AD's Reasonable Salt Mining Company - Let the Hate Flow (EXTREME LANGUAGE WARNING)
- 00:00
- I strongly believe in the idea of Christians owning property. The world is better off with Christians in positions of financial strength and cash flowing property can do just that.
- 00:11
- My friend Steve has built a substantial real estate portfolio here in New Hampshire and now he's teaching
- 00:17
- Christian brothers to do the same. Go to consultingbycurious .com. He's got options where he coaches you through buying your first rental property or done for you options for busy people.
- 00:29
- Again, visit consultingbycurious .com. The link is in the description.
- 00:36
- All right, everybody. I think it's time for a word from our president. The left wing gender insanity being pushed in our children is an act of child abuse.
- 00:47
- Very simple. Here's my plan to stop the chemical, physical and emotional mutilation of our youth.
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- On day one, I will revoke Joe Biden's cruel policies on so -called gender affirming care.
- 01:02
- Ridiculous. I will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.
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- I will then ask Congress to permanently stop federal taxpayer dollars from being used to promote or pay for these procedures and pass a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation in all 50 states.
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- It will go very quickly. Furthermore, I will support the creation of a private right of action for victims to sue doctors who have unforgivably performed these procedures on minor children.
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- The Department of Justice will investigate Big Pharma and the big hospital networks to determine whether they have deliberately covered up horrific long -term side effects of sex transitions in order to get rich at the expense of vulnerable patients.
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- In this case, very vulnerable. I will ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the
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- United States government are male and female and they are assigned at birth.
- 02:11
- Under my leadership, this madness will end. Thank you very much. You are welcome.
- 02:18
- You are absolutely welcome, Mr. President. That is a strong statement. Good stuff.
- 02:24
- You just love to see it. And it's only the beginning, my friends. This is only the beginning. You just,
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- I mean, you just can't say it better than that. The big guy himself just, he just said it.
- 02:35
- He didn't even care. He sounded like he wasn't kidding. That's the other thing. He sounded like he wasn't kidding. So the people you're about to watch are going to be terrified about this.
- 02:45
- And I couldn't be more happy about that. What we're about to do is something that I, you know, in 2016 when
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- Trump was elected, I was on the outside looking in. I didn't vote for Trump.
- 02:58
- Now there were certain things I liked about Trump, but I was still kind of caught in the web of Big Eva style politics in some ways.
- 03:08
- In other ways, I was a theonomist. And so I kind of had the general kind of feeling of a
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- Big Eva person, even though I put God's law in a very high place in my theology, in my mind.
- 03:24
- So when I first saw a video of salt mining, it was from Sargon of Akkad.
- 03:32
- And I'll never forget this. I was in my garage in Vermont and I was on the elliptical machine, just kind of getting my cardio in order and all that kind of stuff.
- 03:43
- And I had my laptop computer sitting on a couple of boxes so I could see it. And I just came across this random video by this guy
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- I'd never heard of before, Sargon of Akkad. And it was called salt mining. And he went through videos of feminists, primarily, freaking out about Trump being elected.
- 04:03
- And I laughed and I laughed and I laughed and I felt bad about laughing. I really did, because I was still kind of in the ethos of Big Eva.
- 04:12
- You know what I mean? But I laughed and I did it and I felt bad about it, but I did it.
- 04:20
- And I gotta say, that, I believe, was the start of the
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- AD Robla's YouTube channel. Now I didn't go online and instantly start making videos.
- 04:31
- It was a while before I did. But just the power of that kind of video was very influential on young AD Robla's.
- 04:44
- And I started doing some of my own videos. Now I didn't have Sargon's opinions or his style, but I remember thinking, wow, that was really an effective video and I think
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- I can use video to my own ends. And I started doing some very mild commentary about Big Eva and stuff like that.
- 05:02
- Maybe a few months later, maybe even a while later. And this is not,
- 05:08
- I can't say that Sargon of Akkad's salt mining video was the start of my
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- YouTube channel, but it definitely played a part. There's just no question about it. And so now I'm on the inside of all of this.
- 05:21
- I voted for Trump this time. And I figured in honor of that video,
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- I would do my own video of salt mining. So what you're about to see is salt mining according to the reasonable
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- Latino. All right, my friends, let's get started today.
- 05:47
- Let's do it. Let's get started today. It is November 7th, Thursday, Year of Our Lord 2024.
- 05:54
- And I hope you're having a great time. You know what I mean? I sure am. I'm having a fantastic time.
- 06:00
- And what I wanted to do today is I wanted to continue our exploration of Donald Trump winning the presidency for the third time.
- 06:09
- And it is quite a historic occasion. There's just no question about that, just a complete dominant victory.
- 06:18
- And what I wanted to do before we got started, you know, we're going to go through some videos and we're going to make some comments about them.
- 06:25
- But what you're going to see in the coming days, in the coming weeks, and you're already starting to see it, are people in the evangelical leadership complex.
- 06:35
- You know, Big Eva, we talk about them all the time. And they're going to be saying things like, this is not, it's not appropriate to mock the image bearers of the
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- Lord. They're in desperation and sadness. And in their moment of sadness, they need us to extend our hand of friendship.
- 06:53
- And they need sympathy and empathy and all the other these and everything like that.
- 06:59
- This is not, mocking them is not appropriate. These are image bearers of God. And they're going to say stuff like that.
- 07:06
- And they're going to talk about olive branches to the left who, you know, basically wanted to destroy us because we're all
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- Nazis and everything else. And I've got to say that, you know, at this point, if you still listen to these people,
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- I mean, that's on you. But here's what they lack. You know, these evangelical leaders are, they have a lot of knowledge.
- 07:27
- They have a lot. They've probably memorized a lot of verses. They studied the Bible for a long time. But the problem is that all the knowledge in the world doesn't get you wisdom.
- 07:38
- You can't, you don't, you could memorize the Bible. But if you don't have wisdom, then you're still a fool.
- 07:46
- And many of these men are fools. And maybe they weren't always fools. Maybe during relative peace times, they had some ability to deploy wisdom in circumstances.
