Sunday, November 28. 2021 PM


Sunnyside Baptist Church Eschatology Michael Dirrim


Good morning everyone Welcome to Sunnyside. Hopefully everybody had a good
Thanksgiving week with friends and family It's good to be back. Obviously, we've had some decoration changes here.
We're entering the Christmas season We're thankful for those that have helped put these up We get to enjoy these for the next month or so a few announcements as we get started this morning
Come back for evening worship tonight choir rehearsal continues for those of you who are in Christmas choir
They'll rehearse in here and then anybody not doing choir will be in the fellowship hall Also looking ahead to Wednesday December 1st the meal at 545 and after that tag for the kids and prayer time and Bible study for the adults
Looking ahead to our Christmas program. That's going to be in the evening on December 19th at 530
So lots going on in the month of December. There will not be evening services on Wednesday, December 22nd so just keep that in mind
Our fighter verse to memorize for this week comes from the Psalms Psalm 141 verses 3 and 4
It says set a guard Oh Lord over my mouth keep watch over the door of my lips
Do not let my heart incline to any evil To busy myself with wicked deeds and company with men who work iniquity and let me not eat of their delicacies
There's a few more directory packets if you haven't picked those up to update your church directory at home and then also because we are in the month of The Christmas season if you have any
Christmas cards that you want to give to fellow members Please feel free to use that mailbox there at the back of the auditorium to kind of give those to people obviously everybody's last name
Initial is marked on there Still need your help as far as the church podcast that's upcoming
You feel free to go on the church website and you could submit any Q &A questions or ideas for upcoming
Podcasts that the guys can kind of put together and they'll be ready to roll come the first of the year there
And then lastly a couple of ladies in the church office wanted me to mention There's a couple of aloe plants if you haven't picked those up as deacons when we had our deacon fellowship a couple weeks ago
If you didn't get one of those feel free to stop by the church office and grab one of those plants Otherwise, it'll go to a family who wants them
Any other announcements before we get started this morning Okay, as you can see we have the
Lord's Supper this morning so Begin to ask the Lord to give its attitude of prayer and reflection
We're gonna do that right now. And then after we're done with that Michael will come up and open us in prayer
Heavenly Father we come before you this morning with hearts of Thanksgiving We Have been given opportunity to reflect about your goodness your generosity your providence your faithfulness your loving -kindness is your compassions
There is not an area in our lives where Thanksgiving should not abound
In all things you are And You have and you will prove yourself to be a good
God So we give you thanks We thank you for gathering us here this morning, and we ask that you would greatly bless
This gathering we ask for the graces that we
Need always need you would give us Desire for you you would increase our love for you and our love for one another
We ask that you would take up these morsels of our worship the the bread and the fish of our hymns and our prayers and our scripture readings and our
Preaching and listening and Taking communion together and all that we do That you would make it greatly abundant
To your glory and to our good. We pray all of these things for the sake of Jesus Christ Amen, did you stand with me for our call to worship?
Our passage this morning is found in Psalms chapter 72. We'll be reading verses 8 to 11
Read with me together May he have dominion from sea to sea and from the river to the ends of the earth
May desert tribes bow down before him and his enemies lick the dust
May the kings of Tarshish and of the coastlands render him tribute
May the kings of Sheba and Sema bring gifts May all kings fall down before him all nations serve him our first Song this morning is in our
Psalms for worship hymnal page 72 B. We'll sing verses 5 and 6
Oh Oh And then our next two songs be in our little black hymnals hymns modern ancient page 88
And then in all things give him thanks is in your bulletin Oh Oh Oh God of Isaiah this morning
Isaiah chapter 8 starting in verse 5 Again the
Lord spoke to me further saying and as much as these people have rejected the gently flowing waters of Shiloh and Rejoice and resin and the son of Ramilah Now therefore behold the
Lord is about to bring on them the strong and abundant waters of Euphrates Even the king of Assyria and all his glory
And I will rise up over its channels and it will rise up over its channels and go over all its banks
Then it will sweep on into Judah and it will overflow and pass through It will reach even to the neck and the spread of its wings will fill the breadth of your land.
