German Police And More


Played the video of German police breaking into a live streaming session of an anti-lockdown advocate at the start of the program. It is truly getting real. Talked about the Austrian attempt to enforce its secular “European values” in respect to “political Islam” as well. Covered a bunch of relevant topics, but, also was joined by Josh and Daren from who launched their webstore today with all our “merch.” Make sure to stop by and check them out! Visit the store at

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Well, greetings, welcome to The Dividing Line. It is a Thursday I was supposed to be doing a radio interview right up until this point in time, but they never called
There we go. So we're getting The Dividing Line in early today, and it's a big day because Now is the link already on our website someplace?
I don't think it is. Oh Well, that seems to be a bit of a promotional failure, which is generally how we do things
But Here we are there is a a launch today at Doctrineandlife .co
Oh, that's not C -O -M My understanding is the comm is owned by Phil Johnson for some strange reason, but Doctrineandlife .co
for the Alpha and Omega store where you can get the shirt I've been wearing for a couple weeks the
Theology Matters shirt And the Alpha and Omega shirt and a Radio Free Geneva somebody Somebody on Twitter was saying so is there gonna be a
Radio Free Geneva hoodie? And I said, yes, there is and I'm something tells me that's gonna end up under someone's
Christmas tree If If they celebrate
Christmas, I don't want to get into that argument right now But anyways briefly on the the line
I've got Josh Tanner and Darren Dirksen with me. Hi guys, how you doing? Doing well when
Rich said y 'all were gonna be on I just sort of figured y 'all were we're gonna be like, you know here not You know, like we're gonna be interviewing you like I'm interviewing, you know people who are trying to hide their faces because they're doing nefarious things or something like that, but That's how it all which which you are in some sense is doing anyways, so Right.
Yeah, so so y 'all are launching a Doctrineandlife .co now, it's not just a
It's not just Alpha and Omega. You're gonna be doing a lot of stuff for a lot of folks, right? Absolutely, yeah, yeah, so Even though even though I noticed looking at it here
I did bring up the Radio Free Geneva t -shirt and It said explore new arrivals new this week, and then it says not coogies
Okay, so I I need to find out who was responsible for For this and yeah, why why
I should be having you on right now since I'm wearing a coogie We will never tell
I'll just say Rich put me up to that, right? Oh, okay. Okay, and I would accept that there's there's not
His his anti -coogie derangement syndrome stuff is pretty much off the off the charts so yeah, he's saying he's saying no, but I Yeah, anyway, so So tell us a little something about what y 'all are doing
Yeah, well while we're here we we We are just thankful for what the
Lord has done for us. Yeah, and just so thankful We want to get that message out. And so yes, we we have a a goal of selling high quality products
Ones that people will want to wear right and then wash and then wear again wear wash repeat
And we all have a t -shirt. We all wear t -shirts we all have our favorite t -shirt that ends up at the top of the hamper not in the bottom of the drawer and But but ultimately we are just so thankful what
God did for us we want to glorify him and we believe that we can glorify God in so many ways and We think this is a great way to do that.
And we want to do it to the praise of his glorious grace Yeah, yeah, we and we love I mean, we love
Alpha Omega Ministries. We love the message we love How how you guys have?
Uncompromisingly stood for the truth of the gospel of Christ crucified and and so our goal is to really come alongside
Ministries like yourself and and support them. I remember talking to rich and and he had mentioned, you know, this was something they were
You guys were wanting to do for a while and it's hard because at the end of the day you've got you've got to design
Stuff you've got to get it get get the product ordered. You've got to get the products printed on You've got to store the product
You've got to ship the products and then you've got to deal with the customers and and you guys got enough on your plate already
Yeah, we did that What was an honor and a privilege to come alongside
Alpha Omega and you know, hey, you know what we'll take this task on And and we really thought and there's a lot of ministries like Alpha Omega out there that do
Uncompromisingly preach the true gospel of Christ and so we'd love to come alongside those ministries as well and We have a dollar of every product sold is going to go to so right now it we're gonna send a check monthly to end abortion now the dollar of every product sold just to Come alongside ministries like that and financially help them as much as we can
So everything that that everyone buys goes Directly to support ministries like yourself and then she's like in abortion now, and we're really excited about that opportunity
Yeah, we also have a really really good vendor a vendor that has a lot of experience.
Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah printing for companies like Nike and Jordan and they've done things for movie industry stuff like that and They do screen printing.
Yeah, there's We we know a lot of people use digital printing now, and I don't know if you have that t -shirt
You love the t -shirt, but and the print just starts to like to peel off after a while This vendor uses screen printing and it's just high -quality
And you know, yeah I noticed you also have these hats here.
We call this one the doctor. Oh, so And this these are not screen printed they're actually
Embroidered so that's that's that's the important part there. So this is this is available there as well and I generally don't wear hats on the program but I I did briefly and I You took a picture of me and someone thought that I was wearing a
Coogee. I was not wearing a Coogee That's not actually a Coogee that's far far too quiet and stayed a shirt to be a
Coogee I'm where I am wearing a Coogee today. So just so people just so people know so Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, so they can go to doctrine life dot co there will eventually be a link on the website at a omin org to Direct people over there and then get the hats and the shirts and so basically three designs right now
Specifically the theology matters type Design the
Alpha Omega ministry design and the radio free Geneva design as well are already there Including hoodies for people who are starting to get a little bit cold.