- 07:56
- And maybe they still do to some degree in more, you know, in smaller matters. But in matters of politics and, you know, idolatry today, they just don't have the wisdom.
- 08:11
- I mean, there's so many verses that you could point to to talk about the appropriateness of grinding your enemies to dust without mercy.
- 08:21
- There's so many verses you could point to to talk about mockery and these kinds of things.
- 08:28
- I mean, Ecclesiastes is great. We've talked about that many times. There's a time for everything under the sun.
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- There's even a time to break people down. There's a time for war.
- 08:41
- There's proverbs about this, talking about what a wise king must do and how a wise king, there are times to show no quarter.
- 08:50
- There's times for mercy. We understand these things. There's so many verses we could point to.
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- But the problem is, even if you know they're there, it takes skill and practice to deploy the wisdom offered there.
- 09:05
- And unfortunately, our big evil leaders are either incapable or unwilling to do it. And so maybe we'll talk about that more in the future, but I just wanted to warn you that the pietistic
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- Jesus -juking is definitely coming, so just be prepared for it and remember that there are plenty of examples in the
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- Scripture of mocking people, people, image -bearers of the Lord when they freak out because their demonic idols are being smashed.
- 09:42
- Yeah, yeah, that's it. That's it. We'll probably talk about that more. We'll see what happens. But what
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- I thought I'd do is just have a little fun with some of these TikTok reactions.
- 09:53
- Now TikTok, you know, sometimes you got to take the good with the bad. Like I think TikTok in general is very bad.
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- It's not a good influence on the country. But there is some positives.
- 10:05
- And one of the positives is that the kids, you know, the kids these days, they find it,
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- I don't know what they find it, but they have blessed us with the activity of setting up their cameras and then just having psychotic breaks on camera and putting it on TikTok.
- 10:23
- And hey, like the kids say, I'm here for it. You know what I mean? I'm here for it. It's as simple as that.
- 10:29
- So let's get into this. Before we do, though, let me just warn you, extreme language warning.
- 10:37
- Extreme language warning. This is not a video that I would share with my own children.
- 10:43
- And so this is for adults. And I would recommend that if you typically watch my show with children, hey,
- 10:50
- I love that. That's awesome. And I talk about with my own kids about a lot of this stuff myself.
- 10:56
- I think that's great. But this episode is probably not one you'll want to watch with your children around.
- 11:03
- Extreme language warning. These people are giving full vent to the darkness of their souls.
- 11:10
- It's as simple as that. And we're going to start off with a bang. This lady is in her car.
- 11:16
- A lot of these videos happen in their car. I could just picture myself like, you know, just kind of walking down the street and seeing this woman in the car do this.
- 11:24
- I mean, that just warms my heart quite a bit to think that through. Anyway, so last warning, extreme language warning.
- 11:35
- This is not for sensitive ears. Let's go. I am fucking feral today.
- 11:44
- Feral! It gets me every time. She starts off with a bang.
- 11:51
- I am feral today. You know, of course, with the F word there. And then she goes like a rabid dog.
- 12:09
- I've seen this video probably five times and that part gets me every time. Let's continue because it gets crazier.
- 12:17
- If you see me, keep walking. Do not make eye contact. Do not square up at me.
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- Don't act like you know me. Like I want to eat like maybe they voted for Kamala, but like I want to eat them right now.
- 12:31
- Like, I want to take a bite out of those glutes in a bad way. Just a little advice.
- 12:39
- Like if a crazy woman like this is this is the problem that we have in our culture. Like you're kind of screwed either way if you're if you're a white guy.
- 12:46
- Like if a crazy woman comes to you and attacks you, you know what I mean? You know, if you fight back, then you're
- 12:53
- I mean, you're still you're still screwed because, you know, they're going to side with her typically. But the thing is, though, that if if something like that were to happen, you need to neutralize that threat right away.
- 13:03
- And I'm not saying like, you know, knock her out or whatever, but you need to subdue her right away. I mean, she's trying to eat you, essentially, if a woman like this approaches you.
- 13:14
- And yeah, I mean, obviously, I think most of this is for show. That's why she put it on TikTok.
- 13:20
- But you can never know. I mean, some people have been found murdering people on on on YouTube.
- 13:25
- So, you know, you kind of screwed or, you know, whatever way you go.
- 13:31
- But in my opinion, you're better safe than sorry. So you need to neutralize if something like this were to happen, you need to neutralize this threat as quickly as you possibly can.
- 13:40
- And don't forget that, you know, you're way stronger than she is. So if she doesn't have a weapon on you on her and you know, you don't see a weapon, she's not hiding a hand or something like that.
- 13:49
- You know, one big shove could probably neutralize her. She'll go flying. It's as simple as that.
- 13:55
- And you do the big shove, you get out of the situation and you call the police immediately.
- 14:01
- And so, yeah, it's just it's absolutely insane. She's feral. Then she goes. All because she can't kill babies anymore.
- 14:10
- Well, she still can. That's the thing is this is all like projection into the future that she thinks maybe one day she won't be able to kill her baby anymore.
- 14:18
- Like that was enough to send her over the edge into a psychotic break. Maybe one day
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- I won't be able to kill my babies anymore. That's the level of insanity we're dealing with. Let's go to the next one.
- 14:30
- Oh, this one was really good. I really like this one. I'm going to get drunk today and I'm going to act like an angry black fucking woman because I'm fucking angry.
- 14:39
- I'm mad. I'm upset. I'm angry as fuck, bro. Well, who wants to bet this is not the first time that she's gotten drunk and acted like an angry black woman?
- 14:49
- He presents that as like, oh, well, you guys say I am anyway, so I might as well do it. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
- 14:54
- That we know nobody's fooled by this. This is not the first time. Let's let her continue.
- 15:01
- I'm hurt. My feelings are fucking hurt. We always finish last. We always come fucking last to everybody, even our own fucking men.
- 15:10
- You niggas mommas be black. This shit is crazy. Y 'all got black ass daughters.