Oh Emanuel Be broken though peoples and be shattered and give ear all remote places of the earth
Gird yourselves yet be shattered Gird yourselves yet be shattered Devise a plan, but it will be thwarted state a proposal, but it will not stand for God is with us
For thus the Lord spoke to me with mighty power and instructed me not to walk in the way of this people saying you are not to say it is a conspiracy in regard to all that this people call a conspiracy and You are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it
It is a Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy and he shall be your fear and he shall be your dread
Then he shall become a sanctuary but to both the houses of Israel a stone to strike and a rock to stumble over and a snare and a trap for the inhabitants of Jerusalem Many will stumble over them and they will fall and be broken
They will even be snared and caught Bind up the testimony seal the law among my disciples and I will wait for the
Lord who is hiding his face from the house Of Jacob, I will even look eagerly for him Behold I and the children whom the
Lord has given me are for signs and wonders in Israel For the Lord of hosts who dwells on Mount Zion When they say to you consult the mediums and the spiritists who whisper and mutter
Should not a people consult their God Should they consult the dead on behalf of the living to the law and to the testimony
If they do not speak according to this word it is because they have no dawn
They will pass through the land hard -pressed and famished and it will turn out that when they are hungry
They will be enraged and curse their king and their God as they face upward Then they will look to the earth and behold
Distress and darkness the gloom of anguish and they will be driven away in darkness
Let's pray Lord will grateful.
We're grateful for this season To remember all that you've given us, but Lord, I pray that we would always be that way
Thank you Lord for this church body that we're privileged to work worship with with your people
I just thank you for the for the fellowship that's here Thank you for our pastor
Lord And I pray that you would be with him as he comes to speak to us I pray that he would be a conduit conduit through which
You instruct us to just give him strength to do that in your name. Amen Our next song is in our
HMA hymnal again page 133 you are the Lord In other words we sing you are the
Lord Oh Oh Oh Oh Let's go to the
Lord together in prayer Heavenly Father again, we come before you and we do give you praise.
We say praise the Lord We say hallelujah to you for you are worthy to be praised
We thank you for this day where we can gather together on the first day of the week rejoicing in the resurrection of our
Savior and our King Jesus Christ Celebrating his resurrection from the dead
Celebrating that he is indeed now King of Kings and Lord of Lords and We give you the praise for you are worthy to be praised
Thank you for showing us so clearly in your word the glories of your Son By the power of your
Holy Spirit that we may worship you as we were made to do
I asked you would help us today as we abide with you and commune with you that you would
Have your way in us that your will in heaven Would be done upon the earth in our lives and pray these things for the sake of Jesus Christ The one with whom you are well pleased
Amen I'll invite you to open your Bibles to Daniel chapter 7
Daniel chapter 7 and we'll be reading verses 1 through 14 Daniel chapter 7 and we'll read verses 1 through 14 this morning this vision of Daniel here at the beginning of the second half of the book this vision puts beast fragility on display
We see a succession of kingdoms One right after the other
We're also told that God is the one who is stirring them up and moving them along He is in charge of world empires and as they rise and they fall
Ultimately, we know what the cause is According to the will of the
Lord in Daniel 7 we see the succession of kingdoms, but we also see that God establishes his own
King on Zion and then upon reflection, what are the empires of Babylon Medo -Persia
Greece and Rome But the struggling band
Opening for the main show. So if you'll stand with me, let's read
Daniel 7 Beginning in verse 1 we'll read through verse 14 this is the word of the
Lord in the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon Daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed
Then he wrote down the dream telling the main facts Daniel spoke saying
I saw in my vision by night behold the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea
And four great beasts came up from the sea each different from the other The first was like a lion and it had eagles wings
I watched till its wings were plucked off and it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man and a man's heart was given to it and Suddenly another beast a second like a bear
It was raised up on one side and had three ribs in its mouth between its teeth and they said thus to it
Arise devour much flesh After this I looked and there was another like a leopard which had on its back four wings of a bird
The beast also had four heads and dominion was given to it After this
I saw in the night visions and behold a fourth beast dreadful and terrible Exceedingly strong it had huge iron teeth.
