Street Screechers
A series of clips, far too short, from my little digital camera, of the Street Screechers Cult in action. See for details.
- 00:00
- Bring them young. He likes them very young. 12 and 13 years old.
- 00:06
- And you call this man a man of God to emulate our church. Something is wrong.
- 00:13
- This is your wake up call. Other than that, you have a wonderful day.
- 00:32
- You are the prophet, but Moses could not save you.
- 00:43
- Isaiah was a mighty man of God, but Isaiah could not save you.
- 00:49
- The heavens and the earth shall perish for the earth is undead.
- 01:14
- But God, he worships you. Look, we got
- 01:25
- James White! Yes! James White is going to turn lemon juice out of my mouth. We're coming down to preach your church.
- 01:32
- You don't worry about that, okay? I read, I read what Peter Rutgers said to you.
- 01:37
- He gave you some good advice. You are against the preaching of the word of God.
- 01:42
- You are a devil. Yeah, that's right. I'm here to reprove, and rebuke, and exhort you.
- 01:50
- You devil. That's right. Peter S. Ruckman, he put you in his place, didn't you? Didn't you? Didn't you?
- 01:55
- He didn't do anything that Brian David Mitchell didn't do. By stealing Elizabeth Smart. He liked little girls too.
- 02:02
- He liked a little girl named Fanny Auger. Matter of fact, Joe Smith was caught raping
- 02:08
- Go let the Mormons know where it's at. And in the process, you last 15 minutes, you squander the people's money.