God Has You Covered


Sunday school from May 26th, 2019


All right, let's pray Lord God help us to grow in the knowledge of your dear son our
Lord Jesus Christ and to remain firm in the confession of His blessed word give us the love to be of one mind and to serve one another in Christ Then we will not be afraid of that which is disagreeable nor of the rage of the arsonist
Satan whose torch is almost extinguished Dear father guard us so that his craftiness may not take the place of pure faith
Grant that our cross and sufferings may lead to a blessed and sure hope of the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ For whom we wait daily in Jesus name
Amen All right Are there any questions that came up percolated up as a result of the sermon?
so Notice I nerded out today. So Okay What?
All right.
So let me see if I have this straight So Bruce you're saying that there's a church out there who to justify women's ordination
They've invented a story in a history regarding Lydia that she was ordained Wow Let's take a look at the text
Yeah It's great story acts 16 and you'll note that God the
Holy Spirit is intervening the Apostle Paul changing his plans and you'll also notice that this is a section of the book of Acts written in the first person plural we
Which means that Luke the author of Acts is one of the eyewitnesses to the events that is recorded there in Acts 16
And Luke writes so setting sail from Troas We made a direct voyage to Samothrace the following day to Neapolis from there to Philippi Which is the leading city of the district of Macedonia Roman colony?
We remained in the city some days and on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the
Riverside where we suppose there was a place of prayer and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together a little bit of a note here
When Paul goes into a town for the first time, what's the place he looks for to proclaim
Christ as the as Messiah? The synagogue goes to the synagogue
Notice he's not going to a synagogue. Why? They didn't have one If they don't have a synagogue
That means there weren't enough men present for them to have a synagogue so when that's the case when you have an up -and -coming fledgling hope to be a synagogue someday kind of congregation of Jews they would meet by a living body of water preferably a river and in this case
They met by the riverside and you'll notice in this particular case Lydia is there so she is
Listed as a worshiper of God, which means she isn't even a fully full -fledged
Jewish convert yet So Philippi doesn't have a synagogue she is not a full -fledged
Jewess at this point. She's a worshiper of God. She's a God fearer and Which means she's a gentile lady funny enough archaeologically we have carvings in the stonework of the
Of what remains of the city of Philippi talking about those who were the sellers of purple There her name is not listed the men who were ran those shops generally were the ones who were listed
But this historically we know this is the case So and notice what it says then the
Lord opened her heart to pay attention to what was said by Paul Who be doing the saving there
God is Yeah, same. It's so boring. God's always doing all the work man.
Yeah. Yeah, so yes same person as always So the Lord opened her heart and after she was baptized
Her and her household as well urged us saying if you have judged me to be faithful to the
Lord come to my house and stay And she prevailed upon us No mention here of her being ordained now it is absolutely within the realm of historical possibility and probability as a woman who is a merchant who probably has sizable income
That Lydia's house would then become the place where the congregation of Philippi would meet
That was probably the case we can't say it definitively But there's this she's a good candidate because Christianity in its infancy
They didn't own property congregations met in homes and then when
Persecution arose that was actually kind of a helpful thing because you know So hey, let's just go down the street to Kong's vinegary.