It was devouring breaking in pieces and trampling the residue with its feet It was different from all the beasts that were before it and it had ten horns
I was considering the horns and there was another horn a little one Coming up among them before whom three of the first horns were plucked out by the roots and there in this horn
There were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking pompous words. I watched till thrones were put in place and the ancient of days was seated
His garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool His throne was a fiery flame its wheels a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a
Thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him
The court was seated and the books were opened. I watched them because of the sound of the pompous words which the horn was speaking
I watched till the beast was slain and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame
As for the rest of the beast they had their dominion taken away yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time
I was watching in the night visions and behold one like the Son of Man Coming with the clouds of heaven.
He came to the ancient of days and they brought him near before him
Then to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom that all people's nations and languages should serve him
His dominion is an everlasting dominion. We shall not pass away and his kingdom the one which shall not be
Destroyed This is the word of the Lord Thanks be to God you may be seated.
There was an ancient historian who 50 years before the birth of Christ Explored the tomb of Ramses the second at that time.
His name was known as Ozymandias The name of Ramses the second was known as Ozymandias and he had a lot of praise the the historian
The ancient Greek historian had a lot of praise to give to the structure of this tomb that had been erected to honor and deify
Ramses the second and There was an inscription left there in honor of Ozymandias and this is what it said
King of Kings am I Ozymandias if anyone would know how great
I am and where I lie Let him surpass one of my works
Very haughty thing to leave as your epitaph now by the 1900s this wonder was a little bit more
Dilapidated and things had fallen off and there were cracks and things are a bit more dusty, but it was still there
Archaeologists found this inscription and they removed it from the tomb and sent it on a tour as part of the artifacts of Egypt This caught the fancy of a poet by the name of Percy Shelley Who in one of his lucid moments, which there were not many
Wrote the following and you perhaps you have heard this poem. I Met a traveler from an antique land who said too vast and trunkless legs of stone stand in the desert
Near them on the sand half sunk a shattered visage lies Who's frowned and wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command tell that it's sculptor
Well, those passions read which yet survive stamped on these lifeless things
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed and on the pedestal these words appear
My name is Ozymandias King of Kings. Look on mine works ye mighty and despair
Nothing beside remains round that decay of that colossal wreck
Boundless and bare the lone and level sand stretch far away
This of course was not true Because the tomb of Ramses the second was still pretty much intact and there was artifacts all over the place that There once had been a kingdom
Ruled by this great Pharaoh. Now, of course it had long passed away We understand the fragility of beasts and we've been talking about that and how
Kingdoms will fall and fail and move away and all that's left are the tourists but Percy's poem
Envisioned a despairing scene that Was really a projection from his own heart
Shelley's poem is Inadequate There's no punchline.
You see that this absurdity as God fears. We may bring the punchline into the story, but it's not actually
There Shelley was an atheist and he lived out a series of moral financial and relational train wrecks
Until he killed himself in his youth he embraced meaninglessness as a virtue
Meaninglessness was a virtue to Shelley And so he told the first half of jokes rather well, but he never could finish them
Observations of beast fragility are true enough. Oh, yes every world Empire at some point collapses
Observations of beast fragility are true enough, but these only hold meaning in the light of the ancient of days
It is the fear of the Lord which provides us understanding it is the fear of the
Lord that actually provides the punchline That allows us to laugh at absurdity
Why should we be afraid of fragile beasts? There is only one unstoppable
King and we see a succession of kingdoms in verses 1 through 12 and And It culminates with God holding court and passing
Sentence upon these beasts and doing away with them We have the opening motions in verses 1 & 2 the winds from the four
Heavens coming the four winds from the heavens coming down upon the great sea and monstrous wave after monstrous wave
Arises we see the four beasts listed one after the other as a list of the accused and God holds court and He Displays his majesty and his glory and his authority as the real mover and shaker of the earth and Then he passes sentence and we see that these beasts do not succeed in their glory
So court is in session in verses 9 & 10 and we begin with God's authority look at verses 9 & 10 again
I watched till thrones were put in place and the ancient of days was seated His garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool his throne was a fiery flame its wheels a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him a
Thousand thousands ministered to him ten thousand times ten Thousand stood before him
The court was seated and the books were opened envision the court of God all rise a
Thousand thousands ten thousand times ten thousand here comes the ancient of days and he is seated and then everyone else
The beasts we see had dominion.
