The Modern Prophets and Faith Healers Utterly Destroyed by COVID 19

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


The COVID-19 virus has utterly exposed the Word-Faith/N.A.R./prophetic/charismatic movement as a total farce and this video completely lays bare the complete bankruptcy therein. If you want one-stop, irrefutable proof that the modern "prophets" are frauds, liars, and charlatans, this is it.


Hello ladies and gentlemen, my name is Justin Peters. I want to thank you for watching this video This video is undoubtedly the largest one
I've ever done. It's the most intricate. It's the most involved I have spent well over a week probably about 10 days putting this together
And so if you watch this video all the way through you'll notice that I change shirts from time to time
That's because I've did this over so many different days But I encourage you to watch this video all the way through I I have never seen anything in my life that has more acutely and more irrefutably
Exposed the utter bankruptcy of the word -faith movement and the charismatic movement in general as has this
COVID -19 virus it has just utterly laid bare on every conceivable level on the theological level on the prophetic level on the integrity level
Just laid bare how bankrupt and utterly worthless This movement really is and I've taken a lot of different quotes
Mainly video clips from a lot of individuals Kenneth Copeland He's made a lot of news here in the recent recent couple of weeks with some of the outlandish things
He has said that's gonna be in there and some things that you have not seen from Kenneth Copeland But it's not just Kenneth Copeland I've got stuff in here from Bill Johnson and Sean Boltz and Sid Roth and Chuck Pierce and Tracy Cook and Andrew Womack and a lot of different people and so this what
I think I've put together here is just going to in an absolutely irrefutable way
Show you how worthless this movement is and this is a long video.
Okay, it's long and so I Know you probably won't watch this all in one sitting.
So here's what I ask this. This video is so Chocked full of stuff from start to finish.
Here's what I would ask of you When you start watching it whenever you have to stop just push pause and come back to it because trust me
You don't want to miss what is at the end of this video. You don't want to miss that So I encourage you to watch this if you've not already seen the video that I've put up previously
Entitled a caution about discernment go on to my youtube channel watch that video first Because that lays some important groundwork for this video so we're gonna cover a lot of ground here and there's gonna there's gonna be times in this video when
I get rather Emotional especially for me I suppose
I'm gonna use a lot of sorry. I say a lot of them. There's gonna be some sarcasm in here There's gonna be times when
I get rather angry for me anyway, but I think with good reason and But there's gonna be some times of humor.
I've got even a few Movie clips if you can believe it just very very short movie clips to kind of illustrate some absurd things
But it's gonna be pretty fast moving. I'm gonna show you I'm gonna give you irrefutable proof
Not only that these people are false prophets, but I'm gonna catch some of them out in outright
Lies, I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you about how they do the gold dust in their services
I'm gonna tell you about a lady. I know who was instrumental in making that happen. I'm gonna expose all of this stuff
I'm gonna expose the fake leg lengthening stuff of Todd white Have you heard about Chuck Pierce's prophecy that he supposedly made back in?
2019 in which he prophesied a massive plague like invasion coming to this country and now they're claiming that that is the corona
Virus, well, I'm gonna prove to you that he lied about that. I mean, there's just this is it?
There's a ton of stuff in here. So yes, it's a long video, but please watch it all
You don't want to miss any of this Please share it with your friends share it with your family members who are in this movement to one degree or another
I honestly think if they will watch this video With a fair open mind and consider the things
I have to say in the consider the the facts that I show them I think Unless they're just going to intentionally ignore it if they're even
Even halfway open to being corrected by the truth. I think their eyes will be open so I'm very passionate about this because As I said
This is just exposed this movement in such a dramatic Irrefutable way more so than any other single event that I've I've ever seen or experienced
This video will be a lot of help to you. So thank you for watching and let's begin our journey
What is God saying for 2020? I know you all want to know the answer that I've had some of the leading
Prophetic voices to share what God has shown them for this new year be sure to watch until the very end of this video for a special announcement and free gift that you are going to greatly value and now let's see what
God has in store for 2020 and then said Roth goes on to have 20 of some of the more well -known names in the prophetic movement share with you what
God has shown them about the the an upcoming year of 2020 of course again, this was back in January now some of these names just briefly
I'm not gonna go into detail just name them because I want to point out a couple things But he had on Hank Kuhneman Perry Stone Patricia King David Herzog.
Dr. Clarice fluid now now I say that doctor rather sarcastically for a reason because difference very very few of these popular charismatic preachers actually have
Doctorate degrees The vast majority of them are just made up degrees honorary degrees.
I went to dr quote -unquote Clarice Fluitt's website and It did not say where from where she got her doctorate.
I just said that she had it It does say that she is a prophetess with laser like accuracy.
Well, she wasn't so laser like in this Prophecy but dr.
Clarice fluid Lana Vosser Mario Murillo Glenda Jackson Jeremiah Johnson Kynan Bridges Tracy Cook David Hernandez Kevin Zadai Catherine Ruana Joan Hunter Larry Sparks, dr.
Cindy Jacobs Now I went to Cindy Jacobs website and it did say where she got her doctorate from or from where she got her doctorate to Be grammatically, correct, and it's an honorary doctorate from some
Asian theological Society again an honorary doctor. So basically the way this works and it's true of John Hagee, it's true of Jesse Duplantis.
They all call themselves doctorates But here's how it works in the charismatic movement If you have a large ministry if you have a very large quote -unquote
Successful because that's how they define success. It's how big it is then then you get an honorary doctorate from Rhema or ORU or you know, one of these other unaccredited
Well, ORU is accredited But it but it's an honorary doctorate and then you'll get honorary doctorates from seminaries or colleges that are not accredited
So so very very few of these people that use the term doctor actually have earned theological doctorate degrees
So, Dr. Cindy Jacobs, Anna Werner, Hakeem Collins, and James Gull.
Now I want to bring two of these prophets to your attention specifically because on March the 30th 2020,
Dr. Michael Brown Wrote an article entitled. This is a great time to test contemporary prophetic words and the reason that he says this is a great time to test these contemporary prophetic words is because two of these contemporary so -called
Prophets Tracy Cook and Chuck Pierce are both claiming that God gave them prophecies about the
Coronavirus before the coronavirus was even a thing and this is being heralded quite widely
Tracy Cook's prophecy not as nearly as widely so as Chuck Pierce's and I'm going to show you why that is
But I want to show you Dr. Michael Brown linked both of these prophecies in his article
That you can go and look up right now and so I'm going to show you the prophetic word by Tracy Cook first and Then we're going to talk a little bit about Tracy Cook and then we will do the same with Chuck Pierce So first of all, here is the prophetic word that Tracy Cook Supposedly received about the coronavirus now notice that he is giving this prophecy on March the 24th 2020 and You may be more or how's that a prophecy?
We were the coronavirus was well underway on March 24th 24 Well, yeah, that's kind of the point but but nonetheless will be fair to him watch
Tracy Cook in his own words Tell us some of the things God is showing you.
I just said I just got back from being Honduras with Apostle Montanado and in that Time of doing a crusade there
God gave me a dream and he set me in the dream in China Now I'm aware.
I must say not everything but in this dream God took me to a laboratory room a lab room and I saw the virus being created.
I saw how it's coming I've heard rumors about this, but you actually saw it being created.
I saw it being created now Just as a quick aside there is literally nothing that Sid Roth would not believe if he did not know who
I was and I know that he does because he's Referenced me without naming me but if he did not know who
I was I Guarantee you I could call up Sid Roth and say Sid I was just abducted on a
UFO and Elvis was flying the UFO Bigfoot and Jimmy Hoffa were on it
And they took me to heaven and showed me my own personal mansion in heaven I guarantee it.
He'd had me on his program the next week. So he took me into the nation of China and I was taken to this lab room with scientists and everything and I saw
Behind the closed doors was Nancy Pelosi's and the Democratic Party saying we you're not gonna hear this on the regular news
I can tell you that Well Sid Roth is right about that because that is such fake fake news
It's too fake even for CNN and They said in in there because I opened the door and I heard their conversation
This guy needs to be working for the CIA They said we could not impeach Trump and I share some of this in January that when
I was here But some haven't heard that some have not heard it because God gave me a dream that they were and tried to impeach him
But the impeachment would fall then they would try to They needed leverage and then in my dream in China could
God deals with me more like he did with Daniel in dreams There are only two prophets in the
Bible about whom nothing negative was ever said Joseph and Daniel and sir, you are nothing like Daniel and He shows me prophetic stages to what's happening in the world
So in I'm in Honduras and I had this dream for two hours and I'm taken to this laboratory room
I see these scientists creating the fact the the virus and the threats of this virus would come through on the garments and the machine
Shooting in the air and through needles like vaccines. I'm not saying you shouldn't take vaccines But there's an antidote that's coming that hasn't been presented yet.
I will say that much There's an antidote that's coming that hasn't been presented yet Thank You captain obvious But in this how far off is it do you know they don't it's not it's engrafted to the fig nation of Israel So the vaccine is engrafted to the fig nation of Israel Whatever.
Okay, but the the prophecy that dr. Michael Brown highlighted in his article that he hopes is true and All of us would hope is true
Not that it would validate the prophecy because it wouldn't but at any rate What the part that's going to be tested is what
Tracy cook says here? He says that by Passover this will be diminishing.
Okay. So here's the here's the pertinent part the part that Michael Brown referenced in his article watch this
Actually the end the first two part the first part was in the December 2019 the second part of January 15th.
I got to interrupt here just for a second Notice that he claims to have received this prophecy to two -part prophecy
The first part was in December of 2019 the second part in January of 2020 mid -january 2020
He didn't say anything about it at the time and that's that's what you see with these guys. It's only after the fact
So anyway, I digress but that's very important. I digress Back to our regularly scheduled program and he told me within four months a clip
We just got to see him. They'll make it April to 15 through 16. What is that to the nation of Israel?
It's the Passover time. Hmm So we're gonna start seeing this virus and then I had a dream the second part of what is going to happen on Passover We're gonna start seeing this virus
Diminish diminish. Okay. So Tracy cook prophesies that the coronavirus will begin to diminish on Passover April the 16th 2020
Well, let's all hope that it does but even if it does does that make
Tracy cook a true prophet? No, not at all First point again, he's not even telling us this until way after the fact so there's that but there's also the fact that the coronavirus
COVID -19 is going to peak on Different dates in different locations.
In other words whenever New York City has its peak and by the way They thought that maybe they had had their peak a few days ago because for a couple of days the deaths went down But then they shot right back up I'm recording this on April the 8th of 2020.
So it's going to peak on different dates for different locations It's not gonna peak at the exact same time in New York City that it does for example in San Diego, California or San Antonio, Texas or Bozeman, Montana where I am.
It's gonna peak at different Locations different dates so it's a meaningless thing to say and the models are all over the place trying to predict this
Some models are saying the COVID -19 virus won't even pick until peak until mid -june.
