Free Biblical Hebrew Video Course - Introduction - Aleph with Beth

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Please visit and explore our website for more resources and answers to frequently asked questions! With this free video course you can learn to read Biblical Hebrew no matter what language you speak! It works for people who have no knowledge of Hebrew, as well as for those who have already studied! We teach in a way that helps you learn as a child learns to speak his first language. For many people learning Hebrew can be expensive, intimidating, and frustrating. We want to change that. Here are some of the advantages of learning with our videos: ✓ FREE. Forever. No signups. No trial periods. ✓ Learn as a child learns: seeing and hearing. ✓ No stress. Go at your own pace, and enjoy it! ✓ No lists of rules to memorize. ✓ No book required. ✓ Works in all languages & countries. ✓ Perfect for kids and homeschool. Please help us share this free course with friends so that the Body of Christ can grow in maturity together as we study the Bible in a deeper way through the original languages! Start here with lesson 1: You can find all the lessons arranged in a playlist here: If you are a Hebrew teacher and want to collaborate with us to create more free teaching materials in English or another language, please feel free to contact us. Follow us on Instagram @alephwithbeth for fun Hebrew reading practice at an easy-intermediate level, and on Facebook for occasional announcements and extras! If you want to learn more about our method of teaching, and why it's the scientifically-proven most effective method for language acquisition, you can check out: If you want to see more videos like this, please consider contributing here:


Many people want to learn Biblical Hebrew but they find it too difficult or intimidating and they give up before getting very far.
And the few students who do make progress struggle afterwards to retain and use what they've learned.
Here's the problem. Most people in the world weren't designed to learn a language by using a textbook and memorizing lots of rules.
Instead, we learn a language best by experiencing it, hearing and speaking it.
Everyone has the ability to learn a language in the natural way they learned to speak their mother tongue as children.
Think about it. Your parents didn't begin by teaching you the alphabet and grammar when you were a child. They simply spoke to you.
You listened and then started understanding and speaking little by little. Then you were ready for the alphabet.
Our free videos help you experience this natural, immersive style of learning. The more you watch, the more you'll build your comprehension.
This natural way of learning a language is far more enjoyable and more effective over time because the sounds and grammar of Biblical Hebrew get into your long -term memory through repetition and use.
After learning some vocabulary and grammar intuitively through our videos, you'll be exposed little by little to the
Hebrew alphabet and eventually learn how to read. We're creating this free video course to help
Bible translators and the church around the world learn Biblical Hebrew and grow in their understanding of the
Scriptures. You won't hear English or any other language besides Hebrew in our free videos so anyone can follow along and learn.
Our goal is to help you experience Hebrew as a living language instead of memorizing lists of grammar rules and vocabulary.
And you don't need a book. Don't be surprised if you feel a bit disoriented at first.
That's normal. You will probably feel like a child again, trying to guess what's going on.
Sometimes that makes adults feel uncomfortable, but it's part of learning. Just have fun!
If you persevere and watch the videos again and again, the sounds and the structures will start to become part of you.
The more you keep at it, the more you'll start to see the practical value of learning the language instead of only learning about the language.
You'll be surprised by how much you've learned after just a few videos. If you can't remember all the vocabulary at first, don't worry.
Just relax and watch the video again. You'll keep hearing the vocabulary again and again in future videos, so no need to strain to memorize it the first time around.
Also, make sure to watch the lessons in order. You can find them all arranged in a playlist linked in the description.
So what are you waiting for? Subscribe to our channel and start learning the language of the Hebrew Bible.
Please help us share this free teaching with friends from other countries who may be interested in learning Hebrew, and pray for us as we continue making more free videos to help you experience the joy of God's Word in its beautiful original language.