They did have power and strength and control and influence It was given to them in turn and taken away from them in turn
And so we see that their dominion and their authority was dependent upon The will of God dependent upon the authority of God and thus their authority and their dominion was utterly unlike the authority of God the ancient of days
Not the current world leader Now he's the ancient of days
God is not a man that he should change So we see in the first part of verse 9 and the end of verse 10 we see the nature of God's authority
The thrones are put in place. You see that the thrones are put in place. The King James Version says the thrones were cast down the word and the
Aramaic can be read either way, but What a proper place for thrones to be cast down before the face of God humbled before the ancient of days the
King of Kings and Daniel is looking at a scene here in the throne room of God where there is worship and glory being manifested and he sees in classic coaxial clarity
What John the Apostle saw in 4k definition? So in Revelation 4 verses 2 through 5
John gets to the same throne room that Daniel was in and we see all kinds of similarities
God is still on the throne God is still exercising his authority. God is still as glorious as he ever was whether in the days of Daniel or in the days of John Revelation chapter 4 beginning in verse 2 reading through verse 5
Immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne set in heaven and one sat on the throne
And he who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance and there was a rainbow around the throne in Appearance like an emerald around the throne.
There were 24 thrones Remember the thrones that were set up in Daniel and on the thrones
I saw 24 elders sitting Clothed in white robes and they had crowns of gold on their heads and from the throne proceeded lightnings thunderings and voices seven lamps of fire were burning
Before the throne which are the seven spirits of God an expression of the plentitude of the
Holy Spirit So, what's the point in Daniel 7 it's the same point
Revelation 4 The thrones are arranged around The throne the thrones are arrayed around the throne
Elders are subservient to the ancient of days Right, there are thrones and then there is the throne
There are rulers and then there is the one Who is on the throne? Hold the radiance of those present are it's just reflection of God's glory all of their authority is derived from his and Their exalted stations, whatever they are
Only serve to manifest how much more exalted is the
Lord? So in view of empires falling and rising
Kings turning one over to the other it is vital for God fearing folk to remember that God Arranges the thrones and he seats himself on the highest throne and that is important for the days of Daniel important for the days of John Important for our days.
God is on the throne and he is fully in charge now at the end of verse 10 we have a reinforcement of the themes that we see in verse 9 for a thousand thousands minister to him and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before him and the courts and the court was
Seated in the books were open. So when we think about it not East would be worthy to stand before such a king and yet God is attended to on his throne by a multitude of glorious creatures without number
Look how exalted and glorious and lifted up is the Lord Look how all of these people in all of their authorities and all the different thrones are all completely fixed upon God This is an image of what it means to fear the
Lord Where do we orient our lives?
Do we Rise and fall with the beasts
Are we shaken by the waves of the sea? Whipped up by the four winds of heaven.
Are we up and down on every wave or Are we fixed upon the
Lord who is seated upon the throne? look at the importance of God's court
We gauge the importance of courts and judges in their cases by how many tune in How many pay attention to the developments in the outcome, but look at God's court
Behold the attendance behold the witnesses behold the myriads upon myriads all
Awaiting the verdict and the sentencing all that they may give the amen and say the hallelujah
Why fear? Fragile beasts, there's only one unstoppable
King Chaos the ups and downs the back and forth of the world in which we live
What is greater than that chaos? Communion with the
King of Kings Communion with the King of Kings being fixated on Him and his glories his exaltedness his worthiness his power his sovereignty
Spending time with him puts everything else in perspective Communion is greater than the chaos
We read in the text the little horn was mouthing off the beastly empires made horrifying noises
But why be afraid of them? God is on his throne his court is in session the books are opened his verdict his praise his truth
Are what we should have ears to hear So while the great sea rages in one wave of political monstrosity replaces the next
We may sit at meat with our Lord We may commune with the
King of Kings What a blessing So God's authority is on display
God's authorities on display as well as God's glory which of course are very closely related this vision that spans from Spans longer than verses 2 through 12, but through 2 through 12 hang together because at the heart of the vision
We have the glory of God at the far boundaries on either side in verse 2 in verse 12
We see the the swirling storm of the nation's The next layer in we consider the rise and fall of the little horn
The next layer in we see the authority that God wields in the right at the very heart At the end of verse 9 in the beginning of verse 10 at the core of this picture we have
God's glory Behold the ancient of days. What does he look like?