Let's hope that's not right But it's a meaningless thing to say. It's just this general kind of prophecy
I guarantee you on April 16th somewhere the COVID -19 virus will be diminishing somewhere but in other locations, it'll likely still be going up So this is just a meaningless thing to say doesn't make him a real profit
Let's just say for the sake of argument that somehow on April the 16th
It is decreasing everywhere on the planet, which I find very doubtful, but let's just say it does
Does that make him a real profit? No because I guarantee there's tons of secular people out there secular scientists and doctors who aren't
Christians who are predicting that this is going to Diminish it around that time doesn't have anything to do with some prophetic word of knowledge that they got
Further recall that Tracy Cook gave this prophecy on March 24th
Well, that's a week after the Trump administration came out with this social distancing plan to flatten the curve this flatten the curve campaign was rolled out a week before on March 17th and They were hoping for a two -week intensive social distancing program to flatten the curve well, so Everybody was hoping that the curve would flatten
By the time Easter or you know mid -april rolled around so this this is even if even if everything does drop in the
Cases are dropping like a stone, which I doubt very much. But even if it does it does not
Validate Tracy Cook's prophecy these guidelines were rolled out a week before now if Tracy Cook had come out say last
December in 2019 and said something to the effect of God took me in a dream a vision into a
Laboratory in China, and I saw that they were creating this corona virus and it was going to spread all over the world and it would be declared a
Pandemic and there were gonna be this intensive campaign to do social distancing six feet away
Oh, by the way, the name of it is kovat 19 And if he if he gave specific numbers and all this kind of stuff that you know, then we might have a bit more ammunition there in his arsenal
But this is a joke, honestly, I and the fact that anyone would fall for this
And and think that it has any credibility on any level is just laughable
So, let me show you how these charismatic prophets do what they do they throw out these very generalized prophecies and then after the fact they read back into and say see
I was right for example Let's say let's say are to come out and say this God has shown me
God took me in a vision God took me into the third heaven and he showed me that in the summer of 2020.
There's gonna be a great shaking There's gonna be a shaking in society Okay, a shaking in society in the summer of 2020 and at some point in the summer of 2020
Let's say there's an earthquake a big earthquake in California Oh, well, there's the shaking in society or let's say there was no earthquake in summer of 2020, but a very
High profile politician died. Oh Well a high -profile say like a prime minister of some country died.
Oh, there's a shaking in society or let's say There the stock market took a nosedive in July third week of July in 2020 and it lost 20 % of its value.
Oh Shaking in society you see and no matter what happens any kind of a newsworthy
Event something that affected at least a fair number of people or society in general
Then you read back you that into that ah shaking in society. You see how this works
That's how they do what they do. This prophecy from Tracy Cook is Absolutely meaningless most models most people most experts in the field
Expect that the corona virus would and hope that it would begin to slowly
Diminish that hence the two weeks to flatten the curve campaign thing there see they were expecting this anyway
So this this is no this is no prophecy. This is no bread. Tracy Cook is no profit. So that's how they do what they do
Now I want to tell you a little bit more about Tracy Cook Not only did
Tracy Cook not see this Coronavirus coming but Tracy Cook has preached at El Rey Jesus King Jesus Church in Miami, Florida pastored by Guillermo Maldonado Guillermo Maldonado is one of the false teachers that I feature in my seminar clouds without water
I Could say a lot about Maldonado, but let me tell you a quick little story A few years ago back in 2016.
I was preaching at a good church in Miami, Florida Miami Bible Church for any of you who may be watching in Miami and looking for a good church
I would commend Miami Bible Church to you pastored by David Diaz Great great church great guy
So anyway, there was a lady who came to one of the services and after the service was over she came up to me and she introduced herself and I'm not gonna say her name because I don't want to Cause any unnecessary trouble for her, but she came up to me and she said
Justin You've talked about Guillermo Maldonado. I said yes, and she said do you know that they have had gold dust?
Appear in their services and I said, yes, I am aware of that and she said well I used to be a member of that church and She said
God saved me out of that She was a false convert But God saved her out of that False church and once God saved her she did exactly what you would expect a
Christian to do To leave that deception and she did but she said she said
Justin when it was When I was in that church, she said it was actually my job. I Was given canisters of gold some kind of glitter or powder and during the service.
It was my job she and another lady they were tasked with going up and in going into the ventilation system and Dumping this gold powder gold glitter dumping it into the ventilation system
During the service so that it would have that it would blow out on the congregation Okay This is who
Guillermo Maldonado is. Guillermo Maldonado is a fraud. He also had another guy some years ago come in and Claim to be able to turn water into wine.
In fact, they did this right in the service this guy had some
Glass or pitcher or whatever glass of water quote -unquote and Turned it into wine right there.
Well, this is a this is a chemistry trick I mean go on YouTube and see how this is done that this is this is not a miracle
This is this is a complete and utter Fraud a complete and utter
Charlatan Guillermo Maldonado knows this he knows about the gold.
In fact going back to the gold dust just for a second We when
I was at Miami Bible Church David Diaz and I actually went to El Rey Jesus just to look around because I wanted to look around while I had the opportunity and long story short went into the bookstore and I started talking to the clerk at the bookstore just asking some questions about healing because I wanted to try to get into a conversation with him and and So I asked him a few questions about healing.
Do you believe it's always God's will to be healed? Yes, and so I named Moses and Elisha who who had illnesses
David the Apostle Paul in Galatians 4 for For Galatians chapter 4 verse 13 had a bodily illness and He didn't know how to answer my questions.
And so he actually called in two of the staff people at El Rey Jesus and they came in and they started talking with me and As soon as so I started questioning them and and it got a little tense
I actually brought up Galatians 4 verse 13 and one of them. I don't know their names I don't remember their names anyway, but one of them when
I brought up Galatians 4 13 I said, what do you do with this? And he actually he actually said this David Diaz will tell you he said we're not allowed to talk about those passages
We're not allowed to talk about those passages. And so by this time there was a pretty good little group of people that had stopped what they were doing because they could overhear all of this and they were watching and As soon as these these two staff members realized that I kind of knew what
I was talking about They wanted to shut it down. And so they started to leave they left
They were walking out of the bookstore. And as they were leaving I asked in a very loud voice So everybody in the bookstore could hear it.
I said, why do you put gold glitter in the ventilation system? And one of them turned around looked at me.
Both of them just kept going They didn't engage me they just they just got out of there
How telling how telling Guillermo Maldonado is a fraud he is a charlatan he
He intentionally deceives people with these false signs and wonders. He knows the gold dust is not from heaven
He knows what it is And I can prove it. He knows that turning that water into wine was not real
I can prove it. This is a stupid trick that you can learn how to do on YouTube This is not real and I might point out that Guillermo Maldonado and Bill Johnson are friends
In fact, this is video of Bill Johnson preaching at Guillermo Maldonado's church El Rey Jesus back in 2017 and I often say that as a pastor
Whoever you have fill your pulpit says a lot about who you are and what you believe and they have preached at one another's churches and Bill Johnson's church
Bethel Church also had the gold dust there for a while several years ago back around 2012 2013
Hmm Isn't that interesting? Both Bill Johnson and Guillermo Maldonado's churches both had gold dust both about the same time
Isn't that interesting? These are frauds So I find it very interesting that Tracy Cook could possibly be some kind of a prophet
When he is speaking at the very church pastored by a rank charlatan if Tracy Cook was a real prophet
God would have told him that God would have told him that They're all frauds every last one of them frauds
But Sid Roth asked Tracy Cook if he if God had told him who was going to win
The presidential election now watch this and we'll comment
Boy, that sounds so wonderful Did God show you because I still am interested a little in politics
Did God show you who's going to win the election? Yes If believers and I know it's always if believers pray, right, but he's shown me three times in a dream and I shared this first time
There's a clip that was made here. I dreamed that Donald Trump got reelected There's no guessing games.
He is the one that God's gonna put his hands on Okay, so God showed
Tracy that Donald Trump is going to be reelected So seems pretty ironclad right
God Donald Trump is the one on whom God has his hands Trump is going to be reelected
But he's going to equivocate now watch what he does here and Also to there's something
I can't mention here because it's going to get to him privately he has to obey this instruction that was given by God and Once he obeys his instruction by May the 21st in the first week of June, it will not all set his election
Are we in other words? He will win if he write mostly because this is that remember see what he did there
So Donald Trump is going to be reelected as long as he obeys the instruction that Tracy Cook Gives to him from God.
So if he's not reelected It's Donald Trump's fault because he didn't obey
God's instruction So you see how they hedged their bets so he either way he wins
Friends, I'm sorry. This is a fraud if he were a true prophet Let's just say that God is giving
Tracy Cook an instruction to personally give to Donald Trump So that if Donald Trump obeys and he will certainly win reelection
Well, let's just for the sake of kicks a giggle say that that's true Well, God would also show
Tracy Cook whether or not Mr. Trump would obey said instruction
He's fraud. He's a he's a farce. He's a huckster Which brings us to the second individual named by dr.
Micah Brown in this article Mr. Chuck Pierce Chuck Pierce claims to not only be a prophet not only to be an apostle, but indeed a
Senior apostle Chuck Pierce has a rather high view of himself referring to himself as a senior apostle
I'm kind of struck by that given that a real apostle the Apostle Paul himself Referred to himself as the least of the
Apostles and unworthy to be even called an apostle. So Yeah, quite the contrast there
Is it not between a real apostle who exudes real humility and a false apostle?
Who is very arrogant? but what has put Chuck Pierce in the headlines here recently is that he says that back in September of 2019 at the head of the year conference
God told him that there was going to be a plague like invasion
Coming a plague like invasion. So this is now making big news because look at what we're
Experiencing we're experiencing not not just a plague like invasion, but an invasion indeed of a plague the
COVID -19 virus so in a March 22nd 2020
Article from charisma magazine online Chuck Pierce says this. He says that in September of 2019 he said
I began to prophesy that the nation's would come into turmoil until Passover and Then he says at the starting the year off right conference in 2020
God told him that there would be a massive plague like invasion that would test us through Passover he said that he prophesied this in Las Vegas on January 26th of 2020 so this made big news there's a bit of a discrepancy here though because in this article
March 22nd Chuck Pierce says that his Prophecy of the plague -like invasion came in January of this year now
January of this year Coronavirus was not maybe on the lips of everybody, but it was it was already known
But that's not what Chuck Pierce says in This video that he put up on March the 24th watch this
I Believe when the Lord said this in September that we would be going through a plague like condition
That leading up to Passover, and then we would break through it I believe that he is leading us in a way so the charisma article
Quotes Chuck Pierce is saying that God gave him the plague -like invasion prophecy in January of 2020
However, Chuck Pierce just said there in that video that was dated March 24th that God gave him the prophecy of the plague -like invasion back in September of 2019 well, there's a discrepancy right there that doesn't make sense
Stephen Strang the editor of charisma magazine He reported on March the 16th that Chuck Pierce prophesied of the
Massive plague -like invasion back in September as well, and I'm doing this for Friday March 13th
Of course these podcasts are online for a long time and so people can check to see if what
I'm saying today is right Yes, indeed We can go back and check to see if this is accurate and that's a bad thing for Stephen Strang and Chuck Pierce and all these others.
I did say that this was March the 16th That's when it was put up on YouTube, but the actual program was indeed recorded on Friday March the 13th
So back to Stephen Strang last September Chuck Pierce prophesied that there would be a massive plague -like invasion that would and These are his words.
It would test us through Passover so the report that Stephen Strang gave reports this
Prophecy of the plague -like invasion having come to Chuck Pierce back in September That's what
Chuck Pierce said in this video that God gave him that back in September and yet The charisma magazine article says that that was given to him in January So I'm trying to figure this out and then it kind of dawns on me like wait a minute.
