Matt Slick Bible Study, Justification, 7-29-2021



Matt Slick Bible Study, Justification, 7-29-2021


There we go All right, it's not good stuff Okay, I'm gonna make sure
I can This going I forgot about this There we go. All right, you guys ready?
All right, so we're gonna do a study Justification and we're gonna pray first, of course, so let's pray.
We'll just jump right into it and see how it goes Let's see, they're having trouble
They have some people on having trouble streaming Oh odyssey is okay. I won't worry about it then.
All right Nope. Oh that light. Yes, that'd be good Okay That one right there.
He'll get it. All right, so I'm gonna pray and then we'll just we'll just jump in. All right Okay on the very back of the toggle.
Yeah That works
For those of you who are watching and you don't know what's going on. We always have fun before Before we start and I can tell stories what's that?
So no more fun. Now, we're just gonna have a study. So let me pray. We'll jump in Lord Jesus Thank you for today for this evening and ask
Lord that you would bless us as we go through your words We study what your word teaches Ask Lord for mercy
Upon the listeners for grace upon me speaking That the hearts and the minds of all of us here
Lord and who listen will be blessed by the teaching and the truth of Your word I ask Jesus for your mercy ask for your grace.
We ask this in your precious name. Amen All right, so No, it's good,
I mean we don't want too much light on my face because That's right
Burn your shadow into the walls. Well, I figured it's because you don't want to you know, I mean I look like I've been been hit by a by a bag of logs
All right. So let's just get in. What are you nodding for? He's not even seen this true. That's right Yeah, you know how it is.
All right, so Justification work that's what we're studying tonight. So it's gonna tell you that justification is a big topic.
It's not a big topic There's a lot we could cover but there's not really a lot we could cover because it's really one thing that's what we're gonna talk about is one thing so it won't go two hours like it normally does and we'll be taking questions from people and Got some of the same people who come in during the show.
Look at this mark says nice shirt This is my wife is making me wear shirts
Nice shirts that is More people come in. No, okay, and so that's why
And it has buttons Normally when we go out, you know, we go out to dinner or something she goes you wear a nice shirt and I go why
Mary doesn't impress anybody and then you know, but I Do her she made me
All right Now that I've been thoroughly insulted basically my shirts. Okay, we noticed
Joanne says unique has great taste. That's right Laura that's why she married me
All right, so What we're gonna do is we're gonna start in Genesis and in a little bit talk about the entrance of the gospel and But before we do that,
I want to talk about the Trinity a little bit again The Trinity being the foundation of all knowledge and truth and all justifiable truth
I'll be debating the Trinity versus oneness twice with two different people in the next three weeks next two or three weeks and on the biblical doctrine of the
Trinity and so I've been working also on a Statement on what the
Trinity is. I've been working on that now for months not every day all the time But you know,
I could add this and I could polish that No, I'll read it for a bit and work on it for a half hour an hour Then put it aside for a few days kind of thing but I'm developing that and I'm going to I plan on going through patreon and Doing a series just out of that thing doing one two, three sentences at a time but The Trinity, you know is the eternal existence of God in three simultaneous persons and Righteousness is
Embedded in the very heart the very character of God's essence and It's embedded in the sense.
Not that it's something else that became part of him But it is something that emanates out of his existence.
There's a doctrine called divine simplicity Divine simplicity says that God is one single thing
So one of the illustrations I use about this to get your mind thinking this way is a carbon sphere
You know just a sphere of carbon doesn't matter how what the diameter is just pure carbon carbon say carbon -12
It is one thing. It is one essence. It's just one. It's it's material materialistically simple
Divine simplicity says that God is one thing one Being one divine essence one divine nature
He is what he is and when that is revealed to us in Scripture is revealed in three persons not in three parts
But in three simultaneous and distinct persons and the Father and the Son the Holy Spirit have had an eternal fellowship which cannot be had in Doctrines that deny the plurality of God That's another topic now
So righteousness holiness truth goodness are all things that emanate or are revealed out of the character of God So when he speaks as Jesus says in Matthew 1234, he said out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks
So we speak out of what we are. So we speak because if I'm really angry,
I'm gonna say angry words I'm really in a you know fun mood. I'm gonna say fun things and that's just how we are.
Well. God is holy He's gonna speak holiness and since he knows all things for John 3 20. He's always gonna be speaking truth
He never can contradict his own nature in essence because that which he possesses
Means whatever he does possess. He does not possess its opposite if he is good
He does not possess not goodness because that's a contradiction in nature in essence
Something is what it is, but it's not what it is. Not so as goodness means that he exists in the form
Goodness, but he does not also possess non goodness. It's a non sequitur it's a logically impossible and that can get into the transcendental nature of the laws of logic and why they emanate and Universalities and universals and stuff, but I won't do that now
So when we talk later here in a little bit about justification Justification is related to his holiness and his justice and his his mercy and his grace and his purity is perfection and all of that It's not a part of God that manifests in justice
It's the whole of God that necessitates justice and a lot of people think that God Arbitrarily chooses what will be just won't be right will be what will be wrong and that's not the case
It's the fact is that as you know, atheists will say how do you know? God is good and I've talked about this every now and then
I'm going to be repeating this kind of a thing because you Got you to hear this But when we say
God is good, they'll say how do you know God is good? It's like saying what God is just how do you know? He's just he's loving.
How do you know? He's loving what they're doing is they say I want a standard that exists apart from God to be able to judge
God I want to know what standard God has to hold to because how do we know God's good? Because we don't know if he's good or not
Well, how would you know if he's good or not? Well, no, that's for you the Christian Well, I know he's good because he says so oh just because he says so yeah
That's it. He's good. Well, how do you know he's good? Well, there is no standard against which he can be compared.
There's no other being up against which he can be compared He is his own Eternal being and there's nobody else beside him
There is nothing else by which he can be compared and therefore whatever he possesses He possesses if he possesses goodness
He does not possess also evil if he is good He cannot also be the opposite of what good what is good is, you know
And when they say well, where did logic come from and I love talking about that we get into transcendentals Then we're back to this after a half -hour teacher and on that I go.
Are you ready to get back on goodness? Yeah, because their brains are hurting, you know And so the issue here is that we recognize what is right and it was good.
What is just and all of that from From the nature of God's revelation.
Now, there are three areas that God reveals himself in Creation we can look out at the world at the stars and go.
Wow. He's big. Wow. He's powerful. Wow We can look at the scriptures.
We can say wow, that's pretty good. That's good. I did Oh, I read that 18 times. I didn't see that part in there
Oh, it's true, you know and we can look at the person of Jesus Christ who is revealed in the scripture
But Jesus is the one who walked and talked and lived and rose from the dead Calm the ocean. I mean a storm by it by with a command, etc
So the three revelations of God which are all forms of self revelation
There are all forms of self revelation because there is no way for anybody to know anything about God unless he reveals himself
So in creation, he was revealing his greatness and the word is revealing his truth and the person revealing himself first of Christ we could say it that way so when we get to this issue of Justification it only exists in the context of law and legality
Because law is what reveals sin to us Romans 5 12 or 5 13 if there is no law there is no sin and So we know that when
God speaks he's speaking out of the buttons of his heart Matthew 12 34 So when he said let her be light, it's because it's what his desire is is to create let her be man and woman
He it's his desire to create and there's reasons for that creation That were created for his glory but also so that we might emulate and reflect the
Plurality of his nature in the union of male and female in one flesh and carry out the issue of fellowship
Which is part of his eternal nature as well as the created order Demonstrating the
Dominion that he has over all creation and we have over the area of creation that he's given to us You with me so far?
All right now So because of this the only way to know what is right is it by looking at God if anybody says you have to have another standard
I say fine show me a better one a Universal standard that precedes
God to which God himself wants answer. Mr. Atheist. Mr. Agnostic. Mr. Whatever and Of course, they don't have that and you can hear them
You can hear the intellectual toe snapping was a stubbing it against logic and truth And it does happen a lot you've listened closely in chat rooms you can hear the people do that and you can also hear gaskets blow
Because their brain brains are starting to think and they're not used to thinking properly. They're used to thinking with cognitive dissonance now
Justification, all right, what is justification justification is the declaration of righteousness and I'm going to show you this in Scripture It's a declaration of righteousness that is given to somebody else it's a legal declaration.
It's a declaring. It's a giving It's an imputing to impute means to reckon to another's account legally
Legality deals with the issue of sin If there is no sin that we can't have no breaking of the law and if we have no breaking of the law we have no need of Justification now justification is just as if I'd never sinned that's justification
It's kind of works and it's pretty close to being true. And so that's okay. We can we can deal with that.
All right now So let's just start with Genesis chapter 3 starting at verse 6
There's some cake over there too, I'm gonna give me some of that later I Got people behind the camera here on my phone getting munchies and man, if I suddenly disappear and dive off camera because I'm grabbing stuff, but Let's see how far
I can go the people in the room Hello from North Carolina a
Roger. There's Jimmy There's a Matt from Tennessee. I think he is
Discern narrator of spirits if you know him you should have lots of evidence Manifestation of stuff.
All right, so That's right. God is a standard. Okay, let's go on so verses 6 and 7 when the woman saw that the tree was good for food and that it was a delight to the eyes and that the tree was desirable to make one wise she took from its fruit and Ate and she gave also to her husband with her and he ate then the eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked and They sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loin covering now, let's talk about this a little bit
This is an interesting area of Scripture, hmm, why would they cover themselves? Were they naked to begin with now it says well they were naked
But were they naked to begin with there is an instance in The book of Revelation I forgot where where says will be clothed in righteousness and clothed with white garments
When Moses came down from the Mount talking with God his face was shining.
He's in the very presence of God So I'm just gonna throw something out for entertainment value. Could they have been
Shining in the glory of the majesty of God as a reflection the way Moses was
Don't know I'm not saying it was I'm not saying it wasn't I'm just throwing this out It's interesting because if they sinned and they lost that they would have known they were naked now, that's one
Possibility that they they actually became unclothed in the glory majesty of God At righteousness that was permeating the very essence of where God is
Maybe But it could also be that their eyes are open Oh, we don't have any clothes on we're naked.
We're exposed but that's interesting because What's a big deal?
What's a big deal? You know, if you're with your how do I say this politely when you're growing up with brothers and You don't have a big house to live in and you got one bedroom, you know, you got a share and stuff like that That condition is you grow up with What's the big deal?
It's nothing you grow up with it. It's not an issue And so that's why
I wonder in their innocent. Well, they lost our innocence at this point They sit there and they go. Okay, we're naked.
And so I don't know what the real issue is And I want to get too far into it and offer too much speculation, but you know,
I'm just throwing some stuff out for thought. Okay So they hid themselves, right and they covered themselves with their own works
They covered themselves with their own works their own efforts their fig leaves now
Just so you know in the Mormon temple ceremony when you go through the temple if you're a
Mormon, you are given a fig leaf apron Green fig leaf apron in a plastic bag and you walk in to the two of the temple ceremony and there's a scene in the film as they go through the varying rooms of the temple where Satan and the devil
I mean Satan and the preacher and Jesus and Adam are all talking they have stuff like this and Adam says to Satan who's wearing a fig leaf apron.
He's he's got a but it's black. I think it is and Adam asked him. Well, what's that?
What's that apron you have on and he says a symbol of my priesthood and my power or my priesthood my authority forgot which one it is and Then the film stops and the
Mormons are instructed to take out their fig leaf aprons and put them on Yeah, Wow Yep Unless they've changed that I've talked to temple workers who would did temple work for over 25 years
And they had it all memorized backwards forward left and up now. That's what they did That was her job and they said they told me when they became
Christians, you know, that's exactly what happened Yeah, there's there's there's stuff on YouTube about it
But the fig leaf aprons, so it's that's just a side note about what the cult of Mormonism does among other things but nevertheless, all right, so They made coverings of their own works their own hands and Then they were cursed etc.
Genesis 321 The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them
Now so he is the one who made garments of what?
Skin now, it does not say that he killed any animals to do this
But the Bible says without the shedding of blood there's no forgiveness of sins Leviticus 17 11, which is repeated
I think in Hebrews 9 22. I think so at a long time
But Genesis Leviticus 17 11 So we know that's true and since Adam and Eve were covered by the work of God Then I'm going to conclude by inference that an animal had to die in the process typifying a blood sacrifice which was the proto in Galileo the first mention of that gospel message and action right there and Some say
Genesis 315, you know cursed and 16 You know bruise your head bruise your heel and stuff like that, but what
I wanted you to see was That they cover themselves and then
God covered them so they covered them with Fig leaves plants
God covered him with animal skin. I don't think he produced an animal skin in midair.
I Think he killed an animal. That's what I believe And hence the shedding of blood.
All right, so we can see then from the very beginning That righteousness before God is necessary.
And of course God in Ephesians 1 4 For the he chose us in him before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless
So God the Father chose the elect In Christ before the foundation of the world and Hebrews 13 20 talks about the blood of the eternal covenant
Where the Father Son Holy Spirit would have internal eternal fellowship and I would redeem
Mankind, you know, the father would elect the son would redeem. The Holy Spirit would apply the redemptive work. All right, so Of course the garden was the place where Jesus the pre -incarnate
Christ wasn't Jesus yet entered the garden and Took care of him
Now Jesus when he was captured was captured in a garden and Made atonement, right?
So it's interesting how the parallels are there okay, so What God does then is he speaks about what the word is he speaks?
I'm gonna lower this a little bit. He speaks Get the camera a little bit better Oriented because I keep looking at and thinking about it.
So hold on one sec. There we go a little bit better framing I think all right, and so So the law is a reflection of the character of God The law is a reflection of the character of God Because God speaks out of the abundance of his heart are the bunch of the heart the mouth speaks
Jesus says in Matthew 12 34 now The Ten Commandments are a codification of moral obligation now
If we look back at Adam and Eve We know that Adam represented mankind and that because of Adam the ground was cursed with thorns and thistles
Genesis 3 talks about this We know that sin entered the world through one man Adam Romans 5 12
So God had made a deal covenant with Adam to cultivate the land and the garden and subdue the earth that Covenant is not
Dissolved by the sin of Adam because the curse is in your continuation of this covenant.
Now, you're gonna have thorns and thistles So all people are
Obligated to follow that covenant All people are obligated to manifest a proper relationship with God under covenant
Analysis system. We'll get into this a little bit more Unbelievers who deny
God are not excused from that covenant period It says in Adam all die
So Adam represented us. That's first Corinthians 15 22 in Adam all die
So he represented all of us Romans 5 18 through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men
So Adam sin Resulted in condemnation to all men, but also Romans 5 19 that many were made sinners by the act of the one transgression of Adam So we were in him in doctrine of federal headship, which
I've already taught so when God speaks He speaks in the beginning was the word the word was with God But in the beginning
God said Genesis 1 and John 1 so in the beginning the word was in both cases
And the word is how God spoke to bring things in the creation and when you go to Colossians 1 15 to 17
It says Jesus who is the word and flesh through all things were made through him for him by him
So we see the the word was involved in this and when God speaks and since he's always true
He binds himself by covenant by his promise. This is why I'm a covenant list and not a dispensation list
I'll never be a dispensation list now When we look at the Ten Commandments And I've mentioned this before and always it's doing great.
I mean, it's worth going over it again The ancient Suzerain vassal treaty pattern this was discovered by Meredith Klein Who knows more about?
Theology or forgotten more theology than I've ever learned. I mean, he just he was brilliant. I think he's still around back in seminary, he came into class and Taught us and he's the one
Who would read I forgot what languages ancient Ugaritic, you know Sumerian cuneiform, you know, you're like you read a good job.
It was right here. You like that and whatever like that, you know, like You know, he's one of those kind of guys really super smart and I'd watch him
I learned that what he was doing was reading his Bible this Hebrew Bible and translating in English as fast as he could read it in Hebrew He was just brilliant.
He Discovered the Suzerain vassal treaty pattern which is Suzerain and a vassal big king little king
The big king the little king would make a deal an agreement Which was a covenant document and the covenant document was this is who
I am This is what I've done and here's the stipulations and rewards and punishments for breaking and keeping the covenant
Okay, Ten Commandments. I'm the Lord to God who brought you out of the land of Egypt This is who
I am and what I've done You're to keep the the covenants if you honor your mother and father you live long
If you don't you won't prosper now fizz and he says in Genesis, I mean in Exodus I think 20 verse 2 or 3 he says if you don't serve him
He'll bring the judgment upon this generation and three to four generations following. There's a consequence.
So This is all important because it represents God's character in his law so the
Ten Commandments are Are those documents that were put in the
Ark of the Covenant there were two copies ten and ten Not four and six not five and five wish
I'd get that right Because there are covenant documents each party would get a copy of the contract or the covenant and it was put in the
Ark of the Covenant which on top of that was the mercy seat and That's where the high priest would go in the
Holy of Holies once a year on Yom Kippur and sprinkle blood on the mercy seat And then the nation of Israel was covenantally propitiated
That means that the wrath of God was actually removed from all of the covenant people
It does not mean that they were all saved and going to heaven. It means that they were covenantally
Justified before God or their sins were removed now the blood on the mercy seat, which is the footstool of God Demonstrates or typifies the blood of Christ who be sacrificed later on so We see how all this working together and the
Covenant God's Word God's Word God's Word. All right So sin is breaking the law of God first John 3 4
So if anybody has said, you know, God says you shall not lie and then you lie
Then that means that you've broken the law law Legality law and legality.
There's a problem legality a legal problem So sin is at the very least a legal problem, but it's also spiritual has certain deleterious ramifications and things like that so we know that That when you sin you're separated from God Isaiah 59 to your
Nicodemus of cause of separation between you and God in Romans 6 23
It says the wages of sin is death Now if you go back to Genesis 2 17, God says to Adam the day that you eat a fruit you're gonna die
So the day they ate the fruit did they die? Did they die?
Well God said they would so did they die? Yes, God said so So what do we mean by death then the separation from God?
This was demonstrated by the fact that they hid themselves from God and then tried to cover themselves with their own works and God rejected that That's where the death was a separation from God as a 59 to talks about that That's where the true death is
Physical death is a manifestation of the spiritual death The real issue is a spiritual realm not this physical one
The real issue is where God lives and the heavenlies and who he is as a spiritual being because Isaiah It's gonna be
John 4 24 God is spirit and in Luke 24 39 you search the script.
No, it's 40 44. Oh, I got so many verses in my head. It says If you would have to fact -check me that's right
That's not John. It's Luke 24 39. It says spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see
I have All right, so God is spirit. He doesn't have a body of flesh and bones unless you're Mormon. Yeah, check it out
Luke 24 39 last one. There's a Mormon and so You'll see it's right, right?
Oh, look at this. I hope you guys are enjoying this on the out there in the internet land
Okay, so I get back on track so God Speaks and he speaks out of his heart and don't lie
Don't cheat don't steal all these the Ten Commandments are the standard that reflect his moral character
He's the standard not us We can't keep that standard and if you were to go to Deuteronomy 27 26
It says there that curses everyone who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law to perform them now the book of the law in Deuteronomy 6 5 says
Lord love the Lord to God with all your heart soul mind and strength and Leviticus 1918 It says love your and I mean love your neighbors yourself, right and then
Jesus says in Matthew 24 37 I mean, I did 22 37 and 39 he repeats
Deuteronomy 6 5 and Leviticus 1918 love God love your neighbor and he says in verse 40 This is the summation of the law now we are obligated to keep that law and the reason is because God is the one who's holy and He's a standard of righteousness now first Peter 1 16 be holy for I am holy
Doesn't mean be holy, but it's okay to not be merciful holiness encompasses all the righteousness and goodness of what
God is So the standard of righteousness is God himself So we are to be righteous according to the law because he's a standard
God does not lower his standard as the book of Mormon 2nd Nephi 25 23 says you're saved by grace through faith after all you can do or what a lot of churches teach as long as you're good as long as you're sincere as long as You're trying
God will take her take care of the rest. That's damnable heresy It's false teaching even though doesn't mean they're damned, but a lot of people just think and ignorant about what the scriptures teach but the thing is
That's what it says. That's right So So God has decreed
The truth of his word to be revealed and it's a standard of holiness because it's a reflection of his character
We are not excused from keeping that same level of standard. We are not excused.
That's a standard But there's a slight problem We can't do it
Oops Now, what do we do? Well, there's no hope for us Now in Islam, I think it's in short 23 101 or something like that It says that if your balance of good deeds exceeds your bad deeds and you you know
And you're alive if Allah wills you could be saved In Book of Mormon 30 dude,
I mean met Moroni 1032 I believe it is it if you deny yourself of all ungodliness
Then is God's grace sufficient for you and I forgot where it is in a watchtower. I Think it's 1972
April 1st There's the three things you got to do Forget what page three things you got to do to be saved and one of them is keep the commandments of God So all false religions all false things will say you have to keep commandments of God in order to be saved
Well, guess what if you keep all of the commandments of God you can be saved
All of them Perfectly all the time because that's the standard so it's doable
Except for one thing. It's not about you guys, but I can't do it. I Don't know.
I think Dave's come close a few times, but he's tried but His wife corrected me on that one once when
I said he was a great guy so The standard is
God himself, right? now since we cannot keep that standard because we're touched by sin in all areas of what we are and Everything that we do is touched by sin.
Our righteous deeds are filthy rags Isaiah 64 6 Therefore there's nothing we can do The only one left to do anything is
God himself so God second person of the Trinity became man and incarnated
And hypostatic union two natures one person He fulfilled the law.
He never sinned first Peter 2 22 He was able to do everything that we could not do period he did it perfectly
Which to me is unfathomable What's that like? I know he could do it
Conceptually, I've got it I can understand how aliens could chase you and you run and you scream as you're firing at him and you're running screaming
I could get that Okay, I got a good imagination. I could imagine that But I can't fathom
Experience understand relate to the idea of keeping the law perfectly in speech in Doing and in attitude
Because my attitude is cryptic to everyone here and Even to me to a degree.
I know my own heart and I don't like what I find okay, and That's why
I don't like Colossians 3 1 through 17 because it shows me myself Oh Colossians 3 1 through 17.
Don't anybody read that? All right. What's that? What's that if therefore you've been raised with Christ, that's right keep seeing the things above very good
Okay, I says he's it's where where's he? Oh my goodness. Hold on a sec. Hold on.
Hold on This is it. There she is right there is my wife. Okay, she spoke
Oh, she did a good job too. And I had to put it see she looks so much better than me.
Doesn't she? That's right you come back next week I'll have some broken limbs probably
What happened? I fell down the stairs three times On the same day.
Yeah, man, it just that's right. All right, so So Jesus is the one who is able to keep the law perfectly
Because we can't because there's no one else left to do it Now remember in Ephesians 1 4 it says that he father chose us
The elect in him Jesus before the foundation of the world that we would be holy and blameless in Romans 6 6 it says that we
Died with Christ Romans 6 8 I think it is or I can reversed it says we're crucified with Christ Now, wait a minute.
How are we crucified with Christ? How we died with Christ he died 2 ,000 years ago
How did we die with him we don't die with him when we get baptized
We died with him when he was crucified because he's our federal head He's our representative federal headship is a teaching that the male represents a descendants.
So Jesus represented his people in Adam I'll die in Christ all
Shall be made alive that second all can only be the elect because the unbelievers are not made alive in Christ So I can go through this thing about the all
And how God uses it differently than we do particularly in the nature and the extent of the atoning work
But maybe later So Jesus was able to do everything and we were in him
Now there's some real interesting things we could talk about here if we were in him and he kept the law perfectly we could almost say that we kept it in him if He died on the cross and we died with him because we're in him after the
Bible said we died with him then We died with them Crucified with them now, you know, this is you know illustrations
But also, I think there's some literalness to it I do not know how it is.
I could have died with Christ if I did not live back then But I do understand the idea of my sins
Being imputed to Christ back then The sins of the entire world now God's not limited to our space in our time and he could impute to impute means to reckon
Legally to reckon to another's account to give to a person another's legal account so that sins breaking the law of God So the legal debt that I incurred was transferred to Christ back then and the people who died
Abraham Isaac Jacob Their sins were imputed to Christ at that same time from the past and all the present people who were alive at that time
Were imputed to him. There's a Trinitarian Imputation past present future they were all imputed to the second person of the
Trinity on that cross Not every sin of every individual ever lived because blasphemy the
Holy Spirit is not forgiven or forgivable Matthew 12 22 to 32 and the sins of Eli's house will not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever first Samuel 3 14
I Don't believe that Jesus bore the sin of everybody who ever lived I believe he only bore the sins of the elect given to him by the
Father limited atonement If you don't agree with that, we can discuss it sometime. That's my position and I can defend it now
Jesus then at the cross canceled the certificate of debt Colossians 2 14
Jesus having canceled the certificate of debt consisting of decrees which was all hostile to us He took it out of the way having nailed to the cross.
So think about this He canceled the certificate of debt and if we died in him
Romans 7 4 says we've died to the law But the one who's died for the law is freed from the law
So then I could ask the question if we've died with Christ and died to the law Can we sin anymore if the law is no longer there for us?
In one sense. No, we can't sit anymore. Can we another sense? Oh, yeah, we do There's this now and the not yet that exists in the atoning work of Christ and now and the not yet 2 ,000 years ago.
It was now for the people of Jesus not yet for us and Yet we were atoned for back then the now the not yet.
That's one of the examples of it All right. So since Jesus fulfilled the law perfectly and Since we cannot then
Our sins were imputed to him which is why what we you know, I've gone over this before but in John 1930
Jesus says to tell us die. It is finished He's on the cross and he says it's finished and that word in Greek to tell us die has been found on some ancient tax receipts handwritten in Signifying a legal debt tax debts been paid now in Matthew 6 12 and Luke 11 4 which is the parallel verses
About our father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name in Matthew 6 12 Jesus says forgive us our debts
Ophelia mom in Luke 11 4 forgive us our sins her Martia So he's equating sin with legal debt
Jesus bore our sin in his body in the cross first Peter 2 24 So our sin is was transferred to Christ on the cross and he died with it and canceled the certificate of debt
It could not be did it for everybody because that would mean everybody would have to go to heaven But you got to believe well in John 14 1
Jesus says believe in God believe also in me It's a it's a commandment and Exodus 20 10 commandments have no other
God before him You're obligated to believe in him If you don't you're breaking the commandments of God and therefore that is also paid for so their argument doesn't work now
Where do we fit in? Well, we've been paid for our since the elect have been have been paid for and And Now we're good we can finally get to the place and talk about justification, okay
Justifications a legal declaration of righteousness so In Romans 3 28 it says we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law
Now the works of the law are summarized in love God and love your neighbor So therefore you're justified before God without loving
God without loving your neighbor Because you're justified not because you love
God and because you love your neighbor but you're justified because of the faith that God granted to you
Philippians 129 and That faith is what justifies you you're regenerated at the same time
And then you love God and you love your neighbor because you're enabled to because you're now born again John 3 3 through 8 made a new creature 2nd
Corinthians 5 17 and God indwells us John 14 23 and we're for cause to be born again in 1st
Peter 1 3 and born again not of our own will John 1 13 So this makes sense it all fits together, right?
So justification, where's our justification come from then? Well, if you go to Philippians 3 9, it says that we have a righteousness.
That's not our own a righteousness that comes from God That doesn't say specifically
Jesus but God is through Christ, right? Well, Jesus is God in flesh who lived the law perfectly
So now we have the Trinitarian Communion And through the righteousness of what
Christ did because he never sinned at first Peter 2 22 He did everything perfectly. We're in him.
We've died to the law. The law has no jurisdiction over us and so when
Jesus died on the cross. He canceled the sin debt for the elect. It doesn't mean you're born saved the sin debt for the elect is
Cancelled but you're not justified until you believe so now I want you to pay attention this illustration
Here's the cross and here we are sin Righteousness what happens is this
Double imputation our sin is imputed to Christ. His righteousness is imputed to us, but they're 2 ,000 years ago 2 ,000 years separate
Okay, because our sin is imputed to him on the cross, but that was 2 ,000 years ago and So that atoning sacrifice which is the propitiation only for our sins, but sins of the whole world first John 2 2 which
I'll get into Is the thing that removes our sin and cancels the sin debt which has occurred at the cross per Colossians 2 14
But when we're born, we're still damned or in a state of damnation until we believe and so there's a now and the not yet again
So we in a sense we have an elect person. Maybe just get saved till he's 40 Who is atoned for and can't go to hell
But he also can't die before he believes because God doesn't make any mistakes
He works all things after the counsel of his will Ephesians 1 11 so he gives to the elect the act of belief
Philippians 1 29 to you has been granted to believe and he grants repentance as well 2nd
Timothy 2 25 So this our sin was imputed to Christ 2 ,000 years ago, and that's what a sin that's canceled
But when we believe that's what we're justified. That's when the righteousness of Christ is imputed to us So his righteousness which is legal is imputed to us
Completely and totally and so we now receive that full benefit of the righteousness of Christ By faith and the reason is by faith only is because if any of our works are involved with it and it's stained
It's either all of God or it's not all of God It's either by the grace of God or it's not by the grace of God by the grace of God It's unmerited favor, but if we do anything then it's not grace anymore
It's what's due So what shall then what then shall we say that Abraham our forefather according to the flesh is found for if Abraham was justified by Works.
He has something to boast about but not before God for what is the scripture say? Abraham believed
God and it was credited as righteousness now to the one who does not The one who works his wage is not credit credit as a favor
But what is due but to the one who does not work but believes in him who justifies the ungodly his faith
Is credited as righteousness? That's justification The faith is credited as righteousness now in that was
Romans 4 1 through 5 in verse 3 where it says Abraham believed God It was credited with his righteousness.
You got to remember Abraham was born and died before the law was given Don't lie.
Don't steal etc. And he was justified by faith before the law was given It says he
Abraham was justified by faith But it says to the one who does not work but believes present tense.
His faith is credited as righteousness So before the giving of the law and after the giving of the law
Justification is by faith That's how it works. So we are justified by faith the very faith that God grants to us
Philippians 129 he gives it to us and Because of that we can then be right before God not because of our righteousness
But because of the righteousness of the infinite God Jesus Christ who became one of us and because of his infinite value
What he did was a propitiation Sufficient for the whole world the word world here does not mean every individual because in Matthew 15 24
Jesus said he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel It was not sent to the whole world but only to the house of Israel just a nation of Israel the they
Broke the covenant and we were grafted in Where is that? I just came across that last night researching and I forgot
I'm trying to memorize it I forgot and so we were grafted in because of the because the Jews broke the covenant
Requirements, so we were grafted in but we're grafted in by faith We have this by faith and This is how we're justified because we can't be justified any other way now furthermore.
The word propitiation is holos mos And it means a sacrifice that turns away wrath.
It doesn't make it possible Not an expiation. It's a propitiation It means it's actually removed just as the high priest on Yom Kippur would remove the wrath covenantally of Israel That typified and was representative of the true sacrifice of the
Messiah to come and so because of that That's how we know that we're justified because it's a propitiation that actually removes a wrath
If it was for every individual whoever lived that everybody has to go to heaven, but Mark 3 29 Matthew 25 46
Revelation 14 11 and revelation 2010. We know people go to hell So because we know people go to hell we know they were not propitiated and their sin that was not canceled at the cross
But we do know this that we're granted the act of believing and We are able to have that peace with Christ because the wrath of God has been propitiated
We've been imputed with the righteousness of God himself lip in three nine, which received by faith only and that's the faith that God grants to us
Philippians three nine and That's what the Bible says having therefore been justified by faith
Romans 5 1 We have peace with God and that's a justification is and that's what made it possible is the work of Christ the sacrifice of Christ Amen Amen.
All right That gets going more.
I can go a little bit more on stuff, but you guys got questions I just kind of skipped the law as a tutor in Galatians 3 24 and Galatians 2 and Judaizers and I could go to their little tangents if you want, but that's what justification is
Did you get all of that? Was it my English you get all intercept everything? Well, she's good
We have an Albanian here right there, Albania. It's got married.
I almost did their marriage ceremony almost but I had to go to California emergency flight and didn't get to do it, but It would have been fun.
Yeah a lot of made fun of you What's that Jewish people
Israel Israel, what about Israel? Will he redeem
Israel If they didn't break the law they'd have been fine
Oh, if they'd have kept the covenant of the Messiah the Messiah would come for Israel But they didn't
He would have yeah The implication is no, but in Genesis 12 3 it says
God says to Abraham in you all the nations shall be blessed and Paul the
Apostle quotes that in Galatians 3 8 and calls it the gospel. So we know that the gospel was intended for everybody even before the law was given and before the covenant with a
Israel was given And it was just the way they were gonna go. Yes, please. Keep going
Matt Erasmus Smith says Have you worked on your empathy skills this week? Who cares let's see
What's the source of to tell us I was found in text text documents I've got it on my website believe someplace look up the word to tell us die
Steve as if you can find it But I have seen it indefinitely because I remember having to find a documentation and I did and I've got it
I think it's on carm. Where's the lady that understands everything we say and breaks it down for you Oh No, that was girl talk
That's another language It's another system of logic outside our universe that women are somehow in tune with and then they bring it into the man world
And they make men try and figure it out I'm in trouble.
I'm getting myself in trouble Also, what's the shortest answer for why limited atonement is correct
The shortest answer for why limited atonement is correct There you go Bible says so Jesus didn't waste his blood.
Okay, or he actually removed the sin not made a potential Let's see.
That's her voice. That's right. She's over there That's right Joanne says you guys would get along you'd like talking to each other you shouldn't exchange phone numbers
All right. So someone says keep going. Oh, what's that gonna say? I could talk about some more Oh Glacian 324 the law tutor
We talked about that if you want. What's the purpose of the law of them? Come on you heretics.
What's the What is the purpose of the law? What Right writer, okay, we can't do it but it points us to Jesus because we can't do it
So the Glacian 324 the law has become a tutor to lead us to Christ that we'd be saved by grace and faith, right?
now I've talked about this before and After people have studied with me for six months. They started hearing over and over to hear the same stuff.
That's okay but they need to hear it because most people you know, like Aren't that smart and it takes a lot of times for certain people?
I know to hear things to make sure that they get it Those I'm not pointing to the ladies because if I did I get in trouble
See if you come here to this Bible study you get a free insult or several What Why Why does
God talk to men more than women because men have thicker skulls Yeah, there you go. You're trying to be nice Because that's what he's got to do because the women don't listen anyway
Have you heard that enjoy that's last Bible study on earth. Oh You know, my favorite jokes is why do men die sooner than women they're married to women
They're all smiling everybody every smiling For her back yeah for her back and her back was hurt
Next next week you couldn't the Bible study. I'll be in crutches probably, you know But why is it you guys are enjoying it if it's so bad even she was smiling she got it was good
Okay All right, all right, let's get back on track I like to have fun. All right, I have a fun Okay, so So the
Tudor Glacier 324 and the ancient Roman system Slaves were a common occurrence and a common thing in a
Rome I think at one point like half the population was a slave of some sort But they would often have a
Certain slave who was a tutor. It was highly privileged actually and he was the one who was engaged in instructing the children of the master highly privileged and very
Trusted position they weren't beaten and whipped they were regarded with esteem, but they were committed to that household.
They're called slaves when the child would graduate and Had learned what was needed to be taught he would get a new robe and so the tutor
Would then give him new clothing That's why it says the tutor leads us to Christ and in that we have been clothed in righteousness
It talks about being, you know clothed so that this language is why that's there now.
I Did talk Eric? but dong bad on the dong
It says what about Catholic justification Catholics have no justification because they were our works righteousness, but the
Catholic view of Justification is that it is earned by your works.
Now. They'll say no, it's not They'll say condign merit congruent merit strict merit that these are forms of doing things and God obligates himself in certain ways at certain times
If you do something that he'll reward you with this or that okay. Well, anyway, it says in paragraph 2068
I believe it is not 3068 but 2068 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church It says that you you obtain salvation through faith baptism and the observance of the commandments
So you observe the commandments in order to be saved in paragraph 2070 and 2068 and oh, it's been a while.
So I've done these that keeping the law is Necessary for salvation
Necessary because keeping the natural law is necessary for salvation. I don't have any of my notes here
I would I'd tell you should quote it to you exactly Yeah, that's right. Bill met dig in his grave.
And so What they do is they negate?
True federal headship they negate the true propitiatory sacrifice They add works to the finished work of Christ Grace is a substance that can be infused into the soul.
That's paragraph 1999 in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and So how it works how
Catholicism works, it's so bad But When you get baptized all your original sin is removed if you die right then you go to heaven
But if you die just a little bit I mean die a little bit if you sin just a little bit some of the grace that was infused in your soul is now lost and Say a venial sin, you know a guy gets
Baptized if he would had a heart attack or a stroke right there and he dies goes to heaven But you know, he stands up he's happy he looks over She's a total baby lusts after her for just a split second and good
Oh darn, I should have done that. He just lost a little bit of grace now if he were to die He's got to go to purgatory But he doesn't die.
He goes to the confessional I saw this girl and I lost it after just a little bit and the priest says, okay
Well, you got to do these things and you get that grace put back into you got to fill her up And so the
Roman Catholic Church keeps your salvation in their hands with their authority
Because you have to participate in their sacramental system Sacerdotalism in order to have grace re -infused because if you continue on enough venial sins lesser sins then eventually you can lose all of your grace
Unless you go back take the mass and do the sacraments and pray to Mary and do penance. Oh, yeah But if you commit mortal sin, then all of your grace is instantly lost and if you die you to go straight to hell
So this and so how to get it back you got to do good works and penance and go to priest and get
Get your grace re -infused in. Oh What a barbaric satanic doctrine that the
Catholic Church teaches I come up with what? How they get to the praying of Mary I don't know how they did that but I suspect it had something to do with the
Greek gods and goddesses and that the Roman Catholic Church was trying to adopt and venerated
Mary and it just got Good. It took her eyes off of Christ period put on the you know,
Jesus and you can do this kind of thing Well, we have a female that you can venerate and then it became an exalted thing
That's why I think happened, but I'm not a historian So, I don't know for sure and and I could talk about it.
Oh, man, I could do a whole study on on Mary I could do it. Oh Yeah What's that?
Oh They gave us the Bible to Catholic Church. Yeah, that's what then I asked him did did they give us the
Old Testament? Yeah, no, they didn't give us a Bible because the Bible is the whole thing You know, it's like saying, you know that they bought four tires for your car and then they say see we gave you the car
What do that we talking about? You know, that's it's that kind of a thing It's also it's called the fallacy of division.
I know fallacy of composition or Division I forgot which that what's true of the parts true of the whole hey, we give you this little part
So it's true, you know, I think it's that's kind of thing It Would seem
Arminian and Roman Catholics pervert the gospel by believing that salvation is synergistic Tyler to some degree
Yes, but our minions don't believe That their salvation is dependent upon their works.
They just believe that it's up to them to be able to choose and There an error in that but that does not negate salvation
Okay, you don't become Saved when you become a Calvinist, for example A doctrine that makes a lot of money.
Yeah, that's right bill. Yeah, the Roman Catholic crap that they teach you can tell I do not like I love teaching on Catholicism.
There's so much heresy in it Indulgences Yeah Yeah, and so they're not supposed to do indulgences.
Well about 25 30 years ago and Nick and I went to France because her relatives are in France her side of the family.
She speaks French so I remember being at a we're on the outskirts of some place and and they're all talking on the table in French and I Understood a couple words like we know, you know gulat, you know
Which is underwear because my wife would say that children would like to cool out where's your underwear because you know little girls, you know,
I learned that and poodle trash and Mosh eat so I recognized about that many words.
That's all and After a while, I say forget that anyway
So I went walking around and I found an old stone Catholic Church and the door was open
I walked inside and I could read it had a little coin thing and money and it had the word
Purgatory and so my ghost souls and I could I knew what it was It's like yep
You put money in the priest will pray for a little bit more so that to get the people out of purgatory What a load of crap
What's that Yeah, it's uh
Yeah, if you guys want I would be glad to teach on Catholicism sometime I have so much information on it
Main things that they teach. Yeah, we could do that Mormonism Jehovah's Witnesses Christianity by Baptists There's a joke
All the cults, you know Yeah, yeah, I can do that or bah -wah -lah
That's in Baha 'i Baha 'u'llah, he's the prophet there Baha Allah, you know, we make a joke out of it
Go through Islam. I could do religions. We could do book of Romans He suggested going through the book of Romans verse by verse
We could do a shorter book like Galatians or Ephesians or I can do whatever you guys want. I don't care
We're now we're just rambling at this point folks listening Let's get it more got more question questions plural
Praise God for second Corinthians 521. That's right. Tyler. He made new him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf.
That's right Any Pelagian ism? That's right Well, I was a short study wasn't it
I gave a lot of info there but put it together Okay Yeah, I gotta do that you think
I should put videos in there Yeah Well, I've got hundreds of videos out and hundreds of radio shows out and I don't know how many thousands of shows
I've done radio, but Hundreds that have been videotaped now Yeah, as long as they were on on YouTube they should still be there should be hundreds and hundreds
I guess Yeah Yeah, when you join the cult of match slick karm one of the things
That's when you had to pass it up The sash yeah the sash yet it would be way up.
Yeah, that's true get a sash But the graduates had to learn how to walk without bouncing their head has to go level like you're on a slide
That's hard to do That's one of their and backwards and walking Now it is sounding like a cult.
It is that's right. Remember that from the Blues Brothers what? the slick cult
That's right. Look in the slick Ian called the the car minions look,
I All right. Let's see Matt. You would have made a great Puritan teacher. Thanks bill
Let's see. I shared it on It's because the laws isn't true that's good tonight was quick and slick.
Thank you Joanne Karma That's the right theology spiritual theology is called karma.
And what do you call it when the karma website breaks? karmageddon We have a bunch
Oh The slictionary, yes, I could stay a week we're done unless you guys got questions
I can just entertain for a little while say stupid stuff. Oh Hate male wacko male.
We really do How about the the commercials, you know, er tickler?
Yes that and What is the goes your full contact theologian?
Yeah Yeah Yeah But now that we're gonna get those back.
I just I have so many things as opposed to do And what's really happening is
I'm getting older. I'm really slowing down It's just a fact but I used to concentrate for six to eight hours at a day at a time
Just straight and I could go but not anymore. I'm getting older Reporting for duty carmander.
Yeah, I like that one. That's good. Whoo That's right, that's right
Matt you okay. I got that. Yes hate mail. So great. Yeah, I could do hate mail What I could do one day for one of these is
I could just do hate mail for an hour. Hey Did you like that? I'm sure
I could find some And then
I missed the insults With it that they used to write in Well, you remember
I used to I do have a how to insult me page pick your own insult page on carm
You can because so many of the insults were poorly written So I wrote a page on how to insult me and I have insults and all you gotta do is just write number five
Okay, there you go well said Yeah, number five, yeah, I'll take an insult number five, please, you know and This is how you do it, you're not too good at insulting that's right.
Let's see if I can get the You really want to do that, huh? Let's see info
Let's see if we have Where's some insult stuff? I don't know if we even looked for it a long time
People general Oh love and hate mail Hate new only 126 in here
Yeah I Just say
I became across the new society. I don't like it I don't see why a swastika was displayed next to the paragraph about Nazis unless you're flying their flag
Okay article itself. I haven't gone through these to get the really good ones out This country was founded on the idea of separation of church and state that's not true.
That is not true That's not a new society development. We have freedom of religion. No, we don't defend the rights
Defend the rights of the afflicted and needy LGBTQ people and people of color are some of the most afflicted and needy by your article seems to suggest they are part of the problem
Yeah, that's right Reprove the ruthless. Okay, let's go into something else. Let's see Good luck taking the mark of the beast.
Thanks to Gates Fauci, etc in order to take this trip I I'm sure the vaccine will be more
Gene altering by then just think how much you will enable the enrichment of Satan's minions and how many people you will be leading
Down to hell for eternity. Is this really worth a few moments of pleasure? The idol of hedonism looms large in today's world as Wendy There's not enough in here.
I don't know what they're talking about. Good luck. What are you talking to? The Mark of the
Beast, you know, but it says it's where I could take this trip. Maybe it's the Israel trip that we're going on.
Yeah Yeah, so if you take if you take kovat look if you wanna take over take over if you don't want to do it
Don't do it. I'm against the government telling me I have to that's what I have a problem with you stay out of my life
But you know, I think I was just talking about the whole Israel trip It may be necessary for me to take it just to be able to go with a bunch of people
But that's why a lot of people are going because I'm going, you know, so you're going Oh, wow
Really is it working? Yeah, my grand my atheist granddaughter set it up Cool We'll see what happens
I may have to get it Okay, here's another one we never hear you sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ all you do is promote a political agenda
I'm tired of telling you this truth You talk about the leftists and their agenda as if that was the gospel of Jesus Christ Every day it probably the radio show every day
I compare what people say in the Bible to what the Bible says most of the trash you discuss is not biblical Oh my goodness
It's obvious that you are an educated man bring people to Christ all the socialism and counterculture is gibberish
Most of your supporters must be the political right they are political just like you are they Christian probably not are you
Christian? I certainly do not see any evidence of a generation Who do you think it was there's a lady that it's a guy yeah
Mitch Well, I've been talking about this because people are asking about it and it's you know
And politics is not to be separated from religion Jesus is Lord over everything this idea of separation of church and state.
That's not true. Oh, here's another one from Mitch. Oh Yeah, she was interesting yeah, yeah, whoa, this is a good insult
It's from the same guy and this is quick and slick Where is the gospel of Jesus Christ?
No one should support this abortion of a ministry That's a good one, that's a good insult
Yeah that's really good and it's over the responded over the
They eat the newsletter that goes out, you know Cult of a week a true church the karma online schools are the battle over words
In the name of Brahma amen and a woman, you know Luke wrote these these things he does a good job
What is cancel culture? I wrote that anyway, let's go to Share an example of your response
Wow Okay, let's see, oh I wrote to see she said
I'm praying for you Mr. Slick as I am praying for the lost who stumble across this site
Why do I smile and enjoy that why do I I don't know what it is, I just think it's an inlining Sign day
Brock. What? If you are an example of Christ's love who would want to be like you or Join you it is people like you who are responsible for the decline of faith among our young You wreak hate and I discern evil
This is good, this is a going so far Satan himself is governing your website and you are a willing puppet
That's that's good. That's good. That's pretty good. That's right May God have mercy on your soul.
Do not use one word of my message email. Oops. Okay. Well too late Nothing that is of me or from me will be polluted by you and your efforts to send lost souls to hell
Yeah, and I wrote wow, that really is something do you have any serious comments to make beside hatred and condemnation?
why don't you give us an example of something you disagree with and Roche did she wrote sure an example your response
And She says your smugness your pride your sense of superiority your waste of time of the
Lord has given you Wow. Oh Man, there's several from her Yeah, oh
Well, I got stories about About some people with some stuff that have happened. Let me tell you some stories
You want to go but you wanna hear a good story? Okay. All right now
Story time with uncle Matt So Yeah, I should put on my sneakers and my sweater
Uncle my all right, so You should it's been a while.
I've talked about it and it's on my website and it's fully documented This is back when Diane Selner was alive.
She used to work with me and there was a woman named Cheryl chats
And I call her chats for brains And sorry and Cheryl Took umbrage with what
I said about some things. I just a lot of it's vague and so she
Did not like what I said and one thing they do another and the next thing, you know, she accused me of sinning against her
You do something wrong against them but so she said this and Then There was this guy started emailing me defending
Cheryl And I'm reading through the emails like who and what's what's this?
And then I realized Some of the phrases are very similar So long story short.
I got a an email tracking program and I bought one and I sent a little something to this guy and got to eat the
IP address and it Got the IP address. They're exactly identical. All right So I then knew this and then asked questions and I even said are you?
Cheryl sheds and this person wrote back said no Okay so I'd all printed up now, this was important because She wanted me to meet her with her pastor in a hotel
Here in Boise so they could discuss my sin against her Oh this
I'm skipping details, but you know, I just went on I'm like, okay fine. And so I think it was
Matt Marino or was it Josh Bales who went with me think that might have been Matt and Because I let's do this let's go she butter pastor so she's really complaining and whining and So we got to the hotel, you know, we've got the hotel and she's there we had this nice meeting and everything and Matt's Rasmus says
Matt sing that's not happening. I Am so bad So we're in the hotel and she got you this and you shouldn't against me that and I want this and you have to apologize
I want a public apology. I want this and that you know, and you know, it's got just lighten up and So We came to this agreement and I said,
I'll tell you what I'll do Do what I'll do over my radio show. This is how we came to this agreement.
I will Say I retract blah blah blah blah blah. Okay Right.
Would you be satisfied? She goes? Yeah, I said, okay so incidentally, I got that radio show later that day and I Went to the beginning of the show and I said it really fast and Then I told the producer edit that part out of the recording.
I Don't want it in recorded and she was okay because the deal was
I would say it over the air and I did That's what I did. I Fulfilled my promise and part of her responsibility was to take down stuff.
She said about me on the website on her website. She was causing problems and But if you guys really want to hear what
I could hear about the atheist guy I think I told you about that already. But anyway, so she We're in this room, you know, and I had this paperwork group ready and I at the break time
I said I got a question. Do you know so -and -so? because No, and and I said well
Because so -and -so has the same IP address as you do I said you don't know but I used to be a computer tech and I know things
I can trace people and stuff like that And she's staring at me and the pastor's looking and I said I can the paper with the pastor
I said this is an IP address So each IP address is unique to each individual computer and I said that you can do a trace route
You can do the pings. You can do various things. You can find certainly about servers You can I said
I got a program and then what it did was it she opened it up and it Gave me the same IP now unless someone else is using her computer
It's her Because I said she doesn't know who this person is But yet it's the same computer and he looked at her
He says is this you and she said no, it's not She said no, it's not and he said are you sure and I said, there's the evidence well, they left and On halfway home.
She confessed to him. She had a little flat -out lied and Then she she contacted me and said that you know, she has forgiveness for that I said, okay, you know you lied
You're busted but okay, and I said now take down all the stuff and she said well Where's the recording of you saying the thing?
I said I said it the deal wasn't that it would be recorded But that I would say it over the air and I did and she goes well in that case
I'm not gonna take the stuff down. I said great you want to do that I'm gonna release all my research and information about you about everything and I did it's still on the site now
Oh, yeah Oh, here's here's one there's a guy years and years ago.
He's to work in Southern, California and Carm was just brand new and This guy was
I love this one this guy was Spamming my site going into the forums and foul this foul that and was taking up more and more of my time
Just getting rid of stuff Discussions and he would just go different places and he would do all kinds of stuff
Yeah, it was bad. This is back in the early days of the Internet, you know, like 1977 and 78 and but they were moving pretty quickly and so I got pissed off at him and I said and I did
I did a trace route and I did some stuff and I found the company he worked at and Then I discovered the hours of the company and then
I realized he was doing this on company time So then I wrote an email
Explaining what was who was who was doing it? I said, I know his name, but this is his Nick. Here's the IP It's coming from your company
During these hours. These are things he's saying about me and I said, I just want you guys to be aware of it and I emailed it to every email on the entire website possibly find and I mean every email if it was an email
I'd mail it to him email and Two days later. I got an email from him
Begging me not to do that again He says I promise I will never bother you again ever and I wrote him back and I says you bother me
Again, I'll do even more Never heard from him again. Yeah, he almost lost his job
I'm surprised he didn't yeah So, oh, yeah, then you
I told you guys about the atheist right the atheist group This is this is a bit of a longer story and it wrote falls a
Satanist didn't tell you about this Come on, I told you guys All right, one of the things that I try to remember the chronology of things but Back when
I was in Escondido San Diego County we started getting these emails and They were emailing us
Human sacrifice pictures Saying this is what we're going to do to you and your family so I called the police and the
FBI got involved and This was going on for a couple of weeks and the police were saying look send us this and this that we did they
Gotten, you know the FBI got involved There was a letter that was written by this but this group we didn't know what was going on and Describing what they were gonna do to my children.
It was so bad that I would have attacked I mean, I just would have
I would have just I'd attacked him physically and right or wrong. I would have done it sorry, I would have and Because it was that evil it was
It's about as evil as you can imagine and my wife said I want to read that I said you will not read it
I'm not letting you reading it. She goes. I want to read I said it's not happening. I Said it's not happening.
It was that bad so bad that I would have We'd have we'd had a problem.
Okay so It turns out That it was not a group
But it turned out it was a single woman in Australia Now you don't know this stuff, you know the
Internet you don't know we we know who you are We this we that there are these pictures. You don't know who what right? Turns out the
FBI contacted the police in Australia This is terrorist threats
The police went knocked on her door. Are you so -and -so are you doing this and like that scared the crap out of her and she contacted us and Said you think that's gonna stop us.
I know people in your area in Southern, California where you live and they're gonna come get you
So this is what was going on Plus that they they she
Emailed me a map of my address where my where I lived with an X on it, right?
except for some reason for real The the address it pulled up was in the wrong location
It was like a quarter mile off and I never said it was wrong.
I just I couldn't believe it But for real it was it was off So this is what was going on.
Well the FBI. Okay, we know who it is. We can't touch them The you know, the Austrian Australian issue.
So the persistence was lower, but it was still there That's part of the picture
Diane Is retired was a retired clinical psych nurse and she would talk to varying people and she was great and I forgot how her connection was made, but she would made a connection with a lesbian atheist
Satanist Well atheist Satanist you can't have that and so late
I'll say lesbian Satanist tattooed and And She would tell me every now and then about this woman and how she was witnessing to her, you know
Just very calmly very cat. I said good for you, you know, praise God and she said she's very foul -mouthed and all this stuff
But for some reason they would talk Then I heard that This woman daughter was killed in her front yard and The woman held her
While she was dying. We were shot. Okay, and I my heart broke, you know,
I oh man I said, let me talk to her see if she'll talk to me so Well long story short.
I ended up talking to her and for two hours F 'n this and son of a friggin f 'n that and blah blah blah.
You're God you this you that f 'n blah blah blah Foul for two hours and I'm listening
You know, I'd say a few things here and there and she was off the races again for going and going there for two hours
And I didn't witness to her. I didn't feel it was the right time you know, I just you could let it go because I we've lost a child and I it's it's hell and so She finally started to calm down and then this is all part of a big story
So she started to calm down and and then and then she got quieter and then she became calm
And she paused and she said look You've let me just Say all kinds of stuff for a couple of hours here and you've not rebuked me.
You've not seen anything bad. You said she said I Don't agree with what you do. I said, but I I'm thanking you for less for listening at least, you know,
I said I understand I Said I don't hate you and I said I know what it means to lose a child and I know it's
The most horrible things you can experience. I just care What am I gonna say?
And she said well, I thank you for that She started supporting the ministry financially Okay.
All right. That's another piece of the puzzle There was a debate I had with some atheists.
Oh Before we get to that She found out that the other Satanist was threatening and attacking me
She jumped all over her and they had their little Satan battle going back and forth and she stopped her from attacking me.
I Had a lesbian atheist a lesbian Satanist defend me from another
Satanist For real All right, who had been contacted well by the police when our
FBI got involved I mean, it's like did by making this up not making this up. Well, wait, there's more
So I had a debate with some atheists a written debate on the karm forums Which I have
I produce and I wrote I ended up writing like 25 ,000 words in this debate Which is where I learned.
No. No, I'm not gonna do written debates. I just they just explode and And So I told the moderators of the forums in the atheist room
I said don't apply the rules to the atheists during this debate a debate on morality Okay, so what are the atheists gonna do they to become worse and worse and worse
But they in order to post they had to agree to the rules. So this is their word And they know this well, he's got worse and worse
They're testing the waters and they're getting more and more foul and the moderators are going Are you sure you don't want to stop him?
I said, I don't want you to stop him And I'm taking notes. I'm copying some of the things are saying and I'm putting it in in preparation
For the final stuff of this debate. I mean with this atheist nice and I use it against them I said look all these your atheist buddies are foul this foul that foul this foul that do you condemn them?
on morality What's he gonna do? You can't do anything No, and then
I said to the moderators apply the rules and boom people got banned boom boom boom boom boom for breaking the rules
That pissed everybody off right? Well, they got hoisted by the Rupert are it pissed everybody off.
So then what they did was this one group Started called the atheist
Apologetics research ministry said a karma. It's arm So arm was
It had people in it and And what they did was they sought ways to destroy the karma website and ministry
They actually worked to destroy it That's what their purpose was among other things and they got forms.
They got people to donate it was becoming something, right? I saved them from getting sued because Diane Was the husband were ready to sue them because they were saying that she and I were having an affair
She lived on the East Coast up in the West Coast. Give me a break. They were lying It was a libel was it was it was a libel and slander slander.
I think it was and No, no, no, and they were getting they're doing worse and worse stuff and it was then are you really doing this or that, you know, we're now it's starting to become a problem and The husband almost said
I don't care who what we're gonna mortgage the house and sue the crap out of them He was ready. I said give us some time.
I got something working and anyway So they had a special group of people on the inner circle who would meet and plan on How they could destroy the karma ministry and the threat came to them.
They they're about getting sued They backed down, but it never happened, but they did back down, but every life's getting too close
So they had this inner group They had this commit this bunch of people and then an interview who ran the a a arm ministry
Guess who was on that inner group because it was included That same girl the
Satanist girl No, the other one when it defended me when
I spent two hours talking with She Wrote me and said
I do not agree with what you say what you do but you have the right to your opinion and They're trying to destroy what you're doing and you're you're using as a feed your family and she goes
I'm gonna tell you what they're doing and she fed us Information. Oh, it gets even better She fed us information
Beforehand, we're gonna try this attack. We could try this we're gonna try that and I would give it to my Web guy and he go thanks and he would put in Security measures ahead of time and we would see them write things like man.
We can't get this guy They could not understand it. So I had a lesbian
Satanists who defended me against another Satanist who was helping me inside of an atheist group
Who was trying to destroy the ministry? All right, and it was headed up by this one guy.
Let's call him. Let's just call him James I remember his real name and All right, so I'm living in Southern, California or was it here
I think it was here I can't remember Spencer, you know And so my dad was still alive at the time and he was in Missouri with my other brother
Eric of two brothers Eric Out that was out there, Missouri and then my brother brother. He's down in Southern, California still anyway, so So Eric was taking care of my dad
Dad lived on his property in a fifth wheel and was gradually health was declining and to the hospital and I you know
He said time for you to come on out, you know, so I'd like you to come on out and a pretty soon I said, okay and But before that got to that level he called me up one day and he goes
Have you ever heard of? James, I went yeah that guy You know
You know, I was just snotting all over yet and I go Yeah, why what why why do you say he goes he works for me?
Yes way He worked for my brother
He worked this is no lie. I'm not making it up. He worked for my brother.
I'm sitting there going what? Yeah, and I said so -and -so
He goes the atheist guy goes. Yep And I you know, what are you saying? He works for you because my brother was a head of a department in a computer programming developing for a big -game
Thing and he hit always oversaw a lot of people and he was one of the guys under it. I Said really?
Was yeah, I said, well, how'd you find this out? And he said we're at the Christmas party and I heard him talking about you
And I turned him and I said, you know Matt slick and he goes, yeah He goes and Eric slick.
My brother Eric slick goes. Well, he's my brother Yeah Yeah, and and he said the guy just stared at him now.
I'm six feet tall. I'm not small and you know, I'm But Eric you do not he could take all of us
Okay Yeah, he's like six foot two or three and 300 pounds and you do not and he's got this crazy strength anyway, so Even the atheists when they found out about this even the atheists said how could you be so stupid?
You know Eric slick Matt slick Eric would talk theology because he has a
Masters of Theology not a Masters of Divinity and the guy goes I never thought about never put it together.
What are the odds? You know and so with a wow, you know,
I couldn't believe it So it's hard to make him look bad because things are aren't working inside the group and then all of a sudden now
He's working my brother. I mean My brother calls me up and says you got to come out and see our dad
Okay So, all right, so went out see my dad and and when
I got back you passed away two days later So we're out there for a few days, but during those two days later those two those few days.
I said I want to go to your work. I Want to go to your work.
He goes, okay and so I went to his work and He gave me a tour through the place and we're getting to the
James's office And I walk in my face along people knew he knew who
I was what it looked like and I walk in and He's sitting there. Okay record.
I've seen his picture and I go hey So, how's it going and he he's he's afraid, you know, because Because I walked over I Took my fist.
So I put him on the desk and I leaned forward like take a swing at me. I Did because he'd caused a lot of problems, right and I just leaned forward and I went so how's it going?
And he's backing up in his chair. He's still sitting down. He's backing up I don't know how big he is because he had to stood up but I was like,
I don't care We're going at it and my brother's behind me. Anyway, you know, it's gonna happen and he will rip the you know,
I wasn't worried but He literally backed up and he's sitting there like I pushed my hand out and I go so nice meeting you finally
I'm great. He you know, he Reserves and I squeeze his hand firmly and I'm pulling on the little bit, you know, like yeah small world and I you know
How God does things isn't it? I said I would love to have a discussion with you about this stuff and he did not wanting to do with with me at that point and Eric as well.
Let's go. Keep keep touring because I'd done what I wanted to do, right and I turned back I go Hey, hope to talk to you later.
Bye and you know walked out never saw him since but And then that shortly after that that whole ministry died
No, we graduate fell out of contact and I haven't talked to her 10 12 years
But Diane was the one who's in contact and you know So interesting stories, huh?
It's all for real. It's all for real. I didn't make it up Yeah, it would be
Yeah Yep, yeah, and then I could tell you witnessing experiences sometime too.
I got a list of those Mm -hmm.
It's only like four or five people. But yeah, I wish I had been there Oh and Pierce Bronson was there the actor in front of up mine goes
Hey, I saw him and they talked into whatever he was just there for some reason. Okay No, no, he just happened to be the capital
Anyway, anybody on online. See ya. I know you got to go. I got to get up early Was it worth staying for the stories?
If you barf Oh, hey barf barf out of the car.
That's late -night party and you look tired What do you guys want to study next week
And you guys got questions in the chat room get ready you can start asking
I'll answer Catholicism How about you've heard are you interested in that Well, you guys decide what you want the majority wins, all right a book
Honestly, you want to go through a book? You want to do? Yeah, yeah, yeah
I interviewed the Okay Galatians or Ephesians.
Okay, let's do Galatians or Ephesians. Which one would you want Galatians or Ephesians Galatians? Galatians Galatians next week it is.
All right. No, someone says Romans Seeing I'm see a match lick
Autobiography, I am shocked. He didn't lose his job. Oh Yeah That's okay.
Okay, you've lived too many interesting adventures. You wouldn't be happy, North Carolina. We're Andy Griffith people.
Oh, I got stories. I Got stories. I got lots of stories. I Could tell you stories about being in the prison ministry with a hand around my throat
I can tell you about the that when I'm preaching in prison two guys walking forward towards me
Well during the sermon I can tell all kinds of stuff I did prison ministry for nine years and the toughest levels to the not -so -tough levels
I Will study about the book of Joshua Joshua Justice and goodness
All this territories that they are taking they're fighting and they're just killing everyone
Well, you want to hear about killing? Why they would kill you kill
No, I can answer that I can tell you why No, we can talk about that right now if you want
Why would God well, we'll start with the book of Galatians next week. Okay. All right So why would
God have entire people groups killed? right, I Basic question and people ask that question.
They want to know yeah and children Yeah, so a lot of times the groups that were being killed
They're a variety of problems and not all not every group had all the problems
But some might have these three and some that doubt those three and some but but the most part they were similar they would often have
Had to with Primarily with serving false gods. That was the main thing and In the case of all worship, they would sacrifice children and they would burn children alive babies they didn't have abortion, but there's the same kind of a thing and The main issue usually was the paganism that was prevalent around the nation of Israel and God would send people to each of these nations and say stop stop it
Stop it, and they wouldn't know that they wouldn't listen. They wouldn't repent so God then sent the
Israelites or a plague or whatever it was to destroy them all and the children to Why the children?
We can make sense out of the idea That adults can be killed because they're guilty.
It turns out children are also guilty Because they have the original sin of Adam and Romans 9 5 19 the many were made
Sinners and that's the work of Adam so God by taking the children out also is
Is not doing anything bad, but he's executing them Because he has a right to do it because they have sin anyway, but there's something else
One of the things I'll say in the radio about this is the people of Canaan, for example, they were into child sacrifice sexual prostitution temple prostitution
Pagan worship idolatry. It was bad and it was creeping into Israel. God doesn't want that because The messianic line in Israel had to remain pure and secure
So Jesus will be born and the enemy was always trying to get foreign nations to corrupt
Israel and then internally would be destroyed. It's what's happening to America. So The children if they're killed young now we have a question do they go to heaven or hell
That's a question and we don't in the Bible doesn't tell us I'm of the position that they go to heaven
And the reason is because I've lost a child so I'm no longer impartial about that. And plus the
Bible doesn't say What happens but we do know that David said he would see his dead son in the resurrection now, that's in a covenant context covenant of Israel context, but it might be for other stuff
I'm hearing conversation. I want to start listening Couldn't so So if the chill if it's the case that the children when they die young go to heaven
Then killing them would have been a merciful thing to do Because if they'd have grown up and and become pagan they would have gone to hell
So one of the possibilities is that God was delivering them and taking them out in order to save them from greater harm later
And we could make that case biblically that makes sense Now it's not saying that is the answer because we don't know what the answer is
But that's one of the possibilities that would be that is there that if you were to take them out as their babies or children then
And puts another reason to If they wipe out all the adults then the
Israelites would then but God would know this be responsible for providing food for them to go in and take them and And So That would have put a lot of burden on Israel to do that but also
It would have meant interbreeding with the pagans because they're supposed to be of a certain lineage
So if it had done that then they're taking the people in then they would have grown up.
They would not have been Jews and Then you'd have them intermarrying people who were not
Jews plus different age groups would have different language levels and different knowledge levels and they would
Remember where they were and they might grow up inside of Israel and take revenge on the Israelites There's all kinds of reasons to God.
It just simple wipe them all out. No problems to come it's taken care of and they can go to heaven and Probably it would have protected
Israel because of the other ramifications that would have gone in that kind of thing I'm sorry
Right, there were different battles in different situations they wouldn't kill all of them one and sometimes they would because they were instructed to Them That what
They were or were not a threat they were they weren't they were yeah, there were others when it there's a
I forgot where it is, but it says it wiped out all the people of the land and But it but when you find out very quickly
They didn't if you take all the people the land to mean every individual. No, it's not what it was
They wiped out basically everybody but not everybody and that's how the Jewish mindset was you could write like that and say they're all gone, but they knew that really wasn't and just how it was that in the culture
Yeah, that's a good way to put it it took out what was needed to be taken taken out which usually was the men because they're the ones who the fighters and the women, you know, if you're gonna have women in your if you take the women in because there's other thing is when you have a battle
I Thought about this over the years you have a battle you go into one nation and you destroy
Basically the wheat the farmland because it's burning You destroy their storehouses because you don't want the enemy to have food you destroy the people of Fighting age you're wiping them out and then you win if you leave what happens
There's a plague that's gonna come through people are gonna die. People are gonna be starving Well, not that this is the only reason but could that plague then extend into the victorious area?
Because if a plague comes up and it's uncleanliness law, so that's an issue Plus there's just the issue of compassion.
Okay, once they're just you've beaten the enemy, you don't keep destroying them, you know, and So you subdued them and okay, how can we help out?
well the way to do it would be to bring them into your land or you extend your political political power and social structure into that land, but God had given
Israel this sliver and there's a geographical reason. He only wanted him in that area Now from this perspective looking this way
Okay, here's here we go. Here's So Italy's here
Albania's right there and Israel's over there, right and then we have the
Nile and things like that Well to get from Rome you'd have to go like this or across the
Mediterranean but that was expensive and dangerous Mediterranean was was pretty dangerous Paul, you know super act like two or three times.
It was dangerous So people would go through the area Well when they would come around this way or this way you could go way out like that But it's like eight million miles.
They want to do that So what they would do is they would go through this sliver of land why that sliver of land where Israel was?
Because it was You could walk through it. You could take a caravan through it or you could go
Out a couple hundred miles out into the Arabian Desert No water
Further out are mountainous ranges way out there So it was not easy to get around and you know the average family
How are you gonna where you gonna get your supplies? How are you gonna get this? How are you gonna do that to be able to find someone who's gonna take it to a desert who has all this stuff?
It was not easy. This is why Rome Wanted Israel in that one specific area because it was geographically and strategically very important So Israel was allowed to exist way out in the boonies under religious
Headship, but under the puppet leaders of Herod Pontius Pilate, etc And so if If God had said go to this land,
I'll give you over here Look people going through would have bypassed them for the most part not always but it bypassed him right?
No go here so now 300 years earlier Alexander the
Great had gone through and made Greek the national language of the language Franca Greeks a very powerful language very powerful and you can do a lot with it.
It's more powerful than English and Spanish now So it's a good theological language for precision and for a lot of stuff but it but Greek was now the language
Franco and because it was the language Franca the Jews 250 years ago from time of Christ had translated the
Old Testament into Greek That's how necessary it was. So Greek is all over the place
Now the Messiah comes in this little area called Israel and then sends them out to go out
Go out disciples and then he goes to heaven. What does disciples do they stayed there?
Everybody stayed there Then what's called the Diaspora comes it's called the Diaspora the dispersion
So Rome comes in in 70 AD because it was a an insurrection Not like January 6
There was an insurrection and Rome had to go in and destroy a lot of people and he did they sieged the city and they
Tore down the temple in the whole bit the Diaspora means Dispersion people fled to all over the area roads were already in existence all over the place
Greek was the national language Nate natural language for everybody The New Testament that is written in Greek they already have the
Greek Septuagint and the dispersion they went all over the place spreading the gospel
So all this so back to Joshua's time These little nations next to Israel and the nation is going to come in and try and corrupt
Israel God says nope not happening because all of the future history was dependent upon them as well
And so there was reasons to destroy the whole people groups small groups compared to everything else get rid of them
Because they have to keep Israel strong and have to keep Israel intact Because the gospel is coming later because that's where the
Messiah is coming later because everything will be in place for the gospel to go out So it makes sense.
God knows what he's doing that help That helps. Okay, let's see
Let's see the father can use any broken vessel to further his kingdom I Should go get my broken wine goblet.
I use at this time. Have you seen it? Yeah Have you seen it
Okay, I'm gonna go get it. It'll take me less than a minute. Hold on you guys start talking loudly Okay, I'm gonna show you
Oh Here we go
Oh This is A wine goblet.
I know some of you already know the year. It's gonna be the year in time This is
I love this thing because It's authentic It's real and it's old that was uncovered and put back together.
I love the broken vessel Guess when this was made 2 ,000 years ago, not bad 330
BC plus or minus 10 years, southern Italy 330
BC plus or minus 10 years How they know that because this style was only done at that time in that place furthermore
These things could be longer the same style there They put parchments in there and keep parchments because they were they would keep them secure because they were airtight
And they also did that with biblical documents In different times and that's how they can date one of the way they can date biblical documents.
So I love this now unfortunately someone from Albania came into the group here and gave my wife and I two coffee cups and Up to that point.
My favorite coffee cup was a broken coffee cup. I had a crack in it That was my favorite. But now
I have this really nice coffee cup That's perfect and it's not broken and I hate to say that it's my new favorite one
But it is because I like broken vessels because it reminds me of me right because we love them. We do we don't
That's right. Oh, yeah, we love that cup you could show you again. I'm gonna show yeah
It's because she brought it from Albania. How do you pronounce your you you? Uli Uli from Albania.
She's got married. He came here and everything and she's Christian. Anyway, so this I'll show you the Albania coffee cup
I'm just taking tangents, but this is a wine goblet and I love this thing. It's authentic and It reminds me of me.
See how imperfect it is But you know what? I Like it because I like it and God chose me because he chose me and I actually like the cracks and the imperfections
Why I don't know, but I just do this is authentic. This is how God is with us up high
Okay, yours will do it's not as good as the blue one Well it look up high
You have to open the the that's where I keep my coffee cups because I'm tall so I put it up there
Can you reach it you want to jump wait, we got a tall guy in here you grab it It's not there is it there no, is it up there?
No, I couldn't hear you. Sorry. Did you look in the dishwasher? Maybe it's upstairs in my
Weather room like well, give me that one. Give me that one cuz it's the red one.
It's okay Oh She said it's prettier. I like the blue one.
She loves the red one and we have a little we have a little dish It goes with it. They're just throw it
Yeah, see this nice See that isn't that nice? We love that and then she also got a blue one.
We can't find a blue one. It's around someplace I just drank coffee out of it With a saucer.
Yeah with a plate. Yeah We really like it and it makes coffee taste better for some reason
Hey, see you Dave God bless All right Oh, yeah,
I've had real Turkish coffee in Turkey. Yeah, my favorite things that happened there
What? Yeah, that's right, but when I was in Turkey we got the bus and We're waiting for people to go in some stores and some stuff.
I'm just staying in the bus Because we're going to wonder place and I saw this word. I could recognize it coffee
And I had some Turkish money. I had not much I had I just And so I went over I go.
I'm gonna be a coffee and they go, but you don't speak English You don't speak Turkish and I go I'll just figure it out and walk over and this room is really nice but as big as this here and over on that side was a
A Counter and I walk up and the guy goes, yes, and I said you speak English. He goes. Nope.
I look around I go Anybody's English and nope And they're already starting to smile because you know and I go coffee and he goes coffee and I said
To go and he's staring at me and I said, you know me drinking like it
You know like that like this and he goes carton, he said carton I go carton coffee
Carton go he goes. Okay. Everybody's laughing. They love this right and I'm having a great time
I don't know and so I wait, you know, I'm looking at the people you know this smiling and you know, cuz it's
American guy just know anything and So finally this guy he comes back out after a couple of minutes and he has me a to -go cup of coffee right and Now I gotta pay him and I'd have no idea
So I just reached in and grabbed a bunch of change and a bunch of bills I just went like this.
I held it out to him. It's all I did and I went Like this and he I remember this he actually kind of filtered through a few things
I picked up this and he goes like that and he goes, okay That was it. I go to the more goes. No, no, no, and Okay, and so I got my coffee went out and then
We were in another place in Turkey and it's called the bazaar and it's inside we it takes hours to go through it's been in films and stuff like that and I'm with Bill McKeever the head of Mormonism research ministry and We're coming out.
It's another day. I'm like Dude, I totally need a cup of coffee and he goes, okay, let's get a cup of coffee.
Here we go again So I come out and look right by the door. There's a coffee stand right there
It's like six feet by six feet, you know, and there's a guy behind it Turkish looking dude, and I go, okay
I'm gonna try this and I'm looking at the Turkish guy. He's looking back at me and I said, okay Yeah, it's gonna figure a coffee and I go
Coffee carton to go and he goes dude. I'm from the Bronx For real like whoa
Hobby off -guard like what but yeah, man What are you doing here?
My folks out, you know, he's got all the American slang all the gesticulations everything
And but when he said it in English, I wasn't my brain wasn't there It took a couple seconds and I started cracking up.
And so he gives us his coffee. Yeah, here you go Like that it's cost as much and all that. We just talked for a while and that was it.
But what is it, dude? I'm from the Bronx It was not what you'd expect in Turkey Yeah, that's right
All right Oh, yeah, he probably would've been honest but it was fun at a good time
All right, I guess we'll set it down now Hope you guys enjoyed this and And Jimmy God is still shaping us before we're all killed killed killed
Killed. Oh, I get it. He did mean the word kiln the hot thing that makes pot or if she knows a word
Are you calm per what? Thank you. All right It's dirty just okay Well, God bless so next week.