Barack Obama's Anti-Christian Dream for the US
I went through Barack Obama’s speech/sermon to a radical homosexual organization on Saturday on the DL today, demonstrating that Obama’s dream for the US is for a nation without Christian morals or guidance. I didn’t bother leaving my seat when it was over, for I then did the next hour on Iron Sharpens Iron with Chris Arnzen on the same subject.
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- 00:13
- Webcasting around the world from the desert metropolis of Phoenix, Arizona. This is the dividing line
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- The Apostle Peter commanded Christians to be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us Yet to give that answer with gentleness and reverence
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- Our host is dr. James white director of Alpha Omega ministries and an elder at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church This is a live program and we invite your participation.
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- If you'd like to talk with dr. White call now It's 602 nine seven three four six zero two or toll -free across the
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- United States. It's one eight seven seven seven five Three three three four one and now with today's topic.
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- Here is James white It was the second time that a sitting president had addressed the human rights campaign which is a organization promoting homosexual gay lesbian
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- Bisexual transgender, etc, etc issues in the United States Bill Clinton had first done so I believe in 1997 but on Saturday October 10th
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- President Barack Obama Addressed the organization. He began by saying thank you so much all of you
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- It is a privilege to be here tonight to open for Lady Gaga That was how the president of the
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- United States began his address to this organization that while the
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- Assertion is that they're seeking equal rights for homosexuals the reaction all based upon a sexual perversion and in the process of delivering this address during which the president said he would be ending the don't ask don't tell policy in the
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- United States military and That he was with them that he is part and parcel of their perspectives their fight
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- He said some things that I think are exceptionally important now for this program.
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- I'm going to be addressing these issues If you have other subjects, please don't even bother picking up the phone today
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- I'm not gonna be taking general calls on 16 ,000 different topics today No reason to do that that gets very distracting and very difficult to follow
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- Be you know make comments on homosexuality and end up talking about Mormonism or something like that doesn't make any sense
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- But if you do have some things to add on that that would be fine Soon as this program is over I will be joining
- 02:53
- Chris Arnz on Iron Sharpens Iron on WNYG to discuss the same subject So you may not want to listen to both programs because we'll be discussing the same thing though.
- 03:03
- I would imagine that the phone calls From the New York area might be a little bit different than the general phone calls that our webcast would generally garner
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- So possibly it might be a little bit different, but I think it is important to address this subject you say well
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- You're a Christian apologist. Why would you be addressing this because of the fact that? the president of the
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- United States enunciated a Number of fundamental beliefs that he believes should be made a part of the culture of the
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- United States of America and While many of these beliefs have become a general part of culture in Western the
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- Western world as a whole they are deeply anti -christian values and When we speak of a nation
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- Whose founders in general not all? individually, but in general
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- Built a republic based upon judeo -christian values and based upon a certain view of marriage sexuality a
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- Common law that comes over from England when you build a culture based upon those things
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- And then you attack the very foundations that culture We shouldn't be surprised at the rapidity with which change is taking place and the fact that well things are going south rather rapidly
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- What do I refer to well, I want to make sure to get to this one. I have a total of five portions very short portions of the presentation that President Obama made
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- I was first contacted By Chris Arnton who had asked me if I'd come on to talk about Obama's speech
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- I said what speech I I knew I had seen some news coverage That he was going to be speaking to a homosexual group but it
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- The mainstream media or as I think far more accurately described these days the state -controlled media state -run media
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- Was rather slow at getting around to reporting on this and it still hasn't gotten very much press at all
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- Eventually a few hours later. I was able to obtain the video of the speech and Then I think the next day a transcript of the speech as well
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- And so as I fired it up and started listening to the president's comments at one point in the first Let's say is about eight or nine minutes in as I recall.
