Hilarious! Go Home! Revisiting the Racist Mom at Target

AD Robles iconAD Robles


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Well, good morning. Good morning. I hope you had a good weekend. I sure did. I am looking forward to the week
Of work and videos and all that kind of stuff. I have a busy day today So I couldn't make a full video for you but what
I wanted to do instead was re -upload the majority of the video that I took down on my own volition and apologized for They might be saying well why would you put up re -upload a video that you apologized for and the reason is because That video with a portion of it that I was apologizing for was really the beginning like the first three or four minutes
I said something about the person who tweeted this tweet That I shouldn't have said it was not true
And I didn't believe it and I shouldn't have said it I had no right to say it and so that is what I was Apologizing for but the whole video the majority of the video actually wasn't even about that It was about the replies to this tweet and the replies to this tweet are hilarious
And I think that I will first of all I definitely stand by that stuff I think that the replies to this tweet were crazy.
There's so much virtue signaling goodness in it So I wanted to re -upload it. It's good stuff. I think you'll enjoy it.
I hope you do. I think you will Anyway, and then I'll come back at the end to make some comments about it as well.
Hope you enjoy this So it's been a while since I recorded a video on on a
Saturday. So here's the first one. I hope you enjoy it Oh man
Saw this tweet from Jasmine Holm. Here's what it says. It says Just passed by a sobbing toddler at Target her mom was trying to distract her with a white baby doll the little girl kept screaming and Reaching for the black baby doll and just as I passed her mom just as I passed her mom went
No, you are not getting that doll, but why not with a little thoughtful face this thoughtful emoji
And I think if you are not woke but you're a normal person right like you're not woke
But you're normal like if you're woke you're programmed to respond a certain way to this tweet You're supposed you're programmed to grab your pitchfork get your virtue signal ready and just go for it, right?
Like that's what you're programmed to do if you're woke and as we will see many people have obeyed their programming here
They got the proper inputs and the proper outputs coming out, but I'm I'm a weirdo
I'm not normal. I think that we've made that abundantly clear Whatever with our couple years together here on YouTube so when
I hear this I believe it and I say Who cares? Jimmy crack corn and I don't care
What's the big deal here like think about this like I want to analyze this is for a sec. Okay, this is nothing
I want you to understand that this is nothing a white mom
Wants to buy a white baby doll for her white child Where's the crime here?
Where's the sin here? Where's the where's the issue? her daughter wants a toy that she doesn't want to buy her and What we're supposed to think is well, it's a bit about race.
Okay, fine. Let's just say it's about race Who cares? Why does this affect you in any way?
Why does this affect you in any way? We're supposed to think like the baby the kid is just like And the mom's like no you're gonna hate box just like me like that's what works
That's we're expected to think like and that's what most people in the comments are gonna think right, but this is nothing
Because we hear all the time about we hear black people all the time
Complaining because it's so hard to find a book a kid's book with a black kid in it that they can buy for their black
Children, they want to buy black toys and black books for their black children. There's not enough of them. So they complain
And it's like, okay. Okay, fine. I'm okay with you about wanting to buy a black toy for your black child
But I mean it's like why can't a white mom do that It's racist for a white mom to want to buy white toys for her white children
But a black mom can do you see don't say like it's a double standard obviously, but it's not a problem at all
I mean Let her parent the way she wants to pair. There's no there's nothing here. There's nothing here now
I never bought into that right? Like I've spent exactly zero seconds of my life literally zero seconds of my life looking for a
Latino toy or a Latino kid in a book or Anything like that.
I've spent zero time worrying about that for my children I just buy toys for them that I think that they'll like that I think that they'll use and and things like that Like I don't
I don't spend any time worried about the ethnicity of the toy But if you want to spend your time doing that you think that's a valuable use of your time
I don't understand why but I'm not gonna step in there Do what you want. This is nothing.
This is nothing but watch how the program the programming has been Thoroughly input to these people their brains are wired to respond a certain way and By God, they're going to so here we go.
Here's Steven Azara. He's a normal non -woke person I guess price had nothing to do with it. Pretty fair pretty fair comment.
I agree Jen Cole's some people should never have children Some people should never have children.
Why? Why because a white mom wanted to buy a white doll for her white kid and Jen Cole's wisdom here is that's that should be a disqualifier for you to raise and have children
I mean, I just said a moment ago like I don't like Why do people spend emotional energy on this?
I guess I'm laughing. That's a form of emotional energy, but this is fun Alihenny, oh my goodness gracious disgusting disgusting
Here's the sojourner he says would it be as bad if it was a black person doing the same thing good point to sojourner
Good point, but it's that I know that's a rhetorical question because the answer is obviously no
Black people do this all the time Do you remember when Black Panther came out and how many black people were so excited they could take their kids to a black?
Superhero movie just black power all this stuff black excellence. You remember all that It didn't bother me at all
It didn't bother that movie looks stupid to me. I'm I would never see that movie. I Mean, maybe
I could see it occasion where I might see that movie, but I probably will never see that movie If you enjoy it you if you want to spend time finding the black version of everything because you think that's important for your family
That's fine. I think it's a waste of your time I think it's counterproductive for your stated goals, but for me as for me in my house
We're not gonna spend any time looking for the Latino Superhero, none.
None. We're not gonna spend any time on that You do you you do you oh my goodness
Anyway, here's Beth Moore She's ready with her virtue signal man. She's always on top of that You ever notice that Beth Moore's ready to virtue signal no matter what she says gross
Go home How do you like that go home? And here's
Sam obi -wan young Sam one and there this is the kind of person that thinks they're so wise right listen to what
It's young Sam one says he says and these scenes don't play out in a vacuum
People of color are often privy to such a moments even unintended or casual racist moments still do damage
It's damaging Grow up you need some backbone you honestly a lot of you need shrinks, right?
you need to go to a psychologist a psychiatrist a counselor someone you need help because if you see a nothing like this a white mom just wants to buy a white toy for her white kid and That is that is doing damage to you to such a degree that you've got it after virtue signal
You have to self flagellate for this and it does damage real damage to you if that's you you need help
You need Jesus is what you need you need Jesus is what you need because your priorities are all twisted up man
If this is doing damage to you, I mean you're not fearing God the way you ought to fear
God. This is nothing You need to you need to grow up. You need to mature. This is nothing
It still does damage A Lot of these guys they make blacks and like Latinos and people of color.
They make us seem like snowflakes Like we're really not like that I hope you guys know that like like I hope you guys that watch my channel understand that like Latinos blacks
Asians Like we're not snowflakes like this We don't need this super special protection where we can't handle seeing a white mom at a white at a was it a white store a
Target kind of is a white star a white mom wanted to buy a white toy for a white kid doesn't bother me
Just like like like a black mom wanted to buy a black baby doll for her black child That doesn't bother me either like why would it it doesn't matter even if they're doing it for racist motivations.
It's not my kid I'm not gonna spend time worrying about that. It just doesn't make any sense to me
There's a few people When my kids were little I was concerned that my child playing with a black doll
Could be racist and I didn't want to offend anyone now. I wish I would have purposely gotten them one Thank you for speaking up this this woman's all twisted up I mean, she's trying to be nice and she sounds she's probably like she's probably a nice lady, you know
But she's trying to do the right thing, but she's all twisted up because she's trying to please someone that's
Irrational like the social justice where they're irrational. You can't please them Don't even try you will have a very hard time if you do this
Like she's obviously fearing these people like when she when she was younger You don't want to offend them by having a black toy now
She wishes she had one like what do we like like they're gonna like the social justice warriors They want you always like on edge and on your toes and what to do.
They just want you to obey them Don't be like this This is ridiculous. Just buy whatever toy you want to buy
This is nothing Makes me want to cry. I'd cry too. Oh, man.
What's wrong with people? Here's rude Jones. What's wrong with people? I'm sorry, the mom is horrible and saying that just as you walk by makes me want to punch her
This would totally be me walking by like I know what you're doing I don't understand why but I totally see it and I don't care one bit if you see me looking
Well, that's sick heart sick This legit makes me angry upset like if this legit makes you angry upset you need to reevaluate your priorities
Oh She's worried if she encourages her and wanting a black baby doll in a few years
She might want a black man. Trust me as sick as it is. That's the truth. Yeah, that's true This is why
I love this this proves my point this is Matthew Titus here pastor Matthew Titus He has been programmed to respond to this in a very particular way and he is on point
But what he doesn't understand is that he's he's he's destroying the whole narrative here
Like this is this is so contradictory to this right? So this tweet was set up to make us make us feel shame for if you're white and you buy a white toy for your white kid and you don't want to buy a black toy for your
White kid that if this is designed to make you feel shame, right and path pastor
Matthew Titus He's so programmed to respond this way. He doesn't see that. He's contradicting himself here
He says this this is why I secretly love the lol doll lines of toys some of the most diverse toys
I've ever seen my kids love all of them though I can do with all the waste from the surprise premise of the dolls.
So so so here's the thing like What he's saying here is This is what
I love Toys based because of the ethnicity of the toys. They're so diverse
I love buying my kids those toys on purpose because of the ethnicity of the toys, but This woman should feel shame for buying a toy according to the ethnicity of the toy
He's contradicted the whole premise of this and somehow feels justified about this and let's it's just so preposterous
This is so preposterous Guys Am I missing something here?
Like this is nothing This is absolutely nothing and the and the and this funny part is like this is that this is the kind of oppression that they're
Talking about a lot of the time you remember that Matt Chandler white privilege thing when he's talking about how dangerous white privileges and his examples are he goes
Yeah You don't know what it's like to be walking around Barnes and Nobles for an 20 minutes looking for a toy
Looking for a book what has children that look like yours on them. We don't know what that's like and I'm like That's what we're talking about here with white privilege that you can go to a bookstore and find a white book for your white kids
But you can't go to a bookstore and find a black book for your black kids Like that's the real problem. I mean this is talk about a first -world problem
That's nothing. That's your struggle. I mean It's time to grow up.
It really is time to grow up Anyway, have a great Saturday. Have a good
Lord's Day tomorrow. I hope this was helpful. God bless Yeah, so I told you it's pretty ridiculous some of those comments.
I could have kept going There was a ton of comments to this everyone and their mother was attempting to virtue signal from this
Incident which I think is a big nothing who cares? But the one the one comment that made me sad, you know, it's funny but at the same time it makes me sad and this is the whole point of me doing a video like this is that one lady who's like Man, I just like you could tell she was honest.
She struggled. He's like, oh my daughter wants a little black baby doll But I don't want to offend anybody and now she wishes she could go back in time
So that she could get her daughter the black baby doll so that she could learn, you know
I guess black lives matter or something. You see this lady She doesn't know what to do and she's like trying to do the right thing.
There are so many people out there Especially white people There's a lot of white people out there that are like hopping on one foot hopping on the other foot whenever whenever You know a black person says to do something they want to do it reminded me of that that that video from hotel
Remember that video where he walks into the Starbucks and that poor little white girl he demands reparations coffee, and she's just like oh, yes, sir, of course like I Feel for you white people.
I really do a lot of you are unplugged from this by the way and good good for you You shouldn't be you know catering and to every whim of the psychotic social justice warrior people
You shouldn't you shouldn't do it In fact, I did a video a long time ago that said that that a lot of y 'all want to worship black people
Whatever black people say that's what you want to do. You've got it. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Of course, sir, like that's So twisted it's so twisted up.
Don't fear black people Fear God do what's right according to God, you know, don't be like this lady
I feel for this lady where she's like man Do I get a black baby doll or not do I get a black baby doll or not?
I get who am I gonna fend who I'm gonna fend. Am I allowed to dress up like an Indian for Halloween? I don't know and their head explodes.
They just don't know what to do Don't be like that that's ridiculous is a ridiculous way to live stop trying to please people that are unappeasable
Anyway, that's a serious point. You know, this is a funny video, but that's a serious point Don't try to please people that can't be pleased.
Don't fear the gods of wokedom and social justice II is ISM anyway, hope this is helpful.
God bless You Know something just occurred to me and and I did talk with someone about this think it might have been my wife about this and That woman who was like so like, you know confused.
We're like, oh back in the day I didn't I didn't get her a black baby doll because I thought that would be offensive like Imagine just just thought experiment here for a second
Imagine if that's what was going on at this store and the and the and the white mother doesn't want to be offensive doesn't want to be accused of Some form of like playtime blackface or something and so she doesn't want to give her white baby the black baby doll because it's gonna be offensive in her mind because she's had
Some crazy woke person say that that's offensive in the past and so she's trying to please that crazy woke person
So she's desperately trying to get this kid to not want this black baby doll And so she's pulling out everything.
She knows. Oh, this one's prettier. This one's better. This one thing. She's just trying look I'm not saying it's right.
I'm just saying what if what if that was the case you see like She's all twisted up and I could easily see someone all twisted up desperate to not offend being
You know seen as very offensive for the things that she does the way the the the strategies that she uses to try to not
Be offensive because if you notice a lot of the things that you're required to do to not be racist often flip -flop
So you're always on the wrong foot. You're always off balance that that's part of this whole
I'm not saying that Jasmine was doing that. I'm just saying that's part of this whole woke system this whole critical theory system
It's it's that you can never ever atone never and this is a serious thing guys because the woke
Religion the critical theory religion is one where there is no atonement. That's good enough
Me even read if you even read the writings of of that lunatic James Cone He says look if most black people say that you're you know, you're doing the right thing
You're you're not racist, but even one says that you haven't done enough Then you haven't done enough.
There is no atonement in this thing. And this is the this is the problem This is what makes me so sad that is Gaining traction in Christian circles
Because you know, we've been reconciled to God and we're in one body and so things are squashed now
But critical theory wants to open up that wound and make it let it never heal