WWUTT 1493 Purge the Evil Person From Among You (1 Corinthians 5:12-13)

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Reading 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 where Paul urges the church to remove the wicked man from among them who had committed sexually immorality. Visit wwutt.com for all our videos!


1 Corinthians 5 .13 says purge the evil person from among you that he may recognize his sin and repent and the bride of Christ remain pure when we understand the text.
This is when we understand the text a daily Bible teaching podcast that we may be steadfast immovable always abounding in the work of the
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Pastor Gabe. Thank you Becky we're back to our study in 1 Corinthians chapter 5 we'll finish up the chapter today
I'll begin by reading verses 8 through 13 in the legacy standard Bible the
Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth therefore let us celebrate the feast not with old leaven nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth
I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people
I did not at all mean with the sexually immoral people of this world or with the greedy and swindlers or with idolaters for then you would have to go out of the world but now
I am writing to you not to associate with any so -called brother if he is a sexually immoral person or greedy or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or a swindler not even to eat with such a one for what have
I to do with judging outsiders are you not to judge those who are within the church but those who are outside God will judge remove the wicked man from among yourselves and that statement which you've also read in the
English Standard Version as purge the evil person from among you this is a reference back to Deuteronomy 13 in the law where a person in Israel who was guilty of the sins that Paul has talked about here in verse 11 they were to be purged from Israel how were they purged they were stoned to death by the grace of God we're not stoning anybody to death in our churches but nonetheless those who do evil do not have a place with the people of God they do not belong to the body of Christ in fact as Paul says with Timothy in 2nd
Timothy chapter 2 that if if somebody is doing such evil if they're allowed to remain there then they spread like gangrene it affects the entire body so Paul says to deliver such a one to Satan for the destruction of his flesh so that his spirit may be saved in the day of the
Lord that he would learn what he has done is so evil that he cannot be part of the body of Christ so that he may repent but then he goes on to the church to say clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump let us celebrate the feast not with old leaven nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth now
I said to you yesterday that what we're reading about here in first Corinthians five we're reading about church discipline the chapter that is often cited regarding church discipline is
Matthew chapter 18 and it's there that we have a four -step process of discipline
I kind of went through this with you last week but let me kind of briefly go over it again so in Matthew 18 beginning in verse 15
Jesus says if your brother sins go and show him his fault between you and him alone if he listens to you you have won your brother that's step 1 verse 16 is step 2 but if he does not listen to you take one or two more with you so that by the mouth of two or three witnesses every fact may be confirmed then we have step 3 if he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church now step 4 and if he refuses to listen even to the church let him be to you as the
Gentile in the tax collector in other words purge the evil person from among you there's the four -step process that we have now that process begins with sin that has been committed between two people so you identify somebody who is in sin you confront that person he won't repent and so then going through the process of church discipline from there we have a different matter of church discipline addressed in Titus chapter 3 listen to what
Paul says to Titus in Titus 3 beginning in verse 10 reject a factious man after a first and second warning knowing that such a man is perverted in sinning being self -condemned that's a three -step process so step one is reject a factious man correct him once after a first and second warning so you correct him once you correct him a second time and then after that you remove him that's the third step so there's a three -step process now what is a factious man well in context this is with regards to a teacher who is teaching falsely so with a teacher you're gonna warn him once you're gonna warn him a second time and if he continues to teach falsely spreading division because that's what false teaching does then he's to be removed and his removal is on his own head he is self -condemned so we have two different processes of church discipline
Matthew chapter 18 a four -step process Titus chapter 3 a two -step process this one that we're reading here in 1st
Corinthians chapter 5 this is a two -step process so a lot of times we'll read 1st
Corinthians 5 and we'll take the pattern of church discipline that Jesus gives in Matthew 18 verses 15 through 17 and we'll impose it onto 1st
Corinthians 5 but that's not to be our understanding of this this is a very public sin that this man has committed and it's to be a two -step process it's to be brought before the church and he's to be removed to two steps it's it's not even a matter of judging whether or not he's done this sin it's confirmed that he's done it