There it is right there and when they meet together We'll we'll kill them all it made a little bit easier to you know to keep
Christianity on the DL And that Christianity was not legalized until the time of Constantine But no mention here of her being ordained and I would argue that it not only is an argument from silence
It's a blasphemous argument from silence because she would have never been ordained by the Apostle Paul because the Apostle Paul makes it clear in two epistles first Corinthians chapter 14 and And first Timothy chapter 2 that women are not to be in leadership over men
Let's take a look at one of the texts real quick. And so, you know God the Holy Spirit never contradicts himself
And that's an important thing. We're gonna be in first Corinthians 14 first Corinthians 14 at the tail end of his discussion the
Apostle Paul is discussion on the on the gifts of the Spirit and their proper use and He puts some order in place if you would some structure and liturgy in place as to how those who have the
The charismata are to exercise their gifts in church in first Corinthians 14 verse 33 as in All the churches of the
Saints, so let me ask you a trick question Which percentage of the
Christian churches is this thing that he's about to be talking about taking place in? All of them yeah, and if you look up the
Greek there all means all It's kind of it's
I'm just hanging it out there So it's pass all as in all the churches of st. Saints the women should keep silent in the churches
During the church service the divine service the women are to remain silent For they are not permitted to speak but they should be in submission as the
Torah also says now exegetically, I'm translating namas there as Torah and There's a reason for that is because it's very easy for us as English readers
We see the word law and we think that that means that there's a commandment Somewhere in the Old Testament and the commandment says thus saith the
Lord thy women shall be silent Something like that thou shalt not speak in church, you know that and that's not what's going on here instead this is ref he's referencing the
Torah and He in 1st Timothy 2 Explains what he means by referencing the
Torah here. So I'm translating namas as Torah So they are not permitted to speak but they should be in submission as the
Torah also says then if there's anything desire to learn let them ask their husbands at home or at least in our case wait until Sunday school and where it's shameful for a woman to speak in church during the church service and a little bit of a note historically
How long has it been since women and men were permitted to sit next to each other in church
Not very long Not very long at all in Kongsvingers history
Say late 30s and 40s They would allow the men and women on the same, you know to actually sit next to each other in church prior to that There was a side for the men
There was a side for the women and this goes all the way back. Oh, yeah common church practice
That's yeah. Yeah. Yeah men and women were separated during the church service Scandalous yeah.
Yeah Yeah, and they do so because they don't know how to read okay, okay,
I Didn't intend to do a Bible study on women's ordination, but while we're here So here's the order of the order of business today.
We'll finish up 1st Corinthians 14 We'll take a look at 1st Timothy 2 and while we're at it
Why don't we go into the book of Judges and take a look at the book at Deborah as if somehow that justifies women's ordination
Okay It doesn't and so we'll do that but coming back to the historical point here
Let me ask a question does anyone remember when women always would wear a hat or a scarf over their head in When they came to church
Yeah, look at the picture on the wall Yes, it is yeah, but here's the thing
This is a practice that only recently and I mean in in human history recently fell out of out of vogue
But you are Okay So a little bit of a note here
Historically speaking. It's not until the end of the 20th century when women stopped wearing head coverings in church
I I don't know. I'm I thought there was a text that said something about women wearing a covering the married women in particular
What Campbell Well, you're a dude you're a dude
Okay, so a little bit of a note Okay in the ancient world in the ancient world a head covering was a sign
To the world that a woman was married and that she was not in submission and under the authority of her husband
I love the sign language. That's just great You're Italian, right?
Yeah men aren't supposed to have their head covered The exact argument
No, actually I'm pointing out the reason the fact that the culture has changed is it is it is unhooked itself from Scripture I'm telling you that the culture has changed in rebellion to the
Word of God not in submission to it and I'm trying to tell you what has what has become commonplace for us right now
The norm in which we currently operate in there are people who? Less than a hundred years ago if they were to show up, you know
Because the TARDIS it appeared in their church and they were to come here Yeah, right
They would be they would be scandalized by what's happening in the church
Scandalized by it. Yeah, I know see that's the thing once you make a bad decision.