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- I stopped the recording and Went backwards because what
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- I had just heard Astonished me and I think for any
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- Christian it should astonish you and I replayed it to make sure that I had heard what
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- I thought I had heard and I had and Interestingly enough
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- Yesterday on his blog dr. Al Moller of Southern Seminary likewise focused upon this one portion that Had caught my attention as soon as I heard it stop rewound it played it again
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- This one statement by the president United States, I want you to consider the history of this nation the history of the presidency of this nation the foundation of this nation and then consider these words as They were spoken by the president just a few days ago
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- You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognized relationships between two men or two women as Just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman
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- Since I had to listen to it twice Maybe you need to hear that again from the president's own lips
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- You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognized relationships Between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman
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- So there you have the statement you will see a time and he was talking about When we look back upon the
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- Obama administration and his presidency That these are the things that they are going to accomplish and you will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognized
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- Relationships between two men or two women are as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman now this was in the context of seeking to Overturn the
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- Marriage Act the Defense of Marriage Act the DOMA Act and some other statements in regards to the
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- Constitution, which we'll look at in a little bit later and so here you have and you see what we need to understand is this is where there is a huge I think a very huge generation gap in regards this issue
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- I'm closer to 50 than any other age right now and My generation still hears that and is amazed
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- But the next generation Behind is not They have been so bombarded purposefully with images of homosexuality
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- Normally distorted images of homosexuality I might add Rarely with homosexuality as it actually exists in America as it is seen in the gay pride marches and in the enclaves of homosexuals where the the debauched behavior that you can find simply by going online
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- I'm not recommending that to people those of us who've written books on the subject Probably have to expose ourselves to things that others might not
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- But I've seen things video online news reports of what goes on at these events that is absolutely not only triple
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- X rated it is Disgusting and in its in its extreme in the public behavior
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- But that's not what that next generation has been exposed to They have been given the sanitized
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- We look just like you type version which in fact is exactly what Barack Obama presented in this
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- Speech I keep getting close to saying sermon, and I think there might be some ways in which that is an appropriate term to use because clearly he is seeking to change worldviews and He clearly believes that there is one worldview that is superior to Another worldview and that that worldview that he thinks is superior is an anti Christian Worldview now
- 10:16
- I know the man calls himself a Christian But just look at the church that he went to for over 20 years. It is not a
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- Christian Church it is Heretical to its core there is no question about this we have read from the people involved in that kind of movement it is it is a heretical movement and So it is not surprising to hear
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- Barack Obama Enunciating anti -christian rhetoric though he ends his speech shockingly enough in front of this particular group by saying
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- Thank you for the work. You're doing God bless you and God bless America Evidently what
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- God is supposed to bless America with Is this new understanding of Morality and ethics
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- But what we just heard is the statement that it is his goal that this
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- We as a people as a nation Finally recognized relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as Relationships between a man and woman so if you view marriage as a divine institution defined by scripture
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- You are not a part of Barack Obama's America Your heart needs to be changed
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- Your mind needs to be changed in fact Here, let's let me play another clip to give you an idea of just how much of a sermon
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- This was listen listen to the language that is used right here for despite the real gains that we've made
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- There's still laws to change and there's still hearts to open There are still fellow citizens perhaps neighbors even loved ones good and decent people
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- Who hold fast to outworn arguments and old attitudes? Who failed to see your families like their families?
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- Who would deny you the rights most Americans take for granted and that's painful, and it's heartbreaking
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- Listen to that language There are hearts to open if you do not agree
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- With this perspective while you might be a good and decent person in some sense Your heart is not open you are holding to outworn arguments now.
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- We know what is being referred to there I Didn't bring it up, but everyone saw during the presidential campaign the
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- Presentation made by Barack Obama where he went through the Old Testament texts and gave the same old canards
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- Regarding the Old Testament law that demonstrate the fundamental ignorance of many concerning the nature of Ceremonial law moral law how to distinguish between the two etc etc
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- So we know what he's referring to when he refers to outworn arguments and old attitudes those old attitudes are the attitudes of the framers the
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- Constitution of the United States the founding fathers of the United States the Presidents of the
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- United States up until the most recent times They fail to see your families like their families well
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- Mr.. Obama, that's because those aren't families like our families You see you are being forced and in fact today.
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- It's ironic Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed into law the
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- Harvey Milk Day in California Where it is specifically said that it is hoped that teachers in the
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- California school districts Will present to their students the great contributions that Harvey Milk made
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- To the state so that'll be on May 22nd. You might want to be planning your vacations for that particular time period
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- This is what's going on and these the old attitudes that we have to allegedly get rid of and We are supposed to start thinking that the homosexual family, so that's a redefinition of the word family
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- Just as they say we want equal rights in marriage. They have equal rights in marriage anyone who wants to marry
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- Any man can marry another woman a woman and a woman can marry a man they have that equal rights
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- No, they that's that's not a matter of equal rights. They want to change the definition the definition of marriage itself and so He then says who would deny you the rights most
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- Americans take for granted this has become The rallying cry and this seemingly is what has numbed the minds of many because it is a
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- Conversation stopper to identify one side as seeking to deny rights for anyone else
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- Especially a minority group that that's just a terrible horrible thing You're just not allowed to do that kind of thing that's a bad thing and no one stops to think long enough to recognize that this rhetoric is covering over a ethical and moral
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- Revolution it is a revolution a bloodless coup Where the entire worldview that made sense of our laws and our society is being
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- Thrown out the window it is being ravaged by a radical perspective
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- That we've seen in the history of mankind many times and it has always
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- Led to the destruction of any nation that gave it life every
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- Empire every nation That has capitulated on these fundamental moral issues of what man is and what man's purpose is
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- Has vanished from the face of the earth. Oh, it sometimes takes time But God is not mocked and so hear that language hearts to open
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- Outworn arguments old attitudes fail to see your families like their families you
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- Have to give moral Approbation to that which the Christian faith teaches you is
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- Morally reprehensible you are being asked to compromise your faith period end of discussion
- 17:15
- If you want to be a part of this of this hope and change Then that hope and change means you need to change the fundamental views of your
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- Christian faith And there's some other things that need to be changed.
