous Father, the case made by the prosecution is indeed true. I will not dispute the charges made.
However, I will submit to this court two pieces of evidence in the defense of my client.
Exhibit A. The passive obedience of Christ. Let the record show that on Calvary's cross the sins of this one was transferred to me and I bore the full punishment demanded by your high and holy justice.
I was wounded for his transgressions, bruised for his iniquities. The chastisement that brought him peace was upon me and by my stripes he was healed.
Isaiah 53 .4 -6 Exhibit B. The active obedience of Christ.
Let the record show that I, the second person of the adorable Trinity, became a man, was born of a virgin, and lived a righteous life on earth always pleasing you, righteous
Father. I lived the life you demanded in your high and holy law just as this one's sins were transferred to me on the cross and I suffered the penalty due to him in his place so also all the acts of my righteous life were transferred to his account.
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
2 Corinthians 5 .21 Righteous Father, if you will check the record you will see that this man's sins have been paid in full.
And in fact the only record concerning this man now is that he lived my life for my life was imputed to his account legally and at your good pleasure.
For it was decreed that this should happen in the eternal council of the divine Trinity before the foundation of the world.
God the Judge. Having checked the eternal records and the validity of Exhibits A and B the case made by the defense is both true and satisfactory in this court for the purpose of dismissing all charges made against this man.
Would the accused please stand. In that my son has borne your punishment in full and has imputed his righteous life to your account
I declare you not guilty but more than that righteous in the splendid righteousness of my son.
I can do this because my wrath due to you was borne by my son.
He has paid for your sins in full. You are justified in my sight.
Forever I am at peace with you. Your sins I will remember no more by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Romans 5 1 Therefore since we have been justified by faith we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ. If salvation depends on the believer's deeds our salvation is only as secure as our faithfulness.
Justification is a legal word from the courtroom and for the believer in Christ it is a past tense event through the person and work of our
Lord Jesus Christ alone. Justified means not merely just as if I'd never sinned but just as if I'd always obeyed.
This peace with God is not some temporary ceasefire in hostilities but is the eternal, immutable and irrevocable standing of the believer with his
God. For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
John 3 16 While this entire courtroom scenario is the certain expectation for those who repent and trust in Christ it must be said that rejecting
God's free gift of salvation will result in something entirely different horribly different in fact one that provides no defense attorney in the court whatsoever but instead the full bearing of the punishment of your crimes against God in hell forever.
John 3 36 says Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life whoever does not obey the
Son shall not see life but the wrath of God remains on him.
You are a precious soul made in the image of God. Oh may you make haste in coming to Christ.
The scripture says now is the day of salvation. 2 Corinthians 6 verse 2
Tomorrow is never promised to anyone. The risen Lord Jesus Christ summons you even now to repent of your sins and to trust fully and only in him.
Come to him then turning away from all you know to be wrong and trusting only in the finished work of the perfect Savior.
I trust that as we've gone through that trial although it's certainly something made up by me in terms of the idea of it the actual outworking of it in the counsel of God is
I believe accurate. It's an accurate statement because the courtroom has already convened the judge has declared every believer in Christ already justified and that's why
Romans 5 1 says what it says therefore having been justified by faith past tense event we have present tense peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ. We must believe the biblical gospel. We must embrace it for everything else leads us to a false gospel message but also to a false
God. The God who exists only exists in terms of the reality of him being the one who's given us a gospel and he's the one who said any other gospel will not save.
The one who believes something else or proclaims something else. Let him be anathema.
Rome has its anathemas on anyone who believes justification by faith alone.
The stakes are very high. There are some Roman Catholics many of them many of the multitudes of them who don't know that and they remain within that body but once that soul is awakened to the reality of what the gospel is and what
Rome's gospel is I believe a person is then duty bound to leave the false organization that preaches a false gospel.
Rome's anathemas despite messages to the country and despite a particular
Roman Catholic priest you might meet who might say look we got over that a long time ago.
What do you and I believe? What the Roman Catholic priest might say or what the official documents of Rome declare?
