Word Faith (Part 2)


Pastor Mike continues to talk about the problems associated with the Word Faith movement. Why do so many people fall prey to Word of Faith teaching? Pastor Mike examines this movement Biblically and warns those who are involved. So, before you name it and claim it, we suggest you listen to today's show.


Infant Salvation (Part 3)

Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme in Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, "'But we did not yield in subjection to them "'for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel "'would remain with you.'"
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio ministry. This is Mike Abendroth.
I'm looking outside and it's snowing today, kind of blustery, blizzardy.
You may say, no, it seems to be nice out. Well, I'm taping this show in early
February and playing it at a later date, which is now for you seemingly live.
People have asked, well, why don't we do call -in shows like Tom Krause? Well, Tom Krause is not gonna walk through that door.
No, just kidding. Tom's a great guy and Tom is a good Bible student, but Tom gets an hour.
I get 24 minutes, and so Tom tapes the show, records the show live at the
Auburn studios of WV &E, and I tape the show here, No Compromise Radio, up in West Boylston.
And so by the time we get everything set up and producers and answering phone calls and all those other kind of things, it's just much more difficult.
And so we tape the shows. You can email me at info at No Compromise Radio. I've gotten all kinds of emails over the past several months.
One from a pastor who said, I'm a Methodist and I listen and I want to move away from altar calls and some kind of man -centered methodology.
Maybe I should become a Baptist, but I want you to know that I'm watching the show or listening to the show. So I thought that was interesting.
I thought that was fun and encouraging. And so we get those kind. I get some that say, could you do shows, future shows on Dungeons and Dragons and Harry Potter and that type of thing?
And we'll just try to work toward that. We did have a winner for the book burning contest. Simon Beckwith won that contest and got five free books from No Compromise Radio Ministry.
And so we've got a potpourri of interesting things today. But today I want to talk about Word Faith Movement, part two.
We talked about that last week, and now we want to talk about it this week. And so let's talk about the
Word Faith Movement in general. So far, as we've talked about this name it and claim it type of greed ministry, we've talked about their issues with money, the wrong view of money and glorifying
God and money versus the desire, the sinful, the desire to be rich. And then second of all, they've got the wrong view of faith, the wrong view of faith.
And they would not describe faith according to the principles in Hebrews chapter 11.
They would not see faith's proper object, preeminent object, Jesus Christ, the risen slain lamb.
They would see faith as some kind of force, some kind of container for what you say, what you say
God has to do, et cetera. And so we want to ask the question today, what is another problem we should watch out for when it comes to the
Word Faith Movement? And when I say we, I mean you. I don't want to say I'm beyond learning.
I'm not beyond learning. I love to learn and read and study all the time. But I know full well what the
Word Faith Movement says and does, and I don't need to learn anything new about it. I know that there are probably good people caught up in it as followers, but the leaders know better and they'll be held accountable.
And you need to run from the Word Faith Movement. If you're at a Word Faith church, it's not a real church.
So why don't you just go ahead and leave that assembly, that tax -free assembly today and find yourself a real church that talks about the glory of Christ Jesus, the risen king, the king who was on earth who didn't even have a place to lay his head because he didn't have any, he didn't have a home.
The third problem with Word Faith Movement is this. They tread lightly, speak wrongly of the deity of Christ, and they elevate the deity of man.
So you have creator creation problems and so you switch them.
It's kind of the quick change artist type of thing. And so what you have to do is you have to be careful of those who minimize the deity of Christ and maximize the quote, deity, end quote of man.
Kenneth Copeland, who said he got this prophecy directly from Jesus, they crucified me,
Jesus, for claiming that I was God. But I didn't claim I was God. I just claimed
I walked with him and that he was in me. Take time to pray,
Believer's Voice of Victory, 15 to February 1987, page nine.
False teachers like to do that. They like to mishandle, maybe they don't like to, but they mishandle these passages like in John 10 or 2
Peter 1, verse four, and they run around saying that Christians are little gods, little gods.
They'll go straight to Psalm 82, verse six. I said, you are gods, all of you are sons like the most high.
And they conveniently, accidentally, on purpose forget verse seven. Nevertheless, you will die like men and fall like any one of the princes.
And so we have to be very, very careful when it comes to people who somehow minimize the deity of Christ and maximize man so he becomes more like God.
He becomes godlike. John chapter 10, the Jews took up stones again to stone
Jesus. Jesus answered them, I showed you many good works from the Father, for which of them are you stoning me?
The Jews answered him, for a good work we do not stone you, but for blasphemy because you, being a man, make yourself out to be
God. Now doesn't that contradict just what we heard a moment ago, oh, Jesus never claimed to be God?