- 17:31
- Here's the next clip and it's the story of the human rights campaign The fights you fought for nearly 30 years
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- Helping to elect candidates who share your values Standing against those who would enshrine discrimination into our
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- Constitution. Did you hear that? Enshrine discrimination into our
- 17:49
- Constitution Notice again the rhetoric which clearly is very effective
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- A junior senator with about a hundred and forty three days of experience is now the president
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- United States. So it is very effective rhetoric and enshrine discrimination into our
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- Constitution in other words Clearly the Constitution as it was written and the people who wrote it
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- Had one concept of what marriage was They had one concept of what is and what is not appropriate sexual behavior
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- Our law has recognized for example the dissolution of marriage based upon adultery
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- We have not been willing to recognize polygamy as a valid Expression of human marriage in our society what basis we have for continuing to do that is
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- Highly questionable to me in light of the abandonment of any meaningful view of marriage from a constitutional perspective
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- From a Christian perspective I should say but there you have it if you would define marriage as The people of this nation had always viewed it then you are enshrining
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- Discrimination into our Constitution Now Part of this rhetoric
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- You are you are being discriminatory You are refute you are denying people rights
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- You're refusing to see their families as like your families and all of this is is meant to stop
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- Conversation and thought it is meant to appeal to the postmodernist who is far more driven by his or her
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- Emotions than they are by any kind of rational thought. Oh I don't want to be like that.
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- Therefore. I'm gonna go this direction and sadly for the next generation coming up That seems to be enough now
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- I know that there are Great young people in the next generation. I'm not saying when
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- I'm talking about the generation as a whole when you look at What they believe how they behave and how they think and how they've been taught to think
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- By the very educational system that has laid the foundation for this coup
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- On a cultural level they have not been taught to think critically
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- They have been taught to think subjectively and emotionally And I don't want to be amongst people who deny other people rights really so you want to let everybody out of prison
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- You see they don't think about that part The guy that that that that pulls a gun on you and steals your car in in downtown traffic
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- You don't want him put in prison. Well, you're denying him rights. Oh, well, that's different. Why? You mean you do want law you do want justice and That there are gonna be people who are gonna do things that are that well
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- They're gonna lose their rights as a result of doing those things But even beyond that the moral and ethical realm
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- This next generation does not believe in shame We're ashamed of shame when
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- I was raised when I was a young person I Often heard the phrase shame on you
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- You don't hear that anymore Well, I'll take that back. You know, the only people I hear that from now the homosexuals
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- They have taken that phrase Remember when they were beating up on the little old lady in the video during the campaign
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- Knocked across out of her hands stomped on it and we're pushing her around. What were they yelling shame on you shame on you
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- Because you see that's what they hear in their own minds all the time. That's what they're Rebelling against God creates in their consciences.
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- And so they are constantly rebellions that suppressing that and so they Then use that to others remember the the
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- Christians that had to be escorted by Police out of that neighborhood in San Francisco as I recall.
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- What were they yelling shame on you shame on you in General our society no longer believes in shame because it no longer believes in any kind of moral law.
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- There is no creator We are just simply highly evolved humanoids. There's no creator. Therefore. There's no law.
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- Therefore. There's no shame Now we know there is we experience it our faces still flush when we get caught doing something that we know is wrong
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- We can't get away from that, but that's that conscience thing And if you work really hard at it, you can you can pretty well beat it down and And get rid of it
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- But all this rhetoric all this language is specifically designed for a specific purpose And that is to appeal to a post -modern generation that does not think critically and to appeal to them to use their emotions to accept behavior and To establish that behavior and give it special rights.
- 23:12
- The president was very proud to announce in this speech That the house has passed his the hate crimes legislation the
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- Senate's about to do so he will sign into law Which will add homosexuality to the hate crimes list.
