Babylon & The New World Order (Sermon Audio)

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Sermon from Revelation 13. Preached in April 2020 at Moores Corner Church Leverett, MA #prophecy #endtimes


All right, we are going to be looking at Revelation chapter 13 The title of this morning's message is
Babylon in the new world order take a look at Revelation 13 verses 1 through 4 then
I stood on the sand of the sea and I saw a beast rising up out of the sea having seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his
Heads a blasphemous name now the beast which I saw was like a leopard
His feet were like the feet of a bear in his mouth like the mouth of a lion And the dragon gave him his power his throne and great
Authority and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded and his deadly wound was healed
And all the world marveled and followed the beast So they worshipped the dragon who gave authority to the beast and they worshipped the beast
Saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him?
So as we begin it's important to understand that Revelation chapters 11 12 and 13
Mark the midpoint of the seven -year tribulation also known as Daniel's 70th week we are at the event known as the abomination of desolation the
Antichrist sits in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem and he declares himself to be
God. This is a prophecy This is something the Bible says will happen in the future
Jesus talks about this in the Olivet Discourse of Matthew chapter 24 the
Apostle Paul spoke of it in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 and I'd like to read that section 2nd
Thessalonians 2 verses 1 through 4 Paul says now brethren Concerning the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ and are gathering together to him. We ask you not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled
Either by spirit or by word or by letter as if from us as though the day of Christ had come
Listen now he says let no one deceive you by any means For that day will not come unless the falling away comes first in the man of sin is
Revealed. This is the one we call the Antichrist the son of perdition Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called
God or that is worshiped? So that he sits as God in the temple of God showing himself that he is
God so the Antichrist will rise to power during the first three and a half years and then the final three and a half years or 42 months is basically when he rules the world as the dictator from hell
We see this in Revelation 13 verse 5 He was given a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months
Which is three and a half years. So this is where things get real And I say that because there is a clear movement in the world today that seeks to bring all nations together and eventually all religions together and all economic systems together globalism the
United Nations also an attack on what is called nationalism and Borders we hear about Globalism and this is all leading us to a one -world government
It may be in the near future. It may be in the distant future, but also consider there's ecumenicalism along with the interfaith
Movement, what is this doing preparing the way trying to bring all religions together?
So there's a movement to bring all nations together There's a movement to bring all religions together to where the
Pope on the Catholic side and this is true You just go search this on the internet It wouldn't be hard to find the videos the
Pope on the Catholic side and even Billy Graham on the Protestant side I have both stated on record that all religions can get you to God The Church of Jesus Christ needs to wake up and realize what's happening.
What's happening right in our own generation It's happening right before our eyes The groundwork is being laid for what is to come and Satan or the dragon has been working on this plan for a long
Long time, you know, I suspect that the devil through every generation has had his candidate or candidates
For the Antichrist, it's a matter of God restraining him But when that restraint is lifted, this is going to happen and it's going to happen fast
So this will be the outline for the message from Revelation 13 a one -world government
That's verses 1 through 10 a one -world religion. That's verses 11 through 15 And then finally a one -world economy that's verses 16 through 18
So the Antichrist also called the beast in chapter 13 will rule over this one -world government which is later called
Babylon and religiously mystery Babylon Now before we continue,
I'd like you to turn to the book of Acts Acts chapter 17 because I want to make something clear
I used a few terms globalism and Nationalism and these are relevant terms.
We hear a lot about these days So what does the Bible teach does the Bible want?
Or is the Bible teach that all people all nations should come together as a one world community
Is that what the name of the Bible teaches or does it teach separate nations? We'll take a look at Acts 17 verse 26.
It says that God has made from one blood Okay, there's there's not multiple races
There's not the white race and the black race and the Arab race and the Asians and we're one people
There's only one race the human race. We're all from one blood That's what he says that God has made us from one blood
He's made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on the face of the earth and he has determined their
Pre -appointed times and the boundaries or the borders if you will of their dwellings
So separate nations with boundaries or borders. This is what the
Lord wants Globalism or certainly a one -world government is not what the
Lord wants and why does the Lord want it this way? Why does he want boundaries? We'll look at Acts 17 again verse 26 and then verse 27 that he that is
God has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth and has Determined their pre -appointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings so that they should seek
The Lord in the hope that they might grope for him and find him though.
