A Biblical Critique of Steven Furtick's Preaching RE: Greater


Chris Rosebrough of Fighting for the Faith (http://www.fightingforthefaith.com) offers a Biblical critique of Steven Furtick's Narcissistic Eisegesis a.k.a. Narcigesis of the story of Elisha in his book, Greater.


Okay, we're back. I remember to a fighting for the faith sermon review time Talk about timely
Johnny on the spot. You know yesterday was greater day and today's greater day plus one so there's
BG before greater and and then a G after greater All right, let's cue up our music and let's do this
The good the bad and the ugly we review it all here at fighting for the faith We're an equal opportunity sermon reviewing service today's sermon is not a church sermon.
It's a chapel sermon from Liberty University Yeah, and it's
Steven Furtick. Yeah, that's right. Yes this morning he flew from Charlotte, North Carolina up to Liberty University and he
Gave the chapel convocation today, and it's the first Public sermon that I've seen him give regarding any of the content of his new book greater
Now what we're one of the things we're gonna do today and yesterday I you know pointed out that the whole premise of the book is wrong
Okay, that somehow you know the mundane is it is the evil thing and you know you know cleaning poopy diapers
And snotty noses and being stuck in the routine. That's somehow bad God has greater things for you
God may not have greater things for you. That's a fine way to love and serve your neighbors in your vocation if you didn't hear yesterday's segment where I Took him to task on his the false premise of the book you need to go back and listen to that before you listen to this, but what we're gonna do today as part of our
Exposing and showing that the whole book itself is false teaching. We're gonna take a look at what he does with the gospel of John Chapter 14 verse 12 yeah, which is like a major piece of the book itself, so let me kill the music without any further ado here's
Stephen Furtick from this morning's chapel convocation at Liberty University and the name of the thing is greater here we go
Good morning, and it's good to be here. Let's pray together
Lord. I believe you brought me here for a reason For a based on the false teaching that you're gonna hear
I don't think God brought him there. I just saying person For a specific thing that you want to say to somebody
And I offer myself to you today for that purpose It's an honor to preach your word
It's an honor to be in your presence. I love you I'm your servant
Speak to us now in Jesus name Amen Well Thank you
Chancellor Falwell, and I want to thank everybody for having me everybody Everybody that I should name you know if you start naming everybody dr.
Godwin John you know you just thank you everybody how many of our Elevation Church students Are here today do we have any?
Elevation Church students, it's a big day for me to be here because this is my first time preaching
Somewhere since the release of our new book And so it's an honor to share this moment with you for all of the
Elevation students who are here today I actually wanted to give you a free copy of the book
So I brought some for you if you stop by and get it on the way out I love you guys and believe in you
It's an honor to be your pastor And it's an honor to speak into all of your lives here for a minute turn to somebody next to you and tell them you
Are so blessed To be sitting next to me That's what
I'm talking about No He didn't sound like that was a joke you are so blessed to be sitting next to me
What kind of narcissistic nonsense is that? I want to preach to you
I Want to preach to you a short sermon today on a subject that goes along with the new book the book is called greater and It's about dreaming bigger and starting smaller and igniting
God's vision for your life and I want to preach to you from One verse of Scripture and then a short
Old Testament story and one verse of Scripture and then an Old Testament story a verse out of context and Then an
Old Testament story that he's going to Narcissus if you don't know what Narcissus is it's a term that We've coined here at fighting for the faith and basically it takes two words narcissism or narcissism you know narcissism and is a
Jesus and sticks them together for Narcissus, okay I said Jesus by the way is reading things into the text that ain't there okay, and that are not the right way of reading the
Bible is to exegete to read out what God has revealed there in his Word I said Jesus is when you read yourself or it's other things into it
That the text that it should not be there by the way Kind of you know for free thing here
I was reading in Erin Aeus the other night in his book against heresies
Yeah, in fact, there's more than one book in front from Erin Aeus This is a a man who was a disciple of Polycarp now
If you don't know who Polycarp was Polycarp with Christian Martyr Polycarp learned
Christianity directly from the Apostle John Himself when the
Apostle John was teaching and he was pastoring bishoping. He was a bishop there in the city of Ephesus and so Really a tight little circle here.
