Limited Atonement

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I was informed that I read the wrong chapter but we actually read 2 Peter chapter 2 last week so sorry what was on the board was wrong.
Let's go to the Lord in prayer.
Father I would ask that right now you would fill me with the power of your spirit Lord that I would speak your word, speak your truth from your Bible behind your pulpit to your people for your glory in Christ's name amen.
Revelation 5 9 says this worthy are you to take the book and to break its seals for you were slain and purchased for God with your own blood men from every tribe tongue people and nation.
That is the statement that was sung around the throne of God to Jesus the king of kings and lord of lords.
He didn't make purchasable he actually purchased with his own blood a people from every nation tribe and tongue.
We are going through the doctrines of grace we are teaching them category by category point by point of the tulip so let me just recap Keith has taught on the total depravity of man and the total depravity of man mean he is totally unable to do the good that God requires.
Man is unable to come to God apart from the empowerment of the spirit.
He will not obey the law of God he is not able and even if he could he would not that is the doctrine of total depravity.
Then we went over unconditional election.
Unconditional elections that God in eternity past looked over all of humanity in its sinful state and he chose to save some to be instruments of his glory and honor and he passed over others and he passes over them in sorrow.
God then takes those whom he passes over in sorrow and willfully punishes in them in their sin.
That is hard for some people to swallow and I understand but that is what the scripture teaches.
Then it comes to the limited atonement some people do not like the word limited atonement so for those that like particular redemption or definite atonement that is fine but it is limited and a limited atonement is that Jesus would come and he would do the work of God that he sent him to do and he would purchase for him those people who were elected unconditionally in eternity past and he would secure the salvation of those people.
Then irresistible grace and if you do not like that effectual calling or whichever Andy decides term he uses next week to do it is that the effectual call is the call of the Spirit of God to the elect applying the atoning process that which Jesus did to the elect that they would be come to faith and repentance through the power of the Spirit.
Then the perseverance of the Saints is that those whom God has elected in eternity past and has applied the atonement to them by the effectual call that they will persevere to the end and they will be saved and not only will they persevere to the end they will persevere in holiness and they will persevere in faithfulness not perfection but in faithfulness.
That is the doctrines of grace and I want to clear up any confusion a lot of people think that Calvinism is Reformed theology it is not.
So just to let you know those that believe that Calvinistic soteriology is not Reformed theology it is a part of Reformed theology.
Reformed theology is far greater than the five points of Calvinism and if you would like to get in some further details on that if you do not know you can talk with me or Andy or Keith at any time to just make those distinctions.
First and foremost why is atonement necessary? Atonement is necessary because God is infinitely holy and he is a majestic God.
He cannot tolerate sin.
He must punish sin.
He cannot overlook.
There are many false religions in the world that just say that God just can't forgive.
He cannot because he is just.
He must punish sin.
Now when we're dealing with a theological system such as Calvinism it is often when we're dealing with this very difficult subject of the the limited atonement that we want to at times pit the Arminian view of an unlimited atonement versus against the verses of limited atonement.
That is not my plan to do today.
I do not think that's beneficial.
My plan today is to let the scripture speak for itself and use the biblical theology how God unfolded through redemption atonement redemption and the satisfaction of his wrath and let the scriptures determine that.
So we'll begin in Genesis in the garden our predecessors our forefather and a mother sinned against the Holy God.
They sinned grievously against the Holy God knowing the prohibition and the day that you eat and dine you will die.
And what did they do? They were to be guiled by the the serpent and they took of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil and they threw all of his predecessors and prodigy into eternal condemnation.
And here's what happened in Genesis chapter 3 verse 21 it says in the Lord God made for Adam and for his wife garments of skin.
He clothed them with them.
Now an inference is a conclusion drawn based on internal evidence that is not explicitly spoken.
It says here that God made a garment.
He made a covering for them.
Well how did he do that? How did he make it with animal skin? Well the inference is what did he do? He had to take the life of an animal.
Now some people will point here that this is the the setup of the sacrificial system.
I don't know I'm not going to argue with somebody if they believe that.
If that's what they believe that is fine but we know this that it's not explicitly said that that was the what was instituted in the garden.
But we know this that God said you have violated my law the day that you eat and die and you will die and God did not kill them.
