Book of 1 John - Ch. 5, Vs. 1-13 (01/02/2000)


Pastor David Mitchell


All right, I believe we're in 1st John chapter 5 this afternoon and I'd like for you to Turn to 2nd
Peter 1 4. I'm going to read that verse before we start in this chapter And I just think mainly what we'll talk about this afternoon is the new nature 2nd
Peter 1 4 says whereby are given to us exceeding great and precious promises
That by these you might be partakers of the divine nature and That's an amazing thought isn't it to be partakers of the divine nature and Let's look back at 1st
John chapter 5 now and want to read a
Few of these verses follow along with me whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God And everyone that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him
By this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments
For this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world
Even our faith and who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God And I'd like you to look at verse 18 We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not
But he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked one Toucheth him not and we know that we are of God and the whole world
Lieth in wickedness. So those are the verses I want to look at today. I skipped over and Stole one from brother
Otis next week verse 18, but I want to look at it today Okay, the first thing is
Proof that we love our brothers and sisters look at verse 2 This is an unusual verse if without looking at the verse if I had too late now, you've already looked at it
But if I had asked you how can you prove that you love the brothers and sisters? What?
What would you answer? And you probably would answer things like well, I would do things for them.
I would serve them and so forth and But look at this is such an unusual
Logical statement for us as we think with human logic it almost it almost doesn't make sense
It says by this we know that we love the children of God so God is going to tell us how we can know if we love each other and The way we can know that we love each other is
If we love God and keep his commandments Now, isn't that strange? It points our attention away from each other towards God Normally we would think if we the way to know if we love each other is we would look at each other and focus on Each other and try to give a lot of answers
But God takes our focus off of each other and puts it on him and says now if you love me and you keep my commandments you will prove your love for your brothers and sisters and so a
Lot of the people they go around talking about how how much they love Jesus and how much they love people
They're lying because you can look at their life and you don't see the commandments of God in their life
They they hear the word, but they're not doers of it many times And so God gives us a way to discern
About how people if people really love each other in the church or not And when someone tells you that they love you and tries to make you believe that they do
Just know that it's impossible for them to love you. If they don't love God keep his commandments They can't love you.
All they can do is love themselves. That's what this teaches. Now. The second thing is the definition So that gives you the proof of our
God's definition for how to know when we love each other Now the second thing is what is the definition of the love of God in us?
How do we know if we have the love of God in us look at verse 3 for this is the love of God? That we keep his commandments.
So it's the same answer You know You love each other If you love God and keep his commandments and you know that you have the love of God in you if you keep his commandments
So he says this is the love of God that we keep his commandments and his commandments are not grievous Now that's an important part of the definition.
So This definition for knowing if you have the love of God in you is twofold
Number one if you keep his commandments and number two if why you're doing it, it's not grievous
So let's take a look at this for a minute the part about keeping his commandments Romans chapter 2 verse 13 says for not the hearers of the law are just before God But the doers of the law shall be justified
Now how can we make that square with our understanding of salvation by grace through faith when he says that Those who hear the law will not be justified only those who are doers of the law shall be justified
Well James chapter 1 verse 22 says but be doers of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves
So, how can it be that we can be doers of the word?
Or as it says in Romans chapter 2 doers of the law in order to be justified That's what it says
That we have to be and there are other places in the Bible that says well if you're gonna trust the law Then you have to keep every letter of it the whole law because if you break one point you've broken the whole law well
When you come into this second part it begins to give the answer and they are not grievous well, this word comes from a
Greek word baroos say which means weighty or burdensome or grave
And it's akin to another Greek word, which means to be profound or in other words to be a mystery
Not profound in the way that we use the word today because that would be a good use of the word But what it means is to a person who has the love of God in him he can keep
God's Commandments and God's Commandments are not dark and Mysterious in the sense that they would be to a lost person.