What is the appearance? What are the things that Daniel is seeing? His garment was white as snow and the hair of his head was like pure wool
His throne was a fiery flame its wheels a burning fire a fiery stream issued and came forth from before him so God's purity and Power are on display here at Daniel.
You'll notice can't actually see the face of God He never sees the face of God does he he sees perfectly white hair he feels the blast of fire
He notices a snow -white garment and He gazes stupefied at at the at the range and the reach of God's holiness his burning holiness
God's purity see has no blemish and God's power has no bounds
What is the writer of the heat to the Hebrews say our God is a consuming fire?
Where would he get such a notion maybe from Daniel chapter 7? It seems that our
God is a consuming fire His very throne is a raging inferno
He has no need to leave it for its burning wheels show his freedom of movement there are none beyond his reach with him all of us have to do a burning river flows from the throne a burning river out from before him goes this way and that way and in Revelation 4
This same burning flame is called the Holy Spirit What do we see here a burning throne a brilliant?
fire flaming wheels fiery stream all of it in pure white the glory of God the glory of God He is the blessed and only
Potentate the king of kings and the Lord of lords who alone has immortality dwelling in Unapproachable light whom no man has seen or can see to him be honor and everlasting power
Amen, so why fear fragile beasts?
When we see this vision of God's glory on the throne What is
What puts all of the chaos of our world today into its proper perspective
When we can sit at the same table in fellowship in communion with God all glorious his glory and his delight mediated to us by our unfailing
Savior Jesus Christ Daniel sees all these beasts and you notice how he can see their faces and he marks them in their details
He sees them in all of their ugly chimeric forms He can count their heads and horns and trace all of their grotesque features these beasts
You see can be comprehended They can be determined. You can get out a measuring tape and measure them and they can be
Defeated they are limited and they are mortal but God however
God on his throne cannot be seen for himself Only the radiance of his glory may be squinted at by light -stung eyes
Only the train of his robe merely the hinder parts may be Glimpsed and even then it sets the worshippers face aglow
And in this we have the contrast between dust and glory God has sent forth his son.
God has sent forth his son and His body was broken for us and his blood was shed for us that we would have fellowship with God in the mediated light of Christ Jesus assured
Philip Philip if you've seen me you've seen the father How do we have fellowship with such a glorious exalted
God? Whose whose throne was a fire who is a fiery flame and its wheels of burning fire
How do we have fellowship with this God who has a fiery stream flowing from before him?
How do we have fellowship with such a holy exalted and glorious God? Through his son
Jesus Christ We are brought into fellowship with God Almighty the ancient of days
Now notice the sentence that is rendered by this court
To this court by the Lord in verses 11 and 12 Daniel says
I watch then because of the sound of the pompous words, which the horn was speaking
I Watched till the beast was slain and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame as For the rest of the beast they had their dominion taken away
Yet their lives were prolonged for a season and a time So there is a judgment that comes to pass on these beasts
The court has been seated because the ancient of days has now sat and the books have been opened and the outcome is this
That the loudmouth horn and the and the beast to which it is attached Goes down in burning fire.
Oh, and what about the others? Oh, they also although their influence lasts for a time
They too have their dominion taken away and they pass away as well
How do we know that God sat at court and rendered sentence against Rome and the horn and executed the verdict
We know this because of verse 26, but look look look at what it says. How does the beast go down?
How does the horn go? Down just in this passage. I Watched till the beast was slain and its body destroyed and given to the burning flame the burning flame
Now you tell me Where is the burning flame in the text?