You got the Apostle John who was commissioned by Christ. He's an apostle. He goes to Ephesus and He you know after Paul establishes the church is there and he's teaching
He's the bishop of Ephesus and one of his disciples one of the early Christians was Polycarp Polycarp is the guy who taught
Erin Aeus Erin Aeus writes his book in the early second century, okay, and he wrote against the the
Valentinian Gnostics and wrote three books in the book one two and three against against heresies and In book number three if you were to you find this online if you type in Erin Aeus against heresies the way you spell his name by the way
There's a Kind of a combo of letters that don't work because it's Latin but Erin Aeus I r e n a e
Us Erin Aeus against heresies. You can find it online Go to book three chapter one
I want to read a little bit to you here because what he says against the heretics is
Absolutely fascinating and applicable today, but let me read to you Here's what
Erin Aeus says he says we have learned from none other from none others the plan of our salvation
Then from those through whom the gospel has come down to us Which they did at one time proclaim in public and at later at a later period by the will of God Handed down to us in the scriptures to be the ground and pillar of our faith
It is unlawful to assert that they preached before before they possess perfect knowledge as some even do venture to say boasting themselves as improvers of the
Apostles what so Erin Aeus points out that heretics often consider themselves to be people who are improving upon the message of the
Apostles. Okay For after our Lord rose from the dead The Apostles were invested with power from on high when the
Holy Spirit came down upon them were filled From from all his gifts and had perfect knowledge they departed to the ends of the earth preaching the glad tidings of the good things sent from God to us and Proclaiming the peace of heaven to men who indeed do all equally and individually possess the gospel of God Matthew also issued a written gospel among the
Hebrews in their own dialect while Peter and Paul were preaching at Rome and Laying the foundations of the church after their departure mark the disciple and interpreter
Peter did also hand down to us in Writing what had been preached by Peter Luke also the companion of Paul recorded in a book the gospel preached by him afterwards
John the disciple of the Lord who also had leaned upon his breast did himself publish a gospel
During his residence at Ephesus in Asia These have all declared to us that there is one
God creator of heaven and earth announced by the law and the prophets and one Christ the Messiah the Son of God if Anyone does not agree with to these truths
He despises the companions of the Lord nay more He despises
Christ himself the Lord. Yay, and he despises the father also and stands self -condemned resisting and opposing his own salvation as is the case with all heretics
Okay, we continue chapter 2 when however They are confuted this be heretics when the heretics are confuted from the scriptures they turn round and accuse these same scriptures as if they were not correct nor of authority and assert that they are and that they the scriptures are ambiguous and that the truth cannot be extracted from them by Those who are ignorant of tradition for they allege that the truth was not delivered by means of written documents
But by a living voice of Viva Voke Wherefore also Paul declared but we speak wisdom among those that are perfect But not the wisdom of this world and the wisdom each
One of them all alleges to be the fiction of his own inventing forsooth so that according to their idea the truth properly resides at one time in Valentinus and then in another in Marcion and then in another in Sorinthus and then afterwards in Basilides or Has even been
Indifferently or in any other opponent who could speak nothing pertaining to salvation for every one of these men being altogether of a perverse disposition
Depraving the system of truth is not ashamed to preach himself
That's right. Aaron a is writing in the early second century Okay in the early second century fighting the the heretics of his days notes the fact that heretics that they're always
Depraving the truth and twisting God's Word and they're not ashamed to preach themselves
That was written literally 1800 years ago 1800 years ago and has anything changed
Not at all who does Stephen Furtick preach he Preaches himself now that by the way, and no that was that no extra charge, but now we continue with Stephen Furtick's Chapel convocation from this morning regarding his new book greater the verse.
I want to read To kind of incite your imagination today is in John chapter 14 verse 12
By the way, when I announced I was given a free book to all the Elevation students Nobody cheered so I'm thinking I'm gonna take that offer back because they don't even care
What? How manipulative is that? That was a really disappointing moment for me.
I bring like free books up in here and they're like whatever shut up I got class and I'm like, oh my god,
I flew out here Yeah, you better do your proper obeisance and bow and kiss the ring of Furtick Otherwise, you don't get your free book here and left my kids this morning to be with you
So are you excited to to hear God's Word? Are you open? Can we have some church for 27 minutes?
Are we just gonna get through this or are we gonna get something out of it? That's what I want to know
I got I got a beautiful family at home I got a seven -year -old and a four -year -old and then an 18 month old and When I leave them,
I like to know that I was useful to God and if God can if God can stir you up today through a word that you hear if God can of course correct something in your life through just any small thing.
I might say It would be all worth it to me and I love this school and I love what
God is doing here and I have this vision for what might happen in your life if you get a hold of this truth because um one time
Jesus said in John 14 verse 12 Something that is so shocking that when when you read it
You you kind of wonder if you read it wrong and I want to read it to you and see if you feel the same
Way, he said John 14 12. I tell you the truth. Anyone who has faith in me will do what
I have been doing He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the
Father. Everybody shout greater Shout it like you mean it say greater Okay.
Now while they're shouting greater, let's take a pause here and let's put this verse back in context by the way
The three primary rules for sound biblical exegesis understanding what
God's Word says for real That's context Context context anybody can rip sentences out of context and string them together as if somehow they all hang together
The issue is is that you by the way, you it doesn't necessarily mean you're twisting God's Word when you do that The question is are they talking about the same topic and how are they to be understood?
Well, here's the issue is that he's not preaching the gospel of John chapter 14 to us
He's simply taken Jesus's words from John chapter 14 verse 12
Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works than these
Will he do because I am going to the Father now, the question is what does that mean? Well to figure out what that means you need to put it back in its immediate context what's going on in this passage
What's Jesus saying before this? What's he saying after this? What's going on here?
See, that's the reason why you put things in context because when you put them in context You can see what's going on and see whether or not
The statement that the pastor is making is what Jesus intended to say or what God the
Holy Spirit intended to say in that text so Let's add some context So if you have your
Bible the gospel of John chapter 14, I'm gonna start at verse 1. I'm gonna start at verse 1
The witnesses Jesus speaking to the disciples basically telling him he's getting ready to leave.
He's Getting ready, you know crucifixion and then ascension. He's out of here and and they're they're troubled, you know
Because they've spent three years with Jesus like oh What does all this mean? Right? Here's what
Jesus said verse 1 let not your hearts be troubled believe in God believe also in me in my father's house are many rooms if it were not so I would have told you that I go to prepare a place for you and If I go to prepare a place for you
I will come again and will take you to myself that where I am you may be also and you know
And you know the way to where I am going Thomas said to him Lord We don't know where you're going.
How can we know the way? Jesus said to him. I am the way the truth and the life
No one comes to the father except for through me if you had known me You would have known my father also from now on you do know him and you have seen him
Philip said to him Lord show us the father and it's enough for us and Jesus said to him Have I been with you so long and you still don't know me
Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the father. How can you say show us the father? Do you not believe that I am in the father and that the father is in me the words that I say to you?
I do not speak on my own authority, but the father who dwells in me does his works
Believe me that I am in the father and that the father is in me or else believe on account of the works themselves
Truly truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do and greater works
Then these will he do because I am going to the father Whatever you ask in my name this
I will do that the father may be glorified in the Son if you ask me anything in my Name basically according to his will
I will do it. Okay, so that's what Jesus is saying Now he's saying basically saying see here.
Jesus is saying we're gonna do greater works Now, what is he referring to that? We're gonna perform miracles.
Is that what he's saying? What's going on there? Well, let me offer to you a good
Commentator Lenski Lenski is a great commentator. If you're not familiar with Lenski's commentary, it's fantastic It's written on a very high scholarly level
You got to know Greek in order to work with this particular commentary, but right commenting on this
Lenski gives us pretty much what the church has been teaching all along listen to this Lenski says as though this were not enough
Jesus adds and greater than these shall he shall do Can there be greater
Indeed far greater. Here's the far greater works Convert sinners by God's grace carry the gospel to the ends of the earth save souls for eternal life and And you know, look at the story of Acts These are greater because in miracles only omnipotence and goodness are revealed
But in saving souls all the grace of God in Christ Jesus The the great works deal with the material the greater with the spiritual for these greater works
Jesus leaves the disciples behind the greater works of the disciples did is
Carrying the gospel the good news to the ends of the earth right and Basically converting dead, you know dead sinners from God did it through their work?
Bringing people from death to life Regenerating them causing to be born again sins are forgiven people are being are being brought to repentance and faith and trust in the one true
God and in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of their sins people are abandoning Abandoning idolatry and idols and I worshipping of idols and are turning to the one true
God You look at what happened in Ephesus. Paul preaches the gospel there for a few years, right?
It and things got so bad for the idolaters there that the temple of Artemis was hit out with hard times
It was big business before Paul blew into town and nobody believed in Artemis anymore Right.
You see Jesus here is talking about the work the work of Bringing the gospel the good news to the ends of the earth
And by the way, the Apostles are still working to this day and you say well how so they've been dead for 2 ,000 years ah but see
Look at the gospel of Matthew the gospel of Mark Luke John Their work continues to this day because they still preach from the biblical text themselves
And the good news is being proclaimed all over the world Jesus when he left he only had a handful of believers when the disciples were done with their work
With their with their course and they're still not done The whole world's gonna be brought to you know, there's a whole world's gonna hear the good news, right?
That's what this is referring to. This isn't saying Jesus here isn't promising that he greater works means that you're going to receive your freedom from a mundane life and yet when you read
Stephen Furtick's book, which by the way, I'm now about 90 % finished That's pretty much what he's trying to save you from from the mediocre from the mundane, you know from the pile of laundry
From from the routine at work and a dead -end job and I like it. That's not what Jesus is referring to here
That's not what this is about the greater works that the Apostles did and that we continue the work of to is
Proclaiming Christ and him crucified to the world bringing people to repentance and faith and trust in Christ for the forgiveness of their sins
Right That's the greater work not performing miracles. The miracles were there
In fact, Jesus's miracles were performed in a supporting role to the message
He proclaims same with the Apostles the miracles that they performed were performed to support and buttress the message
The message is the primary mission, right? The the miracles weren't the big thing.
They were the supporting thing. The big thing was the proclamation of the gospel That's what
Jesus is referring to here in John chapter 14 Not that he's gonna rescue from a mundane life so that you can do something great.
The great thing is preaching the gospel Go do it That's the greater thing that's what's good what
Jesus is referring to here and yet Stephen Furtick in classic Furtick ease
Narcissistically can't understand what's going on So he starts off by ripping this passage out of context not paying attention to what it means in context
What Jesus was really saying in order that he can make it say what he wants it to say.
Here we go And so what Jesus is saying here if I understand it even remotely
Correctly has implications that seem to run contrary to the experience of most of our lives
Doing greater things than Jesus and I want you to understand that if you want to be greater than Jesus you need to You need to put down your your crack pipe because that's not happening
He's not talking about being greater than him. He's talking about being greater Through him and his power inside of you.
He said that there is a kind of greatness That you that you have available to you as his follower as a believer in Jesus that no, he's not
He's not saying you have a type of greatness that's available to you as a follower. That's not what he's saying at all He's saying that the greater works are gonna do has to do with the proclamation of the gospel to the ends of the earth
That is completely out of human reach and even human comprehension and so you and I live so often in this place called good enough and I know some of you came here got on campus a few weeks ago with like great visions for what this year was gonna be like and what your grades were gonna be like and what your social life
Was gonna be like and what your relationship with God and your impact for him was gonna be like and and greatness is kind of a slippery
Aspiration what I mean by that is when you're reaching for it You never seem to quite get it and if you get it somebody's got that more than you've got it
And if you get a hold of it, it's hard to hang on to it Greatness can be a slippery thing to reach for and if you ever get on top of it
It can be a wild beast to ride because you can have it one day and lose it the next now
I'm not interested in in really preaching a sermon to you about How to have a good school year or or how to be great like the world talks about greatness
I want to talk to you about something called greater what Jesus said greater
Things will you do in my name if you believe in me and for a Bible character
I want to connect what Jesus said in the New Testament to passage of Scripture in 1st Kings chapter 19 verse now do you think 1st
Kings chapter 19 has anything to do with what Jesus is talking about here? Answer not on your life verses 19 through 21
And they're gonna put this on the screen I want to read the passage to you Wonder if it'd be alright if I had you stand on your feet in honor of the reading of God's Word for one more moment today
I Love this passage of Scripture Concerning a
Bible character named Elisha he's the main character in the book that I wrote that I told you about and and the reason
I love him is because God's calling God's greater calling came to his life in an unexpected way and It produced a miraculous result and I just want to share a few verses about how
God called Elisha I believe God's gonna speak something to you today. That'll be life -changing as well the
Bible says this in 1st Kings 19 verse 19, so Elijah went from there and found
Elisha son of Shaphat He was plowing with twelve yoke of oxen and he himself was driving the twelfth pair
Elijah went up to him and threw his cloak around him Elisha then left his oxen and ran after Elijah.