Jesus answered them, has it not been written in your law I said you were gods? And if he called them gods to whom the word of God came and scripture cannot be broken, if he called those people gods, what does he say next?
Do you say of him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, you are blaspheming because I said I am the son of God?
Jesus, MacArthur said in quoting this phrase in John 10, 34, supported the interpretation that the gods were human beings.
In a play on words, he claims that if human leaders can be called quote unquote gods, certainly the Messiah can be called
God. Kenneth Copeland said, now Peter said, by exceeding great and precious promises, you become partakers of the divine nature.
All right, we are gods. We are a class of gods. Really? Benny Hinn declares,
God came from heaven, became a man, made man into little gods, went back to heaven as a man. I mean, where do people get this?
They just make it up, they just talk and whatever comes out of their mouth, that's their new theology.
This is not historic Christianity. This is not apostolic Christianity. This is worse than even medieval
Christianity. This is just called gizzard Christianity. Just whatever comes in your own mind, in your own heart, in your own spike, in your own gizzard, you just kind of make up and say.
Paul Crouch said, somebody said, I don't know who said it, but they claim that you faith teachers declare that we are gods.
You're a god, I'm a god, small g now, but we are gods of this world. Well, are you a god, small g?
Jan said, he's gonna say, yes, I love it. Talking about Copeland.
We have to be careful when Paul Crouch says, God doesn't even draw a distinction between himself and us.
I mean, really, just right there, doesn't that just boggle your mind? There's no distinction between creature and creator.
This is making God small and making man large. This is Tower of Babel kind of thing.
This is recrafting God in your own image. That's exactly what it was. When people say these things, you ought to say, that isn't true.
You ought to stand up and say, no, not on my watch. No, don't do that. Problem is, if you tell people that something's bad or something's not good or something should be avoided, they take it so personally and they take it so feeling -oriented that they say, well, you hurt my feelings and you're so mean.
That's not loving. That's an unloving church. Love rejoices with and in the truth, 1
Corinthians 13, and love knows no rival against the truth of her bride.
So just be careful when you have people running around making God less of a God and man more of a
God. There is a problem with that. I'm just looking at my notes here on this computer.
There are so many bad quotes. I'm pretty much tired of reading them. Lots of these heresies come right from the notes found in Dake's Annotated Reference Bible, D -A -K -E -S.
That's not T .D. Jakes, but it's just as bad. Dake's Mistakes, you could always call it, Dake's Annotated Reference Bible.
Now, the Bible portion is fine because it's the Bible, but it's the notes. It's the notes that are in there.
What does the Bible say? Did Jesus empty himself of his deity? No, Jesus never emptied himself of his deity.
Colossians 2, for in him all the fullness of deity dwells in bodily form. There was a time, Philippians 2 says, that he took on man.
He emptied himself by taking on man. There are times on the earth where the son of man did not exercise all of his divine prerogatives, but he was always divine.
I love Hebrews 1. The father says of the son, thy throne,
O God, is forever and ever. That is an amazing statement.
By God the father to the son. I don't know what the Jehovah's Witnesses do with that, or they conveniently rework it, but of the son, the father says, thy throne,
O God, is forever and ever. I don't know what the one that's Pentecostals do with that, but the text says, the father says to the son, thy throne,
O God, is forever and ever. The father telling the son he's God. One God, three persons.
Jesus did miracles to prove his deity. Jesus did miracles to prove his deity.
He forgave sins to prove his deity. He saw Nathanael under the fig tree to prove his deity.
He called man to a spiritual life and saved them to prove his deity, and that's exactly what he did.
And we, this particular church, this particular ministry, and on WV &E as well, we wanna promote the truth that's found in the
Bible that Jesus is God and that men are created, men are finite, men are fallen in Adam, and Jesus needs to come along as the divine king to rescue and to save.
Number four, watch out for the word faith people because they love to distort substitutionary atonement.
They have a problem with money. They've got a wrong view of faith. They've got a wrong view of the deity of Christ and the acclaimed deity of man.
And number four, they've got a problem with substitutionary atonement. In his book,
Ever -Increasing Faith Messenger, June 1980, page seven, Frederick Casey Price says, do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die on a cross?
If that were the case, the two thieves could have paid your price. No, the punishment was to go to hell itself and to serve time in hell separated from God.
Satan and all the demons of hell thought that they had him bound. And they threw a net over Jesus and they dragged him down to the very pit of hell itself to serve our sentence.
I guess that's what it is finished must have meant. When Jesus said it is finished, I think he must have been thinking it is almost finished until I go down to hell and I'm tortured by Satan.
What are these people thinking? They're not thinking, they have these kind of weird, erroneous, irrelevant things because they don't understand the text, because they don't have the spirit of God, because they don't have the spirit to illuminate their minds to understand the things of the text.