- 15:16
- I don't. I'm angry as fuck. I'm gonna get drunk and cause a problem. Yeah, yeah.
- 15:21
- She's like, we always finish last. We always finish last. I think I have an idea of why you always finish last.
- 15:28
- I mean, I don't know you, but I think I have a little window into why that is.
- 15:34
- You know what I mean? Things don't go your way a little bit and the first reaction is I'm gonna get drunk and act like an angry black woman.
- 15:41
- Here's the thing, one thing that this lady needs to realize is that black women don't always finish last, but psychotic ones typically do and that's a good thing.
- 15:53
- That's a good thing. It's a very good thing that a woman like this finds herself in the position of finishing last often.
- 16:00
- You know what I mean? A woman like this belongs in a sanitarium. That's where she belongs. I mean, unfortunately we don't have those anymore, but that's where she belongs.
- 16:07
- She belongs in a sanitarium. So that was a good one. You know, she's gonna get drunk. Now this one was a little darker.
- 16:13
- This one was a little darker and I'm gonna play it and it's, this one kind of made, this one actually did make me a little bit sad and a lot angry, but this is a mother and she decided to take her
- 16:27
- TikTok out and film herself while allegedly talking to her children. Now you never really know.
- 16:33
- A lot of this stuff could just be kind of scripted and for show, but this one kind of struck me as real.
- 16:39
- It was a little darker and so I'm not gonna make fun of the kids, obviously. I mean, these kids are obviously being abused, as simple as that.
- 16:47
- And I'm just gonna say this. I'm very grateful that God blessed me with the parents that he did.
- 16:56
- You know what I mean? God, we know from the Bible that God works through generations, right? And you know, one grandparent many years ago came to faith and then another one came to faith and another one and another one and God decided to use that line to have my mother and my father and then me and my brothers, my brother and my sister.
- 17:19
- And it was a real blessing, but curses also go down those lines as well.
- 17:25
- And unfortunately, that's what we have here. This is very sad, very sad. Harris did not win.
- 17:37
- Trump, so we're...
- 17:45
- Do you hear them hyperventilating in the background? They couldn't believe it. Trump had won and they're starting to hyperventilate and the father kind of meekly says, take a deep breath.
- 17:57
- You know, it's really the father's fault. I mean, this is something that the father absolutely allowed to happen over time.
- 18:03
- Now, my children were elated this morning or yesterday morning. They were very excited. Now, elated is too strong a word.
- 18:08
- They were excited, but had he not won, my children would not have been hyperventilating because my children understood that regardless of what happened, everything was gonna be okay because we have the
- 18:22
- Lord of the universe smiling upon us. And even if our lives were more difficult, the
- 18:28
- Lord is a strong fortress. The Lord is a strong fortress and he will help us in ever -present help in our distress.
- 18:37
- And they had a father, thank God, you know, according to God's mercy,
- 18:42
- I don't take any credit for this, but they had a father who along the way, as he was telling them how evil
- 18:49
- Kamala Harris was, was telling him that, but if she wins, you don't have to worry about a thing.
- 18:56
- You let dad take care of all the worrying. You let dad take care of all the concerning because daddy will protect you.
- 19:04
- It's as simple as that. And so my kids, if I would have had the opposite result, they would have found out that Kamala Harris would have won and they would have said, man,
- 19:13
- I can't believe that many people, you know, think it's okay to kill babies. That's what my kids would have said first.
- 19:20
- And then they would have moved on with their lives and played outside or something.
- 19:26
- You know what I mean? That's what they would have done. They would have practiced slaying dragons, which they often do. They practice with their swords and their toy armor and stuff like that, defeating orcs and enemies and piglins.
- 19:40
- And what are the enemies in Legend of Zelda? That's what they would have done. They would have got their practice in.
- 19:46
- You know what I mean? Simple as that. That's what would have happened. But unfortunately that's not the case at all families.
- 19:54
- So today may look a little different at school. Okay. There are probably going to be friends who have questions, right?
- 20:07
- Um, I'm sure your teachers are going to think, you know, we currently are in a country where we get to choose, right?
- 20:24
- This is a sick woman, a real sick woman. I mean, you know, if anyone out there is not convinced that we need to repeal the 19th amendment,
- 20:34
- I mean, I don't know what to tell you anymore. We got legions of women that act like this.
- 20:42
- And you know, not as many as a lot of people thought by the way, but there's a lot of them. It's a big problem.
- 20:52
- And people have different priorities. They have different values. Some people hear what he has to say and they don't believe him.
- 21:00
- And some people hear what he has to say and they believe him and they agree with him. So today's probably, your school day is probably going to look pretty normal.
- 21:11
- She's all jumbled up. You know, your school day is going to look normal. Your school day is going to be different. You know, which is it lady? Which is it?
- 21:18
- Hey, your teachers are going to do a really great job of, you know, if you have questions throughout the day or if you have big feelings throughout the day.
- 21:28
- Do you like these? I'm very sad. I'm not even crying.
- 21:37
- Well, your sadness makes me so happy that I can't even express it in words.
- 21:43
- That's how happy I am that you are devastated. Let's watch this one.
- 21:49
- It's another psychotic woman. Let's check it out. I'm so glad you guys got your cheap ass groceries and your cheap ass fucking gas cause you're fucking broke as shit.
- 22:00
- You're fucking broke. This is a common theme in a lot of these videos.
- 22:10
- They say, I'm so glad you're going to get cheap groceries and cheap gas and stuff like that. This lady takes it to a new level because you guys are broke.
- 22:20
- Well, I mean, I'm not broke. And as far as the cheap gas and cheap groceries, you know, if that happens, that'll be nice.
- 22:29
- You know what I mean? That'd be nice. It'd be a nice bonus, right? I mean, that's how I would look at it. Now, in my opinion,
- 22:34
- I actually don't believe that gas and groceries are going to be much cheaper in a
- 22:40
- Trump presidency. I hope so. I hope he can figure it out. If that were to happen, it would take some serious, serious cojones, which
- 22:48
- I'm not so sure that Trump's willing to do what's necessary to really actually end inflation.