It's the Vatican that states what Roman Catholics believe and the question then is what does
Rome say and they have been very clear and although the tone is very different today than it was in the 16th century at the
Council of Trent the actual statements of the Council of Trent which was the
Roman Catholic opposition to the reformers and their proclamation about what the reformers were teaching that has never been rescinded.
It's never been changed. In fact as recently as the Roman Catholic catechism all of Trent was reaffirmed.
What are Rome's anathemas? Well some of the most relevant canons that came out of the
Council of Trent were Canon 9 if anyone says that the sinner is justified by faith alone which is what
I say and what Protestants would say it says let him be anathema. That's it.
That's what Rome still says today. We don't really need to read any more.
That's it. In writing that and stating that they put the eternal anathema on anyone who believes the biblical gospel and in that sense put an anathema on their own selves.
Canon 11 if anyone says that men are justified either by the sole imputation of the justice or righteousness of Christ or by the sole remissions of sin or the sole remission of sins let him be anathema.
Guilty as charged. Canon 12 if anyone says that justifying faith is nothing else than confidence in divine mercy which remits sins for Christ's sake or that it is this confidence alone that justifies us let him be anathema.
People on both sides of the debate and people say well why do the people just talk about anathema all the time because on both sides of the debate there was the belief that heaven was real and hell was real and people actually go there and from the biblical text of Galatians 1
Paul put his anathema on anyone who believed or proclaimed anything other than the gospel he brought to them.
Someone somewhere is under the anathema of God because the reformers gospel and the
Rome's gospel could not be held together in unity because they were preaching two different things.
Very very clear. Canon 24 if anyone says that the justice received is not preserved and also not increased before God through good works but that those works are merely the fruits and signs of justification obtained but not the cause of the increase again guilty as charged let him be anathema.
Canon 30 if anyone says that after the reception of the grace of justification the guilt is so remitted and the debt of eternal punishment so blotted out to every repentant sinner that no debt of temporal punishment remains to be discharged either in this world or in purgatory before the gates of heaven can be opened guilty as charged let him be anathema.
Canon 32 if anyone says that the good works of the one justified are in such manner the gifts of God that they are not also the good merits of him justified or that the one justified by the good works that he performs by the grace of God and the merit of Jesus Christ does not truly merit an increase of grace and eternal life da da da da da you guessed it let him be anathema.
Really it was not the evangelicals it was not really the reformers who were condemned in the
Council of Trent in 1564 but the evangel itself the gospel itself the good news which alone is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes was judged by Rome to be so erroneous that anyone who held to it anyone who embraced it was to be regarded as under the curse of God.
Hasn't Rome changed? No in fact it has not the Vatican II documents as well as the new catechism re -invoke the theological position of the
Council of Trent that's very clear condemning the gospel of justification by faith alone through the imputed righteousness of Christ.
What does scripture say? It says to the one who works his wages are not counted as a gift but as is due and to the one who does not work but trusts him who justifies the ungodly his faith is counted as righteousness.
So what do we say to the Roman Catholic? I remember listening to a certain CD some time back it was a question and answer session where Dr.
R .C. Sproul was fielding questions and I was listening and was very interested in the question and very interested in the answer that was given and so I got out my pen and slowed the
CD down or at least stopped at every few words and made a transcription of this question and answer session
I think it might be helpful let me just read it to you a question to Dr.
R .C. Sproul this was from a Ligonier conference back in Pittsburgh in the year 2000 still up to date though Sproul was asked
How do you feel about the Vatican and its doctrine? Can you believe in this and still be saved?
Here's his answer If they are asking Can you be a member of the
Roman Catholic Church and be saved? I would say without question yes If you fully understand the doctrines of the
Vatican and embrace them then I would say no you can't That's because to embrace the teaching of Rome clearly understood you would have to repudiate the gospel particularly the doctrine of justification by faith alone which contrary to the press releases of the accord with the
Lutherans and all of that the Roman Catholic Church has not changed its teaching from the Council of Trent one bit
The Council of Trent in the middle of the 16th century was where they set forth their condemnation of the
Reformation view of justification and set forth the expression of their own doctrine of justification
The questioner then asked Which is? Well it's complicated but real quickly the doctrine of justification in Rome involves several elements
It begins with baptism, sacramentally where in the sacrament of baptism justifying grace is infused into the soul of the recipient
It's called the righteousness of Christ It is infused ex operare operato through the working of the sacrament that infusion of grace places the infant in a state of grace and two things have to happen
One, they must cooperate with that grace and assent to that grace to be justified
Cooperare et assentare are the exact words of Trent to such a point that righteousness inheres in the soul for them to be saved
Now as long as righteousness inheres in the soul you're in a state of justification you're in a state of grace until or unless you commit mortal sin
Mortal sin is called mortal sin because it kills the grace of justification in your soul
Now here's also what is spelled out at Trent You can commit mortal sin while you still have authentic faith so you can have faith and not have justification so faith alone will never suffice
They are not saying that you'll be justified without faith because they require that you have faith and faith performs three functions
Faith is determined at Trent to be the fundamentum, the foundation the initium the initiation and the rodex, the root of justification so you've got to have faith but faith alone will not do it
Now if you commit mortal sin you don't get re -baptized even though you've lost the grace of justification you go to the second plank of justification which is the sacrament of penance defined by Trent as the sacrament for those who've made shipwreck of their souls.
In the sacrament of penance you have to make confession you have to get priestly absolution and then you have to do your works of satisfaction which are necessary to gain meritum de congruo or congruous merit.
Merit that does not oblige God to redeem you but makes it fitting for God to restore you to a state of grace and as long as you stay in that state of grace then you have inherent righteousness righteousness that is in you then you will be saved but if you die with any impurity on your soul you go to purgatory the purging place until the impurity is removed the protestant and I believe biblical view is that the moment you put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ all that he is and all that he has becomes yours in the sight of God and that the righteousness by which we are justified is not our inherent righteousness but strictly and solely the righteousness that Luther said is extra nos outside of us and justicium alien an alien righteousness somebody else's righteousness that's the gospel that is what saves me not my inherent righteousness but the righteousness of Christ that was performed in his life not in my life in his life and the moment
I put my faith and trust in him I'm redeemed forever I don't have to worry about purgatory
I don't have to worry about works of congruous merit I don't have to worry about inherent righteousness
I mean God is going to make me inherently righteous in heaven but my justification does not rely upon that it is not the gospel to go tell people here the grace of God will help you become inherently righteous why don't you come and join our church and we will give you the sacrament of grace to help you that's not the gospel
I trust you're hearing what I'm saying there's a big huge distinction between Rome's gospel and the biblical gospel why do
I say that Rome says it the reformer says it and countless decades were spent on either side not only searching the scriptures but making sure we know what we're saying we know what the other side is saying it was not something that just happened very very quickly the response of Rome was decades after Luther first started spouting the idea that we are saved because of the work of Christ alone received by grace alone through faith alone in him 1564 is kind of a little bit out there when the diet of warmth was in 1521 and the writings of Luther had affected many people for decades a lot of time was spent but the declaration of the council of Trent still stands in the
Roman Catholic system and we may enjoy very very many unifying doctrines regarding the person of God the person of the
Lord Jesus Christ that he's fully God and fully man but it's the gospel that defines what
Christians are and what they believe and if you think about it the Judaizing heretics in Galatia shared many commonalities with the true
Christians they believed in the true God the God of Israel they I'm sure believed that Jesus was the
Christ the son of the living God they just added one thing to the gospel happened to be circumcision and Rome has not just added one thing but numerous things to the gospel of Jesus Christ I trust that you have embraced the true gospel because only by the true gospel do you proclaim and embrace the true
Christ it was Augustus top lady who wrote that wonderful hymn rock of ages written in 1763 rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee one of the verses say not the labor of my hands can fulfill thy laws demands could my zeal no respite no could my tears forever flow all for sin could not atone thou must save and thou alone nothing in my hand
I bring simply to the cross I cling naked come to thee for dress helpless look to thee for grace foul
I to the fountain fly wash me savior or I die while I draw this fleeting breath when mine eyes shall close in death when
I rise to worlds unknown see thee on thy judgment thrown rock of ages cleft for me let me hide myself in thee is that your testimony
I trust that it is I trust that it is I trust your trusting only in Christ in what he has done what he's provided let's talk about our faith the faith that justifies and recognize this faith is not something meritorious the one little work we do that God says oh that is such a superlative thing that you've done placing your faith in my son that is so noteworthy
I will grant you all of the graces of salvation because of this meritorious act on your part no even the faith that we put in Christ is
God's gift to us and our faith is often times feeble can you imagine the situation where perhaps you've got some plumbing problems in the home there's a pipe that's leaking and you're aware of it and you look through the phone book trying to find someone who'll come in and you see an ad for a plumbing company and you skeptically well
I don't think I can fix this myself I'm good at some things but not plumbing and you call but you're skeptical but you make the call and you happen to get hold of a guy who comes within minutes and looks at your pipes and says
I want you to just allow me to work on this and you leave him for a few minutes and he says as he comes back and reports what's going on your problem is certainly your pipe but I found a bigger problem there's termites and your house is
I'm amazed it's still standing and your house is about to fall down not only your pipes but your house are in trouble but can you just go away for a few moments in fact for a couple of days and you agree and he not only fix your pipes but he builds you a new house on the land he takes down everything and puts everything back up and you say this is amazing what do
I owe you and he says nothing I tell you this is an illustration by the way you can tell he gives you a new house he gives you a perfect house he gives you a house that will stand through any storm but was it your amazing faith that got you this amazing provision no it's the fact you called on the right person and with weak faith with little faith you called on the right one and it's the illustration that shows us
Jesus is the perfect saviour he does the whole job he doesn't just fix the little sin issue that we might have because we're still speaking with cuss words at times we've got this little issue we're trying to deal with right he goes to the heart and he says you need not only to deal with your mouth you need to deal with your heart and here's the thing
I'll take out the heart of stone and put in a heart of flesh and everything of our salvation is all of Christ and whosoever shall call on the name of the
Lord shall be saved whoever calls the right plumber gets that kind of a deal whoever calls on the Lord Jesus Christ gets hold of the perfect saviour he's perfect in his saving he's perfect in his saviourhood nothing meritorious about faith let me give you a quote from John Gerstner who's now with the
Lord but he said this why is faith the means of justification simply because it is the action of union with Jesus Christ faith is our coming to him our trusting him our resting in him the moment we are united to him we are immediately endowed with all that he has secured for us we are immediately justified before we have done a single good deed because we are his and he is
God's just as a very poor woman is a very poor woman until the very moment that she marries a wealthy man but at the moment she becomes his wife she becomes a wealthy woman it is by means of her acceptance that she becomes a wealthy woman but her acceptance does not make her a wealthy woman it is her husband's wealth that makes her so so faith does not justify
Christ justifies but faith is the act of union with Christ Christ justifies through faith but it's not the meritorious nature of faith that justifies it's faith that gives us the merits of our saviour
B .B. Warfield said this the saving power of faith resides not in itself but in the almighty saviour on whom it rests it is not faith that saves but faith in Jesus Christ it is not strictly speaking even faith in Christ that saves but Christ that saves through faith do we understand this do we understand the wonder of this that on the cross
Jesus in his passive obedience absorbed the wrath of God due to us as our sins were laid on him
Isaiah 53 4 through 6 spells it out he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement that brought us peace was upon him and by his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to our own way and the lord has laid on him imputation the lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all not only is the passive obedience of Christ him laying his life down for us in death but his active obedience was the whole life of Christ someone has said if all
Jesus needed to do was die for us he could have descended from heaven on good friday gone to the cross taken the wrath due to us and risen from the dead three days later but that's not the story of the gospel is it the gospel is the fact that the second person of the holy trinity became a man was born of a virgin and lived a sinless life for all those years and that was the plan of God because God knew that we needed more than simply our sins to be forgiven to access heaven we needed positive righteousness and so at the cross
