Book of Revelation - Ch. 17 (10/05/2014)


Bro. Bill Nichols


I think they're still fiddling around back at the back with the System so we're waiting anyhow
That was Christy you were talking about That was
Christy you were talking about she's gone to her trip now, okay
Well we miss her tell her we miss her when you see her Put some shame on her for not being here
We are We're going to wind up today in Revelation 17
But before we begin, I think we need to Stop and ask the Lord to bless this study
Most gracious Heavenly Father. Thank you for giving us a place to come together to worship you
Spirit To guide us and to point us to things that you want us to know and thank you for giving us each a personal guide that will take us through those things that we read those things that we study and Apply the significance that they have to us for us in Jesus name.
We pray Amen Before we go to Revelation 17 though I'd like to backtrack a little bit to Revelation 11 15
Just to get some chronology because we're gonna jump out of chronology today
Revelation 11 15 It's just one verse it says and the seventh angel sounded and there were great voices in heaven saying
The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord God and of his
Christ And he shall reign forever and ever and the reason I wanted to go there as well as the seventh trumpet has sounded and Then go on to Revelation 12 12 12 and you see a really significant event
We spent a couple of weeks on this passage right here Therefore rejoice ye heavens and ye that dwell in them
Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and the sea for the devil has come down unto you having great wrath because he knoweth that he hath but a short time and when the dragon saw that he was cast into the earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild and To the woman was were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness into her place
Where she is nourished for a time times and a half time That's the famous three and a half years of Daniel But you may fly into the wilderness from the face of the serpent and there was war in heaven
Michael and his angels fought against the dragons Against the dragon and the dragon fought in his angels and prevail not neither was there a place found anymore in heaven so at this point
Satan no longer has access to the heavenlies and That great dragon was cast out that old serpent called the devil and Satan which deceiveth the whole world
He was cast out into the earth and his angels were cast out with him So there's what we are or that's where we were in chapter 12.
The 12th trumpet is sounded The rapture has occurred and the great tribulation has begun in the weeks that passed as we worked our way through the chapters
We looked at the details of the tribulations that were experienced by the earth dwellers during those three and a half years the great tribulation
We saw the emergence of the two beasts We saw their empowerment by Satan.
We saw the sealing of the hundred and forty four thousand We saw Satan's imitation of that sealing in his mark of the beast
Applied to the non -elect We saw the seven vial judgments begin and now we have approached the very end
The seventh and final vial has been poured out that was poured out in Revelation 16 verse 17 and the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the throne saying it is done and There fell upon me and a great hail out of heaven every stone about the weight of a talent and the men blasphemed
God Because the plague of the hail and for the plague thereof was exceedingly great and so only one event
Remains and that's the return of Jesus He'll return in chapter 19 verse 11
And I saw the heavens opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon them was called faithful and true
And in righteousness, he thus judge and make war Now if you want to do to go through that you're gonna have to come back in a couple of weeks
Because we're not going to go there chapter 17 and chapter 18 are stuck in right here in this verse and they interrupt the flow of Chronology this is out of this is out of time
The porting out of the seventh seal is actually followed immediately in time by the return of the
Lord Jesus Christ to end the great battle at Armageddon But chapter 17 and 18 digress to look not at God's specific judgments, but it's at what is being judged
These two chapters go back to the beginning of the Great Tribulation That's why I wanted to go back and pick up the beginning of the
Great Tribulation the last three and a half years of Daniel And in fact lead us all the way back to Genesis So we're gonna go way back to Genesis to start today to describe the world system
Led by Satan the Antichrist and the false prophet Before recording its destruction in the seventh mile.
So that's what John did Inspired by the Holy Scripture and that's what we're going to do
So what's going on in the intervening two and a half chapters is the detailing of one aspect of the tribulation period?
So let's jump right in Revelation 16 19 says and the great city was divided into three parts and the cities of the nations fell and Great Babylon came in to remember us before God to give unto her
The cup of wine of the fierceness of his wrath and I'd asked you a question a couple of weeks ago
Why do you think that Babylon gets all of this special attention?
Anybody have a have a comment why it is that Babylon gets this special attention
Yeah, yeah, he talked about two great cities The great city that was divided into three parts and that Ron was
Jerusalem and that was God's special city and that but they didn't Get all this attention that Babylon got
Babylon's going to get two and a half chapters well, actually Babylon's going to get two chapters and then there's going to be a
Arrest from that before we go back into the chronology But why Babylon and I think
Clarence hit on part of it go ahead and finish that up, please I Okay, so there's gonna be kind of a double kind of a double representation of this term
Babylon there's going to be a world system and there's going to be an actual physical city and sometimes he's gonna be talking about the actual physical city and sometimes he's going to be talking about I Said physical city didn't sometimes he's going to be talking about the world system
I didn't want to say the same thing twice a little background though first from Babylon go back to Genesis 9 verse 18 and We're gonna look at a little genealogy.
That's always fun There there there's there's a lot of different especially conservative scholars that tie
Babylon very closely to the Catholic Church now my Particular thought is this the capital the
Catholic Church is included But it's not the only church that's included the
Baptist Church the apostate Baptist churches are included to the apostate
Brother David, what do we call ourselves now? But Okay, so so since we're anti apostate we're not in this month
Thank you, sir But I don't want to be I don't want to point Yeah anti anti apostate
And we could meet we could do it the AP Church. I Don't think so.
I think the new Babylon is right there with the old Babylon. It's gonna be yeah Yeah, as a matter of fact
Saddam Hussein was building it was building rebuilding before we interrupted him But that doesn't mean that we stopped it
I kind of expect the Caliph them. That's coming down the
Isis Caliph them to take Babylon and And and finish the job is kind of what
I expect but that may be just me. I certainly that just me We need to always remember acts 1711
What I tell you Except but check it out Okay We're in Genesis 9 18 just a little bit of a genealogy and the sons of Noah that went forth from the ark were
Shem Ham Japheth and Ham was the is the father of Cana And then down to first 10 because I'm just doing the
I'm not going to do all of the genealogy and 10 it says and the sons of Ham Cush Miss Roman put and Cana and then in verse 8 through 10 it says of the same chapter
Cush begot Nimrod and He began to be a mighty one in the earth and he was a mighty hunter before God And by the way that before God is better translated against God or in the face of God Wherefore we just said even as mighty even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before The Lord and the beginning of his kingdom was
Babel Erich a CAD Calna in the land of Shinar Now as I was researching this
I found this passage in the Blue Letter Bible any of you know about the Blue Letter Bible You can just tap into your tap into your computer
Google search Blue Letter Bible and it'll take you to a website that has a An interactive
Bible and it's got commentaries. It's got a lot of good stuff with it, and it's got a What's it called a
Greek or Hebrew? Concordance with it, and you know it can save you several hundred dollars
It's not as good as what you can buy, but it's pretty good Anyhow this particular passage was by a guy by the name of Chuck Smith I don't whether any of you've heard of him.
He is a Calvary Chapel pastor he's kind of a charismatic, but he is a
He is a solid conservative Charismatic if they can be such a thing and I and I think they can't here's what he said and brother
David I thought of you when I when I read this passage And one of the sermons that you did
I just picked up in middle suffice it to say that in ancient Babylon There was a worship of Nimrod also called
Tammuz and his mother Semiramis also known as a start a
They were a mother and a child He was supposedly born by a virgin She was supposedly a virgin and what and he was born by virgin birth now this is a little awkward because this is a
Printing of a sermon not a commentary, so it kind of floats around He was worshipped by the people
He was a mighty hunter opposed to God according to the scriptures called the mighty hunter before the
Lord According to the stories while hunting he was gored by a boar and died and His body lay out there for three days and he resurrected
Thus the people begin to celebrate his resurrection by coloring eggs and by the worship of the rabbit
Which of course is known for its productivity and they had a great celebration that they called a start
Which we call Easter In which they worshipped his coming to life with colored eggs and all and it was a celebration year by year known as a start
From which course we get our word Easter. It is interesting that we have adopted the custom of coloring eggs
One might think that that was the influence of Satan in God's church There's there's there's nothing wrong with coloring
Easter eggs, I don't think but there is something wrong when you bring it into the church That's again my opinion.
He was supposedly born in December What day do you think? 25th and His birthday was celebrated by decorating trees and bringing them into your house and Decorating them with silver and gold in different decorations because the tree the evergreen tree the symbol of life
Man, he said of course, we don't have anything like that in the church. We can liken to that today So that was that was what he
That was what he mentioned the Madonna and child with the halo around them that kind of art
Existed thousands of years before Jesus their pictures of the start a yeah with the mother and the child and the halo that have nothing to do with Jesus that's that's an art form picked up by the
Midi Yeah Okay, so there we go.
Let's go to chapter 17. I told you we'd get chapter 17 and we actually did it before halfway point so that's like a
Yeah Yeah, I did I went fast chapter 17 verse 1 and there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials and Talked with me saying unto me come hither and I will show thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon the many waters
And you can go back and study the commentators. There's there's hours and hours and books and books
That try to figure out which one of the angels He's talking to I said
Why would you even care? But anyhow, it's one of the seven. And so what's our first task to determine who this great whore is?
Well, who do you think it is? Sits on many waters
Well the many waters The sea is oftentimes referred to as large numbers of people
And so and so what it is is she Sitteth upon many people and Let let that's to say dancing around too much
Let's just peek ahead for verses look at verse 5 and there'll be no doubt about who it is
Because it's going to tell us That on her forehead Was a name written?
Well, I say there's no problem. Look at that first word mystery Babylon the great
The mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth Hmm that's a big bunch of words
But but but we may not be to the worst but we may not be to the worst of the offenders
The worst of the offenders may just be now blooming well
As far as we know Yes Yes, yes, and they're and they're crucifying them and they're crucifying them and they're beheading them
Who was the Isis? So so I'm not sure.
I'm not sure that the Catholic Church's position as being the chief Persecutor of Protestants well is not about to be overtaken
Yeah Yeah, I think See I think that I think the
Catholic Church today and the apostate Protestant churches today I think their contribution is not actual physical slaughter
But it is a creating of a condition where that can take place Mm -hmm and that's worse
Mm -hmm it is certainly one of the players and one of the big players up in in the from here back
Mm -hmm A Mystery Babylon I'm gonna
I'm gonna save that Because what I'm wondering I'm going to address a reasonably long segment on what mystery is
But before I do that Well, let me that's where to start do that now
And I move some stuff around and I'm out of the order that I thought I was in So let's just let's just go down through what
I've got So we picked ahead at first Five and it says and upon her forehead was a the great name written.
Mr. Babylon The great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth and so then it says in verse 2
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication and the inhabitants have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication
So whoever or whatever is being described here is allied with the world's political leaders we know that but the
Alliance will Expand to include all the inhabitants of the earth and what sin is that that they're in alliance with?
What's the sin that they're committing says? Fornication, but that's not really what it is. What is it?
It's idolatry It's the worship of false gods So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness and I saw a woman
Sit on the scarlet colored beast full of names of blasphemy having seven heads and ten horns
So who's the beast? The beast that's the the scarlet colored beast.
That would be the Antichrist and For the time being he will support and use the false religious system the woman to affect world unity and Her position riding the beast indicates that right now at this point in the vision she has the
Apparently has the upper hand she is in control of the beast, but that's going to change and by the way one of the so Look ahead at 16
The ten horns which thou sawest on the beast These shall hate the whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire
But that's for later. That's not for now for now She is in control The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color decked with gold and precious stones and pearls
Having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornications
Purple and scarlet are the colors of nobility and great wealth. So right now she's greatly wealthy and she is noble Yes Okay, I'm I think
I think I agree with And I think
I think it's all going to blend together But I don't think it's going to be the Catholic Church at the very end time. I think it's going to be a new church in control of the second beast that is an amalgamation of the
Catholic Church and of apostate Protestant churches and of all other false religions including
Islam Later on later on the
Antichrist is going to do away with all of that false church stuff Yeah, and he is going to demand they worship him
Like when you reference 16, this is later on looking back
Yeah, it is but they also they also will hate they'll hate that entire false religion
He will no longer have a false religion that's made up of this amalgamation of things. He will demand worship of himself
Yes Yes, and and she has she has all the appearance of being in control and that unifies the whole world
Yeah, just those are actually say those are under the train yes
The The Pope that was there was an assassination attempt on his life remember him
The reason it failed is at the same about the same time the assassin fired the bullet a little girl was down and she was showing him a
Miracle that it happened involving It was it was effectively
Related to the Islam Muhammad's daughter
Palomo or something Fatima Fatima and so so when he looked down and he saw that he took that to be his own miracle and So at that point they started
Reaching out to the Muslim faith and that was like 15 or so years ago and I've forgotten the details of it
But that's something worth looking into John Paul John John Paul and Fatima Okay, let's look at verse 5
We're back to verse 5 which skipped ahead to it and upon her forehead was written mystery Babylon the great
Mother of harlots and abominations of the earth now. I want to look at the last two things first or mystery of Babylon the seat of Satan Where Satan's seat is the mother of all false religions and of all abominations of the earth would be a better way of Translating that instead of saying the mother of harlots the mother of all false religions and of all abominations of the earth the world order a
False religion that started in Babel and spread throughout the world That's why
Babylon gets special attention It begins the story of Babylon begins with Babel and the rebellion led by Nimrod By which man tried to make his own way to heaven through the
Tower of Babel and What that says is man inspired by Satan attempted to set up his own religion apart and Independent of God.
So what they want is a religion that doesn't have God in it That doesn't have the real God in it can have Mohammed in it.
It can have humanism in it It can have anything in the world in it, but he can't have God in it because Satan is
Inspiring it. It's a demonic thing one could consider
Babylon to be the original seat of Satan the original place where he first focused his attention on man and introduced two things false religion and this great abomination
Okay, and so Babylon is where it began and again,
I'm going to I'm going to inject some conjecture, so Keep act 1711 in mind.
I Suspect that the seat of Satan moved from Babel to Sodom and Gomorrah Think about it and think about why it would be that Sodom and Gomorrah Would have been called out
They were there. They're there known for two things a false religion They worshipped the moon
God which was worshipped by all of the early Canaanites later called Baal now called
Allah and The great at the great abomination and what was that?
Well false religion is one thing and the great abomination is something else It's it's the one thing about it's the one aspect of Sodom and Gomorrah's Sin That's called out homosexuality
Now what what's interesting is you read you read the current studies on? Sodom and Gomorrah, you know what?
It's now considered in the in the humanistic view the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah in hospitality
Rudeness The ones that were partners of the great abomination
Yeah, that was but that was before we went to the in hospitality in hospitable
Yeah, now we know we know that he didn't leave his seat there And we know where it went next or we know where it went later.
We know it moved to Pergamos We know that because John tells us that in Revelation Revelation 2 12 and to the angel of the church of Pergamos right these things saith he that have the
Sharp sword with two edges. I know thy works and where thou dwellest even where Satan's seat is
Now does that mean that Satan forgot Babylon? No, he just shifted his focus.
He shifted his focus to Asia Minor and he's getting ready to shift his focus At this time to Europe most
Conservative Bible scholars believe it moved to Rome where it became entwined with the
Roman Catholic Church and where it would remain into the tribulation period and In fact, most of these scholars identified the great whore as the
Roman Catholic Church Here's a quote from one of them in John's day
Rome epitomized all the antagonism and opposition to Christian faith that was
Robert Muncie and In some ways the city of Rome was the clearest fulfillment of the mystery of Babylon the world the world system the world humanistic system that is the mystery of Babylon the
Not the physical city, but the world order So I had a question if you had to pick a city today that you think most closely exemplifies the world system that Was introduced by Satan what city would you choose?
Washington of course. Well, you say of course, but I could pick I could pick one you do it say, of course I believe that one too.
What about Los Angeles? What about San Francisco What what about the
United Nations New Orleans I I Mean we could we could pick we could pick hundreds of cities that have this mystery
Babylon nature to them but consider this and I want to get through with this today.
So Turn to Zechariah Chapter 5 verse 5.
This is a very obscure and strange passage and Since I like obscure and strange that's where I went
A 5 -5 Zechariah 5 -5 while you're looking for it.