- 22:55
- So I don't actually think that's going to happen anyway. So it wasn't about the money for me. I don't even think that's going to happen.
- 23:02
- For me, it was about all the other stuff, like taking women's rights away. That's why
- 23:07
- I did it. It wasn't about the cheap groceries. In fact, you could have told me that the groceries would be more expensive under Trump, but taking women's rights away was an easier option now that Trump's elected.
- 23:20
- Well, I would have done it anyway. I would have done it to take away trans rights as well. Forget the groceries.
- 23:26
- It could have been more expensive. I still would have done it. So the immigration stuff, the deportations, all of these things are the reasons
- 23:34
- I did it. Cheap groceries, if it happens, man, that'd be a great bonus. But hopefully that bakes your noodle just a little bit.
- 23:41
- It's actually a side issue to me. Let's see what happens here. Let's continue.
- 23:48
- All right, this is a good one. This is a good one. So they will never stop trying to emotionally manipulate you and you just have to cultivate a coldness to obvious manipulation tactics.
- 24:04
- You know what I mean? And I'm not saying you develop a coldness in general because obviously real suffering is really sad and you wanna make sure you stay warm to real suffering.
- 24:14
- That being said, fake suffering, you need to develop a coldness to it. And this is an example.
- 24:20
- Two already. I have lost two friends today because of this election. Not because we had a difference of opinion, but because they're dead.
- 24:30
- Two already. The election has taken two lives, allegedly.
- 24:36
- I don't believe you. Simple as that. And if it really did happen, that makes me sad.
- 24:42
- It does. But I'll be honest, it seems like an overreaction. And there's really not much you can do about that.
- 24:48
- If someone's willing to overreact to that degree, they were on a razor's edge anyway.
- 24:54
- And so anything could have set them over the edge. Now, again, I'm not giving any credibility to this story.
- 24:59
- I don't think this has happened. But if it has, it's really, it's not our fault. Let's continue.
- 25:07
- Oh, this one's a good one. The 4B movement. So check out what the 4B movement is all about. Ladies. Here's what the 4B movement is.
- 25:28
- I'm not saying this to be facetious, but I don't care if you're a ro -
- 25:35
- Stock up now for your moments of weakness because I promise you ain't no alive worth getting stuck with a man.
- 25:45
- None. We are taking coochie off the table indefinitely. I hate it here so I will go to see a good -
- 25:51
- So the 4B movement, you might not have understood that gibberish that that lady was saying, but she was basically telling you to stock up on contraceptives because they're going to be banned in January, allegedly.
- 26:06
- And so stock up on them for your moments of weakness because we're all joining the 4B movement now. And the 4B movement is the movement where all of these women who are sexually active with multiple partners, they don't have sex anymore.
- 26:21
- They don't have sex anymore. That's the 4B movement. Just to stick it to men. You know, we're not going to have sex anymore because we're mad at you for voting for Donald Trump.
- 26:30
- And so you got to stock up on the contraceptives because she already assumes, she bakes into the cake. You know, you're going to have moments of weakness where you're going to want to still have sex with somebody.
- 26:39
- But in general, you got to join the 4B movement. Well, I got to be honest with you. Like I support it.
- 26:45
- I wish it were true. The 4B movement. But I know they're full of it. I know they're full of it.
- 26:51
- It's as simple as that. Like the 4B movement, let's finish it.
- 26:57
- ♪ Gardens in my mind, people need a key to get to. ♪
- 27:02
- She looks so sad because she's just so sad that she lost her rights.
- 27:08
- And, you know, she's worried that she won't be able to just, you know, offer herself to any guy that she wants anymore.
- 27:14
- And she's still going to do it. That's the sad part. She's still going to, but she's really, you know, trying to throw a hissy fit tantrum to pretend like she's going to stop.
- 27:24
- And so she's going to join the 4B movement, which will last about a week. ♪ Make a baby, and since a man can't make one.
- 27:32
- ♪ ♪ He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one. ♪ ♪ Damn, just turn on. ♪ That's actually true though.
- 27:38
- Yeah. You know what I mean? Like a man doesn't have a right to tell you, all right, we're going to have sex now.
- 27:43
- And you just have to say yes. Like, that's obviously not true. What planet do these people live on?
- 27:49
- What planet do they live on? The 4B movement, it's good. ♪ On the news and seeing that man who never got in school.
- 27:55
- ♪ ♪ And making laws about what women could do. ♪ ♪ I got to protect ya. ♪ I got to protect ya. Pretty sad, pretty sad.
- 28:03
- I wish it were true. The 4B movement, I support it. Go ahead. You know what I mean? That's what you should do.
- 28:08
- You should, if you're mad at men because they took your rights away, don't have sex with them.
- 28:14
- Unless you're married and you want to have a family. There you go. Then you should have sex with them. Let's watch this crazy lady.
- 28:20
- Oh my God. Oh my God! Oh my
- 28:26
- God. It's good they put this stuff online. So that way, you know, you could check. You know, if you meet a new girl or whatever, you know, you're a single guy and you want to check and you say, hello, can you share your
- 28:37
- Instagram with me? Share your TikTok with me? And you can check them out to make sure that this wasn't part of their story, so to say.
- 28:46
- All right, let's see what we got here. Okay, here's a good one.
- 28:52
- This one is a good one. So this lady is upset. She's upset.
- 28:59
- And well, you know what? Let's just hear her out. Let's see what she has to say. I'm gonna try to explain this without crying, but.
- 29:06
- Not gonna happen. You guys just don't get it. You have the privilege of not getting it.
- 29:12
- And that's great for you. I'm so happy for you, but I'm gonna. I don't believe that you're actually happy for me, but I'm gonna choose to believe you.
- 29:22
- So thank you. I am quite happy, very satisfied. This isn't necessarily about Trump.
- 29:30
- It has to do with everything. Republicans have basically taken over everything at this point.
- 29:37
- There's no one to keep them in check and people aren't seeming to get that. There's a ton of anti -LGBT bills up to be voted on and there's no one in there to protect our rights.