It takes a long time to work it out Okay, it takes a long time well we forgive you because you're not married
You made that as a like part of your argument, but let me come back Wrong you have a dog in the fight
You if you are a Christian you have a dog in the fight whether you're married or celibate that does not matter
Okay, but I have now said in the congregation Well at some point you have to shake the dust off your feet but Let's work our way through the exegesis the point that I'm making is this is that the church is drifted the church is drifted and God's Word hasn't so when you look back at the anchor points
You know, you can see what's going on here. And so the idea then is this is that the reason behind head coverings is in part cultural
But the cultural practice follows from a creational reality
Does that make sense? And so This is gonna make me sound completely out of tune with all of society right now, but God established patriarchy
Okay within the family Christ is the head Husband underneath him and then the woman underneath him and then the children underneath them in that order and Visibly the sign of being married was a head covering which showed that you were under the authority of your husband and This is set up and established
I'm gonna make an argument if I'm reading this correctly as part of the consequences of the fall
Okay, it's part of the consequences of the fall, however, there's a creation there's a creation order here so coming back then to our
Text the women should keep silent in the churches. They're not permitted to speak They should be in submission as the
Torah also says there's anything they want to learn Let them ask their husbands at home. It's shameful for a woman to speak in church
Now our cross -references in first Timothy chapter 2 Huh Which part there that it's it's part of a ongoing slip into apostasy and rebellion against the
Word of God And unfortunately, there are places that call themselves Christian churches that permit this to happen and they should not be doing this
They need to repent So here's what it says in first Timothy 2 Paul writes again under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit so all arguments that Paul hated women that he was a misogynist and all this nonsense or Somehow undermining his apostolic authority as if he wasn't sent by Christ himself
These are out of bounds Paul writing under the inspiration of Holy Spirit says I desire than in every place that men should pray lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling
Likewise also that women should adorn themselves and respectable apparel with modesty self -control not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly
Attire, but with what is proper for women who profess godliness with good works Let a woman learn quietly with all
Submissiveness, I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man rather.
She is to remain quiet For Adam was formed first then Eve Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and she became a transgressor
So, you know then the creation is mentioned first God created
Adam Eve was formed from Adam. This is why we are mankind not womankind and so there's a creation order in effect, and then the second part of this then is that because the woman was deceived first and She became a transgressor first Then she is not permitted to speak in church.
This is a consequence of the fall Now that does not mean that women cannot tell people about Jesus or Proclaim the gospel or call them to repent or even correct their doctrine and I'll give you a text on that in a second
Women have all kinds of things that they can do within the body of Christ the thing they cannot do which
God forbids them to do is to have authority over men and And that would rule out automatically the pastoral office period and If you look at all the qualifications for pastor husband of one wife
He must be above reproach Viewed well within the community
Studied and showed himself approved be able to teach what's in accord with sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it
All of the pronouns are he? this is most certainly true and It is not a welcome message by any
So, you know then that and this is why I translated it Torah Because we remember in 1st
Corinthians 14 It's specifically said That they are forbidden by the law
The namas and in that case, it's the Torah it's not a commandment what it is.
It's a creation order issue Combined with the fact of the fall.
So within Christ Church There are there's no such thing as a female pastor
They do not exist where they exist. They exist contrary to the express
Forbidding of that to happen because God has said no Now let me give you a text that shows a
Woman correcting a man because that's an important thing, but note it will note where it takes place in the book of Acts Acts chapter 18 outside of the church in the you know in the general
Marketplace of our good works and vocation and talking with other people says this
It was a Jew named Apollos a native of Alexandria. He came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man
He was competent in the scriptures He had been instructed in the way of the Lord and being fervent in spirit
He took he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning Jesus though. He knew only the baptism of John Although he was competent in the scriptures.
His baptismal theology was all wet Pun intended and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue, but when
Priscilla and Aquila husband and wife Heard him they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately so, you know in this particular case a
Man who is a Christian apologist defender of the Christian faith fervent in spirit able to silence the
Jews Competent in the scriptures his baptismal theology wasn't correct. So a couple a married couple
Took them as took him aside and they not he they corrected his theology well
I think God's Word says something about husband and wife being one flesh and working together as a team that happens, you know so Yeah, so you'll note then that Properly understood then is that women have a
Very important role within the church. I would even note this one of the most
Influential Christian apologists in my training as a theologian and Christian apologist was a woman the late
Gretchen Pazzantino and you know barb barb barb and I actually traveled to San Francisco with them went to a
New Age conference with them and learned how to do Street evangelism at a New Age conference talking with the different vendors at a
New Age booth up in the San Francisco Bay Area Gretchen Pazzantino was quite instrumental in Teaching me how to be a defender of the
Christian faith. She was a regular guest on the issues, etc radio program and She taught me the
Word of God She taught me how to rightly handle and wield the Word of God as she was a great
Lutheran Christian apologist and she wasn't ordained. She never preached a sermon and You know and she stayed within her proper roles within the church but Publicly, she she made her living as a defender of the
Christian faith She was the ghostwriter for Walter Martin to a lot of people don't know that So what's your question
Bruce you I see that the smoke the smoke when somebody grabbed fire extinguisher Yeah, so the yeah, the
ELCA is in rebellion to the Word of God Yeah Yeah, our church body has officially sent a call to the
ELCA to repent so I Came kicking and screaming into the pastorate
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, let me give you a biblical text because Yeah, yeah,
I mean Let me give you a text on this.