Jesus absorbed the punishment due to our demerits our sins he took them on himself 1st
Peter 2 24 he bore our sins in his body on the tree but at the cross not only were our sins transferred to Christ but Christ's righteousness is now transferred to the believers account 2nd
Corinthians 5 21 Philippians 3 9 it's through the new testament a righteousness that is not ours but Christ Christ is our righteousness 1st
Corinthians 1 verse 30 and that righteousness is not pulled from a tree somewhere it's the righteous life of Christ that is reckoned or transferred to our account we all understand the idea of transfer
I remember I had a bank account sometime back and I kept very little in it and was surprised knowing that it was slightly in the positive to get a statement from the bank saying that I was in arrears and that I've been charged 70 dollars 2 lots of 35 dollar charges for something that I thought was taken care of because although there was very little in the account
I knew it had at least 8 bucks in there or 7 or 8 dollars anyway so I got this letter saying
I was so many dollars in arrears so I went to the bank and they said I'm sorry you are in arrears and I said
I'm sorry I'm not and they said you are I said I'm not and this went on for about 5 seconds and then they said well let's look at your account and they pulled up my account and they said oh it seems that we have inadvertently charged you 10 dollars when we shouldn't have you fulfill all the conditions to have no charges every month and we've knocked your account below zero and because you've made 2 very miniature very minor payments of 2 dollars here and 3 dollars here on your credit card we've charged you 35 dollars each time you've done that and I said oh so is there anything you can do and they said because it was the banks mistake we will credit to your account the 70 dollars thank you very much which
I said and then I left the bank that's what a credit is that's what a transfer is there is a transfer from the banks funds to my account that's a illustration we can all understand but in the spiritual realm all of our sins were transferred to Christ every one of them and Romans 4 tells us if God counts our sins against us there's only condemnation for us but blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven whose sins are covered blessed is the man against whom the
Lord will not count sin Romans 4 verse 8 is this blessing then only for the circumcised or for the uncircumcised also we say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness
God credited the account of Abraham because he believed the promise of God there's only one gospel
Galatians 3 makes it clear that Abraham believed
God and it was counted to him for righteousness we see the exact same expression in Romans 4 as well it's a wonderful promise and it's the promise that shows us the gospel is unchangeable from Old to New Testament they believed in the one to come we believe in the one who has come this active obedience of Christ is our very salvation and you and I as believers need to uphold that and stand for it
I remember reading of Dr. J. Gresham Machen and he was a tremendous theologian died in January of 1937 and he sent a final telegram to his friend
Professor John Murray and theologians are known to talk in language that others obviously do not and he sent a telegram saying these words
I'm so thankful for the active obedience of Christ no hope without it
I'm convinced that in those short words Dr. Machen was able to express the essence of the biblical gospel it's
Christ it's his death and his life Christ died for our sins and he lived for our righteousness the next question we need to ask is isn't there a big issue then between Paul and James James seems to be saying something other than Paul when it comes to justification doesn't he well seems at first glance that way but in any conversation you and I would have if someone jumps into a conversation not knowing the context they can often misunderstand what is being said imagine you're at a church service and perhaps it's after the service and you and your friend are talking about sports and you earlier in the day before the service had started this often happens because English soccer happens before church on Sunday sometimes or before the
Saturday because they're seven or eight hours ahead and three o 'clock in the afternoon over in England if I'm watching any sports it's earlier in the day on a
Saturday here in the United States and in Arizona and oftentimes I might say to an
American friend who has a slight interest in sports I'm really sad about the team today they just didn't look like they were even wanting to be there the attitude stank they had no
I'm ashamed of them absolutely ashamed of them and someone walks into the conversation not knowing the context in which we're speaking thinks
I'm talking about the set up crew who's set up for the church service and they think that's the team
I'm talking about the team were terrible today and they go back and they say to everybody you know
Pastor John he's really upset with all the with the coffee making team with the people that set up and handed out bulletins for the visitors and for the people that are coming he's really ticked he's really angry and they've misunderstood the context what is the context of the book of Romans it's the ultimate sense of justification before a holy