I haven't actually seen this prophecy and so I started looking for it and Odd thing is is that nobody seems to have this on video
It's quoted. It's quoted by charisma magazine. It's quoted by CBN.
They did some stories on it. Of course, Michael Brown Quotes it in his article, but I haven't actually seen the video
I haven't actually seen Chuck Pierce out of his own mouth in a video dated
Either one either back in January or way back in September of 2019 actually give the prophecy
It's quoted. It's Chuck Pierce says that he got the prophecy But there's no video
There's no primary source of this and so I start trying to find this video and I go to Chuck Pierce's website
Glory of Zion. I look for the video there can't find it there Go just google it all over YouTube I watch video after video after video and it's not anywhere doesn't seem to be anywhere and you know
I would think that if I had been given a prophecy Months before anything was known about the coronavirus about a massive plague like invasion
And I'm wanting people to believe that I'm a prophet. I would think I would be putting that out front and center
So in an effort to get to the bottom of this, I just made a phone call I called glory of Zion International Ministries Chuck Pierce's ministries, of course on April the 8th, obviously this year
April the 8th 2020 and A lady answered the phone and when she answered the phone,
I gave her my name I said, my name is Justin Peters and I have seen it reported that Chuck Pierce made a
Prophecy back in September of a massive Plague like invasion and as soon as I said that this is how she responded
I took notes on the conversation. She said no he did not
He did not say that that has been rumored in the press But he did not say that what he said was this would be a true
Passover And then she goes on to say, of course We had no idea the extent that that would also mean we would have plagues and so this
I was kind of surprised to hear this and so I Responded by asking I said so he did not say that there would be a massive plague like invasion and she responded
He did not say that no, I Really wish you could have heard how?
emphatic this Lady who works for glory of Zion International Ministries was I really wish you could have heard how in fact she was very clear very very forceful that Chuck Pierce never
Said that I was really surprised to hear her be so emphatic that Chuck Pierce did not say that When in fact he had said it in fact,
I told her I said well, ma 'am I just saw a video from Chuck Pierce that he had just put up about a week before In which he himself said that God gave him a prophecy of a massive plague like plague like invasion back in September of 2019
I told her I saw Chuck Pierce say this out of his own mouth And then she asked me if I was talking about the video that Justin Reina and Chad Foxworth did and I didn't know anything
About that. So I said no and she goes on to explain that this is a video that two of the staff members there at glory of Zion International Justin Reina who is a communications director of glory of Zion and Chad Foxworth He is one of the pastors there and Chuck Pierce's personal assistant
And this is and basically a highlight reel of Chuck Pierce's prophecies over the last year and a half and so based upon her description
I poked around on the website a little bit more and I did indeed find that Video and so I'm going to show you gonna give you just some excerpts some highlights
From this highlight reel of Chuck Pierce's prophecies, and I'm not
I promise you I'm not leaving out any pertinent information In fact, you can go to his website and watch the whole video if you would like to yourself
To see that I am indeed being truthful and I'm not being unfair to mr. Pierce So here are just a few of the excerpts some of his prophetic highlights from the last year and a half in Chattanooga, Tennessee in October of 2018
Chuck Pierce prophesied that we would be quote coming through the swamp and then quote making a shift in the harvest and Then he said over the next two years.
There'll be one of the greatest separations divisions Then Corinth, Texas August 3rd 2019.
He said this is gonna quote decade is called speaking forth your liberty He said there will be quote upheaval in the earth realm
Later in Ghana in October 5th or 6 2019. He says this quote.
This is what the season ahead looks like Here's the key issue about this decade ahead. God is going to interrupt our last season
You can go from one season to the next season. I guess he got to interrupt the last one but I see this is all just very general kind of stuff and on November 8th of 2019
Corinth, Texas again Chuck Pierce says quote there's a setup you're going to see tremendous deaths
Where sin abounds death abounds now that is the closest he got that is that is the only thing that you might even be able to tangentially stretch at in in Say oh, oh, yeah, see here.
There's gonna be a lot of deaths Well, there's always a lot of deaths I mean, what is it
Ray Comfort quotes the stat all the time that a what is it? 180 ,000 or some odd people die every single day
So but see there's gonna be tremendous deaths where sin abounds death tremendous deaths Well, that could be any natural disaster if it wasn't the corona virus
It could have been the earthquake in Jamaica it could have been any number of natural disasters where a lot of people die see this is what the
Charismatic prophets do they throw out these very general things? So when something that even remotely tangentially kind of sort of halfway looks like it might try to fit they put it right in there
This is so far removed from what the true biblical prophets do compared what
Chuck Pierce prophesied to Daniel for example or the
Apostle John Not so good then back in Corinth, Texas on January 13th 2020 he quotes
God as saying quote now, this is again this from God quote There is a truth I will uncover coming out of China that has never been seen before Oh China.
Well, that's not where the corona virus came from. Well, I digress God continues
Quote I say to you get ready for I am about to oil the church in China in a new anointing will fall on that church and because of that the truth that is not seen will begin to be
Uncovered and I have no idea what those ladies are doing right there. I'm getting their exercise
I guess God continues quote I say to you get ready the oil of my anointing is beginning to squirt on the church who
That has had to pull back and remain hidden over these last several years and because of that the sheet of deception will be lifted
So that's God's Word on January 13th 2020 January 20th of this year
Chuck Pierce says this the Lord said very clearly to me tighten your belt Tighten your belt and Chuck Pierce says now that can mean several different things
He says God said quote my people need to tighten up their belts because I am going to teach them
Starting now to do exploits. So tighten up your belt so God can teach you how to do exploits
And he says we're going to see incredible creativity He says it could also mean that we are headed into a roller coaster type year and we have to tighten our belts for the year ahead
It's just unbelievable Thought is very interesting when Chuck Pierce said that tighten your belts could mean several different things.
And yeah, that's the whole point Because you can throw out these generalized prophecies and then some time down the road
Then you can read back into it. You can isojeet back into it Whatever you want to and say ah, see
I got the prophecy, right? We needed to tighten our belt because of such -and -such, you know, it's that's what this is
It's just a bunch of meaningless Gobbledy -gook. He just throws out these phrases
It's a gumbo of nonsense and then later tries to isojeet back into and say see
I got everything, right? That's what the charismatic prophets do and it is a stark difference night and day difference
Between the charismatic prophets of today and the true biblical prophets night and day difference
Speaking of night and day you can probably tell that nightfall has fallen here So anyway watch this
Short segment from the same video from Justin and Chad the two men who put this video together.
Listen to what they say here Those particular points of revelation have been spoken over and over again, you know throughout the country throughout the world for the past at least six months and in some cases 12 and 18 months and so Remember that instead of looking for one prophetic word that says
That the corona virus is gonna come because I don't know of anybody on the planet that prophesied that did you catch that?
He said I don't know anyone on the planet who has prophesied that Yeah, except that Chuck Pierce claims that he prophesied a plague -like invasion.
Remember I Believe when the Lord said this in September that we would be going through a plague -like condition
That leading up to Passover and then we would break through it I believe that he is leading us in a way
So here's my challenge given that Michael Brown given that CBN not
TBN, but CBN given that Charisma magazine given that Stephen Strang given that all of these different quote -unquote
Christian media outlets have quoted Chuck Pierce as having prophesied in either
January 2020 or September of 2019 and Given that Chuck Pierce himself said that he prophesied back in September of 2019 that there would be a plague -like invasion or a plague -like condition that would hit this country
But would begin to diminish sometime around Passover given that And given the fact that there is apparently no record of this anywhere not even on the prophecy highlight reel put together by Chuck Pierce's own employees
Here's my challenge to Chuck Pierce to anyone working for him
Prove it Let's see the video You claim that you made it you claim that it was done at these conferences there is video of these conferences prove it and Until you can prove it.
I'm calling you a liar I'm calling you a liar. I'm saying that you are lying and you have
Deceived all these other people to falsely report for you. So prove it and No, I'm not going to give
Chuck Pierce or any of these other false prophets the benefit of the doubt because they've been proven false over and over and over They have proven been proven to be liars.
So Chuck Pierce Prove it. Let's see the tape a number of others have as well
Sean Bowles being one of the more well -known ones at least one of the more well Publicized ones in the secular media.
So many of you've probably heard about this but back on February 28th Sean Bowles put up a prophecy something that the
Lord had supposedly shown him About the coronavirus on his social media page and then just a few days later
Fox News Picked it up and they did an article and they this article was published on March the 3rd
But Sean Bowles's prophecy was actually February 28th published by Fox News March 3rd
So let's look at this reading from the article from Fox News website Fox News calm
March 3rd, he says he Sean Bowles prophesied about the virus which has sickened 91 ,000 people worldwide and caused more than 3 ,000 deaths
Well, I am recording this on the afternoons on the afternoon of April the 5th 2020
And so we're a little bit past those numbers now Not 91 ,000 people, but actually one point two
Million people have been diagnosed with coronavirus one worldwide and We're the death tolls a little past that 3 ,000 now as well.
In fact, the death toll is now at about 65 ,000 people worldwide and We're creeping up on about 10 ,000 just in the
United States so Sean Bowles obviously falsely prophesied about that.
I take no joy in it because What proves the fact that he is a false prophet is the deaths of many many people?
So I take no joy in it, but going back to the article says Sean Bowles says we're going to see it come to an end
Well, obviously eventually we're gonna see it come to an end But then look at what he says. He says it's not going to be the pandemic that people are
Afraid of Really? It's not going to be the pandemic that people are afraid of.
Is that a fact? God showed you that did he Sean? Well coronavirus was declared a pandemic by the
World Health Organization on March the 11th So what is that about? Oh two weeks after you made your false prophecy.
Of course, it was just declared a pandemic then it was technically a pandemic Before March 11th, but at any rate look at what he says
Sean Bowles says the Lord showed me the end of the coronavirus the tide is turning now the tide is turning now really
He is answering the prayers and cries of the nation's is putting an end in sight the exaggerated fear based tactics of both the enemy and several media outlets for political reasons is
Coming to an end da da da da da. Well, you can we can debate about how much politics is involved in this and how exaggerated fear tactics or whatever, but nonetheless
It is demonstrably obvious That Sean Bowles is a false prophet the tide was not turning and it indeed has become the pandemic that many people feared and Instead of 91 ,000 people being infected worldwide.
We're now at 1 .2 million and Counting and the death toll is still going up and up and up Sean Bowles is a false
Prophet manifestly, so in fact, I want to bring your attention to some other aspects of this article going down a little bit further screenshot of it here
It says during the event that Bill Johnson was a part of as well
This was you see the caption there Sean Bowles and Bill Johnson lead senior pastor Bethel Church Give prophetic words at Azusa now
Azusa, of course, they they named that because Azusa was the birthplace of the modern charismatic movement
But it says during the event Bowles prophesied to several people including one person who recently finished treatment for cancer
Calling out details like names children and profession He told him the cancer would not come back and that he would live a long life and see his kids grow up Two points to be made about this
Sean Bowles calling out Details like people's names and their professions and where they live
For time's sake I'm not gonna go into this, but I would commend to you a video that Another video that Chris Roseboro did and Steve Kozar you look him up on YouTube Steve Kozar has also got us a number of good videos on this
Sean Bowles is what people are now calling a Google prophet a
Google prophet And if you watch videos of Sean Bowles calling out these these details about people that he does not know
You might notice that he is either holding an iPhone or a Android or whatever but some kind of a smartphone in his hand or he is looking at an iPad or similar device on the table in front of him that without exception when he calls out these prophetic words he has one of those two devices at his disposal and he is
Referencing them regularly. So I'm going to show you a short clip from a conference called the sin
That was founded and headed by Lou Engle this was from last year 2019 and at the sin, of course, you've got
Lou Engle. You've got Sean Bolts. You've got Heidi Baker You've got Rodney Howard Brown.