So we're not talking out of order So I just gave you a text from Acts Acts chapter 18 where Aquila and Priscilla corrected
Apollos Let me give you another text here. And this one's quite explicit Peter writing says you
Y 'all actually I should do this Texas style all y 'all all y 'all are a chosen race a royal priesthood a holy nation a people for his own
Possession to whom is Peter writing this and to whom is he describing?
Christians period that would be the all y 'all Texas aspect of the you there
Y 'all y 'all are a people for his own possession so that y 'all May proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light
I don't know about you guys, but that sounds to me like all y 'all not just me
We're all called to proclaim the excellencies of Christ and I don't know how you can do that apart from telling everybody that he's bled and died for their sins and To call them to repent and to be forgiven and talk about his glorious resurrection from the grave
See, I don't know if you've noticed this but the job of a pastor You know if any of you into like outdoor sports, you know
Maybe like climbing or biking or something like that. Yeah, you know that oftentimes those shops
They're called you know that that that person who runs that shop. He's an outfitter Pastors are outfitters
All y 'all come in here. Y 'all is a royal priesthood and I'm doing this bad language on purpose.
All right, and my job as An under shepherd of the
Great Shepherd is to hose you off Get all the muck off of you to give you a hot meal of the
Word of God and the body and blood of Christ to assure you of the forgiveness of your sins and to equip you
For ministry not here. That's my job to equip you for ministry there
So this is an embassy Y 'all are in here because you're at the outfitter Outfitting you as soon as you leave here, you're no longer in the embassy.
You're not on Kingdom ground you're back in the world the church disappears like leavened into a lump of dough and Now you are equipped to go and proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light to tell people of the excellencies of Christ and And invite him to church so they can hear the gospel, too but if the
Great Commission were purely to depend upon the clergy Oh Good night
Christianity would have died two millennia ago Apollos wasn't a pastor and yet he was out there refuting the
Jews and he was competent in the scripture fervent in spirit and nobody called him and ordained him up to that point as a pastor and He was proclaiming the excellencies of Christ and Aquila and Priscilla sat him down and said those
Excellencies are a little bit better if you get your baptismal theology worked out right and It is
God who calls men into the office of the Holy Ministry God does not call women into the office of the
Holy Ministry a woman who is saying God is calling me into the office of the Holy Ministry is blaspheming and breaking the
Second Commandment Okay Yeah, Francis peepers helpful on this
But I won't quote him. I'll just kind of give you the outline sketch So as Christians, we recognize that God the
Holy Spirit calls men into the end of the ministry And so we talked about to a two -step process
One is the immediate call and the other is a media to call There are a lot of fellows that I have known over the years who claimed that they were being called into the pastoral office and after they have voiced those those
Feelings to me and others. We've rolled our eyes and said Oh God. No, please. No okay, and The thing is is you might think you're being called into the office of the
Holy Ministry And that God is pulling you yanking you in that direction, but this is where the immediate call becomes helpful
Because all right, you think God's calling you into the ministry. Well, let's test this shall we so here's how it works
You go and study and show yourself approved you apply yourself to Greek to Hebrew to systematic theology to dogmatics pastoral
Pastoral theology and all of the other ologies that go along with being a pastor Show yourself that you have an aptitude for this and then prove that you're able to actually teach
We'll start by putting you in charge of maybe fourth graders Okay, right
Yeah, and if you're lucky and we think that you actually have an aptitude to this we might let you teach sixth graders next year right
Okay and So at the end of that process, oh and then you get to go on a vicarage as well at the end of this process
Then you have to submit yourself to an actual cleric clerical body, you know a
Ministerium and you get to be given a cigarette and a blindfold and Have a machine gun of theological questions aimed at your head and you have to duck just like Neo in the matrix
Right and if you survive that Then we'll approve you to be on our roster
But we still don't know if you've been called yet. And how do we know if you've been called because a Congregation will sit there and go
This guy we're gonna vote and We're gonna see if this is the guy whom
God is calling and we all agree that that's the guy and so they vote That's your immediate call
All right, so I don't care what your feelings were until that immediate call comes You have no idea for sure whether or not you were really being called into the office of the ministry
Got it. This is such a huge list.
Why do we even act like this is a small list? Okay So when you read the scriptures
Let me find a text for you on this Older, sorry, we're gonna use the modifier here women and All right
You ready? All right. So first Timothy 5
Pastoral epistle do not rebuke an older man encourage him as you would a father Younger men as brothers older women as mothers younger women as sisters in all purity honor widows so he's telling you how to do this and then in Titus older women likewise are to be reverent and behavior not slanderers or slaves too much wine and let's let's start with job of women older women is to set an example of Not being gossips not being drunkards.
They are to what? Oh, look at that word teach Teach what is good and so train the young women to what love their husbands and their children to be self -controlled pure working at home kind Love this word submissive
Submissive to their own husbands. So the Word of God may not be reviled Yeah, it's like only 65 % of the whole population
That's the majority of humanity Not anymore
Yeah, oh Let's make this just a little bit more uncomfortable how many women revile the thought of staying at home and Raising their children and being submissive to their husband and I'm going to be raked over the coals
I can't wait for this audio to get out on Twitter because they're gonna say though that guy at Kongsvinger He is such an idiot
Right Listen to that guy rant on about how women are to be submissive.
I just read a biblical text you moron I know you're listening. Yeah Sorry Fervent in spirit
Yeah So in other words God has tasked women to teach 65 % of the population
It's not enough Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how the devil
Yeah, that's the exactly Your desire
Yeah Your desire
Yeah Exactly But it you are part of the all y 'all
Which part He Pointed it out correctly and that is is that in this context you have you have two instances within two chapters of each other and And the way it's being used in Genesis 3 is exactly the same way.
It's being used in Genesis 4 Let me explain. So here we got Adam and Eve. They've Blown it big -time.
We've all been plunged into sin and death and the dominion of darkness Both our eyes are open.
They're naked. So now God is going to hand out his
Punishments and so the woman he said I'll surely multiply your pain and childbearing and pain you shall bring forth children
Yay, your desire shall be and I think the ESV has this correct your desire
Teshu qua Shall be for or contrary to your husband and he shall rule over you so the context is not sexual the context is a contrary desire in order to overthrow your husband and so all of the battles that we have within our marriages of the battles for control who's going to wear the pants in our marriage and The women are constantly taking the pants off the dude and putting them on themselves
And it's almost as if they can't help it Right, your desire shall be contrary to your husband.
He shall rule over you now that same Verb that same word or not verb it contrary shows up in Genesis 4 after Cain slays his brother
Abel God Christ asked him. Where is your brother? He says,
I don't know my my brother's keeper So Yahweh said him what have you done the voice of your brother's blood is crying to me from the ground and now you are
Cursed from the ground which has opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood and when you work the ground
It shall no longer yield its strength to you Yeah, I'm a little bit ahead here. It's actually it's right before the murder.
So after the after the The the bringing of the different sacrifices God had regard for Abel and his sacrifice but no regard for Cain's Why you're angry you will do if you do well, you'll be accepted if you do not sin is crouching at the door
And here's that word again teshukwa You it's desire. It's contrary to you, but you must rule over it.
It's the same idea same word This is the result of the fall in other words
God established patriarchy Women as a result of the fall are constantly
Desiring to set up matriarchy This has nothing to do with sex to overthrow the very creation itself
Undermine the order of God. All right. Now I said we would do this because mark brought it up.
Thanks mark Judges chapter 4. Yeah.
Yeah, I had to blame somebody Let's take a look at the story of that the judge by the name of Deborah and you're gonna know in Scripture There is an
Old Testament prophetesses and there are New Testament prophetesses What they are not permitted to do is to prophesy in the synagogue or in church
That does not mean that they do not hear from God and in this particular case the fact that there is a prophetess And you're gonna note the whole subplot of this is this prophetess saying to the men
Would you get your butt off the couch and go do the man thing and stop making me do it?
Okay That's the whole context of this Okay So here's the story the people of Israel again did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh after a hood died
That was a glorious death. By the way, there was poop involved in a left -handed Dagger, but that's a whole other story and the
Lord sold them into the hand of Jabin the king of Canaan Who reigned in hot sore and the commander of his army was
Sisera who lived in Haroshet? Hagoyim then the people of Israel cried out to Yahweh for help for he had 900 chariots of iron and he oppressed the people of Israel cruelly for 20 years now
Deborah a prophetess the wife of Lapidoth was judging Israel at the time she used to sit under the palm of Deborah between Rama and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim and the people of Israel came to her for judgment.
She sent and summoned Barak the son of Abba Noam from Kadesh Naftali and said to him has not
Yahweh the God of Israel commanded You you go gather your men at Mount Tabor taking 10 ,000 from the people of Naftali and the people of Zebulun and I will draw out
Sisera the general of Jabin's army to meet you by the River Kishan with his chariots and his troops and I will give him into your hand
Barak said to her if you will go with me, I will go but if you will not go with me,
I will not go What is this? The Lord said he's gonna go with you and the
Lord's gonna give them into your hand and you need a woman to hold you If you go with me Deborah, I'll be happy to go
Okay, and you can see what's going on here right so All right
So she said all right I'll surely go with you nevertheless the road on which you are going will not lead to your glory
For Yahweh will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman. Why because he wouldn't go without holding
Deborah's hand fine I'll go with you. But now the glory for the battle. It's gonna go to a woman end
Of story so Deborah Rose went with Barak to Kadesh. I'm holding your hand.
Isn't this making you feel good? So Barak called out Zebulun and naphtali to Kadesh and 10 ,000 men went up at his heels and Deborah went up with him now
Heber the Kenite had separated from the Kenites the descendants of Hobab that sounds like somebody from Alabama and and the father -in -law of Moses and had pitched his tent far away as the oak in Zaha nah
Neem, which is near Kadesh and when Sisera was told that Barak the son of Abba Noam had gone up to Mount Tabor Sisera called out all of his chariots 900 chariots of iron and all the men who were with him from Harosheth hagoim to the river
Kishon and Deborah said to Barak up For this is the day in which the Lord has given Sisera into your hand does not
Yahweh go out before you? So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with 10 ,000 men following him and Yahweh Routed Sisera and all those chariots and all his army before Barak by the edge of the sword and Sisera got down from his chariot and fled away on foot and Barak pursued the chariots and the army to Harosheth hagoim and all the army of Sisera fell by the edge of the sword not a man was left
But Sisera fled away on foot to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite For there was peace between Jabin the king of Hatzor and the house of Heber the
Kenite and Jael came out to meet Sisera And said to him turn aside my lord turn aside to me
Do not be afraid so he turned aside to her and went into the tent and she covered him with a rug and he said to her please give
Me a little water to drink for I'm thirsty So she opened a skin of milk gave him a drink covered him and she said to her and he said to her stand at the
Opening of the tent and if any man comes and asks is anyone here say no But Jael the wife of Heber took a tent peg and took a hammer in her hand
Then she went softly to him and drove the peg into his temple until it went down into the ground while he was lying fast
Asleep from weariness, so he died that generally happens by the way behold a bear and Barak was pursuing
Sisera Jael went out to meet him and said to him come and I will show you the Man whom you are seeking so he went into her tent and there lay
Sisera dead with the tent peg in his temple so you note here that that The man would have gotten the glory except for he needed a woman to hold his hand in the battle
And so now God gives the glory of destroying Sisera to a woman so on that day
God subdued Jaben the king of Canaan before the people of Israel in the hand of the people of Israel pressed harder and harder against Jabin the king of Canaan until they destroyed
Jabin the king of Canaan and so the subtext to all of this was
You should have gone out dude and done this but because you didn't
God's giving the glory to a woman Yeah, and so you'll note then
You can't use this to say. Oh, therefore women should be pastors How does this overthrow the qualifications for a pastor?
How does this overthrow first Corinthians 14, which I don't know was written a long time after this Do you think the
Apostle Paul was unfamiliar with the story of Deborah? Oh, yeah
It is a judgment on the men and you even even think about this There's a there's an account of one fellow who was killed by a woman when she threw an upper millstone over a wall and crushed this guy to death and David even invokes that account and It's something that should never happen to any of his men, you know that they would suffer that kind of shame.
So This the subtext of judges for is that the men weren't doing what the men were supposed to do and so fine when
When you don't do what you're supposed to do men God will raise up women to do it and that's a judgment against you
I mean, I can't imagine why if the woman's a godly woman You know the whole time she should be saying why am
I the one doing this? Why aren't you men doing what you're supposed to do? No Okay Right now
It Yeah, well, I'm never gonna give birth to a child nor will
I ever mother a child? Yeah, right
Okay Yeah right and I don't consider the fact that my wife got to mother our three children as somehow a slap against me and The claim that I am incapable or I'm not equal or whatever.
It is nonsense We are different You know and I'm a big fan of baseball
I am big fan of baseball, but I'll be blunt few guys are able to play shortstop.
Well Few in the history of baseball. You got a good shortstop. You have a pretty good
Defensive team in baseball and it always it is always mind -boggling to me when they think they can just take a second baseman and put them at shortstop as if somehow the two were completely interchangeable they're not and Without a good catcher and those guys get a beating you you don't you don't have a good baseball team and so somehow
We're all we're thinking about is the one it's like you're not gifted in this way God doesn't gift you in that way.
And although you might be able to teach Yeah The point is is that God has said who you are going to teach is this because this is the role you get to play on His team within his body
Yeah Right, right Right Yeah, yeah, and that's the one role but it also makes sense in this sense and I'll leave you on this thought
Yeah, so I'm an under shepherd of the Good Shepherd Jesus. He's in charge and when
I'm Operating within the pastoral office. You'll notice I'm facing the congregation When I'm acting as a member of the congregation,
I'm facing the altar Because I have this weird thing because I am a
Christian in an office and certain things I have to do I have to speak from the office But as an under shepherd of the
Great Shepherd Christ is a male He was circumcised on the eighth day after he was born
He still continues to be the incarnate son of God son of David which means and I'm gonna be blunt he's still a circumcised, dude and When I'm standing in for him
It makes sense that a guy is standing in for him because if Jesus shows up on any given Sunday, I'm sitting down right
Now if you put a woman in my place Now we got some weird gender
Fluidity going on here because now we're saying Jesus is a lesbian Because the
Bride of Christ which is what the congregation is when they're present is now being absolved by a woman
I just consider that to be blasphemous beyond all reason Absolutely, because you cannot have a woman standing in for Jesus in that sense.
That doesn't work You know and it should never no
Congregation should ever be put into that position And by the way, it is not the people who are holding the line biblically who are tearing the church apart
It's the people who refuse to abide by the Word of God who are causing the division within the body of Christ And the
ELCA needs to repent All of their abominable priestesses are not from God God the
Holy Spirit hasn't called any of them and They are in defiance against the
King of Kings and his church, it's his not theirs So yeah,
I know you're still listening Yes, I just said what I said get over it