So then they distort the cross and they say things like Jesus was recreated on the cross from divine to demonic.
That's what some faith teachers teach. Some faith teachers, a word faith teachers say that your redemption was not secured on the cross, but in fact in hell.
See, this is the exact kind of thing that Joyce Meyer goes south when she talks about what happened to Jesus on the cross, what happened to Jesus in between the cross and the resurrection.
They have no idea. Somehow God, the father has to pay Satan a ransom in hell to get the universe back.
I think not. Somehow Jesus was reborn or born again in the very pit of hell.
Some kind of Jesus was reincarnated through his rebirth in hell. I mean, how crazy, how perverted, how wild, how stupid, how foolish can you get?
False word faith teachers, word faith teachers distort substitutionary atonement.
Benny Hinn said, ladies and gentlemen, the serpent is a symbol of Satan. Satan, Jesus Christ knew the only way he would stop
Satan is by becoming one in nature with him. You say, what did you say? That's blasphemy.
No, you hear this, Benny Hinn said, he did not take my sin, he became my sin.
I'll go to the origin of it. I won't just take part in it. I'll be the totality of it. He became one with the nature of Satan.
So all those who had the nature of Satan can partake the nature of God. TBN, December 15th, 1990.
Now my eight -year -old would know better than that. My 10 -year -old knows better than that.
My 13 -year -old knows that's heresy and my 17 -year -old knows that's heresy too.
But people who listen maybe even to this radio station cannot somehow think that it's heresy because maybe they don't know their
Bibles well enough. But I think the bigger issue is they like the, and they think it's appealing, the message that is sold, you follow us, you get rich.
So they'll put up with any kind of blasphemous, nonsensical, unbiblical statement about our dear
Lord's substitutionary death as the Passover lamb. Listen to what
Price said. Somewhere between the time Jesus was nailed to the cross and when he was in the garden of Gethsemane, somewhere in there, he died spiritually, personally.
I believe it was while he was in the garden. So wait a second,
I guess it wasn't substitutionary atonement, Jesus dying for our sins on Calvary, experiencing the wrath of God, those three dark hours from noon till three, the son seemingly not even able to look down upon Christ, blotted out the dark judgment for those three hours where Jesus was bearing the sins of all those who would ever believe as the wrath of God was poured out on the son.
The son never ever sinned, yet God the Father treated him like he sinned and there was a great substitutionary death there on the cross, typifying what would happen back in the days of Passover where the lamb was killed in place of the people.
And so what does Fred Casey Price say? Now let's go back to the garden of Gethsemane, that's where atonement was made.
You know what that sounds like to me? That sounds like to me, that's Mormonism. But you know, one cult runs into another and then they just all think the same way.
Fred Price said, do you think that the punishment for our sin was to die in a cross? See, that is just wrong.
We have seen no wondrous exchange, as Luther called it, in the doctrine of Fred Price's atonement.
No, we don't see Christ bearing our sin and we bear his righteousness. We don't see 2
Corinthians 5 .21, he made him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in him in the garden.
No, we're talking about the cross. Galatians is clear. God redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.
Where did the curse bearing take place? Answer, for it is written, cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree.
First Peter chapter two, Peter says the same thing that Paul does. He believes the same thing. And he himself,
Jesus, bore our sins in his body on the cross, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness, for by his wounds you were healed.
Now it pleased the Lord to crush Christ, putting him to grief. And it pleased the
Lord to crush Christ on the cross for those three hours, the son bearing our sins on his body in the tree, the father with holy wrath that was due us, yet Christ, as it were, intercepted it and he took it upon himself.
It wasn't an interception because it was never intended for us, because the father and the son were in full agreement for what should happen and how and why.
Did you know every priest stands daily ministering and offering time after time, the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins, but for one offering,
Hebrews 10, he has perfected for all time those who are sanctified. And so there, because of the cross,
God remembers our sins and lawless deeds no more.
No more. Jesus paid for our sins on his body, on the tree, on Calvary.
He triumphed over Satan and demons, certainly after he died,
Colossians 2 .15. He made a show of them. He exposed them. He made it, he disgraced them.
Cyprian uses this word for an adulteress's hair who was cut off and she was treated as a prostitute by the community.
It was a disgrace. Made a show of, and that's exactly Colossians 2 .15 language.
Jesus made a public display of these rulers and authorities, Colossians 2 .15.
Now there might've, there's lots of things we don't know what happened between Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday, but we know what didn't happen.
We know what didn't happen was this, that Jesus had to be born again in hell. Jesus had to give some ransom to Satan, that Jesus had to be reincarnated in hell.