- 29:50
- I could lose my marriage. I could lose my kids. I could lose my livelihood. I could lose literally everything because I'm in a queer family and you guys.
- 29:58
- All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. So I was beginning to feel bad for her because she seemed like she wasn't kidding.
- 30:06
- But yeah, it's true and I hope you do lose all of that. I hope you lose your marriage.
- 30:12
- Well, actually, you don't have a marriage so that doesn't count. Your children, you shouldn't be allowed near children because you're in a queer marriage.
- 30:20
- You shouldn't be allowed anywhere near children. Number three, your livelihood.
- 30:26
- Now, when I first heard that, I thought that was an overreaction. You know, I'm still gonna be able to work. I mean, obviously, as long as your employer's okay employing a psychotic person, then you'll be fine.
- 30:36
- But then somebody said, well, you know, maybe she's like in the porn industry. You know what I mean? And I don't know that to be true, but I'm saying if she is in the porn industry, then yeah, she can't work either.
- 30:45
- That's all, all of it is being threatened now. And she is kind of onto something though.
- 30:51
- Like it is about Trump for her. That's obviously a fantasy. But Trump's not gonna take those things away because he's pretty moderate.
- 30:58
- That's the other thing. All these people that are so concerned about Trump, you need to understand that he's moderate and a lot more extreme stuff is coming,
- 31:05
- God willing, a lot more extreme stuff is coming. But the people, she says, it's not really about Trump.
- 31:10
- It's about the people around him. And I agree. I agree with that. She's onto something there.
- 31:16
- It's the people around him you gotta worry about. And so, yeah, I absolutely, all of those things are at risk, in my opinion.
- 31:24
- It's all on the table. And Project 2025 is gonna move forward. We don't know the future.
- 31:33
- I get it. See, that's what, see, I don't, you started this video saying you guys don't get it. I don't think you get it.
- 31:39
- I get all that stuff is at risk. And that's, that's why I voted for Trump.
- 31:44
- So you don't get it. That's where I'm at. He's having a
- 31:49
- Democratic president. There is someone there to keep them in check. It has nothing to do with not wanting
- 31:55
- Trump to be president. I mean, I hate the motherfucker, but he's fucking stupid. I don't care if he's president.
- 32:01
- It's the other people he fucking put in office that I'm terrified of. And he's in there and they're using him for whatever the fuck they wanna use him for.
- 32:09
- You guys don't get it because you have the privilege of not getting it. I don't give a fuck if the economy was better a few years ago.
- 32:17
- Number one, there was COVID and all of Trump's problems trickled into Biden. I don't care about Trump.
- 32:24
- I hate him, but I don't care about him. I could give less of a fuck about Trump. But you guys aren't getting it and I'm stressed the fuck out.
- 32:34
- You aren't getting it. Good. And like, I don't know how to explain it to you. It's not necessarily what -
- 32:40
- You can't explain it to me. Well, you can, but the reason why this is ineffective, whoever you are, is because I do get it, but you don't get it.
- 32:51
- Like I get everything you just said and that's why I voted for Trump. I voted for him because of those things.
- 32:57
- It wasn't about the economy. I've already said, I think that the economy, the economy will be better. Inflation won't be better, in my opinion, in my opinion.
- 33:04
- Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm wrong. So you could try to explain to me all day long, but I get it already.
- 33:11
- In fact, I voted so that you would be stressed out. You. What's happening right now is what could happen in the future that I'm terrified of.
- 33:21
- I'm terrified for myself. I'm terrified for my husband. I'm terrified for my friends and I'm terrified for my family.
- 33:28
- And if you don't get that, that's great. I'm happy for you, but I care.
- 33:34
- I care about my life. I care about being protected. My life and my kids life.
- 33:40
- Ironically, I, you know, we're in agreement there. I care about your life too, which is why we cannot allow this insanity to continue.
- 33:47
- So I do get it. I don't think you get it. My friends and family's lives mean more to me than saving a few dollars.
- 33:55
- Me too. Me too. That's why I voted for Trump. I think, right?
- 34:01
- Like, we're just gonna wake up tomorrow morning and everything's gonna go back to the way it all, it'll be a psych.
- 34:07
- It'll be like a really bad dream and none of this will ever happen. Right? It was a cycle, right?
- 34:13
- And then we're all gonna pull through fine in four years. Correct? Please, someone tell me.
- 34:20
- I can tell you one thing right now. Marriage is the farthest thing from on the table currently. So they really, they screwed the pooch on that one.
- 34:27
- If they thought - All right, single guys, let me just level with you here. You were done a great favor. The Lord has given you a great blessing because in previous generations, these kinds of women were harder to spot, but now they're open with it.
- 34:42
- They're putting it on TikTok. You know what I mean? So you can spot these women a mile away. That is a tremendous, tremendous blessing.
- 34:51
- You know, when I was single, I almost, you know,
- 34:56
- I mean, I wasn't, I can't say I was almost married, but I almost moved in with a woman that turned out like this and I didn't see it at the time.
- 35:06
- I was fooled. And that one, I always look at that and I always thank God that he helped me dodge that bullet because this woman nowadays is like as woke as they come.
- 35:14
- She's probably like this. She's probably, you know what? I'll look for a TikTok. Maybe she's probably weeping right now and good.
- 35:20
- But nowadays it's easier to spot. So you should be thankful for what's happened here, single guys. That any of this was gonna actually help with the whole family and kids department and lowering birth rates, because that, no.
- 35:32
- Nuh -uh, not even. Any semblance of thoughts I had or hope for that is completely gonna be a no thanks for me, love.
- 35:40
- You think I would ever even dare bring a child into this country now? This is another great blessing too, because obviously you've got a demographics problem with birth rates and stuff like that.
- 35:49
- And that is a real problem that needs to be solved at some point. Now, I think this lady's full of it. I think she'll still have kids probably.
- 35:56
- But if she isn't, and I think that in some cases they're not full of it, think about the future.