Where is the burning flame to which this beast was given? To which the horn succumbed
Where is the burning flame? Oh His throne is a burning flame
Its wheels are a burning flame The Holy Spirit being issued forth from the throne of God Is a burning flame
This is the flame that comes upon this beast to which it Succumbs this is the burning flame which overcomes all the beasts
It was the fire of God's own throne The fire of its wheels as his kingdom advanced the fiery stream with the
Holy Spirit lancing out a light in the darkness Notice this opening of books the books were opened at the end of verse 10
The books were opened and before that we have the fiery stream issuing forth How is it how is it that That this fourth kingdom
Which is identifiable as Rome. How is it that this kingdom goes down in flames?
and how is it that the influence and Dominion of Babylon and Medo -Persia and Greece pass away as each one had their
Dominion and their culture and influence lasts for a time, but Eventually the sorcery of myths and culture and claims of paganism all fade.
How is it that this is brought about? It's by the fire of God.
It's by the fire of God We need to remember that this vision has this the information of this vision has already been given to us in another form in Daniel chapter 2 in which you have the same four kingdoms listed one after the other and That when we get to the fourth kingdom
During the fourth kingdom something significant happens just like here in chapter 7 during the fourth kingdom something significant happens in Chapter 7 we see that that the
Son of Man shows up and he is given Dominion and authority in a kingdom which will not pass away when chapter 2 of Daniel something also happens a
Rock that is uncut by human hands is cast into the feet of the fourth kingdom and it crushes and demolishes and and destroys these other four kingdoms and It's a kingdom which will not pass away, and it spreads and it fills the entirety of the earth
This is the good news of the kingdom What at first appears to be the brutal conveyor belt of history?
The jarring and smashing and tossing off of one fragile kingdom after another is actually God passing sentence
He evaluates he makes judgment and executes his sentence Remember Daniel is seeing this vision during the first year of Belshazzar And what was it that God wrote on the wall and said to Belshazzar?
Mene Mene tekel ufarsin. I have numbered your dominion and finished it
I have weighed you in the balance and found you lacking you're done and one kingdom after another
Loses its dominion and eventually all of their influence passes away, and how are they all undone?
And how are they all taken over? While the books are opened
The books are opened and the fire of God goes forth The gospel is preached and the
Holy Spirit is sent This is how the kingdoms of the earth are
Undone by Holy Spirit empowered gospel preaching This is the history of our world
Jesus told the Roman procouncil pilot my kingdom is not of this world My kingdom is not of this world
Meaning I'm not going to direct my followers to rage against their oppressors and burn down their cities and loot their temples and markets
He did say in his prayer his high priestly prayer in John 17 He asked the father very specifically do not take my followers out of this world
Leave them in this world That they may be a witness to me of the love that you and I have for one another and that their unity with us
And so he says you're not going to be of this world, but you're going to be in it You're not of this world, but you're in it and the same thing goes with the kingdom of God It's not of this world folks
But it is in this world And how do you know? We're sitting in this world
Having communion with the King of Kings He is enthroned.
He is incended. He is at the right hand of God So we see that this happens
With the coming of Christ and the fate of Nero and Rome and the influence of all the other kingdoms
Jesus said That his kingdom was not of this world, but it certainly was in the world.
He did not send us to destroy anything Sons of thunder style hey, let's burn down these
Samaritan villages that don't believe in you Jesus. He said no But he didn't say no to all fire.
He just said no to that kind of fire There was another fire that he was going to send
Luke 12 49 I came Jesus says I came to send fire on the earth and how
I wish it were already kindled What fire did Jesus Christ promise and what fire did he send upon the earth?
the Holy Spirit What happened at Pentecost? What happened when the
Holy Spirit came down and filled up the church what sign appeared above their heads Fire that's right.