Paul knows he's done it the church knows that he's done it and this isn't a thing of you just confront him and ask him to repent and he goes okay
I'm sorry guys I'm sorry that I slept with my father's wife and then the whole church goes okay well he's apologized he's repentant and so now we're done with it this is a serious sin so that's the way we're gonna treat this just confronting one -on -one and if he repents then you've won your brother and that's it the whole matter is over right no because this sin is known and even the
Gentiles know about it the pagans and even they know this is really bad so we're talking about a public sin here what needs to happen is this man needs to be removed
Paul is saying where I'm at I've already judged this man is removed two -step process it comes before the church and he's removed and hopefully he's going to repent that's gonna be between him and the
Lord the church needs to be faithful to do what God has instructed according to his word now
I believe by the grace of God this man did repent based on what we read in 2nd
Corinthians chapter 2 beginning in verse 5 let me read this for you Paul says if any has caused sorrow he has caused sorrow not to me but in some degree in order not to say too much to all of you sufficient for such a one is this punishment which was inflicted by the majority so the majority of the church had voted and removed him from their midst as Paul had instructed them to do verse 7 so that on the contrary you should rather graciously forgive and comfort him lest such a one be swallowed up by excessive sorrow therefore
I encourage you to reaffirm your love for him for to this end also
I wrote so that I might know your proven character whether you are obedient to all things and the church indeed was obedient to the instruction that Paul had given them to purge the evil person from among them so now
Paul knows the genuineness of this church to follow God's instruction and he knows that this man has repented and is telling the church to forgive him and welcome him back but one whom you graciously forgive anything
I graciously forgive also this is verse 10 for indeed what I have graciously forgiven if I have graciously forgiven anything
I did it for your sakes in the presence of Christ so that no advantage would be taken of us by Satan for we are not ignorant of his schemes so remember that in 1st
Corinthians 5 Paul says I've judged this man from afar and now in 2nd
Corinthians 2 he says I've forgiven this man from afar you must purge him from your midst which they've done and so now he says that man is repentant he is full of sorrow he is grieved over what he has done so forgive him and welcome him back and we see the grace of God over this situation that's that's what we hope to happen if ever we have to go through church discipline if ever we have to do that to somebody one of our members we hope they would repent and they would come back and the grace of God is shown and once again we are a body growing together into the head who is
Christ but of course that's going to be a rare thing more often than not a person who has to be put out from the church won't come back now
I share this with you I talk about the four -step process of discipline the three -step process the two -step process that you may learn from this you may obey
God's word and that you not make the same mistake that I once made a few years ago this was at a different church that I was serving at one of our elders was caught in adultery
I found out on a Sunday it was the first Sunday of the year and this elder had served the
Lord's Supper that morning we had an interview with a family for membership that afternoon and then it was about 11 o 'clock that night when his wife had called me and told me that he was furious and left home and she found letters from his mistress
I looked at the evidence and it was irrefutable not only had this man been committing adultery but it looked like he was planning on running away with this woman as well
I tried texting him he did not reply it was late at night I had a pastor friend that I knew was up that late and I called him we both shared tears over the situation we prayed together we talked about the next course of action that needed to happen of course this man standing as an elder was over if you've listened to this podcast for the years that I've been doing it then you know what
I've taught about this a man who has committed adultery as a pastor or an elder is no longer above reproach he's no longer a one -woman man according to the qualifications in 1st
Timothy 3 1 through 7 he's made a shipwreck of his ministry and is permanently disqualified from ever holding that office again
I was so messed up over this this this was a man
I had ministered with and he had ministered to me I had told him that I would sit under his preaching and attend a church where he was a pastor and he said it was one of the greatest compliments that he ever received and he threw it all away for this other woman so thoroughly lied about it and covered it up there was no way of knowing just how far back all this went if he told me how could
I believe him he had served the Lord's Supper that morning while he was committing adultery was there no fear of God before his eyes as we're going to read coming up here in 1st
Corinthians 11 there are people who have died whom the Lord judged with death because they partake they partook of the
Lord's table in an unworthy manner this man's soul was at stake and I feared for him my heart of course broke for his wife for his kids