You've got Bill Johnson You've got Benny Hinn. You've got Todd White. All these people are there and Sean Bolts is about to get supposedly words of knowledge from God about different people in the audience and One of the people that he calls out is a young man named
Dennis and Sean Bolts calls him out and says You know
God is showing me that you're from Ukraine and you're living now in the United States and this is kind of generally what you're wanting to do these kind of general things and This young man is absolutely flabbergasted.
You can tell by the look on his face and how he reacts to this but let's watch a short clip of this and We're gonna show you
I'm going to show you how he does it in fact just by watching the clip You'll probably be able to tell but watch this
And you're gonna have to help me so I'm gonna give a couple what I call Holy Spirit nudges or indicators and then you if It's you you're gonna have to wave no one else wave and then if it's really you everybody else has to start pointing and we're gonna see on the camera and I'm looking for a dentist who you're either from the
Ukraine or your parents were and You moved to America and I think to Washington State or Washington, DC There's a dentist who your parents were from the
Ukraine. You moved into America. Help me out here. Is there a dentist? We've only done this in stadiums as big a few times.
It's a little hard. We have somebody we Thank you, Dennis for listening to God and showing up Is there a screen
I can see or I can't even see a screen I guess here Let me walk way out here and almost fall to stage. This is good. Dennis.
You're here Good, I can see a little bit
Dennis the Lord the Lord himself Has been walking with you since you were a little boy
And you had a hard time there in the middle because of some of the things that happened in your family but it's going to give you the power over divorce and broken families and adoption and Foster care and the
Lord is saying he's raising you up That there's something you're called to build of an awakening movement an awakening movement something on the
East Coast I think you're on the West Coast On the
East Coast and I just see like Pennsylvania Pennsylvania and God is saying he's awakening something in Pennsylvania and is calling you to leave a movement a movement
My Dennis there you are And Dennis, I'll tell you this I have to face you and face you two ways
I don't know how to do this, but I'm telling you your your your heritage in Eastern Europe God is going to send you not only to America, but he's going to send you to North America He's going to send you to South America, but he's going to commission you not just send you but commission you over the
Ukraine in Eastern Europe and something's going to happen like you can't even dream up He's putting you right now on the highest lampstand that you can shine from and it's your time brother.
It's your time God time for should
I do one more thing? Is this okay? So this is I'm gonna pray for you in a minute And it doesn't always work out
And I have my phone and I get I get criticized for writing notes down on my phone because people think people are sending me
Text messages or I'm researching on the internet or something. I'm not I'm just looking at my notes because I'm a tech guy
But you need that you need to go after this and every time God gives you a nudge it could be on your uber on The way back and he shows you something
You're gonna be with somebody and you might pull out your phone or you might pull out the notes in your heart And it may make all the difference in the world.
I do this all the time people aren't saved I do this all it's pretty obvious what he's doing isn't he's literally holding his cell phone
And he says he's just looking at notes Well, if he if he's just looking at notes They are notes that he has taken from looking up people's social media accounts
Instagram Facebook, whatever. In fact, here are some screenshots of Dennis's social media accounts
This is where Sean Boltz got got his supposed words of knowledge from God.
No, they didn't come from God they came from social media and He gets this just general information from people's social media accounts
And then he calls it out as though God is speaking to him in real time
This is a complete fraud. In fact in the description of this video I will give you a link to a video that Stephen Kozar has done and it shows you this exactly how
Sean Boltz does it he goes into much more detail and you'll see irrefutable proof that Sean Boltz is a fraud
Not only is he a fraud but everyone on the stage with him is as well
Notice as you watch this video that he is on the stage with Benny Hinn Rodney Howard Brown Heidi Baker Todd White and Bill Johnson All of these people are complicit in what he's doing.
They know full well What he is doing Romans 14 22 blessed is a man who is not condemned by what he
Approves and so all these other people Bill Johnson Todd White Heidi Baker all these others
Rodney Howard Brown Benny Hinn. They are just as guilty as he is.
These people are total charlatans, they're frauds And notice what else he says here
He says that this man who was Recently finished treatment for cancer said that his cancer would not come back
I cannot tell you how many times I have heard one of these wolves whether it's
Sean Boltz or Benny Hinn or Kenneth Copeland or some of these others Benny Hinn does it a lot
I can't tell you how many times I have heard one of these false teachers Tell people that their sickness their disease their cancer is never going to come back.
How do they know that? They're not hearing from God We've seen that and so they tell these people that their cancer is never going to come back in These people who believe that these individuals are hearing from God.
They hear that. Oh well God God told The Prophet the man of God That my sickness is not coming back and so they take that at face value and You know what?
They do they stop going to see the doctor because the man of God Told them that their sickness is not going to come back
And a lot of these people stop going to see their doctor because according to word -faith theology one of the
Fastest ways to betray in yourself a lack of faith is to go see your doctor or to take your medicine because if you go
See your doctor and you take your medicine then what you're saying is is that I don't really believe that God is going to heal me and so in a very misguided good faith effort not to betray any lack of faith on their part a lot of these people stop going to see their doctor and they stop
Taking their medicine and a lot of these people die dear friends.
I am NOT using hyperbole here I am NOT exaggerating. I have heard the testimonies it happens all
The time it is tragic in addition to the spiritual dangers of this movement.
There are profound physical dangers to this movement Okay, dear friends now we are going to turn our attention to what
Kenneth Copeland has said about kovat 19 undoubtedly many if not
All of you have seen at least some of this on social media because it's just absolutely so outlandish and manifestly
Just absurd the things he's been saying and I couldn't possibly Include all of what could but the video would be six hours long
So I'm just gonna hit some of the more important points But some things I want you to see and we will talk about it as we go along So we're gonna begin
I'm going to show you a clip from March the 29th Sunday, March 29th that was taken at his church
Eagle Mountain Church in Newark, Texas Now remember that name Newark because it's gonna come into play here in a little bit
Newark, Texas. That's North Fort Worth So that's where this was recorded again, March 29th, and let's see what he has to say about Kovat 19
Standing in the office of the prophet of God Execute judgment on you.
Kovat 19. I execute judgment on you Satan you Destroyer you killer you get out you bring both this nation.
I demand judgment on you A vaccination to come immediately.
Yes All you done
I'll call you So you see Kenneth Copeland there with George Pearson's George is his son -in -law and also works at Kenneth Copeland's ministry
You see George teaching on their television program Regularly usually with Gloria, but at any rate you see the difference in their personality
George doesn't seem quite as Comfortable in that setting as Kenneth does but at any rate notice how
Kenneth Copeland says that I that he's enacting judgment on Kovat 19 and declares it gone and then declares a
Vaccine to come immediately. Well if it's gone and you've killed it
Why do you need a vaccine? You see I tell people quite often that Aside from the theology just a little bit of common sense
Goes a long way in clearing a lot of this stuff up, but let's go back to Kenneth As A brief commentary here
You'll notice that these word -faith New Absolute Reformation preachers will often speak to things
Rather than to people or to God they speak to things. They'll speak to the weather.
They'll speak to tornadoes I'll speak to storms. They'll speak to the economy. They'll speak to money
In this case Kenneth Copeland is speaking to a virus They they speak to things that don't have ears.
They speak to things that have no Self -awareness, and this is this is a common theme theme amongst the word -faith
New Apostolic Reformation slash prosperity preachers And they command things and this of course is an attribute or an ability that only
God possesses We do not have that ability, but they assume that ability just as though they were and are
God this dovetails into the little God's doctrine that is a staple of the prosperity gospel
So so when you when you hear them speak to things that don't have ears or don't have any self -awareness
Know that that is what is going on there. They are taking Responsibilities and abilities that belong solely to God in ascribing them to themselves
You will destroy Through kovat 19 no more no more no more
Over and the United States of America is
Healed and well again the spirit life of kovat 19
Has dried up. It's dead. It's dead It's done. It has ceased.
It has ceased to exist. Yes, it's beginning to shrivel. Yes It's beginning to draw up and shrivel and disintegrate
It's dead. It's ceased to exist and yet it's beginning to shrivel
Now I'm not a smart man, but how does if it ceased to exist? How is it that it's beginning to shrivel how does something that no longer exists shrivel, but I digress
Yes at exactly 12 noon
On the 29th day of March praise
Praise God. Thank you. Praise God. Come on. Give God glory and praise
It's over You know when you watch this video you can watch
George Pearsons and just look at his body language And you can kind of tell in the back of his mind.
He's thinking. Oh this this probably isn't going to age well and Obviously it didn't and unfortunately it didn't age.
Well, let's let's look at some stats So We see that on March 29th the day that he killed it.
There were 144 ,000 321 Total coronavirus cases just in the
United States And as you can see, this just is a steep incline going all the way up to the most recent
Figures I have for April the 10th, which was yesterday 502 almost 503 thousand cases.
So from March 29th 144 ,000 cases to now almost 503 thousand cases that is literally over triple the number of cases today as when the day that Kenneth Copeland supposedly killed the virus.
So those are the number of cases now Let's look at the number of deaths So, unfortunately, we see another steep curve so on March 29th, there were 2 ,592 cases of deaths attributed to kovat 19 and now
April 10th, this was yesterday 18 ,000 747 deaths attributed to kovat 19, of course
I'm recording this on April the 11th and the latest figures I've seen we're now over 20 ,000 deaths, so March 29th about 2 ,000 deaths and now we are over 20 ,000 deaths so literally ten times the number of deaths as of Today as opposed to when
Kenneth Copeland supposedly killed the virus So once again a false prophet take no joy in this and none of us rejoices that people are
Getting sick and dying from this disease But it certainly does expose what a charlatan and a false prophet
Kenneth Copeland and all of his ilk are Now fast -forwarding a few days from that Sunday service
March 29th in which Kenneth Copeland supposedly killed kovat 19 They were having their victory campaign.
Now. The victory campaign is an annual campaign that they have It's usually held in Branson, Missouri at a
Word of Faith very large Word of Faith Church They're pastored by Keith Moore, but this year they didn't have it in Branson this year they had it there in Newark, Texas north of Fort Worth and I'm pretty sure that the reason they had it there is because of The government ordinances that we can't congregate in groups larger than 10 or whatever it is now and and so they called it the virtual Victory campaign now, this was held
April the 2nd through the 4th 2020 and this just a few days after Kenneth Copeland killed it on March 29th
So he's got to come up with some kind of reason some kind of explanation for why for white kovat 19 is still
Hanging around. So let's see what he has to say. I heard the
Lord say this to me several weeks ago Kenneth you believe me for a heatwave
Well, this is backwards From what I've done before I said, yeah,
I see it Lord. I see it I Walked out in my backyard and I did the very same thing
I do against those storms and against those tornadoes and I spoke it in the name of Jesus.
I call for a strong South wind
I call for a strong high -pressure system
I call for a Supernatural heat wave all over this nation and anywhere else in the world where it is needed.
I Speak to this atmosphere bar
So now on April the 2nd, he's claiming that God spoke to him a few weeks ago that he should believe for a heatwave and he goes out and he speaks to the atmosphere and Commands a heatwave to come.
Well, he didn't say anything about that on March 29th Now he's claiming that this was several weeks ago and he and he heard the
Lord say believe me for a heatwave, you know So he goes out and talks to the atmosphere and he says yeah, I see it
Lord He's a liar. He's a liar. He is trying to cover his tracks and failing miserably at it
Last Sunday. Oh God hey, okay. Come on that You gotta love this
Those of you that saw that last Sunday in the name of Jesus. Oh, thank you
Jesus Standing in the office of the prophet of God.
I Execute judgment on you Covid -19 At exactly 12 noon
On the 29th day of March.
Oh I'm telling you it was so strong in me and on me just the
Spirit of God and judgment over this thing Just bring judgment down on this thing and it was so strong in me
I Don't know how to explain that Just that prophetic anointing and just just fury at this thing
I Spoke judgment on it Okay, I'm gonna stop this just for a second.
I don't want to address something People will comment to me all the time Justin There's just something about his eyes something about Kenneth Copeland's eyes and you know what
I wholeheartedly Agree, I have said the same thing for years and I'm gonna be very clear
I don't I don't know that I've said this on video before but I have said it in a
In a letter in an email that I wrote to Michael Brown I gave him full permission to read it on his program and he did
I truly believe without any Hint of hyperbole that Kenneth Copeland is demon -possessed.
I really believe that that he is demon -possessed And not just because of his eyes, although that is enough.
I mean it is just a it is extremely Disconcerting to watch this man and you just saw how his
I mean the growling the anger and and then just instantly his
He smiles. I mean it and he does this Regularly, I mean, he's just got an extremely dark dark
Persona, I believe he's demon -possessed Partly just because of his countenance but but also because of what he teaches this man as I said is is one of the most prolific and brazen heretics ever to disgrace the name of Christ and if you want
More details about that. I have some a lot of this documented in my DVD clouds without water
That's available on my website not trying to sell you anything But if you would like more information is just why
I mean I could have I could have an entire Seminar devoted just to Kenneth Copeland in the heresies that he's taught now
And it's not just that he has taught heresy in and of itself, but much of the heresy
He has taught he has actually claimed that God or Jesus Gave him the heresy that he teaches direct divine revelation
Straight from Jesus Christ himself according to Kenneth Copeland. Jesus gives him much of the heresy
That he teaches and you know, some of it is so jaw -dropping ly Heretical that anyone who is who has been indwelt by the
Holy Spirit more than about five seconds Would absolutely recoil at the heresies that has come from this man's mouth and the fact that he has taught them
For so many years decade after decade after decade and has never shown a hint of repentance
That is not someone who is indwelt by the Holy Spirit of God. I genuinely believe That Kenneth Copeland is demon -possessed.
I don't think all of them are I think there's there's two Individuals that I would just about bet my life on that are demon -possessed
One of them is Kenneth Copeland. The other one is Todd Bentley I believe both of those people both of those men are demon -possessed.
I don't think Joel Osteen is it's a false teacher I don't think Benny Hinn is he's a false teacher Kenneth Copeland and Todd Bentley I do
Our deliverance Heat This virus hates heat 80 90 degrees up you just burn this thing
Burn it You know,
I usually you get the The the what they call the
Easter spell When you think everything's warming up and all of a sudden you get a cold front.
Well, no this year It's going to be the Easter heatwave We interrupt this false prophecy to bring you a dose of reality as a matter of fact
Immediately after Easter there was a very strong cold front that Thrust its way all the way down the
United States of America and brought unusually cold temperatures to Easter So in fact, there was an
Easter chill quite the opposite of an Easter heatwave Ha Jesus Turn the air -conditioner up go through all the moves
What am I doing corresponding action? Amen, man, it's hot.
Do you guys notice how hot it was driving over here tonight? I mean Boy, I mean right here, you know, come on man second day of April Whoever heard of such a thing being 80 90 degrees in April Man dear
God. Oh, thank you Jesus man. It's hot in this building
Come on So, mr.
Copeland talks about how unusually hot it is in Newark, Texas Now again, keep in mind.
He said this on April the 2nd Thursday April the 2nd 2020 and he looked over at George Pearson's at man
George wouldn't you know, he was in Newark, Texas You know what? It's a hot 8090 degrees who ever heard of a bidding it being 8090 degrees on April the 2nd
Well, guess what? It wasn't 80 or 90 degrees on April the 2nd in Newark, Texas Cause I just went over to weather .com
and looked up the actual stats Do you know what the high temperature was on April the 2nd of 2020?
I took a screenshot for you and even highlighted it the high temperature on April the 2nd 2020 was 67 degrees now look up at the top right hand corner of that screenshot
It gives you the averages for that particular date in the average high for April the 3rd.
Anyway, the next day in Newark, Texas is 73 So literally it was it wasn't anywhere near 80 or 90 degrees.
It was actually 67 degrees which is 6 degrees cooler Than what it usually is on April the 2nd now if that were not enough first of all, he just flat -out lied
I mean he flat -out Lied he knew it wasn't 80 or 90 degrees
It couldn't possibly have been because the high temperature now I took this screenshot on April the 3rd
Okay, so this was not a projected high and it actually got hotter than what they were predicting
No, I took this screenshot on April the 3rd so the actual high temperature where Kenneth Copeland was the point from which he made that statement was 67 degrees not 80 or 90
Is 6 degrees below normal and as if that were not enough look at the very next day
April the 3rd Look at the high temperature for April the 3rd dear ones 42 degrees for the high temperature 42 degrees literally the very next day.
It was literally 31 degrees below normal Oh, yes,
I remember now Missed it by that much 31 degrees you can't make this stuff up dear friends.
I mean it that is just Stunning. I tried to figure this out or try to look up the information.
I couldn't find it I would love to know what the record low high temperature is for April the 3rd of 2020 in Newark, Texas some of you
Meteorological gurus, maybe you know where to find that I couldn't find it and I got tired of trying but anyway
I would hazard to guess that 42 degrees if that is not a record low
High temperature for that date. I would be very surprised if it's not I bet it is really close 30
I mean think about 31 degrees Below average the very next day so much for that heat wave
Okay, so even though it's just been a few seconds where you are where I am over a week has elapsed
That's just the magic of TV, right? So We are now I'm recording this on April the 11th
Saturday April the 11th And I wanted to give you just an accurate shot of what that weather actually did do
Let's recall that Kenneth Copeland was predicting a massive heat wave to burn up and kill the coronavirus
So let me show you what it actually did again This is a screenshot from weather .com
and I looked up Newark, Texas where Kenneth Copeland is and so Saturday There was a high of on April the 4th
There was an actual high of 46 the next day 63 for Saturday way way way below average
Sunday was still way below average as was Monday Still Monday was 16 degrees below average, but I do want to be fair on April the 7th and April the 8th.
There were two unusually hot days Way above average, but it was just for two days
And so two days does not exactly constitute a heat wave and it certainly as we will see did not kill the corona
So a brief two days and then what happened the next day? well goes right back down to right about average and then below average and Tomorrow is resurrection day
Easter Sunday and for Newark, Texas. They are predicting a high of 82 degrees which if that holds that would be about 6 degrees above average, but look at the next week there is a
Massive cold front coming through. I mean a very strong cold front.
So Easter Sunday 82 and then the very next day that predicted high is 57 and so we're once again, we're going to be
Newark, Texas going to be 20 degrees below average
It's just friends You honestly cannot make this stuff up and the next day a degree cooler than that and all through this next week the entire week following Easter Sunday resurrection day.
It's supposed to be Significantly below average. This is quite the cold front.
In fact, they're predicting a lot of tornadoes. So Hopefully that doesn't happen, but we shall see at any rate way way way below average and and if the predictions hold up then the week
Following the week of following the week of Easter. So in other words two weeks after Easter Sunday, it looks to be about average.
No heat wave. No heat waves not gonna kill the coronavirus Once again, mr.
Copeland's false. I'm not sure which he is worse at prophecy or meteorology It's gonna get so hot in New York City It's gonna get so hot and muggy it's gonna hit that place glory to God and it's gonna burn that virus
It's got you know what? It's like in New York City at 85 or 90 degrees It's gonna get however hot it has to get there to kill that thing right now all over this nation and The rest of the world where it's needed
Doesn't that just give you the heebie -jeebies, I mean I'm telling you there's something really dark about Kenneth Copeland But he says it's going to get hot in New York City So well, he was obviously wrong about Texas but but maybe he's right about New York City, right because I mean that's where the
Epicenter of the coronavirus at least in the United States is right now
And so he said this boy is gonna be so hot in New York City. It's just gonna burn that thing
Well, I'd be bopped over to weather .com to check the weather in New York City, so Let's take a look at it.
Shall we? All right. So April the 3rd. They had a high in New York City of 52 degrees
Which is about 5 degrees below average you see up in the upper, right? The average high temperature for April the 4th is 57 degrees.
So April 3rd is 52 4 or 5 degrees below average April the 4th right about average a degree above average and Then sure enough look at April 5th and 6th
Yeah Just like Texas it warms up for a couple of days and in it sure enough is going to be 3 to 8 degrees respectively above average just for a couple of days, but that is hardly enough to to burn the
Covid -19 virus kill it with heat and it's anything but unbearably hot 65 degrees actually quite pleasant but then look what happens after that just like Texas a couple of warm days and then it goes right back down so Back down to average and as you look through the next week even even a bit below average 5 to 6 degrees below average and given that the average high for April the 4th is 57 one would assume that as the
Next week progresses that average high would go up a degree or two. So you're looking at five six seven degrees
Below average all the way through all the way through Easter Sunday supposed to be about 53 on Easter Sunday I say
Easter I prefer Resurrection Day, but you know, that's what he called it. So we'll use his terminology
But 53 degrees is the projected high and if that holds that would be about four degrees
Or at least maybe maybe five or even six degrees below average so much for that heatwave and Looking through the next week now granted
You get that far out and you really can't predict the temperatures with any real degree of accuracy but if it holds
Right about average right right about where it's supposed to be. So No heatwave.
Mr. Copeland yet Prophesied that that would happen It's not gonna happen at all your false prophet again today
We speak to this atmosphere From the state of Washington from the state of Washington to the state of Maine From Southern, California To Brownsville, Texas And the tip of Florida And wherever else in the world it's needed
Wind Almighty Strong South wind
Heat Burn this thing in the name of Jesus Satan you bow your knee
You fall on your face
I blow on you
You you are destroyed forever And you will never be back
Now I don't know just what that was But I can tell you what it wasn't it wasn't the wind of God and I'm not a doctor nor do
I play one on TV, but I'm pretty sure Spitting it does not fall within the
CDC social distancing guidelines Probably not the best thing to do in a time of pandemic
You know, one of the points that I make in my teaching is that all of these people claim to hear from God Regularly and yet they get major events
Profoundly wrong Pat Robertson said that God told him that Mitt Romney would win the presidential election in 2012 and we win re -election in 2016
You know I had that in a previous video and Kenneth Copeland, of course, he has made quite the spectacle of himself with this
COVID -19 thing going on and yet he claims that God speaks to him all the time and he hears him
He hears God speak in real time Regularly throughout the day.
I want to show you just I want to show you two examples of this taken Actually from the very same sermon
What you're about to see I'm going to show you two different clips Where Copeland would have you believe that God is speaking to him?
Right there on the spot and Copeland hears him and it's just kind of this normal everyday thing
Just like almost you would scratch an itch, you know Just no big deal and he just moves on and it is it hears him regularly and easily and yet He heard
God so profoundly wrong Wrongly about something as momentous as the
COVID -19 virus here. Take a look. I just heard the
Lord say this Jerry You're not you're not a prophet you are an apostle
You are an apostle So right in the middle of his sermon God spoke to Kenneth Copeland and told
Kenneth that his friend there Jerry Savelle Was not just a prophet not merely a prophet.
No, he was an apostle well God did not tell Kenneth Copeland that Jerry Savelle is an apostle because to be an apostle an
Apostle of Christ to hold that office You have to meet three requirements four requirements really number one
You have to be a man, but assuming you meet that requirement, which Jerry Savelle does there's three more number one
You have to be a first -person eyewitness of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
You have to have seen Jesus With your own two eyes and though they may claim they have
I promise you they have not Number two, you had to be directly appointed by Christ to be an apostle
Number three you had to have the ability to perform the signs and wonders of an apostle
To heal the sick raise the dead cast out demons These people don't have that ability
So Jerry Savelle neither Jerry Savelle, nor does anyone else on the planet
Meet even one of those requirements much less all three of them. So No, God did not tell
Kenneth Copeland that Jerry Savelle was or is an apostle But you see how very easily
Kenneth Copeland claims to hear from God just like no big deal and just like you would hear, you know
Someone talking to you across the dinner table That's one time. He did it in this sermon and just a few minutes later.
He did it again. Watch watch this now look in this
Yes, sir. I will Yeah So again, you see how
Kenneth Copeland's just standing there doing his thing and all of a sudden God speaks to him and and did you notice?
how casual Kenneth Copeland is with the Alpha and Omega the creator of the universe the thrice
Holy God almost almost seemed annoyed That God would speak to him.
He's sitting there or standing there, you know looking at his podium his Bible, whatever's on. Yeah Yeah, okay.
Okay. Okay. Okay, sir. Yeah, it's like yeah. Yeah. Yeah, okay really
Friends, I'm telling you that that is not a man who just heard the great
I am Speak to him. This man is a fraud and a charlatan
All of them are these people one of the things that you'll notice About all of these so -called prophets in the charismatic movement.
They are so chummy with God To the point,
I mean they're they hear from him so regularly almost to the point of being annoyed When God speaks to them
These people are charlatans. They are they are not hearing from God Kenneth Copeland Claimed that God gave him another word of knowledge
Watch this as Kenneth Copeland tells us about what about what
God told him was going to be his ministries Income for the year 2020 watch this
Of course, I didn't have any idea all of this mess is gonna happen, but God did Yes, mr.
Copeland. We're aware that you didn't have any idea that kovat 19 was coming But that's kind of the point that we're making but at any rate
I digress proceed sir, and so and The Lord had already dropped in my spirit and in my heart
Several years ago About three years ago
That the income of this ministry this year Had to be 300 million dollars amen had to be 300 million dollars
Friends that is a staggering amount of money Let me put this into just a little bit of perspective for you
Many of you know that I'm very appreciative of John MacArthur's ministry and that of grace to you.
I can tell you This is no secret. This is Information that's publicly available
But the entire operating budget annual budget for grace to you is is well south of 10 % of that south of 10 % of that and I would posit that The argument could be credibly made
That just do the through the sheer scope of the ministry of John MacArthur and grace to you
I think the argument could be made that MacArthur and grace to you has done more to champion expository preaching sound doctrine
Planning churches equipping pastors all over the world Than any other single ministry in the history of the
Christian Church Just through the sheer scope and size and reach of and I can tell you I've I've been all over the world and I have
Yet to go to a place anywhere anywhere on the planet Where I have not seen the good fruit born by John MacArthur and grace to you
Their budget is less than 10 % of Kenneth Copeland's John MacArthur and grace to you have done more to further the gospel in their sleep than Kenneth Copeland has ever done in his entire 55 or so Years of quote -unquote ministry.
He hasn't championed the gospel at all. He's done nothing but offer false prophecies and Teach heresy.
He's done nothing but bring reproach on the gospel. That is a staggering amount of money
Especially so when you consider this fact that that 300 million dollars is largely
It largely represents millions upon millions upon millions of people all over the world
Who are being told that if they will send in their money so a seed then
God will give them a harvest That 300 million dollars represents an awful lot of sick people who have sent in their money desperate to be healed an awful lot of Wives who have sent in their money hoping that God will heal their husband or husband sending money hoping that God will heal their spouses parents sending in money
Hoping that God will honor their Faithfulness and God will heal their sick children.
I am NOT using hyperbole here dear friends I know this is happening.
I've heard the testimonies. I've talked to these people I've been in the trenches in these false churches.
I know what goes on that 300 million dollars represents an awful lot of poor and sick and desperate people and widows
Who are being exploited? by these wolves The only people who reap a harvest are the prosperity preachers and boy do they reap
Oh, yeah, Kenneth Copeland lives in a palatial Home there in North Fort Worth a number of years ago.
This has been goodness I think back in 2009 or so. I was preaching at a church of a pastor by a friend of mine that's close to where Kenneth Copeland is and He and I just thought we would drive over there and see if we could look around and and we did we just drove right
On to the church property there and went down to Kenneth Copeland's Private hangar and Looked around and and here's some of what's in his hangar.
These are some of Kenneth Copeland's toys Really nice ski boat
Really nice antique car and not open my car. So I don't know exactly what that is Here's here's a couple of his planes
He had as I recall now, this has been over 10 years ago as I recall there were four airplanes in this hangar
Here's one of them. This is a biplane that's that's just one of his toys that he likes to fly around and when he when he says as I've heard him say when
When I get the flying itch He flies around in that or or this this old fighter
Prop plane flies around in that some too, but if he's if he's going to do Ministry, this is what he flies in now.
This is again. This is from probably 11 or so years ago Two of his private jets now he has traded those in he's got the newer fancier version now
So yeah, that's that's that's where your seed money is going folks When you when you follow these teachers these false preachers, that's where your money's going now
Please don't misunderstand me. I am NOT Against having wealth I tell people all the time.
There's nothing inherently Wrong with being wealthy nor is there anything inherently honorable in being poor?
Politically, I am very conservative. I'm a free market capitalist kind of a guy and so if you have worked hard and you've done honest work and you've worked hard and God has been gracious to you and allowed you to Keep some of the material fruits of your hard labor
Wonderful praise the Lord, you know use it for the glory of God and be generous with it.
There's nothing wrong with With having things there's there's nothing inherently wrong with being wealthy.
But if your wealth is gained off of Exploiting the poor the sick the desperate the widows if your wealth is gained off of Bringing reproach on the name of Christ There's a lot wrong with that Okay Changing gears here just a little bit.
Let's go back to the virtual victory campaign and Kenneth Copeland's friend Jerry Savelle is about to come up and give a word of knowledge that God gave him
God spoke to him on a Own own. I don't know if it's Jerry Savelle's private jet or Kenneth Copeland's private jet
Maybe it probably Copeland's but anyway God spoke to Jerry Savelle and Jerry Savelle wrote down what
God said very interesting Genre in which God seems to speak to mr.
Savelle watch this September the 9th you and I were flying to Australia.
Yes, sir last year. Yes You said to me I'm gonna go take a nap and I'll be back in a little while You went to the back of the airplane
I sat there and just closed my eyes for a moment and the word of the
Lord came to me And he said I'm going to in toot in 2020
I will open a new door and call supernaturally increased to come as never before So that was my prophetic word for 2020 and I've been preaching it all over the world since then
All right now last Sunday Now, of course, we didn't know anything about this virus hitting back in September of 2019
Yes, Jerry, we know you didn't but don't feel bad because none of the other charismatic prophets did either but last
Sunday, I Was at our church and did you know? Service with livestream just like we're doing here and the word of the
Lord came to me again, and here's what it said Do not fret and do not fear.
I still plan to give you a supernatural year It's not over and you will not fail did not tell you the gates of hell shall not prevail
Rest in me and I'll see you through and I'll bring to pass all that I said I would do
So thank your Father in heaven that you have a choice you can choose to fear or you can choose to rejoice
So rejoice and do not cease. This is how you tap into my supernatural
God No, mr. Copeland.
I'm not shouting. I'm just rolling my eyes Jerry Savelle would actually have us believe that God is speaking to him in rhyme
Dear friends. Not only is God not speaking today in rhyme. He never has Spoken in rhyme when you look at Hebrew poetry, it's not built off of rhyme at all
It doesn't even rhyme in Hebrew much less English Hebrew poetry has parallelism in it
It has meter in it on occasion, but it is it is not based on rhyme at all
It's not what we think of poetry as rhyming like roses are red violets are blue sugar is sweet And so are you that's not how
God talks never has never will In fact my friend
Dan Phillips who pastors Copperfield Bible Church in Houston, Texas Sent this to me from Gerald Wilson in his commentary on the book of Psalms Gerald Wilson says
Hebrew poetry shows no clear evidence of a purposeful use of rhyme
Occasional occurrences of apparent rhyme are normally the result of parallel structures employing similar
Verbal forms with the same inflected endings such rhymes are the result of grammar and happenstance
Not the choice of the author to produce rhyme Combinations moreover such occurrences are infrequent so Jerry Seville is just creating out of whole cloth an entirely new way for God to speak
Since I mentioned my friend Dan Phillips I would come into you two of his books and you see them listed here
I am the proud owner of both of these God's wisdom and Proverbs and the world tilting gospel
I would commend those works to you And if you are watching this and you live in the
Houston area and you happen to be looking for a good church to attend and I would enthusiastically
Command Copperfield Bible Church to you. Dan is a not only an outstanding preacher, but he's just a
Genuinely nice guy. So I commend him to you and mr.
Savelle if you happen to be Watching this I would commend Brother Dan's books to you as well
Isn't it amazing He knew this was coming. Yes, you didn't catch him by surprise.
You are right. Mr. Copeland It did not take God by surprise, but it sure did take you by surprise and all the other false charismatic prophets
I want to briefly turn your attention to an event that was held online on March the 20th
It was entitled acts 19 God's response to kovat 19 and this was an event that was hosted by Cheyenne, Chris Vallotton, Sean Bowles, Bill Johnson and Ed Silvoso, this was an online event in which they talked about kovat 19 and how we should be thinking about it and how we should be
Reacting to it and towards the end of this roughly hour -long or so event that each man went through and gave some decrees
Towards kovat 19. Here's a brief sampling So I want to make a decree against this this virus right now in Jesus name
I break the power of this corona virus. You will not have the crown Jesus has the crown he is
King of Kings And so I command this this this virus to be to to leave both to leave
People's minds leave people's hearts to leave to leave the earth I just I command this virus to leave right now in Jesus name
We decree in Jesus name that God will protect his church from this virus
Based on Psalms 91 10 no evil will befall you or any plague come near your tent your dwelling
And we just pray on earth as it is in heaven your atmosphere in heaven right now God Would you just fill the earth with it and even as we're praying we know
God and we decree that you're moving mountains You're moving mountains in society. You're moving mountains of the spirit over this virus
You're moving strategy from heaven and wisdom into heaven on the earth and we decree an end of this in Jesus name
We bind the God of this age as blinded unbelievers Have you ever noticed that for all these people going around binding
Satan someone sure keeps letting him back out We are going to pray now that God will move in the heart of scientists and hopefully
Christian Scientists that will find a cure for this but we won't stop with a corona virus a cure for cancer a cure for Dementia a cure for poverty a cure for corruption
So you see for all of their decreeing? Kovat 19 is still here.
It has not been banished. It is not gone. It's still here I would leave the decreeing up to God So I want us to turn our attention now to a man named
Andrew Womack Andrew Womack I sometimes refer to as the John boy Walton of the word faith movement because he's just normal looking he doesn't dress as Flamboyantly and act as flamboyantly as as some of the others but make no mistake about it despite his
All -shucks down -home kind of attitude and persona He is every bit as much word faith as is
Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland. I've actually been to his Karis Bible College, which that's another story in and of itself maybe for another video but he is every bit as much word faith as the others and Andrew Womack has begun to address the corona virus as well
So I want to show you some clips from a very recent sermon that he put up or any interview actually that he did
Dealing with the corona virus watch this But what
I want to deal with is the fear that has been associated with this and I'm gonna deal with this in two ways
Because as an individual who is standing on the Word of God and believing
God I have Absolutely zero Zilch not a fear about this.
And so I really believe that on a personal level I have zero fear that I can reach out and touch anybody
Who's got sickness or something on him? but first of all You should have zero fear about you reaching out and contacting a person because again
Jesus did it Jesus said the works that we did he did should we do also and I believe that I am just as protected as Jesus is
Andrew Womack says he's not afraid of getting the corona virus because he's just as protected as Jesus is this goes into the little
God's doctrine of the word faith movement to their to their diminished view of Christology they teach that we are just as much an incarnation as was
Jesus of Nazareth This is just a little a little snippet into some of the deeper doctrinal heresies of the word faith movement
This is one of the practical ways in which it comes out And if you'd like more information about that I deal with it more in more great much more detail in my
DVD clouds without water But let's go back to Andrew Womack Instead of having this fear about everybody contaminating me man
I look at it this way that I've got the supernatural power of God living on the inside of me And if I come in with sickness,
I can reach out and touch them and my healing will be transmitted instead of their sickness
Your your right foot your right leg is shorter than your left leg Yes, okay, you know that already, but it's in your what's your right?
What's your right foot? Can I show you something please that will really blow you away. You see your right leg is shorter than your left leg
Yes, you're right, okay, remember when I asked you about your foot Now watch
I'm gonna pray and Jesus is going to grow your leg out and heal your back Okay, what what and you're gonna feel heat go the whole way through your body?
Okay, quick note here. Did you notice how Todd White told that man? He says you're going to feel heat going through your body.
This is a classic tactic of the fake faith healers They tell people that they are going to feel something usually heat or electricity or something like that And so when the this is a part of preconditioning and so when the time comes
Then the person this is psychosomatic mind over body power of suggestion the person feels
Or thinks he feels what the man of God the faith healer just told him to expect.
Okay, so back to the clip watch Father, I thank you in Jesus name Right leg.
I command you grow in Jesus name Do you feel that Look You know what
I think Todd White was laughing at right there He's laughing at the fact that he is still getting away with this
The good old leg lengthening routine. This is a tried -and -true trick from shysters and hucksters
They've been doing it for decades and this trick has been thoroughly exposed and yet he continues
To do it. Let me show you exactly how he does it watch this short clip Now we're gonna see
Todd White's clip sped up quite a bit and looped back and forth Now this is where we can see what's really going on here
The leg on our right is supposed to be the short leg and this is the leg which should be miraculously growing but it's not
Look at the leg on our left. That's where all the action is. That's what's actually being manipulated
You can see that Todd is actually pivoting or shifting the foot of the so -called long leg so that the heels match
Now he's doing this very slowly over time, but it's painfully obvious when you speed up the clip
Nothing more than sleight of hands, that's all in the world. This is this is a trick
Hucksters and shysters as I said have been doing this for decades. There's nothing new under the Sun I'm just amazed that even after it's been exposed so thoroughly that he continues to do it but I'm gonna give you mr.
White and you mr. Womack an Opportunity to prove me wrong. I'm calling you both liars
I'm calling you both charlatans I'm gonna give you an opportunity to prove me wrong.
Here's my challenge to you Mr. Womack you claim that you can go up to sick people even a group of them and reach out and touch them
Not only will you not get sick the the virtue that is in you will Be transferred out of your body into the sick person and they'll be healed
Okay, Todd white you claim that you can command legs to grow So if you can in other maladies, by the way, not just legs growing you can command other
Pains and illnesses to leave as well. There's the YouTube is full of clips of you doing these things
Here's my challenge. You prove me wrong. Here's how you prove me wrong Go to st. Jude Go to st.
Jude Children's Research Hospital And you go into those hospital rooms and You go up to those precious children
Who have cancer? some of them dying And you go up and you touch them
You can command legs to grow you can surely command cancer cells to die Go to it
That's where y 'all to be going that's the first plate I'm appalled that you haven't already been there But give you the benefit of the doubt.
Let's just say for some some Unimaginable reason it hasn't crossed your mind. You know, I have the ability to heal people
Maybe I should go heal some sick kids of cancer for some Unimaginable reason that thought has not yet crossed your mind.
Well, it has now Because that's my challenge to you and I'll make it easy for you.
I even did a little research for you There's eight different st. Jude Children's Research Research hospitals around this country
Here they are you could go to Baton Rouge, Louisiana, you could go to Charlotte, North Carolina You could go to Huntsville, Alabama that have a really neat Space Center there.
You'll enjoy that trip go to Johnson City, Tennessee How about Peoria, Illinois? Shreveport, Louisiana, that's where my parents are originally from go to Springfield, Missouri or Tulsa, Oklahoma So a lot of different options here and you don't have to travel very far especially you mr
White because you're in the Dallas Fort Worth area there in Keller, Texas, aren't you? So you don't have to go very far.
In fact going to Shreveport That's just about a three three and a half hour drive for you.
If traffic's good. You can make it in about three hours. So Hop to it
Children have cancer Some of them are dying tick tock
Time's a -wasting. Hey, I'll pay for all your travel expenses I'll pay for all your gas.
I'll give you a couple of nights stay in a hotel Oh, I'll tell you what. I'll put you up for a week in a hotel your choice all expenses paid be sure you take your cameraman that follows you around everywhere as you go and Lengthen people's legs because this will make for some really good footage
Andrew Womack and Todd White aren't gonna take me up on that offer You know why they won't because they know they cannot do what they claim they can do
They're liars They're frauds They're charlatans and of the worst kind not only
Do they prey upon the poor sick and desperate people, but they bring reproach on the name of Christ And their excuse when people aren't here, oh, it's just their lack of faith they
Their faith the sick people just their faith isn't as strong you see as their faith is
You think they don't say that? Oh, they do. Yeah watch this Because see there are some people like me who know that no plague is gonna come nigh my dwelling if a germ touches me
It's gonna die and I believe that a hundred percent and so because of that I don't have any desire to withdraw from social gatherings to not contact people
It is a non -issue with me because I am healed and I am staying healed
But there isn't in every person that knowledge and see this is the same thing.
I have zero fear about this Yes, mr. Womack. We know you're not afraid you truly are a spiritual giant
I'm not gonna get sick. I don't believe in getting sick and some of you think well, you can't live that way That's the way
I've lived but I don't get sick. I don't believe in being sick and I have no fear about it, but if I just Impose that like say for instance, we have 500 and I think it's 42
Student staff. Yeah right here in Woodland Park And then we have another hundred and something scattered around the world
And if because I have no fear about it I just say we're keeping everything going everything is business as usual.
Everybody come Well, if everybody was believing like me, I believe we'd be just fine
So I'm not trying to condemn anybody and say that if you Believe that you could catch this virus and become sick that you're a bad person
That's not what I'm saying But I am saying that just like this is not every man has the knowledge
Not every man has developed their faith the way that mine is and if I just continue to have all of our meetings and invite
People in we're gonna have some people that don't have any faith whatsoever And they are just completely susceptible and they're gonna bring the virus in but you said you could touch a sick person and they would
Be healed. So what's the problem sounds like a great opportunity to me? Just bring the sick folks in but because of this we canceled our men's advance this last weekend
We went the government officials here says it's fine to allow people who are already here to come
And so we had around four or five hundred maximum with our students But we had thirteen to fourteen hundred people that were gonna come that didn't come and I didn't do that for me
But I did that because I live in a community and not everybody is where I am Yes, we know oh that we could all be where you are so I'm complying to a degree not because I'm fearful
I Could go out in the midst of a hundred thousand people and a hug every one of them and I'm not gonna get sick
Yes, we know. So therefore go into a leper colony. Give them hugs go into Central Park, New York City right now and walk into some of those
Samaritans purse tents that are full of kovat 19 patients give them a hug and heal them of their
Kovat 19 and where else could you go? Oh, yeah Yeah, you could go there, too
Personally, I am fine and I have zero problems with it But I am not an individual
I not everybody's like me. I've got to learn how to get along with people Yeah, I like what you said the other day you said
You said I may not be in the same state of panic or belief as everybody else
But I will do my part to stop the spread of virus as much as possible So it doesn't hit as many people that don't have the faith because most people aren't operating in faith the vast majority of people
Do you see the incredible? Incredible condescension of these people
And some of you think well, I don't believe that well, that's the reason that I cancel other stuff is because of you
Yeah, mr. Womack. I know you find it really funny when other people just don't have as much faith as you do when people who?
are sick and Disabled and have cancer have sick children, you know, they just don't have the faith that you have sir
And I know you find that really Amusing but I'd like to share with you a few testimonies from people that I have been blessed enough to meet over the years that God and his good providence has
Crossed my paths with I want to share a few of these stories with you. Mr Womack and Todd White and Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn and Joseph Prince and all the other
Teachers out there that claim that it's always God's will to be healed as long as you have enough faith
Let's start with a man named David Miller David is married to Glenda and David is a preacher, but David has a disease called peroneal muscular atrophy
This is a horrible disease. It is slowly Atrophying his muscles.
His muscles are wasting away. He has not been able to stand in preach since 1997 he's been in a wheelchair.
He preaches from his wheelchair here. Let let me show you Please to the
New Testament book of Romans chapter 3 and verse 23
Romans chapter 3 verse 23 I Shall speak to you now regarding the doctrine of justification
For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood to declare his righteousness
For the remission of sins that are passed through the forbearance of God To declare
I say at this time his righteousness That he might be just and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus Where is boasting then?
It is excluded by what law of works
Nay, but by the law of faith Therefore we conclude
That a man is justified by faith Without the deeds of the law
Is he the God of the Jews only? Is he not also of the
Gentiles? Yes of the Gentiles also You may have noticed as that video was playing that David Miller does not have a pulpit in front of him.
Not only does he not have a pulpit He does not even have a Bible in front of him. And the reason for that.
Mr Womack is that David Miller's disease has progressed to the point that he no longer has any use of his arms
And he is unable to hold a Bible is even unable to turn the pages of his
Bible And so what he has done is he has committed Incredible amounts of Scripture to memory and he preaches from memory
You might also notice that his voice is a little weak Now this particular video was taken from three years ago and in David Miller's disease has progressed since then
But the reason you see that his voice is weak. Mr. Womack is that the disease
Not only atrophies the muscles in his arms and legs
But it also atrophies the muscles in his chest that enable him to breathe and so breathing is becoming increasingly difficult for him and Assuming that Brother Miller dies of natural causes in all likelihood his cause of death will be a slow suffocation because of the disease
You might also find it interesting Mr. Womack that David and Glenda's son
Josh who was born completely able -bodied not a thing in the world wrong with him physically
Well some years ago. He was in a car accident and now his son is also in a wheelchair
Paralyzed But you see mr. Womack they just obviously don't have as much faith as do you and Neither apparently does this man have enough faith.
This is Jeffrey. I met Jeffrey a number of years ago he's a member of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California and Every year
Grace Community Church hosts the Shepherds Conference and they have oh about 4 ,000 or so Shepherds real shepherds mind you mr.
Womack come in from all around the world come in for several days of Teaching and preaching and fellowship they hear the
Word of God rightly divided and Jeffrey is one of the volunteers one of the 900 or so volunteers at the
Shepherds Conference and Jeffrey Rides his electric wheelchair all over the campus Serving the pastors in whatever way he can and just a joy to be around always has a smile on his face
I look forward to seeing Jeffrey every year when I go out there and But yeah, he just doesn't have as much faith as you do either
Another couple that doesn't have as much faith as you do. Mr. Womack is John and Debbie Lynn Kespert They're both handicapped.
So they really don't have much faith at all But let me tell you a little bit about John and Debbie Lynn my wife
Kathy and I met John and Debbie Lynn for the first time in person this past October of 2019
I was preaching at their home church First Baptist Church in Weymouth and here you see a picture of Kathy talking with Debbie Lynn We knew of them before this meeting though And the reason that we knew of them is through Debbie Lynn's online ministry
She has an online ministry she writes blogs and she equips ladies and only ladies by the way in Sound doctrine helping them to grow in the grace and knowledge of the
Lord Jesus Christ by deepening their knowledge of the Word of God And she has her website is headstickdeb .com
And Mr. Womack, you might find it interesting that the reason she calls it head stick Deb is because she is unable to type with her hand
She has very severe cerebral palsy the same condition that I have but far far more severe
She has absolutely no use of her hands or fingers legs, of course in a wheelchair as you saw
But she's unable to type so she has a head stick that her husband
John helps to you know Strap on her head and she types with her head stick
Just like this and that's how she types out her blogs to equip
Christian ladies and Speaking of her husband John, he's a Wonderful man.
He is also in a wheelchair though from a very different condition. He contracted polio When he was a boy, he's now 70 or 71 years old, but he's had polio ever since he was a boy and he has to Treat himself with a nebulizer
Every couple of minutes every few minutes just to keep his airways open. So Very very dear people.
In fact, John is an Avon salesman of all things. He used to have a business where he sold business cards
But he realized that he could he make more money selling Avon Cosmetics and some people have kind of joked with Debbie Lynn and they've said oh this does
John still us struggle Just assuming that he must have been a it must be an ex -homosexual or something like that No, he just realized he can make more money doing this and and kudos to him for for working
Despite the fact that he's obviously very severely disabled So ladies if you're watching this and you're looking for an
Avon rep I guess it is I would commend John Kespert to you very very dear people sweet people.
They love the Lord Of course, they don't love him as much as do you mr. Womack because obviously they have a very deficient
Level of faith given their physical circumstances, right? Sure they do another person
I've met in my travels who obviously has Deficient faith is Cayumba. I met
Cayumba this past December in Zambia Cayumba was born blind he's now, of course, obviously a grown man and is married and He is a preacher, but let me just let you hear from Cayumba a little bit about Himself listen to this.
Mr. Womack Being a visually impaired person in Africa and in Zambia specifically has its own
Challenges and nuances to it. First of all traditionally in the
African context we tend to think of disability as something of a curse from the supernatural and So Sometimes attitudes that are reflected especially in Places where people are not very well educated
Tend to be reflective of the fact that This person might be a result of the curse or things like that.
It's similar to what you read in the Bible concerning The Jews and some of their attitudes to persons with disabilities
Ruling out of course The providence of God and how
God can work sovereignly even in disability except that What has brought?
Problems is the neo -pentecostalism That has come
And it is creating a lot of problems especially in Africa and in Zambia here where we are because then when people see a person living with a disability they want to take them to these in quotation marks men of God and These men of God should pray over them and they should get well.
I Have had such encounters myself many of them What I did was just to say that you see the
Lord had purposed That I should be visually impaired and that he would use this disability for his own glory
Based on that. I had begun to use my gifts in the church one of them being singing and the other being preaching
Now I believe that the Lord has used this visual impairment In many ways one of them being the fact that when people see a person with a disability serving
God with zeal with a whole heart
I think it brings a different Level of encouragement. I don't know what it is, but the
Lord uses it and I have seen that when
I have preached or even when I have sung at different places
People would come up to me and tell me how they've been blessed But the way they would express it you could tell that there is something
Unique that has taken place other people would actually openly come and tell me
How They've been encouraged specifically by my testimony.
I think I've I had those encounters when I was in university Friends of mine would actually tell me when you minister a lot of people are blessed
According to your theology, Mr. Womack people like David Miller and Jeffrey John and Debby Lynn Kespert and Cayumba Just don't have as much faith as do you they they don't have enough faith to be healed as Evidenced by the fact that they are sick and they suffer from disease and handicaps and disabilities.
They're just not as Faithful as you are Well, it seems to me.
Mr. Womack that people like David Miller and Jeffrey and John and Debby Lynn Kespert and Cayumba and millions of other
Faithful believers all around the world who love Christ who love his word and who serve him faithfully and they do
So yet while they are sick while they are crippled while they are disabled It seems to me that all of these folks joined some pretty good biblical company by my reckoning
Mr. Womack, they joined people like Moses Like David who said that it was good that he was afflicted that he might learn
God's statutes Elisha had a double portion anointing of the great prophet
Elijah yet in 2nd Kings 13 14 says that Elisha was fallen sick of his sickness whereof he died
It seems like they joined the ranks of men like Timothy who was instructed to take a little wine for his stomach in his frequent ailments and who was given that instruction by the way
By none other than the Apostle Paul himself Who says in Galatians chapter 4 verse 13 that he had a bodily illness
It seems to me. Mr. Womack that this is pretty good company and given the choice of which company
I would rather keep men like Moses and Elijah Timothy and the
Apostle Paul as opposed to you and Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn and Bill Johnson and Sean Bolts and all of these other word faith false teachers charlatans
I'm gonna stick with people that I know who are faithful to Christ in the midst of their suffering
I'm gonna stick with people of whom I read in Scripture, sir
Not you But this has exposed a real weakness in most people
Well, I don't know about it exposing a weakness in most people But it has certainly exposed a weakness in you sir
And not only you but all of those who share your theology like Kenneth Copeland like Benny Hinn like Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Joyce Meyer Joel Osteen Bill Johnson Chris Vallotton Sean Bolts Tracy Cook Sid Roth and all these other word faith
False teachers it is certainly exposed a weakness in them and it is certainly exposed their theology as being utterly and completely bankrupt on every conceivable level on the prophetic level on the theological level on the integrity level it is utterly laid this bare and exposed it for what it is an absolute farce
The word faith movement has absolutely no Understanding of the sovereignty of God.
It has absolutely no understanding of a theology of suffering Philippians 1 verse 29 for to you it has been granted for Christ's sake not only to believe in him
But also to suffer for his sake that kind of theology is absolutely foreign to your movement, sir and And how is it that the charismatic movement the movement that is most known for people claiming to hear the voice of God and get dreams and visions and prophecies and they shuttle back and forth between heaven and earth and they see angels and sometimes even have
Jesus himself physically appear to them How is it that this movement is also the home to the most brazen?
heretics the most obvious charlatans the most proven false prophets and those who exploit the poor and the sick and the desperate the widows to fund opulent lifestyles and home to preachers guilty of some of the most egregious sins imaginable and yet they are still allowed to preach and yet in my camp the
Soteriologically reformed Cessationist camp our camp though far from perfect. I will admit far from perfect None of us is perfect, but our camp is known for sound doctrine rich theology expository preaching
Church discipline holding our preachers and our pastors to a high moral standard given the choice between the two camps
No offense, but I will take what my camp offers any day Because it is not my camp that holds my affections
It is the Word of God that holds my affections and it is the Word of God that by God's grace our camp preaches and teaches
In conclusion dear ones the gospel does not promise you material prosperity or physical healing
The gospel promises you something far better The gospel promises you forgiveness from your sin.
All of us are sinners. You're a sinner I'm a sinner and our sins have incurred the wrath of God the wages of sin is death
Eternal death and if we die in our sins We will very rightly and very justly go to a very real place that the
Bible calls hell. That's what you deserve That's what I deserve but there is good news and the good news of the gospel is this is that God loves you and he has made a
Way for you to escape his own wrath. He sent his son Jesus Christ to this earth and Jesus lived a perfect life as Fully God and fully man the
God man in Jesus willingly laid down his life on the cross His life was not taken
He gave it and on the cross a perfect person offered himself as a perfect sacrifice to perfectly satisfy the perfect wrath of God and Jesus died on the cross in three days later bodily raised from the dead proving himself to be who he said he was
God in human flesh and If you will come to Christ if you will repent of your sin turn from sin lay your good works down There is filthy rags before a holy
God lay your good works down abandon them Abandon your sin repent of sin
It doesn't mean that you'll live a perfect life, but it does mean that your attitude towards sin changes drastically
You begin to love what God loves and you hate what God hates. I don't preach or teach sinless perfection but if you are a new creature in Christ over time, you will exhibit an increasing pattern of holiness in a decreasing pattern of sin
Repent of your sin trust what Jesus Christ did on the cross cry out to him ask him to save you
Ask him to grant you faith and repentance and if you come to Christ truly grieving over your sin if you truly have what the
Bible calls a godly sorrow over your sin if you come to Christ with that in that Position before him he will save you
Jesus says the one who comes to me I will in no wise cast out come to Christ.
He will save you and then look for a good doctrinally sound
Bible believing Bible preaching church now every Evangelical church claims to believe the
Bible claims to have the Bible as their authority but look for a church that has a high view of the sovereignty of God that believes in the inerrancy of scripture that believes in the
Insufficiency of scripture look for a church that is committed to Expository preaching look for a church that is led by biblically qualified men what the
Bible calls elders Look for a church that practices church discipline per Matthew chapter 18 and when you find this church
Join yourself to it and the the pastors there the elders there will
Nurture you they will feed you the Word of God You will enjoy the fellowship of the Saints and this is just a vital vital and a joyous part of living the
Christian life So dear friends, I know this has been a long video. Thank you. If you've stuck it out
Thank you for watching all the way to the end May God bless you and may God be glorified in us as we live lives of obedience