I'll start reading Because it'll take a few minutes to get to what I want to see
Then the angel that talked with me went forth and said unto me lift up now thine eyes and see what it is that goeth forth and I said what is it and he said it is an ephah that goeth forth and he said moreover
This is their resemblance through all the earth and behold I was lifted up a talon of lead and this is a woman that sitteth in the midst of the ephah and he said this is wickedness and he cast it into the midst of the ephah and he cast away the lead upon the mouth thereof and Then lifted
I mine eyes and looked and behold there came two women and the wind was in their wings
For they had wings like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the ephah
Between the earth and heavens and then I said unto the angel that talked with me whither do they bear?
Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me to build it a house in the land of Shinar And it should be established there and set there upon her base
Now, you know where the land of Shinar is That's Babylon so Here's what
I think. I think the seat of Satan started at Babylon and I think it spread
And I think it spent its time in Sodom and Gomorrah and it's been its time in Pergamos and it's been its time in Rome and it has been spending some time now in Los Angeles and Washington and San Francisco and Many of the world world cities, but I think it will be brought back to its original site
So I think eventually it's going to return to Babylon Throughout history
Babylon has been an important center of false religion in The end times I believe the false religion will come back to where it started and the devil who deceived the people at Babylon at Babel And from there launched a false religion all over the world will once again deceive the world with his headquarters being located in Babylon yes
That would certainly that would certainly qualify as as wickedness being transported back to where it began wouldn't
Kind of with you and I saw the woman drunk Drunken with the blood of the
Saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus and when I saw her I wondered
At this with great admiration, so why is he amazed? Why is he amazed he's amazed because this isn't the kind of pagan persecution that he experienced
John and the people of his day were were not hounded by a
Religious system of a false religious system. They were hounded only by pagans who
That's how they treated everybody I? Mean you weren't you weren't special you weren't crucified because you were
Christian that wasn't that wasn't just Special to you, that's the way they treated all that's the way they treated their slaves that rebelled they crucified them and Sometimes they lift your bodies
With the tar and used them to light the streets. It was it was just But what's what's
Paul is amazed about is this is a false religion. This is a pseudo Church thirsty for the blood of Saints and Vaudeville said false religion is always the worst enemy of true religion
When it says the Saints are we talking about We're taught we're talking about truly saved people
God's children and the and and what they face in the in the religious persecution
False religion has killed millions of believers over the centuries and they won't be nearly so bad as The last one and the angel said unto me wherefore didst thou marvel?
And I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the beast that carries her which hath the seven heads and the ten horns
The mystery is not that Babylon is a false system The mystery is that the beast will fully support her and that together they will influence the whole world
The beast that thou sawest Was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world and When they behold the beast that was and is not and yet is
So who is that? the beast that thou sawest
Was and is not and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit That's the
Antichrist, that's the Antichrist remember he ascended he
Was he was thought to be dead and he resurrected He was and is not both the king and his kingdom after the resurrection the
Antichrist will be indwelt by Satan and Here is the mind which hath wisdom
The seven heads are seven mountains on which the woman sitteth now a lot of scholars use that to be the
Direct connection to Rome because Rome is known as the city built on the seven hills
And maybe that's so I'm not going to argue with that And He would have been it he would have been in a great minority of Protestant scholars at that point
I Think probably
I can tell you what I can tell you what dr. MacArthur says about it You need to look
Well, let me say what he says first He says and while it's true that the worldwide
The final worldwide system of false religion will include Rome It's not necessarily limited to Rome but what it's specifically referring to with the seven mountains is the seven kingdoms and They're kings and you can see that as you go through the rest of this passage and there are seven kings five are fallen and One is and the other is not yet come and when he cometh he must continue for a short space
I didn't put this in but one of the Arguments of the scholars that say it's
Rome is who are these seven kings? Well, these are like five rulers before the one that's in ruling now and the one that's ruling now
And the one's going to rule later That's how they that's how they scored it
There no they're talking about they're talking about emperors of Rome That if it's
Rome Well, see you could you you're right you could be talking about the church you'd be talking about popes
Yeah, no, I Anyhow the rep the the representative world empires that have gone before and have fallen at this time when
John is writing our Egypt Assyria Babylon The Medo -Persian Empire Greece and Rome and the
Antichrist now five of those have already fallen The Egypt Assyria Babylon Medo -Persia and the
Greek empires they've gone out of existence. They don't exist anymore the Rome still existed
That's the one that is and the Antichrist Empire had not yet come
So so those are the seven mountains referred to The seven kingdoms the five that have come before and have passed
Rome Which came to was empowered at the time and kind of continues on the the
Antichrist Empire and then look at this next passage and The beast that was and is not even he is the eighth and Is of the seventh and goes into perdition what in the world does that mean?