No, that is wrong. That is not proper. That is false. That is a heresy.
And so we have to remember that our Lord's death, when attacked, we should run from the people who attack it.
1 Peter 3 .18, for Christ also died for sins once for all. The just for the unjust.
Hear that substitution language? The just Jesus for the unjust. The people who are sinful.
The sinful people that God has chosen in order that he might bring us to God. That's what's going on there in the text.
You ought to be very, very careful that you don't follow anybody that says Jesus had to be born again man.
He was not some born again man. You, to be born again, you have to have a need of some kind of eternal life.
You need to have being, you need to be sinful and then you need to be reborn without sin.
And that's not what's going to happen. That's not what's gonna happen at all. Certainly Jesus was the first born from among the dead,
Colossians 1 .18. That's just the word prototokos, which means primacy. Out of all those who've ever been raised from the dead, from Lazarus to some kind of person in the
Old Testament, the one who was raised from the dead that stands at the front, headship, primacy, preeminence, is
Jesus. Be careful when false teachers tell you that there's some kind of atonement and healing for your sicknesses on the cross today.
You will, because of the cross, be one day perfectly healthy forever and that's called a glorified body.
But you have to be careful when people play fast and loose with 1 Peter 2 and they say things about, well, you know, he's gonna do things on the, he did things on the cross so that we're healed today from all our sins, for by your wounds we were healed, 1
Peter 2, verse 24. What does that mean by, you know, his stripes we are healed?
Healed spiritually, for sure, healed physically? Well, ultimately, yes, but not on earth.
And by the way, the false teachers that go around saying they're healed physically by Christ's death tend to be bald, tend to have glasses.
I'd like to see a false teacher who can heal all these people, you know, not have glasses for once and not have a bald head for once and not have a bunch of wrinkles that all come along with the fall and sin.
There will be ultimate healing physically in the atonement. And if you have some horrible sickness now or you're in a wheelchair or you're blind and you trust in Christ Jesus, you are spiritually healed today forever.
And one day you'll be ultimately physically healed and it's called a heaven with a glorified body.
But don't let some charlatan come running around telling you that you should be healed from your sins based on the substitution, healed from your diseases and sicknesses based on the substitutionary atonement.
And by the way, then if you aren't healed, it's a problem of your faith. This is wrong. This is big time wrong.
You have to be careful when you've got some kind of liar like Benny Hinn who says, I saw Jesus walk into my bedroom.
He was wearing a robe that was whiter than white and a deep red mantle was draped over the robe. I saw his hair.
I looked into his eyes. I saw the nail prints in his hand. By the way, if that happened, Benny Hinn would be on his face crying out for mercy.
Oh God, have mercy on me a sinner. But since he's a charlatan, he just talks this way and he says,
I saw everything. This is rise and be healed page 22. When it happened, I was asleep, but suddenly my little body was caught up in an incredible sensation that can only be described as electric.
Boy, they love those words, don't they? Hinn goes on to say, Hinn goes on to blaspheme. It felt as if someone had plugged me into a wired socket.
There was a numbness that felt like needles, a million of them rushing through my body. And then the Lord stood before me while I was in a deep, deep sleep.
He looked straight at me with the most beautiful eyes. He smiled and his arms were wide open. I could feel his presence.
I was marvelous and I'll never forget it. That's some kind of effeminate, blasphemous nonsense.
When people say Jesus talked to me about all kinds of things and then they don't know their Bibles, I've got a problem with that.
If Jesus is gonna come and talk to anyone, if that could be a theological possibility, he would not come and talk to the most spiritually inept unbeliever.
He's not going to do that. And so beware of the prosperity gospel. Beware of the greed that lies in your heart, lies in all of our hearts, even as Christians.
Greed that we don't want to say we're Christians and now we're going to get a bunch of money and we're going to have spiritual and financial prosperity.
You will have spiritual prosperity. You'll have spiritual trials and you will have maybe some prosperity on earth, maybe some health on earth, maybe some riches on earth, but that's gonna be an extra blessing from God.
It's going to be an extra blessing from God. And if you came to God because you wanted to get that, you might want to reconsider the
God that you've created in your own mind because that might not be the God of the Bible. So my name is
Mike Abendroth. This is the Word, Faith Discussion Part Two. I don't think I get myself to go through Part Three.
So you can read Charismatic Chaos by MacArthur. You can read Christianity in Crisis by Hanegraaff and you can get sick on your own because I think
I'm sick enough. And maybe there needs to be the healing in the atonement for my sickness because I am sick to death of the
Word, Faith concept of money, of faith, of the atonement and everything else.
God bless you. Read your Bibles. The Lord is King. No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life transforming power of God's Word through verse by verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at six. We're right on route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.