AD Responds to AD on Matt Chandler

AD Robles iconAD Robles



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Make it happen. The link is in the description. This is me six years ago.
I was in a different house and a slightly different stage of my life. I look relatively similar.
I mean, there's definitely, I was a little thinner back then, I think, and definitely not as strong as I am now.
I think the cut is coming, by the way, too. I got to start cutting. I haven't, I've been afraid to start cutting because I felt like it would kind of hamper some of my gains.
You know, I got to get, got to focus on those gains sometime, float maxing, you know. But I think the time has come.
So we're going to have to take a look at that. But look at this guy. Let's listen to him.
Hello, my name is Adam Robles. And today I wanted to respond and interact with the video that was produced by the
Village Church. The video features Pastor Matt Chandler talking about the issue of white privilege.
Now, I was a pastor back then. And you can tell that I'm a little, you know, listen,
I'm still me. It's still me. But I was a lot more, I don't know, what was
I like back then? You know, I can't say necessarily encourage you to watch this video. It's 30 minutes long.
And it's about like a two minute video from Matt Chandler about white privilege.
And I talk about it for 30 minutes, which I, you know, I talk a lot. So that's, that's pretty standard. But you know, this is the kind of video where people are making fun of me for over qualifying the last video, which
I definitely did qualify it a lot because I, I don't know, I thought the qualifications were necessary. But back then
I was a lot more, I don't want to say respectful, because I think I'm still respectful. But you know, now
I've seen too much. I'm just a little bit. I'm just battle hardened at this point.
You know what I mean? You know, my kids are six years older, you know, six years crazier in the world.
And I'm just six years more experienced. And so, you know, now
I just, you know, calls it like a season, you know what I mean? And so I'm a lot different now. But yeah, you know, watch it if you're interested to see what
AD used to be like back when I was a real nice guy. I got,
I got Star Wars stuff in my background, you know, yeah, I still have some of that stuff back there. Yeah.
But now I've got a big guy, I almost have like a tackle shop on this wall. There's just so much fishing stuff up there,
I could open up a shop. But anyway, yeah, it was a lot different back then.
Let's, let's hear what I have to say for And I thought it would be helpful to critique one of my own videos.
Do you think that'd be funny? I think I think that might be something. I don't know. I don't know if I could take it though. 30 minutes of myself.
And then you add on the 30 minutes of commentary. I don't know, man. Interact with this viewpoint.
As you will see, Matt Chandler is a white guy, probably the whitest guy you'll ever see. There was my edgy joke.
Yeah, I was I was still I was still super edgy back then, you know, and I, he was the whitest guy I'd ever seen.
Oh, man, I don't know. I can't do it. I can't do what I thought I'd do today. I was thinking, what if I what if I commented on myself?
And then I thought about doing that. And I don't know, I just don't know if I should do if you guys want me to do it and I get enough interest, maybe
I will. But, you know, I'm gonna need some, I'm gonna need some feedback on that because I decided not to because I was like,
I don't know if I want to do that. I don't know if I want to signal against myself. I got a countersignal myself.
Oh, man. But yeah, if you watch this video, you know, I'm obviously I know that the
Matt Chandler video is just ridiculous and stupid. And he's just an idiot. But But, you know,
I go into it, I explain myself and I but I'm very careful to say, Oh, Matt Chandler is the greatest guy.
I agree with him so much. I even think in the description, I say I agree with him on 90 % of things.
You know, that's actually not true anymore. I, you know, I know too much about Matt Chandler now. And no,
I don't agree with him on 90 % of things. Percent? Percent. I don't agree with him on 90 % of things.
But what I figured I'd do is I'd go back to this white because it started making the rounds again. The what the
Matt Chandler white privilege thing. I think Megan Basham was mentioned it and then she retweeted it so that someone would know she wasn't making it up.
And I can understand that. I could totally understand that. Because when you describe this video, someone's gonna be like, now
I can't couldn't have been that bad. And you show it, you show it to them, and they're just completely shocked.
But anyway, let's, let's, let's review it now. Six years later, the new ad, you know, that's not
Adam Robles anymore. Now it's the ad Robles YouTube channel. So let's, let's do this. I can only find it on doctrinal watchdog.
Thank you so much for archiving this. I don't know if he took it down or if it wasn't on YouTube. I don't know, but I couldn't find it on YouTube from the original source.
But let's, let's give you my take now. So growing up, here's what that looked like for me.
When I sat in school growing up and learned about the history of the United States of America, I opened up our books,
I had to write reports I saw in those books and read the stories of and wrote reports on people who looked like me.
And then the first thing, and I doubt that I said this six years ago. But I saw so many people on Twitter mentioning this.
And it is so true. And it's not the kind of thing I would have said six years ago.
And but I definitely would have noticed it because it's so in your face and patently obvious.
This guy is just so effeminate. He presents himself effeminate.
And he's doing the whole thing. And he's Oh, you know, you know, the whole thing.
And he's, and he's just and he's, and of course, he's, he's, he's just bare faced.
And just, he doesn't strike you as a guy's kind of guy.
He really doesn't. And I know that that's going to be heresy to some people. Oh, of course, he's just a bro.
He's just he's not. This is this guy is not my kind of guy. This is not the kind of guy that I would choose to hang out with.
It just isn't. And maybe you would. And that's, you know, hats off to you, I guess. But this is just and the whole presentation.
It's not even just his appearance. It's not even just the hand gestures, which I'm now doing just because I'm seeing it.
So it's just funny how that works, right? You This is this is part of human nature, you mimic what you see.
And so I'm gonna start doing the whole that thing, because I'm seeing it now.
I do talk with my hands a little bit, though, I would have to admit that. But anyway, in any case, but it's just the whole presentation.
It's down to the music down to the fonts down to just the style, everything.
It's just so geared towards women. And man, it's embarrassing, because you know, guys, if you're honest with yourselves, and I got to be honest with myself, too.
This is the content I used to watch. It's just it just is. And I'll be honest, like, it always struck me as a little weird and a little effeminate.
But you know, when I was a younger Christian, you know, I didn't know any better. I just assumed this is just what it is.
This is just what Christianity is. And I've told this story before, but I'll never forget the first time
I went to a conference that was a that was masculine. And it was a street preaching conference, which is inherently a masculine endeavor.
And it was just it was just a bunch of guys like men, men, men, men's men, men, men of men,
I don't know how to say it. But it was just a bunch of guys that you know, they go to the clinics and preach they go to the they go to the colleges and preach, you know, it takes a certain kind of guy to do that.
And that the conference that they put on was nothing like the stuff I was used to from Gospel Coalition or T4G and all of this kind of thing.
Every piece of presentation that comes from Big Eva is so effeminate, it is unbelievable.
It's no wonder that men want nothing to do with it. And then the men that do want something to do with it, like they, a lot of them feel uncomfortable with it.
But they just figure just like I did, like, I guess this is just what it is. This is just what it is.
And you know, you hear about Jesus, of course, and you hear Jesus, but you hear only the stuff that is acceptable to women, the stuff that's like, oh, you know, he was merciful and patient.
And he was all those things. But then you bring up the other parts of him that aren't approved by women.
And then all of a sudden, people like Matt Chandler or Jared Wilson say, well, you're not Jesus. Why are you trying to act like Jesus like that?
You're not Jesus. And it's just a really sad state of affair. It's a real sad state of affairs, my friends.
When I turned on the television, by and large, at any moment in time when I turned on the television, what
I saw was people who looked like me. And then when I got magazines, or when
I got books, or when I played with toys, or what I saw repeatedly were people that looked like me.
At almost any given moment, I was surrounded by people who looked almost just like me.
And so really, the entire— Almost just like me. Just the way he emphasizes words and phrase, they almost just like me.
It's like he's apologizing for his existence. He's apologizing that he grew up white.
He's apologizing. He doesn't say, I'm sorry, but this whole presentation is like, he feels bad about this.
When I went to the store, there should have been 20 G .I. Joes that were black instead of just one or two.
But when you think about it, honestly, think about your childhood. I mean, even if you grew up with nothing but white people, think about the shows you watched.
Think about the toys you played with. It was always like 10 % black toys. The G .I.
Joes, a couple black guys in there. They had some Mexican. You know what I mean? They had that.
They had all that. And when you turn on the show, sure, there's a bunch of white people, but then there's always the
Cosby show. There's always Family Matters. Was that the black one or was it Full House? Full House was the white one.
Family Matters was the black one. There was always Sister, Sister also. Sister, oh, sister.
That should be the theme of the Kamala White House, the Sister, Sister theme. Sister, oh, yeah.
Is that how it went? I don't think that's how it went. There was always Smart Guy. There was plenty of black people on TV.
And let's just face it, nobody cares about Hispanics in any of these conversations. It has nothing to do with Latinos.
It's always black and white. So he's talking about black people. He doesn't care that there was no Mexican show. Maybe there was. I don't know.
But yeah, it's not true. He's making all this up. He's making all this up.
We played with toys. Yeah, they had black wrestlers. Man. Well, you know, my starting lineups, all
I had was the white people. It's like, well, OK, that's fine. But they they made black starting lineups. Starting lineups were cool, man.
That was good stuff. That was good stuff. I mean, maybe maybe maybe he's right, though. Maybe I'm the one that's wrong.
Maybe maybe it was just in New England that they had the black starting lineups and they weren't available in Texas or wherever he grew up.
I don't know. Maybe maybe they didn't have maybe they didn't have the black G .I. Joe's and they erased them from the show for, you know, you know, back in back in in Texas.
I mean, even the Ghostbusters, they had they had a black guy. There was only four of them. That's twenty five. Twenty five percent of the
Ghostbusters were African -American. What more do you want?
Twenty five of the percent of the country is not African -American, yet they still had a black Ghostbuster. Yeah, he was good.
You know, there is some there is some truth to racism, though. I did find some racism. Finally, I did. So twenty five percent of the
Ghostbusters are black. And yet in the Nintendo video game, they leave him out.
And also they leave him out in the Genesis Ghostbusters video game. They just they just refuse to have him.
He's an unplayable character. I think in the Genesis, I think that the was there a
Super Nintendo one? I don't think there was the two the two the two Ghostbusters Nintendo games. Neither one of them had
Winston and neither did the Genesis game. They all left out Winston. That's racism.
It's right there. That's it. I am now woke. There is racism. Racism is real, guys. It's real.
In the Ghostbusters video game, they decided to leave out Winston main character. Man, it's just not true.
This is all fantasy. He's just making this up to appeal to liberals. That's what he's doing. When I grew up, everyone
I saw on the TV looked just like me, like a wounded puppy.
Like, man, dude, like somebody somebody needs to get this guy testosterone shot. They have a lot of that in Texas.
I don't know if you know this, but me and me and Andrew Isker were in Texas together. And what we noticed was that there was a testosterone clinic like on every block.
There's 100 testosterone clinics. We're driving 10 miles. We see 10 testosterone clinics. Maybe they're just missing it in Texas.
I don't know. I have nothing against Texas. I know there are good men in Texas, but my goodness.
Let's continue. Their experience of my life has been one of I can easily find people.
This guy owns a steak company. This guy needs to eat some steaks. That's what he needs to do. Look like me.
Almost all my understanding of what made America great is because of efforts and the work ethic of people like me.
I come from a lower class Anglo family. My story is kind of the
American dream. Pulled myself up by my bootstraps. Worked hard. Learned to work hard from my daddy. Yada, yada, yada.
I could go on and on there. But what happens in that kind of upbringing, which is fine, is that there were some lenses put over my eyes in which
I saw the world through those lenses, not knowing what those lenses are. If I could just be straight at what
I'm talking about is that I have grown up with this invisible bag of privilege.
I guess this is not the whole video. The invisible, the old invisible bag of privilege.
I remember he said, you reach into the bag of privilege whenever you need it, and you just use the privilege.
You know what I mean? You get your invisible bag of privilege and all of that. That a boy,
Matt. Doctrinal Watchdog. I think he added this. I don't know if this was part of the original cut, but he added this.
But yeah, they are happy, man. They've got a white pastor with some clout talking about what they want him to talk about.
It's just so sad. It's just so sad. It is the epitome.
And obviously, sorry for not having the full video. Whatever. Who cares? Nobody wants to watch any more of that. I saw somebody say that it's even creepier if you watch the video of him talking without the sound on because he's just kind of you know, all that.
But it is the epitome. Matt Chandler's presentations there, and I think really this is probably just Matt Chandler in general whenever he talks about social issues or political issues.
It is Christianity when you have your testicles clipped.
It's as simple as that. I don't know how much clearer I can say it. It's like it's eunuch
Christianity is what it is. It's Christianity in service of the regime's narratives.
That's what it is. And it's sad. It's funny. We can all have a good time making fun of Matt Chandler.
And believe me, nobody likes doing that more than I do. But it's just pathetic.
And I think six years ago, I didn't really know that. I just thought that he was this guy here just thought he was wrong.
And he was just honestly mistaken. You know, he really comes from a good place and all of that.
But he's just honestly mistaken. And I don't believe that anymore. I don't believe that anymore. I think Matt Chandler is one of these kinds of people, one of these kinds of pastors that more than anything, more than anything, wants to maintain an air of respectability in a world that hates
Christ. And I think he does want to hold on to what he thinks is the most important parts of Christianity.
But what he thinks are the most important parts of Christianity, you know, the gospel proper and stuff like that, definitely important parts.
If that's all Christianity is to you, though, and there's no application, there's no real way that that gospel affects the nations, the culture at large.
It doesn't put you in these positions where you're against the culture at large.
You know, you can't go along with the crowd. You know, if that's all it is to you, then you're a eunuch, is what you are.
You're a eunuch. You think you're serving Christ in every area of life, and maybe you are serving
Christ in some areas of life, but there are some things, there are some missions that you're just not prepared to do, and you're not willing to do.
You're not willing to do. Because to you, part of your prime directive is to never, ever, ever, this is the last thing on earth that you would want, you would not want the world to look at you the way they look at Westboro Baptist Church, bigoted, evil, you know, all that kind of stuff.
That's like the worst thing in the world to you, and so if the world starts to treat you like that, then you know you're doing something wrong, and maybe you have to reconsider your tone or your approach and stuff like that, and that's just not the case at all.
You know, for all of Westboro Baptist's faults, one of the faults wasn't the reaction of the world against them.
That wasn't one of their faults, because that's a natural reaction for people who hate the
Lord and hate his people. They're going to treat you that way. To them, you're no better than Westboro Baptist Church.
You're just a little less honest. You just are a little more sly about your positions, but the
LGBT mafia looks at you the same way they look at Westboro Baptist Church.
So that wasn't one of their faults. And so this is the thing, like, you know, that Matt Chandler video, the white privilege, if I had to go back and redo the video, sure, maybe
I'd respond, you know, carefully and thoughtfully like I did the first time, but I'd also, you know, have to say that this is the example of eunuch
Christianity. This is a neutered Christianity. This is a Christianity that cannot, cannot change the culture.
It can't, because it's unwilling to, because they don't want to. Anyway, I hope you found this video helpful.