I was just wrecked I was in tears I prayed all night I did not sleep the sun comes up that next morning and a pastor friend of mine and another member of the church we went over to this man's office and we confronted him and he would not repent he acknowledged that all of it was true he had been committing adultery in fact
I found out later that the woman he was sleeping with was there in the office that day when I confronted him I probably even passed right by her but he said he would not go home we said do you want to honor
Christ and he said yes I do and we said then honor Christ and go home and he said not gonna do it this was a man who knew he'd done something that was worthy of eternal judgment in hell if he did not repent and he sat there and refused and in that moment he would rather go to hell than be reconciled to his wife his wife asked me what was going to happen and I told her that the congregation needed to know what he had done and that he was no longer an elder and she was quite angry about that I really didn't think any anything of it at the time
I knew she was angry at her husband and she was expressing that toward me and I just let her do it I didn't try to argue with her whatever this man had done to me he had done far worse to her and to his children
I told her that my first priority was to get him home but it wasn't the only thing that I had to think about I talked it over with the other elders we agreed that the best course of action was to draft a statement that would be read before the congregation
I told the wife that I would let her see it too and she begged me absolutely begged me not to make public that he had committed adultery she did not want her children finding out that way they knew that mom and dad were fighting but they did not know about the adultery so of course my heart broke for the family
I could not imagine how embarrassing this was for all of them of course the wife didn't want anybody to know what he had done
I can totally sympathize with that but based on what I saw in scripture I could not see how
I could address the congregation and tell and not tell the church exactly what this man had done
I think scripture is clear that I needed to be clear first timothy 5 19 to 20 says do not admit a charge against an elder except on the evidence of two or three witnesses we had that as for those who persist in sin and it was quite evident that he did not want to repent he's persisting in sin it says rebuke them in the presence of all so that the rest may stand in fear so we've talked about three other processes of church discipline here's a fourth one where paul is talking about how an elder is to be disciplined and I needed to tell the church exactly what he did he was an elder you handle disciplinary matters with elders and pastors differently than you would handle discipline with any other member james 3 1 says not many of you should become teachers my brothers for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness
I know that as much for myself now at this point in this whole thing I think he's gone all the evidence seemed to indicate that he was running away with this other woman he had been confronted he said he was not going to repent he was not going to go home however later that week this is all still in the same week he calls me up and says he's ready to go home and work things out and I was stunned again twice in the same week this guy's knocked me off my feet
Becky and I took their kids while he went home and talked things out with his wife and then when they were ready
I took the kids home to them and I was hopeful it seemed like an answer to prayer but there was still the matter of addressing the church with this the man told me that he would be in church that Sunday and he would accept whatever it was that I had to say so I wrote the statement and I sent it to some friends of mine to get their input we as elders had never been through anything like this before disciplining one of our own so I consulted some more seasoned men guys who had been through things like this just to look things over and confirm that we were doing everything right the statement said as I had written it it said that he was being removed from elder because he had committed adultery but in one of the edits that I received back that part about him committing adultery was cut out now my heart was already broken over this the wife didn't want me to announce it anyway so I really thought nothing of it
I agreed with the edits and I sent it on to the elders and we signed the statement on Sunday that coming
Sunday after church all of this has just transpired over a week we held a special meeting at which
I was going to address the membership and read the statement and right away something did not feel right something in my conscience just wasn't clicking
I'm looking at the statement and I know what's missing furthermore this man who just a week ago served the
Lord's Supper to this body while in adultery was in attendance at this special meeting the whole thing was very awkward
I did not think that this was right I read the statement it was very difficult for me to get through it the man apologized to the body in tears and everyone went over to him to hug him and I'm watching this going no one knows what he's done he's not sorry sorry for what he this is not a confession he hasn't confessed to anything and I'm standing there looking at this and I knew we did not do this right and it was my fault
I was the pastor this fell on me I listened to bad advice