But what did he do? He provided a covering for the consequence of their sin and he made clothing to cover their shame.
That's what he did.
Now the conclusion would be that God took an innocent animal, sacrificed it for their shame and gave them coverings.
Notice this that God graciously did that before he exiled them out of the garden.
What a wonderful thing for God to do.
That is substitutionary.
So we see the thread in the garden begins with there is a substitutionary thread that comes out of the garden.
Then we go to Genesis chapter 4 verse 7 and I'm going to read verses 2 through 7.
Again she gave birth to another son and it was Cain's brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the flock.
But Cain was a tiller of the ground so it came about that in the course of time that Cain brought an offering to the Lord of the fruit of the ground.
Abel on his part he brought the firstling to the flock in the fatted portion and the Lord had regarded for Abel and had regard for Abel in his offering.
But Cain for his offering he had no regard.
So Cain became angry and his countenance fell and the Lord said to him, why are you angry? Why is your countenance fell? If you do well your countenance will be lifted up.
But if you do not do well sin is crouching at the door and its desire is for you and you must master it.
This is what happens right before the first murder.
And you say why would you use this passage? Well my understanding of this passage and Keith when he was teaching through this passage he gave two to three different interpretations of that and mine is, par for the course, is the minority.
The word that is translated here for sin is the Hebrew word hatah.
Hatah is used 33 times in the Pentateuch.
Only three times is that word translated into the word sin.
Every other time it's translated as a sin offering.
Every time Moses used that word but three times it was a sin offering.
So if I was going to translate this and if it was translated literally it says, if there is not acceptance for you and you do not do well at the opening of the door a sin offering is crouching.
Its desire is for you.
You must rule it.
Do you understand? Whether you agree with my interpretation of that or not.
You understand my interpretation of that is correct.
He brought an unworthy sacrifice which angered God.
God says you didn't do what you were supposed to do and you're not going to do what you must do because you're angry with your brother but you know what I have done? I have provided a sin offering for you.
All you have to do is take it.
That's what God did for Cain.
But what did Cain do? Instead of receiving the substitution that was provided for him he murdered his brother.
Let's go on down to Job.
Job chapter 1 verses 2 through 5.
Job had seven sons, three daughters and they were born to him and he had 7,000 sheep.
He had 3,000 camel, 500 yoke of oxen, 500 female donkeys.
He had many servants and there that man was the greatest of all men of the East.
His sons used to go out and they would hold a feast in the house with him each on his day and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and they would drink with them.
And when the days of the feasting had completed their cycle Job would send.
He would consecrate his children rising up in the morning early and would offer a burnt offering according to the number of them all.
And Job did this continually because perhaps his sons and daughters have sinned and cursed God in their heart.
Do you see what Job did? Job got up early in the morning and because of the sins of his sons and daughters and as the priest of his family what did he do? He used a substitute to placate the God of all creation for the wrath that was kindled against him.
Burnt offering is a reference to a sin offerings and how do we know that? Because he says he offered up burnt offerings according to them for perhaps they had sinned and cursed God.
So we see here too a substitute was provided for the wrath of God against the children of Job.
Then you go on down to the last chapter of Job.
Remember Job had some pretty good friends that told him what a dirtbag he was and they gave him all kinds of bad advice.
Well listen to what happens at the end.
It says in Job 42 verses 7 through 9 and it came about that after the Lord had spoken these words to Job that the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite my wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends because of what you have spoken about me was not right but my servant Job spoke right of me.
Now therefore take for yourself seven bulls seven rams and go to my servant Job and offer up a burnt offering and he will offer up a burnt offering for you and my servant Job will pray for you and I will accept him so that I will not do what I want to do to you because you're folly because you spoke not good of me and you did not do what was right but my servant Job has.
So Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar went and did as the Lord commanded and the Lord accepted them on behalf of Job.
Here it is these men who thought they were doing God's work find out that all they did was kindle the anger of God towards them because they had misrepresented God misrepresented Job and then God says if you want me to not act according to you as I should because of your foolishness then you're gonna have to go to the the priest with a substitution that I will provide and that's what he did.
Job was the oldest book written it was written before Moses and you know Moses wrote Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy.