Tunnels and Preaching

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right, everybody, welcome back to the channel. Let's do a second video for this week. Now, you may have noticed that the videos have slowed down just a little bit.
And maybe you're happy about that. You don't want to see any more content. Hey, that's okay. But I'll tell you,
I'll explain why if you're wondering, you know, I'm just a little bit busy with work, you know, it's a recruiter, as you might know, and, you know, these days, it's getting a little bit more difficult to acquire new customers.
And so a lot of my time is being devoted to doing that, doing the sales process and all that kind of thing.
So yeah, I mean, if you want to see more videos, and you're a hiring manager, please reach out to me. I'd be glad to staff your companies with excellent
Christians. By the way, I am working on a role if you're interested. We're looking for a marketing coordinator.
But it's not just any marketing coordinator. It's a marketing coordinator for a very Christian company that does really cool work.
And I think the cool part about this job is that the idea for it is for it to eventually grow into a person that's kind of running a lot of the operations of this marketing agency.
So if you are interested in something like that, you'd have to be open to relocation because it is an onsite job. It's a really cool opportunity and the person you'd be working for.
He's just he's fantastic. Like that is someone that you'd want to work for.
He gets it. He loves the channel, all that kind of stuff. Reach out to me if you're interested and be glad to pass your resume along.
Anyway, let's get started. Let's get started. I've got a couple of topics today. People keep asking me about these tunnels, right?
These tunnels. What about the tunnels, AD? I keep getting comments on the YouTube channel and then messages on the side as well about these tunnels.
Apparently there's these tunnels that Jewish people have been creating underneath their synagogues or something.
And they're connecting places and they're very strange. I didn't know anything about the tunnels until all you guys kept commenting about these tunnels.
And I got to be honest, these tunnels are very strange. Doesn't everybody build tunnels?
One of the funny things about the tunnels is that the immediate response is like, everyone builds tunnels.
They just wanted to pray. Everyone builds tunnels for good purposes. It's always a good purpose. If it's a Jewish person building a tunnel, you know it's just because they want to pray and do good things.
That's what the tunnels are for. And it's like, I wouldn't be suspicious of the tunnels so much if you admitted that it's a little weird.
These tunnels are weird. You know what I mean? Maybe this is what you should say. In my opinion, if you didn't want to arouse suspicions, here's what you should say.
You should say, yeah, those tunnels, man, that's weird. But you know what? Let's just wait and see because maybe there's a perfectly logical explanation for why you would build tunnels in New York City.
I don't know. It could be. We just have to wait and see. Wait and see is a good approach.
And even if there were shady things going on with these tunnels, you could still wait and see. You don't have to be on top of it.
That's what I would do if people were building tunnels at my church. If my church had secret tunnels that led to the
YNCA or something like that, yeah, that'd be pretty weird. But you know what? Let's give them the benefit of the doubt.
Maybe these tunnels are legitimate. Speaking of my church, yeah, I had a dream last night. And if you go on Twitter, there's a random
Twitter account that interpreted my dream for me. But in the dream, the first part of the dream, I was in a deli and one of my pastors was behind the counter making sandwiches.
None of this is real. It was just in my dream. And the sandwiches looked really good.
They were just fat sandwiches. They looked like they were fantastic. But for some reason, and it was an unknown reason in my dream,
I snuck out of the deli before he could see me. I wasn't doing anything shady. I had just walked in to buy something.
But for some reason, I didn't want my pastor to see me at the deli. I don't know why. It was just a very strange occurrence.
And then later, I was at church in the same dream. I was at church and two of my pastors, including one of the ones that the one
I was at the deli, they pulled me aside and they told me that I wouldn't be allowed to preach anymore if I kept using words like desolation.
And I remember when they said desolation in my dream, I was thinking, yeah, but that's a Bible word. And then they said desolation and twerking or twerk.
And I remember thinking to myself, that's weird. I've never used the word twerk before in a sermon in my dream.
And then that was the end of the dream. Very strange dream. None of it makes sense except for maybe my pastor's pulling me aside.
I could easily see that happening. But as far as the preaching, I don't preach. And I definitely don't often use the word desolation.
And I never use the word twerk, obviously. Anyway, this guy on Twitter interpreted my dream.
It was very interesting interpretation. I don't think it's necessarily that far off. So if you're interested in that, go on Twitter.
By the way, while you're there, go ahead and follow me on Twitter. Anyway, but yeah, the Jewish tunnels,
I don't get it. I really don't get it. It doesn't make any sense. The story is very weird and creepy.
It reminds me of that house in Germany where the guy was keeping his daughter as a slave or something like that.
That was a disturbing story. That's what the tunnels look like, at least to me. But the thing that draws suspicion is, oh yeah, this is just normal tunnels.
I mean, this is a totally normal tunnel. I mean, they wanted to pray during COVID. And so they built the tunnel.
Obviously, this is obviously what happened. You guys are anti -Semitic. It's like, yeah, that reaction kind of makes me a little bit suspicious.
Maybe we'll just wait and see. You know what I mean? By the way, this is not the first time I've heard about tunnels in a religious context.
Someone told me, I don't know if this is true. This is allegedly. Someone once told me that there are tunnels underneath Southern Baptist Seminary, like the
Southern Seminary, that there's tunnels in the seminary that lead to various places.
I don't know what they look like, and I don't know if it's even really true. And I don't know where they lead, but I don't know, man.
Something about tunnels in a religious institution just doesn't really make a whole lot of sense.
Unless they're like catacombs, right? And there's artifacts down there or paperwork or something like that.
Tunnels, man. I don't know about these tunnels. Does anyone know about the Southern Seminary tunnels? Let me know in the comments if you know about the
Southern Seminary tunnels. Got a tunnel from Al Mohler's house to like, I mean, who knows? Who knows where it could go?
Anyway, all of this is alleged. I have no idea. But yeah, the tunnels. I have no take on the tunnels.
I mean, people keep asking me. My take is that they're freaking weird and creepy and disgusting.
And I don't know. I don't know. But I got to say it stinks. Stinks to high heaven.
Anyway, what I wanted to tell you, here's the real point of this video. I wanted to talk about this. So here's a post here from Gabe Hughes.
Well, I like Gabe Hughes just fine. But, you know, hit and miss on Twitter.
You know what I mean? A lot of his takes are pretty bad, but some of them are pretty good. So, you know, listen, they can't all be winners.
You can't blame the guy for that. Anyway, every time I do a video about this topic, I lose subscribers.
So, but I don't care. So that's the thing. All right. Here's what he says. He says, if you want a
Christian nation, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. If it's God's will that this should become a
Christian nation, that's how it will happen. If it is not his will and he means to destroy this nation, preach the gospel anyway.
It is the only way anyone will be saved. I like this tweet.
It's just fine. It's okay. It's an okay tweet because it's true, of course.
I mean, of course, the primary means that God uses to save people, the only means really.
Well, I'll stick with primary, actually. It's the primary means. The primary means
God uses to save people is preaching, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. That is true. If you preach the gospel, people may or may not convert.
But that is what we're supposed to do, at least if you're a preacher. And see, this is my problem with a lot of my friends on the conservative
Christian side of evangelicalism. They act as if preaching is everything.
Preaching is everything. The entire Christian life revolves around preaching.
And that is just simply not the case. Preaching is good. Preaching is necessary.
And preaching is a very important part of the life of a Christian because it's the central part of the
Sunday Lord's Day, right? You've got the preaching, and then you've got, of course, communion.
And these are central to that time on Sunday when you gather with the saints of God, you eat a meal together, and you listen to God's word.
These are central things. They're important. So all my detractors that are going to unsubscribe, I know this is not going to help to change your mind, but I'm saying it's important, and it's necessary, and it's good, and it's right.
But so many people act, and I'm not saying Gabe's doing this in this tweet, although I have my suspicions.
But so many people act like it's preaching, and then who cares about everything else? It's not going to yield to anything because it doesn't save souls, right?
Who cares? I mean, just, you know, I guess do it if you want, but it's not too important. Preaching is the central thing.
And so what's been produced by a lot of this kind of thinking are people that think that to grow in maturity in the
Christian life, the way you do it is you consume preaching, basically. You consume preaching.
And I used to be one of these guys that I would just listen to sermons all the time. I would listen to my pastor's sermons, of course, first and foremost, but then, you know,
I was on the subway going to work. I would listen to sermons. If I was, you know, exercising on the treadmill,
I'd go listen to sermons. If I was doing this, doing that. I used to go bike riding a lot. Dr. White, I'm a bike rider too.
I'd go on these, you know, 40, 50 mile rides, and I'd just listen to sermons. That's all
I did. And I felt like I was, you know, I was, that's, that's how you grow in the Christian life.
But the thing is, there's much more that needs to be done. If you want a
Christian nation, preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ is not enough.
And this is why people are going to unsubscribe because they're, they're going to hear me saying, it's not important.
You shouldn't do it. That's not what I'm saying. Preaching is central.
But you know what? If you're not a preacher, you've got some job that you need to do.
That's not preaching. See, preachers preach. And the thing is, again, we've, we've, we've, we've, we've assumed it and kind of been taught this mentality that the way to grow in the
Christian life, the things that really matter, the only things that matter really are learning theology and hearing the words of God.
And that's what matters. That's how you grow. If you ask someone how to abide in the love of Christ, so many people, if they're, if they don't, if they don't see the trap for what it is, because that's a
Bible verse, right? And there's an actual specific thing that Jesus says of how to abide in the love of Christ. But if you don't tell them in a trap kind of a way, they're going to say things like, well, you know, you do your devotionals, you pray, you do this, you do that.
That's not what Christ says. But that's what we've been taught. And so growing in the
Christian life was reading your Bible. Obviously, the more you understand God's word, that's how that's, that's growth right there.
That's not growth. That's not growth. Necessarily. It could be part of growth, but if you want to abide in the love of Christ, you need to do what
Christ says. And what if you're not a preacher? A pastor is an office that not everybody has.
In fact, few have it. So there's few preachers out there, but for preachers, that's their job.
They're there to preach. They're there to study God's word. They're there to teach God's word. They're there to discipline the flock.
That's their job. That's their whole job. But for everybody else, we've got other stuff to do.
You know what I mean? And so if you want a Christian nation, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ is good advice if you're a preacher.
But what if you're a mayor? What if you're a mayor? What if you're a congressman?
What if you're a state senator? What if you're a governor? What if you're an alderman or on the school board?
If you're a, if you're a politician, how do you move the needle as far as a
Christian nation? You're not a preacher. What do you do? Well, there's a lot of easy applications that you can make when it comes to your role as a ruler of the people.
If you're a mayor, you should be a mayor in a Christian way, in a way that's congruent with God's morality, with God's law, and with God's prerogative.
That's a way to build a Christian nation. So if you're a mayor, this advice does not actually tell you what you need to hear.
What you need to hear is as a Christian mayor, God has lots to say about how you mayor
Christianly. And so as a Christian mayor, you need to recognize your role as a deacon of God, as a servant of God.
And so you should be executing justice. You should be punishing the evildoer. You should be promoting what is good in your role as a mayor.
And there's lots of different ways to do that. And you need to use wisdom, and you need to use godly wisdom.
And so for a ruler, for a mayor, yeah, you got to know your Bible pretty well. You got to find counselors and advisors that likewise know the
Bible well, because one man can't know it all. And a pastor could even be part of that.
I'm not saying pastors are excluded. I'm saying, of course, they're going to be part of that. I mean, obviously, if you're a godly
Christian mayor, you're going to be a member of a local church, and so you're going to have pastors that you can talk to and things like that.
But you better hope and pray you don't have a pastor that when you go, hey, I'm a mayor, and there's a problem that we have down the street.
There's these protesters that are saying that they want to build an abortion clinic in my city.
What should I do? You better hope and pray you don't have a pastor that looks you in the eye, and all they do is give you the adult equivalent of the
Sunday school answer, oh, the answer is Jesus, and say something to you like, well, just preach the gospel.
Just preach the gospel. And you're the mayor, and you're looking, I'm like, okay, but I've got an application here.
I've got a problem here. I'm looking for advice. What does the Bible say about this? At the next alderman meeting, they're going to do a prayer to Satan, and so I need some guidance on what to do.
And the pastor looks at you and says, well, just preach the gospel. Yeah, yeah, I got that, but I've got other responsibilities and also other things that I could use, other tools at my disposal as a mayor, and I'm asking actually about that stuff because there's much more to life than preaching the gospel.
You see, if you're a preacher, and you're a good preacher, and you are conservative, and you get it,
I think Gabe is one of these guys. I think for the most part, Gabe gets it. There are some areas where Gabe does not get it at all, but we're going to overlook that stuff.
We're going to overlook it. For the most part, he gets it. If you're one of these guys, you need to understand that most of us aren't you, and most of us don't have the responsibilities of you, the roles of you, and the job duties that you have.
We're not saying they're unimportant. They're very important. Your responsibilities and your job title and duties and everything are necessary and important, but most of us don't have those responsibilities.
Most of us don't have that role. We've got other roles, and so we need to understand how to be
Christian in those roles. So preach the gospel of Jesus Christ if that's what you want. If you want a
Christian nation, preach the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's very good advice for preachers and evangelists and stuff like that, but it's not enough because we're out here, and we're drowning out here.
We need to help, and not everybody has thought about these things as much as someone like me has thought about them, or maybe
Dusty Devers or any of these people. We need more.
We need more because we're not preachers. We have no office in the church, but we do have responsibilities.
God does require things of us. He requires things of us, and I just I consistently see this.
I consistently see this great commission where it's, you know, preach the gospel to all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and then the last part is essentially left out. I mean, you'll quote the whole verse, but if you look at the practice, it really isn't there.
It really downplays the rest of it. There's much more to life than preaching.
There's much more to life. The life of a Christian, a typical random Christian, you just pull, you got a big bucket of Christians, and you pull one of them out.
Chances are that person that you pull out of that bucket is not a preacher, because there's few preachers.
So that person, sure, if they find themselves in an evangelistic conversation, of course they're going to present the gospel, and you should prepare them to do that, but their primary role in the kingdom of God is not the same as your primary role in the kingdom of God if you're a pastor.
You have different responsibilities. You have different job duties. You have different things that you are focused on than the plumber down the street, than me, than, you know, anyone.
And so I'm just asking you, if you're a preacher, if you're a pastor, keep that in mind.
Keep that in mind. Help your people grow in the vocations that they find themselves in, in the areas where they have responsibility, because they're not pastors, most of them.
And so to pretend like they are... Anyway, you guys get it.
You guys get it. I'm fully expecting to lose subscribers because people always think that I'm disrespecting pastors.
I'm not disrespecting pastors. I like pastors. Pastors are important. Pastors are necessary. I have pastors, and I love my pastors, even when
I sneak out of the deli when they're making me a sandwich. He wasn't making me a sandwich. He was actually serving another customer at the time, and the sandwich that he was making, it was awesome.
It was one of those sandwiches where it's so fat that you have to roll it in the paper, but they need two papers to roll it. That's what's going on in my dream.
Anyway, that's it for today. Tunnels and preaching. Hope you found this video helpful.