I knew what the scripture said but I took unwise counsel instead of the counsel of the scriptures instead of being obedient to the scriptures what should have happened despite the fact that he said that he wanted to go home and work things out with his wife despite the fact that his wife did not want the adultery to me to be made public what should have happened is that the evil person should have been purged from our midst until he could demonstrate that he was truly grieved over his sin and be reconciled with his wife and later to be reconciled with his church we needed to cleanse out the old leaven
I'm saying this to you knowing that this was all on me
I'm telling this to you so that you don't make the same mistake that I did guys church discipline is hard it's supposed to be obedience is hard because we're naturally sinful people we are not holy
Christ makes us holy sanctifies us with the washing of water through the word
Ephesians 5 26 but instead of obeying God's word I took bad advice and things just got messier for a few months it seemed like things were going okay it wasn't great the couple fought all the time they said they wanted to reconcile but I could not get either one of them to show grace to each other to make a long story short everything came to a head he left home again and this time it was in front of the children and it was evident that nothing had changed and when he left home the second time then
I made public to the church what he had done see I was still treating this whole thing the whole disciplinary process that he was under I was treating him as a man who had been an elder and was caught in adultery as an elder because that's what happened
I told him that as part of his sanctification as part of bearing fruit in keeping with repentance as it says in Matthew 3 8 he needed to tell his children what he had done otherwise they would believe it's okay to hide your sin
I also told him that he needed to be the one to tell the church what he had done before the process of his discipline and his reconciliation with the church was complete he needed to tell the church that he committed adultery he needed to confess that he served the lord's supper while in adultery
I should have been the one to tell the church that I should have told them in the first place but because I agreed not to make it public
I left that on him to work that out as evidence of his repentance and there were times he acted very flippantly about it and I I doubted that he was genuinely sorry and then he left home again and confirmed that he was not sorry since I was still treating this as discipline upon an elder
I told the church that he left home and that he was unfaithful to his wife and his kids and that he turned his back on his church
I saw this as disciplining a man who had been an elder because that's what it was but he and his wife did not see it that way see he was no longer an elder so in their eyes he was like every other church member and what
I had done by telling everybody about what he had done was sinister and malicious and they believed
I needed to lose my job over it and they tried they tried to get me fired it was like the one thing this couple could agree upon the one thing they worked together on was getting
Gabe fired it was devastating they were contacting people in church they were calling former members who had moved away they were making up stuff and accusing me and other people in the church of things that were not true now
I'm grateful to God that the church did not stand for that the elders and the deacons were unanimous that there was no wrongdoing on my part the couple was removed from the church and they were excommunicated the membership voted to remove them and and I haven't seen them since and every once in a while they come into my mind and I will pray for them
I still hope the lord does work on their hearts and they will be reconciled to God and to one another
I pray for those kids when the whole thing was done after the couple had been removed
I confessed to the church that I did not do this process exactly right there were things that if I could go back
I would have done differently now it wouldn't have changed the outcome the husband and the wife were unwilling to reconcile that's between them and the lord but nonetheless
I had not done what I should have done in the first place I told the church that but I don't know that I ever said
I don't I don't know that I ever made clear what I would have done differently and I'm telling you now so that you would not repeat the same mistake that I made when we don't follow what
God says in his word that's pride you may think your heart is in the right place but if your heart is not oriented according to what
God's word says it's actually in the wrong place the bride of Christ is to be pure purge the evil person from among you cleanse out the old leaven that you may be a new lump just as you are in fact unleavened for Christ our
Passover lamb also was sacrificed therefore let us celebrate the feast not with the old leaven nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth heavenly father we ask for your forgiveness for those times when we knew the right way to go and we did not go we went the other way instead we pridefully went our own way as we read in Isaiah 53 all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the
Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all the Passover lamb has been sacrificed that our sins would be forgiven that we may stand before you righteous blameless on the day of judgment and so father we ask for your continued mercy that the old leaven may be cleansed and that we would be a new lump that we would walk in uprightness in holiness before you being sanctified until that great day when the glory of our
Lord Christ appears keep us in your affections in your love and may we show the grace of God to others it's in Jesus name we pray amen for more about our ministry visit us online at www .tt