He is not far from each one of us Now turn to Genesis chapter 11
Genesis chapter 11. This is the account of the Tower of Babel after the flood
Noah Was told by the Lord Noah and his sons be fruitful and multiply
And fill the earth. This is what God wanted mankind to do increase in number
Multiply and fill the earth spread out and cover the whole World but as usually happens
God says one thing and mankind decides to do the exact Opposite and look at Genesis 11 starting in verse 1
Now the whole world had one language and one speech so they are all together
And it came to pass As they journeyed from the east that they found a plane in the land of Shinar and they dwelt there and they said to one
Another come let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly and they had brick for stone and they had asphalt
For mortar and they said come let us build a city For ourselves in a tower whose top is in the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves
Lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth, which is what the Lord told them to do
So was God pleased at this one world community and one language they're all together this made the
Lord happy right wrong verse 5 but the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built and The Lord said indeed the people are one and they all have one language and this is what they began
To do that now nothing that they do or nothing they propose will be withheld from them
And notice what the Lord says here come let us go down there So the
Lord is referring to himself in plural form, which we know is a reference to the
Trinity come let us go down there and Confuse their language that they may not understand one another speech
So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth and they ceased building the city therefore its name is called
Babel Because there the Lord confused the language of all the earth and from there the
Lord scattered them abroad over the face of all The earth so mankind had one language the people were united, but here's the problem
They were united in their rebellion against God and in the end times the
Antichrist is going to have his kingdom Babylon a one -world System and it's going to be united against the
Lord Jesus Christ against God the Antichrist after all is Antichrist So a few things to point out
This is the concept the beginning of the concept of Babylon here in Genesis 11
Babel becomes Babylon Babylon becomes a world empire and that same spirit that was in Babylon has been transferred to Rome in Revelation 17 because Babylon and then mystery
Babylon, so there's the government part and then there's the religion part the Babylonian mystery religion
It's located in Rome the city on seven hills. You can see that in Revelation 17 verse 9
So that spirit of false religion is transferred from Babylon to Rome So you have
Babel Babylon the world empire that spirit is transferred to Rome Which has many of the things from the
Babylonian mystery religion of the Queen of Heaven, etc And you know, there's there's a contrast in the book of Revelation There is the true religion the false religion the true church the false church
There's the Bride of Christ arrayed and pure white and then there is the harlot or the whore of Babylon as Revelation 17 talks about in the
King James version of the Bible. So the point is a one -world system They've already tried that in Genesis 11 the
Lord Confounded their language the devil is going to try it again. And this one world system has never been
God's will So we see that in the first book of the Bible Genesis we see it in the last book of the
Bible Revelation so this is a a common theme, you know, God is always at work.
Amen Well, unfortunately, the devil is always at work now turn back to Revelation chapter 13
So point number one is the devil's plan Or the dragon's plan for a one -world government verse 1
Bible reads Revelation 13 verse 1 then I stood on the sand of the sea in some
Translations say that it is the dragon who stands on the sand of the sea and we'll see why that may be important in a moment
But I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. So this is a beast a ferocious animal a monster and there is symbolism and that the beast has seven heads and ten horns and on his horns ten crowns and on his heads a blasphemous name now the beast which
I saw is like a leopard his feet were like the feet of the bear his mouth the mouth like The mouth of a lion and the dragon gave him his power his throne and great
Authority now when compared to verses from the book of Daniel and verses elsewhere in Revelation We see that these seven heads are likely a reference to the seven world empires in biblical history there is
Egypt Assyria Babylon Medo -Persia Greece Rome and then what we believe will be a revival of the
Roman Empire so the Antichrist appears or the little horn appears to come out of a coalition of ten kings or ten nations and Again, we get this from the book of Daniel.
I believe chapter 7 So in the end times this world ruler the beast or the
Antichrist He ascends to power and he is either indwelt by or at the very least empowered by the devil
Look at verse 3 or the dragon as he's called verse 3 and I saw one of his heads as if it had been
Mortally wounded now didn't say it is mortally wounded said as if it had been
Mortally wounded so his deadly wound was healed in all the world Marveled I mean they're standing in wonder and they followed the beast
So this would indicate that there is most likely a a false resurrection event
So the beast will appear to have died Maybe he really will have died and then is brought back to life by the spirit of Satan himself
That's possible But at least he will to have appear to have died and then his deadly wound will be healed
It's like well, he rose from the dead. He must be he must be Christ. He must be God and after all the
Antichrist is Is he is a false Christ? He's an imitation.