Let me kiss my father and mother. Goodbye. He said and then I'll come with you
Go back Elijah replied. What have I done to you? So Elisha left him and went back.
He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them he burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people and they ate
Then he set out to follow Elijah and became his attendant
It was an ordinary day for Elisha Just like this day started for every one of us
Just like this year started for every one of us just like this semester started for every one of you
Okay, stop stop stop stop stop I'm gonna read a little bit from the greater book chapter 3 the name of it is dragging behind I'm gonna point something out along the way
This is from the books as Stephen Furtick writes says there's nothing glamorous about Elisha's first appearance in the pages of Scripture He's no miracle worker.
No prophet. No sage. We see no evidence that he's even a holy or a devout person He's just a guy plowing a field
He was plowing with 12 yoke of oxen and he himself was driving the twelfth pair as first Kings 1919 plowing is
Backbreaking work. Not only can Elisha taste his own sweat. He can taste the very smell of the oxen
He has dust and dung caked in his hair and coating his nostrils and lungs and when you spend every day
Plowing the smells and scenery are always the same Monday you have a ringside seat for oxen rears
Tuesday If you look out at the window on your to your right more oxen rears
Wednesday's in -flight entertainment oxen rears Thursday you click on www .oxenrears
.com Friday's special more crust and filth from your master chef oxen rear the next
Monday You get up and start the cycle all over again It might sound bad but plowing with oxen pays the bills on the day
Elisha receives the calling that ignites God's greater vision for his life he's shuffling to the slow pace of the ordinary as He always has wake up get dressed get to the plow drive the oxen cough up dust eat lunch drive the oxen
Cough up dust eat clean eat dinner. Go to bed. Wake up the next morning start all over again
There's nothing wrong with good hard work Some scholars think that 12 teams of oxen belong to a wealthy landowner and Elisha was the man in charge of them
Also what his job lacked in sex appeal it made up for instability. It was
Constant consistent work consistent scenery consistent smells and there were days when
Elisha was swept up in the intoxicating tyranny of the familiar But every morning as he steps into the slow crawl behind the plow, he is not just chasing the oxen's tails
He's chasing his own That's what he does with his text by the way nowhere in the biblical text
In first Kings or anywhere else does it say that Elisha was swept up in the intoxicating tyranny of the familiar?
First Kings chapter 19 is not written to tell us you bait you basically listen.
This is God's plan for you That you see just like Elisha was swept up in the ordinary looking at oxen, but That God's gonna save you, too
Elisha Was a farmer and by the way plowing doesn't happen every day of the year when you're a farmer plowing occurs during the
Sowing phase of the farming cycle, okay? it generally can get done pretty quick and You know from there.
You've got it Tend to the crop as it's growing and then you've got the whole harvesting thing going on, too
So I don't know where Stephen Furtick learned his details about the you know ancient farming techniques, but it didn't involve looking at oxen rears
You know every day of the year That's ridiculous And this text is not written to basically say look at see
Just like Elisha was caught up in the mundane and then he ignited God's vision for his life nothing of the sort
Nothing of the sort how many farmers do you think were living in Israel at the time?
hmm Did God rescue them from the mundane work of being a farmer not at all?
Okay, God called him for a specific purpose and a specific reason few were chosen by God to be prophets
Okay, and God didn't rescue him from a you know a mundane existence
That was not the purpose of this and nowhere in Scripture Does it say that?
Elisha is the model that God then is going to apply to your life So you can ignite
God's vision for your life the way Elisha ignited his that's not what this text is about Okay, he's engaging in narcissistic
Eisegesis and Not only that he's adding details to this text that are not there nowhere in the text.
Do we find Elisha? going oh I'm just trapped in the two in the tyranny of the familiar and then
God shows up and rescues him from that It's not what's going on at all When God's greater calling found him not in a spotlight but in a farm field
Not doing something that most people would consider great but doing something that most people would consider menial and mundane and God doesn't bring convocation into your life and bring some of the the best speakers, and I'm not talking about me
I'm talking about all of the other people that are coming through here this year. He doesn't bring them into your life without an intention to interrupt the mediocrity
That you settle into a place called good enough and call you to something greater If you turn to the person next to you one more time before I share my sermon with you today
I want so notice God's he's doing this to you know get you out of the mundane and the mediocre
Uh -huh, right This is a despising of the vocations that God has established in which we do good works mom dad son daughter
Employee employer All of these things there's a certain you know Mundane aspect to it nothing sexy or glamorous about it and yet God's Word says all of these things are a good work.
I Want you to tell them God is talking about you behind your back You may be seated one more time
Do any of you? Do you watch that show called the voice I? Didn't intend to get hooked on it, but My kids started liking it and and I got into it, and I'm kind of a musician a
Frustrated songwriter. I was a worship leader before I became a pastor and and the thing about that show that I really like is
Kind of how unexpected it is you know if you haven't seen it raise your hand if you've never seen the voice I Didn't watch every episode
But but the first the first stages the blind auditions the reason it got my attention is because you don't
American Idol the person sings and the judges decide whether or not to put them through to the next round and they go stand in line and they try out but in the voice they have this thing called called called the blind auditions where they'll walk up to somebody and And hand them an invitation to come try out while they're doing their normal job there
They're just going about their business making sandwiches fixing cars Going to school doing whatever they do and they get an invitation to audition
For the voice and then they show up and here's the crazy part about it and again This is why
I got hooked on the show because it was just so different when you sing for the judges You know it's just a singing competition, and so they're deciding the judges are deciding who they want on their team
But when you sing for them, they don't look at you while you're singing they have their chairs turned around backwards
So when you start singing they don't judge you based on what they see they judge you based on what they hear
So I thought that was cool for a singing competition You know because sometimes they put the the the prettiest or the cutest
Person through to the next round and you're like she can't sing is a singing competition, but she looks good
But this show Changes that because they they turn around backwards the person starts singing and they hit the button now if the judge hits their button
And turns their chair around that means I want you on my team and in fact when they hit their button and their chair turns
Around this little thing lights up on their little judging booth that says I want you and so that's an indication
I've chosen you for my team And and I'm gonna coach you and each judge gets to pick a certain amount of people and some of you are like why is he?
Telling us this is the most random thing I've ever heard he's talking he's talking about the Old Testament now
He's talking about you know Christina Aguilera and CeeLo, but what I'm trying to tell you is God started speaking to me watching the voice
What? No really so God was speaking to you while you were listening watching the voice hmm
Yeah, based on how you're twisting God's Word In your book seriously seriously doubt it
There's no reason for me to believe that God has revealed any of this stuff to you because when I test what you say
Against God's Word like the Bereans I find that what you say doesn't line up to God's Word So there's no reason for me to believe that you're receiving direct
Special revelation from God Prophet style about how he doesn't call you to greater things through something that people see through appearances through an outward
External reason that you're great But based on something he put inside of you before the world ever began
Mm -hmm biblical texts that say that God has done any of this Yeah, cuz
I'm seriously doubting this direct revelation thing And I was watching the voice and I grabbed my notepad and I started writing down all these notes about it
How Elisha was plowing in the farm field and how and how they they they didn't they didn't know he was there
He's plowing behind twelve yoke of oxen. He's just he's just plowing I guess mindlessly to the slow shuffle looking at oxen
Yeah, you're you're putting details into the biblical texts that are not there Rears, he's 12th in line all he sees ahead of him is the next oxen and the next oxen and the next oxen and the next oxen and then all of a sudden
God hits his button and Sends Elijah who was the greatest prophet that Israel had ever known and and God says
I want you Elisha to follow me into greater things.
So I got happy while I was watching the voice I started writing down Jeremiah chapter 1 where God said before I I ever even formed you in your mother's womb
I knew you before you were born I set you apart and I appointed you as a prophet to the nations and I now Quick question.
Do you think God has appointed you as a prophet for the nations? Do you think the reason why this is revealed is so that you can be like the next
Elisha or Elijah or Jeremiah or any Nothing of the sort that's not why these texts are written
Started getting excited thinking about how you know God doesn't choose like other people choose nobody else might put you as a first -round draft pick
But God hit his button and turned around and said not because of what people can see or not because of something great that you've done
But because of who I am in you because you're made in my image according to my likeness. I want you
My team I thought that's pretty cool. I Think God showed me something that was even more powerful
More direct revelation and I know it's kind of weird to get something this deep out of a TV show But hang yeah considering the fact that that TV show
There's like nothing in it that would make me believe that God would speak through it and with me for a minute
It's not like the voices God breathed or anything, but the Bible is Most believers
Spend their lives Auditioning to get picked for a role that God already chose them for before time ever began
What are you? talking about Serious I like I've listened to this phrase like three times now.
I have no clue what you are talking about Okay What am I auditioning for again most
Christians are auditioning for a role that they've you know that they want to be picked for the gods already, huh what are you talking about and so our lives like Can become a series of?
auditions to try to get people to approve of us or accept us or validate us
Trying to get somebody to turn their chair around there are a lot of huh I Don't get this young ladies in this room who are suffering from an eating disorder
Right now because if you were eight pounds lighter Maybe somebody would choose you some of your other friends got a ring last semester
You did it so you're gonna spend this whole year kind of giving yourself away giving your heart away
Giving your time away Giving your gift away trying to get somebody to hit their button and say
I choose you and it's not just the girls It's the guys too. You know if you don't get this this thing
I'm trying to preach to you today And the thing that this this university stands for if you don't get this in your heart and in your spirit
You'll spend your whole life auditioning if I could oh, no could you imagine spending your whole life auditioning
I? I Mean serious. What is what exactly is the problem that he's addressing here.
I still don't get it It doesn't make any biblical sense why because he's not actually teaching a biblical text
This is this is the machinations of the mind of Stephen Furtick But earn that much if I could bench that much if I could accomplish that much
And here's what the Lord sent me to tell you and if I got on a plane just to say this and go back home I think it'll be worth it the audition was canceled when
Jesus died For you and the audition was canceled when
Jesus died for me so now somehow this is a direct consequence of the
Christ sacrificial penal substitutionary death on the cross yeah, I'm not seeing the connection that with that at all hung his head and breathed his last
I Got an announcement to make in convocation today The audition has been canceled.