Does that make sense? I mean they they can actually God's law his whole word
Is light to us whereas to a lost person. It's a dark mystery and It's profound in the old usage of the word in such a way that they just it means nothing to them
It's just it's just not interesting to it means nothing to them So When we look at what the scriptures say now
John 8 47 he that is of God heareth God's words Ye therefore hear them not because you are not of God So Jesus was apparently addressing a group of people who were
Satan's seed They were not going to ever be saved and he knew exactly who they were and he said that's why you can't hear what
I'm saying He said what I'm saying doesn't make any sense to you because you're not of God He said he that is of God heareth
God's words kind of like what Jesus said when he said my sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me and First John 2 27 says
But the anointing which we have received of him abideth in you and you need not that any man teach you
But as the same anointing teacheth you of all things And is truth and is no lie and even as it hath taught you you shall abide in him
Interesting verses what about in Matthew 5 17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law
Jesus says or the prophets Have you ever heard anyone say? Well, we're a
New Testament Church. Those things don't apply I've heard people tell me that in this church before believe it or not, but that's a pretty common
Church of Christ line Isn't it where they say? Well, we're a New Testament Church So the Old Testament doesn't apply is what they're getting at But Jesus said
I did not come to destroy the law or the prophets So that includes the entire Old Testament when you include the prophets with it
He said I am NOT come to destroy but to fulfill for verily I say unto you until heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilled and In Romans 6 verse 13
Neither yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin
But yield yourselves unto God as those that are alive from the dead and your members as instruments of righteousness
Unto God for sin shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law, but under grace
Know ye not that to whom you yield yourselves servants to obey his servants You are to whom you obey whether sin unto death or obedience unto righteousness.
So apparently it's possible for a Christian to be obedient But God be thanked that you were servants of sin
But ye have obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which was delivered to you being then made free from sin you become the servants of righteousness and There are far too many people and far too much teaching today on and they call it grace teaching which grace is wonderful if you study
It through the Bible, but there's a thing out there called grace teaching which way if you read their books
It's as if once you get born again, you're under grace. Therefore, therefore The law of God means nothing anymore.
You don't you're when they say you're not bound by the law They mean you don't have to obey God anymore. It's all just covered and that is not true
Jesus in fact said that every jot and every tittle every cross of the tea and every dot of the eye in the entire
Word of God start with Genesis and going through Revelation shall be fulfilled. He said I didn't come to do away with it
So any teaching you hear today where they would teach that Jesus brings grace Moses brought law so we we have nothing to do with the law anymore and It's it's not right because Jesus said
I didn't come to destroy it I came to fulfill it and when we get into that passage in Romans chapter 6, it shows how that happens
It shows the mechanics of how it happens in the heart and life of a Christian it happens because when we died in Christ We were also then risen with him
So that I you know Jesus Christ. I Don't think it was an effort for him to keep the law
I think he kept the law, but he did so because he was he had the Holy Spirit without measure and So for us as we walk in the spirit, it is not an effort to keep the law
That doesn't mean we don't have to keep it It just means it's not an effort for the new man to keep
God's law It does not minimize the importance of his law In fact, it speaks of the law of Christ Which is far more difficult to quote keep than the laws of the
Old Testament because Jesus says well The Old Testament says if you kill a man, that's one thing But I say if you've hated him in your heart, you've already killed him.
That's far more difficult law and So what we find is that we as Christians are not freed from the law in the sense of never having to keep it we're free in the sense that we can keep it and Because we we have we are now no longer servants of sin, but we are servants of righteousness in fact
Ephesians 2 10 Says we are his workmanship created in Christ Jesus unto the purpose of good works
Which God has before? ordained That we shall walk in them so it's all right there for us and That's why the scriptures in 1st
John 5 where it says this is how you know If you have the love of God and use if you keep his commandments because it is impossible
For them to be kept in the flesh Absolutely impossible. It's also impossible to love in the flesh the only way you can have a goth a love is if you're spirit filled and you have to figure out what in the world that Means because the very terminology in the
English Bible is misleading where it says filled I think is we think of a glass being filled or half empty or empty.
That's not good grammar to say half empty, but That's not how it works spirit filled
Means that you the real you which we're gonna look at that in just a moment the real you is in perfect union and communion with the
Holy Spirit Now that's when your spirit filled and at that point You don't have to it is not a an effort to keep
God's laws. It is natural It's funny to use that word because we're talking about spiritual
But it's natural for a spiritual person to keep the laws of God all of them without exception now
Now that brings us to verse 18 in 1st John 5 For we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not now it let me put it this way
Could you say that a person on the one hand is not keeping God's law
But on the other hand, he is not sinning Those don't go together do they
If he is not keeping God's law, what is he doing? He's sinning
But this verse says we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not so what does that imply about the law of God?
He's keeping it Now he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked one toucheth him not now what
I want to talk to you about with regard to that verse just for a moment is the I Who cannot sin?
Think of the letter of the word. I like I'm going to town I I want to talk to you about the
I who cannot sin turn with me to Romans chapter 6 Romans chapter 6 verse 2 says
God forbid How shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therein?
only a lost person would ask the question or make the comment that if it's true that that Sin allows grace to abound and I should go out and sin more
Only a lost person would think like that a saved person would not even it is he's not wired that way he would not think that way and This is what
Paul was answering in this verse. He said well now don't ever say anything like that.
That's ridiculous God forbid that that thought even crossed your mind because how is it even possible if we are dead to sin to ever live in?
It if you're dead to it Have you ever pictured a dead man just laying on the ground?
you can take You can take Anybody you want to take and if they're dead and you lay him on the ground
You can take anything any temptation of this world and pass it right by him and it won't affect him
Nothing will affect him. He's dead to it. And this verse says we are dead to sin.
So, how could we sin? We're not tempted by it. Now. That's interesting, isn't it? Because you know yourself and you say well, how can this be?
Well, we're chapter 6 verse 6 says knowing this that our old man is crucified notice the word is
Doesn't say it shall be and it doesn't say it shall be Every moment it just says it is
The old man is crucified with him. When did that happen? Well, you'd have to identify when he was crucified to figure out when that happened
Because whenever he was crucified is when it happened because your old man was crucified with him
So our old man was crucified with him the body of sin that it might be destroyed
That's strong word this word destroyed That henceforth we should not now you have to understand in the old
English The word should means could sometimes it means would but never means should you take
Ephesians 2 10 is a good example where it says where his workmanship created in Christ Jesus and to how does it say it that?
Two good works that God hath for ordained that we should walk in them The real word means we will we will walk in them doesn't mean we ought to but we don't that's the modern use of the word
Should in the same way in Romans 6 6 where it says so that henceforth we should not serve sin
That does not have any concept of like we shouldn't but we will that is not what it means
So you might as well mark that word out and put the word would in Romans 6 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with him that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we would not serve sin makes no sense for it to mean should because if it's
Crucified and destroyed what possibility is there of its sinning? Zero you go into the
Greek the word means would not should and even in Old English like 1611 English The word should most often meant
Would I'm trying to think of an example where I could use it in English where it means that Can't think of one right now, but we still use the word should to mean would sometimes today
Now turn to Romans chapter 7 verse 15 Romans 7 15 the eye who cannot sin
For that which I do I allow not For what I would that do
I not but what I hate that I do Now I want to ask you something in that verse the word
I is used many times in that verse Who is it is this person the one who is calling himself
I is he enjoying it when he finds himself sinning No, it says for that which
I do I allow not in other words. I just did something that I don't even allow Is he happy about it?
No, and he says for what I would I Don't do it
Now aren't there things in our lives like things that we know God has told us to do and We didn't do it today
And I would have done it, but I didn't have you ever had that feeling You look back at last week.
You'll remember right yesterday this morning The thing that which I would
I didn't do it But what I hate That I do so apparently this was a sinful thing that he found himself doing but he hated it
The person who is the I there hates these things that are done that are wrong and he hates the idea that he doesn't do
Things that are right that he should have done now look at verse 16 if then
I do that which I would not do I Consent unto the law that it is good
So the real I there is in perfect agreement with God's law Now look at this
Verse 17 now, therefore this is the conclusion It is no more.
I That do it But sin that dwelleth in me and he goes on to say that is in my flesh and so forth
Now what we can conclude from this is that as Paul is speaking here under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit in chapter 7 7 verses 15 through 17 This is the new man speaking
This is the real Paul because because the old man has already been crucified and Has been destroyed that he might not any longer serve sin
So he says I am NOT doing these things Isn't that interesting?
We're not a sinner Saved by grace you are saved by grace, but you're not a sinner anymore.
You were one time a sinner and When you get saved you ceased you ceased to be a sinner
Because the the part of you that would sin has been crucified in Christ already and destroyed
Now you say well, then how do I find myself sinning? Well, the problem is you're living in chapter 7 instead of chapter 8
And go home figure that one out, but it's not a big deal It's absolutely the truth if you find yourself sinning and you're just like Paul and you say well
I hate that and you better be saying that or you're not saved You're not saying I hate that which
I did then you're not a saved person but if you are
Saved and you still find yourself saying well, I hate that I did that go in to chapter 8 and live there
Because if you get into that mode You cannot sin and that's what first John chapter 5 verse 18 is saying
We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not does not sin The new man will not and cannot sin because he has the nature of God It's he's the nature of God has been imparted to you and that is in fact the real you and that's the only way you can figure out what first John 5 18 is
Talking about now, what is the whole key to the Christian life then? Is it trying to strive to keep God's law?
I'm sure it doesn't hurt to know what they are by studying does it? But if you're striving to keep it, you're in the flesh because the new man doesn't have to strive
Isn't that interesting? Reckon the old man to be dead
Paul said he is dead Reckoning dead now. What is that talking about?
That's a faith term if you ask me It's a faith. It's almost synonymous with have faith that he's dead
You won't reckon him dead if you don't believe he's dead Now you won't believe he's dead unless you believe
God was telling the truth when he said I crucified him in Christ So it's a matter of faith so if you believe
God is telling you the truth when he tells you the old man is already completely destroyed and That the new man cannot sin if you don't believe that you can send
Not the real you but you'll find your body doing it and you're living in it, aren't you? And you'll say oh,
I hate that and That's kind of the mechanics behind it.
So if we don't walk by faith, we will sin Whatsoever you you do if it's not in faith
It is sin the Bible says it all fits together when we start to understand so being the spirit filled life is the key to keeping the laws
Of God and figuring out what it means to be spirit filled is is really important Because if we live there, we don't have to strive to keep
God's laws. It's it's just natural and Unfortunately, sometimes we don't live there though Do we we don't reckon we don't count the old man to be dead and somehow he becomes alive not in reality
But to our thinking and Satan tricks us and deceives us And we'll follow along after that dead old man for a while It's like carrying a car carcass around on your back and listening to what it says
That's what we do sometimes So but the real you is not a sinner and cannot sin and will never sin
So what is a great key to going out of here and getting up in the morning and avoiding sin?
Is there anywhere in the Bible that says you have to sin every day? Is there where it says you have to sin every week or every month or every year?
There are places where it says you will First John even talks about it, but there's no place where it says you have to Because the possibility is there every morning when you get up in the morning to walk filled with the spirit
So that your spirit the real you is walking in perfect unity and communion with The Lord and you will not cannot sin in that mode.
So the key is to stay in that mode Isn't it? Now let's look talk about one other thing though That verse is not by itself that verse 18 is kind of interesting as you read down through here
It says we know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself
That is interesting we should study that someday but not today Because I hadn't put enough thought into it to go for a couple hours on that one phrase.
Yes, sir It is not that's interesting
Right now you now that's interesting. So that's why I didn't want to talk about it I hadn't studied it yet like he has but the that doesn't surprise me because when you find the word
Himself Normally in the New Testament it is the word self and it's in the negative sense.
It's like selfishness and when Jesus talks about the abundant life the whole key is that if you live in Self you die.
You cannot have life if you're selfish So that that's interesting. But what
I was gonna say about it is this the the begotten of God keepeth him is what it says
All right. Now, that's interesting Not only does that happen but look at this the wicked one toucheth him not why is that He can't touch the new man
It he can't and the old man's dead. You can put all that stuff in front of him. It doesn't faze him because he's dead
But now look at verse 19. This is interesting and we know that we are of God now, who's the we there?
Just Us Baptists That's what some people think what who is the we
It's the elect These are God's people That he loved before anything was made
Go back into Deuteronomy 6 and 7 and read in through some of the Old Testament about how it says
God set His love upon us before anything was made That Word set is a big word in my study in 1999
I mean now I focused on that concept a lot this past year that God's love was set upon his own before anything
Was except God That's a forever kind of love. His love has been on you forever and You can play with time all you want, but you're outside of time now
You're you're outside of time and God is eternal and that love that he has for you has been set on you
And only way we can talk about it is to use time words like has been set But it's just there was never a time when
God loved you Because there's never been a time when he didn't that makes sense and There was a day when you figured it out and found out about it and you say well
I got saved that day and you did and the light came on and then it may have been years later through your
Study you figured out how awesome that love is that it was set on you before anything was made So therefore it had nothing to do with the works you did or anything about you
It was about him. He chose out of his pleasure to set his love upon you
That's awesome But now this is kind of interesting That's who's included in the we isn't it back focus.
Come on focus Verse 19 we know that we are of God That's the ones that his love was set on before the foundation of the world go into Ephesians chapter 1 if you need to review that Ephesians chapter 1 and read the whole chapter
But this is who the we is but now this is interesting because there's another group discussed here
And we know that we are of God and the whole now look at that word whole How much is whole?
I'm gonna trick you now. I've learned this from a friend of mine. I ask you a tricky question
The whole world how much is who is that? Don't even read the rest of the verse yet. Just tell me who is the whole world
You're giving me a smart aleck answer. It's true, but Please be quiet so that I can trick someone
All right Who is the whole world? Now I told him it's a trick nobody will say anything
Now now now now you live with me. It's not fair for you to talk either someone else
Beat me up Scotty Yeah, okay. No. No, here's here's my point.
I think you'll follow me here Wouldn't you agree that when when the average person especially someone who doesn't study much?
He's not been in the word Anytime they see the phrase the whole world they think that means every human being on the earth
Wouldn't you think that would be pretty? Plausible and even when it has the word whole in front of it
I mean, it really sounds like it means that doesn't it but does it mean that in this verse? Well, let's read it and we know that we are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness now
It's interesting to kind of look at the Greek on that because it really says and the whole world lieth in the lap of the wicked one
Whoa? Did you give me that? I? Don't need it's in my margin
But you check that out now, that's right. I give you goosebumps Now, let me ask you a question if whole world means
Everyone in the world that's alive today Then would that include you? Under that definition if whole world means every human being on the face of the earth
Then you are now lying in the lap of the wicked one Are you following my logic
It's not very good logic is it but it sounds good, doesn't it? A lot of logic sounds good to to to the novice
No You have to be so careful interpreting the scriptures
There are some rules that must be applied. You can't just read a verse and say well the word says whole world
That's what it means doesn't always mean what it says in that sense because you have to take every verse in the
Bible and Hold it against the entire scriptures and it cannot contradict one other verse
If it does you just read it wrong Blame it on yourself God didn't make a mistake.
He said it exactly, right It's just that in all of grammar you have to use the context you have to use the greater meaning of the whole passage
It's in and with with the Word of God when we're dealing with an author who cannot contradict himself
Then you have to use the scriptures to interpret the scriptures. That's difficult for some people to do because they don't study much
Now, let me tell you about three worlds that are found in the Bible and this just illustrates it
It's not a reason I chose to bring it up today because it happens to be in the chapter that we're studying But if verse 19 says that we know we are of God and the whole world lies in wickedness
Then apparently there are at least two worlds In this verse it speaks of two worlds.
There is the world of the elect Which is the we in the first part of verse 19 the ones who are of God and there's the second world it's the world of Satan in the world used in the bad sense of the word
Right, would you agree that there are two worlds in that verse? So when it says the whole world it does not include all of everything
You have to understand which world God's talking about. It does include the whole world of Satan's seed
Are you with me? It includes the entire complete whole world of Satan's seed
Those are the people who are not going to be saved. You're gonna spend eternity in hell
God knows exactly who they are and Jesus knew who they were when he was walking on this earth
He looked in some people's eyes and he says you are not of God You're of your father the devil and your father's deeds you shall do
He says you are not of God for if you're of God you would hear God's words He said you shall die in your sins for if you believe not that I am you shall die in your sins
He said if you loved the father, you would also love me he therefore do not love the father because you don't love me and he knew who they were and To it's not even a matter of debate about whether there is a certain number of people that are elect
Chosen out of a fallen race that should have totally been annihilated by our logic And there's a certain other number of people who are not going to go to heaven because they're not of this group
Now verse 19 speaks of both groups It's interesting that in verse 19
When it uses the concept of the whole world it is speaking of the non elect if you want to call them that the ones
Who are Satan's? People his children and it means every single one of them
Lies in the lap of the wicked one well That presents a little problem for some people who don't understand these things
But really what it does for it for you is it will clear up a lot of things about how to interpret Scripture where it?
Does not contradict itself So we have number one at least one world and let's call it the world of the lost
And it's taught it's spoken of in the second half of verse 19 Let me give you some other verses that that deal with this look at first John chapter 2 verse 15
Let's talk about the world of the lost for a moment the world of Satan Satan's seed This is the world in the negative sense used in the
Bible. You see it many many places Jesus talks about it a lot and Here John talks about it under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit love not the world Neither the things that are in the world now Let me ask you this if world means all of the people in the world then
I'm telling you not to love each other You Got to follow my logic now if world always means every human being in the world
Then this verse is teaching you not to love each other because By that definition the world means every human being and it says not to love the world so you can't love each other
Well, we know that's nonsense. Don't we so there are a lot of times when our minds just interpret this correctly
We don't even know what we're doing I mean, it's just logical that this is not talking about everybody in the world
It's talking about Satan's world His world system that part of the world that he's touched with his hand and those people that he possesses
Love not the world Neither the things that are in the world if any man loved the world the love of the father is not in him
Does that mean that God doesn't love this negative part of the world? It says if you love this part of the world
God's love is not even in you So does God love everything about every single person and everything in the in the world today?
Absolutely not. Now if that's true of first John 2 15, it's also true John 3 16, which we're gonna get to in just a moment
For all that is in the world. Let me ask you a question. What does the word all mean? Careful because the novice would tell you what it means everything all the time
It doesn't always mean all because you got to know which world God's talking about For all that is of the world is not of the father
That's what that verse says now So the word all there doesn't mean every single person and everything in the whole world does it?
It can't it only means every single thing in Satan's world for all that is in Satan's world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is not of the father but is of the part of that aspect of the world system that Satan Has been given to control and the people that are part of it and the world passes away
God says and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of God abides forever now
We're talking about a different person in a different group now in John 17 14
Jesus talks about the same World the world of the lost. He says I have given them thy word and the world hateth them
Because they are not of the world even as I am NOT of the world So if we take the definition of the world to mean every living human being on the earth
We have a problem because it says then we hate each other Because it says the world hates me.
Well if you're part of the world, then you got to hate me, too That doesn't make any sense So obviously in John 17 14,
Jesus is speaking of a different world than the world of the elect He's speaking of the world of Satan's seed
That world will hate every single one of you in this room Because you are not greater than the master and it hated the master
So John 17 14 I've given them thy word and the world hath hated them world cannot include every person
Because it does certainly doesn't include those of you in this room today Not this word for world because they are not of the world leaves none
Even as I am NOT of the world So Jesus was certainly not part of the world in the negative use of the word and neither are we?
So my question and I already asked it early, but I had it in my notes does the world
Mean does the word world mean every person in the world? No, it never means every person in the world
It has to be you have to know the context of the passage to know whether we're talking about Satan's world or God's world in first John 3 14
We know that we have passed from death unto life Because we love the brethren he that loveth not his brother abideth in death
So that proves we're not part of that world that hates the brothers So the world of the lost does not include the saved
Did you hear me? the world of the lost does not include the saved the world of the non elect does not include the elect and The only way we can tell this is the world of the lost or the non elect is by the context
Not by the grammatical word itself because it sounds to us
It always means the whole world But it doesn't now there is a second world in the Bible and it's the world of the elect or you might call it the world of the saved or from our point of view and in time we'd have to say the world of all those who are saved have been saved and shall be saved and Let's look at a couple of verses where it speaks of that world.
Look at first John 2 2 and He is the propitiation of our sins and Not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world
Now notice the same phrase whole world is Used that we saw a moment ago in the verse where we all agreed that did not include any saved people.
Remember that Where it said the whole world lieth in wickedness or lieth in the wicked one first John chapter 5 verse 19
It doesn't mean the whole world in first John 5 19 We agreed on that, but it's very difficult for some people today to agree that in first John 2 2
It doesn't mean the whole world In fact, they'll use that and say well you're just twisting the scripture
So it says whole world and you're saying it doesn't mean the whole world Whereas if they looked at first John 5 19 and you said that's not the whole world
They'd agree immediately because they wouldn't want to say that the Christians are part of this being in the lap of Satan So it just depends on which verse you're in to determine whether they would agree that doesn't always mean whole world or not
It does not and we have to understand this. This is not new by the way.
We're just having to remember it If you go back in history Well, we went back
Sunday before last as far back as 1688 and read the Baptist Confession of the English Baptists and then of the
American Baptists a hundred years later and 1700s and both of them spoke very eloquently about how
God is sovereign and how Jesus Christ died for his own Not for the whole world, but for his own very eloquently
Baptists have believed that all the way up to the year 1920 and you can start to study
Baptist history right in about between 1920 and up to 1950 when John R. Rice was alive and began to write to write and it began to be eroded and Chipped away to now you have
Baptists who some some of them believe that Jesus actually died for Satan's seed and for Satan himself and That God loves everything and everybody and and if you don't teach that you're a heretic now
Well, that's okay Maybe they won't call us Baptists anymore. They call us heretics That's great
But now look at first John 2 2 and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only
But also for the sins of the whole world. Does that mean that Jesus? propitiated
God's wrath For every single human being that ever lived on the face of this earth for all time
If it does mean that then Then every single person is going to be in heaven
Because to propitiate God's wrath means to completely and utterly Satisfy his justice and his wrath and if that's ever done for anybody they're going to heaven
Because there is no righteous basis to condemn them to hell if God has been propitiated Does that make sense?
So it cannot mean that he was the propitiation for the whole world if what you mean by the world is every living human being
That's ever been there or who's here now? Jesus died for the world of the elect
He did not die for the whole world in the sense of every human being now I'll tell you this you don't always know who they are
Do you? if you went across street tried to pick out who would get saved and who wouldn't you'd pick all the nice -looking ones and the handsome
And pretty ones say well those are you know? I can witness to them because they'll listen to me and you'd take the old gruff
Street people and all the most scary looking people out there. Yeah, they were there You know, there's the mark of Cain on that person.
I'm not gonna talk to them and and that's how we would be but the great Spurgeon the prince of preachers among the
Baptists Sometimes one time somebody came up to him and tried to trick him and said now mr. Spurgeon How do you reconcile the sovereignty of God in the will of man and he said
I don't have to reconcile friends He said it all fits together. If you just understand the scriptures and they said well
Why would you go witness to anybody if you believe God's sovereign and he's chosen who's gonna be saved? He said cuz God didn't write a yellow put a yellow stripe down their back.
I Don't know who they are He just commanded me to give the gospel to every creature everything that moves and so he said that's what
I do And that really is exactly the way it has to be Now in Romans chapter 4 verse 13, it says for the promise that he should be the heir of the world
Was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law But through the righteousness of faith now, there's another case where the world doesn't mean the whole world because Abraham Was the heir of the world now?
He obviously is not the heir of the same world that God said don't love the world neither the things that are in the world
Why would he want to be an heir of that world? He's an heir of God's world he's an heir of the world the way it would have been if Adam and Eve had stayed in the
Garden of Eden and not sinned and Had children and those children of theirs would have been all the
God's seed and none of them would have sinned theoretically That's the world. Listen, you want to make this easy?
It's a little it's a little difficult and you have to study and maybe I'm trying to take some of you I mean I start
I start the book of Genesis with the depravity of man and go all the way through the Bible I'm trying to bring some of you in way over here and I know that not everybody's there yet.
That's okay But let me make it easy go forward in time Would everyone agree with me that there is going to be a time after the millennial period where it says
God wipes away all the tears And all the things of old are going to be taken out of taken away and all things will be new
I almost preached on that for New Year's all things shall be new he says When we get to that place, how many lost people are going to be there?
None how many people who were Whoremongers and rapists and liars and all that are going to be in the abominable.
How many of those are going to be there? Not one Well, whose world is that out there by the way?
That's God's world. That's the cosmos. That's the world of order cosmos means order.
That's the world of order This is the way it would have been had there never been sin in the garden theoretically.