How can it be the seventh and the eighth? He claimed to die and Was resurrected as Before he died.
He was the seventh kingdom the seventh king and after he died. He was the eighth before he died
Or claimed he died What was the world religion? the world religion of the
Dragon the great false religion after he died and was resurrected. What did he do?
he's God now and he And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings which have received no kingdom as yet but Received power as kings when
I was the beast They're part of the kingdom of the Antichrist These have one mind and shall give their power and strength unto the beast
Their sub rulers are the under the Antichrist. There are empires apparently divided into ten districts
Because they have not been identified as a given a kingdom. They cannot be identified with any historical figure
They have not yet got their power and they will not have gotten the power until midway through until after the
Antichrist is resurrected and These shall make war with the
Lamb and the Lamb shall overcome them for he is the Lord of Lords and the king of kings And they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful and he said unto me the waters which thou sawest where the
Whore sitteth are people and multitudes and nations and tongues. That's why I knew that the waters was were people and The ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast these shall hate the whore and shall make her
Desolate and naked and shall eat her flesh and burn her with fire So after using the false
Religious system to unify the world the Antichrist will Demand that they worship him instead
For God hath put into their hearts to fulfill his will and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast until the words of God be
Fulfilled so why are they doing all that they're doing? Because the power of God and because God instruct them to do it and the woman which thou sawest is that great city
Which reigneth over the kings of the earth that would be Babylon the capital of the
Antichrist's Empire Now that's the end of chapter 17
And I went really fast because I wanted to get up all the way through the end any other questions or comments
We'll be running into brother David's time. Yes I think the beast is the
Antichrist, but Again, I'm gonna refer you. I think you came in late when
I tell you I think something what that means Is you need to check it out to make sure that you're that I'm right or you're right
There's there are things that I don't know and there's things that we all don't know and the worst thing we can do is to Take someone say okay.
This is what I used to think but now I know this because you told me don't ever do that study yourself
Find out what it is and it may be that the Lord wants you to move your position a little bit
But it may not it may be he wants me to move my little bit, too So we both need to study but I was always under the impression that the the beast was the
Antichrist and the great dragon was this false prophet and Satan is a little bit different Well, Satan's a lot different any other he does and There is an
Antichrist that comes out of He's he's the beast there will be a time when he dies or he appears to die and After he has died.
He will be resurrected and when he isn't resurrected He'll be empowered by a demon or by Satan himself that comes out of the bottomless pit
And so I guess maybe it would be a demon instead of Satan himself But he is certainly he is certainly indwell, we know we know that demons can indwell people and So I there is a bit of confusion there for me
Well, see that's that's what was in my mind to brother David that But but believe that Well, he's called
He You know Judas is called the son of perdition and he keeps talking about going back going into perdition so I can see why he would make that original connection from which he just decided to Uh -huh, so So maybe we did
I believe he is Well, maybe he is
But but the one thing I'm convinced about is this great Future apostate church is not just the
Roman Catholic Church but includes the Roman Catholic Church and that includes all other false religions and it's going to be if even the even the atrocities that we see today and things like Isis and and that's what will be
Multiplied and magnified in that last little bit of time Because it used to be a large focus on China and now the focus is on the
Middle East It is and isn't it interesting? It is The face of the
Antichrist He's the one who supposedly dies and rises to save the world
I think yeah, and and I think there's a there's a change after he is
Supposedly dead and resurrected there's a there's a change in the in the flow That's when that's when that's when
I think Satan Indwells the Antichrist. I think until then he is just Influencing him.
I think I think I think all false religions are part of Yeah, thanks all entwined
Well, I'm running way into brother David's time and his and his mom's going to scold him for preaching too long
And he's going to be a gentleman enough not to not to blame it on me. So John, could you dismiss this with prayer, please?