You don't have to try out anymore All you have to do from this day forward is live out the calling that God already
Placed on your life am I preaching okay before time ever began You know
I learned that I don't have to I don't have to I don't have to audition for anybody to hit their button and Turn their chair around when a great
God in heaven already decreed from the throne where he rules over the circumference of the earth and said
That one is mine, and I've chosen him for a purpose, and I don't care what anybody thinks about it
And I don't care what situation he was born into and I don't care who his parents were and I don't care What my born into a purpose okay?
So apparently when Jesus is sitting at the right hand of the father up there in heaven It's one of those spinning chairs, and he turns around and hits the button for you
Weird mistakes. He's made. I've got a purpose for that one. I've redeemed that one the audition is canceled
I'm not I'm not trying out for you as I preach today I'm called if you like this good if you don't
I go home. I preach to my church. I've got a calling It's a good thing when you don't have to audition for people mm -hmm.
Yeah, that's great None of this is actually squaring with what the Bible says weird, huh? It's a good thing when you know
I'm confident in what Christ has called me to be I don't have to impress you and When you die to the when you die to the boy this sounds like somebody who's got some major Insecurity issues you know
I'm saying but need to be impressive you can live to be a blessing
Some of you are spending so much time So much energy Trying to get somebody to turn their chair around some of you who grew up with a
View of God that he was mad at you And he hated you and he knew what you did last summer in the summer before that and he was holding it all against you
And wait until the opportunity where he could take it out on you face to face You spend your whole life Trying to get
God to turn his chair around and forgive you and love you and accept you
And yet Jesus does forgive us the whole point of the gospel is that he bled and died for our sins were to proclaim repentance and The forgiveness of sins, and then we're saved from the forthcoming or soon -to -be -revealed wrath of God It what he's saying doesn't seem to make any biblical sense at all and it's so sad to me
That in a room like this And on the surface everybody looks so great Some of you couldn't even lift your hands in worship to God I'm not saying you didn't lift your hands
That's bad But some of you felt like you wanted to but you couldn't because they were next to you and what would they think about you?
How are you figuring this out? Can you read people's minds, too? I mean apparently you get direct revelation from God and you can look across a crowd and know exactly what's in somebody's heart and Really, huh?
Well, that's a that's a that's a neat trick I thought only Jesus could see into the heart of people. Apparently Stephen Furtick also has that same ability, huh?
But when you cancel the audition You don't care what they think about you
You don't mind lifting your hands and saying God if everybody thinks I'm crazy in this room. I belong to you
I believe in you. I'm here to worship you. I'm here to glorify you. I'm gonna stand for you.
I'm not I'm not auditioning Not trying out for some role that somebody else wants me to play if God can track
Elisha down in a farm field 12th in line behind the plow Is it possible that he might be walking up to you this morning?
You know, I don't think the next Elisha is sitting there at Liberty. I'm just saying in this moment on an ordinary day ordinary convocation
Watching up in the very top of section 121 Looking at the screen because you can't even see the preacher.
But yet God might send a word to you saying I've chosen you I've called you
I Got greater things for you, Elisha. Yeah, no no point in you auditioning for being the next
Elisha I mean God's just gonna show up in your allegorical plowing field and just pick you right out to do that That's not why this text is written
You weren't meant to spend your life mindlessly plowing Have a greater purpose mindlessly plowing
Farming is a grand vocation in in ancient Israel. I mean throughout the history of humanity being a farmer
That was a good vocation. It was a good living good way to serve and love your neighbor it a
Vital thing to be doing it, huh? This guy's cheesing me off.
It doesn't start one day when you it starts right now because I Already hit my button and before you were even born
I was talking about the things that I had planned for your life a good plan
Man, this is just delusions of grandeur filling their minds Narcissism pure and simple plan to give you a hope and a future clap your hands if you're glad the audition is canceled
What are they even clapping about I mean seriously if we were to interview You know students from Liberty University asking aren't you glad that the auditions canceled they died?
Can you explain to me what that means? Probably not I don't set you free man
I Know I want to go to something else real quick before I dismiss you and this one I want to tell you a little story about with my kids because that's what really means the most to me is
Getting to connect us in a personal way When God came to Elisha and he called him from the farm field into the prophetic ministry
It would be easy to deduce from that That Elisha started performing miracles and he saw
God's greater glory revealed in his life immediately But that would be an incorrect assessment In fact, the first thing
Elisha does is offer Elijah an excuse why he's not ready yet for a greater calling
And when he does he says let me kiss my father and mother. Goodbye and Elijah says to him go back.
What have I done to you? In other words, you can't blow this one off This is a decision. God has made
And if you if you want to go kiss your father and mother go ahead, but once you follow me, there's no turning back now
Here's the personal story. I wanted to tell you about that. My wife is beautiful and supportive and as loving as she is
We made a decision I guess about Five years ago to never ride to church together
Because it was so stressful Because I needed to get there to preach and to pray and to prepare and to plan and she was you know
Always a little bit behind me and she has no concept of time and I love her dearly but we decide to be best for our marriage and for our future and it'd be best for generations to come and if that's for The health of our church and it'd be best for our salvation to remain intact if we always went to church separately
But recently I decided to break that rule because it was Father's Day and I wanted to go to church with the family and I wasn't Preaching but she was running so late and she's gotten so much better since we've been married.