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- I Wanted to ask does that include also special? criminal
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- The penalties for homosexuals who
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- Engage in violence toward non -homosexuals. Probably not Probably not but once again, the government is being given the authority to look into the hearts and minds of men and Judge on that basis, so discrimination if you believe that our society should stand for a godly definition of marriage you're engaging in discrimination and We know that once it's it's a short step from saying well you want discrimination to saying you're engaging in discrimination and And therefore you need to be suppressed in your engaging in Discrimination, but one of the big elements of the new rhetoric of the radical left
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- Comes out in this section said this before I'll repeat it again. It's not for me to tell you to be patient Any more than it was for others to counsel patients to African Americans petitioning for equal rights half a century ago
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- There you go The civil rights movement Now, I know many an
- 25:01
- African American that is really disgusted by this hijacking of the civil rights movement as If it is parallel to Homosexuals if anyone had made that parallel 50 years ago
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- Can you imagine what would have happened can you imagine the reaction even from the leaders of the civil rights movement at that time
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- But you see things have changed and we have a very short historical memory and I know it's the slippery slope argument and people say it's not a valid argument, but I Just point out to you the simple fact
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- That that argument just made by the president United States would not have been made 50 years ago
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- And in fact would have been political suicide 50 years ago Anybody who would have made a statement like that made that kind of a connection?
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- Would have lost their seat in Congress and so if things could change that fast
- 26:06
- How long will it be until a sitting president is standing before an amble? The North American Manboy Love Association if they've got enough political clout, why not?
- 26:17
- There's no moral absolutes here We've overthrown all the moral absolutes in fact, it is my understanding that one of these many czars that the president has
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- Actually has connections Through one of his publications to Nambla. So is that really?
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- Remember, how far have we gone in 50 years? How far could we go in the next 50 years
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- Good question, but it is truly Become central to the arguments of the radical homosexual opponents
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- To grab hold of the civil rights struggle and say this is our struggle
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- Now that requires them to say well, this is how we were born some of them recognize that's a little bit scary
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- Because while you cannot change the pigmentation of your skin The fact the matter is engaging homosexuality is a choice that you make and if you're gonna say why
- 27:25
- I can't help it then you have to embrace a very mechanistic view of man and You also have to embrace the idea that well, maybe someday what if they find a way to fix homosexuality
- 27:40
- Maybe some genetic treatment What do you do then These people want to be viewed as if they have some kind of genetic aberration
- 27:49
- No, they don't want to be viewed that way How would that fit into your we're a family just like your family except our family is based upon a genetic aberration
- 27:58
- Mmm doesn't really fit does it but again this requires consistency of thought Thinking through issues like that and and that's unfortunately not what you get in the state -run media
- 28:09
- The pundits and the like that repeat things over and over again So just one more clip here
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- And then if you'd like to comment on this eight seven seven seven five three three three four one eight seven seven seven five three three three four one
- 28:25
- Barack Obama's vision for who we as the American people Should be but these issues also go to the heart of who we are as a people
- 28:34
- Are we a nation that can transcend old attitudes and worn divides? Can we embrace our differences and look to the hopes and dreams that we share
- 28:43
- Will we uphold the ideals on which this nation was founded that all of us are equal that all of us?
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- Deserve the same opportunity to live our lives freely and pursue our chance and happiness. I believe we can
- 28:57
- I believe we will Now there is a classic and gross abuse a language
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- Because He is advocating the utter overthrow of the ideals upon which this nation was found
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- When he talks about equality before the law none of those who wrote those words would have interpreted those words the way he is and so that is a fundamental abuse of history abuse of language all in the pursuit of political power and advantage
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- All of us deserve the same opportunity to live our lives freely and pursue our chance at happiness homosexuality is a life -destroying behavior
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- It does not build life. It destroys life It cannot reproduce itself. It has to reproduce itself only by the perversion of those who are not a part of its movement and it radically
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- Radically shortens the average lifespan of the person who engages in it it is not a
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- Pursuit of happiness is a pursuit of self -destruction But The time when we will be able to say this openly is getting shorter and shorter
- 30:20
- Been saying this for many years a lot of folks thought was to serve one of whites quirks
- 30:26
- He's a little bit weird on that that angle But did you ever think you would see a
- 30:33
- Sitting president of the United States standing before a group of homosexuals to their wild applause
- 30:40
- Advocating the things that he's advocating and remember saying Well, I you would have heard that there if it was queued up You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognized relationships between two men or two women as Just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman
- 31:04
- Did you ever think you'd hear that? Did you ever think you'd hear a man stand before a group of people and say man on man woman with woman?