That's right. And this fire goes forth and undoes the work of the enemy
So a fiery stream issued from the throne a fiery flame and it and as these guys people as Christ's people advanced by Holy Spirit power
Declaring from the opened books from the all the books of Scripture that had been opened and made clear and plain by the person and work of Christ as They advanced by a
Holy Spirit power preaching from the scriptures that Jesus is Lord not Caesar Not those beasts, but Jesus is
Lord the wheels of the throne moved and advanced upon the Roman Empire so that within a generation the gospel of the kingdom had been trumpeted in the four corners of the known world and The pagan juggernaut of Rome was covered in fire
Not the kind of fire that comes from a kingdom of this world But a fire that came from a kingdom that was in the world but was of heaven
Not the fire desired by the sons of thunder not the fire desired by the Jewish zealots But a fire befitting the heavenly kingdom advancing upon the earth as Daniel 2's image was
Mount Zion filling the earth Remember this when Jesus says you are the light of the world
The only kind of light that the disciples had ever seen was a light that came from some kind of flame
We could of course doubt that the gospel of Jesus Christ can triumph over pagan nations
We could consider the gospel of Jesus Christ to be weak and ineffectual despite the resurrection and ascension of Christ Despite the advent of the
Holy Spirit But we should not We should not Jesus is the worthy
Son Psalm 2 says all the nations have been given to him we should not doubt that Jesus believed that his arrival marked the arrival of the stone in Daniel 2 and the
Promises of Daniel 7 what else can reasonably be expected or understood by Jesus's constant refrain of the good news
Of the kingdom the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven. Why did he always refer to himself as the
Son of Man? Why would he do that unless that he believed that he was the fulfillment of Daniel 7 and Daniel 2?
He announced to everyone at the promised stone the promised Son of Man had arrived Beware those who be crushed upon it or broken across it thus the kingdom of God the kingdom of heaven was at hand
That was the good news Christ through his gospel did conquer Rome. He did roll back paganism throughout the known world
He did bind the strong man and plunder him of his possessions in the 100s
And second or third generation of Christians Justin Martyr said this there is not a nation neither Greek nor barbarian or of any other name
Even of those who wander in tribes and live in tents among whom prayers are not offered to God the
Father in the name of the crucified Jesus in the 100s 150 to 220
Tertullian wrote we are of but yesterday and have filled all the places belonging to you
He says to Rome your cities islands castles towns councils your very camps wards companies the palace
Senate forum we have left you only your temples Should the numerous hosts of Christians retire from the
Empire the loss of so many men of all ranks and degrees Would make you stand aghast at your desolation
John Chrysostom John the golden -mouthed preacher in the 300s said the Apostles of Christ were 12 and They gained the whole earth if you go to India to Scythia to the uttermost parts of the world you will find everywhere the doctrine of Christ enlightening the souls of men and That was just the beginning and Christ has not failed since It doesn't matter what the beast is
Currently being whipped up on the winds of the greats by the winds upon the great sea doesn't matter what the beast is or what?
The next beast is or what the next beast is We know who is king of kings and who is lord of lords who said that the gates of Hades will not prevail against his
Church, and that he will finish what he has started We know who is king of kings and Lord of lords and where he reigns even now the right hand of God And when we look at the throne room
When we look at the throne room both in Daniel 7 and in Revelation 4
Do you know what happens next in Daniel 7 verses 13 and 14 the Son of Man comes up to the right hand of God Receives all the power and all the authority of the kingdom and in Daniel and in Revelation 5
Same thing happens. We see Jesus Christ coming up to the right hand of God Receiving all the authority and all the power of the kingdom.
This is fortifying to our faith fortifying to our faith
There's a lot of chaos in our world today It is not new even though it is disturbing
It is not Signaling the end of all things good though.
It would desire it to be so so when we have all the chaos around us
We can ride those waves of chaos We can anchor ourselves in communion putting our attention upon our
Lord. Let's pray father I thank you for your word. I thank you for the encouragement to the
Saints I Thank you that when we consider you on your throne in your throne room
There is There is nothing being done here on earth
Causing any amount of disruption there in heaven But you Oh Lord are the one who is in charge
You are the one who is who is actively ruling and reigning today You Cast down the powerful and raise up the powerless
You make the rich poor and the poor rich You take away life and you give life
You are utterly and thoroughly in control and I pray that you would teach us
To fear you and that you would ever be our most reverent and holy and joyful dread