- 36:01
- Just think about the future. All we have to do to win and have total, complete, epic, massive victory is for the
- 36:09
- Christians to have kids. You know what I mean? I've got four sons, so that's a start. And then the liberals like this, like the crazy, psychotic ones, to go on the 4B, you know, having children ban.
- 36:23
- Think about the future. You know, we're gonna be fruitful and multiplying, and they're going to be offing their own children and going on this ridiculous sex ban.
- 36:35
- I mean, it doesn't take too much of a mathematician to know that very quickly we will have complete control, massive victory, total, epic, colossal victory.
- 36:48
- Just think about it, man. It's a glorious future. I've got a lot of faith in the future. Rough before, now, no, that's cute.
- 36:56
- And the men, no, don't even get me started about dating, but think. I was still entertaining a few moderates here and there sometimes.
- 37:03
- No, honey, no, not even close. That's never, goodbye. All right, done deal.
- 37:10
- I like it. Oh, this one was good. This was a good compilation. Oh my God. Oh my
- 37:18
- God. Why? Bitch, break out the woman's leg.
- 37:28
- Oh my God. Oh man. I dare you to tell me to calm down right now.
- 37:40
- I dare you to tell me to calm. Normally I would tell a woman like this to smile more, but in this case,
- 37:46
- I'm just going to move on. All right. Let's see here. Oh, this one is a witch.
- 37:52
- Let's listen to what the witch is having to say. I just woke up and saw the results.
- 37:57
- I swear to God, I'm done with you self -hating, disgusting, racist bitches. Oh, okay. She literally can't believe her magic spells didn't work.
- 38:10
- Tough luck. Oh, this one was nice. This guy, this guy, this guy, this guy's on his porch with a nice cup of coffee watching his neighbor across the way tear down their
- 38:25
- Harris Wall sign. So, he seems like a nice guy. He seems like a nice guy, but listen to the reaction.
- 38:32
- Hope your day gets better. Positive energy.
- 38:42
- Hope your day gets better. Positive energy.
- 38:53
- This is just too good, man. It's just too good. It's endless. It's endless.
- 38:59
- All right, here we got a gay guy. Let's check this. Let's check out in on the gays. There's a picture that says the Kamala Harris supporters are crying, and it's obviously people really crying.
- 39:09
- They're not crying because of a loss. They're crying because they're mourning a loss. Like, this is a father crying.
- 39:16
- They're not crying because of a loss. They're crying because of the mourning of a loss.
- 39:24
- You know, I don't know. Call me old -fashioned. I don't know what that means. I don't know what that means. Hold on one second here.
- 39:30
- Let me set up my timer here. I got to cancel this bad boy. Computer, cancel the timer.
- 39:38
- One hour timer canceled. All right, ready to go. All of you privileged people literally do not know at all what it is like to have your human rights on a ballot.
- 39:49
- I have no fucking clue what that feels like. I literally cannot fathom what the single bone in my body understand in any single way how anyone, anyone would want to vote for Donald Trump.
- 39:59
- I'm trying really hard not to cry right now. Sorry. It's just like, when I grew up, I tried really hard to fit in with straight people and the people in my town and people in my church, and I was so brainwashed and blindsided by false ideologies that are not fucking real.
- 40:20
- So he's upset and he can't understand with any bone in his body why someone would vote for Trump because they're gonna take his gay rights away.
- 40:28
- So maybe I can help you out. So here's what happened. This is why I showed up and voted for Trump, because he's gonna take your rights away.
- 40:37
- There you go. Maybe you understand now. Gay rights aren't real. And I'm just sick of pretending that they are.
- 40:46
- Simple as that. Simple as that. That one, that one was, you know what? Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe, eh, nah.
- 40:54
- Nah, let's listen to this one. No, I'm actually, I'm actually moving to Canada.
- 41:02
- I'm moving to Canada. I heard the Canadians are gonna, they're gonna do less immigration too.
- 41:10
- Somebody, some Canadian told me that. So her plan might be, might be, might be delayed.
- 41:29
- Look at that. I mean, the plan is already coming together. Like we're not even gonna have to deport her.
- 41:34
- She's just gonna leave on her own. It sounds like it's coming together. That sounds good.
- 41:39
- That sounds good. Oh, this one was really good. This is an astrologer. And she's very upset.
- 41:46
- For the astrology girlies, I just wanna know, I have been studying Kamala's charts and it looks like she is not only going to win, but she is going to be winning a second term.
- 41:57
- The next eight years in her chart look really, really strong. Trump's, not so much.
- 42:02
- Okay, so I was wrong. A lot of astrologers were wrong. A lot of us were wrong.
- 42:08
- But if you think that right now is the time to tell me that you don't believe in astrology, who gives a about astrology right now, dude?
- 42:18
- Who literally cares about that? That is like the least of our worries.
- 42:25
- This is my career. She fell down to reality real quick. Who cares about that?
- 42:30
- Dude. This is my career.
- 42:36
- I have built a life off of reading the stars for people and getting it right. But if you're gonna come into my comments and complain that well,
- 42:45
- I'm no longer gonna believe in astrology after this, who gives a for real?
- 42:50
- Let's be for real right now. That is the last of our worries. It is, it really is.
- 42:57
- My mom can't lose her social security. We can't lose our Medicaid or Medicare.
- 43:07
- Things happening in the world right now. And I know that like you guys think this is some big gotcha but I don't give a if you think astrology is not real right now because there's real life happening in this country.
- 43:24
- So let me get this straight, crazy person. You're in such dire straits economically that you don't know what you're gonna do.
- 43:34
- And your career is astrology. So as far as,
- 43:41
- I mean, I'm not the smartest guy in the world but here's a suggestion for you. Why don't you get a real job? And maybe you wouldn't have these worries anymore.
- 43:48
- Maybe check the stars and see how you can make a million dollars. I don't know. I don't know.