God how can a sinner stand in right standing with God what is the context in the book of James something completely different it's talking about how does faith look how does true faith act if it is real faith then there will be evidence of it and over and over again in the book of James you see that occurring let me just look at one verse in Romans 3 and one verse in James 2 and you'll see that at first glance it looks like there's a huge contradiction taking place
Romans 3 28 says for we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law that's a strong statement but James 2 verse 24 says this you see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone uh oh not by faith alone
I've heard many people say the only time the Bible says faith alone is when it says not by faith alone what do you do with that Protestant boy they may not say
Protestant boy but I say what do you do with that I've even heard there's a Roman Catholic who's written a book called not by faith alone well the sad part is they've missed the context in which those words are being used and it's in the context of someone claiming that they have true faith look at verse 14 you see if you've if you've got truth you're not scared of looking at the context of a verse oh no not by faith alone that's what my
Bible says not by faith alone well let's see what not by faith alone is talking about what good is it my brothers if someone says if you've got a
Bible you can underline or mark circle the word says if someone says he has faith but does not have works can that faith save him question mark the obvious answer is no that kind of faith doesn't save if a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food and one of you says to them go in peace be warmed and filled sorry
I put an English accent on there just sounds like it should come in the text we're reading from the English standard version you understand without giving them the things needed for the body what good is that question mark the answer is there's nothing good about that saying be warmed be filled
I will pray for you you are on my heart it grieves me that you have nothing so also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead the reformers
Luther among them would say the faith that saves is a living faith a dead faith can't save anybody and true faith will produce works but works play no part in justification
Ephesians 2 8 through 9 say the exact same thing but someone will say okay circle or underline the word say making a claim someone will make a claim that they've got true faith someone will say you have faith and I have works show me your faith is the response you have faith and I have works end of quotation your faith
I have works James says this show me your faith apart from your works and I will show you my faith by my works you believe that God is one there's one
God you do well now sarcasm is literally dripping from the quill of James as he writes this you do well even the demons can do this you know the devil could pass a theological exam he knows the truth about God he hates everything he knows about God but he knows the truth he knows
God is holy he knows the true gospel he knows that God is a trinity but he hates it and seeks to distort it you believe that God is one you do well even the demons believe and shudder believing that there is one
God and getting right theology about God qualifies us merely to be demons we need more than that we need real true authentic faith do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith apart from works is useless question marks do you do you want to be do you want that question answered do you want to be shown you foolish person that faith apart from works is useless was not
Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up his son Isaac on the altar question mark ah here we get a clue a big clue how is
James using the word justified he's talking about how we can make a claim and that claim be something that shows that the faith that was claimed is actually authentic faith and he quotes from an incident in the life of Abraham that took place in Genesis 22 now if you remember it's
Genesis 15 verse 6 when God says I declare you right in my sight you believe
God I reckon it to you as righteousness and there are decades literally between Genesis 15 and Genesis 22 and that gives us a big clue as to what is taking place
God was absolutely sure that Abraham had authentic faith way back in Genesis 15 but observers those looking at him could see him making not only mistakes but grave mistakes making decisions bad decisions and they don't know if the man is a genuine believer or not because it it's hard to tell isn't it often times whether someone is genuine or not
God's not confused even if we are the Bible says the Lord knows those who are his problem is we don't so decades later
James says he was justified by his works what is he talking about the claim that he had true faith was justified by the evidence in Genesis 22 you cannot do the actions of Genesis 22 offering or being prepared to offer up your own son because you trust the promise of God you can't do that unless your faith is genuine and to the outside world that's when we knew the man was justified in his claim to have true faith you see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works if someone runs into a building and says the place is on fire the place is on fire and you say yes amen brother we believe that your life's in danger amen we've always believed that we believe this day was coming we so believe you and they just sit there they don't believe you there would be some reaction if they believe the message some would scream some would show leadership and call 911 others would say
I know the exit the nearest one let me just direct everybody let's all remain calm and there's others that would just shout and holler and scream there'd be some reaction if someone walked in and the message was believed that the place was on fire so if you believe there'll be action corresponding action look at this you see that faith was active along with his works and faith was completed by his works and the scripture was fulfilled that says oh
Genesis 15 6 Abraham believed God and it was counted to him as righteousness and he was called a friend of God God justified the man in Genesis 15 but we knew he was justified by the evidence of his works in Genesis 22 you see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone then he talks about Rahab and others in the same way was not also
Rahab the prostitute justified by works when she received the messengers and sent them out by another way we understand that the claim to faith was authentic when she did something for as the body apart from the spirit is dead so also faith apart from works is dead let me give you a quote if I can find the right thing regarding justification regarding what
God says I believe that there's very little in the way of contradiction here how little none at all none whatsoever
Jesus said this wisdom is justified by her children if justification means the same thing in every case then what that scripture would be saying would be wisdom is brought into right relationship with God and declared right in the sight of God by having children is that something that you would believe no the word justified is being used in a different context and there is a semantic range for the word justification in the scriptures
Jesus was using the word justification in that sense to say that wisdom is seen to be wisdom by the fruit wisdom is justified by her children and in the same way wisdom is not restored to fellowship with God and saved from the wrath of God by having children the plain meaning of the words is that a wise act produces good fruit the claim to wisdom is vindicated by the result a wise decision is shown to be wise by the results so Jesus is speaking in practical terms not theological terms when he uses justified that way let me quote
R .C. Sproul what about James if we examine the context of James we'll see that he's dealing with a different question from Paul James says in 2 .14
what use is it my brethren if a man says he has faith but he has no works can that faith save him question mark
James is raising a question of what kind of faith is necessary for salvation he is saying that true faith brings forth works a faith without works he calls a dead faith a faith that is not genuine the point is that people can say that they have faith when in fact they do not have faith the claim to faith is vindicated or justified when it is manifested by the fruit of faith namely works
Abraham is justified or vindicated in our sight by his fruit in a sense
Abraham's claim to justification is justified by his works hear that again in a sense
Abraham's claim to justification is justified by his works the reformers understood that when they stated the formula sola fide justification is by faith alone but not by a faith that is alone in refusing to accept
Luther's view the Roman Catholic Church excommunicated him then responded to the outbreak of the protestant movement with that major council and they quoted
James 2 .24 in response to the reformers how could
James say it any clearer that's what they said no justification is by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone and let me say this let me give you a quote from John Piper now justification by grace alone through faith alone because of Christ alone does not lead to more sinning on the contrary it is the only sure and hopeful base of operations from which the fight against sin can be launched all the bombers that go out to drop bombs on the strongholds of sin remaining in our lives take off from the runway of justification by faith alone the missiles that we shoot against the incoming attack of temptation are launched from the base of justification by faith alone the whole life long triumphant offensive called operation sanctification by which we wage war against all the remaining corruption in our lives is sustained by the supply line of the spirit that comes from the secure unassailable home base of justification by faith alone and it will be a successful operation but only because of the unassailable home base
I love that we can make a distinction between the body and the head of a man and he suffers no loss whatsoever but if we make a separation the man is dead you remove someone's head, he's dead as we've seen in recent weeks with the news overseas the head and the body must stay together for life to continue, similarly we can make a distinction between justification and sanctification being set apart for God in a holy lifestyle but we must never separate the two, the justified one is someone who has a new heart who has new desires who loves things he didn't love before, loves the kingdom of God loves the word of God, loves to hear the word of God proclaimed loves the fellowship of the saints there's a change in his nature, he now loves what he didn't love before justification is a legal word from the courtroom that tells us the moment someone has true authentic faith in Christ turning from their own sin repenting and turning to Christ as Saviour and Lord they are justified forever and have peace, a settled shalom, a peace with God through the
Lord Jesus Christ, justification by faith alone is really shorthand for justification by the person and the work of Christ alone it's been a joy to come to you on the dividing line, it's been just a wonderful time in the word of God from myself from my perspective,
I hope you've enjoyed it too it'd be great to welcome Dr. James White back in the chair next week