FBC Daily Devotional – September 6, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, a good Monday to you. I hope you had a wonderful weekend. I hope you were able to worship together in God's house.
And here we are on Labor Day already, and holiday. I hope you got some extra rest this morning, perhaps, and hope you're looking forward to a day of some relaxation, a little bit of recreation, perhaps.
But as you go through the day today, let me encourage you from our scripture reading for today,
Psalm 104, to stop a little bit.
Verse 24 says this, O Lord, how manifold are your works!
In wisdom you have made them all. The earth is full of your possessions.
And so I would encourage you to stop and look around a little bit today. You won't have to look far to see manifold evidences of God's wisdom in creation.
Even as I was reading this passage myself, it was early in the morning, sitting out on my patio, not long after, well,
I don't even think the sun had come quite over the horizon yet. It was just light enough to be able to read.
And yet, even as I sat there, I just, I read this, and then I stopped and listened, just listened.
And I could hear several different kinds of bird calls, if you will, singing, chirping, whatever.
And I listened a little more. I could hear some locusts in the trekkies. We have a lot of those around here this time of year.
Also could hear some crickets chirping. And in addition to that,
I just looked around at the different kinds of plants that are, you know, even in my own backyard, you know, trees, lilies, got different kinds of flowers, got some things growing in the garden, some that are past growing in the garden, all these different things.
And this verse tells us that this is all the manifold works of God.
And all of these little creatures, we look down on a patio and see, you know, an ant walking across and then maybe another time a spider walking across, you know, and I see all these little creatures.
And all of them have been designed and created by the Creator. And each one fulfills some tiny, seemingly insignificant role in the created order.
Some of them are just to pester us, you know. Some of these things, you know, are, some of these things were changed a little bit,
I think, after the fall. Remember the Lord said to Adam after the fall, he says, okay, you're going to have to work and deal with thorns and thistles now.
And I don't know all about that. I don't know how, what kind of changes would have taken place and how and so on and so forth.
But nevertheless, the point is this, the point is this, stop and consider all of the manifold works of the
Lord. He has done so much in his creation to provide perfectly for each aspect of his creation.
So in verses 27 to 30, for example, I think about those birds chirping first thing in the morning and the ants scurrying across and the squirrels, the squirrels scampering everywhere.
You hear them on the roof of the patio and so forth. They're just scampering everywhere. What are they doing? What are they doing?
They're looking for what God has provided for them. So verse 27 and following says, these all wait for you that you may give them their food in due season.
What you give them, they gather in. I think these squirrels this time of year, they're, they're gathering in and they're digging into flower pots to bury what they've gathered and save it for the winter months.
They gather these things in, but he says to the Lord, you open your hand and they are filled with good.
You hide your face and they are troubled. You take away their breath. They die and return to their dust.
You send forth your spirit. They are created. You renew the face of the earth.
Well, today on this labor day, you're taking a break from your labor.
I trust, um, take the time to look around, stop, ponder.
What things do you see? What are the manifold things that you see that are the work of God's handiwork and how has he provided for them?
Look even at the things in your own yard. What has God done to provide for the creatures that live there?
How good he is. Our father and our God, we thank you for your power, for your awesome power, for your creative work, and thank you for your faithful, gracious provision for that which you've made.
Thank you for all that you've given to us and provided for us that we may have life and sustenance and health and, and a measure of pleasure and joy in this world.
Thank you for your kindness and bless these thoughts to our hearts today. We pray and we ask it in Jesus name.
Amen. All right. Have a wonderful labor day. Enjoy it. God bless.