That's not us in Phoenix Not not yet I'm I'm hoping that we won't set any new records for Thanksgiving Day.
It's not saying it's seemingly like we will but anyway so they can go there right now and to help you get kicked off and get going and I Appreciate the the effort that's gone into, you know
Looking at various colors and stuff like that and there will be stuff coming up in the future, too. We've got
Got an idea going right now We've got a promo code for everybody listening in on the dividing line right now.
They use the code Dividing line 20 they'll get 20 % off of their first order and that's today only
Go ahead and put in your dividing line 20 promo code celebrating the shock that we're on dividing line
Is that case sensitive guys? That's not case sensitive not case sensitive.
Okay good. So dividing line 20 will get you 20 % off today if you go and help get the get the launch successful, so Don't forget to do that today
I always get those things like a day late dollar short and things like that so you can follow us and subscribe
We're on Twitter Facebook and for now the ground for now Debbie down Debbie down here with reality to kick in for now
We're not on parlor. We'll get on parlor. And what's this new one? Me we or me we me we in parlay.
There you go. Yeah me we in parlay. There you go. That's it We're working on that. There you go. Yep. Got to do it.
Got to do it. All right guys thanks a lot for joining us on the program today and thanks for the designs and I've been wearing
I've been wearing the hat and Keeps the keeps Sun off because the Sun's still beating on us here in Phoenix But and we've got some other stuff coming up.
So we'll let folks know about that when it when it comes along. So so Hope you have a have a good opening day and look forward to working with you in the future
Yeah, okay. All right. All right. God bless. Thanks guys. Yeah. All right. See ya. All right.
There you go kids Wanted to make sure you were aware. That's Josh and Darren and make sure you're aware of that people have wanted to You know take a look at that kind of stuff and get that kind of stuff from us as as well
So there you go. Wow Twitter did it to me again I'm gonna
I'm gonna track this down And bring it over here because this is this is an amazing thing
Let me see if I can Can get this thing bigger
Yeah, all right, hold on a second, hold on a second, hold on a second This is
From Germany now, I don't know all the background here.
All right All I do know is that the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about what's going on in Europe and last night
I was seeing You have to dig because the mainstream media is I could tell you about it you must understand the mainstream media has completely and totally capitulated to becoming
Pravda and So it is just simply the arm of the Great Reset.
It's it's In In almost every dystopian novel you can you can hold on a second, but you're sitting there like this and just in almost every dystopian novel
And and I've been reading a few extra ones recently I have and it's scary the the media functions as an arm of the state and one of the greatest
Protections against the totalitarian government is a free media free press That will tell the truth and that will report the facts rather than what the the government wants them to do
We've that's gone. That doesn't exist anymore outside of the Internet and The Internet is pretty much controlled by Amazon and Google and so they'll get rid of all that eventually as well.
And so you have to do some digging around to find the videos of The protests that are going on in Germany and across Europe as these absurd lockdowns continue on and actually get worse once again and Because that the whole story isn't being told the death rate story isn't being told
There's there's a there's a bunch that isn't being said and More and more people know it but that doesn't seem to be changing anything and so This video just came along.
I do not know who dr. Andreas Noak is But evidently he is opposed to lockdowns he believes that they are damaging and dangerous and not substantiated by Scientific argumentation in fact, but by brute force of government while he is
Live streaming this is what happens. So here's here's here's the video
Is Two people in here.
What's your name? What do you call? Ich bin
Andreas Noak I am Andreas Noak Yeah, gotta turn those cameras, let's not let's get let's let the cameras see everything right
So, there you go for everybody who has said well
This can't happen in Western countries. We you know, we'll always have the freedom of the Internet Etc, etc, etc
Yeah, no, that's that's that's that's not what's gonna happen and That that is that is astonishing and but it shouldn't be we told you last time if we had had if we had had
Video I Haven't seen any but if we had had video of the police breaking into the church last weekend in the
UK That was having a baptismal service and kicking people out
That would have maybe helped you to understand what's going on globally
Because right now you see Klaus Schwab you see the
Talking heads of the World Economic Forum and they they look harmless. They look like your normal European elites
Arrogant Condescending know everything there is to know living in luxury eating the finest foods
Jetting around the world talking about global warming and we've gotten used to them the problem is there are new masters and If this election goes the way that elections that introduce socialism always go and Hence stay the same
Until a revolution Then they are now your overlords
Not the Constitution not the president not senators not House representatives These these same people that are ordering the
German cops to do this are Heading your direction for all of us
So, I think we should probably Set up a
Password system on the unit in there so that when this happens to us, they won't be able to figure out how to It just it just we should have an emergency backup camera hidden up in the ceiling someplace
That if these get turned off it it continues streaming immediately so people can see us being being dragged off to wherever it is, they'll drag us off to because It's happening people it's happening it's it's here
I mentioned on on Twitter this morning, so I feel like I'm in dystopian Schizophrenia Dystopian schizophrenia because you at my age
I have lived a Certain kind of life
For many decades and people know that I'm the cut I'm one of the who moved my cheese type people
I Like routine. I don't like change That's the way
I'm wired and So it's extremely difficult for someone like me to live in this schizophrenia where for now for the next few weeks
Yeah, my life has already changed this year I haven't been inside a Target store for months I haven't sat even outside at my favorite little
Italian place that I would go to Minimally once a week and when my wife is out of town four or five times a week, you know
Haven't been there. I mean I do the drive -thru thing but I haven't been inside and And Cooking a whole lot more for myself but But I'm not a social butterfly.
Anyways, so It's not as big of a thing for me But I asked anybody else feel in the same way your mind is telling you
Things are changing and fundamental foundational Things that made you feel safe before are being washed away
But it hasn't happened yet. I mean I see
Portland burning to the ground and and I see Minneapolis burning to the ground and There was some unrest in Phoenix, but Phoenix wasn't burning to the ground
Phoenix is Fit no, well, yeah, we're burning the ground other ways, but Phoenix is just too spread out
It's just it's so huge. If you just had any idea it's just that big and so It'd be hard to have concentrated violence in any one particular but but I see that stuff going on over there and and I realize what it's what type of impact it's gonna have and the results of the
Election, however, you view that and however you think of computer counting of votes and algorithms and yeah the stuff
I was talking about months and months ago and everybody said I was a crazy insane person then to All that stuff and I feel like I'm living in two different worlds.
I really really do. I mean It's sort of like to have my normal life. I have to turn all that stuff off But you can't turn all that stuff off eventually that stuff is is is going to intrude itself and What you have to do is make normal life the real life and Make application and look no one is gonna do that perfectly right the first time nobody
Don't expect that of us We're gonna make mistakes because this is new
For us we may be we may get to learn something from where it's happening faster but it's the
It's the technological aspect that makes me go.
Okay. I Was go ahead and mention this I miss mention this I'm Listening to Another one of these novels
These warning shots, you know 1984 Fahrenheit 451 brave new world.
This is called this perfect day. You've got equilibrium. There's there's all these films and books
That have been and they they all take slightly different tax different mixtures but it is fascinating to see some of the the consistencies and In the one
I'm listening to right now You've got it's very similar to brave new world Both this one brave new world and Equilibrium Fascinatingly included the use of pharmaceuticals to produce a compliant
Satisfied but numbed Population Because To bow to the oligarchs the technological oligarchs
Do the to father in equilibrium? To unicomp in this perfect day
Is not natural for mankind to do and so you you train people to take shots
To give vaccines to themselves and Then you tell them that what's in it is good for them.
And so in this perfect day, it's a truth called a treatment and it contains
Anti well, there there are vaccines. So so no one ever gets sick now
So so, you know, you've got all your antivirus and everything else stuff in there You've got it also basically neuters men and For women provides birth control
All in one shot and and you've been you've been trained to think this is good and you've been trained to tell on everybody else who varies from the behavioral norm and And then they get more treatment so that they are more controlled and I'm just I'm just sitting here going how long ago was this written?
You know, I remember reading Brave New World back in high school And the thought was who would ever allow this to be done to them.
This this is not possible. Oh Yeah, it is right now
You're hearing you we're experiencing it you need this this is good for your neighbor
This is good for for this this brave new world that we are creating this build build back stronger is is is the things being used globally
Biden used it I Didn't hear anyone pointing out. This is being used all around the world. It's you you the globalists are going to take this election that's
Unless something wild happens the globalist could take this this election and this is what they want.
So Al Mohler was talking about wiping out down syndrome and The fact that because of kovat 19
The birth rates in the United States have crashed Crashed women are simply gone.
I don't want to have a kid during something like this. I Below replacement and now they've crashed
Who wants a lower human population on? Planet Earth the
World Economic Forum The elites that are behind all of this Klaus Schwab and all of his toadies including
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Everybody that they are going to put in their administration, which will be the most radical
Leftist administration ever on everything not just economics, but Sexual behavior and oh, it's just it's
WES dream Absolute dream and so you you start you start following the threads and You're seeing all of it coming together.
It's like watching a traffic accident. I told the story before years ago, but Number of years ago.
I was riding northbound on 51st Avenue on my bike That's one of my main ways of getting out of the city toward the northern parts where you can
Ride that quite as many vehicles. So that's changing a lot anyway It was a
Saturday morning and I was coming up toward 51st and I think it was
Greenway it may have been Thunderbird and I'm looking at the light because I'm trying to time it when you're on a bike
You don't want to have to unclip, you know, stop unclip put your foot down slow process of Reaccelerating got you get your foot back on the pedal getting in the clip.
If you don't know what those are. It's a It's a cleat type thing and sometimes you can struggle with that most the time you don't but sometimes you can so you try to time the light you try to you know, slow down and Be able to continue to have some momentum
Getting through the light so I've looked at light and It's red and so I'm slowing and this little pickup truck
Zooms past me with a little old couple in it and It is amazing what the human mind can do when it comes to trigonometry
I've been having to try to do some geometry recently. I love geometry and sophomore year in high school
I really did. That was that was my favorite math class ever Logical proofs or something. I was great.
I love that stuff, but it's been a long time and so I've been having to try to use it recently trying to get some
Some fabric for the top of a gazebo the company won't send me the roofing stuff. They were supposed to send me because Cove it but anyway so trying to figure out how to get all that done, right and It's amazing what the mind can do on the fly because I See the little pickup truck and I see a full -size construction yard
Earth moon not earth mover dump truck Coming this direction.
So the pickups going this way that's going that direction and is it amazing how your mind
Can very quickly go? They're gonna hit they're gonna hit and the only question was is the
Because because I could tell there weren't there weren't any brake lights on and there wasn't any evidence to pick up truck was slowing
There's a little man in the pickup truck didn't see the red light. He was just gonna blow through he was distracted or very old
I don't know The only question was is the dump truck gonna t -bone?
the pickup truck or Is the pickup truck gonna t -bone the dump truck? well, thankfully
The pickup truck hit the rear wheels of the dump truck and Spun it even a little there was one little
Chevy love type truck and there was there was nothing to him and Spun that thing
Into the traffic light and It was it was horrific.
I I Stopped there was a lot of blood. I But The point was those few seconds,
I think I tried to yell what Totally worthless but those few seconds lasted a lifetime, you know how time just It slows down and you you're watching this happening and there's nothing you can do just you know
It's gonna happen, but you can't stop it. You can't say we've all experienced it That's what
I feel like societally right now You see what's coming? You see there's gonna be blood
It's gonna be ugly You know why it's happening You tried to warn folks
But you can't stop it you can't stop it that's sort of how
I feel as I look at this stuff and see you've got your elites and They have the attitude that they know all things
There can be no debate Anyone who disagrees them they shut him down the silence. That's it's they won't debate it
They can't and they will not follow their own rules Nancy Pelosi Gavin Newsom The the mayor in Chicago, it doesn't matter who they are, you know, they are not following the rules that they are
Preaching to you. You must follow for yourself Part of that's because their worldview
Doesn't actually contain any reason why they should We're the only ones who can feel you know when a preacher sins a preacher feels guilt on a whole new level because you've preached against what you just did
But you have a reason for that Your worldview has a reason for that a leftist worldview a secular worldview
Who cares if you get away with it and you get more of your genotype into the next generation?
You know from a Darwinian perspective who cares? It doesn't matter It doesn't mean that they won't stop preaching at you but you know, that's that's the way it is and So, yeah, that's that's what we're watching with this stuff is just this amazing amazing reality people, you know breaking in and Shutting it down because you know
You are saying something that that that is that is the best live action picture of Big Brother I've seen so far but Big Brother is here
Big Brother is active and Big Brother has his minions and they are
They're out there doing their thing. They're out there doing the thing Okay I Should bring up my list here because I do
I believe or not. I I do have a list of stuff that I'm supposed to be covering I Wasn't gonna be doing that but there you go.
That's sort of how it works Come on get up to the top. Oh gosh did
This is the type of thing. It's gonna get it get us kicked off This is the type of thing right now. Did you see the
Pennsylvania mask mandate announcement yesterday? Did you see it rich? you all know the chief health person for the state of Pennsylvania is a
Man in drag. Yeah is a transsexual And you're not allowed to say that transgender got to respect these people no,
I don't no I don't I'm sorry I do not Don't don't tell me
I have to I was raised in a day when you respected I Was I was raised by the generation that fought
World War two actually was the children of the generation fought world war two and You respected the men
Who jumped off of transports on the beaches of Normandy when they could they could hear?
the machine gun bullets pinging off What was about to fall from in front of them?
Okay, you respected them you did not respect men who ran around in dresses
So this demand has to have a worldview behind it and So to see this guy
Dressed up like a girl and he's he's an older guy. So this this this isn't even close
Sitting in front of cameras Telling everyone that you are now to wear masks in your homes
Now it's if someone who's not from your home enters your home
Okay for now Are y 'all getting the picture here? Yeah, y 'all y 'all know the story about the frog in the pot of water
You know You can put a frog in a pot of water and it'll sit there as long as it's happy And then you turn the heat on and it'll sit there until it boils
Because it's just a little bit more heat and they get you get used to it until it dies in the water
It's as long as it's done it little increments If you take a frog and chuck it in boiling water, it's gonna jump out immediately well
It's just astonishing to me how many of my fellow citizens can't get what that means and they don't you know 15 days to flatten the curve is coming up on 300 days people
Have you? It just anyway, the frustration is deep with so many of you just Don't seem to get it.
So So Pennsylvania is now saying that if someone enters your home that's not part of your pod
You've got to wear masks in your home at the same time that the Danish mass study comes out yesterday or day before Does nothing?
They won't cover that won't talk to that the military study comes out double masking
Made him sicker Um, there's all the stuff about the Mortality rate is above Where it should be and it's not about kovat.
It's about all the other stupid stuff. We're doing because of kovat So let me
I should have queued this up. I apologize For this I should have had this queued up I think it's this one.
Let me see if it's this one it is Okay, you've got you've got this is this is audio only
I'm just The silly could you wearing Scottish old?
apologist guy who major in biology in college, so most of you just roll your eyes and Say, you know say whatever you want to say.
That's that's fine That's fine. I Want to play this
Clip it was from a meeting privately recorded in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada last week and Man, the
Canadians Wow you you you folks up there your leaders just love this totalitarian stuff
That big brother seems to like the cold north Because you Wow So listen as the guy gives his credentials and then listen to what he says
Just just just just listen what he says, let me let me let me find the section here
Why is it not What I'm going to say is lay language and blunt
It's counter narrative and so so you don't immediately think I'm a quack I'm going to briefly outline my credentials so that you can understand where I'm coming from in terms of knowledge base in all of this
I'm a medical specialist in pathology, which includes virology. I trained at Cambridge University in the
UK I'm the ex -president of the pathology section of the Medical Association I was previously an assistant professor in the
Faculty of Medicine doing a lot of teaching I was the chairman of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada examination committee in pathology in Ottawa But more to the point,
I'm currently the chairman of a biotechnology company in North Carolina selling the COVID -19 test
And I might you might say I know a little bit about all this. Okay. Did you catch all that stuff?
Cambridge Oxford you know teaching positions did this guy is a medical doctor in pathology and virology
Okay so he's he's he's got he's got the The Palmares all the rest that stuff he knows, okay
All right The bottom line is simply this There is utterly unfounded public hysteria
Driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public
There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus
Other than protecting older more vulnerable people. It should be thought of nothing more than a bad flu season
This is not Ebola. It's not SARS It's politics playing medicine and that's a very dangerous game
There is no action of any kind needed other than what happened last year when we got a thought on well
We stayed home. We took chicken noodle soup We didn't visit granny and we decided when we would return to work we didn't have anyone need anyone to tell us
Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence base for their effectiveness whatsoever
Paper masks and fabric masks are simply virtue signaling They're not even worn effectively most of the time
It's it's utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate uneducated people.
I'm not saying that in a perjured sense Seeing these people walking around like lemmings obeying
Without any knowledge base to put the mask on their face Social distancing is also useless because because Kovat is spread by aerosols which travel 30 meters or so before landing
Enclosures have had such terrible unintended consequences They should you everywhere should be open tomorrow as was stated in the
Great Barrington Declaration that I circulated prior to this meeting and a word on testing
I Do want to emphasize that I'm in the business of testing for Kovat I do want to emphasize that positive test results do not
Underlined in neon mean a clinical infection It's simply driving public hysteria and all testing should stop unless you're presenting to hospital with some respiratory problem
All that should be done is to protect the vulnerable and to give them all in the nursing homes that are under your control
Give them all three to five thousand international units of vitamin D every day Which is which has been shown to radically reduce the likelihood of infection
And I would remind you all that using the province's own statistics the risk of death under 65 in this province is one in 300 ,000 one in 300 ,000
You've got to get a grip on this The scale of the response that you're undertaking with no evidence for it is utterly ridiculous given the consequences of Acting in a way that you're proposing all kinds of suicides business closures
Funerals weddings, etc, etc. It's simply outrageous It's just another bad flu and you've got to get your minds around that Let people make their own decisions.
You should be totally out of the business of medicine You're being led by down the garden path by the chief medical officer of health for this province
I'm absolutely outraged that this has reached this level. It should all stop tomorrow
Thank you very much Thank you very much. I Obviously like hearing somebody else saying exactly what
I've been saying since March and mocked for it and Cancelled for it. Oh We've lost donors sure for for daring to say
What this medical doctor? Virologist trained person and anybody who just sits back and goes, huh is money involved
Trillions Trillions around the world is money involved our politics involved. Oh Yes might that be an explanation
For why we treat this one disease Completely different than all the other diseases that actually are killing 99 .9
% of all human beings right now, but we don't talk about those deaths anymore We don't talk about them.
These people understand the numbers. They understand the fractions and the percentages You say well, why aren't more of them speaking up cuz they'll lose their jobs, that's why
That's why But you heard the frustration the man's voice and You hear it in mine, but he's got a whole lot more of the stuff behind his name, right so Yeah Download that before it disappears
Because it will It'll it'll it'll go bye -bye because that's that's how that's how this system works
So anyway Good close that out there. Alright, so I wanted
I wanted to play that. I think that's that's important. Alright, um Let's shift gears cuz that's been pretty heavy so far.
Let's shift gears and Jory Micah Jory Micah Yes, it's been a while since we've said anything about Jory Micah, but good old leftist
Jory is out there and she has Advice for preachers.
Yes, I know most preachers I know are Wanting to take advice from Jory Micah on preaching
It's always good to take advice on your preaching from those that are actually called to do it, but that's a whole nother issue
Sermons should be no longer than 30 minutes 20 minutes is best and should always include a story a
Personal story is best short and sweet so I actually
Quoted that and I asked could someone help me understand why anyone thinks
Jory Micah is a sound source of advice on sermon lengths it was I confess a rhetorical question and it was it was a rhetorical question and I Just sort
I was thinking about you know saying something about Jeff Durbin because Jeff and I obviously go back and forth about How long our sermons are and Jeff's are longer than mine
Recently I came within 30 seconds of one of his but that's because I was asked to deal with the entire textual critical issue in one sermon
Okay, there was a little background information to cover on that But generally
I'm about 10 minutes shorter Than Jeff is now Jeff's response is gonna be because I take 10 minutes to get the pre sermon in during the catechism questions
That that's probably where he would say see you're still getting your time in one way or the other anyway
But We only have one service on Sunday because we rent our facilities and so our service starts
Technically at 4 p .m. It's 405 as everybody knows Goes about 405 to about 615 normally
So it's it's about 2 hours and 10 minutes so there's there's one two three four five songs and You've got catechism you've got the pastoral prayer and we have the
Lord's Supper and a absurdly long
Greeting period Longer than any church ever been in it's it's it Minimum 10 minutes.
It goes on and on on sometimes we cut it shorter than that, but generally not So and we're a family integrated church, which means our kids our two -year -olds our one -year -olds our infants are
In the service with us So for over two hours our kids get to be a part of of that and so I'm sitting here thinking 30 minutes if any one of us preached for 30 minutes
I Think once you closed in prayer that the the congregation be like Come on What what what's going on keep going you're not done yet keep keep keep keep keep it happening and There there would be there would be large -scale rebellion if we went that short and So I that was basically my response well,
I got a response from Jory Micah Wow, I didn't expect that.
I My dad thinks I give sound preaching advice and So does my heavenly father?
So can anyone tell me why would care what James White thinks? Now if you just sit back and think about that, my daddy says
I give good advice should immediately make you go. I See what's going on here?
Okay. I get it. I get it Um So I responded to that and oh, there's been some responses to and I haven't seen what the responses are
Our church is family integrated little buns everywhere. We average between an hour and hour 20 for sermon alone entire service runs more than two hours
Maybe your target audience is less than focused upon what is important and let me see
So so all the responses are pretty much from her her crowd So so over an hour too long from social conservative
At an hour and 20 minutes. You probably just like the sound of your own voice So obviously these are folks this are not accustomed to being challenged to Focus upon preaching so obviously
The Puritans all that kind of stuff, you know, if they ever go back and read any of their sermons There you go. You've got to be kidding me.
Yeah, they they probably would and I'm not saying we're the norm. We're not We're not but I was
I was really encouraged In fact, I might still have this in here.
I Was really encouraged a couple days ago when I saw a Tweet Yeah, here's one here's a couple of them
Yeah, here we go I've only been able I've only been able to take the supper once since February and that was only when
I visited Apologia Church over the summer It was such a blessing to worship with you all Truly the most meaningful time of worship that I've had in the past 10 plus years praying for your ministry and a omen
Very appreciative of that and Then there was another one fellow said thank you for all you do
James my whole family listens to your show I'm a mom just read your book on the Trinity. We live in Minneapolis, but would love to visit apologies sometime
I'm going into the ministry and I really look up look up to you and Jeff So this there's always the encouraging stuff out there and then there's a you know, the discouraging stuff as well out there, but Yeah, well, you know sermonettes make for Christian nets a friend of mine once said and There you go, so Jerry Micah actually actually listened to to what
I had to say that's that's that's great now I Forgot this and this is really important.
This is really really and it's happened a few days ago and this is folks again
Austria I Talked to you some of you might confuse these two things.
I did talk to you about What's going on in France with my clone and The Crackdown on religious fundamentalism
Ostensibly for the safety of citizens focused upon Islam, but for the sake of fairness
Anything they do to crack down on Islam they do to crack down on Christianity as well. And so they want
All Muslims to be in the French School system so as to be made good secularists and They want a
French version of Islam a French version of Islam Now, I haven't actually heard from any of my
Muslim friends about any of the comments that I've made about this, but I Would imagine that with only a few exceptions
Most Muslims would agree with me that there can't be such a thing as a French version of Islam that a secular
Islam Isn't Islam that there are Non -negotiable elements of something that would define anything that would be called
Islam. I can't imagine that any of them would disagree with me on that and Obviously, it's just as true about Christianity That even though What calls itself
Christianity to the world presents a incredibly wide spectrum of belief that historic
Orthodox Christianity, there are certain non -negotiables that have obviously been given up by Union Theological Seminary and and the entire leftist
Liberalism that Machen was right to say is a completely different religion and it is And I'm always thankful when
I hear some of my Muslim friends Speaking in such a way they recognize this
That they they know that when they're dealing and they do know remember it came up when Yasir Qadhi and I were speaking
He he talked about, you know liberal Christians and then believing Christians and that's it's true
It's the same thing you have within Islam as well so We talked about that but then
Remember there was a terrorist attack in Austria in Vienna the
Chancellor of Austria looks like he's about 22 years old to me. He really does
I'm sure he's not but that's just a function of how old I'm getting That he looks like a kid to me.
He honestly does not look like he's out of his 30s. Really really really really doesn't But Sebastian Kurtz is his name and The Australian magazine the
Cauldron Pool, I think it's Australian had two
Tweets From him I went to his feet and could not find them And so I found two more tweets that say similar things.
So let me read what Cauldron Pool Quoted and then I'll read the tweets that I found
In the fight and this is from only the 12th, this was a week ago in the fight against political
Islam we will create a criminal offense called political Islam in Order to be able to take action against those who are not terrorists themselves
But listen to this but who create the breeding ground for such there will be further possibilities for the closure of Their places of worship the introduction of an imams register the symbol and association law will be tightened and Measures will be taken to drain financial flows for terrorist financing.
So political Islam Okay, let's think about two things
I Have argued for a couple decades. Well, not a couple decades since 2006 when
I began studying Islam that Islam is a religio political system or a or a political religious system depending upon the percentage of Muslims within a particular context
So when the percentage of Islam of Muslims starts getting above 11 to 15 percent of the population the political aspects
Begin to come to the fore and The religious aspects don't disappear, but they become expressed much more in a political fashion and so you can't have a
Non -political Islam So In the fight against political
Islam is he trying to say that's not a fight against religious Islam Now keeping that in mind and the specifics of that Let's go over here
Rome recognized Very clearly we've talked about this many times Rome recognized many clear very clearly the reality
That saying Jesus Kurios had political ramifications
Now we've been raised in Evangelicalism United States We have been raised with the mythology of neutrality and So the result is when we say
Jesus is Lord, we only mean Lord in the spiritual realm of church
That his lordship has no meaning Outside of the four walls of the church and The early
Christians knew that wasn't true and the Romans knew that wasn't true and That's why they tried to wipe out
Christianity between 250 and 313 They decide it was the reason that the
Empire was crumbling that wasn't the reason the Empire was crumbling Those seeds had been sown long before that But that's what they decided
When let's put this way if you preach the Carmen Christi Philippians 2 5 through 11 If you preach that are you gonna preach all of it?
You say why it's isn't that a Christological passage isn't that the hymn to Christ as to God it yeah, right
How does it end that to Jesus? Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is
Lord to the glory of God the Father Everyone you see that's the fundamental offensiveness the exclusivity of the claims of the risen
Savior so When I look at what
Austria is doing So it's like I said,
I could not find those two tweets I'm not questioning them They look like they're direct screenshots
It's got the right picture everything But maybe they were removed.
I Did find these myself so I took a screenshot Today five years ago
Islamist terrorists attacked Paris brutally killing 130 innocent civilians Our thoughts are with the victims and their families
Islamist terrorism is our common anyway common enemy Which we will fight together in Europe It is not a fight between religious groups
But a fight between those who believe in our common European values and those who reject them we
We have to be listening. We have to be listening folks We have to hear what is being said here.
You have to If you've tuned out tune in here, do you hear what was just said it is not a fight between religious groups well the secularism of the
European state is a religion religious statement when a secular state says
We have ultimate authority over Government without acknowledging that the source of rights and Human dignity is found in the
Creator God. They are saying themselves up as a religious
Authority counter to God himself that is simply the reality and so where these values come from where do these
European? values come from That phrase has been used by the
European Union to beat on Poland and Hungary and anyone who will not adopt the most radical views of sexuality marriage homosexuality abortion infanticide euthanasia
The whole nine yards the the entire socialist leftist secularist agenda is all based on we have our
European values our common European values. Well, there used to be European values They were based upon the
Judeo -christian worldview, but those have been abandoned and what has tried to take its place has failed miserably to replace those values and to provide a grounding for those values and so those who
Reject them are not just Muslims. They're believing Christians as well so Whichever set of tweets you want to accept
It doesn't matter Austria has declared war on believers
Christian Muslim whatever unbelievers You must embrace
European values Let me circle around and tie this together to wrap things up.
We're going into Gavin Newsom, California all locked down,
Washington State all locked down New York City, the state of New York It's happening again and again and again
Do it's anything about flattening a curve here? Well an infection curve, but as I played the doctor
If it's not presenting itself, it's not really an infection Just because you use a test that can find a fragment of a shell of the virus by doing 40 different cycles to find it doesn't mean this person is
Somehow to be locked away for the rest of their lives so you've got this stuff going on and everybody knows
That there have been a bunch of businesses That just barely made it through that are just barely trying to get back and this is gonna kill him
I'm gonna kill him and People are sitting around going why? Why does the government seem so intent upon making us all wards of the state?
Because that's what the great reset demands Why? simple
If you're a war of the state You live in a little place. You're They want private property done away with.
Remember the WEF video I played for you a few weeks ago? You won't own anything
You'll just rent whatever you need That's communism in case you're wondering to everyone according to his need.
There you go So whatever you need you just you just rent from big brother the government and everybody'll be happy when you do this
So you're gonna you're gonna live not in the home you have right now. That's too big
Um, you're not gonna have transportation. You're not gonna have a car. You're not gonna have a house You're gonna live on universal minimal incomes
Heard that anywhere it was in the Democratic presidential debates you're gonna get your
Monthly little check from the government that will not allow you to travel It will not allow you to choose what kind of foods you want to eat.
It will not allow you anything other than subsistence You work for Big Brother and Big Brother gives you a little stuff and of course your health care is now free
Except that it took your house and your car and all of your income to pay for it There's that little negative part about it so you are now the servant of the government
You you live for the government. Are you gonna vote against the government that is providing you your food?
Because you see the government will then require certain things of you and You will have certain speech codes there are certain things you are not allowed to believe certain things you're not allowed to say
Would you like to have a speech code designed by Kamala Harris? It's coming Every one of you voted for it's coming
They won't care whether you vote for them or not. It's coming speech codes Belief codes you will have to affirm as you do in public schools in California When you when you celebrate
Harvey Milk Day the pedophile Good stuff. That's positive. This is a good thing.
This is how we create unity you see and Nobody ever votes against the people that are handing them what they are dependent upon to survive
Okay, so why destroy all these businesses because that's what they why put the government
Into even more trillions and trillions and trillions of dollars of debt Which we will never pay off because once the
Great Reset happens There's gonna be a universal currency and all this debt that's gonna disappear anyways Along with your private property rights along with your and your your savings and everything so that everyone can have
Equity we can all be equal in other words equally impoverished
Now, of course the elites will continue to live High off the hog That's that's a given they will continue to jet around the world and lecture all the rest of us
About how we should be so thankful for their condescension to even having anything to do with us But that's what this is all about Lock it down Destroy the economy make everybody the war of the state give you your little pittance and Bring in the
Great Reset There you go and Be happy. Yes, be be very thankful One of the things in this perfect day is that when you talk to people you're supposed to say and thank uni
Unicomp the computer computer system that runs everybody's lives determines what you're gonna do in life.
We're gonna live Total AI power You're supposed to say thank you knee instead of thank
God. It's thank you knee and Yeah, that's that's there you go. There it is. There it is
So That's why it's happening and so now to circle around to Another important aspect one of the greatest things standing in the way of the
Great Reset is the Christian Church Because the well the Christian Church that is focused upon Maintaining a biblical worldview okay, those that have a
Have decided that the cultural worldview can just simply you can just take some theology and slather it over the top and call it good
There they're on the Great Reset side. They'll be behind it. Well until they their use is worn out and then then they'll end up in the gulags, but If you would dare to continue to believe
That whatever global government system is designed
To enforce all this stuff the the Green New Deal and all the all that stuff and COVID -19 and and immunizations and getting your in in equilibrium.
It was your dose in This fine this perfect day.
It's the medical treatment what they call him brave new world. It's been a while But they are the same thing and that'll have to Bill Gates Will be in charge of all of that now
Bill Gates will never die because he's probably had a robot body made for himself And Tom Cruise will play him in some future movie or something like that.
Anyway But I know they're about the same height I guess anyway Whatever that technocracy type thing is if you dare to say that that will be judged by a law
Higher than it is by God's law That every person in that technocracy will stand before Jesus and be judged by his law that makes you an enemy of the state
It did under Rome It does under any Technocratic totalitarian system and so The real issue that I'm thinking through that I'm trying to listen to others
How do we do church? How do we do church in a technocratic totalitarian system?
Because the Soviets didn't have this stuff the Soviets didn't have drones and the ability to track everybody the computer systems just weren't
Remember what computer systems were like? They Couldn't do it now they can now they can the
Chinese have shown the way Chinese have shown the way with their social credit system and with their social monitoring system
They've shown the way they've designed it and We looked at it and said, oh that's terrible and Then elected the people that will establish it ding ding ding ding ding.
There you go. There you go. There you go All right, well, okay I was going to jump into I guess there's some huge news conference going on right now
Are you seeing that as well? Yeah, I'm seeing some big news conference going on I'm seeing information about it and It's interesting from a couple different sources here, so We will we will see what comes of all of this.
I would love to see us have a few more years to fight and to try to warn people
That would be great. I mean because we're already seeing what Biden is gonna do
We're already seeing the people that he's talking about Pete Buttigieg Every single one of those radical leftist
Democratic candidates are now gonna get their payoff by having high positions
Ambassador to the UN whatever so they can cram their Stuff down everybody's throats globally and wouldn't it be amazing if all of a sudden something did come out that turns the whole election around and Though and it's like oh quit turn the lights off turn the lights off.
Oh, no We we just we just told everybody what we're actually up to. Yeah. Well, it's not like Anybody who isn't listening and doesn't already know that but so I'll be interested in seeing what this is all about when we get done
But anyhow, so I do know I had it on the list I can show you the list that Needed to get back to The limited atonement debate and I have a video of William Lane Craig on Romans 9
That we need to get to but that would probably be worth an entire Radio Free Geneva We haven't played the Radio Free Geneva theme
Before your end. Yeah. Well, I've got the Radio Free Geneva shirt over here So I need to you know, we need to do a
Radio Free Geneva before the end of the year So we will we will definitely definitely be doing that. So Doctrine and life dot co right and it's one doctrine and life not case -sensitive, but it's dot co
Is where you can also because we need to get we need to let everyone have enough time
To get their Radio Free Geneva swag, so So this shirt was a prototype is a little bit too red right so but I mean
I like it I Mean I really like that one, but that's that That matches so we went a little deeper.
Well, you're you're into that. Remember you're what I Did yeah, yeah, and you're what was that?
What was that jacket called? members only your members on How long did you wear that thing?
No, look look. No, look Understand when you people get on me about being so mean to rich You don't understand
That the man that walked up to me at the end of a Christian doctrines class at North Phoenix Baptist Church with Dave Johnson in a maroon members only
Jacket, you don't was fresh out of the door Yes.
Well that I mean he was this close to breaking into tongues. Okay. Yeah. All right So You gotta understand we have history look up look up Richard Roberts folks
Richard Roberts, that's what I was. I was into Richard Roberts. Oh, yeah, but what you don't seem to understand is is that I Did was never that was not the same jacket
Huh, so when I would go back to JC Penney and Buy another one that looked just like the other one.
Oh, yeah, I like maroon. I Just thought he was making
I thought he was really Scottish Look at the walls here and try to look at my rounds folks.
Look at the walls Yeah, and it's the same color in the Washington Redskins thing too, which he used to be a fan of but yeah
And then and then look at our logo, but so so there's so there's the radio free
Geneva t -shirt so that's what I'll I'll I'll put on for for the radio free
Geneva broadcast and So and and so everybody needs to have time to get theirs and then we can have a community
Radio free Geneva. There you go where everyone has their Everybody in the audience has to put their radio put their radio and then post pictures to Twitter I love it of them wearing their radio for each or parlay or parlay.
Yes Yes, because Twitter would eventually get rid of us. What is this? It's a cult get out of here Yep. Yep.
Yep. So yeah, we'll do that. We will we will definitely definitely do that. Okay. All right Thanks folks for being on with us on the program today
We will Lord willing Lord willing after the stuff I said today We're just thankful that the police did not break down the door here
And put us on the ground and take us away And we will end up, you know pray for those that are facing that kind of thing
We have brothers in Germany that they're facing this kind of stuff. We really do Pray for them pray for them.