It's been 10 years It was 10 years as June, but she's gotten so much better yet She kind of relapsed on the day. We were going back to church and it came to that point where I realized
We're not just gonna be late. We're not just gonna miss worship We're gonna miss preaching if we don't get in the car soon, and I'm not gonna be able to be there
And so here's what I said to her and this is what I think God wants to say to some of you today. I said, babe
You're just gonna have to get ready on the way So that's what he said to her and that's what
God wants to say to you Uh -huh All right, okay
Bible doesn't say any of this and you know what I Think that's what
God would say to some of you today who are waiting until you feel ready
To step out and do greater things for God It's like when a preacher comes in here. You're like, yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, I've heard all that but I got this sin issue And yeah, yeah, I've heard all that but I got this one thing that nobody knows about. Yeah Yeah, I've heard all that before but I'm not you know,
I'm not smart as everybody. Yeah, I've heard all that before But God God would say this to you. This is why I said to my wife if I wait on you to to get ready
Before we go we're never gonna get anywhere So here's how we're gonna have to do this thing
You supposedly this is a word from the Lord, I mean, I don't have any confidence that this is from God at all we're just I'm just gonna have to drive and you're just gonna have to bring your makeup with you and You can paint yourself and fix yourself and prepare yourself while I drive
You're just gonna have to get in. I think that's I think that's what Elijah is saying to Elisha like really that At this point there is very little detail about where Elisha is going
Have you ever noticed that God doesn't really do the details when he speaks about his plan in our lives like he'll give you a vision
He'll tell you he's gonna do something. He'll tell you. Yeah, I've not had one of those. Um, yeah, sorry the whole vision thing
Yeah, no as a plan for you, but he won't say how he'll just stop talking.
He did that to Abraham watch this go Where to the land I will show you
That's awesome So where is that? You go Then I'll show
We won't got the show and then we'll go So so God, you know once you show me what my major is gonna be then
I really start focusing or God once you show Me how you're gonna use my life, then I really commit to living for you wholeheartedly.
God says no. No, no You're gonna have to get ready on the way Somebody asked me the other day.
Are you ready for your book to come out? And I was like no and they were shocked And I said
I've never been ready for anything that God called me to do including starting a church I was 16 years old when God spoke to me and said one day
I want you to start a church in a major city somewhere in the United States of America I wasn't ready for that The town
I grew up in had 6 ,000 people in it Was it ready? Are you sure was
God who told you that because you really don't really do a good job of rightly handling
God's Word like at all in Fact every single text that you preach about ends up being about you including the passages about Jesus You're like the king of the narcissistic isages.
Are you sure it was God the Holy Spirit who told you he wanted you to start a church
To start a church. I didn't know anything about big cities. I didn't know anything about church planting I've met and you don't know anything about hermeneutics and exegesis either weird ever felt ready
For anything God initiated in my life, but it hasn't stopped him As he's driving and As long as I'll follow behind him
He'll get me ready on the way to where I'm going he'll transform me while I'm in process
I'm preaching better than you're responding because you're not ready. Yeah. No, you're not preaching well at all
You're twisting God's Word and basically browbeating these people either but that doesn't disqualify you
It's not about feeling ready. It's about following Christ in faith
God never called you to feel ready. He called you to follow him He never called you to feel ready,
I know we got to prepare I know that the Bible says that we need to study to show ourselves approved I know that we don't need to go doing stuff that God hasn't called us to do
But if I waited until I felt ready to do anything for God We'd never get anywhere
Some of you are waiting on God to do greater things in your life till a day when you've got it together But you'll never get it together
Some of you are waiting for a day to do greater things In the name of Jesus until you understand it all but here's what
I've learned about following Christ He doesn't call me to understand fully He calls me to obey completely
Which you don't do You're called to rightly handle God's Word and teach what's in accord with sound doctrine and you disobey
God pretty much every single Sunday when you preach Yeah, so you're obedient saying it ain't
I'm just not buying it, um, hmm weird and There's a big difference.
I Don't have to understand fully in order to obey completely
All I got to do is Stay behind my guide one step at a time. I Used to pray
God give me guidance Leading a church Opening campuses
Making decisions as a 32 year old man is intimidating And so I would ask
God give me guidance. Give me direction Yet of all the verses that the
Bible records about Elisha's ministry He goes on to do twice as many miracles as Elijah ever did he goes on to raise people from the dead
He goes on to save people from starvation He goes on to part the Jordan River at the death or the the homegoing of his mentor
But yet event yet when you read the text Elijah parted it first Everything the
Bible says about Elisha It only says a few words about what he did next after God's greater calling
Spilled across his shoulders when the mantle that piece of clothing Came into his life to signify his calling all it says is that he went from there and followed
Elijah and For the next several years we get no word of what he did except to follow
See one day I was praying God did give me guidance about something I was like God guide me. Give me guidance. Give me guidance.
I need guidance. I need guidance and It's as if the Lord said to me in my heart Even here we go again
God apparently speaking directly to Stephen Furtick then if I gave it to you You're so directionally impaired
You couldn't follow me. Even if I drew you a map to where I'm leading you
Are any of you like me you have? directional challenges like all my life
I've been directionally impaired so I Can't find my way around I get lost everywhere
I go and The same thing that is true of me naturally I think is true of all of us spiritually the
Bible says that we all like sheep have gone astray Each one is turned to his own way
Yet God doesn't offer to give us guidance in our lives Because he knows Even if he gives you turn -by -turn instructions
You'll get lost if all he does is give you guidance Some of you are praying
God give me guidance show me what to do show me what I'm married Show me where to go. Show me what class to take 9 a .m.
Or 10 a .m. I don't know And God's like you don't need guidance what you need is a guide
There's a difference between guidance and a guide See guidance from God is like a commodity seriously.