- 31:15
- just as admirable as the God -ordained marriage of man and woman
- 31:23
- That's where The United States is eight seven seven seven five three three three four one.
- 31:28
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- 33:21
- The history of the Christian Church pivots on the doctrine of justification by faith Once the core of the
- 33:27
- Reformation the church today often ignores or misunderstands this foundational doctrine in his book the
- 33:33
- God who justifies theologian James White calls believers to a fresh appreciation of Understanding of and dedication to the great doctrine of justification and then provides an exegesis of the key scripture texts on this theme
- 33:47
- Justification is the heart of the gospel in today's culture where tolerance is the new absolute
- 33:52
- James White proclaims with passion the truth and centrality of the doctrine of justification by faith
- 33:58
- Dr. Jay Adams says I lost sleep over this book. I simply couldn't put it down James White writes the way an exegetically and theologically oriented pastor appreciates
- 34:08
- This is no book for casual reading. There is solid meat throughout an outstanding contribution in every sense of the words
- 34:16
- The God who justifies by dr. James White get your copy today at a omen org
- 34:23
- Hello everyone, this is Rich Pierce in a day and age where the gospel is being twisted into a man -centered self -help program
- 34:30
- The need for a no -nonsense presentation of the gospel has never been greater I am convinced that a great many go to church every
- 34:38
- Sunday yet. They have never been confronted with their sin Alpha and Omega ministries is dedicated to presenting the gospel in a clear and concise manner making no excuses
- 34:48
- Man is sinful and God is holy That sinful man is in need of a perfect Savior and Jesus Christ is that perfect Savior?
- 34:57
- We are to come before the Holy God with an empty hand of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ Alpha and Omega takes that message to every group that we deal with while equipping the body of Christ as well
- 35:08
- Support Alpha and Omega ministries and help us to reach even more with the pure message of God's glorious grace.
- 35:14
- Thank you And welcome back to the dividing line eight seven seven seven five three three three four one no phone calls on this subject
- 35:27
- It does seem to be one of those subjects that So like yeah, I agree, but I don't want I I don't want to talk about these things.
- 35:34
- It's Well, I had an experience. I just found a note in my luggage from someone up at the
- 35:42
- Dan Barker debate and I had Shown a in one of my slides.
- 35:49
- I showed Barbara Walker's book from which Dan Barker had quoted all that Mithraism silliness and It's a picture of woman from back and she's not wearing any clothes, but you can't nothing is showing
- 36:02
- I mean, it's just her bare back, but I got a note from a woman Asking me to please remove that from my presentation in the future
- 36:08
- Even though I was quoting the book and showing people what kind of source was being used So there does seem to be an attitude amongst
- 36:15
- Christians. Well, I can't I want to talk about it like that and and as a result,
- 36:21
- I think sometimes we are left rather defenseless Because we won't even
- 36:29
- Recognize really the depth of depravity that homosexuality presents in its manifestation in In the world today.
- 36:38
- It is truly not something I could discuss on the program or would want to discuss in a program But it is there and it is a sad and amazing thing to be to be certain
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- Eight seven seven seven five three three four one. I posted a text. It is a text that has become more and more
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- Real as we have watched this downward spiral of Western culture in our lifetime
- 37:06
- Psalm 12 8 Says the wicked freely strut about When what is vile is honored among men, that's the
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- NIV's rendering the ESV says on every side the wicked prowl as Vileness is exalted among the children of men
- 37:25
- The new American Standard the wicked strut about on every side when vileness is Exalted among the sons of men and it just struck me that that is
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- Exactly what Barack Obama is saying we should do we should honor
- 37:41
- Homosexuality we should honor homosexual relationships and We as Christians need to recognize that is not an option if you honor that Which sent
- 37:55
- Christ to the cross you are not a Christian That's what we're talking about here folks.
- 38:05
- This is not a matter of opinions Why did
- 38:11
- Christ have to die? because a holy God Says that sin must be punished and did he not identify homosexuality as sin
- 38:23
- Oh, yes, I know. I know all the arguments You've got to do is go listen to my debate with Barry Lynn or with John Shelby Spong or what was the fellow's name up?
- 38:36
- there in D Bradshaw up in in Salt Lake City I've heard all the arguments.
- 38:45
- They don't stand up. I Don't care how much literature they crank out quoting each other
- 38:53
- The scriptures are clear. And so when the culture says to you
- 39:00
- Honor That which is Sinful The Christian has no choice at this matter at this point no choice whatsoever.
- 39:11
- You can't do it But it does seem to be getting to that point in our society. We're in many places of business
- 39:18
- You have to pay lip service to those things Now the state -run media isn't gonna go.
- 39:24
- Hey, you know what? We're certainly causing a lot of Christians a lot of problems and there's far more of them than there are of Homosexuals, what are we doing?
- 39:33
- No, they're not gonna do that. And so The wicked strut about on every side when what is vile is exalted honored
- 39:46
- Among men and that's what's going on When people say to us, well, you just need to realize of course that this is just all a matter of love
- 40:00
- It's just all a matter of love. It's it's You know, we're talking here about people loving one another and the reality is that Christians have to define love on the basis of God's revelation of it and God has revealed his love in this world in ways that are not sentimental and squishy
- 40:28
- When you look at how he has redeemed his people When you look at the history of Israel, there's a lot of very non squishy warm fuzzy parts but if you don't see it, that's revelation of God's love you're missing it and When we talk about especially the issue of relationships between men and women
- 40:52
- There's a reason why the scripture warns us so much against adultery against fornication because it's a violation of something that is truly a gift of God the scriptures say the marriage bed is undefiled and When you are married to your husband or your wife
- 41:12
- The relationship you have is a gift from God and So the enemy and it's the means by which the species is continued
- 41:22
- Not just in an animalistic sense Because we see that God is the one who has given to us this partnership in this relationship
- 41:30
- And of course, I'm speaking to Christians now because if you're not a Christian if you're a secularist
- 41:38
- Mankind's just a highly evolved humanoid anyways It's nothing transcendent about any relationship anyone has with anyone just cosmic broccoli as Dan Barker would like to put it but remember that Jesus taught on this subject
- 41:57
- People like to say Jesus never said a word about homosexuality didn't have to He didn't have to Because Everybody was addressing already knew what it was and already knew that it was an abomination to a
- 42:10
- Vaughn the sight of God And he said that anyone who would teach anyone To loose any of that law
- 42:18
- Would be leased in the kingdom of heaven He didn't have to repeat everything in the Old Testament law. He honored that law.
- 42:24
- He verified that law and That law included the moral law in regards to homosexuality.
- 42:32
- You will not lay with a man As a man lays the woman that's the very Origin of the term arson a coy taste which is used in the
- 42:40
- New Testament. Paul uses it probably drawing directly from the Greek Septuagint First Corinthians chapter 6
- 42:48
- Romans chapter 1 its discussion is very very clear And again, all you got to do is go listen to the cross -examination between myself and Barry lit on that subject
- 42:58
- There was a reason he wanted those tapes suppressed but he gave a very
- 43:05
- Straightforward teaching on the nature of marriage in Matthew chapter 19 The Pharisees came to Jesus testing him and asking is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any reason at all?
- 43:16
- They wanted to drag him into one of the current debates that was taking place amongst the various Jewish schools at that time and he answered and said have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female and said for this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one
- 43:38
- Flesh they are no longer two but one flesh What therefore God has joined together let no man separate
- 43:47
- They said to him why then did Moses command to give her a certificate of divorce and send her away He said to them because of your hardness of heart
- 43:55
- Moses permitted you to divorce your wives But from the beginning it has not been this way I say to you whoever divorces his wife except for immorality and marries another woman commits adultery now part of the reason
- 44:10
- I think that This teaching on marriage part of the reason that it it's sort of lost on many today is because it's so often the grounds for the divorce debate and What is immorality and what does it include and so on and so forth and I'm not saying that that's not important it is but What they miss is the fundamental creation mandate that is found in Jesus words
- 44:43
- Hopefully the translation that you might be reading from will clearly indicate to you that we have Old Testament citations here
- 44:51
- Coming from the very book that so many people wish to dismiss as mere myth and mythology
- 44:59
- From the beginning he made them male and female The male and female roles are a part of God's creative decree in Fact I think it can be very successfully argued the very image of God Is expressed in man's maleness and femaleness in the sense that both male and female express the image of God It's not just men who bear the image of God the woman bears the image of God in just the same way
- 45:28
- But he made them male and female he defined these things Transgendered individuals are clearly in rebellion against God's purposes in that context and notice the form of the family that is plainly presented here for this reason a man shall leave his what his father and his mother not his father and his father his mother and his mother a
- 45:53
- Man shall leave his father and his mother. Why will you have to leave them because they procreated him? that's where we come from a
- 46:03
- Man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.
- 46:09
- That is the only way That that mystical Union can take place No, two men can become one flesh no two women can become one flesh it is not possible
- 46:21
- You cannot fall in love with the image in the mirror. And if you do there's something very wrong.
- 46:30
- There is something complementary in that relationship between man and woman to desire sameness is to be stunted in your development and that can become perversion and That's why the result is to eva abomination
- 46:50
- In God's sight Now I know there are people say oh, oh, but but but It's just the way
- 46:58
- I am I have these desires, okay There are lots of sinful desires in mankind and Each of us has weakness for certain kinds of sinful desires
- 47:12
- There are some people who have a horrible temper and what does
- 47:19
- God have as advice the person with a horrible temper Constantly seeking his grace to control that horrible temper
- 47:32
- Impatience greed lust Hatred saying that you have temptations
- 47:44
- It's not the same as saying and God's to blame you may have those temptations, but the call of God upon the humans life is to follow his law and Therefore fight against those temptations, whatever they might be
- 48:04
- Well, that's not fair because my my desires are stronger than somebody else's you don't know that but why do you think that?
- 48:11
- Fair is an issue if you want fair from God, he would have destroyed you in your mother's womb
- 48:18
- Because your fallen son or daughter of Adam period end of that and so We have
- 48:29
- Jesus his own teaching The Barack Obama thinks is outworn outdated
- 48:37
- We need to open our hearts to a new view. You need to stop believing that Jesus stuff.
- 48:47
- That's what we're hearing That's what our children are hearing. You better be talking with your kids
- 48:54
- Every day about what they're hearing what they're thinking what they're exposing themselves to Because the world is going to do everything it can to pollute their minds and Draw them away from the simplicity of faith in Christ 8 7 7 7 5 3 3 3 4 1 is the phone number.
- 49:24
- We've gotten a phone call on the subject From we're all beyond the air actually in approximately 11 minutes
- 49:31
- Actually, but more than that's about five minutes after before we get started, but like like it for those who've tuned in I'll be with Chris Arnzen discussing the same subject on iron sharpens iron and WNYG in New York starting in Just about 11 minutes or so from now top of the hour.
- 49:47
- So I'll be playing the same clips discussing me in the same things But and we will about that.
- 49:53
- Thank you for that rich. We will keep the feed going if you would like to listen to That program we'll go ahead and feed it through the dividing line link here, so you don't have to be moving over at that point to WNYG servers and In fact, we'll be using the same phone number for those calls as well
- 50:13
- Because that's the only way we can get it to work Anybody who remembers the the first half hour of the
- 50:18
- Herald campaign debate, which was a non half -hour hair pulling and Feedback producing and I can't hear you
- 50:27
- Situation so we've found a way around that We just do it on our end and and we sort of have iron sharpens iron as our guest on the phone
- 50:35
- That's how we make it work, so anyway, let's go to Mike in New York. Hi Mike Dr.
- 50:41
- White, how you doing today doing good? Great. One thing I wanted to say is It's pretty obvious that when homosexuals and those who appealed to the homosexual movement they do so by appealing to their humanistic worldview and they'll justify their sin by Saying something to the effect of oh well
- 51:03
- There's no absolutes because there's no God and so on and so forth yet They will seek legal protection through hate crime legislation and including the right to get married
- 51:15
- Partner benefits and whatnot yet. They'll defy moral absolutes It's pretty interesting that They they will reason to appeal to the law
- 51:28
- The civil law anyways, but yet trying to defy God's law Meanwhile, it is
- 51:33
- God's law where our moral laws and standards come from or at least have derived from well historically
- 51:40
- That's the case Mike, but they would deny sadly that That is where the power of the law comes from they would have to embrace the idea that in essence government
- 51:55
- Creates the rights that it grants to people and see that's fundamentally opposed to our founding documents
- 52:00
- But that's where they are There's no way around that they have to Bite the the same hand at the same time that that's trying to feed them because they they cannot give a consistent worldview
- 52:12
- That would allow them on the one hand to demand that others treat them in a certain way while at the same time saying there
- 52:19
- No lawgiver that that provides a morality because they're doing everything in their power to avoid that lawgiver in the first place
- 52:27
- It's amazing a couple months ago. I was vacationing in, Massachusetts, which beautiful area there and in Cape Cod But we went up to a town called
- 52:38
- Provincetown and they make it very clear. It's it's a very gay town
- 52:44
- Homosexual friendly, but it's it's interesting That one of the businesses has a sign as soon as you pull into town on route 6a and it says
- 52:54
- God's a lot of God's law doesn't apply here and Really at all. Yeah, it's a local business has the sign and it was kind of interesting because I guess there was a battle with another church that Ended up having to move out of the area because they preached against the homosexual movement there's some history on that that I heard throughout the town, but Yeah, it's really interesting that they would put themselves in such a situation as to say
- 53:23
- God's law doesn't apply here yet at the same time government which got established law, which of course
- 53:32
- We have because of God they will plead for and and ask for every type of protection under the
- 53:38
- Sun as well as every legal To protect their cause well when the wicked sees the city as the scripture puts it the results are amazing and it is
- 53:50
- Just just astounding that such a sign would exist because I would have to argue that That is an invitation for anarchy the only the only force then that can become the ground for morality in that place is is the force of governments and That's what we were rebelling against and felt was was inappropriate and yet That's the very direction that people today ignorant of our past and ignorant of the history of the world
- 54:19
- Are promoting once again just to in some people's and you gotta realize something there are very few
- 54:25
- Relatively few homosexuals in the United States. I mean there that's never more than 3 % of the population
- 54:31
- But there are many more people who have found the promotion of this type of Ideology to be an avenue for making of money and the making of political power and So they are they are selling their own liberty and their own birthright for the sake of this alleged power and and and money and it's
- 54:56
- It's a sad but amazing thing It truly is and I just wanted to call up and say you're having a great show and I Appreciate you bringing bringing this issue to the forefront, and I wish more people would definitely embrace
- 55:11
- God's Word and try to stand up and fight for the moral cause as well as The original laws of our country well only only
- 55:21
- God can can bring about that kind of change in the hearts. Thanks Mike appreciate Let's quick get
- 55:28
- Daniel in here hi Daniel Hey, dr. White, how you doing? I'm good good good
- 55:33
- I caught the majority of the program and I want again. I wanted to thank you very much for Addressing the topic and I just wanted to mention to that I kiss you, but you might have mentioned it already, but our
- 55:44
- I know that our understanding of marriage is also grounded in the gospel of Christ and You know scripture further gives us an understanding of marriage in terms of Christ's relationship to the church right so it's it's only
- 55:56
- It makes sense that the world has such a flawed view of the gospel that It's such a small step to them also misunderstanding the purpose of marriage since they don't get the gospel, right?
- 56:08
- It's just one step away where marriage is not even properly understood in the right context yeah I hadn't gotten
- 56:14
- I mean I talked about Jesus teaching in Matthew 19 but if you go to Ephesians And you you look at the illustration the scripture uses of the relationship of Christ to his people as a husband to To his bride
- 56:26
- Those who refuse to allow those distinctions who want to? Even that out to where a husband is not different than a bride
- 56:35
- It's just two equal people in in a relationship or those who would in essence
- 56:41
- Focus the marriage relationship solely upon my own Self fulfillment
- 56:49
- Which is sadly how many people in the West view marriage rather than a situation of service
- 56:55
- Ministry giving of being changed by that relationship all those elements are there biblically
- 57:02
- But there is no grounding for those elements in the homosexual concept of quote -unquote marriage so yes, it is
- 57:10
- I Know there's certain politicians who give lip service to saying well You know we can't force
- 57:16
- Christians to view marriage in a way that is in opposition to their own understanding but the reality is
- 57:23
- That that is exactly what we were being asked to do and in the public school system in many states
- 57:30
- Children will have it taught to them with the same authority that two plus two is four that a homosexual marriage is the same thing as a heterosexual marriage and of course
- 57:43
- Given the secularism of our day We have to stand up and say the reason that This nation has flourished and has been given these these blessings is because we stood up for what the scriptures said upon those issues
- 57:57
- So Daniel, thank you very much for your phone call today. We're out of time. Thank you. God bless Those of you listening you're gonna have about five minutes where you might hear some other things
- 58:08
- But shortly after the top of the hour you'll hear iron sharpens iron starting and you'll hear me repeating myself
- 58:14
- But that's because we're going to be talking about the same information and playing the same clip So you want to stick around great?
- 58:20
- If not, thanks for listening to divine line today We'll not see you on Thursday. I'm traveling to speak up in Montana on Thursday So Lord willing we'll see you on Tuesday week from today.
- 58:31
- See you then. God bless The dividing line has been brought to you by Alpha and Omega ministries
- 59:26
- If you'd like to contact us call us at 602 -973 -4602 or write us at p .o
- 59:31
- Box 3 7 1 0 6 Phoenix, Arizona 8 5 0 6 9. You can also find us on the world wide web at a omin org
- 59:38
- That's a o m i n dot o RG where you'll find a complete listing of James White's books tapes debates and tracks