Anne Hathaway’s DISGUSTING Pro-Choice Argument!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight for Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking about some clips from Anne Hathaway. Now Anne is a famous actress who recently went on a secular leftist talk show called
The View. And on this show, Anne gave us several reasons why she is pro -choice.
As we will demonstrate here, each one of her arguments can be thoroughly and completely debunked by a robust biblical worldview rooted in the
Word of God. So without further ado, let's take a look at Anne's arguments in favor of abortion. Watch this.
My own personal experience with abortion, and I don't think we talk about this enough. Abortion can be another word for mercy.
Notice here, she begins this argument with an appeal to quote, my personal experience.
Let's pause here because we need to establish something. No part of your personal experience, no matter how deeply personal it is, has any effect on the moral standard of God.
None whatsoever. We live in an incredible world today, ladies and gentlemen. People can say out loud,
I want to end the life of an innocent baby. And then people will respond saying, hey, I don't think that's a good moral thing to do.
Why do you consider that ethical? And I kid you not, the unashamed and brazen response of pro -choicers is, well, my feelings said
I could do this. My personal experience said it's okay. But this moral standard simply doesn't work.
Someone could just as easily say, well, my personal experience told me that you're wrong and that you shouldn't be able to do this.
And you're not allowed to disagree with my personal experience. That would be wrong. So don't even bother responding.
This creates a problem. Here we have two equally valid personal experiences, but they contradict each other completely.
So what exactly should we do? The answer is that in order to do anything, we need some sort of objective standard external to all of us that we can live by.
The Bible illustrates this well. Judges 21 -25 says, quote, In those days there was no king in Israel.
Everyone did what was right in his own eyes. And you see, this passage applies to ultimate ethics as well.
When there is no ultimate king, an ultimate Creator God above us, giving us an ultimate standard, everyone does what is right in their own eyes.
It's a subjective standard. This creates chaos and widespread evil in society. And that is precisely what we're seeing today.
It's not a coincidence. But this brings us to the second part. Anne says that abortion can, quote,
Be another word for mercy. Here lies another issue. Mercy is again a moral word.
It's an ethical word. So by what moral standard will we define mercy? And this is the problem with making vague conservative arguments against abortion without making actually
Christian arguments, rooting them in the Word of God. If you say that abortion is not mercy, it is the murder of an innocent life, which is true, the obvious question is, by what standard can you say that?
What gives you the right to define mercy? And the answer from us should be nothing. I don't get to define it.
And by the way, neither do you. God does. Luke 6 -36 says, quote, Be merciful, even as your father is merciful.
You see, the standard of mercy is rooted in God's objective character. And in Exodus 20, verse 13, our merciful father tells us, quote,
You shall not murder. This is an objective moral standard, not this subjective emotional one presented by Anne Hathaway.
But continuing with subjective arguments, let's see what the next pro -choice claim is. Watch this.
Granted, I couldn't take that freedom for granted, the freedom of choice. And by the way, I'm not, this is not a moral conversation about abortion.
This is a practical conversation about women's rights. And by the way, human rights, because women's rights are human rights.
So now, contrary to everything she just said two seconds ago, apparently this is not a moral conversation.
Really? How did we come to that conclusion? She just used the word mercy. How is that not a moral question?
And if it's not, then what kind of question is it? Is it a scientific question? Can you put mercy in a beaker and measure it in milligrams?
Is it a mathematical question? If so, then which algebraic equation can we use to solve for x?
X of course here being mercy. But I digress. Obviously, this is a moral question. There's no other type of question it could possibly be.
The reason Anne Hathaway is saying this, then, is quite simple. She wants to be considered neutral.
I'm not trying to force my morals on anyone here, like the right -wing Christians do. No, I'm just telling you something we can all agree with.
See? This is common ground. Anne Hathaway is presenting a textbook example of fake moral neutrality.
Any honest person can see that mercy is an ethical concept, and that this is indeed a moral conversation.
But then, complicating things further, Anne uses the word rights, as if that word does not carry moral connotations as well.
So here's a question. Suppose I say that I have the right to make sure that Anne Hathaway does not have the right to abort children.
That is my human right, and no one can disagree, because again, it's rooted in my personal opinion.
Here we have another impasse. In the secular worldview, our rights are all equally valid, but they are opposites of one another.
Who's going to win the day? We need an objective moral standard to break the tie. Proverbs 31 .9
says, quote, Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy.
And by the way, I can't think of anyone more needy than a defenseless baby in the womb under direct physical threat.
That's what the Bible says about rights. In fact, without the Lord, we have no standard for anyone to have any rights at all.
And this of course leaves plenty of room when we cast out the Bible for Anne Hathaway and others to simply make up their own standard for rights.
And with that, let's see the next clip. Watch this. And by the way, human rights, because women's rights are human rights.
And the freedom that we all need to be able to choose and build our lives and have access to excellent health care.
So now Anne Hathaway says that it's, quote, about being able to choose and build our lives.
Pause here, because first off, they're not building anything. And you certainly aren't building a life here.
The pro -choice position is by definition terminating a life. And at this point, honestly, it's hard to think of anything less feminine than the pro -choice position.
Think about it. Women have the unique ability to bear children. It's incredible. Psalm 127, verse 3 says, quote,
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Yet somehow feminism has convinced women that they would much rather go punch a clock in at the office than be given a beautiful heritage from the
Lord. Sinful worldviews always involve self -deception. But then after this, she says that this is really about, quote, excellent health care.
This is again something I want to impress on you. Christians, we must stop allowing people to use terms indiscriminately and incorrectly without us standing up against it.
What kind of dystopian world do we have here, wherein a fully grown adult can say with a straight face in front of other fully grown adults that the ending of the life of a baby is health care?
Let's just look at the word here. The word is a compound one made up of two words, health and care.
And it's unclear how the average abortion makes anyone healthier. In the United States, it's reported that, quote, the overall pregnancy -related mortality rate is .015%.
Just to put that infinitesimally small number in perspective for you, one article says this, quote, for every pregnancy -related death, there are 6 ,622 live births.
So the idea that abortion is health care for the sake of protecting the mother, it's asinine.
It's completely absent of any evidence to back it up. This brings us to the second part, the word care.
This word, again, is an ethical one. What exactly constitutes care? How do we define it specifically?
In a secular world where anything goes, we are unable to answer that question with any objectivity.
But biblically, it's really simple. James 1 .27 says, quote, religion that is pure and undefiled before God the
Father is this, to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, end quote. In other words,
Christian care is characterized by a desire to care for those who are helpless. And again, it's hard to imagine anyone more helpless than an utterly defenseless baby under threat.
Long story short, Anne Hathaway and the other secular leftists have really no true moral standard.
When you go just two centimeters below the surface of this argument, there's nothing down there. They say a lot of things, but they have absolutely no compelling foundation beneath what they say.
Their desired action is to end the lives of babies, and their only defense for that action basically boils down to, because I feel like it.
Then they say, stop forcing your ideals on me, which, by the way, is always being said by the same person who is in the process of forcing their ideals on you.
As Christians, we must stop taking the bait. We need to stop accepting the myth that is secular neutrality.
Instead, we must stand on the Word of God. Every level of this conversation has been calling out desperately for an objective moral standard.
The Bible provides that. And if we try to move forward without the Bible being our standard, then we've already lost the battle.
So, again, let's be wise, courageous, and say along with the psalmist, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video isn't meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Anne Hathaway, that she would stop this wicked pro -choice activism by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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