This is just like wind just blowing wind completely Void of any substance at all oddity
God. Give me guidance. Tell me what to do so I can do it God says I don't want to give you guidance. I want to be your guide Yeah, Psalm 48 14 this
God is our God forever and ever he will be our guide even to the end
So which one would you rather have God's guidance with your dumb self because you're a sheep and sheep don't know where to go
Can't follow anyway, even if he draws it out for you. You want his guidance or do you want his spirit inside of you?
That's what Jesus was talking about in John 14 12 He said greater things. Will you do than I did because I'm not just gonna show you where to go
I'm gonna take you there. I will be your God. Yeah now we're Isa cheating narcissistically
John 14 12 again. I thought we already got this cleared up regarding what you did wrong with that passage originally now
You're gonna go back and abuse it some more My spirit is in you just just stay behind me step by step.
I I'm taking you to When I was in college, I'll tell you a college story
In hopes of relating to you at a very personal level I played in a band and we weren't very good but we would go play at all these little all these little functions at little colleges and universities and The problem was we all lived in three different towns
And so when we would meet for a gig I would always get lost and I would show up like an hour late two hours
Late and I didn't mean to I would even leave early and I would study the directions ahead of time But it didn't matter. I always got lost and one day the bass player in our band.
His name is Fox He called me and I thought he was calling to give me directions to the gig that night that Friday night it was about three hours away and We would all meet up everywhere we went and I had gotten used to these
Friday phone calls where he would walk me through the directions that he emailed me that I was sure to misunderstood and Not have a chance to get there on time and he was gonna try to make it as plain for me as he could
But it always failed and so here's here's what he said though. This changed this changed my life. He said Tonight I'm not gonna give you directions for how to get there.
That doesn't work with you. We've established that I Said no, man, it's good.
Just send me the directions. I'll do better this time I promise he said no you promised to better every time you never do better All we ever do is sit around and wait on you.
He said I'm coming to get you He said I can't drive you myself because you know, we got to have my equipment in my car and your equipment in your car
But I'm coming to get you. I said man, that's so far out of your way is inconvenient He said not as inconvenient is waiting on you to get there
After the thing is supposed to have started because you got lost because you can't follow directions so I'd rather come two hours out of my way and Pick you up and lead you there
Rather than give you some directions that you're incapable of following anyway And he did
You know, it's a true Stephen Furtick fashion He does a fine job of exegeting his life stories, but then when he gets to the
Bible, he twisted no problem preaching about himself Which is what Aaron a has noted about the heretics of his time that they have no problem preaching about themselves
He came and got me and you know, I showed up early to the gig that night
Because instead of trying to follow some guidance All I had to do was stay behind the guide
There's somebody next to you. Tell him stay behind the guy God is calling you to greater things.
What are they? How do I do it? God? Can I get some details? God, could you spell it out and God is it gonna be him?
Is it gonna be her? Is it gonna be this is it gonna be that God says? I'm not gonna tell you
Because even if I told you not only would it scare you But it would mess you up because you'd spend all of your time what passage says that's right
Sorry, not single one. This is direct revelation forgot. Sorry. I'm trying to follow the directions
But God isn't as interested in you learning what to do as he is in you learning who he is
See God doesn't just want you to follow his guidance into greater things He wants to be your guide
Because when I started following Fox he came to pick me up every time after that I never went anywhere without him again for the next two years
He led me personally to every gig and we got these little CB radios Y 'all don't know nothing about this in our car where we would talk to each other going down the road and we gave each other
Handles and he was called the deer slayer and I was called the one -armed bandit I don't remember the stories behind both of those names
But I know we gave each other nicknames and instead of me kind of scrunching over the directions Should I turn right should
I turn left? It seems like it's out in the middle of nowhere I don't know if I'll ever get there because I'm following the guidance when
I just stayed behind the guide See it changed everything because I didn't have to focus anymore on knowing where to go
All I had to do was stay behind the one I was with now I came to encourage somebody today.
You've been kind of confused. You've settled into complacency already this year You're kind of overwhelmed by everything that's coming your way
But if you'll stay behind the guide, not only will God get you where you're going
But he's got some names that he wants to teach you about who he is in the process if you stay behind the guide
You'll get to know him not only as the God who's getting you where you're going But the
God who is with you every step of the way and my prayer for you Liberty University Is that whatever
God calls you to do whatever greater thing he lays on your heart greater sacrifice greater forgiveness
Greater faith greater intensity greater passion I hope God lays on your heart like greater accuracy and handling
God's Word like a lot greater because like Square one at this point is like backwards like a negative one or four or five
You're in the negatives not even the positive when you feel lost and confused and all alone
You'll know what Elisha knew you'll know what Jesus promised that he is with you
And as long as you stay behind your guide every step of the way Nothing is impossible and greater things are certain to anyone who will believe on his name
God bless you Thank you for the opportunity to preach God's Word to you today, but you didn't see that's the thing.
Okay, so Mmm, that was as far as I can find the the very first time
Stephen Furtick has preached on greater and Boy, that was a great swing and a miss.
That was great Bible twisting. That was great Narcissistic eyes to Jesus it was great
Apostasy it was great error. It wasn't there. No that no Wow Yeah, so there you have it.
I'd love to get your feedback If you'd like to email me regarding anything
You've heard on this edition or any previous editions of fighting for the faith my email address talk back at fighting for the faith Calm or you can ask me my friend on Facebook.
It's facebook .com forward slash pirate Christian You follow me on Twitter my name there at pirate Christian till tomorrow