- 43:55
- This guy, this guy. I'm tired so I'm finna go to bed because it's past my bedtime. But I'm telling y 'all right now, if I wake up tomorrow and anybody besides auntie, madam, vice president,
- 44:08
- Kamala Harris is president tomorrow, I'm finna crash out. I'm crashing out because the last time
- 44:16
- I went to bed and I left the country in y 'all hands, I thought I was gonna wake up to Hillary Clinton being president.
- 44:22
- And I'm not saying that I wanted her to be president but I wanted her more than Donald Trump, okay?
- 44:29
- But I can't take that kind of stress. My anxiety is too high.
- 44:34
- I can't handle that. Dude, you handled it. Last time I woke up at three in the morning. You handled it just fine. You're doing fine.
- 44:41
- You know what I mean? It happened once and you never crashed out. Look at you. I don't even know what crashing out means but maybe he did crash out.
- 44:47
- I don't know. In the morning thinking I was having nightmares because they announced that Donald J.
- 44:53
- Trump was the president of the country. He seems like he has a good head on him. Y 'all better not. I'm leaving the country in y 'all hands.
- 45:01
- While I go to bed, I'm tired, I'm old. I can't stay up late. I got work in the morning.
- 45:07
- If y 'all piss me off tomorrow, ooh, it's on. If y 'all piss me off, it's on.
- 45:14
- This guy is a little crazy but he seems like a reasonable guy and he survived it one time.
- 45:21
- I think he'll survive it again. I think he'll be okay. Maybe not though, I don't know. Maybe not. See what we got here.
- 45:28
- So we are going back? That's what's T? That's what's
- 45:33
- T? That's what y 'all wanted to do? My silk press is in my bonnet.
- 45:41
- I thought I was gonna be swinging my silk press. I don't know what that means. What have y 'all done?
- 45:46
- Presidency, Senate, and House? Handmaid's Tale, yes.
- 45:52
- Mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm, mm. The Hispanic vote is unprecedented?
- 45:58
- Oh, mamos. Ale, homes. Wow, wow, wow.
- 46:04
- Wow, wow, wow. Simone, ese. You've got to be kidding me.
- 46:12
- You've got to be kidding me. You've got to be kidding me.
- 46:19
- I don't even, you know what's crazy? The last time he won, I had a boo -hoo crying fit because I was so scared.
- 46:28
- I've just accepted that we probably all just gonna die. Yes! The Hispanic vote was unprecedented.
- 46:39
- Yeah, that's right, man. We did it, we really did. We really came through in the clutch there, man. Ah, it's so beautiful.
- 46:46
- Some of these people, very few of them, but some of them, I feel like I could get along. I feel like I could get along with this lady.
- 46:53
- I really do. She seems funny. She seems funny, and she's obviously playing it up for the camera a little bit, but she seems funny.
- 47:00
- I could probably rock with her, you know what I mean? Oh, this guy's wild.
- 47:09
- Man, bro, fuck, no, no, no! Man, I just seen this shit.
- 47:14
- Nigga, I'm finna be fucked up in the hood, fuck! How the fuck y 'all let Trump win? I told y 'all y 'all vote don't matter, fuck!
- 47:21
- Man, how the fuck y 'all put y 'all votes in for this nigga? He not even for the young niggas. Come out here for the big, fuck!
- 47:28
- We still finna be illegal. Rick finna go up, I ain't got no Rick money. We just, fuck!
- 47:38
- He's got like moments of clarity, you know? And he's like, he's pretty well spoken at some points during this.
- 47:45
- And then he just flies off the handle. I don't know, man, he seems a little high to me. He seems a little high to me. It seems like a cocaine high, kinda.
- 47:53
- But let's continue. All right, let's see this lady. I don't think it's on my mind, but if you voted for that orange son of a bitch, man, as a man, you better not ask a woman to have an abortion or have a plan
- 48:05
- B. I don't think it's on my mind, but if you - Done deal. Done deal. I completely agree.
- 48:12
- I just texted my best friend. My best friend of 14 years. Literally half of my life,
- 48:20
- I'm 28. And I asked them who they voted for. They said,
- 48:28
- Donald Trump. And they said, I'm assuming you voted the opposite. And I said, yes.
- 48:34
- And then my friend texted me and said, will you still be my friend? Well.
- 49:03
- And then my best friend. Izzy though. Izzy though, it doesn't sound like it.
- 49:16
- Is she just gonna leave us in suspense like that? Man, that is messed up. Messed up.
- 49:23
- All righty. Oh, this is a classic, classic kind of freak out, but it's good too. It reminds me of Ace Ventura when nature calls when he gets stabbed with the spears and he's screaming on each spear.
- 49:59
- That's a good episode. Throw me a spear. Oh, this one,
- 50:07
- I didn't really get this one. This one, it's crazy for sure, but I didn't understand really what the point was.
- 50:14
- Like I couldn't, I didn't get it. So maybe you guys can help me understand this one. If I get pregnant and my boyfriend says
- 50:20
- I have to abort, abort, I'm killing him too.
- 50:28
- Because I'm gonna get the double homicide charge, baby. Double whammy, double, double.
- 50:36
- If I get pregnant. Get it, so like if the boyfriend wants her to get an abortion now, she's gonna kill him as well, which
- 50:45
- I don't really get that. So is that, did he vote for Trump? So that's why you're gonna kill him or is it just because of what happened?
- 50:53
- I don't understand. That one I don't get. That one I don't get. I personally think that if all of these men are voting to take our rights away, they don't deserve to touch a woman for the next four years.
- 51:04
- So hope you thought that through, you guys. I personally. I did, I have a wife. Easy thing to me is that if this guy does end up winning again, all of the people who voted for him will be like happy and they'll just be celebrating.
- 51:22
- And everyone else, everyone who feels threatened by him is fucking scared. Like we're scared for our lives, we're scared for our friends.
- 51:30
- Like you have pro -life women dying because their doctors are scared to treat them because of the repercussions of his last presidency.
- 51:44
- How did we get here? These guys are mean. How did we get here to know that there is that much ignorance and that much hate in this country?
- 51:54
- It's so terrifying. It's so terrifying. All this because you can't kill your baby.
- 52:01
- How can you claim to be a Christian or anyone of moral values and support someone with every word out of his mouth to hate when he wants to pardon people who took over the
- 52:12
- Capitol? Do not do this to people that you love and care about. If you have a woman in your life, if you have an
- 52:18
- LGBTQ person in your life, if you have anyone in your life who's not white. How did we get here? Someone tell me, please.
- 52:25
- Someone really tell me, please. Because the only way I see it is that like either he cheated and that was his secret or this country is built on so much hate and we might never get out of this.
- 52:38
- If you voted for him, you are dead to me. Go ahead and block me.
- 52:44
- I don't give a shit. I really don't, I really don't. It's so funny that the craziest of the crazies, they think it's some kind of threat or some kind of like, you can't touch me.
- 52:58
- Just go ahead and block me. There's no way
- 53:05
- I'm blocking you, this is too good. Oh man, this one was,
- 53:12
- I'm not gonna listen to this one. This is, well, you know what? Let's listen to it. She really gives us a good summary of our victory, of our coming victory.
- 53:24
- You voted for a racist, a rapist, a dictator. You voted for a bully, a bigot, and a narcissist. You voted for someone who said he would have no problem using the military to kill his opponents.
- 53:34
- You voted for mass deportation of people, including people that are here legally. If you think you voted for someone who's going to somehow give you more money and put more money in your pocket, you were tricked.
- 53:44
- None of his concepts of economic plans will ever benefit anyone who isn't a millionaire or billionaire.
- 53:51
- You voted against the rights of women to have body autonomy, no fault of worse, and to decide if they wanna be mothers. You voted against basic healthcare for women.
- 53:59
- You voted against people being able to love who they love and to believe what they believe. You voted for someone who's going to take away the
- 54:05
- Department of Education, putting a bear -killing wackadoo in charge of departments like the FDA, and a space -loving billionaire who was an illegal immigrant himself to be -
- 54:16
- A space -loving billionaire? Is space -loving an insult now?
- 54:23
- Like, you're so space -loving. I'm not gonna finish it.
- 54:28
- It just goes on like that. But if only half of that stuff was true, that would be so great.
- 54:33
- I don't think most of it is true. Some of it is true. But if half of it was true, I'd be ready to vote again.
- 54:39
- You know what I mean? It's crazy. Oh, this one's classic. You know, you never quite know if he's actually faking it or not.
- 54:46
- This guy is well -known for faking rage, but - I can't believe Trump's actually gonna win this fucking day!
- 54:53
- Oh, Jesus Christ! I'm so pissed off! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! God damn it!
- 55:00
- Yeah, Boogie, like, it's okay, but Boogie is well -known for faking stuff like this. Oh, this is a good one.
- 55:07
- This is a real good one. America, how could you do this to us again?
- 55:12
- What the fuck? How are we supposed to live another four years like this?
- 55:19
- What the hell? What did you do to us? The best part is at the end where he takes a breath and is kind of, like, gagging while he gurgles.
- 55:31
- You know, listen to this. Here it comes. America, how could you do this to us again? What the fuck?
- 55:38
- How are we supposed to live another four years like this? What the hell?
- 55:45
- What did you do to us? This guy needs some help, man, for real. I don't know.
- 55:50
- I mean, I can't really answer how could we do it. We just did it. That's how we did it. We'll be on the table.
- 55:59
- It's not for another 10 years. And let's just sink that in.
- 56:10
- I used to watch an atheist. What was his name? I think it was King Heathen. And he used to do videos like this, you know, where he thought he looked so intellectual in the dark and, you know, no lighting and stuff.
- 56:23
- And they were pretty funny. They were pretty funny. By the way, both of them will be the liberals on the court.
- 56:35
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's true. He's right about that. So let's just tell everyone exactly why
- 56:47
- Donald Trump won. Donald Trump won because everyone, every single person without a brain voted.
- 56:54
- Every person that decided that the racism wasn't enough, the bigotry wasn't enough, the
- 57:05
- January 6th wasn't enough. No. Everyone who voted against Kamala Harris, you decided that every woman in your life's existence isn't enough.
- 57:21
- It's true. You decided that. So this will be the last time you'll see me on the internet.
- 57:29
- Yeah, right. More expansive on that. And now, by the way,
- 57:35
- TikTok's getting deleted in January. Nobody believes you. TikTok's gonna be banned too. Oh, I see what he's saying.
- 57:41
- It's gonna be banned, yeah. Yeah. If anyone fucking gives a shit about that too. I don't think anyone does.
- 57:48
- We're gonna lose all forms of entertainment. We're gonna lose comic books. We're gonna lose corn.
- 57:54
- We're gonna lose... He said, we're gonna lose all forms of entertainment.
- 58:01
- Comic books, corn. Where did that come from? We're gonna lose corn? Something takes a part of me.
- 58:14
- We're gonna lose corn. Essentially any video game that is not anti -woke,
- 58:22
- No more video games, guys. It's done. We're gonna lose...
- 58:28
- Teachers are gonna lose literally, essentially everything they can do in the school.
- 58:34
- No more teachers either. We're gonna lose... Black people will be shot in the street by cops.
- 58:44
- I think that might be the end of it.
- 59:25
- That might be the end of it. Oh, wow. That's just, it's really, it's just something.
- 59:32
- It's something. Well, I hope you enjoyed that. I certainly did. I've seen all of those videos numerous times at this point and they just, they still hit you the same way.
- 59:42
- I mean, it's just, it's not getting old. It's two days later and it's just not getting old.
- 59:47
- So I hope you enjoyed that. I don't know if I'll do this again. We'll see. If I see maybe an extra hilarious one, maybe
- 59:52
- I'll do it. But they all pretty much go like that. It's basically how they are. In any case, we will be back with more commentary on the whole situation here.
- 01:00:02
- And we will be talking more about the other situations. You know what I mean? Because I think all the situations that we find ourselves in this situation are, the situations are the same.
- 01:00:13
- And so we're going to, well, not the same, but they're very related. The situations that we find ourselves in, they're very situationally related.