He's he's an imposter So Jesus rose from the dead the
Antichrist appears to have risen from the dead Jesus had his Prophet to pave the way
John the Baptist the Antichrist will have his false prophet Jesus could perform miracles and signs and wonders the beast will have his lying signs and wonders
Jesus had a ministry of how long Three and a half years. Well, the beast will be given authority to continue for 42 months or three and a half
Years now look at verses three and four So they worship the dragon who gave authority to the beast
And they worship the beast saying who is like the beast who is able to make war with him and he was given a mouth
Speaking great things and blasphemies and he was given authority to continue for 42 months
Also, Jesus had God the Father. Well, the beast will have his father the devil
Jesus was worshipped as God the Antichrist will be worshipped as God There is the
Holy Trinity of Father Son and Spirit Then there is the Satanic Trinity the dragon the beast and the false
Prophet and we will read about him Make reference to him a little later on but going back to Revelation 13 verse 1
You know if it is the dragon who's standing on the sand of the sea Pastor and Bible teacher
John MacArthur says this that this is Satan taking his position in the midst of the nations of the world represented by the sand of the sea the sea represents the
Abyss or the pit the haunt of demons. So this would be a picture of Satan summoning a powerful demon from the abyss
Who then activates and controls the beast and his Empire so at this point if the beast has authority over the entire earth and Then he comes back from the dead
So, you know something happens to him someone maybe tries to assassinate him and then he comes back from the dead
It's no surprise that the whole world will Marvel, they will stand in wonder
And back in Revelation 11 verse 7 the beast is able to do what no man has ever done before for three and a half years the two witnesses
Minister and basically the people of the earth. They hate the two witnesses The two witnesses torment the people of the earth and no man can touch them.
No man can kill them But the beast is To kill them so the beast kills the two witnesses
He does what no man could do and that results in the world saying who is like the beast Who is able to make war with him?
He was able to kill the two witnesses We've been trying to do that for three and a half years But the beast did it we will follow him.
He is the savior of the world. And of course he claims To be God and he has this false miracles that seem to confirm that so the people will believe
The Antichrist Jesus came unto his own his own did not receive him But the people will believe the
Antichrist Jesus said in John chapter 5 verse 43. I Have come in my father's name and you do not receive me if another comes in his own name
You will receive him. So this is the pattern of human history.
Is it not, you know, God speaks the truth man chooses to believe the lie
The Lord gives the Ten Commandments mankind breaks the Ten Commandments God sends
Christ the world rejects Christ Satan provides the Antichrist The Antichrist is embraced
Look at verses 6 and 7 Then he opened his mouth and blasphemy against God to blaspheme his name his tabernacle and those who dwell in Heaven and it was granted to him to make war with the
Saints and to overcome them and Authority was given to him over every tribe every tongue and every nation
So this is your one world government because the Antichrist has authority over all the nations
Look at verse 8 in all who dwell on the earth and that's a phrase
That's pointed at or referring to unbelievers They will do what they will worship him
They will worship him and then we see this interesting statement about those who worship the beast that their names have not been written in the book of life of the
Lamb slain from the foundation of The world you see the
Lord knows his people and the Lord will protect his people. He knows Who belongs to him and he has written their names in the
Lamb's Book of Life from the foundation of the world What is? Ephesians 1 4 and 5 tell us that God has chosen us in Christ From before the foundation of the world that we should be holy and without blame before him in love having predestined us to the adoption of sons
By Jesus Christ to himself according to the good pleasure of his will So the point is no true believer will ever worship the
Antichrist No true believer will ever take the mark of the beast
That is one thing that we do not have to worry about. Oh the world will follow the
Antichrist The world they'll take the mark true believer will not and Jesus himself
Warned us about how false Christ will rise up and they will show great signs and wonders
That if possible even to deceive the very elect, of course, thank the
Lord that is not possible So God will preserve the salvation of his own and then
John goes on to write if anyone has an ear Let him hear He who leads into captivity
Shall go into captivity and he who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword
Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints so in the last days all
Authority is given to the beast over every nation tribe and tongue
That is the dragon's plan for a one -world Government now point number two the dragon's plan for a one -world religion
Revelation 13 verse 11, then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth and he had two horns like a lamb but he spoke like a dragon and he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence and Causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast whose deadly wound was healed and he performs great signs
So that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men
And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs Which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast
Telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived and he was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast so that the image of the beast should both speak and Cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed
So you have here a one -world religion in that all people of the earth will worship this man the
Antichrist and as I've said before We identify the first beast as the
Antichrist and then the second beast He is known as the false prophet He's mentioned
Revelation 16 verse 13 Revelation 19 verse 20 and Revelation 20 verse 10.
They all talk about the beast and the false prophet So what is the role of the false prophet?
Well again, Jesus had his prophet John the Baptist who prepared the way make
Straight the paths of the Lord and he directed people to worship Jesus, you know He must increase
I must decrease don't worship me. Don't follow me follow him worship him
And that's what the false prophet is going to do. He is going to direct people to worship the
Antichrist he even makes an image of the beast and this image has the appearance as if it's alive and it can speak and Some have suggested that these this image is an an idol like a carved image
But with modern technology, it wouldn't be difficult to imagine that it had the ability to talk
Some theorize that it could be a a hologram, you know, we don't really know. We don't really know what it is
We don't know what the mark of the beast will be. We'll talk about that in a moment But here is the point it doesn't matter necessarily for us what it is
People who are living during the end times they will know at least the redeemed of God will be able to recognize
That's the Antichrist. That's the image. That's the mark Okay, so we might not know but this is for the people living in that time period so they will know
So there is this one world religion and it's going to be established and the object of its worship
Will be the beast or the Antichrist and again, he sits in the temple of God declaring himself that he is
God Now here's the challenge. Here's the question people ask and it's a good question.
It's a reasonable question How can a man bring all religions together?
How is that possible? Well, there is a motivating factor you do realize that Few things first of all the beast he has ultimate political power
He's going to be an impressive figure. There's no question about that There is also satanic deception going on There's false miracles a false resurrection event or maybe an actual resurrection.
We're not exactly sure So no doubt the false prophet when he talks about the beast
He's going to tell people what they're inclined to believe and what they want to hear. That's what all false prophets do
And you know if all of that doesn't work, there's one thing that will seal the deal What is that you either worship the
Antichrist or you will be beheaded you either worship the beast or die? And the
Bible says that the fearful or the cowardly Will be cast into the lake of fire.
So even if you don't want to believe these people don't believe in God These are the people of the earth who have rejected the true
God. They've rejected Christ God for his people He has not given us a spirit of fear
But Satan according to Hebrews 2 controls the people of this world through the fear of death
So the Antichrist when he says either worship me or die the people of this earth will be cowardly
They won't stand up for him. They've rejected the true God. They rejected the Spirit of God They will try to preserve their own lives, which is what you would probably expect
They will be fearful Even if they don't want to give in and worship the image and take the mark and bow to the
Antichrist They will do it of course most of the world will be happy to do it because The Antichrist is going to come on the scene at a time which will be there'll be warfare and pestilence and disease
And he's going to be the guy who appears to have all the answers. He's going to Be able to solve the world's problems or so he says
So the threat of death can be a real Motivator, of course, this is why true believers in Christ during the tribulation
This is why they will be persecuted and many will die because they refuse to take the mark
They refuse to bend the knee and I suspect that the Beast Here's my theory on how he's going to bring all religions together
He will probably allow all religions to keep their traditions Their headscarves their incense their idols their temples all of those that keep doing what you're doing
There's just one thing. I want to add one requirement. That's all either worship me or He'll say worship me most will do it and the ones who don't want to do it
Well either worship me or die and again that will be a real Motivator, so I suspect that's how he's going to do it.
Keep doing your religion You have practice your religion. I'm just going to have one request.
That's one one little thing, right? and consider that many religions are
Very open in adding new beliefs It's called liberalism exists within every religion
And also consider that just about every religion they have they have a place they have an opening for or they are looking forward to the coming of a person so This man the
Antichrist. There's a place for him in just about every religion Let me explain the Jews don't believe in Jesus, right?
So the Jews in their mind. They're still looking for the Messiah They are waiting for the
Christ now the true Christ already came they rejected him, but they're waiting for Their Christ and they'll get him the
Antichrist. Okay, so That's the Jewish religion. Of course the Islamic religion.
They have their Messiah figure the Mahdi or the 12th Imam Catholicism, of course has the papacy where the
Pope is considered to be Christ on earth. He is the Vicar of Christ the
Holy Father Buddhism and Hinduism, by the way, the term
Antichrist doesn't just mean you're against Christ It means you're a an imitation of Christ one who stands in the place of Christ and that's what
Vicar of Christ means Buddhism and Hinduism teaches
Reincarnation so any of their religion he could say I'm the Buddha Reincarnated and that would fit within their system.
So all the world religions have a place For this man, and he will appeal to all no doubt
He will be a charismatic figure and again if it were possible, he would even deceive
Christians But that's not possible because of eternal security God protects and preserves his own
So the Antichrist will likely attempt to use a biblical phrase to be all things to all men and he will be
Successful at it, of course The Lord's going to eventually cast him into the lake of fire where he'll be tormented day and night forever and ever but he will
Have his time period upon the earth And of course the earth will be in a state of chaos again warfare pestilence
Disease, so he will be welcomed as the man poised to solve all the world's problems
You know, that's this is what the world is looking for. The world is looking to see the Christians are looking for the
Christ The world whether they know it or not. They are looking for their Savior who will be the
Antichrist now One major problem will almost certainly
Exist at this time period of the Tribulation What's this problem?
What is this thing? That's gonna be on people's mind. It's always on people's minds The economy money this is what drives the world lust and greed
So everyone's always thinking about money in the economy And this leads us to point number three point number one the dragons plan for a one -world government
Point number two the dragons plan for a one -world religion and now point number three the dragons plan for a one -world economy
Take a look at verse 16 and he causes all both small and great rich and poor
Slave and free to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads that no one may buy or sell
Except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.
Here is wisdom Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man
His number is six six Six, so the number of six six six is very well known and people often identify it with the devil, which is
Understandable, but notice what the scripture says it is the number of a man So in the scripture
Seven is the number of God and seven represents perfection Completeness, but the number of man is six so man falls short, right?
So what is Six six six. What does that mean? Well, the bottom line is we don't we don't really know but when these things happen
There will be some way to identify the beast with this number But the point is nobody will be able to do business
Nobody will be able to buy or sell you won't be able to shop. They won't allow you into the grocery stores
You won't be able to you know, get your medication They won't allow you to do just just about anything you need the mark of the beast
And if you don't take the mark, what are they going to do? They're going to the Antichrist will kill you
So you're not going to be able to buy or sell and considering we're moving towards a cashless society
I mean, I never have any cash on me. Most people don't even carry cash anymore You know if a mugger tries to rob me he's gonna be pretty disappointed
But you can understand if we're moving towards a cashless society It would be very simple for a government to control all of this
You have the mark where you don't have the mark you can't get in you scan it and hey
This is very possible. Even now with the technology we have it's very possible
We can see how this could take place So the government could control this the means of production and distribution buying selling a food medicine merchandise
Etc. So in conclusion, what's the takeaway? Right. What's the takeaway just to give you a detailed description of the end times?
Well, that would be valuable enough But no, that's not the main concern on my heart.
Not really because the odds are whether it's the rapture of the church or Whether it's just the timing of all this, you know, we might not even be here for this
So if we're not here for this then why worry about it that's probably the thought someone might have well you might be here
That's that's another thing and you want to know these things But number one all scripture is profitable for doctrine
So these are important truths one way or another but point number two
My immediate concern here is that many? professing Christians Are starting to buy into exactly what the
Bible warns us against whether you call it statism or socialism or globalism the world coming together under one banner you know a rejection of borders and nation -states you hear about multiculturalism a world community instead of independent nations, we just have a
Coming together a part of a one -world system You know, it sounds
So good to people it sounds so appealing to people, but you know what it is
It's really just Babylon all over again And what's the
Lord's response? Revelation 18 verse 4 and I heard another voice from heaven saying
Come out of her my people Let's close in prayer Heavenly Father.
We just thank you for your word and we thank you that you preserve your people
Lord If someone has trusted in Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior if they have believed that Jesus died on the cross
For their sins and rose again the third day if they have called upon the name of the Lord There is a promise for them that they shall be saved and they are not appointed to wrath
Lord Your people are not appointed to wrath But wrath is coming and I just pray if somebody does not know
Christ They would trust in him today to be delivered from this horrific hour
That is coming upon the earth and Lord let no one say that. Well, this isn't possible
Oh, it's possible and it's coming in every day. It's one day closer
But the good news for us is that every day the coming of Jesus Christ is one day closer and he will establish a kingdom upon this earth a kingdom of righteousness as We pray in the
Lord's Prayer Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven