F4F | Brian Simmons Says Church is the Re-Incarnation of Jesus


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. If you are attending a church where the pastor or pastrix or prophet, prophetess, apostle, apostolate...
Yeah, you kind of have to run the gamut nowadays. By the way, there are no apostles today. And the people who claim to be prophets, they're all false.
But anyway, if they're using what's called the Passion Translation...
If you've ever heard of this thing, if anybody you know is preaching, and your pastor or your church leader is preaching from this thing, go ahead and hit the subscribe button below and ring the bell.
You are really in a lot of danger. The Passion Translation is not a translation.
It is a full -blown heresy fest. And Brian Simmons, the guy who is responsible for unleashing this
Ebola virus on the body of Christ, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do to Jesus. That's the best way
I can put it. And so we're going to work from the principle here that, you know, Jesus says that a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.
And I want you to see the bad tree that Brian Simmons is. It's so bad, it's just like ridiculously painfully obvious that this man is a full -blown rank heretic.
Okay, not just a heretic. He's a rank heretic. And are you sitting down because you're going to hear him say that you and I, we're the reincarnation of the
Word of God. Yeah, that's the kind of stuff you're going to hear. From Glory—let me bring this up so you can see.
This is actually from Jubilee Church in Sydney from May of 2015.
Brian Simmons, the guy who's responsible for the Passion Translation, claiming that he had a special inspiration from God the
Holy Spirit for his translation. And just listen to this theology, and you'll get the idea.
Whoa, wait a second. A bad tree can't bear good fruit. The Passion Translation is the fruit of this guy's, and he's the tree.
Let's just put it that way. It ain't good fruit. And listen to this. He's within us. The Revelation 12 virgin bride will give birth to a man -child company, a corporate expression.
One has become many. The seed has now fallen to the ground and died, but is now bearing many seeds.
There's a many -seeded Christ. He will prolong His days. There's a many -seeded Christ coming?
And take pleasure in what He sees. Isaiah 53 says that He will see
His seed and prolong His days. We are extending the ministry of Jesus throughout the nations.
We are carrying His life and His nature and His DNA wherever we go. We're carrying
His DNA? Huh? We're to preach the gospel, proclaim
Christ and Him crucified for our sins. What are you talking about? Prolonging His days, the
Acts 29 company. We are expressing the Christ wherever we go. And as the corporate maturity continues and we rise to be the holy temple under the
Lord, there will be that under -the -apple -tree conception. Something's going to get conceived under the apple tree?
Will there be fornicaboodling happening underneath the apple tree? What are you talking about? And the
Christ we long for will be seen in a corporate way.
Christ will be seen in a corporate way? Huh? There's a coming glory.
If you look at Antichrist, the devil, you look at judgment, you know, bowls, trumpets, and let's see, seals, trumpets, and bowls, all three of those,
I don't know how far to go with you guys. Yeah, weird. I mean, if you were just exegeting, you could just exegete the passage.
But see, he's revealing something new, something they've never heard before.
All three of them refer to people. You're sealed with the Holy Spirit. I could show you the seven seals from the
New Testament. Seven times it says you're sealed. So we're the seals that are broken on the scroll in the book of Revelation.
Really? No. Sealed book is you. He's the word, the volume of the book, it is written of Him.
We express the word. We are the word made flesh again. We are the— Oh, man.
We're the word made flesh again. So you and I, the body of Christ, we are the reincarnation of Christ.
Reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Yeah, that's what I thought. I'm going to back this up so you can hear it in context. Listen again.
Sealed book is you. He's the word, the volume of the book, it is written of Him. We express the word.
We are the word made flesh again. We are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Yeah, so you and I are the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.
No, we're not. Oh, my goodness. I mean, seriously, Jesus Christ is
God in human flesh. We are not. Consider the implications of what it is that he's saying here.
The corporate expression. Seals, seven seals of the
Holy Spirit. Trumpet, our message, it's a revelation. It's a message that trumpets the truth of God.
Sounds into the ears and the heart of those with ears that have been pierced and whose hearts are prepared.
It is a message of coming glory. And a bowl, isn't that what we are? We are jars of clay.
We're vessels. We are vessels of honor. It just so happens that the bowls, you know, when the angels pour out the contents of those bowls, it results in judgment on the earth.
It's interesting. When Jericho was under a curse, Elisha said, get a bowl, get a bowl full of salt, right?
Jesus said, you are the salt of the earth. What makes us salty is faith in Christ.
Take a bowl full of salt and go to the headwaters of the river of the waters of Jericho that are undrinkable and put a bowl full of salt into the water and it'll be drinkable again.
We break the curse off our cities, the expression of Christ in us, the salt bearing company.
We break the what? Uh huh. So we collectively now are the reincarnation of Christ.
Yeah, this is the second video we've done on Brian Simmons.
Hopefully there'll be more in the future because you got to recognize that is the tree that the passion translation is the fruit of.
No bad tree can bear good fruit. He ain't no good tree. He's a false teacher in a rank heretic.
And this idea that we are the reincarnation of Christ and that God's going to, you know, that we're being raised up right now as some collective man child company.
Oh, boy. Yeah, this is NAR eschatology, kind of like 101.
The passion translation is the translation of the NAR. Avoid it like the plague.
And if you have a pastor who's preaching or teaching from it, run. Run as if the fires of hell are about to break out underneath your church because they are.
That's how serious this is. Now, if you found this helpful, please share this video.
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And, of course, all the information on how you can support us financially is down below in the description. And so until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.