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- The Doctrine of the Week for this Sunday is the Millennium. The word millennium derives from the
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- Latin mille, which means thousand. So the millennium, or as it's often called, the
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- Millennial Kingdom, is the 1 ,000 year rule of Jesus Christ upon the earth.
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- The Bible says in Revelation chapter 20, verse 6, blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection, over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.
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- So in the Old Testament, you will remember that God made a promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they and their descendants would inherit the land of Canaan.
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- Jesus told his followers to pray, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
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- This prayer, along with the promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, these things will be answered and fulfilled in the
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- Millennial Kingdom. Also, in the book of Revelation chapter 20, when it speaks of the establishment of the kingdom age, one chapter earlier in chapter 19, the kingdom's established in chapter 20, but in chapter 19, that is when we see
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- Christ returning. Therefore, the second advent of Christ is pre -millennial.
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- As to when this will happen, that's the great mystery. And we see this in the book of Acts chapter 1, where the disciples ask
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- Jesus, Lord, will you at this time restore the kingdom to Israel?
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- And Jesus didn't say no or that I'll never do that. What he said is that it is not for you to know the times or the seasons.